St. John the Baptist R. C. Church

St. John the Baptist R. C. Church 895 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, New York 10968 [email protected] 845-359-0078 No

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Story Transcript

St. John the Baptist R. C. Church 895 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, New York 10968 [email protected] 845-359-0078

Nov. 6, 2016, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Tom Kunnel, C.O.



Saturday: 5:00 PM

[email protected]

Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM

Deacon John Cunningham Deacon Robert Pang

1:00 PM (Spanish) Weekdays: 8:00 AM Saturday:

9:00 AM

Holy Days: As Announced

Kathleen Dunn Religious Education Director


May Pang

Mon – Fri 10:15 AM – 4:00 PM

Parish Admin: [email protected]

Sat 10 AM – 12 Noon (Spanish)

Dear Parish Family,

Sat 11/5 5:00 PM

Miguel Caro by Eileen Murray

8:00 AM

All Souls Novena Sun 11/6 10:30:AM Thomas Brady by Therese O'Dowd Mon 11/7 8:00 AM

All Souls Novena

Tue 11/8 8:00 AM

All Souls Novena

Wed 11/9 8:00 AM

All Souls Novena

Thu 11/10 8:00 AM

All Souls Novena


Marie Meyer by CDA


11/11 8:00 AM


Sun 11/13

9:00 AM

James Murray by Eileen Murray

5:00 PM

Raymond Maffei by Josephine Maffei

8:00 AM

Mary O'Riley by O'Riley Family

10:30 AM Angelo Miraglia by Jake Miraglia & Family

The first reading this Sunday is from the Second Book of Maccabees. First and Second Maccabees are among those books found in the Catholic Bible but not in many of the Protestant Bibles. We Catholics believe that they are the Word of God. Many other Christians do not believe this. The reason for this discrepancy goes back to the end of the first Christian century. At that time there were two listings or canons of books of the Hebrew Scriptures followed by the Jewish scholars. The Alexandrian listing had all the books as found in Catholic Bible while the Palestinian Listing had few books left out. The Reformers decided to adopt the Palestinian Listing leaving out Books that were considered inspired for 16 centuries. Therefore, First and Second Maccabees, Sirach, the Wisdom of Solomon, Tobit and sections of other books are not found in the Protestant Bible but have been recognized as the Word of God by the Church from the first century. “Why is this so important?,” you might ask. Well, these books of the Bible have numerous references to the resurrected life and to prayers for the dead. The Sadducees we meet in today’s Gospel, embraced as their chief concern money, power, and control, and their involvement with religion was guided by these pursuits alone. Politics and profit were their gears of operation. Life after death didn’t matter much to them because they really didn’t believe in the immortality of the soul and the soul’s resurrection into everlasting life. It was a sad situation of Jesus’s day that even many priests in the Temple in Jerusalem belonged to this sect. There are lots of Sadducees around today. They are the pushers of pills, pot and all that’s marketed under the Pleasure Principle. The sole motive of profit is running many down the perilous path of selfdestruction. This callous ideology is infiltrating in a systemic way from politics to education, legal edicts to media. Jesus was a threat to the power of the Sadducees, both the 2,000-yearold variety as well as today’s. If Jesus had not confronted them they would have left him alone. But Jesus walked into their lair whipping the moneychangers and throwing out their tables in the temple in the dramatic messianic gesture of making the Temple a sacred space for God. This put Jesus on a collision path with the Sadducees and they will join forces with their enemy the Pharisees and plot to kill Him.

Please remember in your prayers the Sick and/ or Homebound of our Parish Family. Isabelle Fenton, Tom Lynch, Antoinette Naglieri, Catherine Wright, Maureen O’Connor, Ann Ely, Ella Beckerich, Tommy McGuire, Nicholas Bruni, brother of Marge Olsen, Fr Frank Samoylo, Giovanni Mercurio, Nijole Paronetto, Joseph Iorio, father of Lee McGarvey. As a Parish Family, let us remember in our prayers all our beloved departed members of our Parish Community, Mark Cheramie, Ronnie Olson, John Casey, Ray Sheehan, Sandy Scelzo, Mary Iorio, Ada Wray, Johanna Krumm’s Sister, Frank Pellegrino brother of Mario Pellegrino, Jonathan Townes, Ralph Merola, Michael Rotundo,Tebby DeMaio, Francisca Aguilar Gomez

In today’s Gospel account we find the Sadducees confronting Jesus with their ridiculous story of an unfortunate woman who had married and then lost seven husbands. They did not start with the real issue, namely belief in life after death and the consequences of our daily decisions in determining how we would live in that life after death. They instead started with the question of who the woman would belong to in the next life. They were, no doubt, laughing before they finished with their crazy question. They expected Jesus to fall into their trap. Jesus wasn’t laughing! He ignored their silly question and instead asked them a question about their national heroes, namely Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. Did they think that God created these giants only to blot them out into nothingness after their deaths? Do you really think that all of those beautiful people in your lives whom you know, who are strong, loving and wise, who are compassionate and kind, and who care so passionately for life and love... do you really think that when they die they simply disappear into clouds of nothingness? The secular atheists of our day believe that. In the sacred Creed we affirm the teaching of Christ, “I believe in the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.” This tenet of our faith gives meaning to human life, colors our joys, sorrows and leads by Hope to Eternity. Fr. Tom Kunnel C.O.













9:00AM 11AM

Religious Ed - English Spanish Baptism Prep


Religious Ed - Spanish


Religious Ed - Spanish Church


Legion of Mary


AA Meeting


CDA Knitting


Couples Meeting




Scripture Class


Altar Server Prep and Practice


CDA Meeting


Baptism Prep


Rios de Agua Viva Group


Spanish Bible Sturdy


Piermont Senior Meeting


Spanish Choir Practice


Wedding Rehearsal




Outreach Meeting


CDA Knitting


Rios de Agua Viva Group


Spanish Choir Practice


Daylight Saving Time ends today. Hope you remembered. We have a special Mass tomorrow evening for Grades 68. The kids are asked to bring a picture of a deceased loved one. If they do not have a picture, they can bring a slip of paper with the person's name written on it.


Fri Renew Group




Spanish Prayer Group Youth Group



Reminder to Confirmation Candidates: Your letter to Father Tom is due on or before November 15th. We still need your help with our ADVENT DAY collection. Please bring in the following items: 4 section cup holders toilet paper tubes pine cones small aluminum pie tins (tart or pot pie size) Have a blessed week!


Liturgy Schedule Nov 12/13 Day


Saturday 5:00 PM 11/12 8:00 AM

Sunday 11/13


Eucharistic Minister

Oscar Nordstrom John Lawler

Lucy Bosco

10:30 AM

Johanna Krumm

May Pang

1:00 PM

Dayana Mazariego Ayleen Sicha

Epifania Aguilar

Evelyn Palma Kelly Perez

Altar Servers Sofia Tassello Oliver Young Aishling Cavanaugh Patrick Cavanaugh Gianluca Gonzalez Nico Gonzalez Gabriela Garcia Emy Cajamarca Nathatie Cajamarca

10/30 Collection: $ 4,122

10/23 #131 Tony & Linda D’Alleva 10/30 #295 Carrie Gottlieb

To all of St. John Parishioners, The Oratorian Fathers are most grateful for your love, concern and generosity. We thank you for your most generous contributions. The Lord will unfailingly reward you a thousand fold for your love and generosity. We thank you from our hearts, Fr. George, Fr. Francis, Fr. Jean Paul, Fr. Joseph, Fr. Martin, Fr. Peter, Fr. Raj, Fr. Ravi, Fr. Roman, Fr. Tom, and Fr. Vladimir “A BRONX TALE” Wed, Mar 15 2PM Show Annual Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive starts this weekend. Many families have enjoyed a wonderful holiday because of your generosity. We will be taking names of those who are able to donate full baskets or those who would like to donate any of the items on the list which is found in today’s bulletin. All donations will be collected in Connelly Hall weekend of November 19th and 20th.

This street wise musical will take you to the stoops of the Bronx in the ’60s where a young man is caught between the father he loves and the mob boss he’d love to be. Longacre Theatre—Front Orchestra Seat $135/person Leaving Parking lot D from Piermont at 11:30AM Airbrook Bus Transportation Contact Robin Miller 845-596-0459 or [email protected] MUST have 40 tickets paid in full by 11/22

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LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura -- Lo s siete her m anos se someten a la tortura y a la muerte más bien que violar la ley de Dios (2 Macabeos 7:1-2, 9-14). Salmo -- Al despertar, Señor, contemplaré tu rostro (Salmo 16). Segunda lectura -- Que el Señor y Dios nuestro Padre los anime y fortalezca en todas las obras y palabras buenas (2 Tesalonicenses 2:16 -- 3:5). Evangelio -- Aquellos que son dignos de llegar a la edad futura y a la resurrección de los muertos son hijos del Dios de los vivos (Lucas 20:27-38 [27, 34-38]).


Tit 1:1-9; Sal 23:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 17:1-6


Tit 2:1-8, 11-14; Sal 36:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lc 17:7-10

Miércoles Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 45:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Jueves

Flm 7-20; Sal 145:7-10; Lc 17:20-25


2 Jn 4-9; Sal 118:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lc 17:26-37


3 Jn 5-8; Sal 111:1-6; Lc 18:1-8

Domingo Mal 3:19-20a; Sal 97:5-9; 2 Tes 3:7-12; Lc 21:5-19

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Trigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Semana para Promover las Vocaciones Cambio de hora Martes: Día de las Elecciones Miércoles: La Dedicación de la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán Jueves: San León Magno Viernes: San Martín de Tours; Día de los Veteranos; Día Memorial, Canadá Sábado: San Josafat

VIDA ETERNA El segundo libro de los Macabeos relata una historia poderosa, y bastante horrible por cierto. Pero la clave de ella, más allá de la horrible muerte infligida a los hermanos y su madre, es su fe en la promesa de resurrección y vida eterna en Dios. Pablo les pide a los tesalonicenses que recen por él mientras difunde el mensaje de amor de Cristo, para que pueda librarse de los no creyentes que quieren hacerle daño. El apóstol confía en esas oraciones, lo mismo que confía en el continuo apoyo de Jesús y de Dios Padre. Y ahí está otra vez la palabra "continuo". Los saduceos, que no se creían la idea tan facilmente, le hacen a Jesús una interesante -aunque insignificante- pregunta acerca del estatus de la vida matrimonial después de la resurrección. Les responde a los no creyentes que el matrimonio no es un tema para los hijos de Dios resucitados. Más importante, les asegura que sus ancestros continúan vivos en Dios, como es evidente en las palabras del Padre a Moisés.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE No todas las patronas latinoamericanas tienen origines entre milagros y visiones. Algunas nacen de la devoción mariana del Pueblo de Dios. Tal es el caso con la Virgen de los Treinta y Tres. En 1962, el Papa Juan XXIII la nombró Patrona de Uruguay y así confirmó oficialmente lo que el Pueblo de Dios ya había hecho desde el 1825. Esta pequeña imagen de 36 centímetros lleva sobre su cabeza una corona desproporcionadamente grande, regalo de un general militar y símbolo de la devoción del pueblo. También lleva su curioso nombre en honor a su papel en la Independencia de Uruguay antiguamente llamada la Provincia Oriental. Los treinta y tres orientales que comandaron la guerra de liberación encomendaron sus esfuerzos delante esta imagen de origen jesuita. El siglo pasado el pueblo uruguayo comenzó ha patrocinar peregrinajes en honor de su patrona. Eventualmente en 1945 el obispo tuvo la gran idea de llevar la imagen en peregrinación al pueblo. Desde entonces se ha ido desarrollando esta bella costumbre que lleva María al Pueblo cada segundo domingo de noviembre entre homenajes de caballadas, desfiles y cantos.

Para los cursos pre-bautismales llamar a: Alex Aguilar 845-480-1502 y Natalia Lemus 845-4801682. Los cursos se dan previa cita los martes 7pm y domingos 11am.

Nuevas clases de educación religiosa para los padres y los niños en los grados 3 a 5 de la mañana de 11:45 AM a 12:30 PM primer domingo de cada mes. Si sus hijos no están inscritos en el programa de educación religiosa, por favor traiga a sus hijos a este nuevo programa. Programa Comienza el Domingo 6to noviembre y no hay costo de inscripción para el programa.

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PARISH MINISTRIES & CHAIR Buildings & Grounds Pat Miele, Alex Aguilar, Buzz Johnson Deanery Maureen O’Connell Eucharistic Adoration Dcn Robert Pang Health Mary Loftus Hispanic Community Micaelina Maldonado/ Geny Aguilar Hospitality Robin Miller Men’s Club Bill Loftus. Ralph Olsen Ushers Jake Miraglia Music Elise Espinosa, Chris & Carolyn Yates, Ted Simone Spanish Choir Carlos Cerna, William Martinez Outreach Maria Nest Parish Council Scott Giblin Parish Worship Dcn John Cunningham Religious Education Kathleen Dunn RCIA Dcn Robert Pang, Jose Bolaños Right to Life Scott Giblin Social Kelli Chilson Spiritual Life Johanna Krumm St. Vincent De Paul Fr. Tom Kunnel PARISH COUNCIL Kelli Chilson, Kathleen Dunn, Scott Giblin. Paul Johnson, Andrew Lee, Martina Lynch, William Martinez, Maria Nest , Ralph Olsen, May Pang, Carolyn Yates, Janet Zahn TRUSTEES Phil McCartin James Pontone

Our Sacramental Life Baptism: Please call the Rectory well in advance of the expected day of Baptism to arrange an appointment for an interview. Pre-baptismal meeting for parents is required. Godparents must be confirmed, practicing Catholics. Generally Baptisms are celebrated the third Sunday of each month at 12:00 pm. Reconciliation: Confessions are heard from 4:30-5:00 pm on Saturday. You may also make an appointment with Fr. Tom. Spanish confessions is available from 12:30–1:00 PM on Sundays. Marriage: Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance. Participation in Pre-Cana is essential. Please call the Rectory to schedule an appointment with Fr. Tom. Anointing of the Sick: Before you enter the hospital for elective surgery or other serious treatment, and for those who have need of spiritual healing. In an emergency, please call Fr. Tom’s mobile 845 608 9358. Holy Orders: Any gentleman interested in exploring the question of vocation to the priesthood or the permanent diaconate should contact Fr. Tom Kunnel. We would also be happy to direct anyone interested in living their lives as Religious Sisters or Brothers. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: For instruction for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist for adults and to learn about Catholic Faith. If interested please contact Dcn Robert Pang.

For more details and forms— Parish Registration: All adults (over age 21) should register in the parish themselves and should use envelopes or Tithing is 5% of income. This registration is our only means of certifying anyone as a member of the parish, especially for Baptism and Confirmation sponsorship

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