Literacy Hour

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Story Transcript

Literacy Hour. Year 2 , term 1 We are going to work with the following rhymes. MONDAY'S CHILD:1 Monday's child is fairly tough Tuesday's child is tender enough Wednesday child is good to fry Thursday's child is best in pie Friday's child makes good meat roll Saturday's child is casserole But the child is born on the Sabbath Day Is delicious when eaten in any way Catherine Storr. MONDAY'S CHILD:2 Monday's child is fair on face Tuesday's child is full of grace Wednesday's child is full of woe Thursday's child has far to go Friday's Child is loving and giving Saturday's child works hard for a living But the child that was born on the Sabbath day, Is bonny and blithe and good and gay. Popular. OBJETIVES UNIT: reading poetry Monday's Child


SPELLING AND VOCABULARY: Read High Frequency words on sight GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION: Revise Knowledge of Capitalization. COMPREHENSION AND COMPOSITION: Use story structure to write all alphabetical story. ORGANIZATION 1 HOUR INTRODUCTION: Shared reading of the rhyme Monday's child WHOLE CLASS SKILL−WORK: look at the spellings of the days of the week DIFERENTIATE GROUP ACTIVITIES: • Use dictionaries to find words , beginning with k, q, x, z • Guided reading of Catherine Storr's version of Monday's child • Learn to spell the days of the week CONCLUSION • look at the spelling of the days of the week again 2. Ask group 2 to read Catherine Storr's version. RESOURCES: Photocopiable pages of Monday's Child 1 and 2, dictionaries and other reference books. Writing materials. INTRODUCTION AND WHOLE CLASS SKILL WORKS. Display an enlarged version of Monday's child and read it with the children. You will need to explain some of the vocabulary and, in particular, you may need to discuss the usage of the following. −fair of face • full of grace • full of woe • Sabbath • Bonny and blithe and good and gay One way to illustrate what the words mean is to ask a child who was born on each day to come to the front and show them how to pose in a way which relects their supposed attributes. Help children to learn how to spell the days of the week, show them that all the days end with day so it is only the first part what they will need to learn. You may need to focus upon Wednesday because it is not pronounced in quite the same way as it is spelled. Encourage the children to break it up and tell them that if they of it at Wed−nes−day and say it that way in their heads when they need to spell it they should get it right. They should, of course, say it in the conventional way for everyday usage. 2

DIFFERENTIATED GROUP ACTIVITIES • Ask them to use dictionaries and reference books to look for words which begin with k, q, x and z. The children could also be asked to find words which begin with other letters for which there are few words in the High frequency list, or they could be encouraged to look for words which would help them to write their own version of Monday's Child in a later lesson. • Give each child a copy of Catherine Storr's version. Discuss with them the differences between it and the original version and explain the vocabulary to them. • Give each child the photocopiable copy of the traditional rhyme, and ask them how to spell the days of the week. Encourage them to work in pairs. Ask the children to copy the rhyme in their best handwriting display. Tell them that they should begin new lines in the same places as in the rhyme and show them how to continue, with an indent, onto the next line when they run out of space. CONCLUSION. Look again at the spelling of the days of the week and hold an informal test. Ask group 2 to read the alternative version of the poem aloud and ask the children which they prefer and why.


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