Teal and White Snow Flakes Christmas Newsletter (1) Flipbook PDF

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Story Transcript

Litter Readers



TO ....................................... ............................................ ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................

Start of the story


In the middle of winter, when great snowflakes fall, the queen of the country beyond the last corners of the earth sat spinning at her window. The window frame was made of fine black ebony wood. She was looking at the falling snow, and she pricked her finger, and three drops of blood ran down the snow.

The Queen looked at the red drops that fell upon the white snow, thought deeply, and then said, "If only my little daughter would be white as snow, red as blood, and black as a window frame!"


Indeed, the little girl grew up, and her skin became white as snow, her cheeks as pink as blood, and her hair as black as ebony, and she was called "Snow White."

But the queen died!! And soon the king married another woman who became the new queen, and she was very beautiful, but she could not bear the idea of someone surpassing her in beauty. She had a magic crystal, and she used to go to it and stare at it saying: “Tell me, magic crystal, tell me the truth! among the women of the world, Who is the most beautiful woman, tell me? And the crystal always answers: "You are the most beautiful queen in the world."


But Snow-white was getting prettier; And when she was seven years old, her beauty was as dazzling as the sunshine, and she became more beautiful than the queen herself.

The magic crystal answered the Queen one day when she went to stare at her as usual, and said: "You are beautiful, But Snow White is more beautiful than you.”


When the Queen heard these words her countenance was white with anger and malice, and she called to one of her servants, and said, 'Take Snow-White away into the deep and wide forest, I do not want to see her again.'


Poor Snow-white wandered about in the woods with fear, and in the evening she came to a cabin among the hills, and went in to rest, for she was too weak to walk

Then the owners of the hut came. They were seven dwarves who lived among the mountains, digging for gold. They lit the seven lamps, and immediately knew something was wrong. The seventh said: "Who slept on my bed?" So the rest of the dwarfs ran towards him, and each one of them shouted that someone slept on his bed, but the seventh dwarf saw Snow White, and called for his brothers to come and see her; They cried out in wonder and amazement, and brought their lamps to look at it, and each said, “Oh, my God! what a beautiful child she is!” And they were very happy to see her, and acted carefully so as not to wake her.


In the morning Snow White told them her story, and they took pity on her, and told her that she could stay with them 'Soon the queen will know where you are,' said they, 'be careful, and let no one in.'

The Queen thought that she had become the most beautiful woman in the land after she thought that Snow White had died, and she went to her magic crystal and said: “Tell me, magic crystal, tell me the truth! among the women of the world, Who is the most beautiful woman, tell me? The crystal answered: “You are the queen of the most beautiful women in this land, But among the hills, in the green forest, where the seven dwarfs live, snow white hides, And she is much more beautiful than you”


Blood ran through her veins and she felt spite after realizing that Snow White was still alive. Dressed as an old peddler, she made her way up the hills to where the seven dwarfs lived.

And took a poisoned apple. When she came to the dwarves' hut, she knocked on the door, and cried, 'Fantastic goods!' But Snow White said, "I dare not open the door to anyone." And the Queen said, "Just look at my fine apple!" And she gave her the poisoned apple. The apple looked fine, and Snow-white took it from her and eat , but as soon as the apple eated she fell unconscious, for the poison was so strong. "I have rid of you," said the Queen. Then she returned to her palace. The Queen looks at her crystal. Finally the crystal told her: 8 “You are the most beautiful queen in the land.”

When evening came, the dwarves came home, and found Snow White lying on the ground, not breathing. They feared she was already dead. So they put her on a coffin, and watched her wailing for three days. Then they thought of burying her, but her cheeks were still rosy, and her face had not changed colour, so they said, "We will never bury her in the cold earth."

So they made a coffin of glass for her, so that they could look at her, and wrote her name over it in golden letters, and that she was the king's daughter.


At last the prince came and called at the dwarves' hut; And he saw Snow White, and read what was written in golden letters. He offered money to the dwarves, and begged them to let him take her with him, but they said, 'We will not leave her for all the gold of the world.' but at last they took pity on him, and gave him the coffin, and just as he picked it up to take it home, the apple fell from her lips, and Snow-White awoke, and said, "Where am I?" And the prince said, "You are safe with me."

Then he told her what had happened, and said, Come with me to my father's palace, and you will be my wife.' Snow White agreed, and returned to the palace with the Prince, and the wedding preparations took place in a joyful atmosphere.


The End


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