nuestra preciosa tierra 1 800 453 8481 25 Union Street, Brandon, VT 05733 nuestra preciosa tierra guiá del profesor Editors: Brian A. Jerome Ph.D.

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Story Transcript 1 800 453 8481 25 Union Street, Brandon, VT 05733

nuestra preciosa tierra guiá del profesor

Editors: Brian A. Jerome Ph.D. Stephanie Zak Jerome Assistant Editors: Louise Marrier Josh Hummel Marta Manrique-Gomez Graphics: Fred Thodal

a message from our company | viewing clearances | use and copyright

a message from our company . . . Visual Learning is a Vermont-based, family owned company specializing in the creation of science programs. As former classroom science teachers, we have designed our programs to meet the needs and interests of both students and teachers. Our mission is to help educators and students meet educational goals while experiencing the thrill of science! viewing clearances

The video and accompanying teacher’s guide are for instructional use only. In showing these programs, no admission charges are to be incurred. The programs are to be utilized in face-to-face classroom instructional settings, library settings, or similar instructional settings. Duplication rights are available, but must be negotiated with visual learning systems. Television, cable, or satellite rights are also available, but must be negotiated with visual learning systems. Closed circuit rights are available, and are defined as the use of the program beyond a single classroom but within a single campus. Institutions wishing to utilize the program in multiple campuses must purchase the multiple campus version of the program, available at a slightly higher fee. Video streaming rights are available and must be negotiated with visual learning systems. Discounts may be granted to institutions interested in purchasing programs in large quantities. These discounts may be negotiated with visual learning systems.

use and copyright

The purchase of this video program entitles the user the right to reproduce or duplicate, in whole or in part, this teacher’s guide and the black line master handouts for the purpose of teaching in conjunction with this video, our precious earth. The right is restricted only for use with this video program. Any reproduction or duplication, in whole or in part, of this guide and student masters for any purpose other than for use with this video program is prohibited.


The video and this teacher’s guide are the exclusive property of the copyright holder. Copying, transmitting, or reproducing in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from the copyright holder is prohibited (Title 17, U.S. Code Sections 501 and 506). Copyright © 2012 ISBN 1-59234-771-1

nuestra preciosa tierra


teacher’s guide a message from our company


viewing clearances


use and copyright


student learning objectives




introducing the program


program viewing suggestions


literature connections


key vocabulary


video script


answer key to student assessments


answer key to student activities


student activities ¿Qué sabes ahora?


¿Qué has aprendido?


Revisión del video


Mini-examen del video


Los recursos naturales




Conservar los recursos naturales


nuestra preciosa tierra


student learning objectives | assessment

student learning objectives Upon viewing the video and completing the enclosed student activities, students will be able to do the following: 1  Understand

that planet Earth is the home to billions of people, as well as home to plants, animals, and other living things. 2  Explain that more and more people are added to Earth everyday. This puts a greater demand on things taken from Earth. 3  Appreciate the value of our planet. Understand that Earth is the only place we can live. Therefore it is important to take care of Earth. 4  Define natural resources as things from Earth used by people. 5  Explain that the environment includes our surroundings. Things in the environment include air, water, sunlight, rocks, and living things. 6  List some examples of energy natural resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, moving water, wind, and sunlight. 7  Define the term scarce. Understand that some natural resources have become scarce. 8  Explain that pollution is the process of damaging natural resources. 9  State an example of pollution. 10  Describe resource conservation. Cite an example of resource conservation in their home or school.

assessment what do you know now? (p. 10): This preliminary assessment is an assessment tool designed to gain an understanding of students’ preexisting knowledge. It can also be used as a benchmark upon which to assess student progress based on the objectives stated on the previous pages. what have you learned? (p. 11): This post assessment can be utilized as an assessment tool following student completion of the program and student activities. The results of this assessment can be compared against the results of the preliminary assessment to assess student progress.


video review (p. 12): The video review can be used as an assessment tool or as a student activity. There are two sections. The first part contains questions displayed during the program. The second part consists of a five-question video quiz to be answered at the end of the video.

nuestra preciosa tierra

Before showing students the video ask them to look around the room for a few seconds. Have them write down the things they see. Examples might include chairs, desks, tables, books, computers, windows, and paper. After students have done this on their own, have each child write one of their observations on the board. Next, explain that each of these things was made from materials taken from Earth. Write the term “natural resource” on the board. Explain that natural resources are things taken from Earth and used by people. Discuss some other types of natural resources such as water, air, minerals, fruits, and vegetables. Explain that sometimes natural resources become damaged. We may use up natural resources, or they may become dirty so we cannot use them. Tell students to pay close attention to the video to learn more about natural resources and our precious Earth.

program viewing suggestions The student master “video review” is provided (p. 12) for distribution to students. You may choose to have your students complete this master while viewing the program or do so upon its conclusion. The program is approximately 10 to 12 minutes in length and includes a five-question video quiz. Answers are not provided to the video quiz in the video, but are included in this guide on page 9. You may choose to grade student quizzes as an assessment tool or to review the answers in class.

introducing the program | program viewing suggestions | literature connections

introducing the program

The video is content-rich with numerous vocabulary words. For this reason you may want to periodically stop the video to review and discuss new terminology and concepts.

literature connections Barraclough, Sue. Earth’s Resources. Minnesota: Heinemann-Raintree, 2008. Davis, Lauren. Giggles the Green Bean Turns Stinkytown into Greentown. California: New Year Publishing, 2010. Drummond, Allan. Energy Island: How One Community Harnessed the Wind and Changed the World. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2011. Glaser, Linda. Our Big Home. Minnesota: Millbrook Press, 2002. Green, Jen. Why Should I Save Energy?. New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 2005. Siddals, Mary McKenna. Compost Stew. New York: Tricycle Press, 2010.

nuestra preciosa tierra


key vocabulary |video script

key vocabulary



Earth natural resources environment light energy

scarce pollution conservation energy natural resources

video script 01 


02  Every

few seconds you need to take a breath of fresh air. probably drink a glass of clear, clean water everyday, too. 04  We often take things like fresh air and clean water for granted. 05  These, as well as other things that we get from the world around us, are very important. 06  We use many things from the Earth everyday. Without them we couldn’t survive. 07  During the next few minutes we’re going to take a closer look at these things,… 08  .… and the importance of our planet,… 09  .… as we explore our precious Earth. 03  You


planet earth our home

11  You

live in a place you call home. your home you sleep, you eat, and you do the things you like to do. Your home provides you with the things you need. 13  Together, all the people in the world, live on planet Earth. It’s home to all of us. 14  Earth is a pretty big place. But, more people are being added to Earth everyday. 15  It’s becoming more crowded. And, many of the things people need are becoming harder to get. 12  In

you 16  Is there another planet Earth? decide 17  Not that we know of. There is only one planet Earth. 18  Earth


is unique in that it has the right temperature, water, and other things that enable us to survive, and enjoy life. 19  If we damage our planet, we can’t all move to a different one. 20  So as you can see, our Earth is very precious.

nuestra preciosa tierra

22  Every


39  When


48  Have


video script

earth’s natural resources


time you use a pencil,… ride in a car,… 24  .… or eat food; you’re using something that came from the Earth. We call these things natural resources. 25  Natural resources are things from the Earth that are used by people. These things come from the environment. 26  The environment consists of our surroundings. It includes air, sunlight, water, rocks, and living things to name just a few. 27  The environment includes many different natural resources. 28  Examples of natural resources include rocks and minerals mined from Earth,… 29  .… food grown on farms,… 30  .… and things such as wood cut from trees. 31  Natural resources we use for energy are also very important. Examples of energy natural resources include oil, natural gas, and coal. 32  Moving water and wind are also energy natural resources. They can be used to make electricity. 33  The sun is also a valuable natural resource. 34  It warms the Earth. Plants use light energy from the sun to make food. 35  Light energy from the sun can even be used to create electricity with the use of solar panels. 36  So, as you can see, we cannot live without natural resources. 37  Unfortunately, we are running out of some natural resources. 23  .…


natural resource problems


conserving natural resources

resources become hard to get, we say they are scarce. 40  For example, there are parts of the world’s oceans that have been overfished. 41  So many fish have been caught that there aren’t any more to catch. This is just one example of a natural resource that is becoming scarce. 42  Have you ever smelled dirty air? 43  Or, have you ever seen garbage along the road? 44  These are examples of pollution. 45  Pollution is the process of damaging natural resources. 46  In a way pollution poisons our natural resources. you ever heard someone in your family say to you “Turn off the water – you’re wasting it”? 49  Or, maybe you’ve had an adult tell you to turn off the lights when you leave a room. 50  These are examples of resource conservation.

nuestra preciosa tierra


video script

51  Conservation

is the process of saving and preserving natural resources. conservation is the process of using natural resources wisely. 53  There are many ways you can use natural resources wisely. 54  For example, encourage your family to drive less. This helps conserve gasoline. 55  Keep the heat or air conditioning in your house at reasonable levels. This helps reduce energy use. 52  Resource

you observe




56  How

is this person wasting natural resources? 57  That’s right. He didn’t recycle his soda can. 58  Try to recycle things such as cans, bottles, and paper whenever possible. 59  These are just a few things you can do to help conserve precious natural resources. 60 

video review


video quiz

61  During

the past few minutes we took a look at the importance of our planet, and its natural resources. 62  We began by discussing why it’s important to treat our planet, which is our home, well. 63  Some of the ways natural resources help us were highlighted. 64  Next, we discussed how natural resources can become scarce. 65  Then, we took a look at how natural resources can be damaged through pollution. 66  Last, we discussed the importance of natural resource conservation. 68  Fill

in the correct word to complete the sentence. is our ____. 70  Natural ______ are things from earth used by people. 71  Coal, oil, and wind are _____ natural resources. 72  _____ is the process of damaging natural resources. 73  Resource _____ is the process of using natural resources wisely. 69  Earth

nuestra preciosa tierra

answer key to student assessments | answer key to student activities

clave de respuestas para la evaluación de los estudiantes ¿qué sabes ahora? (pág.10) 1  casa 2  Tierra 3  crecimiento 4  recursos naturales 5  nuestros alrededores 6  aire 7  alimento 8  dañar los recursos naturales 9  gastar más agua 10  sabiamente

revisión del video (pág. 12) 1  Hay solamente un planeta Tierra 2  El no recicló su lata de soda.

¿qué has aprendido? (pág. 11) 1  crecimiento 2  aire 3  gastar más agua 4  Tierra 5  alimento 6  casa 7  dañar los recursos naturales 8  nuestros alrededores 9  sabiamente 10  recursos naturales evaluación del video (pág. 12) 1  casa 2  recursos 3  energía 4  contaminación 5  conservación

clave de respuestas para las actividades del estudiante los recursos naturales (pág. 13) 1  Manzana: la gente come manzanas 2  Tronco del árbol: las personas utilizan la madera para hacer muchas cosas. 3  Grano: las personas elaboran la harina a partir del grano, la harina sirve para hacer el pan. 4  Agua: las personas utilizan el agua para muchas cosas. 5  Turbina eólica: el viento hace girar la turbina que genera la electricidad.

contaminación (pág. 14) La contaminación del agua – las imágenes podrían incluir líquidos sucios que terminan en un lago o en arroyo; también podrían incluir basura dentro de una masa de agua. La contaminación del aire – las imágenes podrían incluir una chimenea que emite gases sucios al aire, también podrían incluir los gases procedentes de la combustión de los coches.

conservar los recursos naturales (pág. 15) Algunos ejemplos de recursos naturales y de conservación: El petróleo que se quema para generar calor – baja el termostato cuando no lo necesites. Agua – cierra el grifo cuando no la utilices; repara los grifos que goteen. Papel – recicla el papel cuando sea posible nuestra preciosa tierra


¿qué sabes ahora?


Selecciona la mejor respuesta para cada una de las siguientes preguntas:




Vives en un lugar que se llama: colegio casa oficina bicicleta La casa de todas las personas es: la Tierra un jardín la atmósfera una casa El número de gente sobre la Tierra está: invariable decreciendo cayendo creciendo


Las cosas que utilizamos procedentes de la Tierra se llaman: bienes recursos naturales dinero cosas


¿De qué consiste el medio ambiente? árboles aire nuestros alrededores espacio

10 | nuestra preciosa tierra


¿Cuál de los siguientes no es un recurso natural energético? aire carbón gas natural petróleo


¿Qué recurso natural necesitamos comer diariamente? plástico alimento ropa metal


La contaminación es el proceso de: elaboración de nuevos recursos obtención de recursos naturales creación de recursos naturales daño de los recursos naturales


¿Cuál de los siguientes ejemplos no es un recurso de conservación? conducir menos apagar las luces gastar mas agua reciclar las latas


Un recurso de conservación involucra el uso de recursos: sabiamente mucho cuidadosamente todo el tiempo

visual learning systems

¿qué has aprendido?


Selecciona la mejor respuesta para cada una de las siguientes preguntas:


El número de gente sobre la Tierra está: invariable decreciendo cayendo creciendo


¿Cuál de los siguientes no es un recurso natural energético? aire carbón gas natural petróleo


¿Cuál de los siguientes ejemplos no es un recurso de conservación? conducir menos apagar las luces gastar mas agua reciclar las latas


La casa de todas las personas es: la Tierra un jardín la atmósfera una casa


¿Qué recurso natural necesitamos comer diariamente? plástico alimento ropa metal

visual learning systems


Vives en un lugar que se llama:


La contaminación es el proceso de:

colegio casa oficina bicicleta

elaboración de nuevos recursos obtención de recursos naturales creación de recursos naturales daño de los recursos naturales


¿De qué consiste el medio ambiente? árboles aire nuestros alrededores espacio


Un recurso de conservación involucra el uso de recursos: sabiamente mucho cuidadosamente todo el tiempo


Las cosas que utilizamos procedentes de la Tierra se llaman: bienes recursos naturales dinero cosas

nuestra preciosa tierra | 11

revisión del video



¿Existe otro planeta Tierra?


¿Cómo desperdicia recursos naturales esta persona?

evaluación del video La tierra es nuestro ________________. Los _______________ naturales son cosas de la tierra que la gente utiliza. El carbón, el petróleo y viento son recursos naturales ________________. La __________________ es el proceso de daño a los recursos naturales. La ________________ de recursos es el proceso de usar inteligentemente los recursos naturales. 12 | nuestra preciosa tierra

visual learning systems

los recursos naturales


Instrucciones: Un recurso natural es algo que las personas toman del medio ambiente y que utilizan. Describe los recursos naturales mostrados en las imágenes de más abajo. Explica cómo los utilizan las personas.






visual learning systems

nuestra preciosa tierra | 13



Instrucciones: La contaminación ocurre cuando los recursos naturales son dañados. En cierta manera, la contaminación envenena nuestros recursos naturales. La contaminación dificulta el consumo de los recursos naturales. Haz un dibujo para ilustrar cómo pueden contaminarse los recursos naturales. Contaminación del agua

Contaminación del aire

14 | nuestra preciosa tierra

visual learning systems

conservar los recursos naturales


La conservación es el proceso por el que salvamos y preservamos los recursos naturales. La conservación de los recursos es el proceso por el que utilizamos los recursos naturales sabiamente. Hay diferentes modos de utilizar los recursos naturales de manera sabia. Instrucciones: Toma unos minutos para mirar alrededor de tu clase y escuela para ver cómo se utilizan los recursos naturales. Escribe el nombre del recurso natural que esté siendo utilizado. Entonces escribe cómo puede conservarse dicho recurso. Recurso natural





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nuestra preciosa tierra | 15

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