21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA January 10, 2016 The Bap sm of the Lord

21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 | www.saintjoachim.net January 10, 2016 The Bap!sm of the Lord From the Pastor’s Desk: On Ja

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Story Transcript

21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 | www.saintjoachim.net

January 10, 2016 The Bap!sm of the Lord

From the Pastor’s Desk: On January 3rd 2016 a$er the 12.15 pm mass, as I entered my room my cell phone rang. It was a call from one of my priest friends from the East Coast asking whether everything was all right as I had not bothered to wish him this year the usual Merry Christmas and the Happy New Year gree#ngs. With a smile on my lips I replied, “Well, we survived.” The fes#ve season here in St. Joachim began with the Thanksgiving Day, even though various mee#ngs connected to Guadalupe feast, Simbang Gabi, Las Posadas, Christmas and New Year Celebra#ons had been taking place for the last two months or so. As it had been for the last three years, the decora#ve lights were put in our church ‘placita’ and garden from the beginning of December with the purpose – to create a sense of fes#ve mood in everyone par#cularly to our children. As our church is located on one of the important roads in Hayward, the decora#ons outside our church create a fes#ve mood even among the people who drive through Hesperian.

Nota de nuestro pastor: El 3 de Enero del 2016 después de la Misa de 12:15pm, entré en mi habitación y mi teléfono celular sonó. Fue una llamada de uno de mis amigos Sacerdotes de la Costa Este preguntando si todo estaba bien, ya que no me había molestado en saludarlo este año por una Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo como de costumbre lo he hecho. Con una sonrisa en mis labios respondí: "Bueno, sobrevivimos." Las fiestas aquí en San Joaquín comenzaron el día de Acción de Gracia, a pesar que varias reuniones conectadas a la celebración de la fiesta de Guadalupe, celebración Simbang Gabi, celebración de las Posadas, y celebraciones de Navidad y Año Nuevo habían tenido lugar durante los úl#mos dos meses más o menos. Como ha sido durante los úl#mos tres años, las luces decora#vas fueron puestas en nuestra 'placita' y jardín de la Iglesia desde principios de Diciembre con un propósito – crear una sensación de ambiente fes#vo para todo el mundo y par#cularmente para nuestros niños. Como nuestra Iglesia está ubicada en una de las vías más importantes en Hayward, las decoraciones fuera de nuestra Iglesia crean un ambiente fes#vo, incluso entre la gente que conduce por Hesperian.

The ac#on packed month began with Novena Mass to Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 3rd 2015. The Guadalupano Commi%ee under the leadership of Ms. Guadalupe Sanchez had me#culously planned and executed the whole event culmina#ng in the fes#val of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th. In order to enable the huge crowd who came for the fes#val to have a sense of par#cipa#on in the fes#ve mass, Mr. Roberto Baires and his team made arrangements and live telecasted the fes#ve mass in the Gym, St.Joachim hall and even on the church placita. The ever increasing crowd for the fes#val of Guadalupe is a sign how well the fes#val of Guadalupe is being celebrated here at St. Joachim.

El mes de acción comenzó con la Misa del Novenario a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el 3 de Diciembre del 2015. El Comité Guadalupano, bajo el liderazgo de la Sra. Guadalupe Sánchez, me#culosamente planeó y ejecutó todo el evento, culminando con en el fes#val de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el 12 de Diciembre. Con el fin de permi#r que la mul#tud que viene al fes#val tuviera un sen#do de par#cipación de la Misa fes#va, el Sr. Roberto Baires y su equipo hicieron arreglos para que la Misa fes#va fuera televisada en vivo en el gimnasio, en el salón social de San Joaquín, e incluso en la placita de la Iglesia. La mul#tud que cada vez es mayor para el fes#val de Guadalupe, es una muestra de lo bien que se celebra el fes#val de Guadalupe aquí en San Joaquín.

Immediately a$er the weekend masses we began the Simbang Gabi celebra#ons. It was amazing to see the church filled with people early in the morning at 5.30 am. This year’s Simbang Gabi celebra#ons were led by the newly formed Simbang Gabi Commi%ee under the leadership of Ms.Edna Valderrama. To feed breakfast every morning to more than 250 people who came for the 5.30 am morning mass was not an easy job par#cularly when you do not exactly know how many people are going to bring food to share and how many are going to come for the breakfast. Thanks to the planning and the hard work of the Simbang Gabi Commi%ee, the liturgy in the church and the common breakfast in the gym went smoothly and to the sa#sfac#on of everyone.

Inmediatamente después de las Misas de fin de semana, comenzamos la celebración de Simbang Gabi. Fue sorprendente ver la Iglesia llena de gente tan temprano por la mañana a las 5:30am. Las celebraciones de Simbang Gabi de este año fueron conducidas por el Comité de Simbang Gabi recién formado bajo el liderazgo de la Sra. Edna Valdarrama. Proveer el desayuno cada mañana para más de 250 personas que vinieron a la Misa de 5:30am no fue una tarea fácil sobre todo cuando no se sabe cuántas personas van a traer comida para compar#r y cuántos van a venir para el desayuno. Gracias a la planificación y el trabajo del Comité Simbang Gabi, la Liturgia en la Iglesia y el desayuno en el gimnasio salieron bien y a la sa#sfacción de todos.

From Dec.16 to Dec.23 every evening we had Las Posadas celebra#on organized by the Las Posadas Commi%ee under the direc#on of Mr.Jose Luis Gonzalez. It was amazing to see so many people par#cularly the children taking part in the Las Posadas celebra#ons which created in them a sense of “eager awai#ng” which is truly the meaning of Advent. Thanks to everyone who sponsored food and gi$s to the Las Posadas celebra#ons.

Cada noche del 16 Diciembre hasta el 23 Diciembre, tuvimos celebraciones de la Posada organizada por el Comité de la Posadas bajo la dirección del Sr. José Luis González. Fue increíble ver a tantas personas, especialmente los niños, par#cipar en las celebraciones de la Posada que crearon en ellos un sen#do de "espera impaciente" que es verdaderamente el significado de Adviento. Gracias a todos quienes patrocinaron la comida y regalos para la celebración de la Posada.

I express my hear&elt thanks to everyone who in one way or another helped in organizing various events that took place here at St. Joachim in the month of December. May God Bless you and your family abundantly.

Quiero expresar mi más sincero agradecimiento a todos los que de una u otra forma ayudaron en la organización de varios eventos que tuvieron lugar aquí en San Joaquín durante el mes de Diciembre.



Parish Office 783-2766 Readings for the week of Parish Fax January 10, 2016 783-2760 Parish Email [email protected] Sun/Dom: Parish Office Hours Is 40:1-5, 9-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/ Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30/Ti 2:11-14; Bilingual available T,W,F 47:30 PM 3:4-7 or Acts 10:34-38/ Saturday 10 AM-4 PM Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM Mon/Lunes: Sunday 9 AM-4 PM Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM 1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-19/Mk 1:14-20 —————————————— Tues/Martes: 1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Mk 1:21-28 Rev. Joseph Antony Sebas"an, SVD Wed/Mier: Pastor 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10/ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday Mk 1:29-39 10 AM to 12 PM Thurs/Vier: 5 PM to 8 PM 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25/ (with appointment) lunes, martes, miércoles, y Mk 1:40-45 viernes Fri/Vier: 10 AM a 12 PM 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-19/ 5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)

Mk 2:1-12 Sat/Sab: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-7/ Mk 2:13-17 Next Sun/Dom: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/ 1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11

THE WEEK AHEAD ~Monday January 11th Pastoral Council Meeting Pastoral Council will meet Monday at 7 PM in the Fireside Room Friday ~ Saturday ~ Sunday January 15, 16, 17 Pan de Vida Retreat Youth Retreat in the Gym — Open to all 13-21 yr. olds. Register in the Rectory Office. Not an overnight retreat .

Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD Parochial Vicar Monday, Wednesday Thursday, and Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment) lunes, miércoles , jueves y viernes 10:30 AM a 12:00 PM 5 PM a 8 PM (con cita) Ariel Mayormita Music Director/ Director de Música Phone Ext. #223 [email protected] Flor Herce Bookkeeper Pat Ludwig Administrative Assistant

Faith Forma"on Office 785-1818 Oficina de Formación de Fe

Glenda Aragón Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Abraham Gonzalez Faith Formation Coordinator / Youth Minister 550-6878 / [email protected] Bertha Cruz Administrative Assistant —————————————— St. Vincent de Paul 783-0344 Office hours 1:30-3PM ONLY Monday-Friday San Vicente de Paul Gary Enos President ——————————————

St. Joachim School 783-3177 Escuela de San Joaquín

Armond Seishas Principal Sandra Garzon School Secretary

St. Joachim Pre-School 783-0604 Marisa Melgarejo Director

Recently, my high school daughter a!ended a bap"sm at a nondenomina"onal church of one of her friends. A decent group of girls, from all different denomina"ons, a!ended and congratulated her a$er the service. The photos from the event show faces full of joy and the love the girls had for their friend. The girl had been planning this event for many months, seemingly against her mother's wishes, but in the end, her mother and grandparents a!ended the service as well. I guess since it meant so much to her daughter, in the end she couldn't help but give in and put aside her bias against religion and a!end. And it was very important for this girl. She not only wanted to belong to the body of Christ, she wanted to begin a new chapter in her life. Yes, she was a new crea"on in Christ and that made her very happy, but we some"mes focus so much on the theology of the sacrament that we can minimize the experience of a fresh start in life. Who we were previously exists no more, and God only sees the unblemished lamb before him. When Jesus sought out the bap"sm of John, it was not the same bap"sm that you and I receive. There was no sin to wash away and no dying and rising, but it was a profound new beginning, the start of a ministry that would lead to the death and Resurrec"on into which we then are bap"zed. A$er your bap"sm, what was your new life like? Do you not remember because you were a baby? If you came into the Church through RCIA later in life, maybe you can answer this more easily. But if you were bap"zed as an infant, perhaps it is "me to recapture that moment and reflect on being a new crea"on. It will make your stewardship way of life more meaningful and provide the strength to answer the Lord's call every day. ~~Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS© Liturgical Publica"ons Inc

Everyday Stewardship

PRAY FOR Mehrunissa K. Serang Michele Lozano Joselino M. Alejandrino Edward Boris Georgie Dwonch Duyen Corbridge Ann F. Kishimori Angel Delval Felix Chavez Vivienne Malig Sheila Bacallo Anita Z. Ruedas Fabian Abellana Helen Karas Ken Freitas

FOOD DONATIONS St. Vincent de Paul

Food offering for next week:


3HDQXW%XWWHU-HOO\RU&UDFNHUV COLLECTION FOR WEEK Crema de cacahuate, mermalada, galletas

December 27th

COLLECTION FOR WEEK January 3rd The Plate Collection $ 9,895.70 EFT Collection $ 691.00 New Year’s Day $ 1,627.00 On Line Giving $ 65.00 TOTAL for the WEEK

The Plate Collection $ 8474.20 EFT Collection $ 155.00 Christmas Day $ 9,284.00 On Line Giving $ 65.00



TOTAL for the WEEK

$ 17,978.20


According to “Mondo Va cano,” a mini-encyclopedia published by the Va can, the origin of the Holy Door may trace back to the ancient Chris an prac ce of public penitence. Sinners were given public penances to be performed before receiving absolu on. The sinners were not allowed to enter a church before comple ng the penance; however they were solemnly welcomed back in when their penance was fulfilled. Similarly, in this Holy Year of Mercy, pilgrims enter through the Holy Door as a sign of their repentance and re-commitment to a life of faith. The ritual of opening the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica goes back to 1499 when Pope Alexander VI opened the door on Christmas Eve to inaugurate the Holy Year 1500. For centuries the door was opened with a silver hammer, not a key. The Va can’s mini-encyclopedia explains that the silver hammer was used to symbolically show that “the door of jus ce and mercy gives way only to the force of prayer and penance.” In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II opened the door with one strong push instead of the silver hammer. Pope Francis on December 8, 2015 had to pushes a couple of mes to get the door open. He then walked slowly through into St. Peter’s Basilica, followed by a frail-looking ex-pope Benedict XVI and a procession of cardinals, bishops, priests, men and women religious, and laity. The bronze panels made by Vico Consor that are a#ached to the door were added in 1949. Between the panels are li#le shields with the coats of arms of all the popes that opened it during an ordinary Holy Year, with the last being St. John Paul II. Pope Francis’ coat of arms will be etched onto one of the empty shields a$er the door is once again closed. Con nued…

What happens when Catholics walk through the Holy Door? Walking through the Holy Door means that you receive an indulgence, which is a lessening of the consequences a#ached to sin. When you sin, you must go to confession and you are forgiven. But forgiveness only applies to the guilt of your sin; there may s ll be consequences of your sin that you may have to pay for in this life or a$er you die. An indulgence is a way to lessen that penalty. As an analogy, if someone commits a crime, he is sentenced to jail me as punishment. He may be sorry for his crime and apologize, but he s ll must serve his sentence and deal with the consequences of his crime. To receive a full indulgence (called a plenary indulgence), you must: 1. Walk through the Holy Door. 3. Receive communion. To be con nued

2. Go to confession. and 4. Pray for the inten ons of the pope

… Sources: CNN.com, telegraph.co.uk, d Catholicnewsagency.com, yahoo.com, cnsblog.wordpress.com, religionnews.com

Le your wallet at home? 1— go to www.saintjoachim.net and click on ‘Donate/Pay’ 2—select ‘weekly offertory’ 3—Select ‘recurring’ or ‘one $me dona$on’ 4—enter amount, frequency and account informa$on.

It’s safe. It’s simple. It’s convenient.

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MASS INTENTIONS January 9-16, 2016 Saturday 4:30 PM The Community of St. Joachim Saturday 6:00 PM Roberto S. Castro (birthday) Jesus Haro † Pantaleon Perez † Mariano Preciado † Asela Rodriguez † (17th aniversario) Ramiro Haro † (1st mes aniversario) Francisco S. Magallon (27th aniversario) Jesus Villapando † (aniversario)

Monday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 7:00 PM The Community of St. Joachim

Monday 8:30 AM Ella Clemente †

Thursday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Tuesday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Thursday 8:30 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Tuesday 8:30 AM Friday 7:00 AM Vicente Evangelista † (18th anniversary) The Community of St. Joachim Ella Clemente † J. Jesus Sanchez Garcia † Friday 8:30 AM Ella Clemente † Wednesday 7:00 AM Saturday 8:30 AM The Community of St. Joachim Ella Clemente † Sunday 7:30 AM Wednesday 8 :30 AM Vicky & Roger Gabriel Ramon Gonzaga Garcia † (37th wedding anniversary)

Sunday 9:00 AM Delfina Whi"aker (70th birthday) Nguyen Thi Nhiem † Ella Clemente † Dominguez & Gonzalez families † Evonne Medina †

Sunday 10:30 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Sunday 12:15 PM The Community of St. Joachim Sunday 2:00 PM Maria Guadalupe Ventura (cumplenos) Marta Flores (sanacion) Olga Elenes (sanacion) Pablo Valdes (sanacion) Leonor Sanches (sanacion) Raquel Reyes Lopez † Sunday 6:00 PM Maria & Salvador Espinoza (25th aniversario de boda) Felix Miranda † (11th aniversario) Jesus Villapando † (aniversario)

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