FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT. Catholic Church Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama (334) Fax (334)

FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Catholic Church 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 December 18,

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Story Transcript


Catholic Church 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492

December 18, 2016

DEVOCIÓN Y VENERACIÓN PARA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE. Yo creo que honramos a Dios y a Su Madre maravillosamente en nuestra celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Es con devoción y veneración que le damos verdadero honor y gloria a Dios. Muchas gracias a todos los que ayudaron para que este díafueraposible. ¡Enparticularmente muchas gracias a Juan Cervantes y a sus Mariachis que cantaron la música para la Misa, los Danzantes que le bailaron a Nuestra Señora, a la familia Macias que prepararon un almuerzo delicioso para 1,000 personas! También a los que ayudaron a servir la comida y a limpiar después de la comida. A Andrea Nemesszeghy quien coordinó y ayudó a llevar a cabo todos los detalles. ¡Que Dios sea alabado hoy y por siempre!

DEVOTION AND VENERATION TO OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. I believe we honored God and His Mother beautifully in our celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is with devotion and veneration that we give her true honor and glorify God. Thank you to all who helped make the day possible. A particular thank you Juan Cervantes and the Mariachis who played the music for Mass, the Danzantes who danced for Our Lady, and the Macias family who prepared a delicious lunch for 1000 people! As well as all those who helped serve and clean up after the meal. To Andrea Nemesszeghy who coordinated and helped carry out all of the details. May God be praised now and forever!

Padre Alex

Fr. Alex

C h r i s t m a s & N e w Ye a r M a s s S c h e d u l e December 24 - Christmas Vigil 4pm & 6pm - English 8pm - Spanish

December 25 - Christmas 12am - Midnight Mass 8am* - Christmas Day

* only one Mass for the day

December 31 - 8:30am, Vigil 5pm January 1 - 8am, 10am, 12:30pm, 5pm


4th Sunday of Advent

Regular Mass Schedule

December 18, 2016

Horario De Misas

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5pm Daily Mass: 6:30am & 8:30am Mon, Wed, Fri. 6:30am Tues, Thurs 8:30am Sat Confessions: Saturday: 4-4:45pm; Sunday: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm, 15 minutes before each daily Mass E-mail Bulletin Announcements by Friday at Noon (the week before) to [email protected]. Pho ne: (3 34) 27 2- 3 46 3 Fa x : ( 33 4) 2 7 2-3 4 92 O ffi ce H o urs : M - T h 8 am - 4 : 30p m F r i . 8am - 4 p m Si tiene anuncios para el boletín, mande la información por correo electrónico a mmaninang @s, lo más tardar el mediodía del viernes de la semana antes que quiera que aparezca.

Vigilia del sábado: 5:00 pm Domingo: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Español), 5pm Misas diarias: 6:30am & 8:30am lunes, miércoles, viernes 6:30am martes, jueves 8:30am sábado Confesiones: sábado: 4-4:45pm; domingo: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm, 15 minutos antes de cada Misa diaria

N e e d a P r i e s t ? Please do not hesitate to call and let us know when you need us. During Office Hours: Fr. Alex (334) 272-3463 ext 203;

Fr. Zach (334) 272-3463 ext 204 For Sacramental emergencies (near death), please call (251) 599-3523

¿Necesita a un Sacerdote? Por favor, no dude en llamarnos cuando nos necesite.

Office Phone: (334) 272-3463 Fr. Alex Valladares, Pastor [email protected] Fr. Zachary Greenwell, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Kathy Dean, Offi ce Man ager [email protected] Elizabeth Segrest, Book k eeper [email protected] Andrea Nemesszeghy, Youth Coordinator and Hispanic Community Liaison [email protected] or [email protected] Mara Maninang, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Tyler Kirsch, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Audra Starrett, M anag er Catholic Children’s Ministry @ St. Bede [email protected]

ext 203

Durante horas de oficina: Padre Alex (334) 272-3463 ext 203; Padre Zach (334) 272-3463 ext 204

ext 204

Para Emergencias Sacramentales (moribundo), llame (251) 599-3523

ext 205 ext 207 ext 209

Weekly Offering Collection 12-04-16 Needed Weekly: Tithing Year-to-Date: Tithing Budget-to-Date: This Year’s Budget:

$ 24,377.93 $ 17,980.77 $ 785,042.32 $ 881,057.69 $ 935,000.00

ext 202 ext 201

Keep Posted with all Youth Activities, join the blog

send email

Jo Ann Erhardt, St. Vincent de Paul Society [email protected]

272-3033 (8am-2pm)

Barry C. Waite, Grand Knight, KofC #893 [email protected]


Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School St. Bede K4-6: Laurie Gulley, Principal 272-3033 [email protected] Middle/High School 7-12: Justin Castanza, Interim Principal, [email protected] 272-7220

Religious Education (August - Easter)

RE Classes: Students in Kindergarten thru 6th grade meet Sunday morning from 11:15-12:15 in the school.

For Your Convenience Hearing Assistance Devices: Available in the sacristy. Deaf Ministry: 5pm Sunday Mass interpreted for the deaf. Wheelchair: Three available in the sacristy for your use. St. Bede the Venerable Gift Shop: Open Fridays 9-12 noon and Sundays after the 8am and 10am masses.

4th Sunday of Advent

December 18, 2016


From Death into New Life With Our Lord D E C E M B E

F ea st o f Our L a dy of Gu ada lup e p ro ce s sio n on Sunday, Decemb er 11 at 11:30am.


18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 24,

1978 1986 1949 2010 1986 1986 1996 1997 2004 1953 1959 1963 1953 1971 1992 2008 2014 1988 1998 2011 1981

Winnie J. Williams Pryor Harris Plumlee Edward Ross Pike Anna D. Paige Andrew Seth Ila Bynum Taylor Mary Jo Fike Doris Catherine White Sharon Neeck Elizabeth F. Loughran Bernard Kay George W. Sweet Charles M. Gibbons Claire O’Leary Robert Scott Woodcock Genevieve Sadler Child Dorothy “Dottie” Azar Dean Henry F. Vandergriff Col. Angelo N. Castanza, Sr. Doris LaFreniere Lucille Ann Phelps

I n t e r e s t e d i n C u rs illo ? Call Rob Barranco at (334) 233-1944 or email [email protected]

Mass Intentions for December 18 - 24 Sunday:

F u r t h e r i n g Yo u r F a i t h RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):

Monday evenings in the Parish Hall at 6pm. If you know anyone who is interested or if you would like a personal Invitation extended, call the Office at 272-3463. Bible Study : Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. St. Bede Family Night: Dinner, Catechesis and Fraternity. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6pm-7:30pm in the Family Life Center. Catechesis & Adoration : 1 st & 3 rd Thursdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Church. Catechesis: 2nd & 4t h Th ursdays from 6-7pm FLC.

Montgomery Area Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours, located behind Our Lady

Queen of Mercy Church, 4421 Narrow Lane Rd, Montgomery AL 36116.Call Priscilla Berry for more info: 334-288-3292

Pro-Life Rosary : Every Monday, Wednesday, and

Saturday after 8:30am Mass. Prayer Network: For special prayers or to become part of the Prayer Network call Joe Crowley at 264-7586 or Cecilia Beesley at 244-0950 .

Vigil 5:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:30pm 5:00pm Monday: 6:30am 8:30am Tuesday: 6:30am

Is 7:1 0-14 ; Ps 24: 1-6 ; Rom 1:1-7; M t 1: 18-2 4

Special Intentions Parishioners Special Intentions Special Intentions Special Intentions Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17 Lk 1:5-25

Louise Caranna James Hong (L) Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38

Noel Anthony

Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Wednesday: P s 33 : 2-3 , 1 1- 1 2 , 2 0 -2 1 ; L k 1: 39- 4 5 6:30am Jack Jehle 8:30am Francis L. Heuerman 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Thursday: 6:30am Sharon Eckelkamp (D) & Annette Clark (L) Ma l 3: 1- 4 , 23 -3 4 ; Ps 25 :4 -5 ab , 8- 10 , 14 ; Friday: L k 1 :5 7 -6 6 6:30am Angelo Castanza 8:30am Joan Walker 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Saturday: Lk 1:67-79 8:30am Marty Taylor (L)


4th Sunday of Advent

December 18, 2016

HS YOUTH GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY We are celebrating Christmas on Wednesday, December 21st at 6:30pm in the FLC. See you there!

FIESTA DE NAVIDAD GRUPO DE JOVENES DE HS Vamos a celebrar la Navidad el miércoles, 21 de Diciembre a las 6:30pm en el FLC. ¡Los esperamos!

. .. mo r e pictures from the F ea st o f Ou r lady o f Gu adalup e i n t h e n ext bu ll et in

Requirements for Baptism 1. 2.

Parents must be married in the Catholic Church. If a couple is civilly married or unmarried, they must make an appointment to meet with the Pastor before they can have their children baptized. 3. Children age 6 and under will receive the sacrament of Baptism. From 7 and above, they will receive all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation). 4. Parents must bring a copy of their marriage certificate from the Church where they were married. 5. Godparents must be practicing Catholics. You may have a proxy for a godparent/s who may be unable to come. 6. To have your child baptized, contact Joan at 272-3463 to schedule a Baptism Preparation Class. 7. Baptism in English is every 3rd Sunday of each month after the 10am Mass.

Requisitos para Bautismo 1. 2.

Los padres deben estar casados por la Iglesia catolica. Si la pareja está casada civilmente o no están casados, ellos deben hacer una cita para reunirse con el Pastor antes de bautizar a su hijo(s). 3. Niños de 6 años o menores van a recibir el scramento de Bautismo. Niños de 7 años o mayores, recibirán los 3 sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación). 4. Los Padres deben traer una copia de su certificado de matrimonio de la Iglesia donde se casaron. 5. Los padrinos deben ser Católicos practicantes puede tener un ‘proxy’ o representante, si un padrino o los padrinos no pueden estar presentes. 6. La clase de preparación para el bautismo es el primer sábado de cada mes a las 11:00am en el Parish Hall con la Srta. Andrea Nemesszeghy. 7. El Sacramento del Bautismo es celebrado el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la Misa del 12:30pm.

4th Sunday of Advent

The St. Bede Gift Shop is READY & OPEN!

We have what you need - candles, nativity decor, books, gift items, Magnificat. 162 new items, vintage and antique, dating as far back as 1840's! Come and See! We’re open Sundays - after the 8am, 10am & 12:30pm Masses and on weekdays - Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm.

Res pect Life

“Help one another: This is what Jesus teaches us and this is what I am doing, and doing with all my heart.” Pope Francis,


December 18, 2016 Pray for those who are Sick Jim Baker Chuyen Van Nguyen Paula Castanza Tommy Nick Elena Chavez Louis Perez Erica Coach Matthew Cole Pritchard Chuck Ernest Pennie Rammelkamp Jo & Paul Fussell Christopher Rice Lindsey Guin Maghdi Sayegh Avis Gunter John Seidel John Hasselwander Susan Schroering James Hong Doreen Skoneki Tom Jaworowski Evelyn Stroh William Chapman Martin Sis. Taff Jackson McAlister Joseph Vide Susan McGaughy Mildred Walden Patricia Nichols All our Shut-Ins

Homily on Holy Thursday, c2013 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.

We pray for expectant mothers and fathers who are afraid. May God provide for their every need and bless them with peace.

La clase de bautismo para el mes de ENERO es el sábado 31 de diciembre a las 11:00am en el Parish Hall.

NIÑOS QUE RECIBIERON EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO el dia 10 de diciembre, 2016 en St. Bede celebrado por el Padre Alejandro Valladares:

Dany Alexander y Braydin Omar ,

hijos de Pedro Efrain Bravo Velasquez y Oralia Audelina Mejia Domingo; Ashley y Shirley Gizelly , hijas de Fernando Castillo Moreno y Rosa Abarca Jimenez; Juan Josue , hijo de Juan Efrain Perez Ramirez y Audulia Fidelina Ramirez Perez; Tiare Lisseth y Alberto , niños de Alberto Rubio Tafoya y Rebeca Santiago Hernandez

4th Sunday of Advent

Catholic Young Adult Small Groups are starting! Who: Catholic Young Adults (age 21-39) in the Montgomery area

What: A small group is a group of 10-12 people who meet regularly to grow in their faith and build community with other Catholic young adults. We will have a men's group and a women's group.

When & Where: Small groups first begin with a "Kickoff" on Tuesday, January 17th at 6:30pm in Holy Spirit's Parish Hall. After the kickoff, you will meet with your group at their respective time and location.

For more information or to sign up, please see our website:



across the United States offer sincere thanks for your generosity to last weekend’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious

GRACIAS POR SU APOYO A LOS RELIGIOSOS ANCIANOS. Los religiosos por todos los Estados Unidos están profundamente agradecidos por su generosidad con la colecta del Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos de la semana pasada.

Cub Scouting at St. Bede is gearing up for a fun year! Open to 1st – 5th grade boys. We meet Mondays at 6pm typically in the Scout Hut (behind the Family Life Center). Come join us. For more information, call Erin Fleet 334-546-1901.

NIÑOS QUE RECIBIERON EL SACRAMENTO DE LA PRIMERA COMUNIÓN el dia 11 de diciembre, 2016 a las 12:30 pm en St. Bede celebrado por el Padre Alejandro Valladares:

Camille Rose Czapla, Jeanielyn F. Poblete, Bethzy Janela Ramirez Rios, Alexandra Ramos Acolt


Luca Damiano Russo,

son of Benjamin & Jubilee Anna, was Baptized on December 12, 2016 at St. Bede according to the Rite of the Roman Catholic Church by the Reverend Father Alejandro Valladares . Sponsors being Matthew & Jessie Fold.

4th Sunday of Advent OUR MONTGOMERY PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL NEEDS ADORERS! We need your help at the chapel, located at Our Lady, Queen of Mercy Church on Narrow Lane Road, to remain open around the clock, giving honor and glory to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Give Jesus one hour a week and He will pour out grace upon grace for you and your family and for the entire world! HOURS MOST NEEDED: Sun - 12-1 am, 2-3 am Thu - 9-10 am. These hours are in immediate need and would be most appreciated, but we also welcome you to choose any hour during the week that will work for you. We also need Prayer Partners for the following: Sundays 5-6pm; Wednesdays 7-8pm; Thursdays 4-5pm; Fridays 9-10pm; Saturdays 9-10pm. Please call Priscilla Berry at 288-3292 or Beth Russo @ 244-7866 to sign up.

Catholic Social Services Job Opportunity. CSS-Montgomery is currently seeking a Part-time Licensed Professional Counselor who will be available during the weekday office hours of 8:30am-4:30pm. Applicant must have a Master’s degree in Counseling from a CACREP accredited university and have an active Alabama license. Send resumés, no later than December 23, 2016, to [email protected] or call 288-8890 ext 208 for more information. El grupo de oración carismático catolica — Seguidores de Cristo tiene la oración los dias sábados de 7 pm hasta 8 pm en la Iglesia de St. Bede. Para más información, llame a Hector Ramirez (334) 544-5072


December 18, 2016

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Bede the Venerable #100450 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, AL 36109 TELEPHONE 334 272-3463 #0 CONTACT PERSON Mara Maninang SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP laserjet 1320 EMAIL: [email protected] TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 3:00pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 18, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

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