Seminario: Lógicas no Clásicas: inconsistencias sin trivialidad

Seminario: Lógicas no Clásicas: inconsistencias sin trivialidad Lógicas Modales No Normales Eduardo Alejandro Barrio - Lucas Rosenblatt Universidad d
Author:  Arturo Mora Campos

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Seminario: Lógicas no Clásicas: inconsistencias sin trivialidad Lógicas Modales No Normales

Eduardo Alejandro Barrio - Lucas Rosenblatt Universidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet Buenos Aires - Primer cuatrimestre de 2016

Semana 5

Objetivos: Presentación de las lógicas modales no normales ¿Por qué aceptar la regla Nec?

- Los sistemas de lógica modal no normal son aún más débiles que K - Qué son los mundos imposibles?


Libro: Priest Introduction to non-classical Logic Cap 4 Ficha de Cátedra (OpFyL)

Sitio BA-Logic

Clase 5

Internet: Stanford Francesco Berto

Mundos no normales

-Mundos donde las condiciones de verdad de los operadores modales son especiales

Sistemas No Normales

Nec ⊢ A


Las lógicas normales “hablan de” mundos posibles. Las lógicas modales no normales también hablan de mundos imposibles. Un mundo imposible es un mundo en el cual no valen las leyes (normales) de la lógica o no se cumplen las propiedades metafísicas usuales. Para que no valga Nec deberíamos poder construir un modelo en el cual valga A (en todos los mundos) y no valga ☐A. Hay dos opciones, o interpretamos ☐ de una manera no estándar o reinterpretamos válidez.

Sistemas No Normales

Nec ⊢ A


Las lógicas no normales “hablan de” mundos posibles e imposibles. Condiciones de verdad: Los conectivos reciben valuaciones usuales en un mundo (normal y no normal) Las modalidades no - Si w es no normal, vw (☐A) = 0 & vw (♢A) = 1

(Un mundo w es no normal ssi todo es posible y nada es necesario)

- Si w es normal, vw(☐A) = 1 si para todo w′ ∈ W tal que wRw′, vw′ (A) = 1; y 0 en cualquier otro caso.

Sistemas No Normales

Nec ⊢ A


Las lógicas no normales “hablan de” mundos posibles e imposibles. Una interpretación no normal es una estructura N: mundos normales.
 W - N: mundos no normales. Validez Lógica: preservación de verdad en mundos normales Σ ⊨ A iff toda interpretación y todo w ∈ N : Si vw (B) = 1 para todo B ∈ Σ ,entonces vw (A)=1 ⊨ A iff toda interpretación y todo w ∈ N: vw (A )= 1

Sistemas No Normales

Relaciones de accesibilidad: Como en el caso de los sistemas normales, diferentes sistemas no normales se obtienen restringiendo R son propiedades (reflexividad, transitividad, etc). N es el sistema de lógica modal no normal en el cual sus modelos tienen una R sin ninguna restricción. Una extensión no normal puede obtenerse restringiendo R a relaciones de accesibilidad reflexivas (Sistema de Lewis S2).

Propiedades de los Sistemas No Normales K-models son un caso especial de N-models Por lo tanto, si la verdad se preserva en todos mundos de los N-models, entonces se preserva en todos los K-models. Es decir, K es una extensión de N. La regla Nec falla en los mundos no normales. ⊨ A v ¬A ⊨ ☐ (A v ¬A) vale en todos los mundos normales, pero no vale en los normales. ⊭☐ ☐ (A v ¬A) Condicionales estrictos y sus problemas:

A⟼B = ☐(A⊃B)

Propiedades de los Sistemas No Normales Lógica clásica ⊢B ⊃ (A⊃B)


A ⊃ (Bv¬B) (A∧¬A)⊃B Explosión

Condicional Estricto: B ⟼ (A ⟼ B) ⊢ ¬A ⟼ (A ⟼ B) Son falsas: B ⊨ (A⟼B)

¬A ⊨ (A⟼B)

Son válidas las siguientes afirmaciones (Paradojas de la Implicación estricta) ☐B ⊨ (A ⟼ B) ¬♢A ⊨ (A⟼B) ⊨A ⟼ (B v ¬B) ⊨ (A ∧ ¬A) ⟼ B

the fewer arguments will succeed, and hence fe

epistemologists, and S� has the problem with semantic rules inadditional line with those giventhat É ^ É A and É A are equivalent, etc. interpreted will be valid: all system K-based closed under entailment for K;systems however,are at non-normal modes, di�erent(e.g., something weaker is appropriate for rules, at all, areitemployed (ppossibly q) èKno q), whereas is usuallyinstead. argued that Interpretations É p, Éor Érules ecessity. If something is guaranteed knowledge is not so closed. e, is it guaranteed by a law of nature We shall examine two base systems, N and L, and exby a law of nature? (Are the laws of tensions of them. These systems weaker, separately rather Other interpretations of É worth are exploring L-interpretations ubject to laws?) than stronger than K. that…” Indeed,and it is“it possible to regard K-true include “it is proven is determinately interpretations as a subset of their interpretations, as we N-interpretations ed as appropriate for epistemic logic, that…”. Arguments may be given either way as to whether shall see. (Thus, T, S�, S�, etc., interpretations can also d as “S knows that …”. Then the prin- or not a “normal” modal logic are appropriate for these. K-interpretations be thought of as subsets.) Bear in mind the inverse relantamount to the KK-hypothesis that In addition, Priestmodels goes into detail at thethe endmore of theinterchapter tionship between and validity: hat they know that they know. Howabout a tense which adopts not one but two modalpretations overlogic which an argument must preserve truth, hesis is not terribly popular among the fewer arguments and hence fewer things operator pairs, hPi, will [P], hsucceed, Fi, [F], where these mean, respecS� has the additional problem that will be valid: Formulæ/Arguments are closed under entailment (e.g., tively sometimes in the past, always in the past, sometimes in the future and always in the future. Despite the compliq), whereas it is usually argued that Interpretations cations that inevitably result from having two pairs of closed.


operators, the semantics for such systems can be given

ns of É worth exploring separately along the same lines asL-interpretations the systems we’ve been discussing, that…” and “it is determinately true using Kripke-style worlds with di�erent restrictions on may be given either way as to whether N-interpretations accessibility, etc., making their discussion appropriate in odal logic are appropriate for these. this chapter. I didn’t think it worth our time to delve into K-interpretations es into detail at the end of the chapter these in any detail. which adopts not one but two modalP], hFi, [F], where these mean, respec{E} he past, always in the past, sometimes Formulæ/Arguments ays in the future. Despite the compliNon-normal Modal Systems and Strict bly result from having two pairs of Implication ntics for such systems can be given K-valid as the systems we’ve been discussing, worlds with di�erent restrictions on N-valid king their discussion appropriate in E.� Introduction L-valid think it worth our time to delve into


N-valid L-valid

We shall also explore extensions of N and L ar placing restrictions on their accessibility relati like D, T, S�, S�, etc., are obtained from K. T sions may not be strictly weaker than K, thoug not strictly stronger either. (They validate cert arguments K would not, and vice versa.)

The syntax of these systems is again the sam The next group of modal systems we will examine are Again, we can de�ne A J B as shorthand for non-normal in the sense that the truth conditions for É Historically these systems were explored prim and ^ they use are not, at least uniformly, taken as truth an interest in the conditional J they de�ned, c

Comparación Tanto sistemas normales como no normales son extensiones (conservativas) a la lógica clásica. - Las interpretaciones K son un subconjunto de las interpretaciones N - Los sistemas no normales son más débiles que K (prueban menos que K): hay menos fórmulas que son N-válidas que K-válidas. Problemas Filosóficos: - ¿Son rivales N y K (T - S4 - S5) respecto de la lógica clásica? - ¿Hay rivalidad legítima cuando hay extensiones conservativas de los teoremas? - ¿Podría algún hecho empírico producir tal rivalidad?

Discusión: mundos imposibles en lógica epistémica

Es verdad que uno sabe lo que es válido? (Validity) If ⊨A, then ⊨KA,


¿Por qué deberíamos creer en mundos imposibles? 1) Porque las lógicas no normales hablan (cuantifican sobre) ellos (Arg tipo Lewis) 1) Modos en los cuales el mundo podría ser… 2) Modos en los cuales el mundo podría no ser…


As far as I can see, any of the main theories concerning the nature of possible worlds can be applied equally to impossible worlds: they are existent nonactual entities; they are nonexistent objects; they are constructions out of properties and other universals; they are just certain sets of sentences. … There is, as far as I can see, absolutely no cogent (in particular, nonquestion-begging) reason to suppose that there is an ontological difference between merely possible and impossible worlds. (Priest 1997 “Sylvan's Box: A Short Story and Ten Morals”, 580–1)


¿Por qué deberíamos creer en mundos imposibles? 1) Contra-argumento: if one believes in possible worlds (of the Lewisian kind) as ways things could be or have been, then by parity of reasoning one should believe in impossible worlds (ditto) as ways things could not be or have been. But impossible worlds then are too much to swallow. So one should not believe in Lewis' modal realism.


Cap. 5 de Priest Intro. to non-classical Logic

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