St. Joseph s Catholic Church

St. Josep h’s Catholic Chu rch _________________ LATIN RITE Father Courtney Edward Krier - Pastor Confessions: Saturday 3-5 and prior to all Sunday

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St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church 717 N. Bradford Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870 (714)528-1487 Fax (714)579-3791 WWW.STJOSEPHPLACENTIA.ORG Facebook: St. Joseph

ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER. Catholic Church
ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER Catholic Church ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER McAllen, TEXAS Daily Readings and Masses Sabado/Saturday July 23, 2011 Ex 24:3-8 Mt 13:2

Story Transcript

St. Josep h’s Catholic Chu rch _________________


Father Courtney Edward Krier - Pastor Confessions: Saturday 3-5 and prior to all Sunday Masses. Devotions: Daily Rosary prior to Mass. Baptisms: By appointment. Marriages: Arranged six months in advance. Communion of the Sick: Please advise Fr. Krier or the church office

MASSES: Sundays: 8:00 a.m. (Low Mass); 10:00 a.m. (High Mass) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish); Needles Mission 4:00 p.m. Weekdays and Saturdays: 8:00 a.m.

Holy Days: 8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m

131 N. 9th Street

Las Vegas, NV 89101 Office: 384-1223 Rectory: 596-5041 Fourth Sunday after Easter Month of Mary May 6, 2012

Mass Schedule during the week of May 6-12, 2012 = Abstinence F=Fast Sunday 8:00am 4th Sunday after Easter For Fr. Paul Schoonbroodt 05/06 (Simona Dvorsky) 10:00am High Mass RIP Mireya Fernandez (Carlos/Carmen Fernandez) 12:00pm 4° Domingo después de Pro populo Pascua Monday 8:00am St. Stanislaus RIP Lichuti Tiu 05/07 (Dr. Al & Lou Tiu) Tuesday 8:00am St. Michael RIP Enrique Sabanal, Sr. 05/08 (Nena Teodoro) Wednesday 8:00am St. Gregory Nazianzen RIP Arturo Nazareth 05/09 (Roger & Jory Nazareth) Thursday 8:00am St. Antoninus RIP Kenneth Schlesinger 05/10 (Jerry Helberg) Friday 8:00am Sts. Philip and James Anna Lladog Bruke 05/11 (Roger & Jory Nazareth) Saturday 8:00am Our Lady on Saturday RIP Julie Minoletti 05/12 (Doug & Deanna Dickover) Sunday 8:00am 5th Sunday after Easter For Nicolas Vardy & 05/13 Rosalinda DeLuca 10:00am High Mass For All Mothers Named and Placed on the Altar 12:00pm 5° Domingo después de Pro populo Pascua

Staff: Secretary/Secretaria: April Ruiz Office Hours 9am to 6pm

Organist & Choir Director: Dr Lou Tiu Organizations & Contacts (Call office telephone) Legion of Mary/ Legion de Maria 1st Tues of Month Knights of the Altar: Tony Gillespie, Mario Sanchez Guadalupanas: 12th of each month 7:00pm Ushers: 8:00-Michael Jungers, 10:00-Ed Ostrowski 12:00- German Sanchez

WELCOME VISITORS! Our e-mail address is [email protected] Website: is: If this is the first time you have attended the Traditional Latin Mass, you may have noticed that our parishioners do not dress casually in the church. Since the changes in the Church, few parishes have any kind of dress code. Here, however, we still believe that modesty and appropriate attire are necessary, especially in church out of reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. Please observe these minimum standards of dress for attendance at Church services: Women and girls should cover their heads (chapel veils or mantillas are available for loan at the entrance). Women and girls should wear dresses or skirts that cover the knee completely when standing or sitting. Jeans and other casual attire are inappropriate for Church worship. Also, Holy Communion is received exclusively from the priest and kneeling. If you have any questions, we hope that you take the opportunity to meet with Father after Mass. We are always happy to see new faces at St. Joseph’s and we hope to see you again soon!

For Your Information Donuts and coffee are available after Sunday Masses (for a donation). Pre-Cana: Meeting for young adults and singles preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. If you buy groceries at Food4Less, we have “Community Partners” type program and St. Joseph’s receives a percentage for every purchase you make when you use your card. To register, see April Ruiz in the office. St. Felicissimus School: Please save your Campbell’s soup labels and other product labels as the school collects these to get free educational items. We also collect aluminum cans. Sunday Envelopes are recommended as the ordinary means of financial support of the parish. You may find them in the pews or at the back of the church. Vigil Candles: are available to be lighted in the church. We ask a donation of $2.00 (3 day) for each candle for those you place in front of the saints and $5.00 (8 day) each if you wish to have the sanctuary lamp burning for your intention. Please place your donation in an envelope with instructions. For Baptismal registrations, please see April Ruiz. There is a baby (crying) room for any children who may have need of it. We’d like to encourage parents to make use of this room to prevent disturbing the rest of the congregation. Thank you! Devotions / Devociones Rosary: Half hour before Mass. Rosario: Media hora antes de Misa. Benediction: before First Friday or First Saturday Masses (12 persons present is required) Bendición con El Santísimo: antes de la Misa de los primeros Viernes o Sábados Quinceaneras: Consulte con Padre Krier Please pray for the sick members of our Parish, especially: Pedimos que recuerden a los enfermos de nuestra parroquia en sus oraciones, en particular: Eleanor Zato Michelle Grinze Fr. Peter Otto Helen Ginther Jimmy Dorado Fr. Paul Schoonbroodt

Alizaya Wilbarger Norbert Trybull Bob Murphy Leticia Lopez Stephany Rangel

Stephen Ryan Aleta Dorado Magdalena Vera Phyllis O'Rafferty Oscar Azcarate

Brook Fawcett Alfred Bevacqua Ruben Gonzalez Anna Lladog Bruke Kyle Williams

Last Sunday’s collection - $1177.00 — Thank you! Weekly Announcements:

Month of Mary

1) There will be a second collection taken for the building Fund today. We thank you for your 2) 3) 4) 5)

generosity. It is still necessary to pay accumulated mortgage debt obligations of at least $96, 000.00. There is presently $65,804.65 collected. This month we are collecting peanut butter for the food pantry. Thank you for your generosity. Volunteers are needed for the Food Pantry on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays and Wednesday of the month from 10am – 2pm. (May 8/9 & May 22/23) Mothers’ Day envelopes available for placing on the altar during the Month of May. Next week the High Mass will be offered for all Mothers whose names are on the altar. The Feast of the Ascension is May 17. Please make sure you observe it as a holyday and assist at Mass. Mass schedule will be 8:00am, 12:00pm and 5:30pm.

LOS RECIEN LLEGADOS BIEN VENIDOS Si es la primer vez que atiendes a la misa tradicional, en latín, tú debes estar bien enterado que nuestros feligreses no visten casualmente en la iglesia. Desde que se hicieron los cambios en la iglesia, pocos feligreses tienen código de vestido. Aquí, sin embargo creemos en la modestia y traje apropiado es necesario, especialmente en la iglesia con reverencia al bendito Sacramento. Por favor observen este mínimo estándar de vestido para asistir a la iglesia: Mujeres y muchachas deberán cubrir sus cabezas (los velos y las mantillas están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la capilla). Mujeres y jovencitas deben usar vestidos o faldas que cubran sus rodillas completamente cuando se paran o se sientan. Los jeans, (pantalones vaqueros) y cualquier otro traje inapropiado para el culto de la iglesia. También, la Santa comunión es recibida exclusivamente de rodillas dada por el sacerdote. Si tiene alguna pregunta, nosotros esperamos que usted tome una oportunidad de conversar con el padre después de la Misa. Nosotros siempre estamos felices al ver nuevos rostros en St. Joseph’s y esperamos volver a verlos pronto. Nuevos feligreses son siempre bienvenidos a la parroquia y se pide registrarse tan pronto como sea posible. Todos los feligreses, favor de notificar al Padre Krier cualquier cambio de datos. Se recomienda el uso de los Sobres de Domingo como manera ordinaria de soporte financiero de la parroquia. Su generosidad es siempre agradecida. Para apartar o solicitar todo tipo de misas, favor de informarse en la oficina parroquial. ¡Caballeros! Estamos en la necesidad seria de ujieres bilingües para la misa de medio día (12:00 p.m.) y para los días santos. Si pueden ayudar, favor de hablar con “Mike” después de la misa de las 8:00 a.m. o llamen la oficina y hablen con April.

La colección semanal - $1177.00 — Gracias! Mayo es el mes dedicado a la Santísima Virgen María Anuncios de la semana:

1) Habrá una segunda colecta para el fondo de edificio la próxima semana. 2) Este mes estaremos colectando crema de cacahuate para el banco de comida. Por favor de traer su donación a la Iglesia. Gracias por su cooperación!

3) Necesitamos voluntarios para el banco de comida el 2 y 4 martes y miércoles del mes de 10am a 2pm. (Mayo 8,9 y 22,23)

4) Hay sobres para el día de las madres. En el mes de mayo ponemos los sobres en el altar y ofrecemos la misa solemne el 13 de mayo por las madres quienes nombres están en el altar.

5) La fiesta de Ascensión, jueves 17 de Mayo, es un día de festivo. Misa a las 8:00am, 12:pm y 5:30pm.

Fourth Sunday after Easter Fr. Kevin O’Sullivan, O.F.M EXPLANATION (Gospel): The gospel lesson of today is again part of our Lord's discourse to His Apostles after the Last Supper. As we have seen He had more than once revealed to them that He was to suffer and die for man's redemption and that their road to glory too was to be the way of the cross. But in this last discourse He gives them a more detailed description of the sorrows that are to come upon them in the immediate future and also of the ultimate triumph of their cause and His. And now I am going to him who sent me: Christ the Son of God is to return to heaven, to God the Father who sent Him on earth to redeem the world. This will take place on Ascension day. The Apostles are so grief-stricken at the thought of His leaving them—they are not yet convinced of His divinity and so they think His death will end everything—that they cannot bear to hear Him speak of it and do not want to discuss it much less ask for more details. But I speak the truth to you; it is expedient for you that I depart: Our Lord tells them that this is the will of God the Father: Christ must die, will rise again from the dead and will return to heaven. And all this is necessary for the salvation of the Apostles and mankind. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you: This was the order of the divine economy of our salvation in which each of the three Divine Persons of the Blessed Trinity has a part. God the Father sends the Son into this world at the Incarnation to “dwell among us,” to teach us, and show us the way to heaven, to open heaven for us by His death on the cross, to rise again and return to the glory of the Father after forty days. Then the Father and Son, from whom the Holy Ghost proceeds, will send the Holy Ghost to complete the work of our redemption by His divine inspiration, His divine encouragement, and His divine sanctification which He will bring to each individual through the Church and the sacraments Christ has instituted on earth. This will go on till the last soul on earth has been saved or refused to be saved. And when he has come he will convict the world of sin, and of justice and of judgment: Our Lord Himself explains how the Holy Ghost will convict the world, that is the enemies of Christ, “of sin because they do not believe in me”: The miracles of Pentecost Sunday wrought through the gifts of the Holy Spirit were convincing proof that Christ's teaching was true. The spread of the Gospel under the influence of the same Holy Spirit, the supernatural courage of the Apostles who, up to this, were timid fishermen from Galilee so frightened that they locked themselves in a room “for fear of the Jews,” but who from Pentecost day, became fearless heralds of Christ and His Gospel—these were proofs which no one but one hardened in the sin of pride and unbelief could refuse to see. Then Christ goes on to promise that the Holy Spirit will convict the world of “justice,” that is the miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost to the infant Church will prove the justice of Christ's claim to have come from God, to have been the Son of God, to have been the sinless, all-just Redeemer of mankind. These powers and gifts of the Holy Ghost will come upon the Church when Christ has completed His mission and returned to the Father in heaven. All reasoning men will be convinced of the justice of Christ's claims and therefore of the truth of His teaching and will become sharers in the justice which He brought to them. And of judgment because the prince of this world has already been judged: The coming of the Holy Ghost will also convince the world that Satan's reign over men has finished; Christ has

wrought our redemption, the gates of paradise, closed against mankind since Adam's sin, are reopened, and the Devil's power is overthrown except for those who refuse to be set free from his yoke. Before the descent of the Holy Ghost the power of Satan was visible everywhere in the worship of false Gods, in the immoral lives of men, and in frequent diabolical possession. Pentecost Sunday initiated a change which gradually spread from Jerusalem to the ends of the then known world. The war against Satan and his human agents was on, and still continues, but the victory is assured to the soldiers of Christ. Satan can take no prisoners, except those who willingly desert Christ. Many things yet I have to say to you but you cannot bear them now: The instruction of the Apostles was not yet complete but because of their sadness at the thought of Christ's departure and because of the weakness of their faith which required the miracle of the Resurrection and the descent of the Holy Ghost to make it perfect, He could give them no further instruction now. But when he, the Spirit of truth has come he will teach you all the truth: The full and complete Christian doctrine in all its extent and without danger of error will be given the Apostles on Pentecost day and for all time, for their mission—the purpose of this assistance of the Holy Ghost—is for all time. For he will not speak on his own authority: The doctrine and truths He will impart to the Apostles and their sucessors is the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity, for the three divine Persons are equal in all things. The Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son—He has His divine being from the Father and the Son—and has therefore the divine infinite knowledge of the Father and the Son. APPLICATION: The promise Christ gave His Apostles on Holy Thursday night has been fulfilled. The Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles on Pentecost day and has remained with the Church of Christ ever since. On receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit the Apostles were changed from timid, shy fishermen into fearless intrepid soldiers and heralds of Christ's Gospel, who, utterly oblivious of personal danger or discomfort, impelled only by burning love of God and neighbor; brought the joyful tidings of redemption to the four corners of the known world, nay even into the very heart of the Pagan Empire itself, into Rome and the palace of the Caesars. Others took up the torch when the Apostles fell bathed in their own blood happy at being able to imitate the Master. The work of redemption never halted, generation follows generation, Apostle follows Apostle, down through the centuries. The Pentecostal tongues of flame are still burning brightly. Satan and his human agents have striven, and are still striving, to smother the unquenchable flame but Christ promised the gates of hell will not prevail. The Church of Christ, illumined and fortified by the Holy Spirit, will go on bringing souls to God and solace to suffering humanity in this valley of tears. I too have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I too was made a Soldier of Christ at my Confirmation. How have I fought Christ's battles hitherto? How will I fight them in future?

La Misa La Presencia Incruenta – por Charles Journet Si no hay más que un solo sacrificio redentor en la Nueva Alianza, y éste es el de la Cruz, ¿cómo pudo ser la ultima Cena un sacrificio? No hay más que una respuesta: la Cena no era un sacrificio distinto al de la Cruz, sino el mismo sacrificio de la Cruz, ya iniciado desde este momento y hecho presente, como debía serlo después; bajo las apariencias de pan y vino. Y si sólo hay un sacrificio redentor en la Nueva Alianza, el de la Cruz, ¿cómo puede ser la Misa un verdadero sacrificio? También aquí hay una sola respuesta: La Misa no es un sacrificio distinto al de la Cruz. El sacrificio es sustancialmente idéntico, esencialmente el mismo en ambos casos; porque en ambos casos tenemos el mismo sacerdote y la misma víctima. Sólo difieren accidentalmente, modalmente, en cuanto a su modo de presentación. En uno Cristo, presente bajo las apariencias personales o propias, se ofrecía de una manera cruenta y sin utilizar misterio alguno; y en el otro, Cristo, presente bajo las apariencias sacramentales, extrañas, se ofrece de una manera incruenta, utilizando el ministerio de los sacerdotes.[Cap. 2, D. 940.] Es imposible que el sacrificio de la Misa rivalice con el de la Cruz cuando toda la Misa no trata sino de representarnos, hacernos presente, el sacrificio cruento, y de aplicarnos su virtud salvífica en remisión de los pecados que diariamente cometemos. [Cap. 1, D. 938.] Por medio de la oblación incruenta es como recibimos en abundancia los frutos de la oblación cruenta. [Cap. 2, D. 940.] b) Los textos. A continuación insertamos los textos del Concilio referentes al sacrificio de la Cruz y al sacrificio de la Misa. "Así pues, el Dios y Señor nuestro, aunque había de ofrecerse una sola vez a sí mismo en el altar de la Cruz con la interposición de la muerte", después de la última Cena, "ofreció a Dios Padre su cuerpo y su sangre bajo las especies de pan y vino" para poder dejar a la Iglesia, Su Esposa, "un sacrificio sensible, como lo exige la naturaleza de los hombres, por el que se representara aquél suyo sangriento que una sola vez había de consumarse en la Cruz y su memoria permaneciera hasta el fin de los siglos y su eficacia saludable se aplicara para la remisión dé los pecados que diariamente cometemos.” [Cap. 1, D. 938] "Y porque en este divino sacrificio, que en la Misa se realiza, se contiene e incruentamente se inmola aquel mismo Cristo que una sola vez se ofreció él mismo cruentamente en el altar de la Cruz, enseña el santo Concilio que este sacrificio es verdaderamente propiciatorio, y que por él se cumple que, si con corazón verdadero y recta fe, con temor y reverencia, contritos y penitentes nos acercamos a Dios, conseguimos misericordia y hallamos gracia en el auxilio oportuno (Hebr., IV, 16). Pues, aplacado el Señor por la oblación de este sacrificio, concediendo la gracia y el don de la penitencia, perdona los crímenes y pecados por grandes que sean." [Cap. 2, D. 940] En la Cruz y en la Misa "una sola y la misma es, en efecto, la Víctima, y el que ahora se ofrece por el ministerio de los sacerdotes, es el mismo que entonces se ofreció a sí mismo en la Cruz, siendo sólo distinta la manera de ofrecerse, sola offerendi ratione diversa." [Ibid.] "Les frutos de esa oblación suya (la cruenta, decimos), Se perciben ubérrimamente por medio de la incruenta, per hanc incruentam; estando muy lejos de que a aquélla: en manera alguna se menoscabe a causa de ésta." [Ibid.] [Continua]

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