St. Stephen Protomartyr The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2011

St. Stephen Protomartyr The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2011 La Epifanía del Señor St. Stephen Protomartyr Info Rev. Gerald Rogala, Pastor Rev.

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Story Transcript

St. Stephen Protomartyr The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2011

La Epifanía del Señor

St. Stephen Protomartyr Info Rev. Gerald Rogala, Pastor Rev. Noel Reyes, Pastor Rev. Flavio Gonzalez, Associate Pastor Mr. Donald J. Telposky, Deacon Mr. Donald J. Telposky, Deacon Mr. Anthony Towey, Deacon Mr. Anthony Towey, Deacon Mr. William Warmouth, Deacon Mr. William Warmouth, Deacon Mrs. Mary Jane Shields, D.R.E. 847-298-1435 Mrs. Mary Jane Shields, D.R.E. 847-298-1435 Mrs. Kathy Goetz, Business Manager Mrs. Kathy Business Manager Mr. Ted Kawa,Goetz, Music Director Mr. Ted Kawa, Music Director Mrs. Linda Chorazy, Principal of Our Lady of Destiny

Mrs. Linda Chorazy, Principal of Our Lady of Destiny CHURCH: RECTORY:


1280 Prospect 1267 Everett

1280 Prospect 1267 Everett

847-824-2026 Fax 847-824-3842

847-824-2026 OUR LADY OF DESTINY SCHOOL: Fax 847-824-3842 1880 Ash Street OUR LADY OF 60018 DESTINY Des Plaines, Illinois

847-827-2900 SCHOOL: Fax 847-827-0475

1880 Ash Street 847-827-2900 MASSES: Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 Fax 847-827-0475 Weekdays: 8:00 AM MASSES: Holy Days: 7:00 Weekdays: 8:00 AM, AM 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM Saturdays: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Holy Days: 9:00 AM, - 7:00 PM Sundays: 8:30 - 10:00 AM Saturdays: 9:00 PM AM- -Spanish 5:00 PM 6:00 Mass Sundays: 8:30 10:00 AM CONFESSIONS: PMupon - Spanish Saturdays - 4:00 to 4:30 6:00 PM and request.Mass BAPTISMS: New Parishioners: Please register at the rectory. Once a month. Please call the Rectory in advance of scheduling. Baptismal Preparation Class is required. CONFESSIONS: WEDDINGS: Saturdays - 4:00 to 4:30 PM and upon request. Arrangements must be made 4 months in advance. New Parishioners: Please register at the rectory. BAPTISMS: HISPANIC MINISTRY 847-824-7526 Once a month. call the Rectory in advance of 1253 Everett Ave.Please Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 scheduling. Baptismal Preparation Class is required. HORARIO DE OFICINA. Lunes de 8:00 AM a 4:00 PM WEDDINGS: Martes de 8:00 AM a 4:00 PM

Arrangements must be made 4 months in advance. Web site: HISPANIC MINISTRY 847-824-7526 1253 Everett Ave. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 HORARIO DE OFICINA. Martes de 8:30 AM a 4:30 PM Miércoles de 8:30 AM a 4:30 PM Web site:

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

The Epiphany of the Lord; National Migration Week The Most Holy Name of Jesus St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. John Neumann Blessed André Bessette St. Raymond of Peñafort; First Friday; Julian Calendar Christmas

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes:

La Epifanía del Señor; Semana Nacional de Migración El Santísimo Nombre de Jesús Santa Isabel Ana Seton San Juan Neumann Beato André Bessette San Raimundo de Peñafort; Primer viernes; Navidad Ortodoxa

Story for Today Eat, Love, Work Arthur Cobb, owner of Honeybaked Ham in Brookfield, Wisconsin, dreaded holidays, especially the Easter season, because he knew how much work it would mean for him at the store. Holidays were not a time to spend with family but a time when the needs of other families took him away from his own. Even during the current recession, it was difficult finding good people, with a good work ethic, to hire for holidays. Fortunately Cobb found the help he needed through the St. Ben’s Outreach Worker program. “It was a godsend,” Cobb said. “You need dependable people to work with,” and that’s what he found in the three workers recruited from the meal program by Outreach Worker, Prentice Young. St. Benedict Parish in downtown Milwaukee has been serving meals to those in need for forty years. As reported in their June 15, 2010 Community Newsletter, the St. Ben’s Outreach Worker program has added a new dimension to their community efforts and hope-filled independence to their guests. Employers looking for workers can contact the St. Ben’s Outreach program at any time to find a match. Anthony, one of the workers hired by Cobb, said that it was fun working for Arthur because he provided such a good atmosphere. “Art is a very respectful boss. I have done seasonal work in factories but I had an injury so this is my first job this year.” Art, in turn, spoke highly of the “bright and motivated workers.” Food needed by hungry people led to jobs needed by the same people. Help needed by a holiday food provider led to exhaustion. Fortunately one person’s desperation led to fulfilling another’s desperate need for work. Instead of denigrating those in need, perhaps the epiphany is to hire them and help bring their neediness to an end. The “newborn king,” born in a stable, is an enduring lesson of finding what is needed in the most unexpected of places. Dr. Constance M. Popp



2 de enero de 2011 LUZ DEL MUNDO Se puede entender la Epifanía como una extensión de la Natividad del Señor que celebramos el 25 de diciembre. En la Navidad celebramos la venida de Jesús como el rey y Mesías tan esperado por el pueblo judío, y en la Epifanía celebramos la revelación de Jesús como el Salvador y la Luz de las naciones; es decir, de judíos, gentiles y de todos los pueblos. La estrella brilla con tanto fulgor que atrae a los magos que vienen de países distantes para adorar a Jesús. No son judíos, y sin embargo se ven atraídos al que es la Luz del Mundo. La carta a los efesios revela que la Luz del Mundo era tanto para gentiles como para judíos, pues Cristo reúne a todos los pueblos en la luz de su amor. La lectura de Isaías también describe a diversos pueblos que vienen, pero esta vez les atrae la luz que emana del pueblo de Dios. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. FIESTA DE LA FE Una acción comunitaria En nuestra Iglesia católica hay espacio para todo. No obstante, cuando se trata de la vida litúrgica de la Iglesia, no hay espacio para la devoción personal, pues no es el momento, sino para la oración comunitaria. La Constitución sobre la Sagrada Liturgia nos recuerda que las acciones litúrgicas no son acciones privadas, sino celebraciones de toda la Iglesia. Por esa misma razón, las acciones y gestos de la liturgia, pertenecen a la comunidad porque son la obra de la comunidad misma, animada y convocada por el Espíritu Santo; aun así, el Espíritu Santo no anula la individualidad de cada miembro de la asamblea, que participa no a título propio sino como parte activa de una comunidad de bautizados que se llama Iglesia y que, domingo a domingo se reúne para celebrar el Reino de Dios por adelantado, para alabar y dar gracias a Dios por habernos dado a Jesucristo; para celebrar la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Cristo en comunión con toda la Iglesia y con el ropaje de la cultura a la que se pertenece y en la cual se ha asumido el Evangelio. — Miguel Arias, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

Hace alrededor de mil años un escultor en Autun, Francia trabajaba en obras para la nueva catedral de la ciudad. Una de sus esculturas muestra una escena encantadora. Los tres reyes magos con sus coronas puestas y dormidos en una misma cama son despertados por un ángel que les señala una estrella. El dedo del ángel toca suavemente la mano de uno de los reyes que está sobre una capa de tela lujosa. Los ojos de este rey se han abierto sorpresivamente, mientras que los otros dos reyes magos aparecen soñolientos. Este escultor combinó artísticamente dos historias bíblicas en una. La estrella nos recuerda a aquella que le indicó a los reyes magos el camino hacia Belén, mientras que el ángel alegoriza la advertencia que recibieron en un sueño de que no regresaran a ver a Herodes después de visitar al Niño Jesús. Durante siglos la tradición ha mantenido que los nombres de los reyes magos eran Gaspar, Melchor y Baltasar, pero en realidad nadie lo sabe por seguro. Otras tradiciones les llaman los magos de oriente, que estudiaban las estrellas. Ellos fueron los primeros no judíos que reconocieron y adoraron al Hijo de Dios, y le ofrecieron los regalos que se le ofrecen a un rey. En la Edad Media las casas se bendecían el día de la Epifanía, reflexionando en cómo los reyes magos encontraron a Cristo cuando “entraron en la casa”. Trata de revivir hoy esta antigua tradición. Se puede hacer dentro de cualquier grupo familiar. Una persona inciensa la casa mientras otra rocía agua bendita y la tercera escribe con una tiza sobre cada una de las puertas exteriores la siguiente inscripción: “20 + G + M + B + 11” (o cualquiera que sea el año), lo cual significa “los tres reyes magos, Gaspar, Melchor y Baltasar en el año del Señor 2011”. El bendecir las puertas expresa y simboliza el compromiso de la familia durante ese año para recibir a todos en su hogar como si fueran el mismo Cristo. Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Ordinary Time: Winter A Sense of the Season

What do the words Ordinary Time mean? Dorothy Day said, “The words ‘Ordinary Time’ in our prayer books put me in a state of confusion and irritation. To me, no time is ordinary.” She was right. The Ordinary in Ordinary Time refers to ordinal— counted—time, not to a lack of something to celebrate. The Roman document, General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar, says: “Apart from those seasons having their own distinctive character [Advent, Christmastime, Lent, Triduum and Eastertime], 33 or 34 weeks remain in the yearly cycle that do not celebrate a specific aspect of the mystery of Christ. Rather, especially on the Sundays, they are devoted to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects.” (#43) How do we celebrate “the mystery of Christ in all its aspects”? We gather every Sunday. Sunday is

our original feast day. Christians have gathered every Sunday—the day of Christ’s resurrection, the first day of the week—ever since there were Christians. Each year there are two blocks of Ordinary Time, one in the winter between Christmastime and Lent, and the other in summer and fall, from Pentecost through Christ the King. When we gather on Sundays in Ordinary Time, as always, we hear the scriptures proclaimed. We systematically read through the gospels. The first readings from the first testament of the Bible were chosen for their relationship to the gospel passages. The second readings come from the various letters of the second testament of the Bible. The mystery of Christ “in all its aspects” unfolds. What is the heart of our Sunday celebration? We do our eucharist; that is, we do our thanksgiving. We praise and thank God for all creation; we pray for the whole world, as we remember Christ’s life, death and resurrection. We share the bread and wine, the body and blood. We are sent forth to be the body and blood of Christ in our homes, our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our towns, our cities, our country, our world. “ What happens in our churches every Sunday is the fruit of our week. What happens as the fruit of the week past is the beginning of the week to come. Sunday is simultaneously a point of arrival and departure for Christians on their way to the fullness of the kingdom. This is not ordinary at all. This is the fabric of Christian living.” (Saint Andrew Bible Missal [Brooklyn: William J. Hirten Co., 1982.]) Copyright © 1997, Archdiocese of Chicago. Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800. Text by G. Thomas Ryan. Art by Luba Lukova.



Epiphany can be understood as an extension of the Nativity of the Lord that we celebrate on December 25. While at Christmas we celebrate Jesus’ coming as the longawaited king and Messiah of the Jewish people, on Epiphany we celebrate the revelation that Jesus is the Savior and Light of all nations—Jews, Gentiles, and all people. The star shines so brightly that it attracts magi who come from far distant countries to worship Jesus. They are not Jews, yet they are drawn to the Light of the World. The letter to the Ephesians reveals that the Light of the World was for the Gentiles as well as the Jews—Christ gathers all people into the light of his love. The reading from Isaiah also describes a gathering of diverse peoples, but this time it is to the light that emanates from the people of God.

The Mass book for 2011 is open. It is a wonderful way to remember a deceased member of your family, friend or an anniversary of another special occasion. Please call or stop in the parish center to reserve a date. At each Mass on the weekend we pray for the sick and deceased of our parish. If you want someone to be mentioned at the Mass, please call the rectory to have them added. This is a sure way to have them mentioned and also to inform the rectory when someone is ill or has died.

© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.


Who: Guy’s 6-12th grade, you are welcome to bring a friend When: January 22nd, 4:30 to 9 pm Where: St Stephen’s Hanley Hall Join us for an evening of an open gym, music jamming, movies, video games and lots of food! Bring your favorite instrument, gaming system and a non perishable food item for the food pantry We will attend the 5 PM Mass together (wear your favorite sports jersey) then proceed to the hall for the evening Food will include a BBQ and chocolate fountain!! Cost :$5.00

RSVP to Ms. Shields (847-298-1435) by January 15th FEAST OF FAITH The Liturgy of Emmanuel

we sing range from ancient chants to contemporary hymns, but they have the same purpose, to foster our unity and turn our thoughts to the mysteries we gather to celebrate. We may feel that we can’t sing well, but “Christ always invites us to enter into song, to rise above our own preoccupations, and to give our entire selves to the hymn of his Paschal Sacrifice” (USCCB,

The assembly has gathered from near and far, on foot, by bus, by car, by subway, singly and by twos and threes: single people, couples, families. Now that movement is ritualized and made visible in the liturgy’s entrance procession. We are not alone on this journey; Christ is Sing to the Lord, 14). with us. The procession is led by the cross, with the —Corinna Laughlin, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. image of Christ upon it. Candles, signs of a living presence, are carried around the cross. Candles also accompany the Book of the Gospels, another sign of Emmanuel, God-with-us. The priest presider is likewise a sign of Christ’s presence in our assembly; he will act in persona Christi, in the person of Christ, who presides at every Eucharist. As the procession begins, we stand and sing together in our first act as a community. The joining of our voices begins to turn many into one. The songs READINGS FOR THE WEEK

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 1 Jn 4:7-10; Mk 6:34-44 1 Jn 4:11-18; Mk 6:45-52 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Lk 4:14-22a 1 Jn 5:5-13; Lk 5:12-16 1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30 Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29; Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17


Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo:

1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 1 Jn 4:7-10; Mc 6:34-44 1 Jn 4:11-18; Mc 6:45-52 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Lc 4:14-22a 1 Jn 5:5-13; Lc 5:12-16 1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30 Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Sal 29 (28); Hch 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17

Masses, Intentions, and Liturgies for January 3 – January 9 01/03 8:00 + Casmir Iwanicki (Son & family) + Bob Waymel (Arkus Family) 6:00 Adoration (Rosary 7:00 PM) 01//04 8:00 + Eileen Kirby 01//05 8:00

People of St Stephen

01//06 8:00 + Eileen Kirby 01/07 8:00 + Rev Leonard Mezydlo 01/08 9:00 5:00 + + +

People of St Stephen Jerry DeFrancisco (Mother & Family) Robert Waymel (Ed Zychowski) Genevieve Wilk (Cathy Karr)

01/09 8:30 + Rose Haffey (Granddaughter—Kathleen) 10:00 + + 6:00

Rose Leddy (Fallon Family) Marion Vana (Family) Tamasa Hernandez (Guadalupe Ascenceo) ****************

Ministers January 8 5:00 AM Lector - As Assigned Leader of Song - Sally Fortier Ministers of Communion -

J Shute, S Clark, S Dalka, B Stancato Servers - Donny Johnson, Soffiah Decena Victoria Fleming January 9 8:30 AM Lector - As Assigned Leader of Song - Ted Kawa (Choir) T Schrautemyer , J Kozlik, Ministers of Communion J Kozlik, C Cooper Ministers of Care - Oakton - See Schedule Lee Manor - See Schedule Servers - Kristen Janzen, Brian Kolosvary, Alexandra Juszczyk 10:00 AM Lector - As Assigned Leader of Song - Folk Choir Ministers of Communion -

C Dulay, I Dulay, K Zielinsky, S Hope, G Zielinsky, A Zielinsky, L McGuire, D Zielinsky Servers - Anastasia Zawada, Jacqueline Zawada

Please pray for the sick of our parish Please pray for our deceased

Our Lady of Destiny School The Parish School of St. Mary and St. Stephen

Open House January 31, 2011 - 11-1:00

Stewardship 12/12/10 Needed per Sunday








Deficit this Week


Meet teachers and visit classrooms please consider a Catholic education for your child.

Year to Date

Registration for the 2011-12 school year will begin soon.

Income From All Sources




Classes are not in session until January 4, 2011. From our OLD Family to yours… have a blessed holiday.



* Reduction in parish expenses now that we have only one priest here at St. Stephen's. **Includes $2413 Priests Retirement, $1,167 extraordinary expense collection, $1,472 Immaculate Conception, $1,336 Flowers and $2,646 Our Lady of Guadalupe

Questions for Consideration

Pads In this season of giving and Thanksgiving let us remember those less fortunate than ourselves. The homeless clients of PADS will be spending their Christmas with volunteers and will have no gifts under a tree. The unemployed will have no Holiday feast on their table. A PADS donation bin is located at the parking lot exit of Church and donations to the food pantry are always accepted. Please be generous. Thank you, Barbara Stancato

1st Reading Question: Where do you see Isaiah’s prophesy fulfilled today? 2nd Reading Question: How can you be a “steward” of God’s grace? Gospel Question: What gifts do you bring when you encounter Jesus?

EPIPHANY Solemn things of mystic meaning: Incense doth the God disclose; Gold a royal Child proclaimeth; Myrrh a future tomb foreshows. —Roman Breviary, Epiphany; Prudentius, fourth century

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