Comprehension Identify Text Organization and Structure. Writing Write a reference text

Teaching Plan EDL Level 4 Guided Reading Level A Intervention Level 1 In Animales de la A a la Z, each letter of the alphabet is paired with an

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Teaching Plan EDL Level


Guided Reading Level


Intervention Level


In Animales de la A a la Z, each letter of the alphabet is paired with an animal whose name starts with that letter.

Nonfiction Genre • Reference

Comprehension • Identify Text Organization and Structure

Nonfiction Features • Letter Identifiers • Tabbing Device

Writing • Write a reference text.

Text Structure • Enumerative

Content Area Connections: Life Science • Understand that there are many

Vocabulary • animales

kinds of animals. • Understand that animals look alike and different.

Curriculum Support You may want to use Animales de la A a la Z when teaching the following science topic: • Animals

Cross-Text Reading • Un perro llamado Miel, an iOpeners Grade K science title; and Un viaje a la playa and Enciclopedia de lugares, iOpeners Grade K social studies titles

1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Reference • Display the book cover. Read aloud the title and the author’s name. Explain that the book is a reference book. Unlike most books, reference books are not usually read from start to finish. Instead, readers use a reference book to find a specific piece of information.

• Tell children that this book contains information on different animals. Explain that the animals are listed in alphabetical order, meaning that the first animal’s name begins with an a, the second animal’s name begins with a b, and so on.

• ¿Qué otros tipos de libros de consulta usa la gente? ¿Cuándo querría alguien usar este libro?

Activate or Build Background • Use an alphabet strip to display the letters of the alphabet. Explain that the letters on the strip are shown in alphabetical order.

• Sing “La canción del alfabeto” with children to help them practice the letter names. Point to each letter on the alphabet strip as it is mentioned in the song.

Preview and Predict • Browse through the book with children. ¿Qué tipos de animales hay en este libro? ¿Cuántos de ellos has visto antes? ¿Qué animales son nuevos para ti?

• ¿Por qué animales sientes más curiosidad de saber más?

• ¿Qué es algo que crees que aprenderás leyendo este libro?

Introduce Vocabulary You may want to introduce the following word before reading:

• animales: seres vivos que por lo general se mueven por sí mismos y comen plantas u otros animales

2 How to Read a Reference Book LEARN ABOUT BOOK ORGANIZATION

• Tabbing device: Display the book cover, and point out the letters shown in the colored boxes along the right-hand side. Tell children that these boxes are called tabs. A tab can help the reader find a particular place in a book. Turn to page 2. Explain that all the letters of the alphabet are shown on the left-hand side of the page, but only the letters a and b appear in a color bar. That means information about animals whose names begin with the letters a and b can be found on this page. Page through the book, stopping at various tabs. Point out that the letters set in tabs are the letters that are shown on that particular page.

• Letter identifiers: Turn to page 4. Point out the capital and lowercase letters in the upper left corner of each animal’s box. Explain to children that if they wanted to find an animal that began with the letter e, they would first use the tab to find animals that begin with d and e, then they would look at the letters in the upper left corner of the box to find the specific animal that begins with the letter e. Show children an alphabet strip with the English alphabet. Tell children that the Spanish alphabet has three letters that are not included in the English alphabet. ¿Puedes hallar una letra que forme parte del alfabeto español pero que no esté incluida en el alfabeto inglés? ¿Qué animal en este libro comienza con esa letra?


• Photographs: Have children page through the book and preview the photographs. Explain that photographs show things that words alone cannot describe. Direct children’s attention to the photographs of the vulture on page 2 and the quetzal on page 11. Point out that the photographs help readers understand what each bird looks like.


• ¿Qué página mirarías para buscar información que te ayude a comparar un león y una llama? ¿En qué se parecen un león y una llama? ¿En qué se diferencian estos dos animales? Compare and Contrast

• Ask children to find the page that shows a magpie. ¿Qué está haciendo la urraca? ¿Cómo lo sabes? Draw Conclusions

• Piensa en qué pasaría si supieras cómo es un animal pero no supieras con qué letra comienza su nombre. ¿Cómo podrías comprobar de todas maneras si hay información acerca de ese animal en este libro? Describe en orden los pasos que tomarías para hacerlo. Sequence of Events

• Have children look at the front cover of the book. ¿Por qué crees que la autora llamó este libro Animales de la A a la Z? ¿Incluyó la autora un animal por cada letra del alfabeto? Si tú fueras el autor, ¿qué otros animales hubieras incluido en este libro? Personal Response

ESL/ELL Strategy Use the cover of the book to help children learn the alphabet. As you point to each letter, name it and have children repeat after you. Then have each child identify the letter that his or her name begins with.

Reread the Book • After rereading, use the graphic organizer on the back cover to help children practice what they have learned about alphabetical order. Ask children to write in the boxes the letters of the alphabet, in order. Then, on separate paper, have children draw a picture of an animal whose name begins with the same letter their own name starts with.

• Discuss the book’s text organization. ¿Cómo organizó la autora la información de este libro? ¿Por qué crees que agrupó la información de esa manera?

• ¿Cuál te parece el animal más interesante de este libro? ¿Con qué letra comienza su nombre?

Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Las respuestas variarán, pero pueden incluir: Permite al lector ver fácilmente todos los animales incluidos en el libro. 2. Las respuestas variarán, pero pueden incluir: Las ilustraciones dan más información, porque muestran el aspecto del animal; las palabras dan más información porque dicen cómo se llama el animal. 3. Las respuestas variarán.

3 Learn Through the Text SCIENCE: All Kinds of Animals Use Animales de la A a la Z to help children understand that animals have similarities and differences.

• Talk about how animals are different sizes, shapes, and colors. Point out that animals have different coverings, such as fur, feathers, and scales. Explain that animals also move in different ways—they walk, run, crawl, swim, and fly.

• Point to the camel and the iguana. ¿En qué se parecen estos animales? ¿En qué se diferencian?

• Point to the dolphin and the elephant. ¿En qué se parecen estos animales? ¿En qué se diferencian?

• Follow this procedure with other animal pairs. • Have children draw and label a picture of the animal

COMPREHENSION: Identify Text Organization and Structure • Remind children that the information in the book is organized in alphabetical order. Explain that this makes it easy for readers to find information about a specific topic.

• Tell children that to find a specific animal, readers can think about the first letter in the animal’s name and look for that letter on the tabs.

• Model how to find the penguin: Yo sé que pingüino comienza con la letra p. Buscaré la letra p.

• Ask children: ¿Cómo sé dónde buscar al gato? ¿Cómo sé dónde buscar al zorro?

they think is the most interesting.

WRITING Write a Reference Text Have children use what they have learned about reference text to write an alphabet book about names.

• Gather twenty-nine sheets of large drawing paper. Have children recall the alphabet. Write one set of uppercase and lowercase letters at the top of each sheet.

• Work together to name all the children in class. As each child calls out his or her name, write it on the sheet of paper that corresponds to the beginning letter. (Some pages may have more than one name.)

• On pages for which there is no classroom representation, brainstorm with children a name to add.

• Distribute the papers based on children’s names. Have them draw pictures of themselves. Volunteers can illustrate the pages that have names not represented in the class.

• Bind the pages in alphabetical order. Create a cover with a title and add it to the book.

• Read the book with children before placing it in the classroom library.

Animales de la A a la Z Organizador gráfico Nombre

Los animales y el alfabeto: de la A a la Z

Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Celebration Press, an imprint of Pearson Learning Group, 299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the Reproducible Graphic Organizer, which may be reproduced for classroom use only. For information regarding permission(s), write to Rights and Permissions Department.


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