We have lots to be thankful for!

7 KH 6 DP RKL3 7 6 $ NOVEMBER 2003 Novmeber/December/January calendar. . . page 7 VO L U M E ʻ 0 3 - ʼ 0 4 , I S S U E 3 S A N T A M O N I C A H I

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Novmeber/December/January calendar. . . page 7

VO L U M E ʻ 0 3 - ʼ 0 4 , I S S U E 3

S A N T A M O N I C A H I G H S C H O O L 310/395-3204

601 PICO BOULEVARD, SANTA MONICA, CA 90405, Santa Monica-Malibu Council, 33rd District CCPTS, Inc. LOUISE JAFFE & CHERI ORGEL, PTSA Co-Presidents; ILENE STRAUS, Chief Educational Officer/Principal; GRETCHEN GOETZ, Editor; MARIA RODRIGUEZ (Spanish)

We have lots to be thankful for! Schedule change on Wednesday, November 19th On Wednesday November 19, students will begin their day at normal hours, 8:15, and 7:12 for AM classes but will have an early dismissal, with 6th period ending at 1:05 pm, to allow staff members to hear the most recent research on the benefits of small schools and high school redesign. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford professor and researcher on small schools, will be presenting at 1:45 in Barnum Hall to our staff members. Everyone is welcome to attend this presentation (and the reception immediately preceeding it at 1:30 pm.)

Message from PTSA Co-presidents

Thanksgiving is coming. This is a good time for all of us to take stock of how fortunate we are. Just last spring, our schools were faced with losing 91 teachers. Fortunately, our voters and our city councils came through for our students, and we are really thankful! PTAs across our district have put up banners to thank our community for supporting our schools. Weʼre also asking our members to write our City Council and thank them for their support. It is essential! We are very grateful to everyone who has joined PTSA, come to meetings, participated in school events, volunteered, and contributed to our Direct Donation Campaign. And, for those of you who havenʼt, thereʼs still time! Happy Thanksgiving! Cheri Orgel, 451-1938, [email protected] Louise Jaffe, 450-2487, [email protected] Samohi PTSA Co-presidents

November 18th PTSA Meeting will focus on Special Programs at Samohi

Everyone is invited to the next PTSA meeting on Tuesday, November 18th, at 7 pm in the cafeteria to hear about programs such as AP Classes, AVID, Regional Occupational Program (ROP), Intervention and Tutoring, Literacy, Algebra/Biology and Concurrent Enrollment. Dr. Straus will also give her monthly presentation. Spanish translation is provided at all PTSA meetings. There will be an informal Coffee with all the House Principals before this meeting, and every PTSA meeting, at 6 pm in the cafeteria. Everyone is welcome!

December 9th PTSA Meeting will focus on what data tells us about Samohi

including an overview of the most recent results from the California High School Exit Exam, the Annual Yearly Progress Report (AYP), the Academic Performance Index (AP), the Hi Places Survey, and the California Standards Test – and what these test results mean for you and what they mean for Samo!

Message from the Principal Dear Parents,

With one grading period behind us, we are settled into the routine of the 2003-04 school year. We have had a great beginning, and face continued work ahead to ensure that all of our students are getting a rigorous and appropriate educational program and are experiencing success. If you have not yet accessed the Pinnacle on-line grading program, you received your studentʼs pin code on the first progress report that was mailed home, courtesy of our PTSA funding. With the staff efforts to keep assignments and grades posted regularly, you and your high school child should have an easy time of monitoring progress, missing assignments and grades to date. Concerns that arise should be directed to the teacher by telephone or email, and then to the advisor and house principal for support. We are working to provide more academic support for students who are experiencing difficulty in their coursework. Tutoring is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays with UCLA students after school for all subject areas. Math tutoring is available daily after school. We are also organizing an AP tutoring program for students who are attempting these challenging courses and need additional support. Funding for these programs is made possible by our generous PTSA and some District special funding sources. We have recently been notified that the U.S. Department of Education granted Santa Monica High School an Implementation Grant for Small Learning Communities. The grant will cover 3 years and totals $500,000. Funds from this grant will go to support intensive intervention for students and professional development for the staff to ensure rigorous and engaging instruction and high academic achievement for all students. We are very excited that our redesign efforts were recognized as worthy of funding and additional support. We are continuing to pursue other funding opportunities to support our redesign efforts to improve our total program. Thank you for your continued support to make Santa Monica High School a great school for all of our students. A particular thank you to the parents and students who participated in our recent Saturday workday. They cleaned restrooms and put together new picnic tables for our campus. Our parent bathroom task force is continuing to work with our staff and all notice improvement in the cleanliness and stocking of restrooms for students. These are all part of our ongoing effort to improve campus life and classroom instruction for our 3450 students. I hope the coming holiday season brings good health and peace for you and your family. Sincerely, Ilene Straus, Ed.D., Chief Educational Officer/Principal

12 Week Grading Period Ends Friday, November 26! Please see page 3 for a full progress and report card schedule and information on how to access your studentʼs grades online via Pinnacle.

Things you need to know The Superintendent or designee may authorize the release of student directory information to representatives of the military services as provided by law. Unless prohibited by the parent/guardian in accordance with law, directory information which school officials may disclose consists of the following: studentʼs name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance,

Policies and important procedures

degrees and awards received, and most recent previous school attended. No Child Left Behind requires school districts to release student directory information to representatives of the military services, unless prohibited by written parent request. Parents who wish to prevent access to their childʼs directory information may do so by completing the following form and returning it to Gloria Davis at Samohi in Administration Room 502.

Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Release of Directory Information To the Principal of Santa Monica High School: I am requesting that directory information about my child not be released to representatives of the United States Military forces. Parent Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Date____________________________ Parent Signature________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ Telephone________________________ Student Name________________________________________Date of Birth______________ Grade_____ Student ID#___________

Samohiʼs P.E. Non Suit Policy

Many of our students are failing Physical Education (P.E.) because they are not dressing for class! Appropriate dress (Samohi t-shirt, navy shorts, socks and athletic shoes) is essential to participate in P.E. For sanitation and safety reasons, students not dressed properly are not allowed to participate and therefore lose all points for the day. This lowers their grade and chronic not dressing may result in failure. Please make sure your student understands the importance of appropriate dress for P.E. P.E. clothes are available for purchase in the Vikes Inn.

Senior Yearbook pages

Every year the yearbook sells approximately 200 pages to senior students or groups of senior students who support the book by purchasing a page which they design to celebrate their friends and family. Seniors have the option of buying a layout page or collage page. For the layout page, photos can be enlarged and reduced within a pre-designed page of 16, 24, 35 or 48 picture spaces. For the collage, the page appears exactly as it is turned in to us. Prices: Full page - layout $200, collage $150 Half page - layout $100, collage $75 A $50 deposit is required to reserve your space. Students should come to B200 before school or at lunch for information and/or to put down their deposit. Students who turn in their completed senior page by Dec. 6 will receive a $25 discount. The final deadline for puchase and turning in of the senior page photos is Friday, Jan. 9, 2004. Please make checks payable to Santa Monica High School.

Combating Vandalism Unfortunately Samohi continues to suffer from vandalism. Immediately following the October 25th Campus workday (see page 6), fires were set in several of the boys bathrooms over several days. Samohi relies on student information to stop this arson and to provide a safe campus for everyone. The Samohi administration is working with students, the police and fire departments to address these concerns. WeTip, a toll-free hotline, has proven successful in reducing campus vandalism. Samohi will continue to use WeTip as one of our strategies. In addition, our site governance council is reconsidering the use of security cameras to protect our campus and deter vandals. Samohi is posting WeTip Posters around campus. The posters have the following information: Burglary, Vandalism, Arson, Robbery, Graffiti These are serious crimes. If you have information concerning these crimes or any major crime on Samohi Campus or surrounding community... CALL WeTIP: The National, Toll-Free Hotline (800)78-CRIME www.wetip.com Anonymous Se Habla Espanol No one will know who you are. Not us...Not ever... Up to $1,000 Reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction.

Did your child drop a class, but keep the textbook?

If your student still has a textbook for a class that was dropped, please be sure they return it immediately to the Textbook Department. It may be needed by a student who added the class. Please do not return textbooks to the teacher. We also strongly advise against leaving textbooks in the classroom as they may get misplaced or stolen and your student will be financially responsible. Thank you, The Textbook Department

Rachael Gross and Azadeh Sinai, Yearbook Senior Ads Editors p.s. If you would like to purchase a senior ad and have it be a surprise, just let us know. We know how to keep secrets! p.s.s. Yearbooks are now $55 and can be purchased in B200. For more information, please contact teacher advisor, Carol Jago, at [email protected] or 395-3204, ext. 270.

High School Exit Exam Not Required for Current Juniors and Seniors!

Students scheduled to graduate in 2004 or 2005 - this yearʼs juniors and seniors - do not have to pass the California HIgh School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) to receive a diploma. The State Board of Education has postponed this graduation requirement to the Class of 2006. Juniors and Seniors who have already passed the CAHSEE may be awarded a state Certificate of Accomplishment. This yearʼs sophomores will first take the test in March. Weʼll provide more info in an upcoming edition of the Viking Voice.

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03


Samohi 395-3204

Getting grades, getting support 12 Week Progress Reports will be handed out to students – week of December 1st!

Free Tutoring is available at Samohi • Many teachers provide additional help after school or during lunch. Have your child ask their teacher if extra help is available.

The 12 week grading period ends November 26th! Due to cost, these 12 week progress reports will be sent home with your student, NOT mailed. Please ask your student to show you their progress report. Duplicate progress reports are also available from your studentʼs advisor. If you have any questions about your studentʼs academic performance, please contact your studentʼs advisor or individual teachers. There are multiple tutoring, academic support, and emotional support services available at Samohi! (See below for how to contact Samohi staff!)

• UCLA student tutors are now on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 5:00 p.m. in Room T212 for tutoring and peer advising. Help in Math, English, Biology, and other subjects is provided free of charge.

• Math Tutor, volunteer Warren Orloff, is available every day after school until 4:30 in Room H100. • Additional academic intervention support services are being developed by house. We will let you know about them as soon as they are available. For more information about tutoring, please check with Wendy Wax Gellis, Academic Support Services, ext 133,[email protected]

Schedule for progress reports and semesters: 1ST SEMESTER 6th week ends Oct. 17, 2003 Progress report mailed home week of October 20th 12th week ends Nov. 26, 2003 Progress report sent home with student week of December 1 1st Semester ends Jan. 23, 2004

Semester Report Card mailed home week of February 2nd. 2ND SEMESTER 6th week ends March 5, 2004

Samohiʼs Library (open M-F from 7:30am - 4pm)

Ninth grade English students are currently visiting the library for orientation. The activity includes a power point presentation on library uses and procedures, as well as a treasure hunt using the online catalog, databases, and reference books. We have some amazing resources. Our databases, which are used by most universities, are available to students and parents at school and at home. Especially helpful are Galenet, Newsbank, E-Library (Bigchalk), and Ethnic News Watch. To get a database at home, go to www.samohi.smmusd.org click on “departments,” then click on “library.” Scroll down and click on the database you want. Then use these passwords: Data Base User Name Password

Progress report mailed home week of March 8 12th week ends April 30, 2004 Progress report sent home with student week of May 3rd

Accessing Grades Online: Pinnacle Parents and students can check grades and student progress online throughout the school year by using Samohiʼs Pinnacle Internet Viewer at http://www.samohi.smmusd.org/scripts/piv.exe All you need is your studentʼs school ID number and their Pinnacle PIN number. Both the student ID number and the PIN number were printed on your studentʼs 6 week progress report, or you or your student may get this information from your advisor. Please note that Pinnacle PIN numbers change annually.

Bigchalk (E-library)









(Noticias en Espanol and L.A. Times archives)

Seniors are working on their government and economics term papers and conducting a lot of research in the library. Their research includes articles from newspapers on their topics. A bibliographic citation is needed for each article. Thank you to the Education Foundation for a wonderful grant for science books and programs. Ann McKechnie, 395-3204, ext 437 [email protected] Dana Bartbell, ext 262 [email protected] Samohi Librarians

How to contact teachers or staff members If you need to contact one of your studentʼs teachers, we ask that you first attempt to do so through voicemail or email – all Samohi staff have both. To leave a message by voice mail: Dial 395-3204. If you know your partyʼs 3 digit extension*, enter it. For staff memberʼs extension by name, dial 8, For other options, dial 51. To reach the operator at anytime, dial 0.

Alliance Program is here to help The Alliance Program conducts case management, counseling, outreach, tutoring, mentoring, job development, social and cultural activities to students and parents alienated from school culture and community. More than a program, it is a system of linkages, a web of “connectedness”, a partnership between service providers on and off campus. Alliance has contributed in reducing participant absenteeism, disciplinary referrals and self-destructive behaviors while also supporting academic gains. The Alliance is staffed by a Case manager, two Outreach Workers and a Job Developer, all offering the extra intensive and personalized level of support which would otherwise be unavailable. Kathy McTaggart, Program Director, 395-3204, ext. 322 Tiffany Tyler, Student Outreach Specialist, ext. 330 Juan Hernandez, Student Outreach Specialist, ext. 331

To leave a message by email: Most staff email addresses are their last names, followed by @smmusd.org * You can find phone extensions for voicemail and email addresses in the bright gold Samohi Information Handbook that the PTSA mailed home in October, or the Samohi website at www.samohi.smmusd.org

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

Progress reports and academic support


Samohi 395-3204


Future Center (formerly College & Career Center) is open to all parents and students, Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm. located in the Administration Bldg., Room 500. Please call advisors Clara Beard (last names A-L), ext 324 or Ada Hollie (last names M-Z), ext 328 if you would like to make an appointment.

Important Dates for seniors:

University of California Applications Due: November 1-30, 2003 FAFSA application available: December 2003 FAFSA application deadline: January 1 -March 2, 2004 Financial Aid Workshops for FAFSA: Jan. 14 & Feb. 24, 2004 California Grant info due: January 15, 2004 Samohi Scholarship applications due: March 1, 2004 Senior Scholarship and Honors Evening: June 1, 2004

From our Future Center Advisors We hope that by the time you read this your seniors have filed their CSU and/or UC application. If not, they have until November 30, 2003, to do so, preferably online. All paperwork needed to be processed by the Future Center must be received at least two weeks prior to the deadline. In your calculations do not count Thanksgiving break or Winter break, as we do not work those days. Thank you for your cooperation in this. In December we hope to have the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) forms available. They are available online, but you can NOT submit them prior to January 1, 2004 and the priority closing filing date is March 2, 2004. If doing it on line, make sure you access the proper address: www.fafsa.ed.gov We will be conducting two FAFSA workshops to take you through the form, line by line. These will be conducted on January 14 and February 24, 2004 at 7 pm in in the library. Money is awarded on a first come, first served basis, so try to attend the January workshop and file as soon as possible. In the near future students will be receiving a copy of a scholarship booklet listing the local scholarships. Every student should fill out the application in the back and look for the scholarships for which they qualify. There are over $500,000 to be awarded to our students. The college application process can be stressful, but there are a variety of colleges, one to meet the needs and wants of every student, and we will try to help your student find the one for them. Clara Beard (last names A-L), 395-3204, ext 324 Ada Hollie (last names M-Z), ext 328 Samohi Future Center Advisors

College Entrance Test Dates & Registration Deadlines

Online registration (payment by credit card) for: SAT I & II tests: www.collegeboard.com ACT test: www.act.org The Future Center has practice materials and paper applications and can help you determine which tests to take. Upcoming Tests*

Test Date

Registration date ends

Late Registration with late fee by


Dec. 13, 2003

Nov. 7, 2003

Nov. 8-20, 2003


Dec. 6, 2003

Oct. 30, 2003

Nov. 12, 2003


Jan. 24, 2004 Feb 7, 2004 Mar 27, 2004 April 3, 2004 May 1, 2004 June 5, 2004 June 12, 2004

Dec. 22, 2003

Dec. 31, 2003

Jan 2, 2004 Feb 20, 2004 Feb 27, 2004

Jan 16, 2004 March 4, 2004


Mar 25, 2004

March 12, 2004 April 7, 2004

April 29, 2004 May 7, 2004

May 12, 2004 May 21, 2004

Important to Note: UC requires 3 SAT II tests: Math, Writing and one more (studentʼs choice) Last testing chance for Seniors applying to UCs: SAT I or II: Dec 6; ACT: Dec 13

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

CSU Admissions Day, November 22, 2003

At Hamilton High School only, 2955 S. Robertson Blvd, L.A, 10 am -2 pm RSVP by November 17th to 818/677-2967 Students interested in applying to the following campuses must meet specific requirements for application to be processed at this event: Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominiguez Hills, Los Angeles, Northridge. To particpate, you must bring the following for each campus youʼre applying to: a completed CSU original application, application fee of $55 (or complete waiver request) – check or money order, no cash; an unofficial copy of your high school transcripts; test scores from SAT 1 or ACT if your GPA is below a 3.0; a minimum GPA of 2.0 except for CSUDH or CSULA); if applicable, a copy of citizenship verification or alien registration card; if under 19, bring copy of parentsʼ “green card”. Please note: reservations are required.

Helpful College websites:

CSU site: www.csumentor.edu UC site: www.ucop.ecu/pathways/ for other colleges: use college name + .edu, or search by college General College Search: www.collegeboard.org www.act.org www.collegenet.com www.princetonreview.com

www.embark.com www.usnews.com www.collegeview.com www.campustours.com

Financial Aid and Scholarship Info: www.collegeboard.com www.fastweb.com www.fafsa.ed.gov www.finaid.org www.collegenet.com/mach25 www.salliemae.com www.collegeispossible.org Listing of Colleges visiting Samohi: http://www.samohi.smmusd.org/Calendars/visits.html

Join an online information all about college

University Parents is an informal e-mailing list which distributes information and news about issues of interest or importance to college (and college-bound) students and their families. To join the list, go to http://www.universityparents.com/ or send email to [email protected]

Going to college and you might play a sport?

The NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse is the organization that handles ALL inquiries regarding an individualʼs initial eligibility status. The Clearinghouse website is at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net You can also call the NCAA publications hotline at 800/638-3731 and ask for a free copy of the “Guide for College-Bound Student Athlete” which contains the registration forms and a Clearinghouse brochure. All senior athletes should be registered if they plan to continue playing a sport in college at any Division I, II, or III school.

Eligibility for accommodations on College Board tests

Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for accommodations (such as extended time, larger print, a reader, or a writer) on College Board Tests including the PSAT, SAT I, SAT II, and AP exams. A student requesting accommodations must qualify and must submit a Students with Disabilities (SSD) Student Eligibility Form. The College Board recommends that schools submit SSD Student Eligibility Forms at the conclusion of the studentʼs first year in high school! If your student has a disability, please contact your advisor for more information or visit: http://www.collegeboard.com/disable/counsel/html/indx000.html


Samohi 395-3204

Many, many thanks Abbott Accardi Perloff Acerno Adami Adelman Llanos Aframian Albers Alexander Allman Altman Alvarado Andersson Ardabili Mahindoost Ariza Armstrong Atchison Benjamin Audet Avner Babin Bagneris, F. Bagneris, M. Bailis Baine Mead Barry Baumgarten Baxter Baynes Beitcher Bennion Berkin Berniker Bernstein Bhagwagar

Brookman Brothers Brousse Browne Brunet Burton Caloyeras Campbell Mack Caparrotta Carrier Natale Castellano Ettenger Catoe Cha Chacon Crawford Chaidez Chapman

Decker Desser Devorris

Gibbon Gillespie


Given Dennis


Glaser Glick Goetz Goldenberg

Downey Duran Contreras Einstein Elzenberg Koning Engel Benjamin Escarce Evanko Eyler Faber Farahdel

Chasman Samuels

Faulk Fiala Figueroa

Cheng Chien Wong

Finney Fishman

Cho Chonis Christensen

Fleiss Flores Forman Forrester Schneider

Chung Ciron Clemens Cochran Cohen Cohn Sheehy Conn Hollyn Connor Rankin Cooke Cooper Corley Nabel

Fragosa Francois



Blazak Blivas Bon Bordherding


Garcia Garcia Hecht

Born Bowie Brinckerhoff

Cruz C-Trade Daly Southam

Brody Bromberg


Geragty Gerber Perlman



Crane Crowther

Grand Grant Gray Greenberg

Gayhart Gelfand Gentile Silsbee

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

Kay Keelan Keighley

Lee Lenington

Khoury Kim Finn Kim, A. Kim, M. Kinsey Kleiman Weiner Knox Kravitz Ilves

Guild Guzman Vergara

Kreiman Glennon

Levoff Lim Lim Limb Lin Lipton Lira Livingston Lockwood Long Lopez Lopez, A. Lopez, M. Lopez, N.

Hagen Hanson OʼConnor

Krieger Krizman Kuperberg


Harclerode Yu

Kuwano Lai Lanet Shaw


Harris Hernandez Hibbard Moody Himes Grawe Ho Bloch Hoffman

Horn Horowitz Walsh


Black, J. Black, S.

Goldjie Gould Graboski Beck

Fredal Coriaty




Hoffman Ellis



Kelly Munoz


Frischer Frumkin Fuller Gallagher

Black Bloom

to the following families that have contributed to Samohi as of 10/23/03 through PTSAʼs Direct Donation

Huerta Hutchinson Holly Hutterer Hymowitz Fazio Imada Ishida Tanaka Ivry Sorokurs Jacobs Jaffe Casey Kadkhoda Kalmanson

Lukk Litwak

Lunsky Lykins

Lyster Maddis Tillipman

Monzer Moore, P.


Moore, R.

Malina Boehm

Moreno Morton Mosk Moss Munoz Nagata Naliboff Pettit

Mangir Mark Martin Martinez Matsunaga McGuire McHugh McTaggart Meister Silvern Melamed Mendez Mesuro Meyer Michel Miles Mintzer Mkitarian

Nathanson Neuman Novell Nussbaum Ross Orgel Overmire Pachares Nedelman Padilla Parekh Parise Park Perdomo

Hereʼs how it works: Your donations + Samohiʼs needs = PTSA annual budget

Every year, administrators and parent leaders sit down and discuss Samohiʼs needs and how money raised through the PTSAʼs Direct Donation can be best spent to benefit all students. This is a lengthy and thoughtful process, and the final budget is presented at the Sept. PTSA meeting for all to discuss and approve. Throughout the year, as the donation monies are received, they are then spent as the budget stipulates. Increased donations enable PTSA to be flexible and responsive to emerging school needs. Please see page 6 for a list of what your Direct Donation monies have purchased this year so far! You will be impressed!

A few (of many!) items still missing that we would love to help fund through additional Direct Donations...

• one library aide - last year we had 2 library aides and were able to serve 800 students per day from 7:30am-5pm. This year, due to less funding, we have just one aide and the Samohi library closes at 4pm every day. • one athletic trainer to help prevent serious injuries for more than 900 student athletes • classroom equipment including white boards for classrooms • equipment and maintenance supplies to upgrade and improve bathroom cleanliness • tech support to maintain Samohiʼs over 500 computers • funds to mail home the 12 week progress reports

Itʼs not too late, please continue to give to our Direct Donation Campaign

Kannof Kaiserman

Your money will be thoughtfully spent to benefit all Samohi students. Please make checks of any amount payable to Samohi PTSA and mail to 601 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405.



Samohi 395-3204

You can help Samohi!

Get involved, make a donation, receive communications!

What PTSA has done for Samohi... this month! PTSA volunteers and organization at work:

• Facilitated cleanup by A House parents of Science Building bathrooms, combining Bathroom Task Force info with a hands-on Beautification effort! • Organized October 14 PTSA meeting with panel discussing College Application Process • Organized November 18 PTSA meeting with staff presenting Special Programs at Samo • Provided hospitality for first of monthly “Coffee with All the Principals” forum • Provided hospitality for last Friday of the month “Coffee with the Principal/CEO” • Continued our Direct Donation fundraising campaign to support Samohi • Participated in districtwide “giving thanks for community support” campaign

PTSA dollars (your direct donations!) at work: • Helped fund and facilitate assembly of 18 new outdoor tables providing much needed and attractive seating for lunch as part of campus-wide Beautification • Produced and mailed home to all families the 2003-2004 Samohi Information Handbook • Produced and mailed home to all families this 3rd issue of the Viking Voice newsletter • Paid to mail home 6th week progress reports; • Funded Samohi webmaster to update and maintain website • Funded classrom supplies for every teacher • Funded grants to the art, drama, music, athletic, science, departments as well as the library, parent center, college center, and advisors; • Provided funding for a meeting to support parents with students with a less than 2.0 gpa • Funded, coordinated, and staffed the Oct.7 Samohi College Fair

Donations Needed! Drop off a Frozen Turkey to be donated to Westside FoodBank

When: Friday, November 21st, 7 am to 8:30 am Where: Frozen Turkeys can be dropped off at barrels positioned at each entrance to Samohi. (7th and Michigan, Senior Lot, Olympic and the tennis courts, and 6th and Pico) What: Bring Uncooked, Frozen whole Turkeys for Donation to Local Social Service Agencies. All turkeys collected will be donated to F.A.I.T.H. (Families Assistance Involving the Homeless) and West Hollywood Food Coalition to be served on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 2003 to local homeless families and individuals, low income families, Community Access Center Kitchens!! Organized through Extra Helpings Westside/Westside FoodBank. For more information contact Denice Mesuro, 391-2222, [email protected]

Do you have paperback books?

I would like to organize a book give-away for students at Samohi. If you have used paperback books that you could donate, please send them to the Administration office with my name or to Room B200. Thank you! Carol Jago, 395-3204, ext. 270. or [email protected]

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

Beautification at work... Beautification Committee assembles and installs 18 new outdoor tables and A House Parents Adopt Science Bathrooms The state of the schoolʼs bathrooms and not enough places to sit on campus were the two top concerns of the students who answered the newly-formed A House Committeeʼs “What would you like to see changed?” questionnaire. On Saturday , October 25th, a group of parents and students took concrete steps toward answering those concerns. Because there is only a girlʼs bathroom in the A House building - and itʼs already one of the best cared for at Samohi – nine A House mothers spent six hours scrubbing - often on their hands and knees - the girlsʼ and boysʼ bathrooms in the Science Building, which they have adopted. They also decorated them with shelves, plants, and artwork with more improvements planned for the near future. Special thanks also goes to parent Bob Boyle from H House, owner of Keep Clean Products, Inc., who brought in heavy sweeping and cleaning equipment and spent the entire day removing dirt, gum and debris from the Quad. The Beautification Committee, aided by several parents, staff, and students from both Samohi and SMC, assembled 18 new tables with benches to provide more seating. Other projects included de-stapling and repainting the Science kiosk, clearing out the planters on the north side of A House for repainting and planting, and general clean up around campus, all part of ongoing efforts to beautify Samohi. Thanks to all these volunteers, Samohi is looking great! Judi Bloom, [email protected] Randi Hutchinson, [email protected] Samohi Beautification

Bathroom Clean-up Task Force needs volunteers

PTSAʼs Bathroom Task Force has been documenting bathroom cleanliness and maintenance issues for 20 months now and progress has definitely been made – although too slowly and too incompletely for anyone to start celebrating yet.... If you are interesting in joining the Bathroom Clean-up Task Force and participating in a future campus workday to provide a boost to our Clean Bathrooms Campaign, that would be great! Next up: overhauling the girls bathroom in the History Building – workday planned for early December. Please let us know if youʼd like to help! Contact Inese Verzemnieks, 452-5959 or [email protected] Samohi PTSA Bathroom Task Force Patty Flynn, O House Principal, [email protected]

The Santa Monica City Council needs to hear from YOU!

Please write to the Santa Monica City Council to thank them for making THIS school year possible – and urge them to make sure that NEXT school year is also successful! The Council will be taking public input from now until January 27th for next yearʼs budget priorities! Email: [email protected] Fax: 310/458-1621 Mail: Santa Monica City Council, 1685 Main Street, Room 200, Santa Monica CA 90401 If you would like to submit an article or a calendar date, please contact Viking Voice editors: Gretchen Goetz, 310/452-4278, [email protected] (english) Maria Rodríguez, 310/399-5319, [email protected] (spanish)


Samohi 395-3204

Communication and Dates

Save this page for future reference!

Look for your bright gold Samohi Information Handbook in the mail

November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Samohiʼs website up and running with a new webmaster!

December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PTSA Mtg., 7 pm, and Coffee w/ Principals, 6 pm, cafeteria Early dismassal at 1:05 pm (please note: instead of late start) Linda Darling-Hammond presentation , Barnum Hall, 1:45 pm 21 Frozen Turkey Drive (drop off turkeys, Samohi gates, 7-8:30 am) “Noises Off”, Fall Play Opening Night, 8 pm, Humanities Center 24 SOL BAC dinner and dialogue, 7 pm, cafeteria 26 End of Second Grading Period 27 - 28 Thanksgiving Holiday - No School 30 UC and Cal State Applications due 18 19

The 2003-2004 Samohi Information Handbook , produced by your PTSA, was sent home to all families in late October. Itʼs full of valuable information including staff extensions and email addresses, Samohi and District policies, the school calendar, and Samohi programs with contact information. Please keep it all year long! Enormous thanks to parent volunteer Nancy Hards who has produced this wonderful resource for the past three years. Nancy has a graduating senior and we will miss her terribly!

2 AAPSSSG Meeting, 6 pm, cafeteria 5-6, 12-13, 19-20 “Noises Off”, Fall Play, 8 pm, Humanities Center 6 SAT I & II tests 9 PTSA Mtg., 7 pm, and Coffee w/ Principals, 6 pm, cafeteria 15 SOL BAC Meeting, 7 pm, cafeteria 16 Governance Meeting, 5 pm, Room E113 22 SAT I & II registration deadline for Jan. 24 test date 22-Jan.2 Winter Break - No School 31 SAT I & II late registration (w/ fee)deadline for Jan. 24 test date

http://www.samohi.smmusd.org/ Samohiʼs new webmaster, Maryanne Solomon, has been hard at work updating the website! These pages are already updated: Homepage, School/District Policies, Tardy Policy & Form, SARB, Directions to away games, Fall Athletic Schedule, Orchestra, Release of Student Directory Information, Staff Directory, Blue Bulletin &, Archives, Calendar, Calendar of College Visits, PTSA Officers and more. Maryanne will continue to update the website and post new pages on a daily basis so visit regularly at http://www.samohi.smmusd.org/ Please note that PTSA is currently the sole funding source for the webmaster, a position and service made possible by your contributions to our Direct Donation campaign.

January. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 13 14 16 19 20 22 23 24 26

Coffee with ALL the House Principals

will be this Tuesday, November 18 from 6-6:45pm in the cafeteria just prior to the PTSA meeting on Samohiʼs Special Programs. Everyone is invited to attend this informal forum for open discussion. We will be holding “Coffee with All the House Principals” throughout the year, preceding PTSA meetings. “Coffee with the Principal/CEO” will be held on the last Friday of each month from 8:30 - 10 am in the cafeteria. We are very grateful to Dr. Straus and all the House Principals for making themselves available to parents for these discussions! Coffee with House Principals before PTSA meetings November 18 December 9 January 13 February 10 March 9 May 11 June 8

SOL/BAC* Latino Parent Group

Coffee with the Principal/CEO on Friday mornings November 21 January 30 February 27 March 26 April 30 May 28

*(Spirit Of Love/Bilingual Advisory Committee) Latino parent group meets monthly, on the fourth Monday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. in the Samohi Cafeteria (except for December and March). Through SOL/BAC, parents are encouraged to explore the various ways of being involved in the education of their children. Information concerning support resources/services are also covered and made available to all parents. Meetings are conducted in Spanish. All are invited and welcome. For further information, please call Tere Viramontes-Gutierrez, Community Liaison 395-3204, ext 375, [email protected]

AAPSSSG (African American Student Support Group) meeting dates changed

Upcoming SOL/BAC Meetings include:

AAPSSG will be meeting on the FIRST TUESDAY of the month beginning at 6:00pm. Please contact Pam Allen Jones for location. All members of the community are invited to attend. The revised meeting dates are: December 2, January 6, February 3, March 2, May 4, and June 1. For more information about the AAPSSSG, please contact Pam Allen Jones, Community Liaison, 395-3204, ext. 482, [email protected] Barry Snell, 310/621-9961, [email protected] Robbie Jones, 399-8575, [email protected] AAPSSSG Co-presidents

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

ACT registration deadline for Feb. 7 test date AAPSSSG Meeting, 6 pm, cafeteria PTSA Mtg., 7 pm, and Coffee w/ Principals, 6 pm, cafeteria FAFSA (Financial Aid) Workshop, 7 pm, Library ACT late registration deadline (w/ fee) for Feb. 7 test date Martin Luther King Jrʼs Birthday - No School Governance Meeting, 5 pm, Room E113 AAPSSSG College Planning & Financial Aid Mtg, Cafeteria First Semester Ends SAT I & II tests SOL BAC Meeting, 7 pm, cafeteria Pupil Free Day - No School

Monday, November 24: Dinner & Dialogue between Parents, Faculty and Students on Student Achievement Monday, December 15: Financial Aid Workshop (FAFSA) Monday, January 26: Understanding Transcripts and Required Credits

Come see Noises Off!


Santa Monica High School Theatreʼs upcoming production of Noises Off is sponsored by the new Santa Monica Civic Light Opera, the high schoolʼs theatre alumni organization that helps mentor and educate the current high school students in the various aspects of producing live theatre. Our production opens on Friday, November 21 and runs through Saturday, December 20. All performances are at 8pm and tickets are $15.

Samohi 395-3204

En Español

News and updates Do you know what the Education Foundation is and how it benefits our children?

Cambio de horario el miércoles, 19 de noviembre El miércoles, 19 de noviembre los estudiantes comenzarán clases a la hora regular, 8:15, y 7:12 para la clase de AM, pero los estudiantes saldrán temprano, el periodo 6 terminará a las 1:05 pm, la razón es que habrá una presentación especial para los maestros. La Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, profesora de la universidad Stanford, especialista en la reestructuración de escuelas, presentará a la 1:45 en Barnum Hall. Los padres son bienvenidos.

The Education Foundation, established in 1982, is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, supporting, and enhancing a comprehensive range of programs within the Santa MonicaMalibu Unified School District. Its mission is to raise funds in support of literacy, arts, science, technology, sports, and innovative enhancements to existing curricula. Its goal is to ensure an equitable and vibrant educational experience for the children in our district with the support of our community. The programs it funds include: • Academic Enrichment Grants (AEGs) which award money to teachers in every school for enriching existing educational programs and creating new ones • Bells and Books of Knowledge, an endowment which supports literacy, science, technology, and math and acknowledges donors on the “bells and books” sculptures along the Third Street Promenade • Enrichment Fund Grants (EFGs), an annual contribution made to update library materials at all district schools and to promote literacy-based activities • For The Arts, an endowment which will enhance music, visual arts, dance and drama programs in all schools • Summer School Adventure, a joint venture with the PTA Council, which sponsors a summer enrichment program for elementary school children. If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact: Debbie Mulvaney, Samohi PTSA Liaison to the Ed Foundation, 828-3708, [email protected] Linda Gross, Ed Foundation Executive Director, 396-4557 or visit the Education Foundation website at www.smmef.org

Mensaje de las Presidentas de la PTSA

Pronto viene el día de Acción de Gracias y éste es un buen tiempo para recordar lo afortunados que somos. La primavera pasada nos encontrábamos en riesgo de perder 91 maestros. Por suerte, nuestros votantes y las juntas directivas de nuestras ciudades apoyaron a nuestros estudiantes, y estamos muy agradecidos. Las PTAs en todo el distrito estarán poniendo banderas para darle las gracias a la comunidad por apoyar a nuestras escuelas. También estamos pidiéndoles a nuestros miembros que les escriban a la junta directiva de la ciudad de Santa Mónica para que nos apoyen. Gracias a todos los que se han afiliado a la PTSA, vienen a nuestras reuniones y contribuyen a nuestra campaña de donación directa. Para esos que no han participado... ¡todavía hay tiempo! ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! Cheri Orgel (451-1938, [email protected]) Louise Jaffe (450-2487, [email protected]) Presidentas de la PTSA de Samohi

18 de noviembre reunión de la PTSA

La reunión del 18 de noviembre de la PTSA a las 7:00 PM en la cafetería enfocará en programas especiales en la escuela Samohi, como las clases avanzadas, intervención, ayuda con las tareas, Álgebra/Biología, etc. Habrá traducción en español en todas las reuniones de la PTSA. También hay una reunión informal con los directores de las Casas antes de cada reunión de la PTSA a las 6PM. Son todos bienvenidos.

Looking for the Perfect Gift Idea for the Holidays? Here it is!!

We have just the right gift for teachers, family & friends! There are 12,500+ children in the Santa MonicaMalibu Unified School District who will benefit from For the Arts…For Every Child, an endowment campaign of the Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation designed to provide funds for much needed arts programs in the disciplines of Music, Visual Arts, Dance, and Drama. Give a gift that will contribute to Arts education for every Santa Monica-Malibu student and honor the special people in your life. For every donation of $10.00 you make, we will send you our For the Arts…For Every Child holiday cards with vellum inserts (or you may choose just the vellum inserts to use with your own holiday cards). Each insert will say: “In the spirit of giving, a donation has been made in your honor to For the Arts…For Every Child”. Every person on your holiday giving list will appreciate your thoughtful gift! Please contact: Linda Gross, Ed Foundation Executive Director, 396-4557 for ordering or further information.


En la reunión de la PTSA del 9 de diciembre

For Every Child

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

Mensaje de la Presidenta

se hablará de los resultados de los diferentes exámenes y qué quiere decir para su hijo y para la escuela Samohi.

Combatiendo el vandalismo Desgraciadamente, la escuela Samohi sigue siendo víctima del vandalismo. Después de un día de trabajo y limpieza en el campo escolar (vea p. 6), alguien incendió fuegos en los baños de los barones. La escuela depende de los estudiantes para información sobre el delito de incendio y para proveer una escuela segura para todos. Los estudiantes que tengan información referente a los fuegos se les urgen que hablen con un adulto responsable en la escuela. Los estudiantes que no le gustan hacer reportes pueden usar el sistema anónimo “WeTip”. Se pueden hacer llamadas sin cargo a “We Tip” . El grupo Gobernante está pensando en poner cámaras de seguridad para proteger y reducir el vandalismo. El número para reportar es (800)78-CRIME www.wetip.com Es anónimo y habla español. Recompensa hasta $1,000 por información que ayude con arresto y convicción.


Samohi 395-3204

En Español

Vea el calendario en la página 7

El Superintendente o designado puede autorizar el permiso de revelar información del directorio del estudiante a representantes de los servicios militares, como sea provisto por la ley. A menos que sea prohibido por el padre/guardián de acuerdo con la ley, la información que la escuela puede revelar consiste de lo siguiente: nombre del estudiante, dirección, número de teléfono, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, principal campo de estudio, participación en actividades y deportes reconocidos oficialmente, peso y estatura de miembros de

equipos atléticos, fechas de assistencia, postgrados y reconocimientos recibidos, y la más reciente esculea previa asistida. Sin Dejar Ningún NiñoAtrás requiere que el distrito escolar revele la información del directorio del estudiante a representantes de servicios militares, a menos que sea por una petición por escrito del padre. Los padres que deseen prevenir el acceso a la información del directorio del niño debe hacerlo completando la siguiente forma y regresarla a Gloria Davis en la excuela Samohi al salón 502.

Distrito Escolar Unificado Santa Monica Malibu Revelación de Información de Directorio

Al Director de Santa Monica High School: Estoy solicitando que la información de directorio de mi niño no sea revelada a los representantes de Fuerzas Militares Nombre del Padre (por favor letra de molde)__________________________________________________________________________ Firma del Padre______________________________________________________________Fecha_______________________________ Dirección___________________________________________________________________Teléfono____________________________ Nombre de Estudiante____________________________________________________________________________________________ Fecha de Nacimiento__________________________________________________________Grado_________ # de ID_____________

Mensaje de la Directora

Páginas en el Libro Anual para los que se gradúan

Estimados Padres, Estamos trabajando en proveer más apoyo académico para los estudiantes que están teniendo dificultad en clase. Hay ayuda los martes y jueves con estudiantes de UCLA después de clases en todas las materias. Para matemáticas hay asistencia todos los días. También estamos organizando ayudas para esos estudiantes en clases avanzadas de AP que se beneficiarían de ayuda extra. Los fondos para estos programas son posibles por la ayuda generosa de la PTSA y fondos especiales del Distrito. Recientemente nos notificaron del Departamento de Educación de EEUU de una beca para la escuela Samohi que apoya las pequeña comunidades de aprendizaje recientemente creadas. La beca toma un plazo de 3 años y un total de $500,000. Los fondos de esta beca irán para apoyar intervención intensiva para los estudiantes y para el desarrollo profesional del personal para garantizar la instrucción a alto nivel de logros académicos para todos los estudiantes. Seguimos buscando otras oportunidades de nuevas fuentes de recursos para apoyar la reestructura y mejorar todos los programas. Gracias por su apoyo continuo para hacer de la escuela Santa Monica High School una escuela estupenda para todos los estudiantes. Unas gracias especiales a todos los padres y estudiantes que participaron en el reciente sábado en el día de trabajo. Les deseo paz y salud a usted y su familia en estos próximos días festivos. Atentamente, Ilene Straus, Ed.D., Directora Ejecutiva Educacional/Directora

Páginas en el Libro Anual para los que se gradúan Los estudiantes que se gradúan tienen la opción de comprar una página en el Libro Anual de la escuela. Precios: Página entera- layout $200, collage $150; Media página - layout $100, collage $75 Un depósito de $50 es requerido para reservar el espacio. Los estudiantes interesados deben ir al salón B200. Haga los cheques a nombre de Santa Monica High School. - Rachael Gross and Azadeh Sinai, Yearbook Senior Ads EditorsPara más información contacte a la maestra, Carol Jago, at [email protected] or 395-3204, ext. 270.

Información importante de los textos

Si su hijo/a a dejado una clase y todavía tiene el texto de esa clase es sumamente importante que lo regrese inmediatamente al Departamento de Texto no al maestro. Por favor no dejen los textos en el salón de clase! Muchas Gracias , The Textbook Department

Póliza de Uniforme para Educación Física

Muchos estudiantes están faltando a la clase de Educación Física (PE) porque no se quieren poner el uniforme. El uniforme apropiado (una camiseta de Samohi, pantalones cortos azul marino, calcetines y zapatos atléticos) es esencial para participar en la clase. Por razones sanitarias y de seguridad los estudiantes que no usan el uniforme no son permitidos participar y por eso pierden puntos por el día. Esto causa que bajen de grado y si acostumbran en no cambiarse esto puede resultar en no pasar de grado. Esté seguro que su estudiante comprenda la importancia de vestirse apropiadamente para la clase de educación física. El uniforme para la clase se puede comprar en el Vikes Inn.

Examen de Graduación

El Examen de Graduación no es requerido para los estudiantes que actualmente están en tercer y cuarto año. La Junta Educativa del Estado pospuso el requerimiento del examen de Graduación (CAHSEE) para la clase de 2006. Los estudiantes que ya lo an tomado recibirán un Certificado de Logros. Los estudiantes en el segundo año tomarán el examen primeramente en marzo

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03


Samohi 395-3204

En Español

El reporte de progreso, Pinnacle, La Biblioteca de Samohi

El reporte de progreso de 12 semanas se les dará a los estudiantes – la semana del 1ro de diciembre.

Acceso de los Grados vía Computadoras en Línea: Pinnacle

Debido al costo, el reporte de progreso de 12 semanas será enviado a la casa con el estudiante, NO será enviado por correo. Por favor pídale a su estudiante que le muestre el reporte.

Calendario de reporte de progreso y de semestre: Primer Semestre – El reporte de progreso (de 12 semanas) será enviado a la casa por correo la semana del 1 de diciembre. El reporte de las calificaciones del semestre será enviado a la casa por correo la semana del 2 de febrero. Segundo Semestre El reporte del progreso de las 6 semanas será enviado a la casa la semana del 8 de marzo El reporte del progreso (12 semanas) será enviado a la casa la semana del 3 de mayo El reporte de las calificaciones del 2nd semestre será enviado a la casa por correo la semana del 21 de junio

Cómo contactar a los maestros y al personal Si necesita contactar a unos de los maestros de su estudiante, le pedimos que primero trate de dejar un mensaje en el sistema electrónico o vía correo electrónico. Pueden encontrar la extensión o dirección en el Manual de Padres que la PTSA envió a la casa o visitando el sitio de la escuela al www.samohi.smmusd.org

Asistencia Gratis para las Tareas en la escuela Samohi

La Biblioteca de Samohi

(Abierta de Lunes-Viernes 7:30 AM – 4:00PM) Nuestros recursos para encuesta están disponibles para los estudiantes y padres en la escuela o desde la casa. Para usar estos recursos en la casa vía la red mundial, valle al sitio de la escuela www.samohi.smmusd.org y haga clic en “departments,” luego haga clic en “library.” Busque abajo y haga clic en los recursos que desee. Use las siguientes claves: Data Base

User Name

Clave (Password)

Bigchalk (E-library)









(Noticias en Español and L.A. Times archives)

Acceso de los Grados vía Computadoras en Línea: Pinnacle Los padres y estudiantes pueden chequear los grados y el progreso de los estudiantes vía la red mundial usando el programa http: //www.samohi.smmusd.org/scripts/piv.exe Todo lo que necesita es el número de identificación y el número clave de Pinnacle. Ambos números se pueden encontrar en la tarjeta del reporte de progreso de 6 semanas o puede llamar al consejero de su hijo/a.

• Muchos maestros proveen ayuda adicional después de clase o durante el almuerzo.. • Estudiantes de UCLA asisten a los estudiantes los martes y jueves después de clase hasta las 5:00 p.m. en el salón T212. La ayuda es gratis en todas las materias. • El voluntario, Warren Orloff, ayuda con las matemáticas hasta las 4:30 en el salón H100. • Se está organizando apoyo académico por las diferentes Casas. Para más información llame a Wendy Wax Gellis, Encargada de Servicios de Apoyo Académico, ext.133, [email protected]

Programa de Alianza está aquí para ayudar El Programa de Alianza conduce supervisión de casos, consejería, asistencia académica, actividades sociales y culturales para estudiantes y padres que se sienten fuera de la cultura y comunidad escolar. Kathy McTaggart, Directora del Programa, ext. 322 Tiffany Tyler, Contacto con la comunidad, ext. 330 Juan Hernandez, Contacto con la comunidad, ext. 331

Gracias a la Fundación Educativa por la fabulosa beca para libros y programas de ciencias. Ann McKechnie, 395-3204, ext. 437, [email protected] Dana Bartbell, ext. 262, [email protected] Bibliotecaria de Samohi

Si usted tiene información o un articulo que le gustaría compartir en este boletín, por favor contacte a las editoras: En inglés: Gretchen Goetz: Tel. 310/452-4278 o vía la red mundial al [email protected] En español: Maria Rodríguez: Tel. 310/ 399-5319 o vía la red mundial al [email protected]

¿Sabe Ud. qué es la Fundación Educativa de Santa Mónica–Malibu?

Fondos para el Enriquecimiento, Para las Artes, Aventura de Escuela de Verano Si tiene preguntas o desea más información, por favor comuníquese con Debbie Mulvaney, representante de la Fundación Educativa en Samohi al 828-3708, [email protected] o Linda Gross, Directora Ejecutiva, al (310) 396-4557. Visite la Fundación Educativa al www.smmef.org

La Fundación Educativa de Santa Mónica-Malibu es una organización no lucrativa dedicada a preservar, apoyar, y aumentar una variedad de programas extensivamente dentro del Distrito Unificado de Santa Mónica-Malibu. Su misión es de recaudar fondos para apoyar diferentes programas y aumentar innovaciones a currículos que ya existen. Su objetivo es de asegurar la igualdad y una experiencia educacional vibrante para los niños de nuestro distrito con el apoyo de nuestra comunidad. La Fundación Educativa trabaja con la comunidad y el distrito escolar, y otras fundaciones buscando apoyo. Su enfoque es el balance y la igualdad, excelencia y la diversidad. Por más de 20 años, ha sido la única organización en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa Mónica-Malibu que recauda dinero y patrocina programas para todas las 16 escuelas del distrito. Los programas incluyen: Becas Académicas de Enriquecimiento, Campañas y Libros de Conocimiento, Becas de

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

¡Si busca por la idea perfecta para las Navidades aquí está!

¡Tenemos el regalo perfecto para los maestros, familias y amigos! Todos los niños del distrito se pueden beneficiar. Por cada donación de $10.00 a la Fundación Educativa le enviaremos tarjetas de Navidad con un papel pergamino que dice: “Con un espíritu de bondad se ha hecho un adonación en su nombre a la organización Para la Artes” Para hacer una orden por favor llame a: Linda Gross,

FOR THE ARTS For Every Child


Samohi 395-3204

En Español

Universidades, Grupo de Padres Latinos

Future Center “Centro Futuro” (antes llamado Centro Universitario y profesional) esta abierto para todos los padres y estudiantes, lunes - viernes 7:30 am - 4:30 pm. Localizado en el edificio de la Administración, Salón 500. Por favor llame a la consejera Clara Beard (apellidos A-L), ext. 324 o Ada Hollie (apellidos M-Z), ext. 328 si le gustaría una cita. Está abierto para que los estudiante visiten en el recreo, almuerzo, o después de clase, también con citas.

Fechas importantes para los “seniors:

CSU Día de Admisión, 22 de noviembre, 2003

Se vence la solicitud para la Universidad de California: 1-30 de noviembre, 2003 Las solicitudes de FAFSA se vencen en: Diciembre 2003 Las solicitudes de FAFSA se vencen en: 1 enero –2 marzo, 2004 Taller para Ayuda Financiera para FAFSA: ene. 14 & Feb. 24, 2004 Información para la Beca de California se vence: 15 de enero, 2004 Solicitud para la Beca de Samohi se vence: 1 de marzo, 2004 Noche de Becas y Honores: 1 junio, 2004

en la escuela Hamilton High School solamente, 2955 S. Robertson Blvd, L.A, 10 am -2 pm RSVP para el 17 de noviembre al Tel. 818/677-2967 Atención: Se requiere reservaciones.

¿Va a la Universidad y juega un deporte?

La NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse es una organización que procesa todas las solicitudes sobre el estado de elegibilidad de un individuo. El sitio del la Clearinghouse es: www.ncaaclearinghouse.net

De los Consejeros del Centro Futuro

Todos los papeles necesarios para ser procesados en el Centro de Futuro tienen que ser recibidos por lo menos dos semanas antes de la fecha de cumplimiento. En sus cálculos incluya los días festivos de Acción de Gracias, al igual que las vacaciones de invierno ya que no trabajamos esos días. Gracias por su cooperación. En Diciembre esperamos tener las solicitudes de FAFSA (Solicitudes gratis para Asistencia Federal para Estudiantes). Tendremos dos talleres para ayudar con las solicitudes. Los talleres serán el 14 de enero y el 24 de febrero, 2004 a las 7:00PM en la biblioteca. Clara Beard (apellidos A-L), 395-3204, ext 324 y Ada Hollie (apellidos M-Z), ext 328, Consejeros del Centro Futuro

College Entrance Test Dates & Registration Deadlines El Centro Futuro tiene materiales de practica y solicitudes en papel que le puede ayudar a decidir que examen tomar.

Elegibilidad para arreglos especiales en los exámenes de College Board. Elegibilidad para arreglos especiales en los exámenes de College Board. Los estudiantes que tienen impedimentos documentados pueden ser elegibles para arreglos especiales (como tiempo extendido, papel con letras grande, un lector, etc.) en los exámenes de College Board incluyendo los PSAT, SAT I, SAT II, y los exámenes AP. Si sus estudiantes tiene impedimentos, por favor hable con un consejero para más información o viste: http://www.collegeboard.com/disable/counsel/html/indx000.html

Fechas de Matriculación

Matriculación tarde


Dec. 13, 2003

Nov. 7, 2003

Nov. 8-20, 2003


Dec. 6, 2003

Oct. 30, 2003

Nov. 12, 2003


Jan. 24, 2004 Feb 7, 2004 Mar 27, 2004 April 3, 2004 May 1, 2004 June 5, 2004 June 12, 2004

Dec. 22, 2003

Dec. 31, 2003

Jan 2, 2004 Feb 20, 2004

Jan 16, 2004 March 4, 2004

Feb 27, 2004 Mar 25, 2004

March 12, 2004 April 7, 2004

April 29, 2004

May 12, 2004

May 7, 2004

May 21, 2004


Fechas Importantes: UC requiere 3 exámenes SAT II: Matemáticas, Escritura y uno más (el estudiante escoge) La última oportunidad para los estudiantes tomar el examen que solicitan UCs: SAT I o II: 6 de Dic; ACT: 13 de Dic

Ayuda Financiera y Becas, Lista de Universidades que vistan a Samohi

Se Necesitan Donaciones

SOL/BAC* Grupo de Padres Latinos

Puede dejar los pavos congelados el viernes, 21 de noviembre desde las 7 am a las 8:30 am para ser donados a organizaciones y personas necesitadas. Deposítelos en los barriles localizados en cada entrada de la escuela Samohi. (7th and Michigan, en el estacionamiento de los estudiantes, Olympic y las canchas de tenis, y la calle 6 y Pico). Traiga el pavo sin cocinar y helado para ser donados a las agencias de servicios locales. Para más información contacte a Denice Mesuro, 391-2222 [email protected] ¿Tiene libros que desea donar? Me gustaría organizar una entrega de libros para los estudiantes de Samohi. Si tiene libros de pergamino de papel que desea donar, por favor envíelo al Edificio Administrativo con mi nombre o Salón B200. Gracias, Carol Jago 395-3204, ext. 270, [email protected]

*(Espíritu de Amor/Comité Consejero Bilingüe)

Un grupo de padres latinos que se reúnen mensualmente, el cuarto lunes de cada mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la cafetería de la escuela (excepto en diciembre y marzo.) Mediante a SOL/BAC, los padres se animan a explorar varias maneras de participar en la educación de sus niños. También se comparte información de los recursos y servicios disponibles para los padres. Las reuniones son conducidas en español. Todos son bienvenidos. Para más información, por favor llame a Tere Viramontes-Gutierrez Encargada de Relaciones Entre Padres y Escuela 395-3204, ext. 375, [email protected] Las próximas reuniones del SOL/BAC: Lunes, 24 de noviembre: Cena y Diálogo ente los Padres, Facultad y Estudiantes sobre el Logro Estudiantil. Lunes, 15 de diciembre: Taller para Ayuda Financiera (FAFSA) Lunes, 26 de enero: Cómo Entender las Copias record y Créditos Requeridos

Muchas gracias a las siguientes familias por su contribución

The Viking Voice, November ʻ03

Fechas de exámenes

SAT I only

Para sitios en la Red Mundial que Pueden Ayudar vea la página 4. Búsqueda General de Universidades,

a la Samohi mediante a la PTSA a la Donación Directa de fecha 10/ 23/03 , vea la página 5. No es muy tarde, por favor continúe enviando su Donación Directa. Su dinero irá a beneficiar a los estudiantes de Samohi. Por favor haga su cheque pagable a Samohi PTSA y envíelo a 601 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405.



Samohi 395-3204

November 2003 Parent Teacher Student Association

Look inside for: A message from Dr. Straus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1 Release of Directory Information to US Military Services. . page 2 Grading Period and Progress Report dates. . . . . . . . . . page 3 Pinnacle Online Grading Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Free Tutoring at Samohi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 College Information; SAT I, II & ACT testing dates . . . . .page 4 Many thanks to many donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5 How to get involved, donations needed . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 6

November, December, January Calendar . En Español.

. page 7

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . página 8-11

Recursos de la Biblioteca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .página 10 Aceso a los grados vía computadoras . . . . . . . . . . . página 10 Grupo de padres Latinos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . página 11 Informacíon para la universidad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .página 11 Please keep this issue for future reference!

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