PowerPoint Slides English Text Spanish Translation. Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Video Transcript

PowerPoint Slides Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians English Text Spanish Translation Cancer Survivorship Management for P

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Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians

English Text

Spanish Translation

Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Video Transcript

Transcripción del video sobre gestión de sobrevivientes del cáncer para médicos de cuidado primario

Professional Oncology Education Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Time: 38:38

Educación Oncológica Profesional Gestión de sobrevivientes del cáncer para médicos de cuidado primario Duración: 38:38

Lewis E. Foxhall, M.D. Vice President Health Policy, Office of the Executive Vice President, Physician-in-Chief The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. Lewis E. Foxhall Vicepresidente Políticas de Salud, Oficina del Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Jefe Médico MD Anderson Cancer Center, Universidad de Texas

Hello, I’m Lewis Foxhall, VP for Health Policy at MD Anderson and I appreciate your attention for this presentation: Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians.

Hola, soy Lewis Foxhall, Vicepresidente de Políticas de Salud en el MD Anderson Cancer Center y describiré la gestión de sobrevivientes del cáncer para médicos de cuidado primario.

Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Lewis E. Foxhall , M.D. Vice President Health Policy, Office of the Executive Vice President, Physician-in-Chief

M. D. Anderson Cancer Center • Houston, Texas


Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians US Cancer Survivor Prevalence 12,000,000




Cancer survivorship is an issue that has become more prevalent over the last several years. As you can see from this first slide, the number of cancer survivors has increased dramatically over the last several years. And there are almost 12 million cancer survivors in the United States today. So this is a very prevalent problem and something that you will certainly see in your practices.

La supervivencia al cáncer se ha vuelto más prevalente en los últimos años. Esta diapositiva muestra que el número de sobrevivientes del cáncer ha aumentado drásticamente en los últimos años. Actualmente, existen en los Estados Unidos casi 12 millones de sobrevivientes, por lo cual este es un problema prevalente en nuestra práctica profesional.

Cancer survivors are of many different sorts, as you can see here in this breakdown of cancer survivors by site. Female breast cancer survivors and prostate cancer survivors in men are the most common, followed by colorectal cancer, gynecologic cancers, hematologic and urinary tract; melanoma, and thyroid making up smaller proportions, and then a number of other cancers contributing another 11 percent. So as you can see, this is an issue that’s predominated by several very common cancer types and these you will certainly encounter frequently.

Como vemos en este gráfico, hay muchas clases de sobrevivientes, según el órgano afectado. Los sobrevivientes más comunes son mujeres con cáncer de mama y hombres con cáncer de próstata, seguidos por pacientes con cáncer colorrectal, ginecológico, hematológico y del tracto urinario; melanoma y tiroides en menor proporción; mientras que otros cánceres representan el 11%. Es evidente la prevalencia de varios tipos de cáncer muy comunes que ocurren con más frecuencia.






Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Cancer Survivors by Type

Thyroid 4% Melanoma 7%

Other 11% Female Breast 23%

Urinary Tract (Bladder, Kidney, Renal Pelvis) 7% Hematologic (HD, NHL, Leukemia, ALL, Myeloma) 8%

Prostate 20% Colorectal 10%

Gynecologi c 9%


Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Female Survivors - n=6.2M Thyroid 5% Ovary 3%

As we look at it from the female gender, breast cancer is the much more prevalent condition that we will encounter, followed by colorectal, hematologic, bladder, melanoma, then cervix, lung and bronchus, ovary, and thyroid.

Si consideramos a los pacientes de sexo femenino, el cáncer de mama es la condición prevalente, seguido por el cáncer colorrectal, hematológico, vesical y melanoma; luego el cáncer cervical, de pulmón y bronquios, ovario y tiroides.

On the male side, prostate cancer again contributing a very large proportion of the number of cancer survivors, followed by colorectal, then hematologic, urinary bladder, melanoma, lung and bronchus, oropharyngeal, and testicular, and then the others making up 10 percent.

En pacientes masculinos, el cáncer de próstata contribuye a una gran proporción de sobrevivientes, seguido por el cáncer colorrectal, hematológico, vesical, melanoma, de pulmón y bronquios, orofaríngeo, testicular, y otros que conforman el 10%.

Other 8%

Lung & Bronchus 3% Cervix 4%

Female Breast 43%

Melanoma 7% Urinary Bladder 8% Hematologic 7%

Colorectal 11%

Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Male Survivors - n=5.2M Testis 4% Oropharyngeal 3%

Other 10%

Lung & Bronchus 3% Melanoma 7%

Prostate 44%

Urinary Bladder 8%

Hematologic 10%

Colorectal 11%


Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians Cancer Survivors by Age < 19 Years of Age 1%

65+ Years of Age 60%

20-39 Years of Age 4%

Survivors by Duration

People in millions

Males Females


En cuanto a la edad de los sobrevivientes, predominan las personas de mayor edad, de 65 años en adelante, que en los Estados Unidos constituyen un 60% de los sobrevivientes. Sin embargo, hay un número sorprendentemente alto de sobrevivientes en el grupo etario de 40 a 64 años, que es el 35%. Hay sobrevivientes del cáncer más jóvenes, pero son una minoría.

If we consider the distribution of cancer survivors from the time of diagnosis to current, then there are of course a larger number of survivors in the time period from diagnosis to 5 years and then from 5 years on out it tapers down. But then begins to increase slightly in females as we get into the longer time periods. As you can see, the makeup of males and females in the younger, rather in the age groups that are closer to diagnosis is fairly even, but as time goes by the females predominate in the survivor population.

Si consideramos la distribución de los sobrevivientes desde el momento del diagnóstico hasta el presente, naturalmente hay un mayor número de sobrevivientes en el período del diagnóstico hasta los 5 años, que luego se reduce. A medida que avanzamos en el tiempo, el número de mujeres aumenta ligeramente. La composición de hombres y mujeres en el grupo etario más cercano al diagnóstico es bastante uniforme, pero, a medida que transcurre el tiempo, las mujeres predominan en la población sobreviviente.

40-64 Years of Age 35%

Cancer Survivorship Management for Primary Care Physicians


If we look at the age breakdown of cancer survivors it would be expected predominated by individuals in older age groups, 65 years and above, contributing about 60 percent of the cancer survivors in this country. But there is a surprisingly large number of survivors in the 40 to 64 year old age group contributing 35 percent. Certainly a number of younger cancer survivors but they are the minority.

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