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SAINT CATHERINE of SIENA Church & School March 31, 2013 PARISH INFORMATION MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO de MISAS Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial: Fr. T.

St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Alexandria A Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition 41875 “C” Street, Temecula, CA 92592 (951) 676-4403 Fax 695-6659 htt

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7-2626-2015 There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what

CHURCH OF SAINT MARK Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God January 1, 2017 Fr. Paul Spellman, Pastor Fr. Michael Tang, In Residence Deacon Josep

Church of Saint Joseph
Church of Saint Joseph 141 Ashburton Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10701 Rectory (914) 963-0730 Cemetery (914) 963-0780 E-mail: stjosephchurch8@optonline.


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Pastor/Párroco: Fr . Alonso Saenz



Deacons/Diaconos: Carlos Terrazas

Mon-Th: 7:00am Friday: 8:15am Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 6:30am & 10:00am

Domingo: 12:00pm 2:00pm

In Residence: Fr. Peter Carota & Fr. Raul Lopez Church: 6200 S. Central Avenue Phoenix, Arizona, 85042 Office: 6401 S. Central Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85042 Phone: (602) 276.5581 Fax: (602) 276.2119 E-mail: st_cather [email protected] g Website: stcather inephoenix.or g

Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves 9 am - 4 pm Closed for lunch /Cerrado para Almuerzo 12 noon to 1 pm Friday-Sunday/Viernes-Domingo Closed/Cerrado

St. Vincent de Paul/San Vicente de Paul Leave message on recorder (602) 243-9057

St. John Bosco Chapel/Teen Center: 6600 S. Central Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85042

St. Catherine of Siena School

6413 S. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85042 Principal: Mr . Rob Roger s Phone: (602) 276-2241 Fax: (602) 268-7886 WEEKLY OFFERING

July 20, 2014 - $10,438.25

LATIN/TRIDENTINE Mon, Wed, Fri./Lun, Mier, Vier.: 5:30pm (Spanish Sermon) Sunday: 8:00am (Spanish sermon) 10:00am (English sermon) @ St. John Bosco Chapel

CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat/Lun, Mier, Vier, & Sab.: 4:00pm - 5:00pm

2014-2015 Children & Adult Religious Education Calendars Please note that non-baptized children will also be attending Saturday classes in addition to Wednesdays. If when you registered you did not bring all necessary documentation (certificates or money) please do so I immediately as we will not process your application and your child will not be able to start on time.

Calendario 2014-2015 de Educación Religiosa NOTA: Las clases para educación religiosa en Español se cambiaron del Sábado al Jueves. Para los niños no bautizados, tendrán que asistir a clases los Sábados también. Si al registrar, no trajo todo lo necesario, certificados o dinero, no podrán empezar las clases a tiempo. Favor de traerlos inmediatamente.


Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena · Phoenix AZ


Book Series: On Cleaving to God (Part 2) by St. Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church (translated by John Richards)

What the perfection of man consist of in this life...

Now the more the mind is concerned about thinking and dealing with what is merely lower and human, the more it is separated from the experience in the intimacy of devotion of what is higher and heavenly, while the more fervently the memory, desire and intellect is withdrawn from what is below to what is above, the more perfect will be our prayer, and the purer our contemplation, since the two directions of our interest cannot both be perfect at the same time, being as different as light and darkness. He who cleaves to God is indeed translated into the light, while he who clings to the world is in the dark. So the supreme perfection of man in this life is to be so united to God that all his soul with all its faculties and powers are so gathered into the Lord God that he becomes one spirit with him, and remembers nothing except God, is aware of and recognizes nothing but God, but with all his desires unified by the joy of love, he rests contentedly in the enjoyment of his Maker alone. Now the image of God as found in the soul consists of these three faculties, namely reason, memory and will, and so long as they are not completely stamped with God, the soul is not yet deiform in accordance with the initial creation of the soul. For the true pattern of the soul is God, with whom it must be imprinted, like wax with a seal, and carry the mark of his impress. But this can never be complete until the intellect is perfectly illuminated, according to its capacity, with the knowledge of God, who is perfect truth, until the will is perfectly focused on the love of the perfect good, and until the memory is fully absorbed in turning to and enjoying eternal happiness, and in gladly and contentedly resting in it. And since the glory of the beatitude which is achieved in our heavenly homeland consists in the complete fulfilment of these three faculties, it follows that perfect initiation of them is perfection in this life. .

How man’s activity should be purely in the intellect and not in the senses….

Happy therefore is the person who by continual removal of fantasies and images, by turning within, and raising the mind to God, finally manages to dispense with the products of the imagination, and by so doing works within, nakedly and simply, and with a pure understanding and will, on the the simplest of all objects, God. So eliminate from your mind all fantasies, objects, images and shapes of all things other than God, so that, with just naked understanding, intent and will, your practice will be concerned with God himself within you. For this is the end of all spiritual exercises - to turn the mind to the Lord God and rest in him with a completely pure understanding and a completely devoted will, without the entanglements and fantasies of the imagination. This sort of exercise is not practiced by fleshly organs nor by the exterior senses, but by that by which one is indeed a man. For a man is precisely understanding and will. For that reason, in so far as a man is still playing with the products of the imagination and the senses, and holds to them, it is obvious that he has not yet emerged from the motivation and limitations of his animal nature, that is of that which he shares in common with the animals. For these know and feel objects by means of recognized shapes and sense impressions and no more, since they do not possess the higher powers of the soul. But it is different with man, who is created in the image and likeness of God with understanding, will, and free choice, through which he should be directly, purely and nakedly impressed and united with God, and firmly adhere to him. For this reason the Devil tries eagerly and with all his power to hinder this practice so far as he can, being envious of this in man, since it is a sort of prelude and initiation of eternal life. So he is always trying to draw man’s mind away from the Lord God, now by temptations or passions, now by superfluous worries and pointless cares, now by restlessness and distracting conversation and senseless curiosity, now by the study of subtle books, irrelevant discussion, gossip and news, now by hardships, now by opposition, etc. Such matters may seem trivial enough and hardly sinful, but they are a great hindrance to this holy exercise and practice. Therefore, even if they may appear useful and necessary, they should be rejected, whether great or small, as harmful and dangerous, and put out of our minds. Above all therefore it is necessary that things heard, seen, done and said, and other such things, must be received without adding things from the imagination, without mental associations and without emotional involvement, and one should not let past or future associations, implications or constructs of the imagination form and grow. For when constructs of the imagination are not allowed to enter the memory and mind, a man is not hindered, whether he be engaged in prayer, meditation, or reciting psalms, or in any other practice or spiritual exercise, nor will they recur again. .

. .

So commit yourself confidently and without hesitation, all that you are, and everything else, individually and in general, to the unfailing and totally reliable providence of God, in silence and in peace, and he will fight for you. He will liberate you and comfort you more fully, more effectively and more satisfactorily than if you were to dream about it all the time, day and night, and were to cast around frantically all over the place with the futile and confused thoughts of your mind in bondage, nor will you wear out your mind and body, wasting your time, and stupidly and pointlessly exhausting your strength. So accept everything, separately and in general, wherever it comes from and whatever its origin, in silence and peace, and with an equal mind, as coming to you from a father’s hand and his divine providence. So render your imagination bare of the images of all physical things as is appropriate to your state and profession, so that you can cling to him with a bare and undivided mind, as you have so often and so completely vowed to do, without anything whatever being able to come between your soul and him, so that you can pass purely and unwaveringly from the wounds of his humanity into the light of his divinity. Source: .



July 27, 2014

EL ALMA (Parte 3)

(Juan Luis Lorda, Profesor de Antropología cristiana, Universidad de Navarra)

El espíritu

Los seres vivos son seres animados. Y con esto se expresa toda su capacidad de obrar, de moverse, de conservarse en unas condiciones, de protegerse del medio, de alimentarse y de reproducirse. Hay un salto enorme entre las propiedades de lo vivo y lo que no está vivo. No sólo de orden de complejidad, de cantidad de materiales puestos en su sitio. Es que, además, hay "ideas nuevas", formas superiores, con propiedades nuevas. A medida que subimos por la escala de la vida, nos encontramos con una conducta cada vez más compleja e interesante. Una conducta que no se explica por las piezas, que siempre son las mismas, sino por las formas que integran las piezas. Y llega un momento en que nos encontramos con otro salto. El nuestro. Cuando escalamos la vida orgánica, en el nivel más alto nos encontramos con la conciencia. Y entramos en un terreno increíble. Estamos acostumbrados. Ese es el problema. Vivimos ahí y todo lo contemplamos desde ahí. Nuestra conciencia tiene propiedades completamente sorprendentes, pero no nos llaman la atención, porque estamos acostumbrados a ellas. En la conciencia, se dan tres propiedades concatenadas: la inteligencia, la libertad y la causalidad espiritual o creatividad. Nuestro yo tiene las tres propiedades a la vez. La inteligencia es la capacidad de conocer y pensar con ideas abstractas. La libertad (voluntad) es la capacidad de diseñar la conducta concreta al pensarla en abstracto. La causalidad espiritual o creatividad es un efecto de todo esto. Por el dominio que tenemos sobre nuestra inteligencia y nuestro cuerpo, podemos intervenir en el mundo físico. Nos movemos en él, cambiamos las cosas de sitio, manejamos herramientas y construimos. Con esas propiedades, el ser humano ha transformado la superficie del planeta. Todo lo que vemos alrededor, todo lo que es la cultura humana, ha nacido de ideas manejadas por nuestra conciencia y ejecutadas moviendo nuestras manos (y herramientas) con un plan diseñado libremente. Nos parece normal. Pero, si lo pensamos científicamente, es extraordinario. Nuestra capacidad de formar, transmitir y manejar ideas es un misterio. También lo es nuestra capacidad de concretar previendo y diseñando nuestra conducta (libertad). Y también lo es nuestra capacidad operativa: es decir, que la conciencia mueva la materia, empezando por nuestro propio cuerpo y nuestras manos. Si hemos estudiado física, sabremos que, después de un esfuerzo de investigación gigantesco, hemos llegado a la conclusión de que todo lo que sucede en el universo se debe a la acción de cuatro fuerzas elementales. Pues bien, además de las cuatro fuerzas, está nuestra conciencia que es capaz de mover un cuerpo, el nuestro, y, a través de él, con herramientas, todo lo demás.

El sujeto

Hoy somos más conscientes de lo misterioso que es todo esto cuando queremos hacer ordenadores que imiten la conducta humana. Nos tropezamos con que los ordenadores no pueden formar ideas ni entienden las palabras (inteligencia), y no son capaces de decidir una conducta concreta a partir de ideas abstractas (libertad). En cambio, son capaces de mover cosas. Un programa de ordenador, que es algo así como un poco de inteligencia condensada (ideas, formas), es capaz de obrar, siguiendo un proceso. Por supuesto que obra de una manera muy rudimentaria y sin creatividad. Tampoco tienen las delicadas relaciones con el cuerpo que nosotros tenemos: no tienen emociones. Y desde luego no tienen sentido estético; no tienen sentido del humor; no tienen sentido de la justicia; y no pueden amar al prójimo como a uno mismo. Esto son sólo propiedades de nuestra conciencia. Un ordenador es sólo un procesador de programas. Los ordenadores siguen procesos, pero no "entienden" las ideas ni las palabras, sólo las usan. No hay un "yo" que entienda. No hay un yo que forme ideas, que obtenga analogías, que pase de lo concreto a lo abstracto ni de lo abstracto a lo concreto. No hay un yo que entienda y piense en abstracto, que obtenga analogías y las cambie de plano. No pueden aprender en abstracto y usar lo que ha aprendido en otro contexto, de manera analógica. Y, como no manejan ideas en abstracto, tampoco pueden concretar pensando (libertad): no pueden decidir, no pueden ser creativos, no pueden enfrentarse a problemas nuevos. Son un conjunto de piezas montadas, con una idea de construcción y algunas ideas prestadas de funcionamiento. Son capaces de ejecutar procesos pensados por otros. Pero no hay un sujeto, no hay un protagonista, no hay un yo que sepa lo que está haciendo. En cambio, cada uno de nosotros somos un sujeto. Nuestras operaciones espirituales, la inteligencia, la libertad y la causalidad espiritual tienen un sujeto y nos convierten en sujetos. Obramos como un sujeto. Es un modo peculiar y distinto de estar en el mundo. Seres que piensan, que entienden, que extraen experiencia y conocimiento, y que pueden obrar abriendo caminos. Por eso, cada hombre es una singularidad en el mundo , que no está explicado por su entorno y que no se puede reducir a sus piezas. Es un centro de operaciones en el universo, creativo y autónomo, con un universo mental dentro de la cabeza. Un universo mental capaz de transformar el mundo físico con ideas y acciones. CONTINUADO LA PROXIMA SEMANA…. source:


Monday, July 28, 2014 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosary, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel) 6:30pm - 8:30pm - Choir Sinfonica (San Jose) 6:30pm - 8:30pm - Guadalupanas Board Mtg. (Hall) 6:30pm - 8:30pm - AMC Antonia (Nazareth)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 9:00am - 9:00pm - Grupo de Oracion (St. John Bosco/San Jose) 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosary, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel) 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Legion de Maria (Hall/Santa Clara/San Francisco)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosary, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel) 5:30pm - 7:00pm - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Rosary & Novena (Chapel) 6:30pm - 8:00pm - Schola Cantorum Pio X Rehearsal (Church)

Thursday, July 31, 2014 9:00am - 5:00pm - Exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Chapel) 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosary, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel) 6:00pm - 7:00pm - Holy Hour (Church) 6:00pm - 7:00pm - Marriage Prep Mass (St. John Bosco Chapel) 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Sp. Marriage Prep (San Jose) 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Eng. Marriage Prep (Hall)

Friday, August 1, 2014 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Divine Mercy Rosary, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel) 5:30pm - 8:30pm - Fidelis Milites Christe (F.M.C.) 6:30pm - 7:30pm - Latin Altar Servers (Church) 6:30pm - 7:30pm - EMM Comunidad (San Jose)

Saturday, August 2, 2014 8:00am - 2:00pm - Templarios (San Jose) 9:30am - 11:00am - Spanish Baptisms (Church) 10:00am - 11:00am - English Baptisms (St. John Bosco Chapel) 1:00pm - 2:00pm - Private Mass (Church) 2:00pm - 6:00pm - FMC Formation Class, 3rd Gen. (Nazareth) 2:30pm - 3:30pm - Private Baptism (Church) 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosary, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel) 5:00pm - 12:00am - Private Event (Hall) 5:30pm - 6:30pm - Rosario (Chapel) 6:45pm - 8:45pm - Templarios Mtg. (San Jose)

Sunday, August 3, 2014 9:00am - 11:00am - FMC Junior Formation Classes (FMC Room) 9:00am - 1:00pm - Guadalupanas Monthly Mtg. (Hall) 11:00am - 12:00pm - FMC Readings (FMC Room) 1:00pm - 2:00pm - Rosario, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel) 5:00pm - 6:00pm - Rosario Divino Niño Jesus (Chapel)

*** Events Subject to Change***

Monday, July 28, 2014 Lunes, 28 de julio, 2014 7:00am - Souls in Purgatory 8:15am - Aracely Barajas 5:30pm - Familia Amezcua Aguayo Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Martes 29 de julio, 2014 7:00 am - †Margarita Mendez & †Paula Jimenez 8:15am - Crystal Barajas Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Miercoles, 30 de julio, 2014 7:00 am - †Concepcion Lagade 8:15am - Sergio Rodriguez & Maria Elena Gaona 5:30pm - Familia Amezcua Aguayo Thursday, July 31, 2014 Jueves, 31 de junio, 2014 7:00am - †Andres & †Alma Santiago 8:15am - Gabriela Guardado Collazo Friday, August 1, 2014 Viernes, 1 de agosto, 2014 8:15am - Glen Sharko & Anna de Leon 5:30pm - Camilo Vejar Saturday, August 2 2014 Sábado, 2 de agosto, 2014 8:00am - Emilio Martinez Martinez 5:30pm - Teresa Usky Sunday, August 3, 2014 Domingo, 3 de agosto, 2014 6:30 am - Special Intention 8:00 am - †Manuel Flores & †Juana Olivas English 10:00 am - †Geri Fellin Latin 10:00am - †Yolanda Escobar 12:00pm - Special Intention 2:00 pm - Samuel Montoya

Readings for the Week of July 27, 2014 Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Rom 8:28-30/Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46 Monday: Jer 13:1-11/Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21/Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6/Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9/Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24/Mt 14:1-12 Sunday: Is 55:1-3/Rom 8:35, 37-39/Mt 14:13-21

Lecturas para la semana del 27 de julio de 2014 Domingo: 1 Re 3, 5-13/Rom 8, 28-30/Mt 13, 44-52 o 13, 44-46 Lunes: Jr 13, 1-11/Mt 13, 31-35 Martes: Jr 14, 17-22/Jn 11, 19-27 o Lc 10, 38-42 Miércoles: Jr 15, 10. 16-21/Mt 13, 44-46 Jueves: Jr 18, 1-6/Mt 13, 47-53 Viernes: Jr 26, 1-9/Mt 13, 54-58 Sábado: Jr 26, 11-16. 24/Mt 14, 1-12 Domingo: Is 55, 1-3/Rom 8, 35. 37-39/Mt 14, 13-21

Liturgical Publications Inc


July 27, 2014

Felicia Chavez, Brianna Norris, Joe Rangel, Carol Hooley, Veronica Velasquez, Brenda Vera , Kailah Franco, Elsa Trejo, Marlene & Jesse Carter, Mariah Perez, Pegge Morse, Martha Hart, Teresa Cordova, Anissa Sisneros, Winona Elliott, Manuel Cabrera, III, Jeremiah Guillen, Liliana Lopez, Jose and Sandra Barajas, Elva Alicia Valle, Ramiro Valle, Colin Matthew Dugall, Teresa Morales, Jose Sotello, Joanna Little, Gwen Meyers, Alma Cano, Rafael Huandurraga, Dianne Schlung, Robert & Theresa Bejarano, Harold Paddraza, David Sanchez, Ralph Abalos, Cruz Robles, Matthew Peter Johnson, Monica Valle, Eleanor Rivera, Sergio & Karina Gonzalez, Melanie Morales, Vern Meyer, Nancy & Skip Garrett, Fernando Ruiz Sr, Giovanni Avila, Jesse Luna, Erika Gonzalez, Eugene Estrada, Irma Ramirez, Ramona Cabrera, Angel Medina, Willie Henderson, Mary Jane Manuel, Jose Buenrostro Vega, Alfredo Romero, Lucio Holguin III, Ma. Guadalupe Buenrostro Vega, Gabriel Huizar, Deborah Tremble, Maria Buenrostro, Bishop Thomas O’Brien, Kaeyla Holguin Rosales, Eric Valenzuela, Josephine Faz, Rigoberto Salazar, Fabian Gonzalez, Gerardo Guevara, Thelma Gomez, Jesus Valdez, Rosamaria Fuentes, Blanca Emigdia Herrera, Agusto Merida, Jose Jimenez, Athena Escobar, Luz Alicia Cañez, Andrew Weeks, Frank & Tina Higuera, Guadalupe Rodriguez, Elia Gutierrez.

NOTE: Please call the Parish office at (602) 276-5581 to add or remove someone from this list. AVISO: Favor de llamar a la oficina al (602) 276-5581 para agregar o quitar a alguien de esta lista.

St. Catherine of Siena English Men’s Group Join us for the St. Catherine of Siena Mens Group 3rd annual Father & Son Camping trip August 1-3 in Happy Jack, AZ. Only $30.00 per person. For more information please contact: Armando at 602-3804985 or visit our website: St. Catherine of Siena Men’s Group; to bring us all to a greater level of understanding of our Catholic faith, and to be the spiritual leaders God has called us to be in our homes and community. This once a week meeting will challenge men of all ages to deepen their sacrificial commitment to Jesus and His Church. Location: Remax New Heights Realty Resource Center, 6427 S. Central Ave., Phoenix 85042

Our lady of perpetual help

Everyone is cordially invited to the devotion of Our Mother of Perpetual Help novena in English starting with the Rosary at 5:30pm at the Chapel by the parish office every Wednesday. Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena · Phoenix AZ

Thinking about getting Married? Don’t have all your Sacraments? Please contact the Parish office for information on Marriage Preparation classes at least, 9 month s prior . You can start Marriage Preparation even if you don’t have all your Sacraments. Call for more information. (602) 276-5581

Pensando en casarse? No tiene todos sus Sacramentos? Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial para obtener información sobre las clases de Preparación Matrimonional, al menos, 9 meses antes. Puede empezar la preparación aunque todavía no tenga todos

HORA SANTA Acompañenos en oración cada jueves a las 6:00 pm en la Iglesia para Hora Santa. Rezamos por todos los sacerdotes y vocaciones sacerdotales.

REZEMOS EL ROSARIO Acompañenos cada sábado a las 5:30 p.m. de la tarde en la Capilla (localizada en la oficina parroquial) para rezar el Rosario. Rezamos al Rosario para todos los sacerdotes, inmigrantes y el fin del aborto.


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