Name: Class: Date: Spanish III Chapters 7-12 Final Review

Name:______________________ Class:________________ Date:______________ Spanish III Chapters 7-12 Final Review Vocabulary For chapters 7-12, you mus

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Spanish III Chapters 7-12 Final Review Vocabulary For chapters 7-12, you must know all the vocabulary and how to apply it in a sentence. Grammar Chapter 7 The subjunctive begins! We use the indicative tense to talk about facts or actual events. In chapter seven we learned to use the subjunctive to say what one person asks, hopes, tells, insists or requires someone to do subject + decir/querer/recomendar/sugerir + que + different subject + subjunctive Yo quiero que Juan vote mañana. For -ar endings use regular present tense -er endings (indicative) Votar que vote que votemos que votes que voten que vote For -er, & -ir use regular present tense -ar endings (indicative) Recibir que reciba que recibas que reciba que recibamos que reciban For most verbs, the present subjunctive is formed by following these three steps: 1. Start with the yo form of the present indicative. 2. Then drop the -o ending. 3. Finally, add the following endings: -ar verbs: -e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, en -er and -ir verbs: -a, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an

Stem-changing -ar/-er verbs have the stem change in all except the nosotros form. que encuentre

que encontremos

que encuentres que encuentre

que encuentres

Hint verbs for the subjunctive: es mejor, es necesario, es importante Irregular verbs in the subjunctive: hacer - que hagan conocer - que conozcan contribuir - que contribuyas More irregular verbs Infinitive

Present subjunctive










The Passive Voice with SER The past participle can be combined with the verb "ser" to express the passive voice. This construction is used when an action is being described. The agent is introduced with the word "por." Here is the formula to follow for this construction:: RECIPIENT of ACTION + SER + PAST PARTICIPLE + POR + AGENT Examples: La casa fue construida por los carpinteros. The house was built by the carpenters.

Chapter 8 Irregular verbs in the subjuctive DISHES - know how to conjugate them, pg. 275 Dar, Ir, Ser, Haber, Estar, Saber Dar






yo Tú él/ella/ud Nosotros Ellos/Ellas Uds.

MDM Mentir, Dormir, Medir Mentir



yo Tú él/ella/ud Nosotros Ellos/Ellas Uds.

El Presente Perfecto del Subjuntivo • • •

When we want to express our hopes, doubts, disbelief, or uncertainty about actions in the past, we use the present perfect subjunctive. To form the present perfect subjunctive, we use the present subjunctive of the verb haber with a past participle. Formula: Present subjunctive of haber + past participle (ado/ido)

Write the present subjunctive of haber: yo Tú él/ella/ud Nosotros

• • •

Ellos/Ellas Uds. Example: Dudo que los extraterrestres hayan trazado las líneas de Nazca. Remember to put negative words and object or reflexive pronouns before the verb haber. Example: María iba a escribir una carta pero no creo que lo haya hecho.

Chapter 9 Affirmative Commands To give an affirmative command, we usually use the present indicative Ud./él/ella form.


Llenar – (Tú) Llena la solicitud.

Escribir – (Tú) Escribe con bolígrafo.

Incluir - (Tú) Incluye una carta de recomendación.

Irregular affirmative commands: (pg. 45)

tener hacer ser salir poner decir ir

Negative Commands with Tú •

To give an negative command, we usually use the present subjunctive form of tú.


Llenar – (Tú) No llenes la solicitud.

Escribir – (Tú) No escribas con lápiz.

Incluir- (Tú) No incluyas fotos.

Verbs that have irregular or stem changing forms in the present subjunctive have those same forms in the negative tú commands. (Review pg.275)

Example: No seas impaciente. El gerente llegará pronto.

Object and Reflexive Pronouns •

They go BEFORE negative commands.

Example: No te preocupes por ganar más dinero sino por trabajar bien.

El Subjuntivo en Cláusulas Adjectivas (pg. 311) We use an entire clause to describe a noun= adjective clause. When we have a specific person or thing in mind, we use the indicative. Example:______________________________________________________________ If we do not have a specific person or thing in mind or if we are not sure the person or thing exists, we use the subjunctive. Example:_______________________________________________________________ We also use the subjunctive in an adjective clause when it describes a negative word such as nadie, nada, or ninguno. Example:__________________________________________________________________

El Subjuntivo con Cuando(pg. 312) •

We use the subjunctive after cuando to discuss something that has not yet occurred or that may or may not happen in the future.

Example: Voy a trabajar en una oficina de turismo cuando aprenda a hablar francés. •

We use the indicative when an event will definitely take place or if it occurs regularly.

Example: Los domingos, cuando tengo tiempo, siempre les escribo a mis abuelos. Chapter 10 Mandatos Afirmativos y Negativos con Ud. y Uds. (pg. 343)

The affirmative and negative commands for Ud. & Uds. Is the same in the present subjunctive. Ud.


explicar obedecer decir •

As with the negative tú commands, verbs that have irregular forms in the present subjunctive have the same irregular forms in the Ud. And Uds. Commands. (See pg. 275 for list) Object and Reflexive Pronouns

ATTACHED at the end of affirmative commands, but go before negative commands.

Examples: Quédese aquí un momento, señor.

No lo compre, señora.

El sunjuntivo con Expresiones de Emoción (pg. 346) •

Use the subjunctive after verbs and expressions that indicate emotions.

Example emotions: asombrar, preocupar, sorprender, and temer.

Ex: Tememos que los jueces no castiguen a los criminales.

Other emotion phrases: alegrarse de, sentir, temer, and tener miedo.


Chapter 11 El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo (pg. 381) •

If the main verb is in the present subjuctive, we use the present subjuntive.

If the main verb is in the preterite or imperfect, we use the imperfect subjunctive. It is relatively easy to form, as long as you remember your preterite.

Three steps to success. 1) Take the Ellos/ellas/uds. form of the verb in the preterite. 2)

Take off the ending (ron)


Add the new set of endings: -ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -ran

It’s the same for ar, er and ir verbs, regular and irregular. Luchar



yo Tú él/ella/ud Nosotros Ellos/Ellas Uds. •

-ir stem changing verbs and i-y spelling changing verbs keep their same spelling changes.

Seguir – siguieran Construir – construyeran Contribuir -contribuyeran El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo: Verbos Irregulares (pg. 382-383) Ir/Ser que fuera que fueras que fuera que fuéramos que fueran

Estar haber poder poner

tener hacer querer decir dar saber traer venir Chapter 12 El condicional (pg. 415) •

We use the conditional in Spanish to express what we would do or what a situation would be like.

Endings: -ía, ías, -ía, íamos, -ían

• Irregular Conditional Verbs: tener decir haber hacer poder poner querer saber salir venir El Imperfecto con si •

We use the imperfect subjunctive after si when a situation is unlikely, impossible, or not true. We use the conditional in the rest of the sentence.

Ex: Si hablaras japonés, podrías trabajar para esa compañía.

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