My brothers and sisters in Christ, The angel Gabriel visited Mary and said to her, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” Saint Luke tells

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Story Transcript

My brothers and sisters in Christ, The angel Gabriel visited Mary and said to her, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” Saint Luke tells us she pondered what this greeting meant. No one had ever spoken to her in such a way. In 1858, 23 years after our parish was dedicated to Mary the Immaculate Conception, when Bernadette Soubirous in the small French town of Lourdes asked the lady who was appearing to her what her name was, the woman said to her, “I am the Immaculate Conception.” After Bernadette ran to the parish priest and told him what the lady said, he asked her if she knew what this meant. She did not. Nor did she know that four years prior, the Pope in Rome had solemnly defined what the faithful had believed for centuries: that from the moment of her conception, Mary - by the singular grace of God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ - was preserved immune from original sin. Many people still don’t understand what this means. Some misunderstand the Immaculate Conception as concerning the conception and birth of Jesus. Yet whether we understand the definition correctly or struggle with it, it is something for all of us to ponder as we seek to live free from sin and believe that Jesus came to take away our sins and free us one day from the power of sin. Mary received the gift from the moment of her conception what we hope to be free from for all eternity. This feast day is a day of obligation. We are obliged to gather in Thanksgiving with one another to thank Jesus for coming to save us through this woman, Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother. May you have a beautiful feast day. - Father Michael CLOSING OF THE ANNIVERSARY YEAR The year marking the 175th Anniversary of Saint Mary’s is coming to a close. So many blessings were showered upon us this year. Cardinal O’Malley was unable to visit us to close the year due to his schedule change and requirement that he be in Rome that weekend, so we will invite him back in the next few months. I hope to say a few words over the next few weeks and also thank everyone who took part and assisted with making all the different celebrations happen. Special thanks to Ellie Boucher for all her hard work in researching and writing the parish history series in the bulletin. We have all learned much more about our parish and town through her diligent efforts. And when you know more you can love more. Thank you, Ellie, for helping us love our parish more than we could a year ago. THIS WEEK’S BULLETIN COVER The Immaculate Conception Taken by one of St. Mary’s pilgrims last month, this photo depicts the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes at the Grotto of Massabielle, just as she appeared to the young Bernadette Soubirous. Beneath the statue are Mary's words: "I am the Immaculate Conception."

MASS INTENTIONS The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week: Saturday, December 4 4:00 PM - Joan & Sam Cetrano - Memorial Sunday, December 5 8:00 AM - Mary Johnstone - Birthday Anniversary 10:00 AM - Parish and Parishioners Monday, December 6 12:10 PM - Nicola Paola - Anniversary Tuesday, December 7 12:10 PM - Keith McClean - Memorial, one year Wednesday, December 8 12:10 PM - William Ruggelo - 23rd Anniversary Thursday, December 9 12:10 PM - Sheila Clasby - 47th Anniversary Friday, December 10 12:10 PM - Philomena (Phyllis) Cotone - Month’s Mind Saturday, December 11 4:00 PM - Catherine A. Feeley - 20th Anniversary Sunday, December 12 8:00 AM - Parish and Parishioners 10:00 AM - Joseph and Barbara Keefe - Memorial Those requesting a weekend Mass Intention are asked to make themselves known to the cantor or celebrant at least ten minutes before the Mass if they would like to serve as gift bearers for that liturgy. 1,210 people participated in all the Masses last weekend and contributed a total of $5,281 to the weekly collection. PLEASE PRAY FOR. . .  Larry Melanson - may he rest in peace.  Ed Scheipers  Erving  Bill Nolan  Maisie McClellan  Theresa Pelrine If you know someone who needs prayers, please stop by the rectory or call and leave your prayer intentions with Mary. ST. VINCENT DePAUL In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist urges us to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” This is what Advent is all about. We are called to help prepare the way of the Lord by making the real meaning of Christmas come alive in our own hearts, in our family, and in reaching out to those in need. Together we can help the suffering and poor to celebrate Christmas. Please place your donations in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes at the Church doors. Come Lord Jesus, give us the grace to keep Jesus absolutely central in our lives, to prepare the way of the Lord, and to bring love and compassion to the poor and the forgotten. Amen.

HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION - DECEMBER 8th Wednesday, December 8th is our parish feast day, the Immaculate Conception, and a Holy Day of Obligation. MASS SCHEDULE: 7:30 AM 12:10 PM 7:00 PM - SPANISH ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS The next Mass scheduled for the sick with the anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, December 6th at 12:10. MAGNIFICAT ADVENT COMPANIONS This week, copies of the Magnificat Advent Companion are available at the doors of the Church. These small booklets provide reflections on the Gospel passage for each day of Advent. Please take them for you and for friends. We ask for $2.00 to cover purchase costs. 133 CLUB NUMBERS If you are looking for a gift idea, please remember a 133 Club number is a great gift for someone. The odds of winning are excellent. $2000 is distributed each month. A letter is sent to every member with the names of the winners as well as a description of what is happening at Saint Mary’s. The cost of a number is $55 a year. You can call the rectory if you would like to purchase a number for someone. END OF YEAR/TAX SEASON Sometimes parishioners like to make charitable contributions at this time of year. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to Saint Mary’s or the Saint Vincent DePaul Society. Thank you for your consideration. CHRISTMAS DECORATION FUND Anyone who would like to make a donation for Christmas decorations in memory of someone or for a particular intention can fill out the information on one of the sheets at the Church doors or fill out the information below. You can drop these into the collection basket or mail them to the Rectory. We suggest a $25 donation but any contribution is welcome and appreciated.

DONATION FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS (We suggest a $25 donation but any contribution is welcome & appreciated.)

NAME _______________________________________ INTENTION___________________________________ ______________________________________________


As a new Church year begins, it is time to take a fresh look at your marriage and enrich your relationship to what God intended for you. Let Worldwide Marriage Encounter give you tools to increase your Sacramental Sign. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends in New England are January 14-16, February 11-13, and March 18-20. For more information, additional dates, and registration, call 800 -710-WWME or visit our website at LECTOR WORKBOOKS The new workbooks for 2011 are available in the Sacristy. THANKS FOR THANKSGIVING Thank you to all who donated turkeys and food to families in need this past holiday. Parishioners provided beautiful gift baskets. We also received assistance from the great staff over at RTN Federal Credit Union and St. Joseph’s Parish in Needham. Saint Jude’s SVDP also sent over some turkeys. The Saint Vincent DePaul Society provided a great deal of food to people in need, even more than they donate each week and also provided twenty $25 gift cards to Seniors in the Parish. GIVING TREE Please pick up your ornaments from the Giving Tree this week. Each ornament is for a girl or boy and indicates his or her age. Please be sure the ornament is securely fixed to your WRAPPED gift when you place it under the tree by December 19th.

THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU This Advent on Wednesday December 15th and Wednesday December 22nd from 6:30 - 8:00PM, Saint Mary’s and all the parishes and chapels of the Archdiocese of Boston will be open for individual confessions. Inviting Catholics to experience Christ’s healing love through the Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the major initiatives of Cardinal Seán and the Archdiocese this year. The Archdiocese has set up a website,, to help you prepare. It has videos on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, sheets on how to make a good confession, answers to frequently-asked questions and more. Please make plans to come on these Wednesdays and spread the word of this special outreach of mercy to those you know. FRIDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoration of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament begins every Friday following the 12:10 Mass. The Blessed Sacrament is now exposed until 7:00PM. This change is answering the request of parishioners who wish to spend more time in adoration. Please come spend some time in front of the Lord and spread the word to all who wish to come and pray.

PSALM LXVIII God’s Triumphal Procession God arises; his enemies are scattered, and those who hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so are they driven; as wax melts before the fire, so the wicked perish before God. But the just rejoice and exult before God; they are glad and rejoice. Sing to God, chant praise to his name, extol him who rides upon the clouds, Whose name is the Lord; exult before him. The father of orphans and the defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling. God gives a home to the forsaken; he leads forth prisoners to prosperity; only rebels remain in the parched land. O God, when you went forth at the head of your people, when you marched through the wilderness, the earth quaked; it rained from heaven at the presence of God, the God of Israel, the One of Sinai. A bountiful rain you showered down, O God, upon your inheritance; you restored the land when it languished; your flock settled in it; in your goodness, O God, you provided it for the needy. The Lord gives the word; women bear the glad tidings, a vast army: “Kings and their hosts are fleeing, and the household shall divide the spoils. Though you rested among the sheepfolds, the wings of the dove shone with silver, and her pinions with a golden hue. While the Almighty dispersed the kings there, snow fell on Zalmon.” High the mountains of Bashan; rugged the mountains of Bashan. Why look you jealously, you rugged mountains, at the mountain God has chosen for his throne, where the Lord himself will dwell forever? The chariots of God are myriad, thousands on thousands; the Lord advances from Sinai to the sanctuary. You have ascended on high, taken captives, received men as gifts - even rebels; the Lord God enters his dwelling. Blessed day by day be the Lord, who bears our burdens; God, who is our salvation. God is a saving God for us; the Lord, my Lord, controls the passageways of death. Surely God crushes the heads of his enemies, the hairy crowns of those who stalk about in their guilt. The Lord said: “I will fetch them back from Bashan; I will fetch them back from the depths of the sea, So that you will bathe your feet in blood; the tongues of your dogs will have their share of your enemies.” They view your progress, O God, the progress of my God, my King, into the sanctuary; the singers lead, the minstrels follow, in their midst the maidens play on timbrels. In your choirs bless God; bless the Lord, you of Israel’s wellspring! There is Benjamin, the youngest, leading them; the princes of Judah in a body, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali. Show forth, O God, your power, the power, O God, with which you took our part; for your temple in Jerusalem

let the kings bring you gifts. Rebuke the wild beast of the reeds, the herd of strong bulls and the bullocks, the nations. Let them prostrate themselves with bars of silver; scatter the peoples who delight in war. Let nobles come from Egypt; let Ethiopia extend its hands to God. You kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, chant praise to the Lord who rides on the heights of the ancient heavens. Behold, his voice resounds, the voice of power: “Confess the power of God!” Over Israel is his majesty; his power is in the skies. Awesome in his sanctuary is God, the God of Israel; he gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God! MASS TRANSLATION We are now focusing on the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This week we discuss the: EUCHARISTIC PRAYER ORIGINS PART II Whether the Last Supper was an actual Passover meal has long been debated. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke say it was, whereas John’s Gospel implies it was not. Various attempts have been made to reconcile the two accounts. At any rate, the Last Supper had strong Passover connotations for the early Christians. But what is especially significant is that Jesus, while using the traditional meal berakoth (blessing), gave them a new dimension with his words “This is my body” and “This is my blood.” The memorial interpolation within the third section of the prayer over the cup might have been the occasion for Christ to explain his command “Do this in memory of me.” The apostles continued to gather for table fellowship after Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. When they gathered to break bread, they did so “in memory” of the Lord. The traditional Jewish prayer forms over the bread and cup were used, although they were understood and perhaps somewhat altered in light of the primitive community’s experience of the Lord. But already in apostolic times a process of simplification and unification occurred, perhaps in conjunction with the separation of the eucharist from the regular meal. Since the prayer over the bread was so brief, the more lengthy and theologically developed blessing over the cup was used as the basis for a prayer of praise and thanksgiving said over the bread and the wine together. It is from this prototype that the eucharistic prayer evolved. There were no liturgical books: the presiding minister merely improvised over the berakah’s structure with its themes of praise, thanksgiving, and supplication. A more explicit Christological coloring and expansion were eventually given these motifs, and secondary elements were added or elaborated at different points in the common basic structure. It was only in the fourth century that the improvised gave way to fixed forms which differed according to geographic regions. MORE ON THIS NEXT WEEK.

Santa María de Waltham Información de la Oficina Dirección: 133 School Street Waltham MA 02451 Rectoría: 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-642-0602 Email: [email protected] Website:

133 CLUB Hay números listos para tomarlos para la rifa mensual. los premios son varios desde $25.00 a $1,000.00. Las registraciones están en las puertas de la Iglesia, inscríbase ahora.

Directivo Parroquial Párroco: Rev. Michael Nolan Rev. Gabino Oliva Macias Diacono: Eduardo R. Mora, Director del Centro de Inmigración Asistente de Coordinación de Catecismo: Milie Colon. Coordinadores de Coro: Iván Colon, María Elena Aviles, Maritza Pérez, Vidal Hernández. Coordinadora de lectores: Mariela Contreras

Juan XXIII Todos los lunes de 7:00 a 8:30 p. m. en el edificio de Educación Religiosa

Centro de Inmigración Juan Pablo II El horario de servicio en el Centro de Inmigración es el siguiente: Lunes a Jueves de 10:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Los sábados de 12:00p. m. a 3:00 p.m. y los domingos después de la Misa por una hora. Estamos para servirles.

Horario de las Misas Miércoles y Viernes a las 7:00 P.M. y los domingos a las 11:30 A.M. Confesiones De Lunes a jueves a las 11:30 a.m. Viernes a las 11:00 a.m. y sábado de 3:00-3:45 p.m. Domingo 11:00 a.m. antes de la Misa.

Grupo de oración Todos los domingos de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. en el Hall de la Iglesia, Legión de María Todos los domingos desde las 10:00 a.m. en el edificio de Educación Religiosa. Grupo de Jóvenes Todos los martes desde las 7:00 a 9:00 P.M. en el Hall de la Iglesia y todos los primeros martes del mes hay Adoración al Santísimo. La semana pasada acudieron a las Misas un total de 1,210 personas, y el total de la colecta de todas las Misas fueron de $5,281. Gracias por su colaboración.

Atención es importante QUINCEAÑERAS Y

PRESENTACION DE NIÑOS. Las presentaciones de los niños a la comunidad serán solo el primer domingo de cada mes, en la que los Matrimonios bebes se los preparara para que reciban la unción de Por favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia catecúmenos, y así queden listos para recibir lo mas Para la fecha del curso de pre-cana y para los arreglos pronto el Sacramento del Bautizo. necesarios o hablar con el Diacono Eduardo. Las celebraciones de quinceañera serán para las jóvenes que estén en el programa de Confirmación Bautismos Todos los primeros domingos del mes después de la Mi- solamente. sa, es el día de orientación del Bautizo, en el Edificio de Como siempre en este tiempo de Adviento tiempo Educación Religiosa, y el segundo domingo del cada de espera para recibir al Señor Jesus en nuestro corames son los Bautizos, después de la Misa en la Iglesia. zones, verán en las puertas de la Iglesia unas paginas para colaborar con el arreglo de la Iglesia en este Comunión tiempo de la Navidad; y en la parte de abajo del papel Si conoce a alguien que necesita la Sagrada Comunión en su casa, hospital o Asilo de Ancianos pueden poner el motivo de su donación, el Señor los “Nursing Home”, hablar con el uno de los Sacerdotes bendecirá abundantemente o al Diacono Eduardo Mora.

Cambios en nuestra Iglesia. El Santo Padre a aprobado una nueva traducción de la Misa. Estos cambios se implementara el próximo año. La razón por esta nueva tradición es para acercarnos a las oraciones en latín, y atraer lo hermoso de las oraciones originales. En preparación para estos cambios incluimos en le boletín una pequeña reflexión en cada parte de la Misa. Los últimos meses hemos venido enfocando la primera parte de la palabra en la liturgia de la Misa, ahora nos enfocaremos en la Liturgia de la Eucaristía. Oración de la plegaria su origen parte I. Hay casi un acuerdo universal que da origen de la plegaria eucarística, y que fue fundada en una serie de oraciones requeridas en la cena de los judíos. Esto asume gran importancia en las fechas santa de la semana santa. En le comienzo de la comida, el padre de familia o e que preside la comunidad pronuncia una oración judía de la bendición, en hebreo como el Berakah, que bendijo y alaba a Dios: “Bendito seas, Señor, nuestro Dios, rey del mundo, que ha traído el pan del cielo” el pan era partido y distribuido a los presentes. Los diferentes cursos de la comida sigue con la comida de semana santa, que se distingue por loa alimentos especiales de oración, y la recitación de la Haggadah. La Haggadah interpretando el significado especial de la fiesta como uno que estaba haciendo presente mas obras libertadoras de Dios en el pasado y que aplicaron sus poderes en las celebraciones de la fiesta. Hacia el final de la comida y con una copa de vino el que preside, dice otra mas amplia solemne de berakah, después de un dialogo inicial que consistía en tres secciones. El primero alaba a Dios por toda la creación, en especial la creación de la vida, el segundo era una accion de gracia, por la historia entera de la salvación, es decir, para una tierra deseable y amplia, para un pacto, por la ley, la tercera sección era una suplica de la accion de Dios creativo y redentor para que su accion siga y renueva , sobre todo en la venida del Mesías y la restauración de la casa de David. Como siempre en este tiempo de Adviento tiempo de espera para recibir al Señor Jesus en nuestro corazones, verán en las puertas de la Iglesia unas paginas para colaborar con el arreglo de la Iglesia en este tiempo de la Navidad; y en la parte de abajo del papel pueden poner el motivo de su donación, el Señor los bendecirá abundantemente

$25.00. se reparten $200.00 cada mes. Y ahora que se acerca las navidades que regalo mas perfecto de obsequiar. Para registrarse llame a la rectoría o hable con algún sacerdote o diacono. Hoy domingo 5 de Diciembre como se ha estado anunciando, los padres podrán mandar a los niños a la parte de debajo de la Iglesia durante el Evangelio y la homilía, el Padre Michael estar con ellos dándole una homilía de acuerdo a su edad, se sigue necesitando voluntarios para este tiempo pro favor dirigirse a los sacerdotes o diacono. Gracias. Clase de alfabetización, queremos empezar pronto y tenemos 4 estudiantes y seria bueno tener mas para la clase de alfabetización, ya que es una buena oportunidad para cambiar la vida de muchos al aprender a escribir y leer nuestro idioma, no hay que tener vergüenza por no saber leer o escribir, hay que tener vergüenza por no querer aprender. No perdamos esta oportunidad de mejorar y valernos por nosotros mismos, si te considerar amigo de alguien que necesita leer y escribir , anímale a que se registre para este curso y sentirás que haz hecho algo bueno por alguien. La luz es para usted, este adviento el miércoles 15 y el miércoles 22 de 6:30 a 8:30 P. M. en Santa Maria como en otras Iglesia y capillas de la Arquidiócesis de Boston habrá confesiones individuales. Inviten a otros católicos a experimentar la sanación del Señor a través del sacramento de la Reconciliación. La Arquidiócesis tiene una pagina en el Internet The que les ayudara a la preparación de la confesión como tener una buena confesión respuestas a frecuentes preguntas. Por favor planifique en cualquier de esos miércoles y anuncie en su vecindad a cerca de la luz es para usted. En el árbol de navidad que esta en la Iglesia, por favor recoja una tarjeta para que pueda ayudar a algún niño necesitado, tendrá que envolver el regalo y ponerlo bajo el árbol.

Próximo Sábado habrá la gran vigilia a la Virgen de Guadalupe en la Iglesia de la catedral, será desde las 6:00 P. M. hasta las 10:00 P. M. mas o menos tendremos un bus para movilizarnos a la catedral, interesados por favor registrarse después de la Misa el precio del bus será alrededor de $8.00 por persona, la perClub 133, es un amanera de ayudar a nuestra Iglesia sona que se registre tendrá que pagar ese mismo inshaciéndose mimbre de este club, cuesta $55.00 por el tante. año , y puede ganar dinero también, es decir ayuda y gana, hay un premios desde $1000.00 hasta muchas de

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