Palm Sunday of the Lord s Passion March 29, Palm Sunday of the Lord s Passion March 29, 2015 EASTER EGG HUNT HUEVOS DE PASCUA

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion March 29, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion March 29, 2015 Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F. Dean, Pastor Fr. Damian Fl

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Story Transcript

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion March 29,

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

March 29, 2015

Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F. Dean, Pastor Fr. Damian Flanagan Parochial Vicar Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S. School Principal Mrs. Patricia Zapatero Director of Religious Education Roberto Berrocal Music Director OFFICE HOURS (Horas de Oficina) Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 8:00am-4:30pm Phone: 305-444-8363 [email protected] CHURCH HOURS (Horas de la Iglesia) Daily/Diario 9:00am-7:00pm MASS SCHEDULE (Horario de misas) SATURDAY VIGIL 5:30pm (English) SUNDAY 9:00am (English) 10:30am (English, live broadcast) 12:30pm (Español, transmisión en vivo) 5:30pm (English) 7:00pm (Español) DAILY MASS (Chapel) Misa Diaria (Capilla) 8:00am (English) 7:00 pm (Spanish, Tue. & Thurs.) RECONCILIATION (RECONCILIACIÓN) Saturdays/Sábados 4:30-5:15 pm Before Sunday Masses if a priest is available. Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un sacerdote disponible. BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES (Bautizos y Matrimonios) For information, call the office. Para información, llame a la oficina.



St. Hugh Catholic Church is a diverse community of faith manifesting our love for God through our generosity, and putting our faith into action by working together to impact positively the lives of our parishioners, visitors and the community in general.

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March 29, 2015 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Lecturas de la semana


Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39 Monday Is 42:1-7; Ps 27; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday Is 49:1-6; Ps 71; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:115 Friday Friday of the Passion of the Lord Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Saturday Holy Saturday Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26‑31a; Ps 104 or 33; Gn 22:1‑18 or 22:1‑2, 9a, 10‑13, 15‑18; Ps 16; Ex 14:15—15:1; Ex 15; Is 54:5‑14; Ps 30; Is 55:1‑11; Is 12; Bar 3:9‑15, 32—4:4; Ps 19; Ez 36:16-17a, 18‑28; Ps 42 or Is 12 or Ps 51; Rom 6:3‑11; Ps 118; Mk 16:17

Palm Sunday (Cycle B) Pastor’s Corner

In the Masses this Sunday we will read the Passion and Death of the Lord. The gospel writers give a long and detailed account of the part of the life of Jesus because they knew that this was the culmination of salvation history. Before the Lord’s Passion and Death, we have to ask ourselves the same important questions: “why did Christ decide to love me with a love that took Him to the cross? Why does Christ deal with me as if I were not guilty and offers me his life?” We need to try to find an answer to these questions in the depth of our heart. Holy Week invites us to reflect. And St. Paul invites to have the same attitude as Jesus Christ: to live and die for God; to live and die to give life to others. That is also, brothers and sisters, the deepest sense of the Eucharist: if the grain of wheat does not die, it will not produce fruit. The Eucharist is a summary of Holy Week: we proclaim the death of Jesus every time we eat this bread and drink this cup. And these gifts of bread and wine are the promise of resurrection for all of us.

Domingo de Ramos (Ciclo B)

Rincón del Párroco

En las misas de este domingo leeremos la Pasión y Muerte del Señor. Es la parte de la vida de Jesús que los evangelistas narran larga y detalladamente porque sabían que era la culminación de la historia de la salvación. INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER FOR APRIL Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church INTENCIONES DEL SANTO PADRE PARA ABRIL Universal: Para que las personas aprendan a respetar la creación y a cuidarla como don de Dios. Evangelización: Para que los cristianos perseguidos sientan la presencia reconfortante del Señor Resucitado y la solidaridad de toda la Iglesia.

Ante la Pasión y Muerte del Señor hemos de volver a hacernos las mismas importantes preguntas: ¿por qué Cristo decidió amarme con un amor que lo llevó a la cruz? ¿Por qué Cristo me trata como si no fuera culpable y me brinda su vida? Sí, hemos de tratar de encontrar la respuesta a estas preguntas en lo íntimo de nuestro corazón. La Semana Santa nos llama a reflexionar . Y san Pablo nos invita a tener la misma actitud de Jesucristo: vivir y morir para Dios y vivir y morir para dar vida a los demás. Este es también, hermanos, el sentido profundo de la Eucaristía: si el grano de trigo no muere, no produce fruto. La Eucaristía es la Semana Santa resumida: proclamamos la muerte de Jesús cada vez que comemos este pan y bebemos de este cáliz. Y estos dones de pan y vino son promesa de resurrección para todos nosotros.

Fr. Federico

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MASS INTENTIONS Intenciones Misas Sat/Sab, March 28 5:30 pm  Isabel Pereira  Marco Antonio Falcón Ascanio  Iguaraya Villalobos de Bello Sun/Dom, March 29, Palm Sunday 9:00 am  Margarita Granados  Maryann Zappala

Emmaus Men and Women conducted a bake sale to collect funds for their upcoming retreats in English. Los hombres y mujeres de Emaús llevaron a cabo una venta de golosinas para recaudar fondos para sus próximos retiros en inglés.

10:30 am

 Emilio F. Martínez  Brunella Bonvecchio

12:30 pm

 Antonio & Josefa Hernández  Rev. Padre José Díaz

5:30 pm

 Ralph and Adolfo Sánchez

7:00 pm

 Olga González  Jenny Rodríguez

Mon/Lun, March 30 8:00 am Special Intention Jimmy Summerlin  Alfredo Vargas  Virgilio Valdés Tue/Mar, March 31 8:00 am Parish Community Wed/Mier, April 1 8:00 am  Josefina Reyes-Lovio  Juan A. Granados  Ralph Sánchez Thu/Jue, April 2, Holy Thursday 7:00 pm Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8—11 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Fri/Vier, April 3, Good Friday 12:00 pm Stations of the Cross 3:00 pm Via Crucis 5:30 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:30 pm Celebración de la Pasión

“Could you not watch one hour with me?” (Mk 14:37) JOIN US FOR EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ON HOLY THURSDAY From 8:30 pm to 11 pm

The St. Hugh Black and White Gala held on March 21 was a complete success. We congratulate the organizers and thank those who attended. La Gala Black and White que tuvo lugar el 21 de marzo fue todo un éxito. Felicitamos a las organizadoras y damos gracias a los asistentes.

“¿No podían velar una hora conmigo?” (Mc. 14, 37) ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA EL JUEVES SANTO De 8:30 pm a 11 pm

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MINISTRIES Ministerios Altar Servers: Juan Alayo [email protected] Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio [email protected] CCD: Patricia Zapatero [email protected] Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos [email protected] Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero [email protected] Emmaus Men: Manuel Núñez [email protected] Emmaus Women: Claudia Martínez [email protected] Encuentro en la Palabra: Milagros Contreras [email protected] Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley [email protected] Grove Outreach: Lily Montero [email protected] Health and Wellness: María Socorro Torres-Burgos [email protected] Job Bank: Marta Carbonell [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola [email protected] Marriage Covenant Experience: Joe & Jane Mastrucci [email protected] Matrimonios en Victoria: Rolando & Irene Silva [email protected] Mindo Medical Mission: Jason Gaetan [email protected] Ministry to the Sick: Mariana Caballero [email protected] Music Director: Roberto Berrocal [email protected] Pastoral Ministry Coordinator: Cristina Fundora [email protected] RCIA: Ann Naquin [email protected] RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán [email protected]

St. Hugh

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

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NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA Thanks to all who contributed to the Lenten food drive to benefit the Grove Outreach. Your generosity in sharing God’s abundance with those in need during this Lent is greatly appreciated. Gracias a taodos los que contribuyeron a la colecta de alimentos a beneficio del Grove Outreach . La parroquia se alegra al ver su generosidad en compartir la abundacia de los dones de Dios con los más necesitados durante esta Cuaresma. Altar servers are needed for Holy Week and Easter. Rehearsals will be conducted on Wednesday, April 1, for the Mass on Holy Thursday and on Saturday, April 4, for the Easter Vigil. Please contact Mr. Alayo if you can serve during these holy days. Necesitamos monaguillos para la Semana Santa y la Pascua. Habrá ensayos el miércoles 1 de abril para la misa del Jueves Santo y el sábado 4 de abril para la Vigilia Pascual. Si pueden servir durante estos días santos, por favor llamen al Sr. Alayo. A warm thank you to the Knights of Columbus for the delicious Lenten fish dinners they prepared on March 13th and 27th. Muchas gracias a los Caballeros de Colón por las deliciosas cenas de pescado por la Cuaresma que prepararon el 13 y 3l 27 de marzo. The St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series is pleased to announce its upcoming concert, Friday, April 10th, featuring tenor Martín Nusspaumer in a program of German songs and tangos from his native Uruguay. Martín is the winner of the 2015 Miami Life Award, and we are proud to count him as one of our cantors. Don’t miss it! Tickets are already on sale. Hope to see you there! La St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series se complace en anunciar su próximo concierto el viernes 10 de abril con la presentación del tenor Martín Nusspaumer en un programa de canciones alemanas y tangos de su Uruguay natal. Martín es el ganador del Miami Life Award 2015 y estamos orgullosos de contarlo entre nuestros cantores. ¡No se lo pierda! Las entradas ya están a la venta. ¡Los esperamos! Internationally acclaimed speaker and author Matthew Kelly will present a Passion & Purpose workshop on April 11th , from 9 am to 1:30 pm at St. Augustine Church. Come and hear him speak about God’s plan for your life. Tickets are $39 and includes all materials. Sign up today! El aclamado autor internacional Matthew Kelly presentará un taller “Passion & Purpose” en la iglesia St. Augustine el 11 de abril de 9 am a 1:30 pm. Venga y escúchelo hablar del plan de Dios para su vida. La entrada cuesta $39 e incluye todos los materiales. Inscríbase hoy. The Spanish prayer group Encuentro en la Palabra invites all to two days of meditation, in Spanish, in preparation for Easter. For more information see the ad on page 8. El grupo de oración Encuentro en la Palabra invita a dos días de meditación en español como preparación para la Pascua. Para más información, consulte el aviso en la página 8. All men and women are invited to the next Emmaus Retreat, in English, which will take place April 17-19 for men and May 1-3 for women. For more information please consult the ad in the next page. Invitamos a todos los hombres y muejres de la parroquia al próximo retiro de Emaús en inglés, que tendrá lugar del 17 al 19 de abril para hombre y del 1 al 3 de mayo para mujeres. Para más información consulte el aviso en la página siguiente.

The Life Teen Youth Group is now meeting on Sundays at 6:45 pm, after the 5:30 pm evening Mass. All are invited. Registrations for the annual Steubenville Conference in Orlando the weekend of July 17-19 is underway. If you would like to join please contact Francisco Dueñas, [email protected], as soon as possible. El grupo juvenil Life Teen se reune ahora los domingos a las 6:45 pm, después de la misa de 5:30 pm. Todos están invitados. Ya pueden inscribirse para la conferencia anual de Steubenville en Orlando el fin de semana del 17 al 19 de julio. Si desean participar, pónganse en contacto con Francisco Dueñas, [email protected], lo antes posible.

MINISTRIES Ministerios Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera [email protected] School News: Jocelyn Bianco [email protected] Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo [email protected] St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva [email protected] St. Hugh Immigration Services: Karlene Punancy [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett (Call the office) Ushers & Hospitality Ministry: [email protected] Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas [email protected]

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St. Hugh

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

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The POPE SPEAKS/HABLA EL PAPA Lenten Message, 2015 As a way of overcoming indifference and our pretensions to self-sufficiency, I would invite everyone to live this Lent as an opportunity for engaging in what Benedict XVI called a formation of the heart. A merciful heart does not mean a weak heart. Anyone who wishes to be merciful must have a strong and steadfast heart, closed to the tempter but open to God. A heart which lets itself be pierced by the Spirit so as to bring love along the roads that lead to our brothers and sisters. And, ultimately, a poor heart, one which realises its own poverty and gives itself freely for others. During this Lent, then, brothers and sisters, let us all ask the Lord: “Fac cor nostrum secundum cor tuum”: Make our hearts like yours.

Mensaje de Cuaresma, 2015 Para superar la indiferencia y nuestras pretensiones de omnipotencia, quiero pedir a todos que este tiempo de Cuaresma se viva como un camino de formación del corazón, como dijo Benedicto XVI . Tener un corazón misericordioso no significa tener un corazón débil. Quien desea ser misericordioso necesita un corazón fuerte, firme, cerrado al tentador, pero abierto a Dios. Un corazón que se deje impregnar por el Espíritu y guiar por los caminos del amor que nos llevan a los hermanos y hermanas. En definitiva, un corazón pobre, que conoce sus propias pobrezas y lo da todo por el otro. Por esto, queridos hermanos y hermanas, deseo orar con ustedes a Cristo en esta Cuaresma: “Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum”: “Haz nuestro corazón semejante al tuyo”.

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BOOK NOOK Recommendation for this week: Joyful Witness: How to be an extraordinary Catholic, by Randy Hain, Servant, $15.99 How can a busy, ordinary person make a difference for good in the life of others? Be inspired by real Catholics who have learned to live and embrace their faith, following God along unexpected paths.

This week at St. Hugh Esta semana en St. Hugh


St. Hugh Monday, March 30 7:00 pm Bible Class in English Library 7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra Adults and Young Adults Social Studies Room Tuesday, March 31 NO EDGE Youth Group tonight 7:00 pm Confessions Church Wednesday, April 1 NO Bible Class in Spanish NO CCD NO Matrimonios en Victoria Thursday, April 2, Holy Thursday NO morning Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper Church 8:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Church Friday, April 2, Good Friday 9:00 am Encuentro en la Palabra Retreat TBD 12:00 pm Stations of the Cross (English) Church 3:00 pm Viacrucis en español Church 5:30 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Church 7:30 pm Celebración de la Pasión del Señor Church Saturday, April 3, Holy Saturday 9:00 am Encuentro en la Palabra Retreat TBD 8:00 pm Easter Vigil (Bilingual) Church Sunday, April 4, Easter Sunday Easter Egg Hunt between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm Masses outside church NO LifeTeen Youth Group

COLLECTION LAST WEEK Colecta de la semana pasada $18,898.77 Grove Outreach $1,540.00


LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por

Lila Cruz, Hannah Moss, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos y Martha Zapatero, Manuel Carbonero, Jacques Vera, Morelia Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister Barbara Makar, John Amador, Marcela Gómez, Martha Gómez, Darío Pulgarín, Fr. Manuel (Tito) Soler, Charlie Winchester, Oscar Alberto Jiménez, Milagros Segarra, Catherine Gallego, Jake Mark Lugo, Esperanzita Noriega, Evelyn Sandoval, Marcia Besada, Alex Zangen, Juana G. Rippes, Marta Miranda, Carmen Dono, Olga Alonso, Michael Lemay, Elena Romero, Marcela Lamelois, María Isabel Poiares, Eduardo Gómez, Raquel Alvarez, Luis Rodríguez, Mercedes Tenssera, Pedro Vicente de la Rosa, Gabriel Medina, Wilfrido Díaz, Jennifer Cameron-Hew, Jacobo Yépez, Jay McDonnell, Catalina Fundora, Mónica Phares, Hilda Parisi, Cynthia Parchment, Maryann Zappala, Patricia Cardona, for the members of our armed forces, their families and all victims of war.

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Gala Success

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The St. Hugh Black & White Ball that was held on Saturday, March 21, 2015 was a success. Over 320 guests attended the event that was held at the Treetop Ballroom located in Jungle Island. It was a magical night as guest dressed in black and white enjoyed the sounds of the Buena Onda band, danced the night away and raised funds for our church and school. We would like to thank all of the sponsors and supporters who made this night possible by purchasing tickets and donating items for the auction.

June 8 - July 2 We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the 2015 St. Hugh Summer Camp! The summer camp is a four week program which will be held from June 8th through July 3rd and is available to St. Hugh students and registered St. Hugh Church parishioners only. We are committed to offering a safe, educational and fun camp for students in PreK3 through 8th grade. The children will have the opportunity to sharpen their academic skills, make new friends and participate in several fun activities. There are two options to choose from: 

Half-day (8am-12pm) academic camp

Full Day (8am-4pm) academic and recreational camp

For more information or to register, please visit the school website at or contact Mrs. Benitez at [email protected]

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St. Hugh

Buddies Enjoy a Field Trip Together At St. Hugh School we believe that our students nurture and teach one another. At the beginning of the school year the third grade students are paired with students from PK3 as “buddies.” These two classes meet once a week to read stories and work on art projects together and they sit together at all-school masses. The older students benefit from serving as leaders and role models and the younger students relish the attention and guidance from their older buddies. To celebrate the friendship these two classes have developed, the students were treated to a fun-filled field trip to Jungle Island where they had the opportunity to visit several animal shows while enjoying each others company.

Join us as the students lead us through the

Stations of the Cross on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 9:00 am St. Hugh Church

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