PRESENTE SIMPLE O HABITUAL (PRESENT SIMPLE) Afirmativa SUJETO + VERBO (la 3ª persona singular añade – S) Negativa SUJETO + DO NOT (DON’T) + VERBO D

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Sujeto verbo
Hasta ahora hemos visto los elementos del lenguaje que utilizamos para comunicarnos: - Las palabras: sustantivos, adjetivos calificativos, adjetivos d

Story Transcript


SUJETO + VERBO (la 3ª persona singular añade – S)





La respuesta corta se forma con el SUJETO + AUXILIAR. Do you like cinema? Yes, I do. / No, I don´t. ¿Te gusta el cine? Sí. / No. En la 3ª persona del singular se añade –es si el verbo termina en sh, ch, ss, x, z, o en la vocal –o precedida de consonante. Los que terminan en –Y precedida de consonante añaden –ies.

Uso: * Para hablar de hábitos, costumbres, rutinas y acciones que se repiten con frecuencia. I get up at six o´clock every day. Me levanto a las seis todos los días. A menudo aparecen adverbios de frecuencia y complementos de tiempo que potencian la idea de rutina: always, never, sometimes,ect., once a day, twice a year, on Mondays, every year, etc. * Verdades universales. Hechos, acontecimientos que son siempre ciertos. The earth goes round the sun. La tierra gira alrededor del sol. Oil floats on water. El aceite flota sobre el agua. * Presente narrativo, histórico o dramático. Para narrar de forma viva acontecimientos ocurridos en el pasado. Then he comes in, takes the revolver out of his pocket and throws it out of the window. Entonces entra, saca el revolver del bolsillo y lo tira por la ventana.

* Con valor de futuro, cuando la acción se considera parte de un programa previsto. Suelen aparecer verbos que sugieren llegada o partida, y adverbios que indican futuro. Es más categórico que la forma progresiva. I leave by the 6.30 train to London tomorrow. Me voy en el tren de las seis mañana. * Para horarios oficiales, medios de transporte, espectáculos, horarios de apertura y cierre de locales. The concert finishes at 8.30. El concierto termina a las 8.30. The train leaves at 9.00. El tren sale a las 9.00. * Para expresar planes cuando éstos dependen de horarios fijos, como los expresados en el punto anterior. I finish work at 5.00. Termino de trabajar a las 5.00. * Cuando se piden instrucciones. What do we do now? ¿Qué hacemos ahora? * En oraciones exclamativas que empiezan por “here” o “there”.

There he goes! Here comes the bus! * Con valor de pretérito perfecto con verbos como “hear”, “learn”, “forget”. I hear that you have been abroad. He oído que has estado en el extranjero. * En las oraciones subordinadas condicionales con valor de futuro. If you come early tomorrow, we will go for a walk. Si vienes temprano….. * En oraciones que implican causa y efecto. I shall take an umbrella in case it rains. Cogeré el paraguas por si llueve. * En oraciones subordinadas temporales introducidas por “when”, “whenever”, “until”, se traduce por un presente subjuntivo en español. As soon as he arrives, you can leave. Tan pronto como él llegue, tú puedes marcharte. *The + comparativo...the + comparativo. Se traduce por subjuntivo presente en español. The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish. Cuanto antes empieces, antes terminarás. antes terminas.

* En retransmisiones deportivas, demostraciones de productos comerciales, es decir, lo que se suele llamar presente instantáneo, ya que la acción sólo dura un instante. Now he passes the ball to ….. Si la duración de la acción se prolonga entonces suele usarse el presente progresivo. Sporting is now gaining on Sevilla. *En folletos o prospectos donde se indican instrucciones con el pronombre you que se traduce en este caso como un se impersonal. Now you remove the lid …. Ahora se retira la tapa. *En titulares de periódicos para informar de acontecimientos muy recientes. Earthquake rocks San Francisco. Un terremoto sacude /ha sacudido San Francisco.

PRESENTE PROGRESIVO O CONTINUO (Present progressive) SUJETO + AM / IS / ARE + GERUNDIO SUJETO + AM NOT / ISN’T / AREN´T + GERUNDIO AM / IS / ARE +SUJETO + GERUNDIO…? * Para expresar acciones que se producen en el momento en que se habla o escribe. Este momento engloba un periodo de tiempo que viene marcado por adverbios como “tonight”, “today”, “this week, month, year”, “now”, ect. Currently… What are you doing? ¿Què haces? ¿Qué estás haciendo? Where are you going? ¿Dónde vas? No siempre se puede traducir con gerundio. * Con valor de futuro cuando se considera parte de un plan o programa previsto. I´m visiting a factory this afernoon. Esta tarde visito una fábrica. * Con “always”, “constantly” para expresar irritación por una acción que se repite constantemente. He is always remembering his past life. Siempre está recordando su vida pasada. You are always complaining. Siempre te estás quejando. Verbos que no admiten presente continuo: los llamados “state verbs” sólo se usan en presente simple. Su significado sugiere estados o condiciones, y no actividades. 1) Verbos que expresan pensamiento y opinión: believe expect know realize

think agree remember deserve

understand mean forget prefer

suppose doubt imagine

2) Verbos de posesión y estado: belong resemble weigh come from

possess own have

seem contain cost

depend on appear need

3) Verbos de sentimientos: love, like, hate, care, hope, wish, want, admit, dislike, ect. 4) Verbos de percepción involuntaria de los sentidos: Look, hear, taste, smell, feel, see. Cuando el sujeto es una persona se suelen utilizar con “can”: Can you see that valley? ¿Ves aquel valle? Algunos de estos verbos se pueden usar en presente continuo pero con otro significado: * I think you are right. Creo que tienes razón. (opinión) We are thinking of going to the cinema. Estamos pensando ….(actividad mental) * He has a lot of money. (possession) She is having a bath. Se esta bañando. (actividad) * I see what you mean. Se a qué te refieres. (= understand) Are you seeing your friends tomorrow? (meet, visit) * The soup tastes awful. La sopa sabe fatal (state). I´m tasting the soup. Estoy probando la sopa. (activity)

PRESENT SIMPLE & PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Make interrogative and negative sentences: My cousins understand French perfectly. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Martin likes cinema very much. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Mum wants to visit the National Gallery. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Jenny has got a new bike. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Peter is a commuter: he travels from Brighton to London every day to work. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. He lives in Brighton. …………………………………………………………………………………………… After catching the train, he reads the newspaper. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Once in London, he catches the tube to the office. …………………………………………………………………………………………… He has a bath every evening. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Write sentences using the Present Progressive and then change them into negative and interrogative: He………………………………………… to go to work.(get ready) …………………………………………………………………………………………… Tomorrow evening we …………………… to have dinner together. (meet) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Our grandmother………………………………. a letter in English.(write) …………………………………………………………………………………………… The children ………………………………………. in the river. (swim) ………………………………………………………………………………………….. My parents ………………………………… a relative. (visit) ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Write questions for the following answers: …………………………………………….? Mary speaks English very well. …………………………………………….? Ronald has got a new bike. …………………………………………….? Ronald has a new bike. ……………………………………………..? My grandmother lives in Brighton. …………………………………………….? The teacher is preparing an exam. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Why ………… ……….. …………. (leave) so early? Don´t you enjoy the party? We ……………………….....................(see) our doctor at five o’clock. I ………………………………............ (not see) where the problem is. You …………………………….........( always/complain) about something!. I ……………………………….....(always / lose) my glasses!. She ……………………………(work) in a bank. She ……………………………(work) in a bank at the moment. She ………………….....(have) an aspirin because she …………(have) a headache. How do you make this soup? It ………………..(taste) wonderful. Anna can’t come to the phone because she……………………....(wash).her hair. We ………………………...........(usually/go) abroad in summer. They ………………………..........(meet) for lunch once a month. Tom, answer the door please! I …………………………....(prepare) dinner.

It ……………(rain) a lot in winter, but this winter it …………………........(not rain) so much. The concert ……………….(start) at seven and …………………..(finish) at eleven. We …………………….(usually wear) a uniform, but today we……………............(not wear) it because after school we …………….................(go) to the cinema. What ....................................,children?(you/do) We..............................(read). Don’t disturb him now; he...........................................a report.(type) Ann......................................his son to school every morning.(take) My mother is upstairs; she..................................the beds. (make) My friend..............................the dishes every evening. (wash) He’ll be back in a minute; he...........................................the car. (park) Nobody helps my mother when she ............................the housework. (do) The children are not here now; they the park. (run) Our neighbours church on Sundays. (always /go) You can sit down at the table; I.............................................the fish. (fry) I can’t answer the telephone; (shave) People in Spain..............................................lunch at noon. (never/ have) An aeroplane .................................higher than a bird. (fly) Tom the gym at the weekends. (box) Whenever my house she something. (come, bring) My father 7.00, but today he 8.00. (shave) I usually but this morning I...........................tea. (drink) I .........................dinner every evening but today a restaurant. (cook/go) ....................................your uncle now? Yes, I .......................................him on his birthday. (write you/ always write) We must send for a doctor; your temperature .......................... dangerously. (rise) and his father.........................him(play/watch) He (keep) because he never............................(forget) his exercises. The moon ..............................round the earth.(move) Write the interrogative and the negative: Jackie brushes her hair every night before going to bed. ......................................................................................................................................... You always make your bed before going out every morning. ......................................................................................................................................... The little girl kisses her mother every evening. ........................................................................................................................................ Bob spends most evenings watching TV at home. ........................................................................................................................................ Mariano’s hens lay a lot of eggs in summer. ........................................................................................................................................ Your son works for a large company in Chicago. ....................................................................................................................................... November and December are very rainy months. ...................................................................................................................................... All my friends are trying to save some money for their holidays. ...................................................................................................................................... Mr. Sontag shaves in the bathroom. ..................................................................................................................................... Now he is putting his coat on. ..................................................................................................................................... The guests are sitting at a table. ...................................................................................................................................... The cat is lying in the sun near the gate. ...................................................................................................................................... Mum is downstairs making the beds. ........................................................................................................................................

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