Story Transcript
MINISTRY TO THE SICK , PRAYERS FOR THE SICK, AND THEIR CAREGIVERS Please call the rectory at 718-392-0011 to make arrangements for a sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the sick at home. Thank you for cooperating and God bless you.
Cycle 2 Year C THANK YOU, GOOD TEACHER First Reading: Amos 8:4-7
Hear this, you who trample upon the needy!
Second Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-8
God wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.
Gospel: Luke 14:25-33
“Whoever does not carry his own cross….cannot be my disciple.”
NEXT WEEK SCHEDULE FOR MINISTERS AND READERS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 Saturday 5:00 PM Readers: Rose Cutone-Deptula Ministers: Helen Johnson, Patricia Connelly, Lillian Liem, Irene Werneck
SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 Sunday 9:00 AM Readers: Joseph Pagano Ministers: Hector Arias, Peggy Fleming, Maria Kuehlewind, Beatrice Gomez
SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 Sunday Readers : Ministers: Juan Rodriguez
12:00 PM
Mimi DeGracia, Peggy Walsh, Patrcia Nulty, Linda Kasakyan
2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL “When we GIVE we SHARE The LIGHT OF FAITH” ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL REPORT $44,673 GOAL $37,685 PLEDGED $29,703 RECEIVED 112 DONORS THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT CHURCH OFFERINGS September 11, 2016 - $4,957.00 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING YOUR PARISH SECOND COLLECTIONS SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 - FOOD PANTRY EARLY REGISTRATION FOR FAITH FORMATION 2016-2017 Register your child for Baptism, Communion, and/or Confirmation Classes for 2016-2017. Fee: $60. Pick up a registration form at the Rectory Office. Please bring a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate & Baptism Certificate. Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 8 PM or visit our website for an ONLINE application@
Bobby Sarro, Patricia North, Ethel Smyth, Maureen Flynn, Vivian Papa, Krystel Long, Gloria Maloney, Justin Robinson, Carmen Carampatan, James Lyons, Rita Halpin, Lorraine Crowell, Margaret Crowley, Wilton Contrera, Virginia Lawrence, Jorge Luis Cassab, Ana Urquizo, Stephanie Consiglio, Joe Carmel, Renata Anna Rosa, Mary Murray, Joan O’Brian, Lydia E. Mazzone, Peter Finnegan, Jim Sullivan, Pidgie Murray, Ubaldo Paredes, Umberto Sanchez, Marilyn Harrington, Angelina Sanfratello
PRAY FOR THE DEAD (Oremos por los Muertos)
John O’Neill, Edward T. Reilly
Prayer for the Sick and Dying “Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend to your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love's sake. Amen.” Saint Augustine AN INVITATION…. With three simple words, “Come and see….” Jesus invited the Apostles to get each other, as they traveled together in faith. This group of acquaintances, soon to be friends, accepted Jesus’ invitation and formed a small community. Arise is about building the same kind of small faith-sharing communities. OUR DIVINE MERCY: Our Divine Mercy Devotion will take place on Sunday, September 25th, 2016 at 1 PM on Church. All are welcome.
ESL VOLUNTEERS: The ESL Program needs teachers & volunteers. For those whom are interested, please call the Rectory during office hours and leave your information. Thank You. 2017 MASS BOOK: The 2017 Mass Book is open. Please stop by the Rectory Office for your Mass Intentions for next year. ROSARY SOCIETY– Please join the Queen of Angels Rosary Society on Sunday, October 2, 2016 at 10 AM for their Annual Outdoor (weather permitting), Rosary Procession. Participants should gather in front of the Church after the 9 AM Mass. Following the Procession, the Rosary Society will hold their monthly meeting in the Parish Center. All parishioners are invited to join us. New members welcomed. Light refreshments. YEAR OF MERCY-HOLY DOOR PILGRIMAGE Join Queen of Angels for our Pilgrimage to St Joseph Co-Cathedral Holy Door. Sunday, October 30th. Ticket: $20. Bus Departs at 1:30PM in front of Queen of Angels Church. For tickets, visit the rectory. Space is limited! Brought to you by Life & Faith Study Group.
"And the master commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently." It's important to pay attention to the details of the parable Jesus tells in today's Gospel. At first glance, it might seem as if Jesus is encouraging us to be dishonest. But in fact, it's just the opposite. The steward in this tale was reported to his master "for squandering his property." In other words, the steward was not being responsible with what he was in charge of. And the master was ready to fire him on account of it. But then, the steward had a change of heart. (This isn't so hard to comprehend-sometimes it takes a real threat for us to realize we need to change our ways, doesn't it?) So the steward went to the people from whom he had previously collected money to "make friends" with them. How? By reducing their debts. This might seem to be dishonest yet again, but we need to bear in mind that in the end, the master was pleased with the steward's behavior. So this debt reduction must not have affected the master's pocketbook. Rather, it seems probable that the steward had originally hiked up what the debtors owed the master and put the extra cash in his own pocket. This was the sort of extortion that was common in those days, among tax collectors for example. Now, when the steward was about to lose his position, he thought it wise to go back and return that "dishonest wealth" to the folks who had lost it, and gain some sympathy in the process. So, in the end, the steward was making up for his previous cheating behavior by doing something RIGHT and smart. It's this honest behavior that will enable him to take his place in "eternal dwellings." And surely our honest behavior will have the same effect. NEW LIFE PRAYER GROUP HEALING MASS The New Life Prayer Group is holding its monthly Healing Mass on Tuesday, Sept 20, at 8 PM. WEEKLY MEETING The New Life Prayer group will meet every Tuesday at 8 PM in the Parish Center. All are welcome! ST. AGNES ACADEMIC HIGH SCHOOL a small, Catholic College Preparatory School for young women is having an Open House on Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 10 AM to 1 PM. School Location is at 13-20 124th Street, College Point, NY 11356. For more information please contact the school at 718-353-6276 or Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Dominic. TACHS Prep Course at St. Agnes Academic HS in College Point Sept. 22, 29 & Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 and Nov. 2 from 3:30 to 5pm Price: $250. For more information please call 718-353-6276 ext. 11 THE BRIDGE TO LIFE is running it’s first reverse raffle this fall. The drawing will be held on October 16th. Tickets are $100 each and up to 300 will be sold. While the winner need not to be present at the drawing, you must be 18yrs or older to purchase a ticket. If all tickets are sold, the prizes will be announced in this order: $10, 000 for last ticket drawn, $3,000 for the second to last ticket drawn, and $2,000 for the third to last ticket drawn. For more information, please contact Michael Schaefer at 718-463-1810.
Every Wed. @ 6:30PM CATHOLIC CHARITIES – WANT TO BECOME A CITIZEN ? Catholic Charities will be offering free civic courses starting the week of September 12th. Spaces are limited, register now. Registration is ongoing through April. The hours are Monday to Friday from 11 AM to 4 PM. The registration location is 191 Joralemon Street, 2nd Floor. Ask for Ms. Cortes. Beginner & Advance courses, Day and Evening Schedules. Locations: Brooklyn and Queens. Call for more information at 718.722-6017 or 6149. SISTERS OF ST DOMINIC OF AMITYVILLE, NY –The DOMINICAN GALA will be held on October 25th , at Crest Hollow Country Club, to benefit the ministries of our Sisters. Our 2016 Veritas Award Recipient is Deputy Chief of the NYPD Theresa Tobin. Our St. Catherine of Siena Award Recipients are: Ann Elizabeth Diliberti, OP; Regina Corde Hockenberry, OP; Loretta Maggio, OP; Jeanne Elaine Matullo, OP; Fran Monsuko, OP; Christine Sammons, OP; Margaret Rose Smyth, OP; and Kathleen Somerville, OP. For further information about our 50/50 raffle listing in the 2016 Dominican Gala Journal, please contact Mary Fuchs, Director of Advancement at (631)842-6000 ext 241. ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY SPEECH AND HEARING CENTER will be offering FREE speech and hearing screening from September 8th through December 7th, 2016. Please call the center at 718-990-6480 to schedule an appointment. The Center is located at 152-11 Union Turnpike, Flushing, NY.
“From 1633 to 1637 sixteen martyrs shed their blood out of love for Christ in The city of Nagasaki, Japan. They included members of the Order of Preachers: nine, Priests, two religious, two virgins, and three lay People, one of whom was Lawrence Ruiz, the Father of a family from the Philippine Islands. All had, at different times and under varying circumstances, preached the Christian Faith in the Philippines, Formosa, and Japan. They manifested the universality of the Christian religion and sowed the seed of future missionaries and converts.” (1) Lawrence, affectionately known by our Filippino Community as “Saint Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila”, is one of the most inspiring saints who understood the price of self sacrifice. St Lorenzo said, “I am a Christian, and this I profess until the hour of my death and for God I shall give my life. Although I did not come to Japan to be a martyr, nevertheless, as a Christian and for God I shall give my life.” Let us pray: Lord God, You are the strength of all the Saints. You called St Lorenzo to eternal life through the cross. Grant us, through his intercession, perfect fidelity to keep the Faith until our death. Amen St Lorenzo, Pray for us. Feast, September 28th (1) Lives of the Saints (Pg 401-402)
¡Escucha, tú que pisoteas al necesitado!
Segunda Lectura: 1 Timoteo 2:1-8
Dios quiere que todas sean salvados y conozcan la verdad.
Evangelio: Lucas 16:1-13
“Los hijos de este mundo son más prudentes que los hijos de la luz”.
10:30 AM Maricel Rizo Cesar Escobar, Adela Ciriaco, Carmen Ciriaco, Milagros Torres, Elida Juarez, Ana Gomez
$44,673 $37,685 $29,703 112
Parábola y advertencia es lo que nos presenta la Liturgia de la Palabra este domingo. Nos hace ver que en los tiempos del profeta Amós ya se tenían semejantes problemas de dinero. Exactamente, como los tenemos ahora en nuestra sociedad. Es por eso que el profeta en sus predicaciones denuncia y advierte las grandes injusticias que se llevaban a cabo. Sus palabras son directas y claras. Si se quiere hacer la voluntad de Dios hay que actuar bajo la influencia de ella, preocupándonos por los indefensos. "Escuchen esto los que buscan al pobre sólo para arruinarlo" (Am 8, 4). ¿Te dicen algo estas palabras? ¿Qué recuerdos te vienen a la mente al escucharlas? Por si acaso estamos cortos de información sobre este tema, el Señor Jesús nos aclara sobre las enseñanzas relacionadas con las riquezas. Él nos cuenta la parábola del administrador que es despedido por su patrón por estar malgastando sus bienes. Jesús advierte el cómo debemos de actuar en nuestra vida cristiana y sobre todo poner atención en los bienes futuros no en los terrenales. El Papa Francisco también nos aconseja lo siguiente: "No puedes servir a Dios y al dinero, no se puede: o el uno o el otro. Y esto no es comunismo, esto es Evangelio puro. Estas cosas son palabra de Jesús. ¿Entonces qué pasa con el dinero? ... Te va bien, te sientes un poco importante y después sobreviene la vanidad... la riqueza para sentirse suficientes, la vanidad para sentirse importante y, al final, el orgullo y la soberbia" (Meditación diaria de 20 de septiembre de 2013).
OFRENDAS A LA IGLESIA DE LA SEMANA PASADA Domingo, 11 de Septiembre, 2016 - $4,957.00
Para los que están interesados, llame a la Rectoría durante horas de oficina y deje su información. Gracias.
“Entre 1633 y 1638 dieciséis mártires derramaron su sangre por amor a Cristo en la ciudad de Nagasaki, Japón. Entre ellos estaban miembros y asociados de la Orden de Predicadores: nueve sacerdotes, dos religiosos, dos vírgenes y tres laicos, uno de los cuales fue Lorenzo Ruiz, un padre de familia nacido en las Islas Filipinas. Todos ellos, en diferentes Momentos y bajo varias circunstancias, habían predicado la Fe Cristiana en las Filipinas, Formosa y Japón. Ellos manifestaron la universalidad de la religión Cristiana y sembraron la semilla de futuros misioneros y conversos.” (1) Lawrence, conocido cariñosamente por nuestra Comunidad Filippino. como "San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila", es uno de los santos más inspiradores que comprendían el precio del sacrificio de uno mismo. San Lorenzo dijo: "Soy cristiano, y esto profeso hasta la hora de mi muerte y por Dios que yo le daré mi vida. Aunque no he venido a Japón para ser un mártir, sin embargo, como cristiano y para Dios voy a dar mi vida ".
ORACION Señor Dios, Tú eres la fortaleza de los Santos, Tú llamaste a Tu
Compartir con nosotros nuestro ”9” Aniversario. Tema: Dejad que los Niños vengan a Mi.” (Lc 18:16) Tendremos Oración, Música, Predica, y mas. Domingo 25 de Septiembre a la 1:00PM-6:00PM. En el Auditorio de Reina de los Ángeles. Llamas - 347-283-6803
Santo Lorenzo Ruiz a la vida eterna a través de la Cruz. Concé denos que, por su intercesión, tengamos una fidelidad perfecta para mantener la Fe hasta nuestra muerte. Amén
GRACIAS POR MANTENER SU PARROQUIA UNA INVITACÍON ¡Ven y verás! Estas sencillas palabras son las que Jesús utilizó para invitar a los Apóstoles, para darse a conocer y que ellos se conociesen mientras compartían la vida y la fe, visitando pueblo tras pueblo. De conocidos, los Apóstoles se convirtieron en amigos, aceptando la invitación de Jesús y de formar una pequeña munidad de fe. LEVANTE es eso, constituir pequeñas comunidades que compartan la fe.
LIBRO DE MISAS- 2017: El Libro de Misa para el año 2017 esta abierta. Favor de pasar por la Oficina de la Rectoría para reservar sus Misas del próximo año.
VOLUNTARIOS DE ESL: El programa de ESL necesita voluntarios.
San Lorenzo, Ruega por nosotros. Fiesta, 28 de Septiembre (1) Vida de los Santos (Pg 401-402)
September 17 Saturday-Weekday; Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1 Cor 10:14-22 / Lk 6:43-49 5:00 PM Purgatorial Society September 18 Sunday – Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 8:4-7 / 1 Tm 2:1-8 / Lk 16:1-3 or 16:10-13 9:00 AM People of the Parish COLLECTIVE MASS 10:30AM Por las Almas de Rosa Elvira y Manuel Jesús Dutan, Por el alma de Petra Sánchez Bernabé; Ana Ureña; Norberto Hincapié 12:00 PM Mary Anne Jackson; Noreen Walsh; James Courtney; Anne, Joseph, Margaret and Edward Fitzgerald; Benny Sullivan; Yves Brutus; Hugh Boyd ; Mark Kim Salvador (9th Day) September 19 Monday-Weekday; Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr Prv 3:27-34 / Lk 8:16-18 9:00 AM Tamlganove Family Requested By: Vukelich September 20 Tuesday –Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest, and Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs Prv 21:1-6, 10-13 / Lk 8:19-21 9:00 AM Anne & Joseph Fitzgerald Requested By: Edmond Fitzgerald September 21 Wednesday-Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 / Mt 9:9-13 9:00 AM Rosario Albarez Requested By: Maureen Parkes September 22 Thursday-Weekday(25th Week of Ordinary Time) Eccl 1:2-11 / Lk 9:7-9 9:00 AM Anne & Joseph Fitzgerald Requested By: Edmond Fitzgerald September 23 Friday - Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest Eccl 3:1-11 / Lk 9:18-22 9:00 AM Eva & Matthew Maroney Requested By: Marilyn Maroney September 24 Saturday-Weekday (25th Week of Ordinary Time) Eccl 11:9—12:58 / Lk 9:43b-45 9:00 AM Anne, Joseph, Margaret, & Edward Fitzgerald Requested By: Edmond Fitzgerald
SUNDAY 10:00AM 11:30AM 12:00PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM
SEPTEMBER 18 PREP - Spanish Choir (L) PREP - English Choir (L) Jobs, Home & Hood (PC) English Choir (L) Spanish Baptism (CH)
MONDAY 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM
SEPTEMBER 19 Spanish Youth Choir (CH) Hijos de Maria (PC) Parish Council (PA)
TUESDAY 3:50 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM
SEPTEMBER 20 Children’s Musical Theater (PA) ESL Tuesday Classes (MR 1-4) New Life Prayer Group (PC)
SEPTEMBER 21 WEDNESDAY Irish Dancing (PC) 3:45PM Wednesday Confirmation Program (CR2) 5:00PM Dreamers Club (L) 6:30 PM Fe y Vida Grupo de Estudio (MR3) 7:00 PM Faith & Life Study Group (MR2) 7:00 PM SEPTEMBER 22 THURSDAY Thursday Confirmation Program (PA, MR 1-4) 6:30 PM AA Meeting (PC) 6:30 PM AA Meeting (PC) 8:00 PM FRIDAY 6:30 PM
SEPTEMBER 23 Familia de Nazaret (MR 1-3)
SEPTEMBER 24 SATURDAY ESL Saturday Classes (MR 1-4) 2:00 PM Spanish Choir (CH) 3:00 PM Danza Con el Espíritu Santo (PC) 7:00 PM
Legend: (CH) Church, (PC) Parish Center, (CR1) Conference Room 1
(CR2) Conference Room 2 – (CR3) Conference Room 3, (L) Library, (PA) Parish Auditorium, (S) Stage, (MR1) Meeting Room 1, (MR2) Meeting Room 2, (MR3) Meeting Room 3, (MR4) Meeting Room 4, (PK) Parking Lot
For the week of: September 18th, 2016 Has been offered: In Loving Memory of
Noreen Walsh Requested by:
Patrick & Peggy Walsh and Marquit Family
5:00 PM Purgatorial Society September 25 Sunday – Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 6:1a, 4-7 / 1 Tm 6:11-16 / Lk 16:19-31
For the week of: September 18th, 2016 Has been offered: In Loving Memory of
Grace Florez on her 4th Anniversary of Death Requested by:
Amy & William Carroll
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