600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081 1.815.625.0640
December 7, 2014 2nd Sunday of Advent
Weekday Masses MonFri 8.30 AMChapel School Schedule: Wed 8.30 AMChurch Saturday 8.30 AMChurch Sunday Obligation 5.00 PM Sat., 7.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 10.00 AM 11.30 AM In Spanish Vigil/Holy Day MassesChurch 7.00 PM, 8.30 AM, 5.15 PM 7.00 PM In Spanish Adoration/BenedictionChapel Tuesday 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
Anointing of the Sick If you or someone you know would like to receive the anointing of the sick, please notify the parish office. Baptism Following the birth of your child, please contact the parish office. Catechetical Instruction (Grades 1 ± 8) Confirmation Preparation Call Religious Education Office. Matrimony Arrangements to be made by calling parish office (9) months in advance. RCIA (Adult Initiation) If interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact Jane Olson at the parish office. Reconciliation Saturday: 4.00 4.45 PM, also by appointment. Communal Penance Services during Advent and Lent. Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners. Please come to the parish office to receive welcome information. Bulletin Notices Please submit notices in writing or email
[email protected] to the Parish Office by Friday noon, one week prior to publication.
Pastor Rev. James R. Keenan………..……………...Ext.211 Parochial Vicar Rev. Adalberto Sanchez……………….……..Ext.212 Residence(after 4 PM & weekends).1.815.625.4768
Deacons John Kellen……………………………………..Ext.226 Larry Zitkus……………………………………..Ext.226
Parish Office Hours MondayFriday……………………9.00 AM 4.00 PM
Parish Administration Offices 600 Avenue B Sterling IL………...….1.815.625.0640 Fax 815.625.1684 Email:…………stmary
[email protected] Website: …………………....www.stmarysterling.com
Parish Staff…………...………….….1.815.625.0640 Bert Davis, Bookkeeper……………..…...…..Ext.225 Lupe Larson, Secretary……………………....Ext.210 Jane Olson, Pastoral Associate……………..Ext.220 Janie Atilano, Hispanic Ministry……1.815.626.5735 Sally Kellen, Shutin Ministry……………….. Ext.226
Cemetery Andres Quintana, Cemetery Manager……...Ext.222
Religious Education Office……….1.815.625.6688 (located in St. Mary School) Gerry Williamson, Director……………….….Ext.244 Dianne Williamson, Secretary……………....Ext.214
St. Mary School 6 West 6th Street…………….……...1.815.625.2253 Rebecca Schmitt, Principal…………………..Ext.227 Jeannie Ramos, Bookkeeper………………..Ext.221 Robbin Clifton, Secretary…………………….Ext.223
Newman Central Catholic High School 1101 W. 23rd Street………………...1.815.625.0500 Mr. Andy Edmondson, Principal St. Vincent DePaul Society 7 West 6th Street………………….....1.815.625.0311 Office Hours: MondayFriday…...12 Noon 2.30 PM
Mass Intentions Mon Dec 8 8.30 AM †Florence Miller Mary Kay 5.15 PM †Ann Hermes Jim Hermes 5.00 PM †Maria Del Carmen Aguilar Familia Jimenez Tue Dec 9 8.30 AM †Helen Thomsen Linda Slowie Wed Dec 10 8.30 AM For the Deceased of St. Mary’s Thu Dec 11 8.30 AM †Louis Flynn Michael Flynn Fri Dec 12 8.30 AM Living & Deceased Members of the Diaz Family The Sitter & Larson Families †Lupe Munoz Martha Cavazos Sat Dec 13 8.30 AM †Felicitas Ranjel Alan & Marilyn Wildman Sat Dec 13 5.00 PM †Virginia Bass Mart Papoccia Sun Dec 14 7.00 AM †William & Tim Conneely Sylvia Conneely 8.30 AM †Everett Gaffey The Gaffey Family 10.00 AM †Rodolfo & Piedad Saldivar Jane Saldivar †Deceased Members of the Onken Family Mary Nell Hartman 11.30 AM †Martin Brito Urcion Efrian Brito
SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS Please consider remembering a loved one or family member by having the sanctuary candle burn for their intention In memory of In thanksgiving for In honor of Or a Special Intention a customary offering (donation) is asked of $10.00. If you have any questions please call the parish office at 1.815.625.0640 SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS The Sanctuary Candle in the church will burn the week of December 613 In memory of Everett Gaffey Given by The Gaffey Family
DEBT REDUCTION Beginning Balance Collection for week
$ 5,167.00 $ 310.00
$ 4,857.00
December Month Tithe (Pads) Envelopes this week
$ 8,073.00 $ 753.63 $ 3.00 $ 8,839.63 $ 14,875.42 $ (6,035.79)
WEEKLY Envelope Collection Loose Collection Children's Collection Total Collection Needed Weekly (Under)
Collection Report 2013-14 November 29-30
Lectors Sat Dec 13 5:00 PM Mark Tschosik Sharley Bailey Sun Dec 14 7:00 AM Helen Musyl 8:30 AM Teresa Gingrich Terry McGinn 10:00 AM Carolyn Gaziano Jane Olson
Eucharistic Ministers
Sat Dec 13 5:00 PM Maureen Roberts Flora Whitman & Julie D. Gowers Sun Dec 14 7:00 AM Alice Ports Joel & Lori Downie 8:30 AM Deacon Jennifer Oetting & Elias Edmondson 10:00 AM Julie Smith Julie Jacobs & Steve Marruffo Altar Servers Sat Dec 13 5:00 PM Breck Tschosik Paul Aguilar & Jacob Kreps Sun Dec 14 8:30 AM Ethan Edmondson Owen Oetting & Olivia Edmondson 10:00 AM Allison Ruthart Sarah Navarro Angelina Lopez
Patriotic Rosary Liturgical Publications Please come and pray the Patriotic There will be a parent meeting for St. Mary and Our bulletin is provided to our parish by Rosary after the 8:30 AM Mass on Public school parents whose children will be Liturgical Publications at No Cost! The Mon., Dec. 8th the Feast of the receiving First Reconciliation and advertisers that you see on the back of the Immaculate Conception. This rosary First Communion this school year bulletin purchase ads that completely cover includes prayers for our nation, in on Tues., Dec. 9th at 6:30 PM in particular, the different branches of our the cost of our bulletin. We are very grateful the Parish Bales Hall. Any to all of them. We encourage you to look at government and the people of the questions call the Religious Ed United States. For instance, a different the many advertisers in our parish bulletin. office at 815.625.6688. state with its people is named as each Patronize their businesses and let them know Hail Mary is prayed. How fitting to you appreciate their support. Religious Education come together and pray the rosary for December Class our country which is dedicated St. Andrew School Schedule to Mary under the title of the Cookie Extravaganza on All classes meet Immaculate Conception. Our Sat., Dec. 6 from 9 AM-4:30 PM Dec. 10 and 17 nation needs prayer warriors. Sun., Dec. 7 from 7-11:30 AM No classes on the Dec. 24, 31 St. Vincent DePaul Society Mix & Match Cookies Adoration SVdP society served 198 $4.00 per dozen Can you donate an hour of your time familiesrepresenting 623 individuals All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet on Tuesday’s to assist with Adoration with food assistance during the month Sun., Dec. 7th from 7-11:30 AM in the chapel. Please contact Deacon of November.Additionally$1,374.00 Adult $8.00 in financial assistance was given to 28 John Kellen if you have any Senior Citizen $7.00 individuals for utilities, rentand questions at the parish center. prescription assistance. We continue Children 10 & Under $4.00 to thank all those who have supported R_ligious E^u][tion Preschool $3.00 ourefforts to help those who are in Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus On behalf of St. Mary Religious need. Education and participating families, we St. Andrew Council 11874 Altar & Rosary would like to thank a very generous wGk G parishioner who recently gave a Altar & Rosary Christmas Lunch donation to us, which covers all past due on Sun., Dec.7 at 1:00 PM in If you have moved, changed your phone and current fees owed in our program. Bales Hall. number or have a cell number only This brings our fees up to date and also AF Meat please stop by or call the provides money for future tuition GL Salad Parish Center at 1.815.625.0640 with any assistance for Religious education. MR Vegetable new information. SZ Dessert SENIOR DINNER Please bring a package Kroger The Sterling Knights of Columbus of diapers any size and or If you shop at Kroger and would like Senior’s committee would like to brand. We will be gifting them to help out St. Mary’s School, we thank St. Mary Church for the use of to Gianna's House. All ladies of have a great way for you to do this. all ages are welcome. the parish hall. We also would like to Stop by the school office and purchase a thank St. Mary, Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s School Kroger preloaded gift card for $5.00. At St. Andrew, St. Mary Altar & Rosary The St. Mary School Holiday Kroger stop by the service desk to “load” Society, Sterling Knights of Performance your card, and then use the card as a debit Columbus, and CGH Medical Center “Back to the Manger” for their donations. Also thank you to card. The card is linked to St. Mary’s School all the parishioner's pie donations, will be held on Thurs., Dec.18th at account, and we will receive 3% of the total KC kitchen crew and the Newman 6:30 PM in the school gymnasium. amount spent. Any questions call the school High School students. Without all of office at 1.815.625.2253 Poinsettias your help this dinner could not have been possible. Thank you!!!! St. Mary’s church will be accepting Special Thanks To donations of red and white St. Mary’s School poinsettias at the Parish Center for St. Mary’s School will be the church on Mon., Dec.15 from M]Cormi]k’s 9:00 AM 4:00 PM. closed Dec. 22 through
Jan. 2 for Christmas break.
Our Advertiser of the Week
Ministerio Hispano J[ni_ @til[no 1.815.626.5735
II Domingo De Adviento Pueblo de Sión, mira que el Señor va a venir para salvar a todos los hombres y dejará oír la majestad de su voz para alegría de su corazón.
Hor[rio ^_ Ofi]in[s
Preparen El Camino Del Señor
Nuestro horario para el Centro Parroquial es de Lunes a Viernes, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
*Nos hemos olvidado de que en la vida matrimonial, o nos queremos más cada día o cada día nos queremos menos, y esto último no es ciertamente lo que Dios quiere de nuestro matrimonio. *No recordamos que “vecino” es otra manera de decir “prójimo”, y de que los prójimos son para amarlos como a nosotros mismos y no para dejarles bolsas de basura en sus puertas, pintarrajearles las paredes, estacionarles el auto frente a su cochera y despreocuparnos olímpicamente de si están enfermos o de si necesitan que les echemos alguna manita… *Pensamos que la falta de alimento, de vestido o de trabajo de los demás, sólo es su “problema” y no también “nuestro problema”... Por eso, en el evangelio de hoy Juan el Bautista nos advierte: Enderecen Su Senderos.
Ministros para el fin de semana del 14 de Diciembre
Lectores: Elvita Brown, Cristina Olivas Ministro de Eucaristía: Rubén Cisneros, Linda Balderas y Ana Rosa Olivo Monaguillos: Kasey Estrella, Rosa y Noelia Ibarra Acomodadores: Juan Trujillo, Ramiro Estrada, Juan Herrera y Gonzalo Lemus Novenario de la Virgen de Guadalupe Diciembre 4 6 PM en la capilla Diciembre 5 6 PM en la capilla Diciembre 6 Juventino y Rosario Trujillo Misa de la Inmaculala Concepción 6 PM en la capilla Tendremos misa en Español el Lunes 8 de Diciembre Diciembre 7 Familia Uresti y Barajas por el día de la Solemnidad de La Purísima Concepción 6 PM en la capilla Diciembre 8 6 PM en la capilla a las 5:00 PM en Bales Hall. Este día es de Precepto, en Diciembre 9 Yolanda Rodriguez otras palabras día obligación, de asistir a la Santa Misa. 6 PM O’Neill Room Flores Para La Navidad Diciembre 10 6 PM en la capilla Diciembre 11 Adrian y Blanca Ibarra Pedimos ayuda con donaciones de flores (Poinsettas) blancas 6 PM en la capilla y rojas para el lunes el 15 de Diciembre para la Navidad. Por Diciembre 12 Familia Olivas, Romo, Baca, Zaragoza favor traer las flores al Centro Parroquial. 4 PM en la Iglesia Junta para educación religiosa Nuestra Sra. De Guadalupe Habrá una junta para la Primera Reconciliación y la Viernes 12 de Diciembre Primera Comunión el martes 9 de Diciembre a las Mañanitas 6:30 PM en el salón Bales Hall. El Jueves 11 de Diciembre a las 11:00 PM en la Iglesia. Rosario A las 4:00 PM en la Iglesia. 4:30 PM presentación de la danza tradicional de los matachines. Confesiones Durante El Adviento 2014 Misa Solemne En Español a las 5:00 PM en la Iglesia. Convio St. Andrews, Rock Falls, IL Después de la misa en el Centro Parroquial Bales Hall. 9 de Diciembre6:30 PM Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSublette Invit[]iòn 10 de Diciembre 6:30 PM Están cordialmente invitados para la recepción después de Misa el 12 de Diciembre en el Bales Hall. St. Mary, Oregon, IL Favor de traer un platillo de comida para compartir. 11 de Diciembre 6:30 PM St. Mary, Morrsion, IL 11 de Diciembre6:30 PM St. Patrick, Dixon, IL 16 de Diciembre6:30 PM St. Ambrose, Erie, IL 17 de Diciembre6:30 PM Immaculate Conception, Fulton, IL 18 de Diciembre6:30 PM