Horario de Misas:

St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church 827 Sheldon Rd Channelview, Texas 77530 281-452-9865 Parish Office 281-452-2157 Fax Rev. Christopher Shackelford, P

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Misas de la Semana
St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church 827 Sheldon Rd Channelview, Texas 77530 281-452-9865 Parish Office/281-452-2157 Fax Rev. Christopher Shackelford, Pa

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Story Transcript

St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church 827 Sheldon Rd

Channelview, Texas 77530 281-452-9865 Parish Office 281-452-2157 Fax

Rev. Christopher Shackelford, Pastor Deacon Javier Gomez / Deacon Michael Muench


Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas: Weekday Masses / Misas de la Semana English / Inglès Tues. / Thurs. /Fri. Martes / Jueves/ Viernes 8:30 AM Chapel / Capilla Wednesday / Miércoles 7 PM -Bilingual

Weekend Masses Misas de Fin de Semana Church / Iglesia 1st Saturday of the Month / Bilingual Primer Sábado del Mes / Bilingüe 8:30 AM Church / Iglesia Saturday Vigil / Sábado Vigilia 6:00 PM - English / Inglès

Sunday / Domingo Family Life Center /Centro de Vida Familiar 10:00 AM English / Inglès 12:30 PM Spanish / Español

Church / Iglesia 5:00 PM Spanish / Español Prayer for Blessings & Collections:

Oración para la Colecta y Bendiciones:

Most loving God from whom all things come, all that I have is a gift from your abundant love for me. I trust in your Divine Providence that You will always provide for me and my family. Please accept this offering of gratitude I hold in my hand. I surrender all that I am, and all that I have, into your hands with total faith that You will bless me with an even greater abundance of success and prosperity. Bless the works of these hands and manifest your abundant blessings upon your most grateful servant. Amen!

Dios amantísimo de quien proceden todas las cosas, todo lo que tengo es un regalo de tu abundante amor por mí. Confío en Tu Divina Providencia, que siempre vas a proveer para mí y mi familia. Por favor, acepta esta ofrenda de gratitud que tengo en mis manos. Te entrego todo lo que soy y todo lo que tengo, en tus manos con una fe total de que Tu me bendigas con una mayor abundancia de éxito y prosperidad. ¡Bendice las obras de estas manos y manifiesta tus abundantes bendiciones sobre tu siervo muy agradecido. Amén!

Easter Sunday of the Resurrecon of the Lord March 27, 2016

(Psalm 118 )

My Dear Sisters and Brothers:

How awesome it is to celebrate this glorious mystery of Our Lord’s Resurrection. After six weeks of Lent, we enter the holy mysteries of Our Lord’s Passion and Death. Today, we begin our celebration of Jesus’ triumph over all sin, suffering and death. He is Risen. Alleluia, Alleluia!! We also celebrate all of those who have recently received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation) during this Holy Season. We warmly welcome all of our new brothers and sisters around the spiritual banquet table. Let us continue to celebrate the reality of our own baptisms through which we were reborn into God’s Holy Church: that precious moment when we became children of God and members of the body of Christ. What a wonderful family we truly are in Jesus. I want to personally thank all of you for making Holy Week in this parish such a profound blessing for me. I want to especially thank all of those who worked so hard to prepare for the Holy Week celebrations. The celebration of the Easter Sacraments allows me to be a new spiritual “father” to those born anew in baptism. It is also a wonderful blessing to see many new faces, and to continue meeting all of the families which compose this wonderful family of St. Andrew Parish. Rest assured that each of you are remembered in my thoughts and prayers. Let us all pray that Our Risen Lord will continue to deliver us from all of the doubts, fears and sufferings that may still exist in our lives. I pray that each of you and your families will experience the profound peace, love and joy of our Risen Lord. ALLELUIA!! Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Christopher Shackelford READINGS FOR THE WEEK


Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23;Col or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, and 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, and 5, 6-7, 8-9;Lk 24:35-48 Friday Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, and 4, 22-24, 25-27a; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, and 14-15ab, 16-18,19-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday Second Sunday of Easter/Sunday of Divine Mercy Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-319

March 12 & 13, 2016 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM Total:

$ 1,956.73 $ 3,742.40 $ 2,843.26 $ 1,798.58 $ 10,340.97

15% 28% 21% 14% 78%

Actual: Budgeted: Loss / Gain:

$ 10,340.97 $ 13,276.82 -$ 2,935.85

78% 100% - 22.11%

Special Collection: Catholic Relief DFS 2015 - Goal:

Paid: Deficit/Shortage:

$ 3,140.56 $ 72,000.00 $ 8,599.86 $ 63,400.14

- 88%

Parenting Help? The office of Family Life Ministry have trained eight professionals around the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston to provide services to parents who are willing and need help raising their children. The program is designed to offer advice, support and formation to parents with common developmental and behavioral problems in children. To obtain more information please contact us at 713-741-8739 Original Loan Interest Paid Principal Amount to date Paid To date $4,055,664

-$ 451,280

-$ 456,725

Current Balance $ 3,147,659

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Peter proceeded to speak and said: “ You know what has happened all over Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached...(Acts 10:34a, 37-43;) Psalm: This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia…(Ps 118) Second Reading: Brother and sisters: If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God...(Col 3:1-4 ) Gospel: On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdalena came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, ...(Jn 20:1-9)

Domingo de Pascua De la Resurrección del Señor 27 de Marzo, 2016 (Salmo 118 ) Mis Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas:

Que impresionante es celebrar este misterio glorioso de la Resurrección del Señor. Después de seis semanas de la Cuaresma, hemos entrado a los santos misterios de la Pasión y Muerte de Nuestro Señor. Hoy, comenzamos nuestra celebración del triunfo de Jesucristo sobre todo el pecado, sufrimiento y muerte. Él a Resucitado. ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! También celebramos a todos los que acaban de recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación) durante esta temporada Santa. Cordialmente le damos la bienvenida a todos nuestros nuevos hermanos y hermanas alrededor de la mesa del banquete espiritual. Permítenos poder seguir celebrando la realidad de nuestros propios bautismos al cual hemos sido renacidos a la sagrada Iglesia de Dios: ese momento precioso cuando nos hicimos hijos de Dios y miembros del cuerpo de Cristo. Que familia maravillosa de verdad somos en Jesucristo. Quiero darles las gracias personalmente a todos por hacer esta Semana Santa en esta parroquia una bendición profunda para mi. Quiero agradecerles especialmente a todos los que trabajaron muy fuerte en preparar para las celebraciones de la Semana Santa. La celebración de los sacramentos de la Pascua me permiten ser un nuevo “padre” espiritual para aquellos que han nacido de nuevo en el bautismo. También es una bendición maravillosa ver muchas caras nuevas y seguir conociendo todas las familias que componen esta maravillosa familia parroquial de San Andrés. Estén asegurados de que cada uno de ustedes es recordado en mis pensamientos y oraciones. Recemos todos que Nuestro Señor Resucitado continué libradnos de todas las dudas, temores y sufrimientos que puedan todavía existir en nuestras vidas. Rezo que cada uno de ustedes y sus familias experimenten una paz profunda, amor y gozo en Nuestro Señor Resucitado. ALELUYA!! Sinceramente en Cristo, Fr. Christopher Shackelford LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA

OFRENDA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS March 12 & 13, 2016 10:00 A 12:30 PM 5:00 PM Total:

$ 1,956.73 $ 3,742.40 $ 2,843.26 $ 1,798.58 $ 10,340.97

15% 28% 21% 14% 78%

Actual: Pago: Perdida:

$ 10,340.97 $ 13,276.82 -$ 2,935.85

78% 100% - 22.11%

6:00 PM

Colecta Especial:

He 10: 34a, 37-43; Sal 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3: 1-4 o 1 Cor 5: 6b-8; Jn 20: 1-9 Lunes He 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16: 1-2a, y 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Mt 28: 8-15 Martes He 2: 36-41; Sal 33: 4-5, 18-19, 20, y 22;Jn 20: 11-18 Miércoles He 3: 1-10; Sal 105: 1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9; Lc 24: 13-35 Jueves He 3: 11-26; Sal 8, 2ab, y 5, 6-7, 8-9;Lc 24: 35-48 Viernes He 4: 1-12; Sal 118: 1-2, y 4, 22-24, 25-27a; Jn 21: 1-14 Sábado He 4: 13-21; Sal 118: 1, y 14-15ab, 16-18,19-21; Mc 16: 9-15 Domingo Segundo Domingo de Pascua / Domingo de la Divina Misericordia He 5: 12-16; Sal 118: 2-4, 13-15, 22-24;Ap 1, 9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20: 19-31 Hoy

$ 3,140.56

Catholic Relief Service

DFS 2016: Pagado: Deficit Faltante:

$ 72,000.00 $ 8,599.86 - $ 63,400.14

- 88%

Do you know a couple that is having a challenging situation in their relationship and need help? We may be able to coach you as a couple. We offer enrichment sessions, consulting and mentoring for married couples experiencing some crisis or challenges in their relationship. For more detailed information please contact the office of Family Life Ministry at 713-741-8711. Cantidad Original de Préstamo

Interés Pagado hasta la fecha

Principal Pagado hasta la fecha

$ 4,055,664

-$ 451,280

-$ 456,725


Primera Lectura – En aquellos días Pedro tomo la Palabra y dijo: “Ya saben ustedes lo sucedido en toda Judea, que tuvo principio en galilea, después del bautismo predicado por Juan …(He 10: 34a, 37-43) Salmo: Este es día en que actuó el Señor: sea nuestra alegría y nuestro gozo. Aleluya , aleluya, aleluya. (Sal.118) Segunda Lectura - Hermanos puesto que ustedes han resucitado con Cristo, busquen los bienes de arriba, donde esta Cristo, sentado Saldo Actual a la derecha de Dios …(Col 3: 1-4 ) Evangelio - El primer día después del sábado, estando todavía oscuro, fue María Magdalena al sepulcro y vio removida la piedra $ 3,147,659 que lo cerraba. Echo a correr, llego a la casa donde estaba Simón Pedro y el otro discípulo, a quien Jesús amaba…(Jn 20: 1-9)

Attention Ministry Leaders Every year St. Andrew must send to the Archdiocese volunteer Virtus compliance reports. Therefore; ALL Minister Leaders MUST provide a list of their existing volunteers. Your Volunteer Compliance Report is due no later than April 30, 2016. It’s crucial that each ministry, group, and/or organization provide a complete report in order for St. Andrew to be in compliance with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. For your convenience, you may locate the Volunteer Compliance Report on the church website, the sacristy, and in the parish office. Please return your completed forms to the office or e-mail it to [email protected] by April 30, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Esveida Martinez, @ 281 452-9865 Parish Safe Environment Coordinator.

Atención Lideres de Ministerio Cada año St. Andrew debe enviar al Arquidiócesis informes de voluntarios para el cumplimiento de Virtus. Por lo tanto; TODO líder de ministerio debe proporcionar una lista de sus voluntarios existentes. Su informe se bebe entregar antes del 30 de abril de 2016. Es crucial que cada Ministerio, Grupo o Organización proporcione un informe ya que es un cumplimiento de la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston. Para su comodidad, esta forma (Volunteer Compliance Report) que debe llenar está disponible en la Web de la iglesia, la sacristía y en la oficina parroquial. Por favor regresen los formularios completados a la oficina o por correo electrónico a [email protected] antes del 30 de abril de 2016. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Esveida Martínez. Parish Safe Environment Coordinator

The Knights of Columbus Council 9041 is currently accepting Scholarship Applications from senior level students anticipating graduation from High School, “Class of 2016”. Registered parishioners may pick up their applications at the St. Andrew Catholic Church Office. The deadline for application submission is close of business day on , Monday April 04, 2016. All applications received after this date will not be considered for scholarship awards

Knights of Columbus Council #9041

Sponsoring a Blood Drive April 10, 2016 St. Andrew Parking Lot From 9:00 AM to 2:00


MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK/REUNIONES DE LA SEMANA Sunday / Domingo March / Marzo 27, 2016 EASTER SUNDAY DOMINGO DE RESURRECCION 2nd Collection – SVDP 2 PM - Resurrection - Party Outside Monday / Lunes March / Marzo 28, 2016 OFFICE CLOSED 6 PM - Rosary (Eng.) (Chapel) 7 PM - Crecimiento (Conf. & P. Hall) 7 PM - SVDP Mtg. (Office FLC) 7:30 PM - Coordinadores Gpo (Rm. 8) Tuesday / Martes March / Marzo 29, 2016 7 PM - 6th Home School/Test Night 7 PM - OEC - Sacrament Prayer Evaluations. (Rms. 1-8) 7 PM - YAG - Peregrinos de la Paz ( Rm 10) Wed. / Miércoles March / Marzo 30, 2016 10 AM - Sp. Legion of Mary (Conf. Hall) 7 PM - Faith Formation (Rms.1-9 & FLC) 7:30 PM - RCIA Faith Formation (Adults) (P. Hall) 7:45 PM - MFCC - Prep. 3ra. Etapa ( P. Hall) Thursday / Jueves March / Marzo 31, 2016 9:30 AM - Staff Meeting (Admin Conf. Rm.) 6 PM - LOM - Help of Christians (Rm 10) 6:30 PM - Confirmation 2 W/Sponsor make up Retreat (Rm 2-3) 7 PM - Choir Eng. Practice (Ch. Main) 7 PM - Spring Fest. General. Mtg. (FLC Hall) 7 PM - Taller de Oración y Vida (Rm 5) Friday / Viernes April / Abril 1, 2016 5:30 PM - Holy Hour of Reparation (Ch. Chapel) 6 PM - Jr. Legion of Mary OLO (Conf. Hall) 7 PM - Grupo de Oración (P. Hall) 7 PM - Sp. YAG - Peregrinos de la Paz (Conf. Hall) 8 PM - MFCC-PREP 4TA. Etapa (Rm.6) Saturday / Sábado April / Abril 2, 2016 2nd Collection – Debt Reduction 8 AM - OLOMT Mtg. (Conf Hall) 8:30 AM - Firs Sat. Mass (Ch.-Main) 9 AM - Columbian Squires Mtg. (Rms. 9-10) 10 AM - Spanish Baptismal Class # 1 (Rm3) 10 AM - SVDP District 5 Mtg .(Conf. Hall) 1 PM - Sp. Music Trng. (Conf Hall) 4 PM - RCIA for Children (Conf. Hall) Sunday / Domingo April / Abril 3, 2016 2nd Collection – Debt Reduction 8 AM - Faith Formation (Eng.) (Rms. 1-8 & FLC) 8:15 AM - Adult Faith Formation (Eng.) (Ch.) 10:30 AM - Faith Formation (Sp.) (All Rooms) 10:45 AM - Formación de Fe Adultos (Esp.) (Ch.) 6:30 PM - Youth Nights (FLC Hall) HOLY HOUR OF REPARATION

Social Ministries

You are all invited to join in the weekly adoration in Mary’s Kitchen honor of the Most Sacred 281 452-2027 Heart of Jesus . This is Open: Monday - Friday done on Fridays before the 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Blessed Sacrament in the St. Vincent de Paul Chapel from 5:30 PM to 6:30 P.M. 281 457-2245 Please come to spend an hour in the Open: Tuesday Only Real Presence of Jesus in the 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Blessed Sacrament.

St. Andrew Catholic Church 3rd Annual Spring Fes+val MAY 1, 2016

San Andrés Iglesia Católica 3er Fes+val Anual de Primavera 1 de MAYO, 2016


Reunión general ESTE JUEVES

Thursday, March 31, 2016 7:00PM in the Family Life Center

Jueves, 31 de Marzo 2016 7:00 PM en el Centro de Vida Familiar

This will be our only General Meeng before the Spring Fesval, so please mark your calendars and make plans to a7end!

Esta será nuestra única Junta General antes de la Fiesta de la Primavera así que por favor marquen sus calendarios y haga planes para asisr! . Boletos de la rifa Lléveselos lo mas pronto posible! Visa de $ 1,000 tarjetas de regalo Dell Laptop de 15.6 "PC + Microsoft Office Casa & estudio 2016 YETI® Tundra 45 qt. Enfriador + 2 Vasos Térmicos Yeti $ 250 tarjeta de regalo Pappas (bueno en todos los restaurantes Pappas) 57 "x46" Enmarcado última cena Imagen Por favor, recoger sus entradas hoy y los venden a sus amigos, compañeros de trabajo y familia!

Raffle Tickets Get ‘em while they’re hot! $1,000 Visa Gift Card Dell 15.6" Laptop PC + Microsoft Office Home & Student 2016 YETI® Tundra 45 qt. Cooler + 2 Yeti Rambler Koozies $250 Pappas Gift Card (Good at all Pappas Restaurants ) 57”x46” Framed Last Supper Picture Please pick up your tickets today and sell them to your friends, co-workers and family! The Silent Auc+on is need of dona+ons! You can drop your dona+ons off to the parish office. Silent Auc+on Contact: Cheryl Duplechain (713)502-8252 Please continue bringing in: 2-liter sodas (for the ring toss) canned sodas (Coke® & Pepsi® Products Only Please) bottled water Eggshells for the cascarones

La subasta silenciosa se necesita de donaciones! Usted puede dejar sus donaciones en la oficina parroquial.

Subasta Silenciosa de contacto: Cheryl Duplechain (713)502-8252 Por favor, empezar a traer : Refrescos de 2 litros (para juego de aros) Refrescos enlatados (Sólo Productos Coke y Pepsi® por favor)

Agua embotellada Cascarones de huevo para el Puesto

Contact Raymond Hernandez TODAY at 713-906-6800 or [email protected] to see how you can help make this event a success!!!

Póngase en contacto con Raymond Hernández HOY al 713-906-6800 o [email protected] para ver de qué otra manera puede ayudar a hacer de este evento un éxito !!!

Countdown to Spring Fesval = 35 Days

Cuenta regresiva para el Fesval de Primavera = 35 Días


Hours Horas de Oficina Monday / Lunes Thursday / Jueves 1 P.M. to 4 P.M

April 2 ,2016

In Sight Retreat for Young Women in High School 8:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. An opportunity for high school girls to visit a convent, interact with Sisters from several congregations who serve in our Archdiocese, pray together, build friendships, learn about religious life, share lunch, and ask questions. The day will be held at the Dominican Sisters of Mary Immaculate Province (5250 Gasmer Dr., Houston, TX 77035) and end with a 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass to which families are welcome. Registration and permission slips will be available online. www.houstonvocations.com/insight

St. Andrews 2016 Confirmation will take place on Thursday June 02, 2016 7:00 PM Las Confirmaciones en San Andrés se llevarán acabo El Jueves 02 de Junio, 2016 a las 7:00 PM The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston is holding an

Art contest To mark the Extraordinary Jubilee of the Year of Mercy. Anyone from ages 16 and above who resides in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston is invited to submit their faith inspired artworks by April 15th, 2016. The theme for this competition is “Merciful like the Father” inspired by the motto for the Holy Year. It is not mandatory, but a suggestion is that the artwork can center on the Prodigal Son people’s artistic representation of this iconic image of the mercy of God from the Gospel of Luke 15:11-32. All entries must be submitted online to http://archgh.cvent.com/YOMArt by April 15th, 2016. Entries should include one jpg image of the artwork and a completed application form, which can be found at http://archgh.cvent.com/YOMArt Those selected for exhibition will be notified by April 22nd, 2016. The final two winners will be announced on May 5th, 2016. The specific competition guidelines are below. If you have any additional questions please email [email protected] or contact Gabriela Karaszewski at 713-741-8780.

Preaching on life is particularly appropriate on this day for the double reason that this is precisely the feast of life, and that many people will be in the Church today who do not hear our message the rest of the year. The pro-life message can be incorporated into the Easter homily in a very positive and clear way, as the following points suggest: 1. Easter is about the Resurrection of Christ, which was a physical resurrection. The human body and soul are set free from the kingdom of death; the way is opened for us to share this risen life. 2. This puts every human being in a different light; we can never look at each other the same again. Every person, in Christ, has been raised to the heights of heaven. Both options for the second reading emphasize this point. Easter, then, is our feast. It is not only about Jesus’ victory over death; it’s about our victory over death. 3. We share that victory by baptism, and after the homily will renew our baptismal vows. By rejecting the “works” and “empty promises” of Satan, we are rejecting the power of death at work in our world today, manifested in such evils as abortion and euthanasia. By promising to live in Christ, we are promising to be pro-life. 4. The first reading indicates that the apostles were to preach to the people about the meaning of the resurrection. So must we. We are apostles of life, spreading hope amidst people who might be tempted to see death as a solution to their problems. 5. The Gospel tells us that the apostles “ran.” So must we. This Feast fills us with spiritual energy that makes us run to the Lord, and then run from the empty tomb to tell the world that Life, not death, is what God wants for us and from us! We are the People of Life! Let’s celebrate that with confidence and joy!

REFLEXION Predicar sobre la vida es particularmente apropiado en este día por la doble razón que ésta es precisamente la fiesta de la vida y también porque muchas personas estarán en la iglesia hoy que normalmente no escuchan nuestro mensaje durante el año. El mensaje pro vida puede ser incorporado en la homilía de la Pascua en una forma muy positiva y clara, como sugieren los siguientes puntos: 1. La Pascua se refiere a la resurrección de Cristo, la cual fue una resurrección física. El cuerpo humano y el alma son liberados del Reino de la muerte; se abre el camino para que compartamos esta vida resucitada. 2. Este evento cambia la manera de ver a cada ser humano; ya no podemos vernos igual el uno al otro. Cada persona, en Cristo, ha sido elevado a las alturas del cielo. Las dos opciones para la segunda lectura enfatizan este punto. La Pascua entonces, es nuestra fiesta. No es sólo se trata de la victoria de Jesús sobre la muerte; se trata de nuestra victoria sobre la muerte. 3. Compartimos esa victoria por medio del bautismo, y después de la homilía renovamos nuestros votos bautismales. Al rechazar las "obras" y "promesas vacías" de Satanás, rechazamos el poder de la muerte que invade nuestro mundo actual, manifestado en los males como el aborto y la eutanasia. Al prometer vivir en Cristo, prometemos ser pro-vida. 4. La primera lectura indica que los apóstoles eran responsables de predicar a la gente el significado de la resurrección. Nosotros también tenemos esa responsabilidad. Somos apóstoles de la vida, difundiendo la esperanza a un pueblo que podría tener la tentación de ver a la muerte como una solución a sus problemas. 5. El Evangelio nos dice que los apóstoles "fueron corriendo." Nosotros también debemos correr. Esta fiesta nos llena de energía espiritual que nos hace correr al Señor y luego correr desde la tumba vacía para decirle al mundo que ¡la Vida, no la muerte, es lo que Dios quiere para nosotros y de nosotros! ¡Somos el Pueblo de la vida! ¡Celebremos con confianza y alegría!

Family Life Center Rentals LIMITED SPECIAL Wedding Receptions, Quinceañeras, Anniversaries, Family Reunions, Birthday Parties, or any event you are planning, we can accommodate you! St. Andrew Family Life Center is continuing to have a LIMITED TIME rental special! Rentals include: 10 hour rental time on Fridays & Saturdays; seating up to 360 people reception style with dance floor; stage for a band or DJ; cleaning & storage of personal items after the event; a list of preferred vendors to hire (we've done the research for you); and so much more! With everything above included, half hall rentals start at $1500 and whole rentals start at $2500! Registered & Contributing Parishioners always receive a discount off this low competitive rate. We also have the Parish Hall available to rent for your smaller events such as baby showers, bridal showers, birthdays, graduations, etc. For more information regarding rentals, please email Christina at ([email protected]) or call the parish office at 281-452-9865. We look forward to help you plan your next event! Jose /Rebbeca Valencia Berta Yanez Willie Jimenez Ray Valencia Elena G. Martinez † Catarino P. Martinez † Jose B. Reyna Sr. † Fabian Hernandez Jr. Pedro Jr/ Gladis Verduzco Joaquin G. Martinez † Freddy G. Martinez † Jose and Brenda Castillo Antonio G. Martinez † Carlos/Socorro Marquez Otoniel / Irma Teo Maria Martinez Mario / Dora Flores Felix & Ripa del Valle Tomas/ Hilda Fernandez Joe Del Valle Barry Winkler Tobias Nuncio Sr. Inez Sims Higinio/Francisca Picon Christina Martin J. Jesus Ibarra M. Emilio/Rosalinda Ayala Juanita Reyes J. Luis/Araceli Gavino Jose Ibarra R. Jesus/ Irma Chavez Miguel Ibarra M. Albina Gonzales Jesus Reyes Ibarra M. Marcial G. Martinez Charles T. Orton Sr. † Sammy Gonzales Courtney Nicole Hayes † Santos Gonzales, Jr.

Easter Flowers

Mr/MrsWarren Clawsont Kattleen Stuckey Mr./Mrs B. Gumienny Tim Clawson † Jesus Hernandez Mercedes Paramo Silvia Hernandez Petra Barron John Tang Mr/Mrs Jesse Rodriguez Sr. Eufemia Garcia Laureano Garcia Jr. Chard LeBlank & Family Ben LeBlanc & Family Tina Vallado † Paul/Ruth Cortez † Margaret Rivera Lupe/Carmen Luera † The Laviyne/ Malveux Family

Intenciones de la Misa March / Marzo

Tuesday 29

10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 8:30 AM

Wednesday 30 Thursday 31

7:00 PM 8:30 AM

Friday 1

April / 8:30 AM

Saturday 2


Sunday 27

Sunday 3

6:00 PM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM

Maria de la Cueva † People St. Andrew Jose Perez de la Cueva † Jose Carvalho’s Deceased Family Members Tina Vallado † Eloisa Flores † Abril Rev. Peter Mastrobuono (Health) Jose Emilio Cruz Lopez (Health) Tomas Montemayor † Familia Diaz & Garcia (Sp. Int.) People St. Andrew Maria Navarro (Sp. Int.) Leonor De La Cruz †

Pray for the Sick - Orar por los Enfermos: HOSPITAL: Carolina Bustos, Thomas García Sr, Amparo Miranda, Charlotte Fleming, Lisa Rierdon, Kathy Hollomon. RECOVERING / RECUPERANDOSE: Noelia Aguilar, Rodolfo Aparicio, Jackie Auzenne, Anthony Carmona, Joaquina Buentello, Sylvia Buentello, Dominga Cantú, María Cárdenas, Raymundo Caraveo, Pedro Caraveo, Marielena Carreón, Donnie Cobb, Mary Cole, Eva Colon, Cindy Contreras, Julián Cordero, Mary M. Cortina, Elmina & Emory Courville, Sylvia Cusco, Dea. Roberto Chávez, Carla Espinosa, Rosa Guerrero, Sylvia Hebert, Trinidad Hernández, Luisa C. Flores, Ramón Flores, Karen Fruge, José Luis García, Roy Gonzales Jr., Stephen Gonzales, Gilberto & Rosa Guerra, Carolyn Harden, Robert Hayes, William Holloman, Marjorie Hromadka, Aurelio & Rosemary Marín, Nora Marroquín, Nelwyn Matthews, Mara Moreno, Vicente Moreno, Morua Family, Maude Navarro, Raymond Navarro, Mary Norman, Melba Ortiz, Johnny Pagan, Mary Palomo, Janelle Pate, Idalia Peña, Julieta Romines, Monica Rodriguez,Martin Rodríguez, Isabel Salazar, Corazon Sales,Héctor Salinas, Oliver Salinas, Lamerril Sims Jesús & Claudemira Solís, Hazel Stewart, Jessi Tristan, Robert Turner, Carmen Ventura, Clara Velasco. SHUT-IN / INVALIDOS: María Adame, Rena Alex, Sarita Auzenne, Albertine Cernik, Sherry Coburn, Celena De León, Jack Dennis, Thomas García Jr., Miguel Gonzales, Mary L. Miranda.

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