St. Rose of Lima Church

St. Rose of Lima Church 269 Parkville Avenue • Brooklyn, ew York 11230 Rectory (718) 434-8040 Rev. !ukasz Trocha, Pastor Sis

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Story Transcript

St. Rose of Lima Church 269 Parkville Avenue • Brooklyn, ew York 11230 Rectory (718) 434-8040 Rev. !ukasz Trocha, Pastor Sister Maureen Sullivan, Pastoral Associate Rev. José Lopez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ilyas Gill, Pakistani Apostolate Coordinator Deacon Francis M. Pittie RECITATIO OF THE ROSARY: Monday to Friday MASS SCHEDULE: At 8:40AM before the 9:00AM Mass and after the Saturday: 5:00 PM (Satisfies Sunday Obligation) 10:45AM Mass on Sundays. Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM (Español), 10:45AM, 12:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (Urdu-Pakistani) THE DIVIE MERCY CHAPLET: Monday to Weekday: 9:00 AM Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass. Holydays: 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday: 9:00AM to 4:00PM Tuesday through Thursday: 7:00PM to 9:00PM Saturday 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 12:30PM Emergency calls at any time COFESSIOS: Saturdays from 4:00PM to 4:45PM in the lower church (or any time upon request for appointment). AOITIG OF THE SICK: The celebration of this sacrament takes place within the 9:00AM Mass on the first Saturday of each month (or any time upon request for an appointment). WEDDIGS: Couples must make an appointment with one of the parish priests at least six months prior to their intended wedding date.

MIRACULOUS MEDAL OVEA: Wednesdays after the 9:00 AM Mass. SPAISH CHARISMATIC Tuesdays at 7:00 PM.




FILIPIO APOSTOLATE: Mass and music in the Filipino language every second Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM followed by the social gathering. RELIGIOUS EDUCATIO CLASSES: Sunday morning from 9:00AM to 10:30AM.

BAPTISMS: For Baptism in English or Español, please contact Sister Maureen. Parents must register and attend a class prior to their child’s Baptism. For Baptism in Polish please contact fr. Luke. EUCHARISTIC ADORATIO AD BEEDICTIO: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Saturday morning in the lower church from 8:00AM to 9:00AM. Come at any time during this Holy Hour to pray in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord. Benediction takes place at 8:50 AM.


1st Sunday of Advent December 2nd, 2012

MASS ITETIOS SATURDAY, December 1st 9:00 Purgatorial Society (December) Antoinette Pitti, Ana Quinones, Rose Bernardo, Leo N. Milito, Paul T. Westgate, Janusz Trocha, Jaden Pierre, Jerry Pierre 5:00PM People of the Parish SUDAY, December 2nd 8:00 + Teodora Carrera 9:00 + Ella Torres 10:45 + Anna Mastellone 12:30PM (Polish) 5:00PM (Urdu) MODAY, December 3rd 9:00 + Victor Russo TUESDAY, December 4th 9:00 Souls in Purgatory & In Honor of St. Barbara WEDESDAY, December 5th 9:00 + Martin Holder THURSDAY, December 6th 9:00 Souls In Purgatory FRIDAY, December 7th 9:00 Peter Pitti - Commemoration of Birthday Vigil Mass - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30PM (Eng./Polish) 8:30PM (Spanish) SATURDAY, December 8th - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (English) 5:00PM + Thommy & Thomas Venetucci SUDAY, December 9th 8:00 People of the Parish 9:00 Belisario Cordova 10:45 + Anne M. Falvella 12:30PM (Polish) 5:00PM (Urdu) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Mary Lou Jean Baptist, Rosana Hidalgo Spigno, Betty Scharff, Dennis Egen, Jean Claude Louis - Jean, John Cortes, Teresa Campos, Marie Ricottone, Robert Ungaro, David Nocera, James Seidelbach, Josephine Rosado, William Howard, Paul Sanner, Dennis Sanner, James W. Cyprian, Kenneth Young, John Shanley WEEKLY COLLECTIO 1st Collection - Your Gift to St. Rose of Lima Parish 2nd Collection - Monthly Maintenance & Repair COLLECTIO COMPARISO Weekend of (11/24/11 - 11/25/11) $5128 Weekend of (11/26/12 - 11/27/12) $4863 DOATIOS FOR MOTH OF DECEMBER Host: In Loving Memory of Peter Wojcik Donated by Mary Savage Candles: In Loving Memory of Peter Wojcik Donated by Joan Wojcik 50/50 BOOSTER CLUB

The winners of the 50/50 Booster Club for October are Mr. & Mrs. Jose Poodikilan. Congratulations!


Our parish, along with all the churches in the Diocese of Brooklyn, will host extended adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the eve of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It will be an opportunity in this Year of Faith to pray with Mary in front of the Blessed Sacrament asking her Son to strengthen each of us with a gift of faith. We will begin with a prayer service after the morning Mass on Friday, December 7th, at 9:30AM and conclude with a solemn benediction at 7:15PM, prior to the Mass on the eve of the solemnity. Please come at any time during this period for a quiet time of prayer. If you can commit to half an hour of adoration, please fill the sign up sheet posted at the entrance of the upper and lower church. ***The Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception is a holy day of obligation. Please consult the Mass schedule. SISTERS OF ST. ELIZABETH - MISK, BELARUS

Reminder - The Sisters of St. Elizabeth will be visiting St. Rose this weekend to offer us handmade religious articles for sale. GIVIG TREE

Reminder……. All gifts are to be returned this weekend. YEAR OF FAITH

The universal Church is observing a Year of Faith which began on October 11th and will close on the Solemnity of Christ the King, November 24, 2013. As a way to celebrate this year and deepen the wonderful gift of faith which God has blessed us with, we have purchased a DVD program “Catholicism”. This is a ten-part series which illustrates the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith in a rich, multimedia experience. Each episode is approximately one hour in length. Our hope is to present one episode each month. The first will take place on Thursday, Dec. 6th, at 7:30PM in the rectory. Since space is limited, we ask that you call Sister Maureen by Wednesday, Dec. 5th, if you plan to attend. RCIA

At the 10:45 Mass next Sunday, we will celebrate the Rite of Acceptance - a ritual of the RCIA process. We will welcome Wilkens Vicioso who will be received into our faith at the Easter Vigil this year. We also welcome Daniel Mejia who was baptized as an infant and will complete his initiation into our faith through the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. As a parish community, we promise our prayers and support to them in the months ahead. PARISH TREE LIGHTIG & CAROLS

Our annual tree lighting event will be held next Saturday, Dec. 8th, after the 5PM Mass. Please join us. CHRISTMAS FLOWER EVELOPES

Please have your envelopes in by the weekend of December 15th & 16th so they can be included in the Christmas list for the weekend of December 22nd & 23rd. Additional envelopes are available at the back of the church.



Advent is a time rich in family traditions. Many of them have been so effectively absorbed into our culture that their religious origins are hidden. Some of us will set candles in our windows tonight. The custom began in Ireland during the so-called “penal” days, extending from 1691 to the “Catholic Emancipation” in 1829 and beyond. There were harsh penalties and fines for not attending the government church. Priests were forced into hiding, but people were resourceful and determined in guarding their faith. At Christmas, Irish families, particularly in the countryside, placed a lighted candle in the cottage window and left the door unlatched, hoping that a priest might come by and celebrate the Christmas Mass for them. The possibility of the Mass coming into the family home gave rise to other Irish customs at the beginning of Advent. The cottage received a fresh coat of whitewash, the threshold was swept especially clean, and fresh curtains were hung in the windows. The house was scrubbed until it gleamed, including all the pots and pans, and all garments and table linens were laundered. The custom of the Irish window candle was so admired in Catholic Europe that it was widely copied there, and now finds a welcome in households that may not exactly expect a priest to wander in!

Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Thursday: Friday:

-James Field, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.


First Reading - The days are coming when the LORD will fulfill the promise made to Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 33:14-16). Psalm - To you, O Lord, I lift my soul (Psalm 25). Second Reading - Abound in love for one another and for all (1 Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2). Gospel - Stand erect and raise your heads; your redemption is at hand (Luke 21:25-28, 34-36).


First Sunday of Advent St. Francis Xavier St. John Damascene St. Nicholas St. Ambrose; First Friday Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation)


Jeremiah could see it coming - the kingship of Jesus and the restoration of Jerusalem. But was anybody listening? Is anybody listening now? It must have been tough being a prophet, but Jeremiah was persistent in his message because he knew that it needed to be heard. Also persistent in his message is Paul as he encourages the Thessalonians - and all of us - to live in accordance with the kingship that Jeremiah foretold. He encourages us to conduct ourselves in ways of holiness so that we may be well prepared for the king’s coming. Finally, Jesus himself tells us to be ever diligent so that we may gain favor before our God and King. Jeremiah could see the kingship of Jesus coming. As we begin the season of Advent, Paul and Jesus tell us not only how to prepare for the Kingdom, but how to live it day to day. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.


There are three distinct comings of the Lord of which I know: His coming to humankind, His coming into humankind, and His coming against humankind. -St. Bernard: Third Sermon for Advent


Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;Mt 9:27-31 Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11; Lk 3:1-6


One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done. -Marie Curie - Sk!odowska


Remember that God prefers the poverty of our hearts to the most sublime thoughts borrowed from others. - St. Peter Julian Eymard

First Sunday of Advent December 2nd, 20012 I will raise up for David a just shoot; He shall do what is right and just in the land. - Jeremiah 33:15


! niedziele - godz. 12:30; soboty letnie - godz. 20:00 ! w "wi#ta ko"cielne - zapowiedziana godzina SAKRAMET POJEDAIA: ! w Pierwsze Pi$tki Miesi$ca o godz. 19:00-20:00 ! zawsze w nag!ych wypadkach lub po wcze"niejszym umówieniu si# ! w zapowiedziane soboty od godz. 16:00 (dolny ko"ció!) ! podczas rekolekcji


(POCZ(TEK OWEGO ROKU LITURGICZEGO) Pan mówi: «Oto nadchodz! dni, kiedy wype"ni# pomy$ln! zapowied%, jak! obwie$ci"em domowi izraelskiemu i domowi judzkiemu. W owych dniach i w owym czasie wzbudz# Dawidowi potomka sprawiedliwego; b#dzie on wymierza" prawo i sprawiedliwo$& na ziemi. W owych dniach Juda dost!pi zbawienia, a Jerozolima b#dzie mieszka"a bezpiecznie. To za$ jest imi#, którym j! b#d! nazywa&: "Pan nasz! sprawiedliwo$ci!". Jeremiasz 33:14-16


! narzeczeni proszeni s$ o skontaktowanie si# z kap!anem przynajmniej 6 miesi#cy przed planowan$ dat$ "lubu SAKRAMET CHRZTU:

! w trzeci$ sobot# miesi$ca o godz. 12:00 (w po!udnie) BIURO PARAFIALE:

! otwarte w godz. 9:00-16:00 & 19:00-21:00 w dni pracy; 8:00-16:30 w soboty; 9:00-12:30 w niedziele ! kontakt telefoniczny po polsku z ks. %ukaszem Trocha: u Ró&y - tel. (718) 434-8040, nast#pnie wybra& #1 w trakcie wiadomo"ci tak by us!ysze& meniu po polsku.


Msza "w. w wigili# uroczysto"ci: pi$tek 7 grudnia, godz. 19:30; Msza "w. w dzie' uroczysto"ci: sobota, godz. 9:00 rano w dolnym ko"ciele. Zapraszamy na adoracje Naj"wi#tszego Sakramentu przez ca!y pi$tem równie( w dolnej "wi$tyni. „GIVIG TREE”, CZYLI CHOIKA DOBREJ WOLI.

Zwró& uwag# na co roczn$, adwentow$ choink#, wewn$trz naszej "wi$tyni ubran$ nie ozdobami, lecz karteczkami z nazw$ prez#tu dla dziecka lub osoby starszej. I Ty mo(esz wzi$"& udzia! w akcji zakupu prez#tu dla dzieci ubogich z naszej parafii, dzieci z rodzin bezdomnych, jak i dzieci, których matki odbywaj$ wyrok w wi#zieniach. Zdejmij z choinki karteczk# z nazw$ prez#tu i z!ó( swój dar niezapakowany w orginalnym opakowaniu pod t$ sam$ choink$ do niedzieli 2-go grudnia.


Z POCZ(TKIEM OWEGO ROKU LITURGICZEGO... Nowy rok ko"cielny, liturgiczny

rozpoczyna si# dok!adnie od pierwszej niedzieli Adwentu, a ko'czy na sobocie 34. tygodnia zwyk!ego. Po drodze mamy w nim okazj# prze(y& okres Bo(ego Narodzenia, czas Wielkiego Postu i Wielkanocy i najd!u(ej trwaj$cy, równie obfity w prze(ycia - okres zwyk!y. Ju( na pierwszy rzut oka wida&, (e cho& rok kalendarzowy ma tyle samo dni i tygodni, co rok liturgiczny - to ró(ni$ si# wieloma elementami (pocz$tek roku liturgicznego przypada na koniec listopada lub pocz$tek grudnia). Podstawow$ ró(nic$ jest jakby zupe!nie inna filozofia: rok liturgiczny ma na celu g!osi& chwa!# Bo($ i u"wi#ca& wiernych. St$d te( ca!a historia zbawienia, przekazana nam na kartach Biblii, wt!oczona zostaje w ramy jednego roku, by"my mogli stopniowo ods!ania& ca!e Misterium Chrystusa: oczekiwanie, zwiastowanie, nadej"cie, dzia!alno"&, "mier&, powrót, nowe (ycie. Co wi#cej: na kontemplacj# tych Bo(ych tajemnic mamy nie jeden rok, ale tyle lat, ile Pan Bóg da nam (y&. Bo ka(dy rok jest okazj$, by"my na te wydarzenia spojrzeli inaczej, nieco dojrzalej. Co roku jeste"my w jakim" sensie inni - inaczej prze(ywamy Adwent czy Bo(e Narodzenie, maj$c lat 5, 18, 35 czy 80. Nasz udzia! w roku liturgicznym porównuje si# czasem do spirali: kr#cimy si# w kó!ko - ale ka(dy dzie' jest na innym miejscu tego ko!a. Ca!a chrze"cija'ska m$dro"& polega na tym, by ten ruch w ko!o post#powa! ci$gle w gór# - jak w spirali, to znaczy: by prze(ycia roku liturgicznego z roku na rok by!y coraz g!#bsze, bardziej zrozumia!e, wnosz$ce w nasze (ycie kolejne, nowe warto"ci duchowe, daj$ce nam szans# weryfikowania naszego post#powania. Ks. dr Wojciech Przeczewski

ADWETOWE. Zapisz i niezapomnij terminu naszych rekolekcji: 13 & 14 grudnia 2012 (czwartek & pi$tek), godz. 19:00 w dolnym ko"ciele. Rekolekcji udzieli i nauki wyg!osi ks. Pawe! Pi$tek, kap!an diecezji tarnowskiej.


OP!ATEK WIGILIJY. Po"wiecony op!atek wigilijny mo(na nabyc za dobrowoln$ ofiar$ po polskiej Mszy "w. przy wej"ciu do Ko"cio!a lub w kancelarii parafialnej w godzinach urz#dowania.


ESPAÑOL: !"Domingos: 9:00am. (Español) El 12 de cada mes misa en honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la iglesia de abajo a las 7:30pm. Todos los segundos miercoles de cada mes tendremos la misa para los cursillistas



!"Lunes a Viernes: 9:00am - 4:00pm. Martes a Jueves: 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Sabados y Domingos: 9:00am -12:30pm. COFESIOES:

!"Sabados de 3:45pm - 4:30pm en la Iglesia de abajo (o a cualquier hora por cita) UCIO DE LOS

!"Este sacramento se administra en la misa de 9:00am el primer sabado de cada mes. MATRIMOIOS:

!"Las parejas deben de hacer una cita con el sacerdote 6 meses antes del dia de su boda.


!" Favor contactar Sister Maureen. Los padres deben registrarse para una clase, antes del bautismo. 15 AÑOS: !"Queremos dar la opurtinidad para celebralos . Por favor apartar sus celebraciones de los 15 años. ADORACIO AL SATISIMO: !"Cada Sabado en la iglesia de abajo de 8:00am - 9:00pm. CELEBRACIO DE LOS


!"Cada Miercoles despues de la misa de 9:00am. SATO ROSARIO:

!" Lunes a Viernes a la 8:40am antes de la misa de 9:00am. ULTREYA-CURSILLO: !"Miercoles a las 7:00 pm. EDUCACIO RELIGIOSA:

!"Domingos de 9:00am a 10:15am. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura - Se acercan los días cuando el Señor cumplirá su promesa que hizo a Israel y a Judá (Jeremías 33:14 -16). Salmo - Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos (Salmo 25(24)). Segunda lectura — Que el Señor los llene y los haga rebosar de amor para que sean irreprochables en santi-dad; pórtense de tal manera que complazcan a Dios (1 Tesalonicenses 3:12 - 4:2). Evangelio - Habrá señales y verán al Hijo del Hombre venir con gran poder y majestad. Estén alertas. Lucas 21:25-28, 34 COMO U IÑO Alguien que aspira a recibir la gracia de Dios tiene que ser puro, con un corazón tan inocente como el de un niño. -San Nicolás

OTICIAS DE LA IGLESIA En diciembre, la comunidad hispana tendrá varias celebraciones tales como: 1. a partir del 3 de diciembre tendrémos las novenas a nuestra Senora de Guadalupe en el Centro San Jose (atrás de la iglesia). Esto comenzará a las 7PM con Rosario, novena, santa misa y confesiones todos los dias. 2. Del 5 a 11 de diciembre, estará un sacerdote escuchando confesiones. 3. El dia 11 de diciembre, tendrémos Rosario, novena y misa solemne en la iglesia de arriba. Habra mañanitas a las 12PM. 4. El dia 12, habrá solemne misa y procesión a las 8:30PM. Esto estará seguido por recepción en el auditorio de la escuela. 5. Al partir del 16 de diciembre, habrá posadas - novenas de navidad, en el cento San Jose. Traiga sus niños para cantarle y oirle al niño Jesus. 6. ADORACIÓ AL SATÍSIMO SACRAMETO E VÍSPERAS DE LA SOLEMIDAD DE LA IMACUL ADA COCEPCIÓ. Nuestra parroquia, junto con todas las iglesias de la Diócesis de Brooklyn, será el anfitrión amplió la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento en la víspera de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María. Será una oportunidad en este Año de La Fe para orar con María delante del Santísimo Sacramento pidiendo a su Hijo para fortalecer cada uno de nosotros con un regalo de fe. Vamos a comenzar con un servicio de oración el 7 de diciembre, a las 9:30 am, y concluye con una bendición solemne a las 7:15 PM. Por favor de venir en cualquier momento durante este plazo por un tiempo de silencio de la oración. Si usted puede comprometerse a media hora de adoración, por favor llene la hoja de inscripción publicado en la entrada de la iglesia de arriba y de abajo. *** La Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción es un día de precepto (es mandatorio). La misa de la víspera será a las 8:30PM, 7 de diciembre. LA VEIDA DEL REIO Jeremías lo veía venir –el reinado de Jesús y la restauración de Jerusalén. Pero, ¿había alguien que le escuchara? ¿Alguien escucha ahora? Ser profeta tenía que haber sido muy difícil, pero Jeremías era persistente en su mensaje, porque sabía lo necesario que era escucharlo. Persistente en su mensaje también es Pablo, animando a los tesalonicenses – y a todos nosotros – a vivir de acuerdo al reino que Jeremías anunció. Nos motiva a comportarnos en el camino de santidad para que estemos bien preparados para la llegada del rey. Finalmente, Jesús mismo nos dice que estemos siempre atentos para lograr el agrado de nuestro Dios y Rey. Jeremías podía ver que se acercaba el reinado de Jesús. Al comenzar la época de Adviento, Pablo y Jesús nos enseñan no sólo cómo prepararnos para el Reino, sino cómo vivirlo día a día. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

Primer Domingo de Adviento 2 de diciembre de 2012 Yo haré nacer del tronco de David un vástago santo, que ejercerá la justicia y el derecho en la tierra. -Jeremías 33:15

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