Merry Christmas. December 25, Prospect Street, White Plains, New York

T C S .B 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606 December 25, 2016 R 914-949-2111 L D L C 914-428-4727 Rev. Robert J

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S .B

51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606

December 25, 2016 R 914-949-2111 L D L C 914-428-4727 Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor & Director of Rel. Ed.

Merry Christmas

Weekend Associates: Rev. Richard Dillon Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J.

Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell Verónica Meléndez Rectory Office Manager Jennifer Frías Director The Little Disciple Learning Center Brenda López Coordinator of Religious Education

Parish Trustees: Carlos Morinigo Judith Morinigo




Saturday/Sábado 5:30 pm Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm (Spanish/Español), Confessions

Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm

O God, who gladden us year by year as we wait in hope for our redemp on, grant that, just as we joyfully welcome your Only Bego en Son as our Redeemer, we may also merit to face him confidently when he comes again as our Judge. Amen.

Oh Dios, que nos alegra año tras año mientras esperamos esperanzados nuestra redención, concédenos que, así como acogemos con alegría a tu Hijo Unigénito como nuestro Redentor, también podamos merecer enfrentarlo con confianza cuando venga nuevamente como nuestro Juez. Amen.

Boundless Joy

Gozo ilimitado

The news of our Savior’s birth cannot be contained. Every reading is burs ng with joy at this ul mate Good News: Rejoice! Exult! Make merry! Announce to the world and proclaim to all people! We have been preparing for this day. Even as we prepared in joy, there was something holding us back, but no longer. The darkness no longer appears dark, for the light has come, and it is a light brighter than any other. The readings for today tell us that there was “no room in the inn,” but the news of a wondrous birth is spread by angels and shepherds. The Savior has come into the world, heaven and earth rejoice. It is as if the en re world lets loose unbounded joy. How can we both celebrate and spread this joy today? The shepherds did not just hear the announcement of the angels, they gathered their flocks and traipsed together to find this simple new family and welcome the infant, with both silent awe and joyful sharing of the news. May this Christmas find us eager to celebrate and spread the news with exaltaon, silent awe, sharing good news and kindness, and looking for Christ in all families and situa ons of the day. Our abundant joy cannot be contained.

La no cia del nacimiento de nuestro Redentor es irrefrenable. Cada lectura trepida de alegría con la Buena Nueva: ¡Regocíjate! ¡Exulta! ¡Felicidades! ¡Anúncialo y proclámalo a todo el mundo! Para esto nos hemos estado preparando. Incluso si nos hemos preparado con alegría, algo nos ha estado frenando, pero no por mucho empo. La oscuridad ya no será negra, pues ha llegado la luz, la luz más brillante de todas. Las lecturas del día apuntan que “no había lugar en la posada”, pero la no cia de un maravilloso nacimiento la divulgan ángeles y pastores. El Redentor ha llegado al mundo; cielos y erra se regocijan. Es como si todo el universo se volviera loco de alegría. ¿Cómo podemos celebrar y compar r esa alegría hoy? Los pastores no sólo escucharon el anuncio de los ángeles, sino que reunieron sus rebaños y se lanzaron al encuentro de una simple familia para darle la bienvenida al infante, todo ello con silente asombro, exaltación y espíritu jubiloso. Que esta Navidad nos encuentre ansiosos por celebrar y compar r la Buena Nueva del nacimiento de Cristo. Contemplemos su misterio en nuestro corazón, compartamos su presencia con delicadeza y solidaridad con los más pobres y necesitados. No le pongamos freno a esta alegría.

Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2016 SOLEMNITY OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS) Look for the love on Christmas Christmas Day is here! After weeks of preparation, are you filled with excitement? Exhausted? Perhaps a bit of both? On this holy morning, imagine sitting and talking with Mary, mother of the newborn. She carried the child in her womb for nine months; she labored and gave birth. Perhaps she was exhausted that morning, perhaps she was filled with hope and joy—perhaps, like you, a bit of both! The essence of this day is the birth of that child, who came to bring love to us all. Look for that love today in the smile of a child, the story of a parent, a meal at your table, or a word of gratitude. TODAY’S READINGS: Isaiah 9:1-6; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14 (14).

“You have nothing to fear! I come to proclaim good news to you.”

MONDAY, DECEMBER 26 FEAST OF STEPHEN, THE FIRST MARTYR Deacons on the front line Stephen was a deacon in the early church. Evidence suggests that both women and men served as deacons in the early church, and Pope Francis recently established an official commission to study the question of the diaconate of women. The word “radical” means going back to “the root,” so if radical change is ahead for the deaconate, it will be deeply rooted in Christian history and tradition. Pray for wise discernment by all those involved in the commission. TODAY’S READINGS: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Matthew 10:17-22 (696).

“You are my rock and my fortress; for your name’s sake you will lead and guide me.”

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27 FEAST OF JOHN, APOSTLE, EVANGELIST Tell him I AM sent you Each gospel has an emphasis, and John’s is the divinity of Christ revealed in signs of service: feeding multitudes, raising Lazarus, forgiving the adulterous woman, turning water into wine, and washing feet like a slave. In John, Jesus often uses the divine name, I AM: in the poetry of vine and branches, the good shepherd, the bread from heaven. Because you are baptized, divinity lives in you as well. As the hustle of the holidays continues, feed, not thousands, but one hungry person; wash someone’s feet by volunteering somewhere; be a good shepherd, a mentor to a young person; be a forgiving, divine vessel of joy. Show that love does not die as Christmas Day passes by. TODAY’S READINGS: 1 John 1:1-4; John 20:1a, 2-8 (697). “What we

have heard, what we have seen with our eyes.”

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 FEAST OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS, MARTYRS Martyrs of today Our Christmas joy is interrupted today. We remember the children who were slaughtered in Bethlehem by King Herod. Such tragedies continue

today—pray for all who die daily from violence and neglect. Pope Francis has reminded us many times that these are the martyrs of today. On this Christmas weekday we must stop and reflect on the fact that even though there may be darkness and a rejection of life, the light of love, the light of Christmas, shines much brighter and scatters hatred and brings about a new world. TODAY’S READINGS: 1 John 1:5—2:2; Matthew 2:13-18 (698). “A

voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29 MEMORIAL OF THOMAS BECKET, BISHOP, MARTYR Fight for what’s right We teach kids to stand up to bullies, but how often do we adults do the same? How many times do we ignore hurtful, inappropriate comments to others in person and online? How often do we fail to advocate for those in our city, country, and world who aren’t being treated fairly? It’s not easy to risk the repercussions of doing the right thing, but we are called to do so nonetheless. Find courage in the example of Saint Thomas Becket, who gave his life for standing up to someone—his friend, boss, and king— who was in the wrong. TODAY’S READINGS: 1 John 2:3-11; Luke 2:22-35 (202). “Lord, now

let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled.”

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH All you need is love “Jesus himself was born into a modest family.” So writes Pope Francis in his letter, “The Joy of Love.” We tend to think of that small family as perfect, but we presume, too, that they worked, prayed, and traveled together as many families do today. Although we don’t know their daily rituals and routines, we do know that the child of the family became a man of justice and compassion who showed us how to love. To celebrate this Feast of the Holy Family, put love on your lips and in your heart and do something today that imitates the Lord’s unconditional love. TODAY’S READINGS: Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 or Colossians 3:12-21; Mat-

thew 2:13-15, 19-23 (17). “Over all these virtues, put on love which binds the rest together and makes them perfect.”

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 MEMORIAL OF SYLVESTER I, POPE Keep the Christmas spirit alive Don’t you wish the wonder of Christmas lasted longer than one day? Well, it actually does! The Nativity of the Lord is celebrated on the liturgical calendar as an Octave—that is, eight days long—in this case, from December 25 to January 1. Easter is also celebrated as an Octave, because the importance of these two events demands a full week of attention. Because today is also the feast day of Sylvester I, who was pope during the Council of Nicea, which affirmed that Jesus was both human and divine, take time to contemplate this part of the mystery of Christ’s birth. TODAY’S READINGS: 1 John 2:18-21; John 1:1-18 (204). “The Word

became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory.”

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Thank You

New Year’s Schedule

We would like to thank all those who donated their me and talents to this year’s Christmas Pageant, especially Caroline Staab, Maeve Staab, Lorianne O’Donnell and all the children who par cipated in this special presenta on of the Christmas story. The performance was perfect! We are also grateful to Br. Pius for the wonderful music.

New Year’s Eve, December 31st 5:30 pm - English Mass New Year’s, January 1st 9:00 am - (English) 10:30 am - (English), 12:00 pm - (Spanish)

Hear elt gra tude to all the Parish Devo onal Groups who organized and par cipated in our 9 day Posada/ Novena in Chapel Hall. The Posada was a blessing that was filled with many graces for our parish. Thank you to Amodio’s Nursery for decora ng our Church so beau fully this Christmas.

Religious Educa on Program Reminders: · Classes will resume next week on Wednesday January 4th, 2017. · Children’s December Mass Card will be due upon their return to class. · Children have received their January Mass card.

Blessing of Toys There will be a Blessing of Toys at the 9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy on Sunday, January 8th, the Feast of the Epiphany (the Feast of the Three Kings). The children are invited to bring one of their Christmas presents - a small toy, game, book or stuffed animal to be blessed that day.

Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament Friday, January 6th, is the First Friday of the Month. Please join the community at 7:00 pm for an hour of Prayer with Christ during the Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament the Benedic on.

Upcoming Parish Mee ngs ♦ ♦ 2016


♦ ♦ ♦

Lord of the Miracles, today, Sunday, December 25th at 1:30 pm in the Cafeteria. Divine Infant Jesus, Sunday, January 1st at 1:30 pm in the Guadalupe Room. Divine Mercy, Sunday, January 1st at 1:30 pm in the Church. Virgin of Guadalupe, Monday, January 2nd at 8:00 pm in the Cafeteria. Ladies of Charity, Tuesday, January 3rd at 9:30am in Chapel Hall.

Cesar Tandazo (203)561-9503

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Horario de Año Nuevo

Quisiéramos agradecer a todos aquellos que donaron su empo y sus talentos al espectáculo de Navidad de este año, especialmente Caroline Staab, Maeve Staab, Lorianne O’Donell y todos los niños que par ciparon en esta presentación especial de la historia de Navidad. La representación fue perfecta! También estamos agradecidos al Hno. Pío por la música maravillosa.

Víspera de Año Nuevo, 31 de diciembre 5:30 pm - Misa en Inglés Año Nuevo, 1ro de enero 9:00 am - (inglés) 10:30 am - (inglés), 12:00 pm - (español)

Agradecemos a todos los Grupos Devocionales de la Parroquia que organizaron y par ciparon en nuestra Posada / Novena de 9 días en Chapel Hall. La Posada/Novena fue una bendición que estaba llena de gracias para nuestra parroquia. Gracias a Amodio's Nursery por decorar tan bellamente nuestra Iglesia esta Navidad

Programa de Educación Religiosa Recordatorios: · Las clases se reanudarán la próxima semana, miércoles, 4 de enero de 2017. · La tarjeta de misa de diciembre debe ser entregada a su regreso a clase. · Los niños han recibido su tarjeta de misa de enero.

Bendición de los Juguetes Habrá una Bendición de los juguetes en la misa de los niños el domingo 8 de enero a las 9:00am, la fiesta de la Epifanía (fiesta de los Tres Reyes Magos). Los niños pueden traer uno de sus regalos de Navidad – un juguete pequeño, un juego, un libro, o un peluche, a ser bendecido ese día.

Exposicion del San simo El viernes, 6 de enero es el primer viernes del mes. Les invitamos a todos a reunirse como comunidad a las 7:00 pm en una hora de oración ante Nuestro Señor Jesucristo durante la Exposición del San simo.

Próximas Reuniones Parroquiales ♦ ♦ 2016


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Señor de los Milagros, hoy domingo, 25 de diciembre a la 1:30 pm en la Cafetería. Divino Niño, domingo, 1ro de enero, a la 1:30 pm en el Salón de Guadalupe. Divina Misericordia, domingo, 1ro de enero, a la 1:30 pm en la Iglesia. Virgen de Guadalupe, lunes, 2 de enero a las 8:00 pm en la Cafetería. Damas de la Caridad, martes, 3 de enero a las 9:30am en el Chapel Hall.

Cesar Tandazo (203)561-9503

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Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, December 24, 2016 4:00 For the people 5:30 Anthony Cardon 7:00 Rosamma Ka ukaran Sunday, December 25, 2016 9:00 For the people 10:30 Deceased Members of the Iannace Family 12:00 Jack Hegman Monday, December 26, 2016 9:00 Communion Service

Last Sunday’s Collec on : First Collec on 12/18/16: $4,963 Second Collec on 12/18/16: $1,519 First Collec on 12/11/16: $4,196 Second Collec on 12/11/16: $1,993 Today’s Second Collec on is for Christmas. Next week’s second collec on will be for the new Christmas Decora ons. Thank you for your generous support of our parish. La segunda Colecta de hoy es para Navidad. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana será para las nuevas decoraciones de Navidad. Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016 9:00 Communion Service Wednesday, December 28, 2016 9:00 Jack Kadian Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:00 Carlos Luis Rodríguez

Total Amount Pledged: $652,020 Total Amount in Payments: $511,984 Average Pledge: $1,697.97

Hymns in English

Friday, December 30, 2016 9:00 Nicola Nazario Scarano Saturday, December 31, 2016 5:30 Francisco Loja Sunday, January 1, 2016 9:00 Virginia Kernathan 10:30 Living Family Members of the Iannace Family 12:00 For the people

Prayers for the Sick Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas. Marck Canoli John Horan Helena Trinidad

St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign Update

Jennie Magno a Julie McGuiness María Beatriz Cabrera de Mas

4:00 pm / 10:30 am Entrance - Missale e #65 "O Come All Ye Faithful” Offertory - Missale e #90 "First Noel” Communion - Missale e #63 “Angels We have Heard on High” Communion - Missale e #82 “Li le Town of Bethlehem” Closing - Missale e #61 “Joy to the World” 5:30pm / 9:00 am Entrance - Missale e #74 "O Come Li le Children” Offertory - Missale e #60 "Away in a Manger” Communion - Missale e #70 “Silent Night” Closing - Missale e #61 “Joy to the World”

Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español Entrada Ofertorio Comunión Salida

#3 #13 #10 #596

Pastores a Belén En el portal de Belén Fun, Fun, Fun Alegría

El Centro Hispano, Inc. 346 South Lexington Avenue Isabel Elsa Villar Boulevard White Plains, NY 10606 914-289-0500 t 914-289-0550 f [email protected] COMPUTER CLASSES FOR ADULTS AT EL CENTRO HISPANO EL Centro Hispano will be offering a new cycle of Beginners Computer Classes star ng in February. The course will last 16 weeks and the cost is $100. If you are interested, come to El Centro Hispano to register AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We can only accommodate 18 students.

EL CENTRO HISPANO SCHOLARSHIPS If you are interested in applying for a scholarship from El Centro Hispano, please contact Ms. Lesley Tompkins, Director of the Guidance Department at White Plains High School, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The requirements are as follow: 1. Have a minimum grade point average of at least 3.0 and have Volunteered at El Centro Hispano MORE than 60 hours a year. 2. Write a two-page essay indica ng why he/ she should be considered for this scholarship. 3. Must have financial need. 4. Be involved in extracurricular ac vi es in school and/ or the community. Special considera on will be given to those students who volunteered at El Centro Hispano or El Centro Hispano- sponsored events. 5. Be Hispanic or of Hispanic descent. 6. Be accepted at a college or university, which the student will a end in September. 7. Speak Spanish. 8. Complete the applica on on me. 9. Reside or a end a school in White Plains. 10. Graduate from high school the year of the applica on. 11. Use the money awarded in the fall of that same year (the money cannot be put on hold for one year to another).

CLASES DE COMPUTACION PARA ADULTOS EN EL CENTRO HISPANO El Centro Hispano comenzará un nuevo ciclo de clases de computación para principiantes en febrero. El curso durará 16 semanas por un costo de $100. Si está interesado en tomar estas clases, pase por El Centro Hispano LO ANTES POSIBLE. Sólo podemos aceptar 18 estudiantes. BECAS DEL CENTRO HISPANO Si están interesados en solicitar a las becas del Centro Hispano, deben contactar la oficina de consejería y hablar con la Sra. Lesley Tompkins, Directora del Departamento de Consejería de la Escuela Secundaria de White Plains, LO ANTES POSIBLE. Los requisitos para recibir las becas son los siguientes: 1. Tener un promedio académico mínimo de 3.0* y haber trabajado voluntariamente en el Centro Hispano MÁS de 60 horas al año. 2. Escribir una composición de dos páginas explicando por qué se le debe considerar para esta beca. 3. Demostrar que necesita ayuda financiera. 4. Estar involucrado en ac vidades extracurriculares en el colegio y en la comunidad, especialmente en el Centro Hispano. Los estudiantes que son voluntarios en el Centro tendrán preferencia. 5. Ser hispano o de descendencia hispana. 6. Haber sido aceptado en una universidad a la cual asis rá en sep embre. 7. Hablar español. 8. Llenar la solicitud a empo. 9. Vivir en White Plains o estudiar en una de las escuelas privadas o públicas de esta ciudad. 10. Graduarse de la escuela secundaria este año escolar. 11. Usar el dinero para pagar la matrícula del primer semestre del año escolar que comienza en sep embre. Page 7


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