Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel

24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - September 11, 2016 ✞ Mass Schedule ✞ Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm (Spanish) SJE Welcome to the Parish of S

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24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - September 11, 2016 ✞

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm (Spanish) SJE

Welcome to the Parish of

Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Office Hours at SJE Rectory: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm SJE: 148 Hamilton Avenue  White Plains, NY 10601 OLMC: 92 South Lexington Avenue  White Plains, NY 10606

(914) 949-0439

(914) 948-5909

Parish Email: [email protected]

Father Thomas Kallumady, Pastor Father Rubenus Cammayo, Parochial Vicar Father Chellan Joseph, Chaplain - White Plains Hospital ~ Visiting Priests ~ Father Bart Daly, Father Patrick McCahill, Father Bob O’Neil, Father Edward O’Neil, Father Romane St. Vil, M.M., Father John Tino ~ Staff ~ Andrea Caridi, Cesar Ceballos, JoAnn Douglass - Office Staff David Graf - Music Director ~ Parish Cemetery ~ Mount Calvary Cemetery - (914) 949-0671 - Mr. Daniel Murray, Director 575 Hillside Avenue, White Plains, NY 10603 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Andrew Morzello, Director of RE Email: [email protected] Phone: 914-948-6834, option 2 Saint John the Evangelist Phone: 914-437-5144 Classes Sunday 9:15-10:45 am followed by Family Mass at 11:00 am Our Lady of Mount Carmel Classes Sunday 10:00-11:30 am Family Mass at 9:00 am CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:30 to 5:15 pm OLMC 6:00 to 6:45 pm SJE Mondays 11:30 to 12:00 pm OLMC Anytime by appointment at SJE rectory

MARRIAGES At least six months notice BAPTISMS 3rd Sunday of the month - after 9:00 am Mass OLMC 4th Sunday of the month - 10:15 am (English) SJE, Mass to follow - after 12:30 pm Mass (Spanish) SJE Baptism instruction (2nd Tuesday of the month) is required for parents and godparents. Parents should register in advance to make arrangements. NEW TO THE PARISH? We invite you to register with the parish by filling out the envelopes found in the church, or by coming to the rectory office M-F, 9am-5pm.

Sunday: 8:00 am SJE 9:00 am OLMC 11:00 am SJE 12:30 pm (Spanish) SJE 5:00 pm OLMC 6:30 pm (Haitian) OLMC Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC First Friday: 12:10 pm SJE Saturday: 12:10 pm SJE Holyday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm Spanish SJE Holyday: 7:30 am SJE, 12:10 pm OLMC, 5:30 pm SJE, 7:00 pm Spanish SJE Mass for the Hearing Impaired: 4th Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm OLMC (not in July & Aug.)

Italian Mass: Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday & Christmas Day at 10:30 am OLMC

DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Monday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC St. Anthony Mary Claret & St. Anthony Padua Tuesday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC Five Wounds of Our Lord & St. Gaspar Bertoni Friday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC First Friday - Mass 12:10 pm SJE Adoration after Mass until 5:30 pm SJE Mass 12:10 pm OLMC Followed by Holy Hour OLMC Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday after 12:10 pm Mass SJE Pro-Life Rosary Saturday at 5:00 pm OLMC

MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 10 – SEPTEMBER 18 ~ Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church ~ Saturday, 9/10 12:10 pm SJE 5:30 pm Vigil OLMC 7:00 pm Vigil SJE

For the Intentions of Isabella Rojas Elizabeth McNulty Giuntini Bernardo & Maria Salazar

Sunday, 9/11 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am SJE Ana Maria Moya 9:00 am OLMC Mr. Bernard Peris 11:00 am SJE Isaura Rodriguez 12:30 pm SJE Marcial Tafur 5:00 pm OLMC For the People of the Parish 6:30 pm OLMC No Intention Monday, 9/12 - The Most Holy Name of Mary 7:30 am SJE No Intention 12:10 pm OLMC Antonietta Buono Tuesday, 9/13 - St. John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 7:30 am SJE No Intention 12:10 pm OLMC Bilotta Family Wednesday, 9/14 - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Feast) 7:30 am SJE No Intention 12:10 pm OLMC Muraca Family Thursday, 9/15 - Our Lady of Sorrow 7:30 am SJE For the Intentions of Maria Puig 12:10 pm OLMC Ignazious & Antonino Libertella Friday, 9/16- Sts. Cornelius, Pope, & Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs 7:30 am SJE Fr. John Luke Thuruthipally 12:10 pm OLMC John Pellici Saturday, 9/17– St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 12:10 pm SJE Kingston & Cancellare Families 5:30 pm Vigil OLMC Lucy Pisani 7:00 pm Vigil SJE Helena Smith Sunday, 9/18 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am SJE For the People of the Parish 9:00 am OLMC Rose Tota 11:00 am SJE Elizabeth V. Sigler (19th Anniversary) 12:30 pm SJE Carlos Alberto Dorado (2nd Anniversary) 5:00 pm OLMC No Intention 6:30 pm OLMC No Intention Rest in Peace - Please pray for the souls of Frank Ascani & Filomena Ciaramella who have died this past week. SJE Sanctuary Lamp - Fr. John Luke Thuruthipally OLMC Sanctuary Lamp - Lois & Joseph Gagliardi

Church Support Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14 After the death and resurrection of Christ, both the Jewish and Roman authorities in Jerusalem made efforts to obscure the Holy Sepulchre, Christ's tomb in the garden near the site of His crucifixion. The earth had been mounded up over the site, and pagan temples had been built on top of it. The Cross on which Christ had died had been hidden (tradition said) by the Jewish authorities somewhere in the vicinity. Saint Helena and the Finding of the True Cross

According to tradition, first mentioned by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem in 348, Saint Helena, nearing the end of her life, decided under divine inspiration to travel to Jerusalem in 326 to excavate the Holy Sepulchre and attempt to locate the True Cross. A Jew by the name of Judas, aware of the tradition concerning the hiding of the Cross, led those excavating the Holy Sepulchre to the spot in which it was hidden. Three crosses were found on the spot. According to one tradition, the inscription Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews") remained attached to the True Cross. According to a more common tradition, however, the inscription was missing, and Saint Helena and Saint Macarius, the bishop of Jerusalem, assuming that one was the True Cross and the other two belonged to the thieves crucified alongside Christ, devised an experiment to determine which was the True Cross. In one version of the latter tradition, the three crosses were taken to a woman who was near death; when she touched the True Cross, she was healed. In another, the body of a dead man was brought to the place where the three crosses were found, and laid upon each cross. The True Cross restored the dead man to life. In celebration of the discovery of the Holy Cross, Constantine ordered the construction of churches at the site of the Holy Sepulchre and on Mount Calvary. Those churches were dedicated on September 13 and 14, 335, and shortly thereafter the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross began to be celebrated on the latter date. The feast slowly spread from Jerusalem to other churches, until, by the year 720, the celebration was universal.

Thank you very much for your continued love & support for the parish. We are especially grateful to those who “make up” for their Sundays away from the parish. Parish of SJE & OLMC Offering Collection 9-4-16

$ 10,774 This weekend 9/10 & 9/11 we will have a 2nd collection for St. Joseph’s Seminary. Please be Generous! Next weekend we will have a 2nd collection for Maintenance & Utilities of our Parish. Please be Generous! BINGO - is held Monday nights at 7:20 pm in the Church hall at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. All are welcome! Monthly Food Collection - we thank everyone who donated food last weekend. Your continued response to our brothers and sisters in need is appreciated. Mass Times - is a ministry to traveling Catholics. To find a Roman Catholic Church and its Mass schedule, visit Sanctuary Lamp - the Sanctuary candle indicates the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Please call the rectory if you wish to reserve the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one. E-Giving - We encourage you also to make your donations electronically. Those interested, may contact the parish office. Share Your Blessings - Please remember us with a bequest in your will. The Parish of Saint John the Evangelist and Our Lady of Mount Carmel is our legacy to our children, our friends and our loved ones. Your thoughtfulness will help insure our future. Weekly Altar Bread and Wine can be memorialized for a loved one (living or deceased) for $15. An acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the Sunday bulletin. Purgatorial Society - The 11:00 am Mass on the last Sunday of each Month at Saint John the Evangelist Church is offered for all our deceased who are enrolled in our Purgatorial Society for the deceased. We offer a padded Mass card that can be given to the family of the loved one. The suggested donation is $25.

~ Pastor’s Column ~ "Your brother was lost and is found" Scripture: Luke 15:1-32 Meditation: If you lost something of great value and importance wouldn't you search for it until you find? The joy of finding a lost loved one, a precious member of your fold, and your hard earned savings to feed your hungry family are vivid illustrations which Jesus uses to describe what God's kingdom is like. God does not rejoice in the loss of anyone. He earnestly searches for the lost until they are restored and joyfully united with the whole community of heaven. Jesus told these three parables right after the scribes and Pharisees, expressed dismay with Jesus' close association with people of bad reputation. Sinners were drawing near to hear Jesus Luke in his Gospel account tells us that "tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear Jesus speak" (Luke 15:1). Wealthy tax collectors were despised by the Jews because they often forced the people to pay much more than was due. And sinners, like prostitutes and adulterers, were a scandal to public decency. The scribes and Pharisees took great offense at Jesus because he went out of his way to meet with tax collectors and public sinners and he treated them like they were his friends. The Pharisees had strict regulations to avoid all contact with them, lest they incur ritual defilement. They were not to entrust money to sinners of bad repute, or have any business dealings with them, or trust them with a secret, or entrust orphans to their care, nor accompany them on a journey, nor give their daughter in marriage to any of their sons, nor invite them as guests or be their guests. They were quite shocked to see Jesus speaking with sinners and even going to their homes to eat with them. Finding and restoring what has been lost Why were many tax collectors and sinners drawn to Jesus? Jesus offered them forgiveness, mercy, and healing and the promise of full restoration with God the Father and the whole society of heaven - God's kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy. When the Pharisees began to question Jesus' motive and practice of associating with sinners of ill-repute, Jesus responds by giving them a three-fold lesson in the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. What is the point of Jesus' story about a lost sheep and a lost coin? In Jesus' time shepherds normally counted their sheep at the end of the day to make sure all were accounted for. Since sheep by their very nature are very social, an isolated sheep can quickly become bewildered and even neurotic, and become easy prey for wolves and lions. The shepherd's grief and anxiety is turned to joy when he finds the lost sheep and restores it to the fold. The housewife who lost a coin faced something of an economic disaster, since the value of the coin would be equivalent to her husband's daily wage. What would she say to her husband when he returned home from work? They were poor and would suffer greatly because of the loss. Her grief and anxiety turn to joy when she finds the coin that she had misplaced. Restoring the lost to the community of faith Both the shepherd and the housewife "search until what they have lost is found." Their perseverance pays off. They both instinctively share their joy with the whole community. The poor are particularly good at sharing in one another's sorrows and joys. What was new in Jesus' teaching was the insistence that lost sinners must be sought out and not merely mourned for their separation from God and the community of the just. God does not rejoice in the loss of anyone, but desires that all be saved and restored to fellowship with him. That is why the whole community of heaven rejoices when one sinner is found and restored to fellowship with God. Seekers of the lost are much needed today. Do you persistently pray and seek after those you know who have lost their way to God? A broken family and grieving father Jesus told another parable about a Father who loses his son. This parable is a story in three parts. The first part of the story focuses on the restless behavior of the younger son who wants to leave home to get away from his father. He offends his father by demanding that his share of the father's inheritance be handed over to him right away, rather than waiting for the time appointed for passing on the inheritance after the father has either passed away or has retired from the management of the family estate. The second part of the story focuses on the extravagant (and magnanimous) character of the father who loves his younger son very dearly and generously gives his undeserving son whatever he asks for. He yields to his son's illtimed request for his share of the family's wealth. The father must have grieved over his son's decision to leave him and go off to spend his share of the inheritance while he is still young and ill-prepared to manage such a large sum of money without getting into serious trouble and disaster. Instead of resenting his younger son's disrespectful behavior and rejection, he maintains unbroken love for his son and longs and searches for any sign of his son's return. The third part of the story focuses on the older son who resents both his younger brother for running off with his portion of the inheritance and resents his father's outrageous generosity and mercy towards the younger son.

Saint John’s Café Parish Fundraiser Sunday September 11, after the 8:00 am Mass, the Café will be selling breakfast outside the church doors. Then from 11-3 pm in the Auditorium of Saint John the Evangelist Church. Tables will be available to sit down and have a homemade meal. This Fundraiser will benefit our parish. Please come and bring a friend! Food can also be purchased to take out. 50/50 Raffle Club - Tickets on sale this weekend $ 1.00 for one ticket or $ 5.00 for six tickets. Don’t miss your chance to win half the pot. Parish Council - The next parish Council Meeting will take place on September 20, 7:00 pm at Saint John the Evangelist School. 40 Days for Life AnnouncementFrom September 28 through November 6, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and pray silently during the 40-day vigil, in the public right-of-way outside the Planned Parenthood Center at 175 Tarrytown Road in Greenburg, and to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information please contact Gerald Yeung at 914-837-7008. There Will be a Kickoff Rally at 7:30 pm on Monday, Sept. 26, in St. John’s School Cafeteria at 148 Hamilton Ave in White Plains. ANNUAL HEALTH FAIRThomas H. Slater Center 2 Fisher Court White Plains, NY Saturday September 17, 2016 Registration: No pre-registration required. Register upon arrival. Doors open at 8:30AM and close at 1:30PM Win a new bike in our raffle! FREE Health Screenings: Blood Pressure, Breast Screenings, Cholesterol Testing, Dental Screening, Diabetes Risk Screening, HIV Testing, Mammography Screening, Podiatry, Prostate/Testicular Screening, Sickle Cell Anemia Screening. For more information call El Centro Hispano, Inc. at 914-289-0500

Café San Juan Venta de Comida: Domingo 11 de septiembre después de la Misa de las 8:00 am se venderá desayuno en las afueras de la Iglesia y de 11 a 3 pm en el auditorio de la Parroquia se venderá comida. Esta venta de Comida será Pro-fondo para ayudar a nuestra parroquia con sus necesidades. Consejo Parroquial– La próxima reunión del consejo parroquial será el 20 de septiembre en la Escuela San Juan Evangelista. 40 Dias por la VidaDel 28 de septiembre al 6 de noviembre, se invita a todos los Cristianos de nuestra comunidad a tomar parte del esfuerzo pro vida Nacional más grande en la historia: 40 DIAS POR LA VIDA. Además de los 40 días de ayuno y oración por el fin del aborto en America, por favor considera participar en la vigilia de oración afuera del Centro Planned Parenthood en el 175 Tarrytown Road por una o mas horas durante los 40 días y corre la voz a otras personas sobre este importante esfuerzo por salvar vidas. Para más información, por favor contacta a Maria Teresa Rueda al (914) 258-4772 . Habrá una JORNADA DE INICIO el lunes 26 de Septiembre a las 7:30 p.m. en la cafeteria de la escuela de San Juan el Evangelista en 148 Hamilton en White Plains. FERIA ANUAL DE LA SALUD-

Thomas H. Slater Center 2 Fisher Court, White Plains, NY Sábado, 17 de septiembre del 2016 Registración: No se tienen que registrar con anticipación. Se registran cuando lleguen. La Feria de Salud comienza a las 8:30 a.m. y termina a la 1:30PM Se rifarán dos bicicletas‼ Exámenes Gratuitos: Examen de presión arterial, Examen de los senos, Examen de colesterol, Examen dental, Examen de diabetes, Examen de VIH, Mamografías, Examen de los pies, Examen de próstata/ testículos, Examen para anemia drepanocítica. Para más información llame al Centro Hispano, Inc.: 914-289-0500


Jesus warmly welcomes you to Religious Education at St. John’s/Mount Carmel. Jesus les da una calurosa bienvenida a la Escuela de Religión de St. John’s/Mount Carmel.

24to. Domingo Ordinario

Alégrense conmigo, porque ya encontré la oveja que se me había perdido” Las lecturas de este domingo nos hablan del perdón del Señor. En la primera lectura vemos a Moisés intercediendo por el pueblo de Israel, que se había desviado del camino, yéndose a la idolatría, pues estaban adorando y alabando una estatua de metal. Dios, entonces, deseaba castigar a ese pueblo “cabeza dura”. Pero Moisés pidió al Señor que no lo destruyera, y el Señor perdonó al pueblo pervertido. En la segunda lectura San Pablo reconoce haber sido blasfemo y perseguidor de la iglesia de Cristo. Y habla de cómo el Señor -a pesar de todo eso- le había tenido confianza para ponerlo a su servicio. San Pablo le asegura a Timoteo que “Cristo Jesús vino a este mundo a salvar a los pecadores”. El evangelio de hoy nos habla de tres parábolas que muestran gráficamente cómo es la misericordia divina. La primera: la de la oveja perdida. El Señor es el Pastor preocupado por una oveja que forma parte de un rebaño de cien ovejas. Y el Pastor no descansa hasta que la busca, la encuentra herida, la cura, la monta sobre sus hombros y vuelve alegre a casa. Esa es la actitud del Señor con cada pecador que se aleja. Y se alegra y hay gran celebración en el cielo por cada pecador que se arrepiente y vuelve al camino... por cada oveja que vuelve al redil. La segunda es la de la moneda perdida, cuya dueña, a pesar de tener otras nueve monedas en su poder, mueve toda la casa hasta encontrar la moneda que se le había desaparecido. De allí que, al encontrar su décima moneda reúne a amigas y vecinas para celebrar. Por último el Evangelio narra esa bellísima parábola del hijo pródigo. Ya oímos la historia: el hijo menor pide su herencia, se va de la casa del padre y malbarata todo el dinero. Queda sin siquiera que comer: no podía ni comer la comida de los cerdos. Y ante esa situación decide volver casa de su padre, arrepentido, ya no en calidad de hijo, sino de obrero. El padre lejos de reprenderlo- lo recibe con una gran fiesta para celebrar la vuelta del hijo perdido.

Meditacion al Evangelio Si usamos el diccionario y buscamos la palabra Administración, nos dirá que un buen administrador maneja responsablemente los bienes y pertenencias de otro. La Administración es un concepto arraigado en la sagrada escritura, especialmente en las parábolas de Jesús. Es un concepto hermoso cuando se entiende correctamente. Aquí está lo esencial de la buena administración: Dios es la fuente de toda la creación, incluyendo nuestras vidas. Dios es el dueño primordial de todo lo que existe. Somos bendecidos al tener la tarea de manejar bien todo sobre lo cual tenemos influencia: nuestras vidas, nuestras habilidades, nuestras mentes y cuerpos, nuestro tiempo, nuestra parte de la tierra, nuestras finanzas, nuestros hijos, nuestros edificios de la iglesia, nuestros autos, etc. Aunque podemos tomar decisiones acerca de todo lo anterior, al final, le somos responsables a Dios. Tarde o temprano, debemos dar cuenta de nuestro manejo de la creación de Dios y de los talentos de Dios. Cuando usamos apropiadamente los talentos, recursos y propiedades que Dios nos permite manejar, encontramos gran gozo. Piense en plantar un jardín que pronto estará rebosante de flores de colores, maravillosas verduras y sabrosas hierbas, etc. Dios nos dio el terreno de tierra, Dios nos dio la semilla, Dios nos dio la sabiduría y la fuerza para generar tal belleza, tales cosas buenas para mirarlas o comerlas u olerlas. Pero nosotros hicimos el trabajo, con la ayuda de Dios, para hacerlo una realidad. Como Adán la trabajamos y la mantuvimos. Pero Dios nos dio el aumento. Las provisiones de Dios y nuestro trabajo hicieron la realización del jardín. La buena administración nos permite hacer algo positivo y maravilloso con el dinero que Dios nos ha permitido tener. ¿Qué se puede sentir mejor que el saber que uno ha manejado bien el dinero? Nuestra cuenta bancaria, nuestro libro de cheques y nuestra cartera dicen la historia. Cuando el dinero se ha manejado bien, tenemos suficiente para nosotros mismos y todavía podemos dar para el trabajo de Dios. Esto es lo bello de la administración.

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