What s Happening at FMS September 25, 2015

What’s Happening at FMS September 25, 2015 We have had an eventful week at Foothills! Last Saturday I was so pleased to see many Foothills families at

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In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future
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What’s Happening at FMS September 25, 2015 We have had an eventful week at Foothills! Last Saturday I was so pleased to see many Foothills families at the AEF Bright Night event. It was a fun and informative evening highlighting the positive impact educational foundations can have on our schools. We also held ASB elections and have a new council for first semester. Be sure to check out the ASB page of the website to see a list of officers.

Make-Up and Retake School Photos: MAKE-UP PHOTO: On October 5, Lifetouch will be on campus to take school photos for the students who did not attend Scottie Days. This photo will be in the yearbook and also on the Foothills ID card. If you wish to purchase a photo package, see the attached flyer and you may order online or fill out and send with your child on October 5. RE-TAKE PHOTO: Students who wish to have their photos retaken may do so during break in the MPR on October 5. If you wish to order a school photo package of the new picture, see the attached flyer for more information. If you have already ordered a school photo package and your child is having the picture retaken, please return the original package to the photographer on re-take day. School photo packages will be handed out to students by Monday, September 28.

Progress Reports: We are excited that so many parents and students are utilizing PowerSchool to stay on top of their academic progress at Foothills! In the past, we have sent home progress reports midway through each quarter at the 5, 10, 15, and 20 week mark of the school year. Now, because of the availability of the Parent Portal on PowerSchool, parents and students are able to check grades constantly in real time. Therefore, we will no longer be sending by mail a progress report and only mailing grade reports home at the end of each quarter, in October, January, March, and June. It is very important that you have access to the Parent Portal on PowerSchool. If you need assistance in checking PowerSchool, please contact the Foothills office at 626-821-8363 or come by the office to get a copy of your Parent Portal letter with detailed instructions.

Upcoming Meetings and Events Wednesday, Sept 30 – Football and Volleyball, HOME vs. Santa Fe at 3:30 Wednesday, Oct 28 – Reflections Contest submission due to the office

School Procedures Reminders Dropping off items at school Items are not permitted to be dropped off for students during the school day. This includes lunch, homework, PE clothes, flowers, balloons, etc. If a student forgets lunch, they are always able to purchase lunch in the cafeteria with cash or by charging to the student account.

A Message from PTSA: The easiest way to support the PTSA is to become a member – and it is not too late to join! If you meant to join, and haven’t yet, please stop by the school office ($7.00 for individual or $21.00 for a family membership, checks made payable to “Foothills Middle School PTSA”).

Thank you for supporting your child’s education and Foothills! Pamela Wang 2015-2016 FMS Membership Chair

A Message from AEF: Throughout the years, Arcadia Education Foundation has provided students with innovative technology, classroom fundamentals, district communications, scrip benefits, teacher mini grants, annual summer school, and most recently, additional counseling services for transitioning students. Arcadia Educational Foundation P.O. Box 660009, Arcadia, CA 91066-0009 (626) 447-2165 phone / (626) 821-6607 fax


Thanks and have a great week! Angie Dillman, Assistant Principal

Foothills FamiliesStudents at Foothills need your help. The PTSA Direct Donation Fundraiser is the only fundraiser that provides monetary support to run our PTSA and funds programs like ASB, book fair, talent show, Reflections, classroom donations and red ribbon week. A gift to school provides for the purchase of I-pads, books for the library, sports equipment, scholarships, and educational events just to name a few. PTSA enriches your student’s experience at Foothills, but we cannot continue to provide these programs without a significant increase in donations. If you already contributed to our Direct Donation, thank you very much for your support. If you missed us during Scottie Days, please consider making a donation. Any donation is appreciated, though a donation of $45 per student will allow us to continue providing the programs that help make Foothills the wonderful school it is. Our goal is to raise $12,000 by October 20th! If we raise $12,000 by October 20th, your students will get an added benefit: they will get to vote on what Halloween Costume Mr. Acker and Ms. Dillman will wear for the day. Could it be Mr. Acker in a tu-tu or Ms. Dillman as a punk rocker? Your students will decide! Please help make our goal possible. There will be a box in the office to drop off any donations. Thank you in advance for helping to keep these valuable programs running. Your support is important! Sincerely, The PTSA Executive Board

October Music Club Meeting Thursday Oct. 1st

11:15 am - 12:00 pm in the Music Room Please join us as we fine tune our beginning events for Band 6, Orchestra 6, Highlander Band and Highlander String Orchestra. Upcoming Events: 1. Uniform Fitting Day Sat. Oct. 17th @ FMS Highlander Band (HB) and Highlander String Orchestra (HSO) 2. Fall String Concert Thursday Oct. 29th @ AHS PAC HSO's First Concert at 7:00 pm 3. Music Picture Day Wed Nov 10th @ FMS 7:30-1:00 Band 6, Orchestra 6, HB and HSO 4. Chino Parade Sat. Nov. 7th @ FMS then Chino All Day HB and Drill Team All Music Parents are welcome!! Please sign in at the office and make your way to the Music Room at 11:15 am. Hope to see you there!

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Retake Day! Foothills Middle School Monday, October 05, 2015 \ lunes, 5 de octubre, 2015

Encarga con Encarga este formulario con este formulario o visita mylifetouch.com o visita mylifetouch.com

Picture Day ID: TP645003Y1

EncargaEncarga ahora en ahora mylifetouch.com en mylifetouch.com

Place order online or fill this form out completely, enclose EXACT payment, and return to school on Picture Day. Enclose cash, money order or check payable to Lifetouch. Photographer won't make change. Haz el pedido por internet o llénalo por completo, incluye el pago EXACTO y envíalo a la escuela el Día de


shareable shareable imageimage download download with any with online online package package purchase. purchase. Coupon Coupon code: code: SHARE SHARE See details See details at lifetouchdeals.com/share at lifetouchdeals.com/share

Picture Day ID: TP645003Y1

la Foto. Incluye dinero en efectivo, giro postal o cheque a la orden de Lifetouch. El fotógrafo no entregará cambio.

Descarga gratis de la imagen para compartir, con cualquier compracompra del paquete por internet. Descarga gratis de la imagen para compartir, con cualquier del paquete por internet. CódigoCódigo del cupón: | Mira los detalles en lifetouchdeals.com/share del SHARE cupón: SHARE | Mira los detalles en lifetouchdeals.com/share

Nombre del Nombre estudiante del estudiante Student First Student Name First Name

Student Last Student NameLast Apellido Name delApellido estudiante del estudiante

Teacher Last Teacher NameLast Apellido Name delApellido docente del docente

portrait portrait looks looks (POSE(POSE + BACKGROUND) + BACKGROUND) Estilos Estilos de retrato de retrato (Pose + (Pose Fondo) + Fondo) LOOKLOOK CODECODE 1











Home Phone Home Teléfono Phone particular Teléfono particular

Student Grade Student Grado Grade del estudiante Grado del estudiante

Parent Email Parent Address Email(Provide Addressyour (Provide emailyour address email toaddress receive to future receive offers future andoffers reminders and reminders for Picturefor Day.) Picture Day.)





Dirección deDirección correo electrónico de correodel electrónico padre o de dellapadre madre o de (Proporciona la madre (Proporciona tu dirección tu dedirección correo electrónico de correo con electrónico el fin decon recibir el fin futuros de recibir futuros recordatorios recordatorios y ofertas para y ofertas el Día de para la Foto.) el Día de la Foto.)



Packages Packages Paquetes Paquetes A. Deluxe A. Deluxe



8x10 8x10




5x7 5x7

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Personaliza Personaliza tu paquete tudel paquete retratodel enretrato en

B. Premium B. Premium



8x10 8x10


$31 C. Value C. Value

12 12

2x3 2x3


Add-ons Add-ons adicionales adicionales

NameName & Grade & Grade On On Nombre yNombre el gradoy el grado

All Portraits All Portraits$8




Todos los Todos retratos los retratos

5x7 5x7


$5 WalletsWallets (2x3) (2x3)

2x3 2x3

5x7 5x7 Portrait Portrait CD CD



Variety Variety PrintsPrints


Surtido deSurtido impresos de impresos

2x3 2x3


Variedad de Variedad 4 - 3x5de 4 - 3x5

3x5 3x5

8 - 2x3 8 Variety - 2x3 Variety $15 Variedad de Variedad 8 - 2x3de 8 - 2x3

16 - 2x3 Variety 16 - 2x3 Variety 4 - 3x5 Variety 4 - 3x5 Variety

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D Ultimate

4 - 3x5 4 Variety - 3x5 Variety $15


E Family


VALUE VALUE BUNDLES BUNDLESSave Save 25% 25% Conjuntos Conjuntos de valorde valor

Upgrade Upgrade Bundle Bundle $11 EnriqueceEnriquece el conjunto el conjunto

F Basic


G Entry


• Name & • Name Grade &on Grade on All Portraits All Portraits grado en y grado en Nombre yNombre todos los todos retratos los retratos



• Basic Retouching • Basic Retouching (Removes (Removes blemishes) blemishes) retoque quita básico quita El retoque Elbásico

Customer Service 626-577-7012

Ahorro delAhorro 25% del 25%

$17 Combo Combo Bundle Bundle

Price Qty

Price Total

Cantidad Precio

Precio Total

A Deluxe


B Premium


C Value


D Ultimate


E Family


F Basic


G Entry


LOOK Total CODE Total


H Upgrade Bundle



I Combo Bundle



J (8) 2x3 Wallets


K (2) 5x7


L (1) 8x10


M (4) 3x5


N CD High and Low Resolution


O (4) Variety 3x5



P (8) Variety 2x3



Premium Retouching

Basic plus whitens teeth and evens skin tone


Basic Retouching

Removes blemishes


Name & Grade On All Portraits


Name & Grade On Wallets


Conjunto Conjunto combinado combinado

• Name & • Name Grade &on Grade on All Portraits All Portraits Nombre yNombre grado en y todos grado en todos los retratos los retratos



Student First Student NameFirst Name


Print name as Print you name would aslike youitwould to appear like iton toportraits. appear on portraits.



Nombre del Nombre estudiante delEscribe estudiante el nombre Escribe con el letras nombre decon imprenta, letras de tal imprenta, como te gustaría tal como que te gustaría aparezcaque en los aparezca retratos. en los retratos.

• 8 - 2x3• Variety 8 - 2x3 Variety Variedad de Variedadsvd 8 - 2x3 de 8 - 2x3

imperfecciones. imperfecciones

FOR ONLINE ORDERS: You do NOT need to fill out or return this form. PARA PEDIDOS POR INTERNET: NO es necesario que llenes o envíes este formulario.

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3x5 3x5



3x5 3x5





Fotos paraFotos la billetera para la(2x3) billetera (2x3)





VALUE VALUE BUNDLES BUNDLES Conjuntos Conjuntos de valorde valor SAVE 25%

Customize Customize your portrait your portrait package package at at

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More choices More choices at at

NOTE: Background NOTE: Background for your yearbook for yourisyearbook selected by is selected your school. by your school. Nota: El fondo Nota: para El tu fondo anuario paraes tuseleccionado anuario es seleccionado por tu escuela. por tu escuela.


Haz tus selecciones Haz tus selecciones

Foothills Middle School TP645003Y1 TP01XP500073R 69673

This year’s look remembered forever Customize each sheet of your package with different portrait looks at


These portrait looks and more available online. El estilo de este año, recordado para siempre. Personaliza cada hoja de tu paquete con diferentes estilos de retrato en MYLIFETOUCH.COM Estos estilos de retrato y más disponibles por internet.

Satisfaction Guaranteed We’ll retake your portrait or return for a full refund. © 2015 Lifetouch National School Studios Inc.

SATISFACCIÓN GARANTIZADA Volveremos a tomar tu retrato o devuélvelo para recibir un reembolso por el total.

School Portraits

Be Part of PTA’s ® Reflections Program

2015-2016 Theme: Let Your Imagination Fly Entries from all grades and all abilities welcome.

Dance Choreography • Film Production • Literature Music Composition • Photography • Visual Arts Deadline for entries: For details, contact:

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 [email protected]

Learn more and get involved!


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