Story Transcript
16o Domingo Ordinario
Monday, July 18, 2016 8:00 A.M. + Giovanni Sirolli Tuesday, July 19, 2016 8:00 A.M. Eve Diskin Wednesday, July 20, 2016 8:00 A.M. + Hermelio Marin Thursday, July 21, 2016 8:00 A.M. + Mara & Rafael Prieto Friday, July 22, 2016 8:00 A.M. + Jack & Helen Herbert Saturday, July 23, 2016 8:00 A.M. + Diego Lamadrid 5:00 P.M. + Diego Aguilar & Concepcion Acevedo 6:30 P.M. + Marcelino Collado Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:00 A.M. Rev. R. Strittmater 8:00 A.M. + Mr. & Mrs. Jose Lopez 9:30 A.M. + Parishioners 11:00 A.M. + Nellie & Jamil Abraham 12:30 P.M. + Familia Sosa Comas 6:00 P.M. Allison Chin 7:30 P.M. Joaquin Alemany
July 17, 2016
16th Sunday Ordinary Time
Readings for the Week of July 17, 2016 Sunday Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:1-10a; Ps 15 Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Monday Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, and 23; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-4, 5-6, 7-8; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5-6ab, 15, and 17; Mt 13:1-9 Thursday Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 36:6-7ab, 8-9, 10-11; Mt 13:10-17 Friday Saint Mary Magdalene Jer 3:14-17; Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Saturday Saint Bridget, Religious Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a, and 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30 Sunday Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
7/10/2016 Thank you for your generosity!
SATURDAY VIGIL/VIGILIA 5:00PM ........................ $1,726.00 6:30PM ........................ $1,076.00 SUNDAY / DOMINGO 7:00AM.......................... $865.00 8:00AM ....................... $1,044.00 9:30AM......................... $1,914.00 11:00AM ........................ $1,943.52 12:30PM ...................... $1,296.00 6:00PM....................... $2,425.00 7:30PM .......................... $560.00 2nd collection ...................... $2,548.00 Mail................................ $768.00 Total: ...........................$16,165.52
Monday, July 18, 2016 Legion of Mary 6:00 P.M. Women’s Emmaus 7:30 P.M. Cursillos 8:00 P.M. Caballeros Catolicos 8:00 P.M. Young Adults 8:00 P.M.
Msgr Lacerra (B) Church North McDermott West McDermott East McDermott Center
Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Espiritualidad JP II 7:30 P.M. Msgr Lacerra (B) Agape 8:00 P.M. Msgr Lacerra © Men’s Emaus 7:30 P.M. Church North Boy Scouts 7:00 P.M. McDermott Center Estudio del Evangelio 8:00 P.M. McDermott East Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Middle Youth Group 7:30 PM McDermott West
La Iglesia y el mundo tienen una gran necesidad de Adoración Eucarística (Juan Pablo II) Recomiendo ardientemente a los Pastores de la Iglesia y al Pueblo de Dios la práctica de la Adoración Eucarística, tanto personal como comunitaria (Benedicto XVI) Escoge el día de la semana y el tiempo disponible para adorar a Jesús Sacramentado en la Capilla de Adoración Inscríbase en la oficina parroquial
Thursday, Julu 21, 2016 Men’s Emmaus (Span) 7:30 P.M. Msgr Lacerra (B) Grupo Oracion Carismatico 7:45 P.M. McDermott East Men’s Club 8:00 PM McDermott West Friday, July 22, 2016 Serendipity 10:30 A.M. Maranatha 8:00 PM
Msgr Lacerra (B) Church North
“Jesús te invita a estar con El”
Saturday, July 23, 2016 Confessions 11:00 A.M. To 12:30 PM
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Read the Gospel: Luke 10:38-42 Gospel Summary Jesus upset a few Jewish norms in this Gospel about Mary and Martha. First it was unusual for a single man to be a guest in the home of a single woman, and secondly, it was usually the most acclaimed male student of a rabbi who received tutoring such as Mary. It was not the break in these norms that disturbed Mary’s sister, Martha, so much as the fact that Mary sat listening to Jesus’ teaching instead of helping her sister with the responsibilities of hospitality. Jesus, of course, knew that it was important to tend to the household chores, but he also wanted to make the point that in order to love and serve God, it was important to hear the Word of God. Reflection for Families Parents (especially mothers!) often classify themselves as Marys or Marthas. The demands of caring for a family while often earning a living outside the home, makes a Martha out of most of us whether that’s what we want to be or not. We really have to concentrate on being Mary not only in our attentiveness to God but in our relationships with our families. Sometimes we have to schedule time to relax and just be with one another. Being is often more wise, more healthy, and more loving than doing. Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family Listen to God’s Word together as a family. Have each member of the family share a favorite Bible story. Depending on the ages of people, either retell a story, read it from the Bible or use a children’s Bible. When the family member is finished telling his/her story, have that person explain why it is a favorite story and how the story helps us live today according to the way God wants us to live. Discussion Starters 1. I am more like Mary/Martha because … 2. One way I will work to keep a balance of working/serving and listening to God’s word is … 3. I will try to be more welcoming to someone who is difficult for me by … This article is from
St. Timothy welcomes our new pastor, Fr. Jorge Rodriguez de la Viuda! Born April 11, 1963, in Lima, Peru, Father Rodriguez De La Viuda was the second of four children. He attended the Universidad de San Martin de Porres in Lima, where he earned a bachelor's degree in business administration. He worked for a hotel in that city, then moved to Florida 25 years ago. In 1994, he finally acted on longtime spiritual leanings and entered St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami. He then earned a master's degree in divinity at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach and was ordained for the Archdiocese of Miami on May 12, 2001. Before coming to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in June 2011, he served at St. Rose of Lima in Miami Shores and Good Shepherd in Kendall Lakes. He is also archdiocesan chaplain to the Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros, a Peruvian-based devotional group that has branches in South Florida. Person or event that triggered his vocation: "One event that opened my eyes was when I was still in Peru. I decided to join a young adult group that helped Vincentian priests who were evangelizing rural areas in the mountains. I thought you needed to be an accountant or lawyer or businessman to be important in the life of people. That experience opened my eyes to see that the ministry of a priest is basic to the life of communities."
For more information on our pastor please visit
Moniciones para el 16o . Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Ciclo C Monición de entrada: Continuamos los domingos del tiempo ordinarios para conocer más a Cristo y darle nuestra mejor respuesta. Él nos pide que pongamos todo nuestro esfuerzo en escucharle y responder a su invitación con un amor profundo. Pónganse de pie, por favor, para que iniciemos la Eucaristía de hoy, mientras recibimos a los ministros cantando con alegría. Primera lectura: Génesis 18, 1-10 (Teofanía de Mambré: Señor, no pases de largo) El Señor visita la casa de Abrahám. Dios premió la hospitalidad del patriarca con la promesa de un hijo. Así nos paga Dios cualquier gesto bueno de nuestra parte. Escuchen este interesante relato del libro del Génesis. Segunda lectura: Colosenses 1, 24-28 (Dios reveló el misterio escondido desde siglos) El sufrimiento es un signo de la cruz de Cristo. San Pablo, en su carta a los Colosenses, se alegra de sus penas y sufrimientos porque así "completa en su carne lo que falta a la pasión del Señor". A través del dolor, el apóstol se identificó con Cristo. Su esperanza era la gloria prometida. Presten mucha atención a san Pablo. Tercera lectura: Lucas 10, 38-42 (Marta y María reciben a Jesús) Cristo se hospeda en la casa de Marta y María. María representa el discípulo verdadero porque no quiere nada excepto a Cristo. Sólo una cosa es necesaria. ¿Cuáles son tus preocupaciones principales? ¿Qué lugar ocupa Cristo en tu vida? Estas preguntas serán contestadas en el evangelio. De pie, por favor. Entonemos el Aleluya. Oración Universal: Por nuestro Santo Padre el Papa, los obispos, sacerdotes y diáconos, para que primero procuren las cosas del Señor y las enseñen así a los fieles, Roguemos al Señor. Por los gobernantes, para que comprendan que el mundo no se puede conducir sin Dios y busquen la asistencia cristiana en las tareas que el Pueblo les ha confiado, Roguemos al Señor. Por los que anuncian la paz y la justicia al mundo entero, para que nunca se desanimen en esta lucha, Roguemos al Señor. Por las mujeres, para que sigan el ejemplo de María en la oración y de Marta en el servicio al prójimo, Roguemos al Señor. Por cada uno de nosotros y por nuestras intenciones (una pausa), para que respondamos con generosidad a la llamada de Jesus Cristo, Roguemos al Señor. Exhortación Final (Tomado de B. Caballero: La Palabra Cada Domingo, San Pablo, España, 1993, p. 548) Te bendecimos, Señor Jesús, porque en tu vida supiste unir la contemplación y la acción en equilibrio exacto, dándonos ejemplo de oración y comunicación con Dios, así como de entrega incondicional a la liberación de los hombres. Enséñanos, Señor, a dedicar tiempo, silencio y atención para escuchar y asimilar tu palabra, como María en Betania, buscando cada día y ante todo el reino de Dios y su justicia. Ayúdanos a salir victoriosos en este empeño y concédenos, Señor, la diligencia solícita y la servicialidad acogedora de María, lo mismo respecto de ti, de evangelio y de tu palabra de vida que de nuestros hermanos, los hombres más necesitados. Amén.
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