Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016

Our Mass Schedule Mon, Weds, Fri: 8am Daily Mass Tues: 2-7pm Eucharistic Adoration • Tues: 7pm Spanish Mass Sat: 4pm (English) & 6pm (Spanish) Sunday

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December 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent
Welcome to our Parish Community St. Martin Parish December 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent PARISH OFFICE CENTER (COTTRELL CENTER) 593 CENTRAL AVE SUN

MASS SCHEDULE. Second Sunday of Advent December 4, MOST REVEREND SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE Archbishop of San Francisco
Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 MOST REVEREND SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE Archbishop of San Francisco REVEREND ARTURO L. ALBANO Pastor MASS SC

MARCH 4, 2012—SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS Baptisms are celebrated twice monthly, once in English and once in Spanish. Please see the bu

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Our Mass Schedule

Mon, Weds, Fri: 8am Daily Mass Tues: 2-7pm Eucharistic Adoration • Tues: 7pm Spanish Mass Sat: 4pm (English) & 6pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am (Spanish), 10am Mass (English) Reconciliation: Saturdays at 3:30pm

Second Sunday of Advent—December 4, 2016 God calls Saint Clement Parish to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love.


El Señor llama a la parroquia de San Clemente a ser una comunidad amigable, que adore y sirva al Señor con fe, esperanza y amor.


BAPTISM: Call the office 410 242-1025, to register for a Baptism preparation class or Baptism date.

BAUTIZOS: Llame a la oficina al 410 242-1025, para registrarse para las clases de preparación y para la fecha del Bautizo.

FIRST PENANCE & FIRST EUCHARIST: Preparation is a 2 year program. Call 410-2421025 or go to

PRIMERA CONFESIÓN & PRIMERA COMUNION: Programa de dos años de preparación. Llame al 410-242-1025 o entre a

CONFIRMATION: Preparation is a 2 year program. Call 410-242-1025 or go to RCIA: Adults interested in what Catholics believe or in becoming Catholic, call 410 2421025. MATRIMONY: Call office at 410 242-1025 at least six months prior to the wedding to begin marriage preparation. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Call the parish office 410-242-1025

CONFIRMACIÓN: Programa de dos años de preparación. Llame al 410-242-1025 o entre a RICA: Adultos interesados en lo que los Católicos creemos o en convertirse católico. Llame al 410 242-1025. MATRIMONIO: Llame al 410 242-1025 por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha que desea casarse para comenzar su preparación. SACRAMENTO DE LOS ENFERMOS: Llame a la oficina parroquial al 410-242-1025

December 8—The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary A Holyday of Obligation Mass Schedule St Clement Masses are December 8th—8am (English) and 7pm (Spanish) St Philip Neri Masses are December 7th - 6:30 pm, December 8th - 10 am (School Mass), December 8th - 6:30 pm




Offered For

Sunday, December 4 Second Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM Mísa én Español’ Fr. TBD 10 AM Mass Fr. DeAscanis Deacon Jack McKenna and Patrick Riley Monday, December 5 Advent Weekday 8AM Mass Fr. Leandro

ST. CLEMENT Committees PARISH COUNCIL Chairperson Kelsey Grace Assistant Chair Zoila Euraque MEMBERS Michael Bealefeld Lourdes Espinoza Yenifer Montes Esau Hernandez Barbara Litz Pablo Peralta Alfredo Ramos Stephen Rebetsky Wayne Schuyler Eden Stielper

Parish Corporaters Maya Ault Michael Grace

Finance Committee Chairperson John Linkus


Eileen Stanley Lorraine Selway Jim DeBoy Guadalupe Barradas Luis Antonio Soria Rhonda Linkus

Tuesday, December 6 Saint Nicholas, Bishop 2-7PM Eucharistic Adoration 7 PM Misa en Español

Fr. Brito

Wednesday, December 7 Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Dr. of the Church 8 AM Mass Fr. Leo Larrivee Thursday, December 8 A Holyday of Obligation—The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8AM Mass Fr. DeAscanis Pauline Dougherty 7PM Mísa én Español Fr. Leandro Friday, December 9 Advent Weekday, Saint Juan Diego Cuahtlatoazin 8 AM Mass Fr. Leo Larrivee Deacon Jack McKenna Saturday, December 10 Advent Weekday 4 PM Mass Fr. Tom Malia 6 PM Mísa én Español Fr. Roger Brito

For the Deceased Members of the Koslowski/Ricci Families

Sunday, December 11 Third Sunday of Advent 7:30AM Mísa én Español Fr. TBD 10AM Mass Fr. Roger Brito Deacon Jack McKenna


Parish Administrator – Father DeAscanis Email:[email protected]

Assisting Priests: Fr. Thomas Malia Fr. Roger M. Brito Fernández 410-292-5923 Deacons: Dcn. Paul Gifford—[email protected] Dcn. Carlos Dutan—[email protected] Secretaries: Kim Taylor, Wed., Thurs- 8 am—4 pm, Fri. 7 am—3 pm [email protected] Antonia Larios-Irias (Spanish Speaking Secretary) Mon. 8 am—4 pm, Tues.2—7pm [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Programs Dan Miller—[email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education Maggie Miller - [email protected] Music Director; Elizabeth Ernst Liturgy Committee Chair: Jim DeBoy



Programs Lansdowne Interfaith Pantry

Despensa Interreligiosa en Lansdowne

The Food Pantry program exists through a network of Christian Churches in the Lansdowne area, whose volunteers are united in their efforts to provide an immediate solution to the urgent problem of hunger through the distribution of food to those individuals and families in need. Food distributions are normally done on Saturdays from 10 am to Noon at St. Clement. Should you be interested in donating money, food, or becoming a volunteer at please call Bill Selway at 410.940.8371 or email at [email protected]

El programa de despensa de alimentos existe a través de una red de Iglesias Cristianas en la zona de Lansdowne, cuyos voluntarios están unidos en sus esfuerzos para proporcionar una solución inmediata al problema urgente de hambre a través de la distribución de alimentos a las personas y familias necesitadas. La distribución de alimentos se realiza normalmente en San Clemente los sábados de 10 am a 12 del mediodía. En caso de estar interesado en donar dinero, alimentos, o convertirse en un voluntario favor llamar a Bill Selway al 410.940.8371 o por correo electrónico al [email protected]

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

PROGRAMA DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) Este programa es para adultos que deseen aprender mas sobre la religión católica o necesitan recibir alguno de los sacramentos como: Bautismo, Primera Comunión, o Confirmación. Para mas información hablar con el Diácono Carlos.

Adults interested in what Catholics believe or in becoming Catholic should contact Deacon Paul Gifford at 410 242‐1025. The RCIA program begins in September.

Other Activities Knights of Columbus


A Knights of Columbus Council was recently established at St. Clement. For information on joining contact Wayne Schuyler at [email protected] (410) 271-7095 or Paul Greb at 410-636-8377

En nuestra iglesia se ha iniiciado un Comitê de los Caballeros de Colón. Para mas información pueden contactar a Wayne Schuyler a [email protected] o llamarlo al 410-2717095 o llamar a Paul Greb al 410-636-8377 .



The Sodality promotes the Rosary and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. They attend the 4 pm Mass the first Saturday of each month. They meet at the parish house at 7 PM on the Second Monday of each month. For more information contact Agnes Valenzia at 410-544-5211.

Se reune todos los miêrcoles a las 7pm. Si desea que el grupo visite su hogar puede hablar con Maggie o Esaú.

Saint Clement Lansdowne

Stewardship Offertory Totals November 26 and November 27, 2016 Offertory $2656.44 Christmas Flowers $915.25 Poor Box $68.20 Food Pantry $10.00 Back pack Program $ 30.00 Online Giving Total - $ 762.00 Attendance Totals for November 26 & 27 4pm. English Mass 83 6pm. Spanish Mass 228 7:30am. Spanish Mass - 101 10am. English Mass - 117 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS

Second Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2016

We remember those who have asked for our prayers. Mary and Roland Pancotti, Ann Tayman, Lee Dougherty, Erin Walsh, Alan Cramblitt, Chris Grace, William Doyle, Karen Doyle, Robin Bristow, Brianna Bloxum, Kathy Vain, Gerry Fowler, Gladys Remesh, Margaret Davis, Vickie Schultz, Dorothy Doyle, Laura Ferretti-Szabo, Fred Kaminsky, Richard Huttenberger, Gloria and John Ries, Pauline Gunther, John Kraushofer, Dana Miller, Robert Evashko, Bud Randall Jr. and Sr., Larry Grogan, Mary DiNicolo, Steven Agnes, Charlotte Martin, Taylor Moody, Debbie Sturm, Bob Lowry, Ron Christopher, Sandra Clarke, Renita Clarke, Zita Gillian, Dawn Martin, Diva Brown, Frank Kane, Thelma Flynn, Arthur William Jones, Mary Councilman, Megan Walsh, Dennis Grube, Alice Larsen, Tom Larsen, Mary Grace, Mary Ann Malia, Patrick Meehan, Arvalla Campbell, Wayne Brown Sr., Wayne Brown Jr., Kathleen Davis, Betty Swienteh, Maria Garriga, Shawn Schleupner, Terri Woodall, Sharon Glass, Michael Forney, Raven Reyes, Joan Witcher, Debbie Collinson, Robert Witcher, Richard Witcher, Richard Witcher, Sr., Paul Hicks, Margaret Bryan, James Schreiber, Donna Marin, Linda Moats, Linda Gottleib, Charles Carroll, Kim Huttenberger, Dolores Barrell, Gene and Esther Cullum, Maryellen Hayden, Ronnie M. McMahon, Henry Burke, Jon Anderson Sr., Mary Beth Diaz, Sylvester Winter, Gabrielle Vila, Fran Lanasa, Helen Anderson, Ken Williams, George Parks, Patty Slack, Sis Mooney, George Pope, Catherine Ham, Helen Schwanke, Karen Mabe, Rhonda Villa, Gwen Morel, Theresa Lowery, Nicholas Martin, James Fries, Kathleen Fries, Vince Forney, Katie and Ryan Sharp, Bonnie Holman, Austin and Luke Baker, Ree Cantabury, Tim Walsh, Krystyna Marszalek, Art Schreuder. If someone is sick at home and unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Eucharist, please contact the parish office at 410 242 1025.

Scripture Readings for the Week Sunday, December 4, Is 11:1-10, Rom 15:4-9, Mt 3:1-12 Monday December 5, Is 35:1-10, Luke 5:17-26 Tuesday December 6, Is 40:1-11, Mt 18:12-14 Wednesday December 7, Is 40:25-31, Mt 11:28-30 Thursday December 8, Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38 Friday December 9, Is 48:17-19, Mt 11:16-19 Saturday December 10, Sir 48:1-4, 9-11, Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Sunday December 11, Is 35:1-6a, 10, Jas 5:7-10, Mt 11:2-11(7)

Saint Clement Lansdowne

Second Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2016


Important Religious Education Information

Registration for Religious Education has been closed for 2016-2017. If your child is eligible for Sacramental Preparation there will be a First Reconciliation on December 17. For more information please talk with Maggie Miller. Maggie Miller will be available on Mondays evening from 5:30pm to answer questions.

Ya se cerró la matricula para la Educación Religiosa para el año 2016-2017. Si su niño(a) es elegible para la Preparación Sacramental habrá una reunión el lunes 12 de Diciembre a las 5:30 pm. con el Padre Roger. y el Sábado 17 será el Primer Servicio de Reconciliación. Para mas información puede hablar con Maggie Miller. Usted puede hablar con ella los Lunes de 5:30 pm. a 7pm.

St. Clements Youth Schedule 2016

2016 - Horario para las clases para jóvenes en San Clemente

443-670-7636, [email protected] The last day of class for all middle and high school teens is November 14, 2016. Then, middle schools teens return to class on January 23, 2017. Christmas party for all teens will be December 6, 2016 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

443-670-7636, o [email protected] Para los jóvenes de Escuela Media y los que se están preparandose para recibir su Confirmación, su última clase este año será el 14 de Noviembre. Luego, el 23 de Enero regresan a clases unicamente los jóvenes de Educación Media. La Fiesta de Navidad para todos los jóvenes será el 6 de Diciembre de 6:30pm a 8:30 pm.

The First Baptist Church of Lansdowne is holding the Ultimate Christmas Party Saturday, December 17th—2-4:30PM The event is free and ideal for children ages 5-12! Parents are welcome to attend. There will be Bible Stories, Songs, Snacks and Games, Free Pictures with Santa! The Church is located at 2320 Alma Road RSVP 443-850-3878 or 410-242-6628

Saint Clement Lansdowne

Second Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2016

St. Clement Weekly Activities December 4 December 4 December 4 December 4 December 5 December 5 December 6 December 6 December 7 December 9 December 9 December 10 December 11 December 11

8:30AM 9:00AM 4:30PM 11-12noon 5:30PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 4:30PM 8:30AM 9:00AM

Rel Ed Classes Adult Faith Formation Cursillos:Ultreya Navidena Pageant Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Knights of Columbus Youth Christmas Party AA Hispanic Prayer Group Cursillos:Apostolic Hour Cursillos:Leadership School Spanish Adult Faith Formation Rel Ed Classes Adult Faith Formation

On Saturday December 10th at 5:30pm the Hispanic community will recite the Rosary to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe feast day will be celebrated at the 6pm Mass. There will be a celebration after Mass in the Sisters Academy Gym. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Retirement Fund for the Religious

Fondo para la Jubilacion de Religiosos

Your donation works for aging religious. Your gift works for elderly religious by helping to furnish medications, nursing care and more. Please support next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious, and give to those who have given a lifetime.

Los donativos de ustedes trabajan para los religiosos ancianos. Sus donativos se utilizan para ayudar a suministrar medicamentos, cuidados medicos y mas. Sean generosos en sus donativos a la colecta de la semana proxima del Fondo para la Jubilacion de Religiosos, que benefica a los que han dado toda una vida.

The Meaning of Advent

Come to our Adult Faith Formation Program on Sundays during Children’s Religious Education. The program we are looking at is to learn more about Advent and Christmas Advent is a season of expectation for the final coming of the Lord and for the annual celebration of his birth at Christmas. This series is designed to capture the spirit of Advent through its liturgical prayers, Scripture readings, music and poetry. Explore the three great figures of Advent: The Blessed Virgin Mary, John the Baptist and the Prophet Isaiah. One presentation focuses entirely on the two great Marian feasts of Advent: the Immaculate Conception (December 8) and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas (December 12). Advent, and this course, encourages you to reflect on Christian hope in our lives as well as on the timeless messages preached by John the Baptist and by the prophets of the Old Testament. The final week of Advent, with its “O Antiphons”, inspires us to pray ardently: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.”

Saint Clement Lansdowne

Second Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2016

Lansdowne Interfaith Pantry

Despensa Interreligiosa en Lansdowne

The Food Pantry program exists through a network of Christian Churches in the Lansdowne area, whose volunteers are united in their efforts to provide an immediate solution to the urgent problem of hunger through the distribution of food to those individuals and families in need. Food distributions are normally done on Saturdays from 10 am to Noon at St. Clement. Should you be interested in donating money, food, or becoming a volunteer at please call Bill Selway at 410.940.8371 or email at [email protected]

El programa de despensa de alimentos existe a través de una red de Iglesias Cristianas en la zona de Lansdowne, cuyos voluntarios están unidos en sus esfuerzos para proporcionar una solución inmediata al problema urgente de hambre a través de la distribución de alimentos a las personas y familias necesitadas. La distribución de alimentos se realizan normalmente en San Clemente los sábados de 10 am a 12 del mediodía. En caso de estar interesado en donar dinero, alimentos, o convertirse en un voluntario favor llamar a Bill Selway al 410.940.8371 o por correo electrónico al [email protected]


SANTO ROSARIO Rezamos el Santo Rosario todos los sábados a las 5:15 pm. Acompañenos.

A Rosary will be prayed each Sunday before the 10 am Mass. The Rosary will begin about 9:30am.

Baptism Classes Congratulations to all parents and parents to be. At least one parent must attend a Baptism Preparation class before the baptism of their child. We encourage both parents and godparents to attend. Baptism classes will be held after the 10 AM Sunday Mass on: Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 11:15 AM Please contact the Parish Office at 410 242-1025 to register to attend a specific class.

CLASES PARA BAUTIZO Felicidades a todos los padres y los que serán en un futuro. Para bautizar a sus niños tanto los padres como los padrinos deben asistir a una charla. En el mes de Diciembre las clases serán el sábado 3 a las 10am. y los bautizos los sábados 3 y 17 de Diciembre en la misa de las 6pm.

Saint Agnes Hospital Volunteer Opportunity


In this Year of Mercy have you considered living one of the Corporal Works of Mercy by visiting the sick? Volunteering at Saint Agnes Hospital and bringing Holy Communion to hospital patients is one way to offer comfort and mercy to those who suffer. If you are a Eucharistic Minister we can offer training so you are comfortable doing this important work at a time that is convenient for you. We are also looking for someone who could help us coordinate our Eucharistic Minister volunteers. This would be a great job for someone who enjoys logistics and administration. Please contact our

En este Año de la Misericordia ha considerado seguir una de las virtudes corporales de la Misericordia? El Hospital St. Agnes está necesitando Ministros de la Eucaristia como voluntarios para asistir a los enfermos y llevarles la Comunión a todos los que sufren. Si usted es un Ministro de la Eucaristia le ofrecemos entrenamiento asi le será mas facil este trabajo tan importante a las horas que mas le convengan. Estamos buscando tambien a alguien que pueda coordinar a todos los voluntarios. Este será un buen trabajo para alguien que le gusta la logistica y administración. Por favor contacte a Michelle Slfkosky que es el gerente de los Servicios Voluntarios al 410-3682816 o via e-mail a [email protected]

Manager of Volunteer Services Michelle Slafkosky at 410-368-2816 or [email protected]



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