WHAT S INSIDE: Easter Events at CTK. Pathways to the Cross. Donkey Procession : Join Us. Easter Sunrise Service. Stations of the Cross

March 25, 2012 Fifth sunday of lent Easter Events at CTK Pathways to the Cross Please join us this Thursday evening, March 29 at 7 pm in the Cathedr

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Story Transcript

March 25, 2012

Fifth sunday of lent

Easter Events at CTK Pathways to the Cross Please join us this Thursday evening, March 29 at 7 pm in the Cathedral for Pathways to the Cross, a musical and scriptural offering in preparation for Holy Week. Through musical selections and scripture readings, we travel the road with Jesus to Calvary.

Pathways to the Cross features Mary Welch Rogers, along with Elyse O'Kane, and accompanied by parishioners Tom and Anne Boshinski, Deanna Franco and Kelly Hagan.

2699 Peachtree Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30305 404-233-2145 www.cathedralofchristtheking.org

WHAT’S INSIDE: Easter Flowers Page 2 Young Adult Ministry Group Page 3 Recreation Page 4 CKS Alums Sought Page 5 Adult Inquiry Page 6 Holy Week Schedule Page 7 Stewardship Page 8 Hispanic Pages Pages 10-11

Donkey Procession : Join Us Come and carry palm branches and walk with the donkey as we enter into “Jerusalem” on our Lenten journey. Our annual donkey procession with palms will take place next Sunday, April 1 on the plaza at 8:30 am. Seats will be reserved at the 9 am Mass for those who process.

Easter Sunrise Service The Cathedral of Christ the King will have its second annual Easter Sunrise Service in our Greenspace on Sunday, April 8, beginning at 6:30 am. Parishioners may bring lawn chairs if they would like to sit during the service. In the case of inclement weather, Mass will take place in the Hyland Center. For a complete Holy Week schedule, please see Page 7.

Sunrise 2011

Stations of the Cross We continue to gather for the Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent. Stations will be prayed on Friday, March 30, and Good Friday, April 6, at 7 pm in the Cathedral. Come join us.




Around the Parish

To submit a non-published prayer request for our parish Prayer Chain, email [email protected] or call the Church office, 404-233-2145.

Wedding Workshop — April 9

† Father Frank and the parish community of Christ the King wish to extend their deepest sympathy to: the Brink family on the death of George Brink, father of Michael Brink; the Donnelly family on the death of Dr. Jack Donnelly, father of June Wendler; the Douthit family on the death of Walter Douthit, stepfather of Laura Calley; the DeSandre family on the death of Deacon Bart DeSandre.

† We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for the sick of our community, especially: Deacon Ed Krise, Tom Bockman, Ira Bourgeois, Kim Datry, Aki Hashiguchi, Michael McDevitt, Marie Pearce, Mary Schmink, Dorothy Shusta, Elaine Steiner.

If a wedding at the Cathedral is in your future, plan to attend this workshop, held on Monday, April 9 at 7 pm in the Cathedral. Brides-to-be, their mothers, their fiancés and any interested friends are invited to come. Members of the Wedding Guild will explain wedding procedures and answer questions concerning the planning of the ceremony.

Confirmation All Cathedral of Christ the King parishioners are invited to witness the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday, April 20 at 7:30 pm and Saturday, April 21 at 10 am. Please join us as our 94 Candidates come forward to be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you are unable to attend, please remember our candidates in your prayers, as they prepare to celebrate this very special sacrament.

Fertility Care/Natural Family Planning This isn't your parent's old rhythm method! Learn more about your fertility, why the Church promotes Natural Family Planning (NFP), why NFP is 99% effective, and how it can positively impact your marriage (3% divorce rate!). The next Introductory Class is Tuesday, April 10 at 7 pm in the Cathedra. To register or for more information, contact Ann LaBar Hall at 404-915-1685, or email her at [email protected].

Easter Flowers—Last Weekend to Donate! † Congratulations and prayers for those who were married March 24: Caroline Sanfilippo & Simon Huston; Caitlin Summey & David Chambers

Remember a friend or loved one by donating to the Easter Flowers. Your name and the names of those you are honoring will be listed in the Easter Sunday Bulletin. The suggested donation is $25 for each name. How to donate: Fill out the “Easter Flowers Donation” card. (Available in the pew or at the front desk). Enclose cash or check (made payable to Christ the King-Easter Flowers)

*Prayer Intentions are submitted several days ahead of time for printing. We apologize for any omissions or errors made due to the printing schedule.

Drop the “Easter Flowers Donation” envelope in the offertory basket, mail, or return it to the front desk

Or donate electronically at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org. Donations must be received by Monday, March 26 for the names to appear in the Easter Sunday Bulletin.



MARCH 25, 2012

Around the Parish continued Young Adult Ministry Group

We Welcome New Parishioners Mr. Ralphael Batista Jr.

CTK20/30 Somethings! Our Lenten Bible Study with Fr. Michael continues through this great season. Come to Kenny Hall after the 7 pm Mass on each Sunday of Lent to be nourished and enriched by the Word of God. Our study covers the Gospel of the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. Bring a Bible, a notebook, and a friend! Time allotted for small group discussions and questions. A light dinner is provided.

Ms. Alison Berniol Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Boehm Ms. Cassandra Bohlman Ms. Judy Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carey & Family Mr. Jeffery Dean Ms. Ann Digiorgio

Stewardship of Treasure How shall I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?” Psalm 116 Through the prophet Jeremiah, God promises a new covenant with the house of Israel who shall be His people. St. Paul reminds us that Christ is the source of our salvation. In St. John’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims that whoever serves Him will be honored by His Father. This is a powerful statement to us as Christian stewards who strive to give our time, talent, and treasure in service to God through the Church and the needy as we hope to obtain eternal life.

Collection for the Holy Land

Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Francois & Family Ms. Stephanie Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greene & Family Mr. James Harris III Dr. Adrienne Laury Mr. Kestutis Masanaukas

The daily news reminds us of the violence and instability plaguing the Middle East, but we rarely hear of the shrinking Christian community there, a community that struggles to remain in the land of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection. Please help support our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land next Sunday by giving to the Palm Sunday Collection. This Pontifical Collection allows the Franciscans and others to continue caring for Christianity’s holiest sites and for God’s people in the Holy Land. Please be generous in your support.

St. Vincent de Paul Collection Next Weekend The monthly St. Vincent de Paul collection will be held after Mass next weekend. Every dollar you donate goes to the members of our local community to help pay for basic necessities such as rent, food and utilities. Every dollar counts! As you reflect on your blessings, please be generous. Offertory Income Budget Year-to-Date

$ 3,446,175

Offertory Income Actual Year-to-Date

$ 3,767,831

Actual Over/(Under) Budget Year-to-Date



Catholic Relief Services (second collection)



Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nash Mrs. Fanny Padron Ms. Elizabeth Papapietro Mr. Paul Pelt Ms. Stacie Marie Smith Ms. Cynthia Taylor Ms. Melissa Torrey Mr. and Mrs. Omar Upegui & Family Ms. Nikkita Whitenburg Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Withers & Family

Short Sermons to Live By

Cross of Christ, support me. -Unknown

For your convenience, electronic giving is available at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org.




Life Teen Ministry

Grades 9-12

Stephen Lenahan • 404-836-0628 • [email protected]

Wednesday, March 28th

“Breaking the Cycle” (Fighting Global & Local Injustice) CCC: 1844, 1928, 2427 Scripture: Matthew 22:36-40, Colossians 3:14, James 2:14-17

Recreation Adrian Stevens • 404-233-2145 x405 • [email protected] Girls On The Run: Thank you; responses for Girls on the Run coaching have been extremely positive. We were able to start the program with 15 girls thanks to GOTR Coach Anna, Coach Heather, Coach Katie, Coach Megan, and Coach Melissa! Keep your eyes open as the girls prepare for their final run. With the success of GOTR starting, CTK is looking to add GOT – Girls on Track fall 2012. GOT is similar to GOTR, but for middle school girls. GOT would take place after school or early evening twice a week. Would you be interested in coaching or coordinating? Volleyball: Do you have experience with volleyball? Lions recreation is looking for those interested in helping to train our Lions Volleyball Girls up to the next level! Program starts in April, runs on Sunday for 1.5 hours each segment in the afternoons. Registration for rising 5th through 8th grade girls who wish to participate in league volleyball fall 2012 is open. You must register by May 29. Summer Camp?: Have you made summer plans? Consider King’s Camp, Lions Volleyball Summer Camp, and Complete Player Basketball Academy Camp. 4

Bible Study for Juniors & Seniors Monday night bible study, “The Great Adventure”, for juniors and seniors.

Sunday, March 25th

“Fight!” (Existence of Evil/Spiritual Warfare)

In the youth room @ 7 pm. Check your email and the website for more details. CCC: 391-395, 407-409, 1033-1037, 1849-1853 Scripture: Revelation 12:7-17, 2 Peter 5:8-11, Ephesians 6:10-17, Psalm 91 www.ismasschanging.org is the website for the New Roman Missal

**All Life Nights Begin @ 5:30 pm in Kenny Hall**

for Grades 9—12** Jamaica Mission Trip If you would like to make a donation to help support a teen in getting to Jamaica for our mission trip, please go to: www.ctkyouth.com/mission. Your support is greatly appreciated!


Christ the King School Peggy Warner, Principal • 404-233-0383 • www.christking.org

Looking for Christ the King School Alums As Christ the King School and Cathedral begin the celebration of our 75th Anniversary, we are looking for our longlost alums! If you attended Christ the King School and currently aren’t on our mailing list, please contact us. We have some exciting events coming in the next year that you don’t want to miss. E-mail or call Camille Naughton, Director of Alumni Relations, at [email protected] or 404-233-0383 x403.

8th Grade Trip to the Capitol Eighth grade students from Christ the King School visited the Georgia State Capitol on March 6th and had their photo taken with Governor Deal and Representative Edward Lindsey. Students had a marvelous time as they toured the Capitol and were met by Representative Lindsey for a discussion about the letters they wrote him and bills before the Assembly this year. The day ended with a trip to the Legislative Cafeteria in the “Sloppy Joe Floyd” Building across the street.

MARCH 25, 2012

Religious Education for Families & Children Anne Boshinski • 404-267-3692• [email protected]

Vacation Bible School 2012

Adventures on Promise Island – Where Kids Discover God’s Lifesaving Love! June 18-22, 2012. 8:45 am. – 12:15 pm. Registration forms now

available! Ages 4-12 year olds.

Traveling This Spring Break? Don’t let your spring break travels prevent you from going to Mass. You may visit www.masstimes.org, which is a non-profit website that allows traveling Catholics to locate Mass times and information for Catholic Churches around the world.




Pastoral Care Ministry

Adult Religious Education & Evangelization

Dottie O’Connor • 404-233-2145 x440 • [email protected]

Keri Allen • 404-267-3691 • www.ctkevangelization.org

Who are Stephen Ministers? They are well trained parish members commissioned to provide one-to-one caring lay ministry to persons in crisis such as a person grieving from a divorce, the loss of a loved one, of a job, health debilitation, living a time of pain or lack of direction. They are grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Funeral Reception Committee The Funeral Reception Committee provides hospitality for families who ask to have a reception following their loved one’s funeral. We have many opportunities to serve: volunteers to cook food, telephone committee, or serve at the reception. All is done on a rotation basis; recipes are provided and you will be called only once or twice a month to volunteer. Join us to provide hospitality for our families during a difficult time. To volunteer, call Joanne Love, 404-256-1442, or you may email her at [email protected].

Have You Considered Joining the Catholic Church? Adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, and about the process of being initiated into the Catholic Church are invited to attend “Adult Inquiry” on Monday, March 26 at 6:30 pm in Kenny Hall. Please contact Christine Smolynsky at [email protected] with questions.

RCIA Sponsor Ministry Parishioners are needed year-round to sponsor adults inquiring into the faith and preparing to come into full communion with the Church. A sponsor is not required to have a degree in theology but rather a listening, active and open heart. Time and again past sponsors have experienced the privilege of being part of someone’s spiritual journey into the Church. When: Mondays, 6:30-8:30 pm (RCIA meetings), Parish Hall. Orientation and support sessions to be announced. For additional information, please contact Milissa Cole, [email protected].

Adult Confirmation HAVE YOU BEEN CONFIRMED? Classes for adult confirmation will take place over the course of 10 weeks and will be held from 10-11:45 am, beginning Sunday, June 10 in the Hyland Center Assembly Room. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on August 26 at 7 pm. We will use the “Catholicism 101” DVD Series. Registration fee is $50 (workbook included). To register, call 404-267-3691 or [email protected].

Traditional Lenten Practices Prepare: The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer— through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial—for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Abstinence: No meat can be taken by those 14 and older on all Fridays. Fasting: A limit of one full meal by those ages 18-59 on Good Friday. Self Denial: Voluntary acts of self-denial are recommended on weekdays of Lent. Prayer and Charity: Can include daily Mass, Scripture study, Stations of the Cross, almsgiving, such as participating in Operation Rice Bowl, and showing mercy and kindness to others.

Source: The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Tennessee 6


Holy Week Schedule* April 1

Passion/Palm Sunday Regular Schedule of Masses Blessing of Palms and Procession through the church Donkey Procession at 8:30 am (gather on Plaza)

April 3

Tuesday of Holy Week 5 pm, Chrism Mass Other Masses at 6:45 am, 8 am and 12:10 pm No 5:30 pm Mass in the D’Youville Chapel No 7 pm Spanish Mass

April 5

Holy Thursday 7 pm, Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual) 10 pm, Night Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) No other liturgies that day

April 6

Good Friday 8 am, Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 12 to 1 pm, Church at Prayer 12 pm, Confessions begin and continue all day 1 to 2:15 pm, 7 Last Words from the Cross 2:15 to 3 pm, Church Remains in Prayer 3 pm, Solemn Liturgy - Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7 pm, Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral Holy Saturday No Confessions 8:30 am, Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 5 pm, Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 8:30 pm, Great Vigil of Easter (Cathedral) No 4 or 5 pm Vigil Mass

April 7

April 8

Easter Sunday Regular Schedule of Masses + Additional Masses: 6:30 am— Greenspace 9 am—Hyland Gym 10:30 am—Hyland Gym 12 pm—Hyland Gym 1:30 pm—Kenny Hall 5:30 pm—Cathedral 7 pm—Cathedral

*Complete Spanish Schedule on Page 11

MARCH 25, 2012

Around the Archdiocese Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Rome Archbishop Wilton Gregory and Bishop Luis Zarama invite you to join them on the Archdiocesan Ad Limina Pilgrimage to Rome, May 2-12, 2012. While in Italy, you will have a Catholic tour escort to Assisi, Siena, Orvieto and Rome. The pilgrimage will include a range of activities. For complete details, please review the official brochure at www.archatl.com.

Good Friday Pilgrimage People of all faiths are invited to participate in this year’s 32nd Annual Good Friday Pilgrimage, to be held on Friday, April 6. The Pilgrimage begins at 9 am at the State Capitol (on the Washington Street side, between MLK Jr. Drive and Mitchell Street) and ends at approximately 1 pm at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Crypt. On this journey, we will stop at 14 urban Atlanta sites as we reflect upon today’s social justice issues as they connect with the sufferings endured by Christ in His Passion and death. Contact Kat Doyle, Diocesan Director of Social Justice Ministries at 404-920 -7897 or [email protected] for more information or to volunteer to help with the event.



Be Part of Cathedral History! -Limited Dates Left-

All CTK parishioners are invited to help capture 75 years of Cathedral history. A 75th Anniversary Photo Album of our parish families will be published this year in honor of our Diamond Jubilee. Last fall, we had more than 300 families get their photos taken for the album! Now it’s your turn! Photographers will be available to take complimentary photos before and after weekend Masses through April 1. New This Year! Sign up ahead of time by going to www.cathedralofchristtheking.org and selecting a specific time and date for your photos.


Stewardship Bernadette Flowers • 404-267-3690 •

Your time & talent


Monks’ Sweet Sale The Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus will be selling Monks' Fudge and Biscotti after all Masses this weekend. Get a start on Easter baskets!

CTK Lenten Book Drive Need to clean out your kids’ book shelves? Love to buy books? Here is your chance! Christ the King will be collecting new and gently used Pre-K – 12th grade books during Lent to benefit kids through four organizations: Agape Community Center, Gateway Center, My Sister’s House & Books for Keeps. Contact Heather Jones at [email protected] or Cassie VanLandingham at [email protected] with questions.

Operation Rice Bowl Reflection: The New Covenant In today’s first reading, the prophet Jeremiah describes a new covenant – one which is written on our hearts. As Christians, we believe that this new covenant is fulfilled in Jesus. This week through Operation Rice Bowl, we learn about malnourished children and expectant mothers in India whose health has been compromised by their poverty. We pray that we may open our hearts to the needs of the poor and vulnerable. We fast, not merely from our excess, but from our very substance, so that new life may come to all who suffer from poverty, illness and injustice. We give so that CRS-trained health care workers can help improve the lives of women and children throughout the world. Thank you for your support of Operation Rice Bowl. Return your Rice Bowl on Palm Sunday, April 1st at the Parish Reception Desk. Visit http://orb.crs.org for addition information and resources to use at home.

The Legion of Mary An Hour with Jesus The Cathedral has Perpetual Adoration which means there is always someone praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week. We are always in need of guardians who will make a commitment to come one hour per week. Please call 404-266-9040 or email [email protected]. 8

The Legion of Mary welcomes parishioners who are interested in putting faith into action through apostolic works. Join us in serving our Lord wherever He may be, whether in the nursing homes, the hospitals, or the jails. Come serve Our Lord with the love of His Mother. Our daytime group meets on Mondays at 1 pm in Conference Room 2. The evening group meets on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm in Conference Room 2048. For more information contact Christy Wallace at [email protected] or Charles Rouse at [email protected].

AA Meetings Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) meets each Wednesday at 7 pm in the classroom across from the d'Youville Chapel. For more information, contact Will at 404-403-8488.

The Sunday after Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday! How should we prepare for this great Feast of Mercy? Jesus told St. Faustina that this Feast of Mercy would be a very special day when “all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened”. (Diary 699) Our Lord made a great promise to all those souls who would go to Confession and then receive Him in Holy Communion on the Feast of Mercy, on the Sunday after Easter, which is now called Divine Mercy Sunday throughout the Catholic Church. Jesus promised that “The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain the complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.”(Diary 699) He went on to say “I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My Mercy.” (Diary 1109) We want to encourage everyone to take advantage of this incredible promise and the additional Plenary Indulgence on this great Feast of Mercy “Divine Mercy Sunday”. We want you to benefit fully from these promises, and we also want you to notify all of your family and friends about them too and urge them to return to the practice of their faith! The Image of The Divine Mercy, which Our Lord requested to be solemnly blessed and venerated on this day, will be on display in our church. Pope John Paul II said that the image portrays the Risen Jesus Christ bringing Mercy to the whole world. Our Lord said “I want the image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish”. (Diary 341, 48) Please take the time to visit with this Image of The Divine Mercy and venerate Jesus. Jesus said to St. Faustina “I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You”. (Diary 327) “The two rays denote Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of souls. These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the cross. …Happy is the one who will dwell in their shelter, for the just hand of God shall not lay hold of him.” (Diary 299) About the feastday “Divine Mercy Sunday”, Jesus said “…tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon the souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.... Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy”. (Diary 699) Our Lord said “When you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul…” and “Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself entirely in My mercy with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I Myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy” (1602) Make your confession before Me. The person of the priest is… only a screen. Never analyze what sort of a priest that I am making use of; open your soul in confession to Me, and I will fill it with My light.” (1725) It is required of all Catholics to confess their serious sins at least once every year. If you haven’t yet met this obligation then take advantage of this outstanding opportunity to receive an outpouring of an ocean of graces that Jesus promises on this day. Those who have already confessed their sins should make room for others. The Church allows for one to go to Confession for up to about 20 days, before or after Divine Mercy Sunday. Excerpts taken from the Diary of St. Faustina, copyright 1987 Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge MA., USA Bulletin insert taken from the www.DivineMercySunday.com website and may be copied and re-produced without permission.


CATEDRAL DE CRISTO REY 2699 Peachtree Rd., NE Atlanta, GA 30305 MISIÓN CATÓLICA DE CRISTO REY 714 Lindbergh Dr. (Entrada - Detrás del edificio) MINISTERIO HISPANO Teléfono 404-267-3696 Horario Lunes a Viernes 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Domingos 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM CELEBRACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA Catedral Martes Sábado Domingo Lindbergh Domingo

EN ESPAÑOL 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:30 PM 10:00 AM

CONFESIONES Catedral Domingo

12:00-1:00 PM

BAUTISMOS Menores de 6 años Horario para inscripción: Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes de 9 a 3 en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Se requiere el certificado de nacimiento y un comprobante de domicilio. Preparación obligatoria para padres y padrinos el cuarto viernes de mes de 6-9 PM. Bautismos – Cuarto sábado de mes a las 9 AM. Deben estar inscritos en la Parroquia. Iniciación Cristiana para adultos Para adultos que les falte algún sacramento (Bautizo, Comunión y Confirmación) Las clases son los lunes de 7 a 9 PM Para más información llamar a María Goretti, 404-267-3696. MATRIMONIOS  Se requieren seis meses de preparación.  Primera entrevista comunicarse con la Hna Florentina 404-267-3696. GRUPO JUVENIL Adolescentes (12 a 17 años)  Catedral: Sábados de 3:00 a 5:00 PM Jóvenes Adultos Catedral Domingos luego de la Misa de 1:30 PM. Para información llamar al 404-2673697. PRESENTACIONES DE 40 DIAS Y DE 3 AÑOS 2do y 4to Domingo del mes, inscribirse al 404-267-3696, indicando el nombre del niño que será presentado. Los niños de tres años que van a ser presentados deben estar bautizados.



EL CAMINO PASCUAL DE LA ALIANZA DE DIOS En la primera lectura, Jeremías profetiza el nuevo pacto de Dios con su pueblo. Es un pacto que será permanente y definitivo. Es un pacto edificado en la remission y perdón de los pecados de la gente. Es un pacto que cambiará los corazones de la gente para llenarlas de amor mutuo. La época de Cuaresma es la renovación, de nuestra parte, de este pacto que vino con Jesús. La segunda lectura nos recuerda la angustia y el sufrimiento de Jesús como mediador e instrumento del nuevo pacto. También es un recordatorio del valor de cada persona, como socio del pacto, para cuya salvación Jesús pasó por tanto dolor y oración. La liturgia de este Domingo subraya en esta Cuaresma el tema de la Pasión del Señor. Nos acercamos a la Semana Santa, y la Pasión y muerte de Jesús emergen como tema dominante para nuestra preparación para la Pascua. En este Evangelio, Jesús no solo anuncia Su muerte violenta, sino por sobre todo, le da a su muerte su significación total. Puntos sobresalientes sobre Su discurso: Así como su muerte seguida por la resurrección es fuente de vida futura y renovación, también las “muertes místicas” son un camino de nueva vida (“A menos que el grano de trigo caiga a la tierra y muera, permanence solo como un grano de trigo. Pero si muere, produce abundante fruto”). “Muerte mística’ es muerte al egoísmo, orgullo, vanidad, ídolos, en una palabra, a una vida guiada solo por los horizontes mundanos. (“El hombre que ama su vida, la pierde, mientras que el hombre que odia su vida en este mundo la guarda para la Vida Eterna”. Como fuente de humanización y vida, la muerte de Jesús creará un movimiento de fraternidad y reconciliación entre la gente, como opuestos al movimiento pecador de odio, division y explotación. Esta fraternidad, brotando de la muerte de Jesús, es una proyección de reconciliación y communion hecha entre Dios y el hombre. (“Yo, una vez que sea levantado de la tierra, atraeré a los hombres hacia mí”).

¡Sea parte de la historia de nuestra Catedral! Invitamos a todas las familias de la Catedral a ser parte de los 75 años de nuestra historia. En honor a nuestras Bodas de Diamante, publicaremos este año un album fotográfico de nuestras familias. El año pasado más de 300 familias participaron de este proyecto, ¡ahora es su turno! Nuestros fotografos estarán disponibles los domingos hasta la 1 pm para tomar fotos, sin costo alguno, de las familias que deseen participar.


MARCH 25, 2012

ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS BIENES DE DIOS A través del profeta Jeremías, Dios promete una nueva alianza con la casa de Israel, quienes se convertirán en Su pueblo. San Pablo nos recuerda que Cristo es la fuente de nuestra salvación. En el Evangelio de San Juan, Jesús proclama que quien Lo sirva, será honrado por Su padre. Esta es una declaración ponderosa para nosotros como administradores Cristianos, que nos esforzamos por poner nuestro tiempo, talento y Tesoro al servicio de Dios a través de la Iglesia y quienes más lo necesitan, mientras esperamos obtener vida eterna. Catedral:




HORARIO DE SEMANA SANTA Domingo de Ramos, 1 de Abril Misión de Lindbergh 9:30 AM Bendición de Ramos 10:00 AM Misa Catedral de Cristo Rey 1:15 PM Bendición de Ramos (en el laguito) 1:30 PM Misa Martes Santo, 3 de Abril 5:00 PM Misa Crismal (Catedral, en inglés)

(No habrá Misa de 7 PM en español) Jueves Santo, 5 de Abril 7:00 PM Celebración de la Cena del Señor (Catedral, bilingüe) Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento por ministerios. Viernes Santo, 6 de Abril (Día de ayuno y abstinencia) 6:00 PM Via Crucis (en el laguito) 6:45 PM Conmemoración de la muerte del Señor (gimnasio del Hyland Center) 8:00 PM Rosario de Pésame Sábado Santo, 7 de Abril 8:30 PM Celebración Solemne de la Vigilia Pascual, iniciando en la Plaza, luego iremos en procesión hacia el gimnasio del Hyland Center Domingo de Pascua, 8 de Abril Misión de Lindbergh 10:00 AM Misa Solemne de Pascua Catedral de Cristo Rey 1:30 PM Misa Solemne de Pascua, en la Catedral, celebrada por Su Excelencia Monseñor Luis Zarama, Obispo Auxiliar. 1:30 PM Misa Solemne de Pascua en el Kenny Hall.

ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO al al Se necesitan necesitanvoluntarios voluntariospara paraadoración adoración Santísimo Sacramento. la la mesa Santísimo Sacramento.Apuntarse Apuntarseenen de información o llameoallame Carmen Gutiérrez mesa de información a Carmen 770-366-1487. Gutiérrez 770-366-1487. GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN ORACIÓN G SiRUPOS deseasDE formar parte del grupo de oración, estedeseas se reúne todosparte los sábados de 6dea 8 pm Si formar del grupo en el Salón dese Conferencias Para más oración, este reúne todosI. los sábados información favor contactar a la de 6 a 8 pm por en el Salón de Conferencias I. Hermana al 404 Para más Florentina información por 267 favor3696. contactar aC la Hermana al 404 267 3696. URSILLO D EFlorentina C RISTIANDAD Para mayor información llamar a MAGENLlanos P EREGRINA IMélida al 770-923-2901. I MAGEN P EREGRINA Si desea que la imagen Peregrina visite su Si desea la imagen Peregrina visite su casa, porque favor comuníquese con: casa, por favor comuníquese con:  Hna. Florentina Florentina404-267-3696, 404-267-3696,Catedral Catedral  Margarita Hernández 404-228-7441, LindberghHernández 404-228-7441,  Margarita  Hortensia LindberghReyes 404-355-8497

Q UINCEAÑERAS  Reyes a404-355-8497 SiHortensia desea agradecerle Dios el don de la vida en sus quince años, por favor inscribirse con tres Q UINCEAÑERAS meses de anticipación a las clases de preparación obligatorias. Le recordamos Si desea agradecerle a Dios el don de laque vidaes necesario haberaños, recibido primera Comunión, en sus quince porlafavor inscribirse con asistir los domingos al grupoajuvenil de de tres meses de anticipación las clases crecimiento Confirmación tomar el curso de preparaciónoobligatorias. Leyrecordamos que quinceañeras. es necesario haber recibido la primera Inscribirse enasistir la oficina 404-267-3696 Comunión, los domingos al grupo

juvenil crecimiento C LASESdeDE I NGLÉS Yo Confirmación E SPAÑOL y tomar el curso delunes quinceañeras. Todos los niveles y miércoles de 7 a 9 PM. de Septiembre Mayo 404-267-3696 . Inscribirse en laaoficina Se necesitan maestros para las clases de ECLESIALES MINISTERIOS español. Llamar ImeldaaSolano al teléfono Si desea ofrecer susaservicios la comunidad Le 404-267-3696 invitamos a participar en alguno de los Ministerios MINISTERIOS ECLESIALES eclesiales de nuestra parroquia. Llame al Si desea ofrecer sus 404-267-3696. servicios a la comunidad Le

invitamos a participar en alguno de los Ministerios E DUCACIÓN R ELIGIOSA eclesiales de nuestra parroquia. Llame al Catecismo para niños de 3 a 16 años y 404-267-3696.

Escuela para Padres de Familia y Adultos. Los Sábados a Rlas 3:00 PM. Más E DUCACIÓN ELIGIOSA información con María Goretti Guzmán al Catecismo para niños de 3 a 16 años y 404-267-3697.

Escuela para Padres de Familia y Adultos. H ÁGASE MIEMBRO DE N UESTRA Los Sábados a las 3:00 PM. Más información P ARROQUIA Inscribirse enalla404-267-3697. con María Goretti Guzmán

parroquia es una manera de afirmar: ¡Esta parroquia es mi H ÁGASE MIEMBRO DE familia! NUESTRA Mayores informes llamando 404-267P ARROQUIA Inscribirse en laalparroquia 3696. es una manera de afirmar: ¡Esta parroquia es mi familia! Mayores informes llamando al 404-267-3696. PORTAL EN EL INTERNET

PORTAL EN ELa Ivisitar NTERNET Lo invitamos nuestro portal de Lo invitamos a visitar nuestro portal de internet www.catedraldecristorey.org internet www.catedraldecristorey.org SERVICIOS DE C ONSEJERÍA S ERVICIOS DE C ONSEJERÍA Ofrecemos consejeríaa abajo bajocosto costopara para Ofrecemos consejería individuos familias.Consejeros Consejerosprofesionales individuos oofamilias. profesionales están en el áreade están disponibles en disponibles el área metropolitana metropolitana el el costo es basado Atlanta, el costode es Atlanta, basado en salario que en el salario queLlame recibealla404-885-7266 familia. Llameoalal recibe la familia. 404-885-7266 o al 404-321-2900 de 404-321-2900 de Servicios Sociales Católicos. Servicios Sociales Católicos.



ADULT INQUIRY: Adults interested in learning about the Catholic Church can attend meetings most months on the fourth Monday at 7:00 pm. Please see inside the bulletin for upcoming sessions. No further obligation or commitment is required. Call Keri, 404 -267-3691. ANNULMENT: To help couples establish permanent and sacramental marriages, the Church encourages divorced and remarried persons to pursue the annulment process. Contact 404-2332145 for information on arranging a confidential discussion with a trained case sponsor. BULLETIN ADDITIONS D EADLINE is 6am, Thursday, ten days BEFORE the bulletin date. All new notices need prior approval; submit one week before this deadline. Fax to 404-233-9711 or email to [email protected]. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBERS: Please notify the Parish Office at 404-233-2145 x432 of any change in your member information. FERTILITY CARE / NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: For more information, contact Ann LaBar at 404-915-1685. MARRIAGE RENEWAL: Rediscover your marriage through Retrouvaille. Visit www.retrouvailleofatlanta.org or call 770-495-8592. NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in the back of the Church. Drop them by the Reception Desk or in the Collection Basket at Mass. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: For children who do not attend Catholic School and are the age for Preschool (4 years old) through 8th grade. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office. STEPHEN MINISTRY: Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are caregivers trained to provide confidential Christian care. Contact Dottie O’Connor, 404-233-2145 x440. NURSERY Nursery is available for children 6 months to 4 1/2 years of age at the 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm Masses on Sunday. Please provide supplies (i.e. diapers, bottles) to the nursery worker for your child. Mark all personal items with your name. Donation suggested. 12




MONDAY, Is 7:10-14 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm 5:30 pm

March 26, 2012 Lk 1:26-38 Lyadel Pupo (l) Mrs. Patricia Wendel (l) Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson (l) James A. McKinney (d)

MONDAY, 7:15 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm

TUESDAY, Nm 21:4-9 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm 5:30 pm

March 27, 2012 Jn 8:21-30 Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan (d) Charlotte Hafley (l) Yvette Hannon (d) Alexi Romano (l)

WEDNESDAY, March 28, 2012 Dn 3:14-20 Jn 8:31-42 6:45 am Rogers McAuliffe (d) 8:00 am Joan Uhl (d) 12:10 pm Jack Donnelly (d) 5:30 pm Vicente Vazquez (d) THURSDAY, March 29, 2012 Gn 17:3-9 Jn 8:51-59 6:45 am Eileen Kronauge (l) 8:00 am Mary Patricia Hebert (d) 12:10 pm Candy Simmons (d) 5:30 pm Chuck Salvano (l) FRIDAY, March 30, 2012 Jer 20:10-13 Jn 10:31-42 6:45 am Marge Fleming (d) 8:10 am Cecile Malone (l) 12:10 pm Lauretta E. McLoughlin (d) 5:30 pm Rob Young (l) SATURDAY, March 31, 2012 Ez 37:21-28 Jn 11:45-56 8:00 am Josh Cooper (d) 4:00 pm Dorthy Molloy (d) 5:00 KH Special Intention 5:00 pm Deacon Ed Krise (l) SUNDAY, April 1, 2012 Mk 11:1-10 Mk 14:1-15 7:30 am Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keough (l) 9:00 am James R. Draheim Sr. (d) 10:30 am Archbishop John Francis Donoghue (d) 10:30 KH James T. Glenn (d) 12:00 pm Ida and Ray Banigan (l) 1:30 pm Special Intention 5:30 pm Martin Sauser (d) 7:00 pm Yolanda & Chris Ruhe (l)

March 26, 2012 Confessions (CA) Legion of Mary (CR2) Confessions (CA) Liturgy of the Hours (d’Y) Monday Evening Bible Study (HC)

TUESDAY, March 27, 2012 10:00 am Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study (CR1) 5:00 pm Legion of Mary (CR2048) 6:15 pm Rosary Group (d’Y) 6:30 pm CHRP Men’s Weekly Meeting (KH) 6:30 pm Trauma Recovery Group (CKS) WEDNESDAY, March 28, 2012 7:15 am Confessions (CA) 6:00 pm Confessions (CA) 6:30 pm AA (d’Y) 7:00 pm SVDP Meeting (CKS Media Ctr.) THURSDAY, March 29, 2012 7:00 pm CHRP Women’s Weekly Meeting (HC) 7:00 pm Mary Rogers Concert (CA) 7:00 pm Thursday Evening Prayer Group (CR1) FRIDAY, March 30, 2012 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross (CA) SATURDAY, March 31, 2012 8:30 am Confessions 3:30-4:30pm Confessions SUNDAY, April 1, 2012 8:00 pm 20s & 30s Bible Study (KH)

CA-Cathedral CR-Conference Room D’Y-D’Youville Chapel GS-Gathering Space HC-Hyland Center HG-Hyland Ctr. Gym KH-Kenny Hall NU-Nursery


ARCHBISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory AUXILIARY BISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama PASTOR Reverend Francis G. McNamee PAROCHIAL VICARS Reverend Jorge Arevalo Alzate Reverend Richard Morrow Reverend Jaime Rivera Reverend Michael Silloway Reverend Monsignor Richard Lopez (in residence) Reverend Pedro Poloche (in residence) DEACONS Reverend Mr. Ron Comeau Reverend Mr. John McManus, JCL Reverend Dr. Scott J. N. McNabb Reverend Mr. Whitney Robichaux, Jr. Reverend Mr. Gerald J. Zukauckas Reverend Mr. Paul Root SISTERS OF HANDMAIDS OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Hna. Florentina Iruretagoyena, ACJ MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: 4:00 & 5:00 pm Saturday Vigils, 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:00 pm En Español: 5:00 pm Sábado (Salon Parroquial) 10:00 am Domingo (Lindbergh) 1:30 pm Domingo (Catedral) 7:00 pm Martes (Catedral) Weekday Masses: Monday–Friday: 6:45 am, 8:00 am, (Fridays, 8:10 am during school year), 12:10 pm & 5:30 pm (D’Y), Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day Masses: 5:30 pm Vigil, 6:45 am, 8:00 am 9:15 am (School), 12:10 pm, 7:00 pm LITURGY OF THE HOURS Mondays at 6 pm ROSARY & DEVOTIONS After all 8:00 am & 12:10 pm Masses Tuesdays at 7:00 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Spend an hour each week in adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Call Kathy Ledlie, 404-266-9040, [email protected] HELPFUL CONTACTS Parish Office: 404-233-2145; Fax: 404-233-4984 Archdiocesan Catholic Information: 404-888-7801 Parish Enrichment & Evangelization: 404-267-3691 Hispanic Ministries: 404-267-3696 Music Ministry: 404-233-2145 Pastoral Care: 404-233-2145 x440 Religious Education: 404-267-3694 Christ The King School: 404-233-0383; Fax: 404-266-0704 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: 678-892-6163



WELCOME FROM THE PASTOR AND CATHEDRAL STAFF Dear Friends in Christ, On behalf of Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the Clergy and staff, I welcome you to the Cathedral of Christ the King. I hope and pray that you feel welcomed by our parish community and that your spiritual and pastoral needs will be met. We are a very active parish with 4,300 families and over one hundred ministries. We encourage our members to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure. Our mission statement is to “Know, Love and Serve as Jesus Did”. This is the mission of each disciple of Christ and, if you are new, I hope and pray that you will join us and be part of the community of Christ the King. If you are passing through or visiting the city of Atlanta, I hope you enjoy your worship experience and please visit us again. If you would like to know more about our parish, you can visit our website at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org or email us. May we, this day and all the days of our lives, know, love and serve as Jesus did. Prayers and Blessings, Father Frank McNamee, Pastor THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parish families who wish to have a child baptized should be registered in the parish for 3 months and take the prebaptismal class as early as 3 months before the birth of their child. Classes are offered monthly. Please contact Gail Gaboardi at 404-233-2145 x694 to register for the class. All scheduling information is given at the class. (Note: Baptisms are scheduled after the class is completed.) THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior to receiving the Sacrament. THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE A minimum of six months preparation is required. Call the Parish office, 404-233-2145 x673 for information and to register for the preparation process. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Monday and Wednesday, 7:15 am and 6 pm. Saturday, 8:30 am and 3:30-4:30 pm, in the Cathedral. En Español: 12 - 1 pm Domingo (Front Desk Parlor) Todos los demás dias previa cita. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please inform Pastoral Care Ministries of anyone homebound, shut -in or hospitalized so that they may receive the Sacraments. Please call 404-233-2145.

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