Story Transcript
Spanish 3B Final Examination Study Guide – June 2015 Montgomery County Public Schools
Name: __________________________
Before you begin working on the study guide, organize your notes and vocabulary lists from semester B. Refer to these materials as you complete each section of the study guide.
El trabajo y el voluntariado
In Unit 5, you learned and applied: Present perfect Demonstrative pronouns Irregular subjunctive: dar, haber, saber Formation of subjunctive car, gar, zar verbs
Can you … communicate about work and volunteer opportunities in the community (present and past)? communicate about knowledge, skills and personality traits needed for work and volunteering (present and past)? communicate about requirements and benefits for work and volunteering (present and past)? identify some famous Spanish‐speaking people who have made contributions in a community or professional field? identify teenage employment and volunteering opportunities in Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S.?
1. For each of the part‐time jobs below, write an ad including information about the position, job requirements, and responsibilities. Write at least three complex sentences using a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and structures as appropriate.
________________________________ ________________________ ________________________________ ________________________ ________________________________ ________________________ ________________________________ ________________________ ________________________________ ________________________ ________________________________ ________________________ _________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ _______________________________
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
2. For each of the service projects below. Describe the work, requirements and responsibilities of the volunteers. Write at least two complex sentences including a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and structures as appropriate.
1. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Spanish 3B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 1 of 8
3. Answer the interview questions below. Write at least two complex sentences using a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and structures as appropriate. Describa sus cualidades y características.
_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ¿Cuáles son sus metas profesionales o académicas para los próximos cinco años?
_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Describa su última experiencia laboral o de voluntariado.
_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ¿Por qué quiere trabajar en nuestra empresa?
_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ¿Por qué deberíamos contratarle?
_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. WRITING: Use and apply what you have learned in Unit 5 to write about a part‐time job or a volunteering experience you had. Be sure to describe how you found out about the opportunity, what qualifications were needed, what your responsibilities were, and how you felt about this experience. Write in Spanish and refer to the Rubric for Written Communication. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to use complex sentences and a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and grammatical structures. 5. CULTURE: Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” statements of Unit 5. Then, write a paragraph in Spanish describing the products or practices of Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to your own. Be sure to include as many details as possible. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture Level 3.
After checking the “Can you…” questions for Unit 5, what do you need to review before the final exam?
El porvenir In Unit 6, you learned and applied: Subjunctive with verbs of request and recommendation Saber vs. Conocer Future Double object construction and placement
Can you … communicate about professions (past, present and future)? communicate about technology (past, present and future)? communicate about education and training needed to
pursue a career?
describe future career plans? identify the impact of technology in Spanish‐speaking countries and compare it to that in the U.S.?
identify common career paths in Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S.?
identify training and educational options in Spanish‐ speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S.? Spanish 3B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 2 of 8
6. Describe the job requirements and responsibilities for each of the professions below. Write at least two complex sentences using a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and structures as appropriate. _____________________________________________________________ 1. El arquitecto _____________________________________________________________
2. El contador
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
3. El ingeniero
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
4. El juez
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
5. El modelo
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
6. El periodista
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
7. El programador _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
8. El traductor
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
7. Design three different futuristic gadgets based on the indications below. Then, write at least three complex sentences describing what the object is, what it will be able to do and how it will impact our lives. Use a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and structures as appropriate. Un aparato de comunicación _________________________ Un invento recreativo _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Una máquina ecológica _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Spanish 3B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 3 of 8
8. Answer the following questions in complete sentences using direct and indirect object pronouns. Ej. ¿Te dijeron que necesitas dos cartas de recomendación? No, no me lo dijeron. 1. ¿Eres capaz de programarle la computadora a Pablo? ________________________________ 2. ¿Te gustaría regalarle un aparato doméstico a Elena? ________________________________ 3. ¿Les enviaste tu currículum vítae? ________________________________ 4. ¿Te han dado un buen sueldo? ________________________________ Summarize the rules of double object construction and placement: 9. WRITING: Use and apply what you have learned in Unit 6 to write your ten‐year plan. Describe what you will do in the next ten years. Include your educational, professional, and personal plans. Write in Spanish and refer to the Rubric for Written Communication. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to use complex sentences and a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and grammatical structures. 10. CULTURE: Read the last three bullets of the “Can you…” statements of Unit 6. Then, write a paragraph in Spanish describing the products or practices of Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to your own. Be sure to include as many details as possible. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture Level 3. After checking the “Can you…” questions for Unit 6, what do you need to review before the final exam?
Los misterios
In Unit 7, you learned and applied: Negative constructions Subjunctive with verbs of doubt Conditional
Can you … communicate about archeological discoveries? communicate about myths and/or legends? describe mysterious objects and events? identify architectural structures or artifacts from past civilizations in Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S.? identify myths and/or legends from Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S.?
11. Answer the following questions about an archeological object you have recently found. For each answer, write a complex sentence including at least two words from your vocabulary list.
1. ¿De qué se trata? __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. ¿Qué dimensiones tiene? ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. En tu opinión, ¿Cuál era su función? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. ¿Cuál es tu teoría sobre sus orígenes? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Spanish 3B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 4 of 8
12. React to the headlines below. Write at least one complex sentence including an advanced structure (subjunctive, future, conditional, si clause, etc.). Se descubrió una Los científicos afirman planta que, al ponerse que han encontrado el sol, se convierte en trazas de vida una flor exótica. extraterrestre en la luna.
Esta noche empezará lo que se considera el eclipse solar más largo del siglo.
Los astrónomos han descubierto un nuevo planeta que tiene el mismo diámetro de la Tierra.
13. Narrate the story below. For the fifth vignette, describe the object you think she saw. Use a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and structures as appropriate.
____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 14. WRITING: Use and apply what you have learned in Unit 7 to write about an inexplicable or mysterious event. Be sure to include all the details of the event and your opinion about the matter. Write in Spanish and refer to the Rubric for Written Communication. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to use complex sentences and a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and grammatical structures. 15. CULTURE: Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” statements of Unit 7. Then, write a paragraph in Spanish describing the products or practices of Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to your own. Be sure to include as many details as possible. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture Level 3.
After checking the “Can you…” questions for Unit 7, what do you need to review before the final exam?
Nuestro planeta In Unit 8, you learned and applied: Relative pronouns (que, quien, lo que) Si clause #1: present‐future
Can you … communicate about environmental issues? communicate about solutions for helping the environment? describe causes and effects of pollution. identify environmental practices in Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S.? Identify endangered species typical to Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S.?
Spanish 3B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 5 of 8
16. Complete the si clauses below.
1. Las especies en peligro de extinción desaparecerán, si ___________________________________. 2. Si seguimos usando los pesticidas, __________________________________________________. 3. Los glaciares se derretirán, si______________________________________________________. 4. Si no creamos nuevas leyes contra la contaminación, ___________________________________. 5. No existirán más selvas tropicales, si ________________________________________________. 6. Si no queremos destruir la capa ozono, _______________________________________________. Summarize the rules for forming and using si clauses:
17. Design a flyer about the environment. Include six recommendations everyone should do to help our planet. Write at least four expressions in the subjunctive. Be sure to use a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and structures as appropriate.
18. WRITING: Use and apply what you have learned in Unit 8 to write about the environment. Be sure to identify environmental issues, their leading cause, and suggestions for helping our planet. Write in Spanish and refer to the Rubric for Written Communication. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to use complex sentences and a wide variety of Spanish 3B vocabulary and grammatical structures. 19. CULTURE: Read the last two bullets of the “Can you…” statements of Unit 8. Then, write a paragraph in Spanish describing the products or practices of Spanish‐speaking countries and compare them to your own. Be sure to include as many details as possible. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture Level 3. After checking the “Can you…” questions for Unit 8, what do you need to review before the final exam?
Spanish 3B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 6 of 8
20. Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
Mis queridos padres,
A través de esta carta, quiero expresarles mi agradecimiento por todo lo que han hecho por mí.
Ustedes me han demostrado que en la vida todo es posible y, después de tantos sacrificios, hoy he recibido mi título profesional.
Ustedes han sido un gran ejemplo para mí. Recuerdo todos los proyectos de servicio social que hacíamos durante las vacaciones. Recogíamos ropa, juguetes u otros artículos de casa y los donábamos a la gente sin hogar. Nunca celebramos los días feriados en casa. Siempre íbamos a preparar y servir comida a los pobres. Ustedes me han enseñado a ayudar a la gente.
Asimismo, me han educado a respetar la Tierra y a apreciar todo lo que nos ofrece. ¡Mi primer viaje a Costa Rica fue inolvidable! Tuve la oportunidad de trabajar en un refugio de vida salvaje. Aprendí muchísimo sobre las numerosas especies de mamíferos y aves y la importancia de preservar su hábitat.
Todas esas experiencias me han hecho crecer y me han ayudado escoger la carrera de abogado. Algún día, me gustaría trabajar en el gobierno y crear reglas que protegerán el bienestar de toda la gente, de los animales y de nuestro planeta. No se preocupen, ¡también quiero formar mi propia familia! Espero ser tan buen padre para mis hijos y tan buen marido para mi esposa, como lo son ustedes.
Mis queridos viejos, gracias a ustedes dos, ¡soy la persona más feliz del mundo!
1. Marcos… A. ha encontrado un puesto B. ha recibido un aparato C. se ha graduado D. se ha mudado 2. Cuando no tenía escuela, Marcos A. hacía voluntariado B. trabajaba a tiempo parcial C. iba de vacaciones D. seguía estudiando 3. Marcos pasaba las fechas festivas en… A. un campamento de verano B. un hogar de ancianos C. un centro de rehabilitación D. un comedor de beneficencia 4. En Costa Rica, Marcos… A. estudió Astronomía B. asistió a los residentes C. aprendió a cazar D. cuidó a los animales 5. En su trabajo, Marcos tiene que… A. construir edificios B. defender a la gente C. inventar nuevos aparatos D. curar enfermedades 6. En el futuro, Marcos espera… A. implementar nuevas leyes B. dedicarse a los animales C. ser traductor D. ser jefe 7. A Marcos le gustaría… A. tener su propia compañía B. tener su propio campamento C. ser un hombre soltero D. ser un hombre casado
Con cariño,
Spanish 3B Final Exam Study Guide . . . Page 7 of 8
Grammar 21. Read the following paragraphs. Then choose the word that best completes each sentence, according to the context.
Elena, ¿ya tienes planes para las vacaciones de verano?
1. A. completaba B. completaste No, pero espero conseguir un trabajo a tiempo parcial. 1 varias solicitudes de 2. A. me llaman empleo. Ojalá que alguien 2 pronto. B. me llame ¿Qué quieres hacer? 3. A. deseé B. desear Quiero quedarme afuera y gozar del sol; 4. A. me las entonces, 3 ser salvavida. B. se las ¿Tienes un currículum vítae? 5. A. consulte B. consultes Sí. Ya 4 envié a todas las piscinas de mi pueblo. 6. A. que B. quien Sugiero que 5 los anuncios clasificados también. 7. A. sabe B. sabes Los anuncios 6 he encontrado no me interesan. 8. A. alguien B. nadie ¿ 7 al dueño del centro de la comunidad? 9. A. presentaré B. presenté No, 8 lo he visto. 10. A. das B. dará Si quieres ir conmigo, te lo 9 . Estoy segura de que él te 10 el puesto. 11. A. es B. fue ¡Dudo que 11 tan fácil! Ya tienen muchos empleados. 12. A. buscando B. buscado No te preocupes. Yo sé que siguen 12 salvavidas. ¡Vámonos!
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C. he completado D. completando C. me llamaron D. me llama C. desearía D. desearías C. se lo D. nos lo C. consulta D. consultó C. lo que D. donde C. conoces D. conozca C. algo D. nunca C. presente D. presentar C. dé D. dio C. sea D. era C. busco D. buscar