EASTER SUNDAY ~ April 5, 2015 MADISON’S DOWNTOWN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ABOUT OUR PARISH The Cathedral Parish of St. Raphael was formed on July 1, 2008

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EASTER SUNDAY ~ April 5, 2015


The Cathedral Parish of St. Raphael was formed on July 1, 2008 by the merger of three historic parishes located within a few blocks of the Capitol Square.


The buildings of two of those historic parishes – Holy Redeemer and St. Patrick – provide the current facilities for the Cathedral Parish. Mass is offered every day in both churches. The parish rectory is at the Holy Redeemer site, while the offices are at the St. Patrick location.


REDEEMER 120 W. Johnson St.

Old St. Raphael Cathedral was destroyed by arson in 2005. Bishop Morlino has announced his intention to erect a new cathedral on the same site (at West Main and Fairchild). In the meantime, an outdoor Way of the Cross is located there.

CATHEDRAL PLACE W. Washington Ave. at Henry St.

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Cathedral Parish  Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison 

SERVING CATHEDRAL PARISH Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino Bishop of Madison

Reverend Monsignor Kevin D. Holmes Rector [email protected] (608) 257-5000 · office (608) 960-0921 · residence

Reverend José Luis Vázquez Parochial Vicar (608) 255-1658

Deacon Raymond Lukesic Director of Pastoral Care [email protected]

Marc Laudonio Director of Evangelization and Catechesis [email protected]

Amber Cerrato Director of Religious Education [email protected]

Leona Rane Alice Buechner Maria Culligan Parish Secretaries [email protected]

Alleluia! The Lord is risen; He is truly risen. Alleluia! EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS We have been able to decorate our sanctuaries with Easter flowers through the kindness of the donors listed below and on the page following. They have given the plants which adorn our altars today as memorials to their loved ones as noted here. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace Amen.

Given by . . .

For . . .

Jerel Alexander

Jonathan Alexander, Jim & James Corbett, Pauline & Joseph Balsamo Silvia Toscano Falcon, Felissa Lopez, Jeronimo Alvarado, Maria Diaz, Ana Maria Hernandez Ramirez Deceased Family Members Deceased Family Members Deceased Family Members Amelia Benavides, Gloria Ann Fulwider, Richard Bruce Fulwider Mrs. Nellie Rose Cantu Don Carlsen Deceased Family Members Epifanio Cruz Delmore/McAllister Families Joyce DiMaggio, Joseph Wendt, and DiMaggio Family Margaret & James Finn Jesse Maness, beloved son of Beth Turvey Mama del Refuigio Aguilar Pacheco, Ma. Isabel Pacheco Martinez y familia Deceased Family Members Joseph Farruggo & his parents, Helen McDermott Her parents, Robert & Evelyn Hahlen Deceased Family Members Deceased Family Members Montford & Helen Grob, Julius & Lillian Haberman, Bill Kohn Deceased Hagan Family Members Deceased Family Members Her Mother and Mother-in-law James Jensen & Cathedral Parish Melvin Klitzke, Donald & Mark Rapacz Deceased Family Members Deceased Family Members Deceased Family Members Ofelia Mares, Gudelia Mares, Jose Ramirez

M/M Jose Alvarado

M/M Mauricio Angel M/M Ismael Armenta M/M Santiago Bello M/M Ronald Benavides Kathleen Cantu Karen Carlsen M. Cuamani & O. Abrajan M/M Jose Daniel M/M Patrick Delmore Alfonse DiMaggio Mary Doran Gloria “Pat” Duane M/M Juan Estrada Lorraine Falkner Margaret Farruggio

Parish Office 404 East Main Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (608) 257-5000 – fax 257-5565

Holy Redeemer Church West Johnson Street (one half block off State Street)

Saint Patrick Church East Main Street (three blocks east of the Capitol Square)

Wendy Fjelstad M/M Dennis Ganser F. Godinez & L. Lopez M/M Stanley Grob Jack Hagen M/M Michael Hagan Dorothy Hoover Jay Jensen Adeline Klitzke M/M James Lawrence Elvia Ledezma M/M Ezequiel Lezama Gabriel Lira de la Rosa

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Easter Sunday April 5, 2015


For . . .

Jean Lochner M/M Raymond Lukesic M/M Gustavo Martinez Anna McGuire Marilyne McGuire Beverly Oashgar M/M Luis Paulino M/M Eduardo Perez

Her Parents Lukesic Family, Dlugoz Family Deceased Family Members Robert L. McGuire Donald Glenn Matthew McGuire Freida & George Oashgar Deceased Family Members Familiares Vazquez Mena, Familiares Gonzalez Huerta, Manuel Alejandro Moreno Mena, Juan Martin Vazquez, Carlos Ugalde, Animas del Purgatorio Deceased Family Members Daniel Feist Deceased Family Members Deceased Family Members Dolly Aiello, Virginia Ritacca, John & Rose Marano, James & Catherine Aiello, Frank & Ida Ritacca, Dante Bindelli, Nadine Reindl, James DelConte, Joseph & Josephine Ruth, Nicholas & Mabel Nichols, Baby Ruth Jennie Saladino, Leonard Saladino Ila Schultz, Mary Ann Herfel Scott & Mulgrew Families Deceased Family Members Joseph Slivicki Vicente Valle, Maria Welton Daniel & Lucille Trainor Daniel & Lucille Trainor, Ike & Stella Brader, Tom Brader, Roy & Peg Trainor Maria de los Angeles Marceleno, Cipriano Vasquez Ann Kathryn Young Deceased Family Members

Carissa Petzinger Rita Prescott J. Roman & A. Rivera V. Rodriguez & V. Vazquez M/M Robert Ruth

Gaspare Saladino M/M John Schultz M/M Charles Scott M/M Gonzalo Segura Dorothy Slivicki M/M. R. Patrick Stewart Ann Trainor Lucille Trainor Olivia Vasquez Fox Kelly Young Anne Ziege

Return Rice Bowl Boxes Next Weekend If you have been depositing your spare change in a CRS Rice Bowl throughout Lent, the box should be returned no later than next weekend. Special baskets in which to deposit your box will be available in front of both churches by the baptismal font. If you would like your contribution reflected on your annual parish statement, please count the change and submit the total as well as your name. Thank you for helping support Catholic Relief Services projects around the world.

First Holy Communion This weekend is a joyous occasion for our parish as over 50 children will be receiving their First Holy Communion. Some of the children will be receiving Jesus for the first time at the 5:00 pm and 9:00 am English Masses, others at the special 1:30 Spanish Mass this afternoon. Congratulations to all the First Communicants and their parents.

MASS SCHEDULE Monday, April 6 – Easter Monday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick Special Intention: John Gillett 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Dorothy Crapser Tuesday, April 7 – Easter Tuesday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Gene Buechner 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Jennie Saladino Wednesday, April 8 – Easter Wednesday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick Spec. Intention: Schmelzer Godchildren 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Josh Kopp Thursday, April 9 – Easter Thursday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Margaret Finn 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Jennie & Leonard Saladino Friday, April 10 – Easter Friday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick Spec. Intention: Alexander Culligan 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Andrew Maurizzi Saturday, April 11 – Easter Saturday 8:00 am at Holy Redeemer Special Intention: Julie Lien 5:00 pm at St. Patrick (Vigil) † Marie Loring 6:30 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer (Vigil) Special Intention: Kenny Anderson Sunday, April 12 Divine Mercy Sunday 9:00 am at Holy Redeemer † Roy Crapser 11:00 am at St. Patrick People of the Cathedral Parish 11:00 am in Spanish at Holy Redeemer Special Intention: Prayer Group 5:00 pm at Holy Redeemer † Patricia Banaszak 6:45 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer † Viola Hagan

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Cathedral Parish  Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison 

CALENDAR This Week at St. Raphael Tuesday, April 7 10:30 am Mass at Capitol Lakes

This Week at St. Patrick Tuesday, April 7 6:30 pm Main Event Wednesday, April 8 6:00 pm RCIA & RCIC Classes (Spanish) Friday, April 10 6:00 pm Antezana/Reyes Rehearsal Saturday, April 11 2:00 pm Diego Antezana & Silvia Reyes Wedding 6:00 pm Marriage Enrichment—Refoccus Sunday, April 12 10:00 am Lectio Divina Prayer Group 12:00 pm Damian Freng Baptism 12:00 pm Young Adult Brunch

This Week at Holy Redeemer Monday, April 6 6:00 pm Choir Practice (Spanish) Tuesday, April 7 6:00 pm Confessions in Spanish 6:30 pm Prayer Group (Spanish) Wednesday, April 8 9:00 am Exposition in Church 5:00 pm Benediction in Church 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Baptism Classes (in Spanish) Thursday, April 9 6:30 pm Spanish Ceremony Rehearsal Friday, April 10 6:30 pm Spanish Ceremony Rehearsal Saturday, April 11 10:30 am First Communion Retreat (Spanish) 3:00 pm Daniela Loera Quinceañera Sunday, April 12 12:30 pm Divine Mercy Devotions (Spanish)

Banns of Marriage

The names of parishioners planning to marry are published three times prior to the ceremony. Anyone knowing of any impediment to the proposed marriage must make that known to the Rector. II. Ryan Keegan and Maria Kmoch

 AT CATHEDRAL PARISH  Marriage Enrichment Series—REFOCCUS Begins Saturday, April 11th, 5:45 pm—8:00 pm At St. Patrick Church Hall Are you looking for a way to strengthen and build your marriage? Do you need to find time to connect with your spouse? Then come join us for ‘REFOCCUS’! We will gather with other couples for prayer, a reflection from a married couple, and time as a couple to ‘REFOCCUS’ your marriage through resources that will help you dialogue about important things such as communication, intimacy, and commitment! This five session series will continue one Saturday per month: May 9th June 13th July 25th August 9th It ‘s not necessary for couples to attend all sessions, but the more the better! The $15 per couple fee covers all five sessions. To register, please visit or for more information, please contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or [email protected]

Encounter Culture: Invitation to Transformation Are you striving to be perfect? What is the real meaning of perfection? How do we get there? The journey to perfection is something that we are all called to participate in. The problem is, we usually follow our own way--our own idea of perfection. Our projects and problems become distractions on the path of transformation, and we get stuck. How can we let go of this and become open to transformation? Join us for Encounter Culture on Saturday, April 18th, at 6 pm in the St. Patrick church hall, where we will observe one man’s journey to perfection in the film On the Waterfront. You are invited for reflection, discussion, and good company! Have you been wanting to come to Encounter Culture, but unable to make it? No problem! Everything you need to catch up at home is online! Visit the Encounter Culture page on the parish website for materials, or contact Morgan at [email protected] for more info.

 CATHEDRAL 20S&30S  Venite Adoremus This Friday Come out for a Holy Hour with other young adults from around the Diocese of Madison on Friday, April 10th, at St. Andrew Church in Verona. The evening includes Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, and a meditation given by a priest. This is a great way to meet friends and deepen your faith. There is also time for socializing after the Holy Hour.

Young Adult Brunch Next Sunday—April 12th We have a brunch for young adults (in their 20s and 30s) after the 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick on the first Sunday of each month. This month, because of Easter, our brunch will be April 12th. Cash donations to help defray the cost of the brunch are greatly appreciated. To receive email updates about Young Adult activities in our parish, please contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or [email protected].

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Easter Sunday April 5, 2015

 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION  A reminder to all parents and students: there will be no Religious Education classes today, Easter Sunday, April 5th. Classes will resume on Sunday, April 12th. First Communion Rehearsal is scheduled for Saturday, April 11th, at 9 am, with First Holy Communion on Sunday, April 12th, at the 9:00 am Mass.

 FAITH FORMATION  The Main Event Continues This Tuesday! April 7th: The Tradition of Prayer; The Life of Prayer ‘The Main Event’ is a systematic study of the Catholic Faith for adults, revealing how all the aspects of the Catholic Faith fit together into one beautiful plan of God designed to bring us to authentic happiness. The next session will be covering the section in the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on ’The Tradition of Prayer’ and ’The Life of Prayer’. ‘The Main Event’ begins with Evening Prayer, followed by the presentation with Q&A, small group discussion, and social time (with snacks)! ‘The Main Event’ is held weekly on Tuesday evenings 6:30—8:30 pm at St. Patrick. Check the website for more details, including the full schedule and topics of each gathering.

Bible Study on Acts Begins Thursday, April 16th Do you desire to grow in your knowledge and love of Christ through the study of the Scriptures? If so, then you are invited to a new Bible Study on the Acts of the Apostles beginning April 16th. Thursdays, April 16th-July 16th 6:00—7:00 pm Holy Redeemer Library Since Acts is all about how the Holy Spirit continued the work of Jesus in the early Church, there will be an emphasis on preparation for Pentecost. We will use the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament which includes in-depth commentary by Scott Hahn. There will be copies of the commentary on Acts available for $11, and of the New Testament guide for $19. There will also be ICSB Acts and ICSB New Testaments available to borrow while at the study. Feel free to come to as many sessions as you can—whether it is all of them or just one! Please contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or [email protected] with any questions or for more information. For further information on any of these programs, visit our website at, or contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or [email protected].

SCRIPTURE READINGS Monday, April 6 – Easter Monday Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday, April 7 – Easter Tuesday Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday, April 8 – Easter Wednesday Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Thursday, April 9 – Easter Thursday Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Friday, April 10 – Easter Friday Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Saturday, April 11 – Easter Saturday Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Sunday, April 12 Divine Mercy Sunday Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31

CONFESSIONS At Holy Redeemer Church: Monday – Wednesday, 4:15 – 5:00 pm Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 am At Saint Patrick Church: Saturday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION At Holy Redeemer Church: Perpetual Adoration. Eucharistic Chapel is located on the ground floor of the church, and may be reached through the side door from the parking lot. On Wednesday only, adoration is in the upper church from 9:00 am until Benediction at 5:00 pm. For more information or to sign up for a regularly scheduled hour of adoration, visit, call 608-833-0554 or email [email protected].

 FROM OUR NEIGHBORS  Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th Mass will be celebrated at 2:00 pm at the Bishop O’Connor Center with Msgr. James Bartylla, presider. Confessions will be heard from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm (your Easter confession fulfills the requirement). Rosary and prayers at 1:00 pm. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and Chaplet of Divine Mercy will follow Mass.

ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Zimbrick of Madison 608-271-1601 •


Thanks to our advertisers for their support!

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Parroquia de la Catedral  Madison, Wisconsin /ParroquiadelaCatedralMadison 

SIRVIENDO LA PARROQUIA El Reverendísimo Robert C. Morlino Obispo de Madison

Reverendo Mons. Kevin D. Holmes Párroco

Reverendo Padre José Luis Vázquez Vicario Parroquial [email protected] (608) 255-1658

Amber Cerrato Directora de Educación Religiosa [email protected] 257-5000 ext. 12

María Culligan Secretaria Bilingüe (Martes a Viernes)

[email protected] (608) 257-5000 Horario de las Misas en español: Sábados 6:30 pm Domingos 11:00 am y 6:45 pm Sacramento de Reconciliación: Sábados 5:30-6:15 pm Domingos 10:15-10:45 am Martes 6:00-8:00 pm Ministerios Litúrgicos Sábado, 11 de abril - 6:30 pm Acólitos: Mario Ramos Lectores: Alicia Ortega, María López Monitor: Adriana Mateus Hospitalidad: Christian Carlos, Agustin Carlos, Alan Ortega Domingo, 12 de abril - 11:00 am Acólitos: J. L. Guerra, Mario Domínguez Lectores: Jesús Celestino, Laura López Salmista: Adriana Castillo Monitor: C. Medina Eucaristía: Víctor Orozco Hospitalidad: Reina González, Mario Domínguez Jr., Christofer y Cesar Domínguez, J. Zumba Domingo, 12 de abril - 6:45 pm Acólitos: Gabriel Lira Lectores: Zerafin Lima Salmo: Coro Monitor: H. Méndez Hospitalidad: Nabor y José Méndez, Juan Ávila

 PARA REFLEXIONAR  Cristo ha Resucitado Es un hecho incuestionable que la felicidad navideña esta mucho mas extendida que la felicitación de la Pascua de Resurrección. Todo el mundo se felicita en las Navidades, aunque muchos no sean capaces de dar razón de lo que esas palabras expresan. Por el contrario, son muy pocos los que se felicitan en la Pascua, aunque, posiblemente, lo hagan con mayor consciencia. La historia de la Salvación es una historia de Luz. Dios es la Luz, mientras que la impotencia y el sufrimiento humano se describe en la Biblia bajo la imagen de tinieblas, hasta el punto de que el camino hacia nuestra plena felicidad se simboliza en el paso de la noche al día, de la oscuridad a la luz. “Conduciré a los ciegos por un camino que no conocen, Por sendas que no conocen los guiare; Cambiare delante de ellos las tinieblas en Luz y lo escabroso en llanura” (Is 42,16). Antes de la victoria Pascual de Cristo, el hombre vivía condenado a la oscuridad del pecado y de la muerte, dos enemigos imbatibles que nos tapaban la Luz de Dios. El plan divino de redención del mundo asumió nuestra noche, para transformarla en luz. Cristo se hizo pecado (2 Cor. 5,21), y padeció bajo el poder de la muerte, para vencer al enemigo en su propio terreno. La Resurrección de Cristo transformó la noche en día; la gracia vence al pecado y la vida derrota a la muerte. Así lo proclamamos en el Pregón Pascual: Esta es la noche en que la columna de fuego esclareció las tinieblas del pecado…. Esta es la noche de la que estaba escrito: Será la noche clara como el día, la noche iluminada por mi gozo….”. La Noche de la Purificación: Pero todavía falta algo para culminar la Historia de la Salvación. Nos referimos a la necesidad de que cada uno de nosotros haga suyo ese tesoro que es la Gracia. No basta con el anuncio de que la Luz de Cristo vence a las tinieblas, sino que es necesario que ese acontecimiento tenga lugar en cada uno de nosotros, es decir, que lo personalicemos en nuestro interior. La reflexión que hoy hacemos sobre esta noche, nos llena de esperanza ante las situaciones de oscuridad o soledad, que podamos atravesar a lo largo de nuestra vida. ¡Cristo ha Resucitado! Y, en consecuencia, tenemos sobradas razones para la confianza y la alegría. ¡Feliz Pascua de Resurrección!.

Padre José Luis Vázquez

 NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES  Grupo de Oración “Jesús Divina Misericordia” Les invitamos a unirnos en oración este martes 7 de abril a las 6:30 pm. Si es la primera vez que se animan a orar en grupo, no se preocupen, vengan y únanse a nosotros. Juntos rezamos el Santo Rosario, la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, entre otras oraciones. Les esperamos.

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Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección 5 de abril de 2015

 EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA  Se les recuerda a todos los padres y alumnos que las clases se reanudarán el domingo 12 de abril. El ensayo para la Primera Comunión está programado para el sábado, 11 de abril, a las 9:00 am, con la Primera Comunión el domingo 12 de abril a las 1:30 pm.

 NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES  Próximas Platicas de Bautismo miércoles, mayo 27 Las platicas son de 7 a 9:30 de la noche en el comedor de la Iglesia de Holy Redeemer. Para inscribirse en las clases y/o separar fecha de bautismo, llamen a María a la oficina de la parroquia, 257-5000, de martes a viernes de 8:30 am a 12:00 m y de 1:00 a 2:00 pm.

Próximas Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana La comunidad hispana de la Parroquia de la Catedral tendrá diversas actividades para ayudarnos a crecer en la fe y amor a Dios—Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, y a nuestra Santísima Madre. Si gusta ayudar, llame a la oficina de la parroquia y pregunte por María (257-5000) Abril 12: * Día de la Divina Misericordia—Comenzando a las 11:00 am con Misa, concluyendo a las 3:00 pm con la Coronilla. * Primeras Comuniones—Misa 1:30 pm Abril 17: Película (no para niños) en el comedor de la iglesia—6:30 pm Abril 18: Retiro para Quinceañeras—2:00 pm Abril 24: Hora Santa de Adoración—6:00 pm a 7:00 pm Junio 7: Procesión de Corpus Cristi al Capitolio—12:30 pm Septiembre 12: Peregrinación—9:00 am

Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia Por el día de la Divina Misericordia, que es el domingo 12 de abril, el grupo de oración “Jesús a la Humanidad” les invitan a conocer mas de la Misericordia del Señor y del inmenso amor que Él tiene por nosotros, Sus hijos. La Novena de la Divina Misericordia, con la recitación de la Coronilla comenzó el viernes 3 de abril, y termina el sábado 11 de abril. Las personas deben estar en estado de gracia, pueden confesarse hasta una semana antes del día de la Fiesta, para poder recibir a Jesús en la Santa Eucaristía. Para las personas que hacen esto, Jesús les hizo esta promesa: “Durante esta novena, concederé a las almas toda clase de gracias” (Diario, 796) El domingo 12, meditaremos las promesas que Nuestro Señor dio a todos nosotros por medio de Santa Faustina, tendremos una Cruzada de Oración, y a las 3:00 pm recitaremos la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia como lo ha pedido nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Están todos invitados a participar el domingo 12 de abril a las 12:30 pm, después de la Misa de las 11:00 am en el comedor de Holy Redeemer. Antes de comenzar nuestras oraciones, tendremos un pequeño almuerzo. El almuerzo, que además trae bebida y postre, no tiene precio, pero su contribución voluntaria en “la cajita” será grandemente apreciada. Para anotarse, y saber cuantas personas vendrán, o si tienen preguntas, por favor llamen a María al 257 - 5000. Gracias y que Dios les bendiga.

LOS SACRAMENTOS Requisitos para Bautismo  Padres y padrinos deben asistir a una platica pre-bautismal por lo menos un mes antes del Bautismo. Llamar a María a la oficina para anotarse en las clases.  Los padres, si es la primera vez que bautizan en la Parroquia de la Catedral, o ha pasado mas de 3 años desde la ultima vez que bautizaron, deben recibir las clases pre-bautismales.  Los padrinos, si son pareja, deberán presentar copia del acta de su matrimonio católico. Recuerden que las personas que no estén casadas por la Iglesia y vivan juntas como pareja o familia no pueden ser padrinos de Bautismo. Si los padrinos no son pareja, pero tienen sus respectivas parejas y no son casadas por la iglesia, tampoco pueden ser padrinos.  Las personas que piensan ser padrinos, deben ser católicos practicantes: Bautizados católico, Confirmados, asistir frecuentemente a Misa, acudir al Sacramento de la Confesión y poder recibir la Sagrada Comunión.  Después de haber recibido la charla, deben ir a la oficina parroquial llevando los siguientes documentos: Copia del acta de nacimiento del niño(a), Copia del acta de Matrimonio Católico de los padrinos, constancia que los padrinos han recibido las charlas pre bautismales. Copia de documento de identidad con foto de padres y padrinos.  Los padrinos deben ser miembros inscritos de alguna parroquia católica, y hacer firmar un formato, que se les entregará el primer día de clases, por su párroco. Requisitos para Matrimonio  Los novios deben presentar: A) Acta de bautismo actualizada para matrimonio; B) Copia del acta de nacimiento. D) Si están casados por lo civil, presentar copia del acta; E) Acta de confirmación.  En caso de que a alguno de los contrayentes le faltara algún sacramento, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para mayor información o inscribirse en el programa de educación religiosa para adultos. Asistir a 3 platicas dadas por la diócesis: A) Amor Real. B) Plan de Dios. C) Tomar una clase de Planificación Familiar Natural. La clase se puede tomar también por internet. Mayor información de las clases en: MarriageandFamily/MarriagePreparation/ PreparacionMatrimonialenEspanol.aspx

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