Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff

SAINT JOHN OF GOD PARISH 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 234-6535 * Fax: 234-7474 * Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjo

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Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff
S J G P 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 631-234-6535 * Fax: 631-234-7474 * Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjohnofg

Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff
S J G P 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 631-234-6535 * Fax: 631-234-7474 * Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjohnofg

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Story Transcript

SAINT JOHN OF GOD PARISH 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 234-6535 * Fax: 234-7474 * Email: [email protected] Website: Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff Rev. Rómulo César Gómez, Associate Pastor Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate / Admin. Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette Sr. Claudia Allen, CSJ, Apostolado Hispano Mrs. Maggie Martin, Religious Education Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Patricia Walsh, Cemetery Secretary Mrs. Eleanor Gould, Music Ministry Parish Center: 234-6535 Religious Education: 234-4040 Outreach Office: 234-1884 Cemetery Office: 234-6535 x135

Apostolado Hispano 234-6535 x 106 Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español

Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 9AM – 4:30 PM

Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Rev. Rómulo César Gómez, Pastor Asociado Hna. Claudia Allen, CSJ Sra. Ana Sullivan, Ministerio Social

Sunday: 9 AM – 2 PM (Mass Cards) Emergency Sick Calls Any Time Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Chapel Sunday: 8 AM Church 9:30 AM Church 11:00 AM Chapel

Misas En Español Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla 12:30 PM Capilla Martes: 7:00 PM Capilla

Weekday Masses Monday – Saturday: 9 AM Church


Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday at 9 AM Mass Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center. Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday at 2 PM. Parents must register at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism. Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center.

Our Lady of Providence Regional School Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade 234-1113 or 234-6324 Principal: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo

April 29, 2012

Bautizos en Español: 2ndo y 4tro Domingo de cada mes, 2 PM Los padres de los niños deben ir a la oficina antes de inscribirlos. Llame 234-6535 x 106 para una cita. Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Niños de 6 hasta los 17años deben asistir a las clases de Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 234-4040 Sacramentos Para Los Adultos: (18 años en adelante) Llame 234-6535 x 106 para más información. Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las 11 AM. Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda. Llame: 234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Equipo Pastoral que habla español. Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado 234-1113 o 234-6324 Principale: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Mass Intentions for the Week of April 29th: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

– – – – – – – –

9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 5:00PM 8:00AM

– Norma Howard – John Picone – Rose Gagliardi – Jim McEvoy – Richard Parisi – Theresa Escobar – Ralph & Mary Gallo – All those enrolled in the Society of Prayer – 9:30AM – People of St. John of God – 11:00AM – Kevin Devine


Weekend of April 21st & 22nd Sharing One’s Resources in the Parish Collection:


$ 8,477.80

$25,000 $15,000



9:00AM – Daily Mass Tuesday, May 1st – Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 11:19-26 Jn 10:22-30 9:00AM – Daily Mass 7:00PM – Misa en Español – (Iglesia) Wednesday, May 2nd – Saint Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Acts 12:24—13:5a Jn 12:44-50 9:00AM – Daily Mass Thursday, May 3rd – Saints Philip & James, Apostles 1 Cor 15:1-8 Jn 14:6-14 9:00AM – Daily Mass Friday, May 4th – Acts 13:26-33

Jn 14:1-6

9:00AM – Daily Mass Saturday, May 5th – Acts 13:44-52

Jn 14:7-14

9:00AM – Daily Mass 5:00PM – Vigil Mass 7:00PM – Misa en Español Sunday, May 6th – Acts 9:26-31 1 Jn 3:18-24

Jn 15:1-8

8:00AM 9:30AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 12:30PM 12:30PM

– – – – – –

– Mass – English – Mass – English – Misa en Español – Mass – English – Misa en Español – Misa en Español

(Church) (Church) (Capilla) (Chapel) (Capilla) (Iglesia))


Repairs Collection: $ 2,64200 Total Collection: $ 11,219.80

$8,500 $8,000 $7,500 $7,000


$6,000 $5,000

Sunday Attendance:


Monday, April 30th – Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 14:5-18 Jn 14:21-26







Future Special Collections Dates: May 6th Diocesan Needs Collection for Catholic Elementary Schools May 20th Diocesan Needs Collection for Communications May 20th Diocesan Needs Collection for Religious Retirement

Parish Mission Statement: We are St. John of God Parish… …Committed to Faith, Family And Community! We Are……Rich in: Cultural, Social, and Spiritual Diversity …..striving to bring Unity out of our Diversity. We Are…….Centered on the Sacraments and Catholic Tradition with the Eucharist as our epicenter. We honor God’s Commandments. We Are …….Generous with our gifts (time, talent, treasure) to provide compassionate service to others especially the poor. We are called to be witnesses of Christ’s message and to revitalize our Parish Family. We Are………A welcoming community as we acknowledge the presence of Christ in all people.


Restoring the Glory….

to welcome…to worship… to grow…to serve…

GIFTS OF TREASURE SHARED Pledge Report: $ 1,294,284.75 Total Paid to Date: $ 1,182,428.75 Balance: $ 111,856.00

Remember in your thoughts and prayers, the Sick of the Parish... Joseph Acciarito Judy Benjamin Leticia Colon Sandy Comito Geanne Cordinglly Mark Dixon Helen, Leon, JoAnn Falk Donna & Patricia Falk Marie Ferdon Ron Gillette II Alice Hydell Troy Liddell Joyce Machin Stella Maneci Harleigh Martin Maggie Martin

Gloria Martin Josh Mouzakes Liz Mouzakes Charlie O’Donnell Arcadia Paz Carmen Ramos Cathy Sanchez Dorothy Stevens Stanley & Anne Tesoro Louis Vavosa Maryann Vavosa Barbara & Tim Warfield Mary Weber James A. Williams Barbara Zarcone

Bread & Wine Memorial for This Week: In Loving Memory Of:

Jim Mc Evoy

(In Memory of his birthday)

Requested by: Ann & Family

“On the Way To Jesus” With Fr. Blaise Czaja, C.P.

Here at: St. John of God Sunday, April 29th through Wednesday, May 2nd During 9am Daily Mass and in the evening from 7pm to 8pm


SUPER RAFFLE Drawing: JULY 13th Knights of Columbus Hall It is Super Raffle time again. This is the largest fundraiser of the year for our Parish. Last year we raised just over $20,000.00 for the parish. We could not have done this without your support.

Reserve your lucky number now. Call or stop at the Parish Office to purchase your Super Raffle ticket or reserve your lucky number. We will be selling 325 tickets again this year. First Prize is $10,000.00 plus 3 -$500.00 prizes. We are also looking for donations of NEW items for door prizes and our auction baskets. If you would consider making a basket for the Auction table, it would be greatly appreciated.

Religious Education Office Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director Telephone: 631-234-4040 Email: [email protected]

Office hours for week of April 29 Monday, April 30

4:30pm – 7:30pm English & Spanish

Tuesday, May 1:

1:00pm – 4:00pm ENGLISH ONLY 4:00pm—7:30pm English & Spanish

Tuesday, May 1: Wednesday, May 2:

1:00pm – 7:00pm English & Spanish

Thursday, May 3:

4:00pm – 7:30pm English & Spanish CLOSED 10:00am – 12:00pm English & Spanish CLOSED

Friday, May 4: Saturday, May 5: Sunday, May 6:

The Office of Religious Education is open for NEW registrations and registration for “The Road to Emmaus Faith Camp” If your child is entering Grade 1 in the Fall of 2012, is behind in receiving their sacraments, or your family is new to the parish, please register your child as soon as possible. Birth certificates and Baptismal certificates are required for registration. This year, “The Road to Emmaus Faith Camp” will run from July 9-20, Monday – Friday, from 9:00am – 12:00noon. Space is limited to those children that are in need of sacraments. The fee is $50 per child. Emmaus registrations fill up quickly, so if interested, please act promptly.

Registration will only be accepted during posted office hours or by scheduled


This weekend St. John of God Parish welcomes 59 of our young parishioners to the table of Jesus Christ in First Holy Eucharist. Please remember to keep them, along with their families, in your prayers as we celebrate this special time in their lives and in the life of the Church! David Alfaro Taenier Amaya Dunia Arechavala Daniela Barrera-Pena Carlos Blanco Giselle Castro Brendon Cleophat Yamileth Diaz Tapia Steven Espinal Kylie Gomez Jocelyn Guerra Ricardo Guerra Monserrat Hernandez Sebastian Kennebrew Angie Lopez Huaranga Kevin Macancela Roberto Mejia, Jr. William Melgar Nelson Monge Joshua Montesdeoca Andres Nolasco Stephanie Portillo Eduardo Ramirez Dielis Rios Damaris Roman Coello Ashley Sanchez Bryan Toledo Crissyana Veliz Joseph Vigil Bianca Zelaya

Erika Alvarenga Danny Argueta Saul Arechavala Catherine Bell Mia Castillo Jennifer Chirino Miguel Delgado Ashley Douglass Martir Garcia Alyssa Guerra Marcela Guerra Aaliyah Guevara Andrea Herrera Shannon Kraus Andrew Lopez Daniella Marquez David Melgar Gabriela Monge Victor Monge Franklin Morales Yisel PenalvaChristian Quintanilla Jakeline Reyes Janae Rios Charlie Sanchez Andrew Serra Stephanie Toledo Chris Verde Lucy Von Bevern

Telephone: 234-6324 Visit us at: Mrs. JoAnn Di Nardo, Principal

A Piece of Providence

News from Our Lady of Providence the regional school for your parish! Registration for new families is now open. If you would like to register, please call the school at 234-6324 or stop in. Documents Required: * Birth and Baptism Certificate * Proof of Immunization * Copy of Latest Report Card (Gr.1-3) * Copy of Last 3 Report Cards (Gr. 4-8) Registration continues during the month of April for Grades Pre-K through 8th. Our Lady of Providence offers a safe, Catholic environment for our students. We use the New York State curriculum and take New York State tests in grades 4, 6, and 8. Our students Kindergarten through 8th all take Spanish and have a choice of French or Spanish in grades 5-8. We offer before and after school supervision and have many school clubs, such as band, glee club, dance, art, and technology clubs. Some of our 8th graders are involved in a weekly math/science program at New York Institute of Technology. If you would like to arrange a visit to the school, please call 631-234-6324.

Our Lady of Providence has a tradition of offering a safe, Catholic environment for our students.

Please continue to save Box Tops for Education. We appreciate your support of our school. This year we have received $875.75. Thank you.

Keep up to date with current events and individual class information by visiting our school website at Our website can be translated by scrolling down to the bottom left corner. Congratulations to the following students who will be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society on May 8th. SEVENTH GRADE: Kaysie Calonge Sara Coby Kevin Cornejo Aaron Garcia Kelly Guerrero Jessica Jimenez EIGHTH GRADE: Tamara Cantave Cynthia Dezalon, Drew English Autumn Leslie, Alexandra Verde They each have a cumulative average of 88% or higher and have exhibited the qualities of leadership, character, and service required for admission. The present NJHS members will participate in the induction ceremony. They are: Sue Farfan, Britney Guirand, Jackie Romero, Karina Mendez, Kiara Mendez, Francesca Miranda, Stephanie Morales, Shania Paul.

Dates to Remember: May 8th May 17th May 18th May 28th June 10th June 12th June 15th June 22nd

– Induction into the National Junior Honor Society – Ascension Thursday No School – Walk-A-Thon – Memorial Day No School – Graduation Mass — 11AM – Graduation Dinner Dance – Graduation Ceremony – Tentative Last Day of School

Society of St. Vincent de Paul 234-6535, ext. 103 Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” where we reflect on Jesus’ care and love of us and hear his words, “I know mine and mine know me.” This relationship is similar to the relationship of the Father and the Son. The good shepherd is concerned about, cares for, and protects the sheep even to the point of laying down his life for the sheep. As disciples we also have the same mission-to lay down our lives for the sake of others. We commit ourselves to caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, forgiving those who wrong us, loving others as God has loved us. These good deeds are the “stuff” of our everyday living and loving, in our families and in our service to the poor. At this time of renewal consider doing the good deeds of discipleship by joining the society of St. Vincent de Paul. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 12:30pm in the Conference Room of the Parish Center. We welcome new members and can be reached at 234-6536, ext. 103. Join us and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd.

The new Ambo, where the Word of God is proclaimed, was made by hand by Mr. Louis Comito. Louis grew up in this parish, received all his sacraments here and is war Veteran. He has also agreed to make a new Altar, an Ambry (where the Holy Oils are kept), Baptismal Font, and new stand for the Tabernacle. Thank you Louis.

If you would like to memorialize any of these items in the name of a loved one, please speak to Father Chris or Sister Valerie.

PARISH OUTREACH OFFICE Telephone: 234-1884 Ana Sullivan, Coordinator The Glory of Life The glory of life is to love, not to be loved, to give, not to get to be a strong hand in the dark to another in time of need, to be a cup of strength to any soul in a crisis of weakness. This is to know the glory of love!


On May 23rd, from 10:00 A.M – Noon, a representative from Catholic Charities will be in the Outreach to assist filling out application for Food Stamps. You don’t need to be Citizen to qualify. Please call the Outreach office to make an appointment.

Our Food Pantry is in need of:

*Peanut Butter *Tomato Sauce *Pancake Mix and Syrup *Tuna Fish *Gift cards would be very useful for some of our clients who are very sick

Thrift Shop .

We have Communion Dresses at a very good prices, please come and browse around. CANES are available (FOR FREE)


Your most important work may not begin until after you retire! The LI Chapter of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps is looking for volunteers. JOIN US ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING WEDNESDAYS: MAY 2, MAY 16, JUNE 6 10:45-11:45 am at Saint Ignatius Loyola Retreat House, 251 Searing town Road, Manhasset, NY 11030. The Ignatian Volunteer Corps is an organization of adult men and women who are retired from fulltime work and want to use their talents to help others. IVC Volunteers commit two days a week to working with the economically poor and marginalized, either directly or through non-profit organizations. A guided process of reflection helps IVC Volunteers to discover the meaning of the work they do and to see the face of Christ in their experiences. Consider IVC – the benefits are priceless! RSVP Nick O’Neill 516-678-5970 or [email protected] to confirm attendance or for info.

Vote for Sister Mary Ann Borrello American Federation of Teachers (SFT) Everyday Hero Award Sr. Mary Ann is a professor of Anthropology and Sociology at Suffolk Community College. She has been selected as one of five semifinalists in the higher education division. This award is give to AFT members who go above and beyond the call of duty to make a difference in the community on a daily basis. TO VOTE, PLEASE GO TO THE LINK: and click SUBMIT at the bottom.

Saint John of God Youth Mass The Youth Mass will take place on the first Saturday of each month at the 5PM Mass. All youth of the parish are invited to attend and bring their families. Next Youth Mass will be May 5th. Life Center of Long Island We are in desperate need of: Bassinets, **Non Drop Side Cribs, or Pack n Plays

Wish List **Infant Car Seats, Strollers, Wipes, Layette Items, Baby Toiletries Please drop off or call our Deer Park Center: 1767 Deer Park Ave, Deer Park, N.Y. 11729. Call: 631-243-2373.

Mark Your Calendar  Sunday, April 29; Monday, April 30;

Tuesday, May 1 & Wednesday, May 2 — Parish Mission with Father Blaise —  April 30th — Atlantic City Resorts Casino Bus Trip — Sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul. Leaving 9AM CIFD West Parking Lot. $39.00 per person & $25.00 Casino Return.  May 4th — Parish Appreciation Night — .7:00PM to 11:00PM — For all parishioners who volunteer in any capacity . 

June 3rd — P.F. I. Raffle — Drawing

and Winners Announced at Outdoor Concert 3:00PM to 7:00PM — Come and enjoy music, food, comradery with other parishioners. Be there for the drawing for the PFI prizes.

July 13th — Annual Parish Super Raffle Drawing Held at Knights of Columbus Hall. All donations of door prizes and auction baskets are gratefully accepted. 

Adult Choir Rehearsal—(Wednesday) 7:30PM in the Chapel May 2 — NO REHEARSAL May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20

Children’s Choir (English) Rehearsal (Thursday) 7:00PM — 8:00PM in the Chapel May 3 May 6 — Sing at 11am Mass May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 June 3 — Sing at 11am Mass

St. John of God Parish Family Mass Sunday. May 6th at 11:00Am

in the Chapel

Parish Council Meeting: On Thursday, April 12, 2012, the St. John of God Parish Council met with representatives from all the Parish Groups to plan several upcoming events. We are going to have: Parish Appreciation Night on May 4 (7pm to 11pm), Outdoor Concert on June 3 (3pm to 7pm), and an International Picnic/Festival at the end of the Summer (tentative date is August 25 (10am to 4pm). The following are some of the minutes of the meeting and what each event may entail and what each group will look into. If any PARISHIONER HAS ANY OTHER IDEAS FOR ACTIVITIES PLEASE LET ME KNOW. NEXT MEETING: MAY 24 at 7:30

I PARISH APPRECIATION NIGHT (MAY 4th): A Food: American---Committee: Carol and Andy Antonawich, Dona Dixon….. Food: Hispanic---Committee: Yanira Copland B Music: Live and D.J: Jose Orellana C. Decorations: Elva Guillen D. Awards Committee: Brian, Ed, Tim, Elva, Ulises, Florence II OUTDOOR CONCERT (JUNE 3rd): A Food: American & Hispanic: Yanira, Charismatic Prayer Group B Stage Rental: Father Chris C Music: English and Spanish Choirs, Jose and Benjamin Orellana will coordinate music groups:. Joe Leoncavallo’s music group and other invited music groups. D. Raffle: Drawing of Prizes: Father. Chris III. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL/PICNIC ( August 25th) A International Food: Sister Claudia, Yanira, Beatriz, Dona, All Parish Groups B. Music: Live music and DJ. Grupo de Jovenes C. Entertainment: Irish Step Dancers: Holy Name Society Choir: Ministry to Catholics of African Ancestry Costumes: Ultreya/Beatriz, and Elva Flags: Sister Claudia D. Other Activities: (Grupo de Jovenes) Soccer (in Rink), Volley Ball, Sack Races Spoon in mouth w/ lemon race, hula-hoop/footsy Dunk Tank: Pat Spiegel will look into. Arts & Crafts---Lorraine/Christian Mothers Piñata: Yanira Pony Rides: Dona Dixon Face Painting: Beatriz, Florence, Bouncing House/Blow Up Tent Ultreya. E. Large Tent----Brian Evans F. Security: Ed Freudenberg G. Publicity: Pat Spiegel/ Florence

Parish Appreciation Party Friday, May 4th 7:00PM to 11:00PM All Saint John of God Parishioners who volunteer in any capacity are welcome!!!

La Noche de Apreciación Parroquial El Viernes, 4 de mayo Hora: 7:00PM-11PM

Todos los parroquianos de San Juan de Dios que son voluntarios en cualquier Come and be appreciated capacidad están bienvenidos. for all your hard work. Vengan y ser apreciados por There will be an awards todo su trabajo. ceremony you don’t Habrá una ceremonia de want to miss. premios que no debe perderse. Bring your family Traigan a sus familias (Traten de (try to limit to 4 members total). limitarse a 4 personas en total) Por favor, Responda por llamar Please RSVP by calling the a la Oficina Parroquial a Parish Office at 631-234-6535 ex. 100 631-234-6525, ext. 100

Come and Join Saint John of God Boy Scout Troop 277 Meetings: Thursday 7pm to 9pm in the School Cafeteria. For Boys: Ages 11 to 17 Enjoy: camping, outdoor hikes, summer camp, merit badges, learn good values. Speak to Fr. Chris or call Mr. Jim Leach, the Scoutmaster at: 516-449-2767.

Declaración de la Misión: ¡Somos la Parroquia de San Juan de Dios Comprometidos a Le Fe, La Familia Y Comunidad! Somos……Ricos en: La Diversidad Cultural, Social, y Diversidad Espiritual… esforzando a traer la Unidad de Nuestra Diversidad. Estamos …..Centrados en los Sacramentos y la Tradición Católica con la Eucaristía como nuestro epicentro. Honramos los mandamientos de Dios. Somos…..Generosos con nuestros dones (tiempo, talento, tesoro) para proveer servicio compasivo a los otros especialmente a los pobres. Estamos llamados a ser testigos del mensaje de Cristo y a revivificar nuestra Familia Parroquial.

Somos La Parroquia de San Juan de Dios - Comprometidos a La Fe, La Familia, y La Comunidad!

RESTAURANDO LA GLORIA Para Acoger….Para Alabar Para Crecer….Para Servir Cantidad Total de los Compromisos $1,294,284.75 Cantidad Total de los Pagos $1,182,428.75 Balanza Total $112,856.00

RESPUESTA AL LLAMADO ¿Realmente conocemos la voz de Cristo? ¿Respondemos realmente a la voz de nuestro pastor, con nuestra propia y distintiva voz? ¿Con qué frecuencia intentamos imitar a los que nos rodean, apropiándonos de la respuesta de otro miembro del rebaño de Cristo? Tal vez la necesidad de equilibrar la imagen de ser ovejas de un rebaño con la imagen de la segunda lectura, que nos dice que todos somos hijos de Dios. ¿Qué hijo tiene precisamente la misma interacción con los padres como sus hermanos? Por el contrario, con frecuencia hacen y dicen cosas que se distinguen en los ojos de sus padres. Ya sea que utilicemos la imagen de los niños o de las ovejas para entender nuestra relación con Cristo, creemos que todos somos conocidos y llamados por su nombre. Con este gran regalo viene la responsabilidad: responder a la llamada con la voz propia y distintiva, sacar un tiempo para discernir exactamente cuál es nuestro llamado, para determinar con precisión cuál es la voluntad del Padre para cada uno de nosotros. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes:

Hch 11:1-18; Jn 10:1-10 Hch 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30, o, por el conminativo Gén 1:26-2:3 o Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Mt 13:54-58 Miércoles: Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Jn 12:44-50 Jueves: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14 Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6 Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Jn 14:7-14 Domingo: Hch 9:26-31; Sal 22 (21); 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8

FIESTA DE APRECIACION PARROQUIAL El viernes, 4 de mayo todos los voluntarios están invitados a asistir a una fiesta de 7:00 a 11 pm en el Salón de los Caballeros de Colon. Si usted es un voluntario (Ministro de la Eucaristía, Lector, Miembro del Coro, Acomodador, Participante en El Vía Crucis en Vivo, etc.) con mucho gusto puede asistir. Sin embargo, hay que dar su nombre a la oficina con el número de las personas que van a acompañarle (limité de 4 por familia)

¿COMO INTERPRETA LA BIBLIA? Clases todos los jueves a las 7:30PM en el Salón Seton. ¡Venga y traiga a un amigo! ADULTOS Y LOS SACRAMENTOS Algunas personas que tienen 18 años en adelante piensan que nunca pueden recibir la Primera Comunión o Confirmación porque ya pasan la edad. !No es la verdad.! La Iglesia sabe que hay muchas razones que impiden la recepción de los Sacramentos y tiene provisiones para remediar esta situación triste. Si quiere acercarse más a Dios a través dela recepción de los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación y Comunión, favor de llamar a Sister Claudia a 234-6535 ex. 106. Claro, hay que asistir a las clases que se dan los domingos a las 10:45AM para recibir la catequesis necesaria y da pruebe de su Buena fe.

From Fr. Chris N

The Fourth Sunday of Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday and the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The readings are about shepherds. Each year on this Sunday we reflect on the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, devotedly taking care of his flock. The priest in charge of a parish is called a “pastor” because pastor means shepherd, and he shepherds Christ’s sheep. As a shepherd, he leads, feeds, nurtures, comforts, corrects, and protects Christ’s sheep in the parish. The earliest Christians saw Jesus as the fulfillment of the ancient Jewish dream of a good shepherd. They also wished to include the Gentiles as part of God’s flock. Good Shepherd Sunday invites us to reflect on several realities Everyone who is entrusted with the care of others is a shepherd. Hence, pastors, parents, teachers, doctors, nurses, caregivers, government officials and politicians are all shepherds. This is especially true of parents of a family as the family is the DOMESTIC CHURCH. This is where the children learn their faith and learn how important the practice of the faith is. Children always know when something is important to their parents. This weekend especially, let us pray for vocations to priestly and religious life so that we may have more holy and Spirit-filled shepherds to lead, feed and protect the Catholic community. God’s Blessings Always, Fr. Chris N. De Padre Chris N.:

El Cuarto Domingo de Pascua se conoce como El Domingo del Buen Pastor y como El Día Mundial de la Oración para Vocaciones. Las lecturas tienen que ver con los pastores. Cada año en este domingo reflexionamos en la imagen de Jesús como el Buen Pastor, cuidando su grey con mucha devoción. El sacerdote encargado de una parroquia se llama un “pastor” porque pastor quiere decir la persona que proteja y guía sus ovejas. El pastorea las ovejas de Cristo. Como Pastor, el conduce, alimenta, cría, conforta, corrige, y proteja la ovejas de Cristo en la parroquia. Los cristianos primitivos miraron a Jesús como el cumplimiento del sueño antiguo judío de un buen pastor. Ellos también quieren incluir los gentiles como parte de la grey de Dios. El Domingo del Buen Pastor nos invita a reflexionar en varias realidades. Cada uno que está encargada de los otros es un pastor. Por eso, pastores, padres, maestros, doctores, enfermeros, los que están encargados del otros, oficiales del gobernante y políticos son pastores, Este es especialmente la verdad en cuanto a los padres de familia, porque la familia es la IGLESIA DOMESTICA. Este es donde los niños aprenden la fe y aprenden cuan importante la práctica de la fe es. Los niños siempre saben cuando algo está importante a sus padres. Este fin de semana especialmente, oremos para las vocaciones a la vida sacerdotal y religiosa para que podamos tener más santos pastores lleno del Espíritu Santo para conducir, alimentar y protege la comunidad católica Bendiciones de Dios Siempre, Padre Chris N.

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