Hillyfield Newsletter Issue 22 - 3rd March 2023 Flipbook PDF

Hillyfield Newsletter Issue 22 - 3rd March 2023

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Story Transcript

NEWSLET TER Issue 22 - 3rd March 2023

Tips on how to use our new Knowledge Organisers... Knowledge Organisers are helping pupils to commit All classes have their organisers printed and new information to their long-term memory. laminated, available for children to physically use at Teachers at Hillyfield have created the organisers to any time they need support, as well as being a part help pupils to retain and recall key knowledge across the curriculum. From research, Knowledge Organisers are proven to • help children to transfer chunks of knowledge from their short-term memory to long-term memory • foster independent learning in the class and for home learning • assess children to identify gaps in knowledge throughout the topic • support children who are absent to catch up on any missed learning

of teaching slides and on working walls. Scan the QR code to visit the Knowledge Organisers section of the school website where you will find a video with tips on how to use them at home. Knowledge Organisers for Autumn 1 and Autumn 2 for Year 1 to 6 can also be found on the website here.

Hillyfield at the Park attendance:

Overall attendance for this week:

Hillyfield on the Hill attendance:




School News

Tweet of the Week

World Book Day World Book Day is Tuesday 7th March. Children have been creating their costumes in the whole-school Design and Technology challenge. Children have chosen what character they want to dress up as and have created costumes and props for that character. It is a non-uniform day and children may bring items from home to complement their costumes. There is no need for any additional costumes from home. We are all looking forward to the day. Lost Property, Bicycles, Scooters and Buggies Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name. For more information on our school uniform please go to https://www.hillyfieldacademy.com/walthamforest/primary/hillyfield/site/pages/parents/schooluniform. The school does not take any responsibility for any items left on our grounds this includes bicycles, scooters and buggies. School Ping Please refresh your SchoolPing calender frequently to view up to date events.

Attendance Star of the Week Dodd Class - 100%

Upcoming dates for your diary... Tuesday 7th March - World Book Day Thursday 9th March Year 5 Park and Hill - Hillyfield 6 Royal Festival Hall trip Thursday 9th March - Reception stay and play park site Thursday 9th March - KS1 starts Gardening with Letting Grow. Thursday 9th March - Reception Hill Movie Evening Fundraiser 3.15pm- 5pm Friday 17th March - Red Nose Day (Jumper for Joy) Tues 21st March - Spring Arts Exhibition Park site from 3:45 to 4:45pm Wednesday 22nd March - Reception Park Movie Evening Fundraiser 3.15pm- 5pm Thurs 23rd March - Spring Arts Exhibition Hill Site from 3:45 to 4:45pm Wednesday 29th March - Year 4 Hill to ZSL London Zoo Thursday, 30th March -Great British Dance Off Friday 31st March - No Tea Time Club Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April - School closed for Easter Break Monday 17th April - School reopens for Summer Term Wednesday 26th - Friday 28th April Year 5 Residential at The Hive Wednesday 26th April - Year 4 Park trip to the Science Museum Thursday 4th May- Class Photos Park Wednesday 3rd - Friday 5th May Year 5 Residential at The Hive

Brilliance in Every Child Excellence Every Day

Ever wanted to stomp like a dinosaur, make friends with a whale, or try out an earthquake simulator? The Natural History museum is an amazing opportunity for you to build on your love of Geography, Science and History! You could even step back in time with Charles Darwin in a workshop just for children. Click here to find out more information.

BREAKING NEWS! Our gardeners are ready to start the lessons with KS1 next week! Ross and Hannah have been on site preparing the soil, tools and safety measures in order for everyone to enjoy the school garden at the Park and Hill site. Watch this space for more news and photos of the progression of our garden. If you have some spare time, please contact us and a member of staff will be in touch with you with more information. Email: [email protected]

World book day storytelling with Hannah Need at Hale End library To celebrate World book day at Hale End library we have a special storytelling session with Hannah Need. Date: 4 March 2023 Time: 12:30pm to 1pm Location: Hale End Library Castle Avenue London E4 9QD Cost: Free, just turn up

Brilliance in Every Child Excellence Every

News from Year 4

For the past two weeks, all classes in Year 4 have been developing their woodworking skills in Hillyfield’s purpose built D&T workshop classroom. Having learnt about NASA’s Mars rover missions. The children have been learning to accurately measure, saw and sand wood in order to build a vehicle chassis. They have combined this with their prior technical knowledge in order to build working ‘tools’ for their rover buggies using levers and linkages. Eva and Martin in Johson class wisely advise “Let the saw do the work, don’t force tools.”

Friday 17th March 2023

This Red Nose Day is all about coming together and spreading joy. Hillyfield Primary School will be spreading the joy by taking part in ‘Jumpers for Joy’ On the 17th March, pupils can come to school wearing your BRIGHTEST, most COLOURFUL or FAVOURITE jumper/ cardigan (top) that brings YOU, JOY. Why not get creative with it, and try to make your own at home? Children will also be participating in ‘spreading the joy’ throughout the day. We kindly ask that you have a go at making a red nose at home or using face paint and donate the money you would have spent on a nose to our Red Nose Day fundraiser. Please help our fundraising efforts by donating through our Red Nose Day donation item on ParentPay. https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Foc/Default.aspx?shopid=10635

Brilliance in Every Child Excellence Every Day

The Re-opening of our School Libraries

We are very lucky to have three well-resourced libraries in our school. This week launched the reopening of these libraries. For the past few weeks our librarian, Kate, has been busy cataloguing all the books ready for children to borrow. On Wednesday, children across the school were invited to the library for a storytime and to receive their own library cards. Children enjoyed browsing the many books and some even got to use the school scanner to borrow their books. Over the next few weeks, Kate will be working with classes and giving every child their library card and log-in. Children will be able to browse the catalogue of books and reserve online.

To launch the re-opening of the libraries, we have a competition for all children to enter. Children have to guess how many books there are in the library. To enter the competition, please click the link below: Library Competition

Brilliance in Every Child Excellence Every Day

Brilliance in Every Child Excellence Every Day

Betty’s Blog Hello everybody! This week there was a lot of excitement around the libraries at both sites. I saw lots of fur-tunate children who had represented their classes and attended the event. A few of the children told me about their new special library cards. They showed them to me quickly but didn’t let me sniff them, as they said they were very special and they felt very im-paw-tant to be some of the first children to get them. I saw that a few children from Year 6 had chosen books on something called the Blitz. I heard it was their topic at the moment and they were looking paw-ward to doing some reading on it at home. They thought I might like a book called ‘Victory dogs’ as it tells the story of two puppies, Bark and Howl, who are born in the tunnels of London. It sounded a little scary but I have a sneaky feeling that the characters will be pup-tastic and end up saving the day. I had a very exciting job this week. I joined Mrs Lough to be the celebrity story teller surprising Nursery. We had to hide under a blanket whilst they guessed who it could be. A few children heard my bell jingle and shouted my name so I popped out then everybody cheered. It was a lot of fun! Mrs Lough read the story of Hairy McClairy to the children and told them all that she thought I looked a little bit like the main dog. I was supposed to join them for the storytime but got a little distracted in their book corner. I hope I can join in with more surprise story sessions soon. Have a wonderful weekend. I hope it is full of fur-bulous stories and adventures. Betty

Hillyfield at the Park Aveling Park Road, London, E17 4NR T: 020 8498 4920 E: [email protected]

Hillyfield on the Hill Higham Hill Road, London, E17 6ED T: 020 8527 7934 F: 020 8523 3868 E: [email protected]


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