A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent

IN THIS ISSUE: A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent, page 2 Triduum Choir Rehearsals to Begin in March, page 3 Baby Shower for WomenSource, page

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Story Transcript

IN THIS ISSUE: A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent, page 2 Triduum Choir Rehearsals to Begin in March, page 3 Baby Shower for WomenSource, page 4 School News, page 5 Transfiguration Reflection, page 6 Anuncios en español, paginas 8-10

!" # " $ %$ " & %' ( ) & * ) & ( # " $ February 21, 2016 | 2nd Sunday of Lent

525 Jackson Street, Anoka, MN 55303 | 763.421.2471 | StStephenChurch.org

Try the Friday Fish Dinner; It’s a Great Catch! Join us for a great fish dinner Friday evenings during Lent, 5:307:00 p.m. in the Faith Community Center. The menu includes fried and baked fish, mashed potatoes, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, cole slaw, dinner rolls, apple crisp, coffee, milk and lemonade. The cost is only $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for children 4 - 12 years of age and kids under 4 are free. Invite your family and friends for a delicious dinner! Join the fun and volunteer for one or more Fridays. New faces are very welcome. Please contact Carole Santer at (763) 421-1971 or e-mail at [email protected].

Catholic Services Appeal It is not too late! If you have not given your gift in support of the 17 Collective Ministries of this Archdiocese to the Catholic Services Appeal, either drop your pledge in the collection basket at Mass or utilize the prepaid envelope from the mailing and send it directly to CSAF’s processing center. Every gift matters, so please prayerfully consider your gift. Thank you for your continued support of the Catholic Services Appeal.

Pastor’s Page | Fr. Jack Long

A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent

Parish Directory

©Liturgical Publications Inc

PARISH OFFICE 763-421-2471

"Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep, but becoming fully awake, they saw his glory." Today's Gospel records the event we call the Transfiguration of the Lord. In this miraculous moment, Jesus' divine nature was revealed clearly to Peter, James and John. Often, we think only in terms of what happened to Jesus: "his face changed" and "his clothing became dazzling white" and he began a supernatural conversation with two ancient prophets. But that was only half of the story. The other part is what happened to the men.

Director, Bernie Leach 763-712-7435 Associate, Barbara Ferron 763-712-7458 Associate/School Liturgy Coordinator, Terri Renner 763-712-7459

They were able to witness this revelation of Jesus only because they were "fully awake." Had they stayed sleeping, they would have missed out. They would not have had this astonishing insight into the glory of their friend and Master. It's an obvious point but one that may need more attention than we'd care to admit. Of course we have to be "awake" in order to absorb the fullness of our faith. If we are not tuned in, not attentive, not exerting any effort, then we are certainly going to miss out. But the fact is that we don't always realize we are falling asleep. Just as Peter, James, and John were "overcome" with sleep, we too can slip into this state without necessarily realizing it's happening. Spiritually speaking, we can become numb or lazy and slowly fade away from the fervor of authentic faith. This is why the church, in her wisdom, gives us the season of Lent. During these weeks, we strive to purify ourselves by attacking the sins and selfishness that make us spiritual sleepwalkers. This is the time to refocus, to clear away the cobwebs and to become "fully awake." Ultimately, we pray that these efforts will allow us to truly see "his glory" come Eastertide.

Lenten Worship During the Week There are many opportunities for prayer at St. Stephen’s. The rosary is prayed each morning at 7:15 a.m. Daily Mass is celebrated Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m. in the main church during Lent. The Stations of the Cross are prayed Fridays during Lent at 7:00 p.m. in the main church. The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Liturgy of the Hours are prayed Monday through Saturday in the Holy Cross Chapel or Refuge immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass.

Mark Your Calendars for VBS! Vacation Bible School will be held July 18-22. Mark your calendars for this fun summer event. Watch upcoming bulletins for more details and registration information. 2


FAITH FORMATION Director and Adult Formation, Katie Gebhard 763-712-7439 Early Childhood (Sun. School), Ann Ridder 763-712-7430 Elem. Formation, Children’s Sacraments, Emilie Bauer 763712-7430 M.S. Formation, Tammy Santander 763-712-7480 H.S. Formation/Confirm., Chantell Haider 763-712-7440 RCIA Coordinator, Pam Havel 763-712-7437 Youth Ministry, Troy Bauer 763-712-7456 Formation Asst., Mary Johnson, 763-712-7456

LATINO MINISTRY Deacon Ramón Garcia 763-712-7482 Suzanne Garcia 763-712-7464

PASTORAL CARE Director, Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND, 763-712-7441

SCHOOL Main Office 763-421-3236 Principal, Rebecca Gustafson 763-712-7484 PARISH ADMINISTRATION Administrator, Jay Gish 763-712-7434 Human Resources and Finance Director., Lynne Pinewski 763-712-7472 Facility Manager, Chuck Wilson, 763-712-7474 Office Manager, Monica Freeman 763-712-7438 Admin. Asst., Facility Scheduling, Marketing Coord., Julie Gerads 763-712-7485 Admin. Asst., Marketplace Coord., Eileen Howe 763-712-7478 Admin. Asst., Cemetery Coord., Mary Jane Beberg 763-712-7479 Admin. Asst., Renee Hogan 763-712-7442 Weekend Admin. Asst., Sharon Sroga 763-421-2471 Weekend Admin. Asst., Kathy Whittaker 763-421-2471 Weekend Admin. Asst., Mary Ann Caesar 763-421-2471

Need Prayer? The Church of St. Stephen Intercessory Prayer Group will pray for any of your needs: health, financial, marital, spiritual. All requests are confidential. If you have a prayer request, please call Joan, 763-2705370 or Dolores, 763-421-0612. The Church of St. Stephen is served by the clergy of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Priest Staff Fr. Jack Long, Pastor Fr. Kevin Manthey, Parochial Vicar Fr. Joseph Kuharski, Parochial Vicar

Deacons Rev. Mr. Peter Bednarczyk Rev. Mr. Charles Waugh Rev. Mr. Ramón Garcia


St. Stephen’s Triduum Choir St. Stephen’s will sponsor its eighth Triduum Choir this year. All members of the Music Ministry are strongly encouraged to participate and anyone interested in the Music Ministry is encouraged to inquire. All Triduum Choir rehearsals will take place in the St. Cecilia Room. The rehearsal dates and times are as follows: •

Wednesday March 2, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 9, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 16, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 23, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Contact Bernie Leach ([email protected]; 763-712-7435) or Terri Renner ([email protected]; 763-712-7459).

Mass of the Holy Angels: Mass Setting for Lent and Easter The Mass setting St. Stephen’s is using, except for the Kyrie, during Lent is called the Mass of the Holy Angels. It was composed by Gerard Chiusano. Gerard started out in Music Ministry when he was 10 years old. He went on to study music composition and keyboard in the college prep program at the Juilliard School in New York, where he graduated with honors and received an honorary scholarship. In addition he has studied at the Mannes College of Music and the Manhattan School of Music, both located in New York as well. He has served as a Director of Music Ministry in the Archdiocese of Newark and the Diocese of Paterson, both in New Jersey. He is currently the Director of Worship and Sacred Music at the Church of Saint Luke in Toms River, New Jersey.

Worship Associate Position Open The Church of St. Stephen is now accepting applications for the position of Worship Associate for liturgy. It is a part time position. Candidates must be practicing Catholics and have familiarity with Catholic liturgy and liturgical principles. Other requirements include experience working with and organizing people, and computer skills. Application forms are available through the Parish Office. Please send applications and resumes to Jay Gish, Parish Administrator, at the Parish Office.

Baptism Preparation Class Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to register as members of our parish and must attend the Baptism Preparation Session. Parents must also provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate prior to the Baptism celebration. The next Baptism Preparation Session is March 3 at 7:00 p.m. in The Refuge. Please call the parish office at 763-421-2471 to register. www.ststephenchurch.org/worship/

MASS Intentions Monday, February 22 8:00 a.m. Troy J. Boschee Tuesday, February 23 8:00 a.m. Paul John Ebner Wednesday, February 24 8:00 a.m. Richard Wilson 9:00 a.m. Souls in Purgatory Thursday, February 25 8:00 a.m. Colleen Adams Friday, February 26 8:00 a.m. Wade Hertzog Saturday, February 27 8:00 a.m. Tom Patullo 5:00 p.m. John Cox Sunday, February 28 8:30 a.m. Ev Lonneman 10:30 a.m. Paul and Barb Hoerner 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Parishioners 6:00 p.m. Tim Wesp

Presider & Musician Schedule Weekend of February 27/28, 2016 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski Jennifer Hevern Accompanist - Linn Ahrendt 8:30 a.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski Adult Contemporary Ensemble Accompanist - Marie Tomala 10:30 a.m. Fr. Jack Long Adult Choir Accompanist - Nancy Furch 12:30 p.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey Corazon Mariano 6:00 p.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey Beth Hammer Accompanist - Nancy Furch

Readings for the Week Monday: 1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20/Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20/Ps 31:5-6, 14-16/ Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Ps 105:1621/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 103:1-4, 9-12/ Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Next Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15/Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11/1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12/Lk 13:1-9 1st Scrutiny: Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 3

Faith Formation

High School “Faith through Film” Night

Adult Faith Enrichment

Join us in The Refuge Wednesday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. for a movie night complete with pop, and snacks! We will be watching the original Spider-Man. Stop by for a great movie, great friends, great food, and a movie connection to your life and the Bible you may have never expected! Questions? Contact Troy Bauer at 763-712-7456 or [email protected].

The Anoka Council of the Knights of Columbus and St. Stephen’s Faith Formation Department will be co-sponsoring a multi session course titled “Oremus - A Guide to Catholic Prayer” between Sunday Masses in FCC 10. The classes are free and will be held from 9:40– 10:20 a.m. The study is presented by Fr. Mark Toups on DVD.

Last Friday Night Party Who: Students in grades 9-12 What: 4-Corner Capture the Flag, Wii/board/card games, and kickball. Join us for food, music and fun! When: February 26, 8-10:00 p.m. Where: Meet in The Refuge Questions? Contact Troy at 763-712-7456, [email protected]..

Pro-Life Baby Shower ~ Hosted by Women of Wonder and Life Matters!

Dates and topics are as follows: February 21: Discernment in Prayer, February 28: Dealing with Distractions, March 6: Desolation and Consolation There is no fee; no pre-registration required. Refreshments will be served. Questions? Contact Katie at 763-712-7439.

Celebrate Life on Tuesday, March 8, 9:30-11:00 a.m., in The Refuge Our Baby Shower will benefit WomenSource of Anoka! WomenSource is a nonprofit pregnancy crisis resource center; their mission is to compassionately assist women and couples experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by instructing them on all their options, encouraging life affirming options and providing pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, resources/referrals and parenting education to help them achieve the best outcome for them and their baby. More information: http://www.womensource.org/ WomenSource needs our help and will gladly accept gifts of the following items: diapers (sz 5), baby bottles, baby thermometers, boppies, cozy covers for car seats, laundry baskets, maternity clothing, baby clothing (sz 6-12 months), sleep sacks, baby toys for up to 1 year olds, strollers, high chairs, and postage stamps. Gifts for WomenSource should be unwrapped and can be brought to our Baby Shower March 8. If you are not able to make it to the Baby Shower, then you may drop off gifts at our table in the Gathering Ppace after Masses March 5 and 6, or you may drop them off at the parish office. If you would prefer to make a cash donation, please wait until our parish’s second collection in April which will be dedicated to WomenSource. At the Baby Shower we will play games, give away prizes, enjoy hospitality, learn more about WomenSource, and learn about our own parish prolife group, Life Matters. Women of all ages and stages in life are welcome to join us at our Women of Wonder meetings!!! You are welcome to invite a friend. Daycare is provided for your children/grandchildren for $3 per child/$5 per family. Refreshments will be served. www.ststephenchurch.org/faithformation 4

An important part of Lent for our parish will be participating in the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) RICE BOWL PROGRAM. Please help support our world-wide missions this Lent. This week, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to Laos, where Hongkham is using her love of cooking to provide for her family—and feed an entire school. How do we use our passions and gifts for the betterment of those we meet? Visit crsricebowl.org for more information. Photo credit: Jim Stipe for CRS


Enroll with Confidence From pre-school through eighth grade, St. Stephen’s School offers a quality faith-based Catholic Education. Come join our family of believers. All are welcome! To enroll, please call the school office at 763-421-3236.

Middle School Fun Day

Mrs. Kelly Bundy, Middle School Math

Teacher, Seventh Grade Advisor

Friday, February 5, our middle school students and teachers participated in a Fun Day. Students were assigned to color groups consisting of sixth, seventh and eighth graders. They started out the day receiving training on bystander CPR and how to use an AED. They were able to practice doing 100 compressions in one minute and practice with the AED. The rest of the morning was spent traveling with their group visiting middle school classrooms for fun activities. They did a variety of activities including: musical chairs, Disney trivia, card games and Scattergories. They ended the day with an all school pep-fest. It was a great way to end Catholic Schools Week!

Mission Statement St. Stephen’s Catholic School is a caring Christian community that nourishes spiritual development and academic excellence.

Philosophy St. Stephen’s Catholic School integrates faith with academics to prepare students to make solid Christian choices. It is an accredited, private school, comprised of pre-school, elementary, and middle school levels. Faith: As a vital part of the parish community, we educate students in a Catholic atmosphere enriched by the Gospel messages of peace and justice. The spiritual development of students is the primary goal. The school recognizes that a person's faith is formed by living out that faith in community through prayer, worship, service and study; and grounded in our Catholic tradition.

Project Gratitude

Mrs. Susie Toenjes, Fourth Grade Teacher

Students in preschool through grade eight participated in the "Project Gratitude" letter writing campaign as a service project during National Catholic Schools Week. Operation Gratitude’s goal is to show support for our military. Students might have drawn a colorful picture or written a personal letter of thanks. Their hero letters will go to deployed troops, wounded warriors, veterans and new recruits. Operation Gratitude sends 100,000+ care packages each year to deployed troops, veterans, new recruits, and wounded warriors. Of all the items included in these packages, the most cherished are the personal letters of appreciation. St. Stephen's students were proud to be a part of this service project.

Academics: In partnership with their family, each student is encouraged and directed to reach his or her potential. Our academic program emphasizes mastery of the basics, academic excellence, and a variety of extracurricular activities. The school prepares students to be fully equipped for their next level of academic achievement. Community: The school seeks to provide a safe and trusting learning environment where each student is valued and challenged to grow spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically.

www.ststephenschool.org 5

Pastoral Care

Please Pray for...

Understanding the Annulment Process Thursday, February 25, 7:00 p.m. at the Church of the Epiphany Recently there has been a lot of discussion about how the Annulment process works. Pope Francis instituted several changes on December 8, 2015 which coincides within this Year of Mercy. On February 25, Fr. Michael Johnson will provide an overview of the new process for anyone wanting to better understand how this process works. This information night is not geared just for those in need of considering an Annulment for themselves, but maybe you have a friend or family member that might be thinking about starting an Annulment. Many times Catholics are confronted about the need for an Annulment and have a difficult time explaining to friends the how and why it is needed. By joining us for the evening, we hope to make it a little clearer as to the process and clear up stories that have developed over the years. A question and answer time will follow the presentation as well as individual time with ministers from the church. All are welcome to attend. There is no charge and hospitality will be provided.

With Sympathy The prayers and sympathy of the parish are offered to the family and friends of Verleitta Houser and Lester Loges. www.ststephenchurch.org/service/pastoral_care 6

Susie Abbott Michael Abbott Lynn Aker Jo Alexander Marie Amberg Rosie Ancheta Casanova Antonia Geoff Arseneau Donna Bajtosh Rose Bartholomew Pat Bednarczyk Bruce Berg Matt Berg Sue Berg Harlen Beyer Judy Biermaier Anne Blue Jeffery Blue Wayne Blue James Boyce Marjorie Bragelman Don Breyen Julie Bright Kenneth Bright Sheila Brisbin Jerry Brletich Phil Brunt Deborah Burkhardt-Cotter Harold Burkhardt Jr. Theresa Burns Erma Butler Dorothy Carver Judy Chouinard Shane Cotter Jr. Linda Czech Bernice Davich Phyllis Day Aeryn DeKrey Samantha Rose DeLapp Rosemary Donnette Barb Dryden Jami Ducharme Richard Duclos Roslyn Duclos Jeff Eickhoff Pam Eklund Rachel Aykens Elliot Sr. Catherine Fiegen Liam Fields Theresa Filkins Richard Fillmore Ron Flor Jeff Fox Paul Gammelgaard John Gobernatz Sherry Goldenstein Mila Gonser-McGill Chris Gorres Lynn Gravett Cullen Groff Gloria Guimont Natalie Guimont Guthrie Family Don Haller Greg Harm Cody Harmon Sandra Hartmann Khloe Hartnett Mary Heie J.C. and E.L.P. Hernandez Jane Herr Richard Hoelscher Harriett Holseth

Marie Doris Hovind Tatiana Huele Katy James James Januschka Kathryn Jost Tammie Kaslow Janice Katnis Kate Kempston Justin Ketz Bill Keyes Jeremy Kletzin Tom Kobelinski Melissa Koscisko Jeanette Lashinski Edward LaTuff Michael Lehn Patti LeTourneau Vernon Lieser Joelle Lilly Ellie Linn Dolores Martinson Shirley Masters Ed Melnarik Elissa Merritt Janelle Merritt Eileen Mevissen John Mevissen Madisyn Mevissen Jane Meyers Duane Michaelis Bruce Novak Jerry Odash Kerry Offerdahl Mary Olson William Olson Lucille Patchen Barb Petschl Bernadine Phillips Gavin Pierson Philip and Marge Pinewski Bella Radbaugh Russ Radloff Rick and Leanne Rajtar Linda Renstrom Barbara Rivard Jeff Roller Gary Rose Arnold Rudenick Lynn Schaust Matt Schaust Dean Schenk Tom Schinn Eileen Scott Jack and Millie Sigfrid Steve Sigfrid Carter Simonson Roman Skowron Molly Spang Helen Stege Kathy Steinke Zoeann Stephens Hope Stewart Chad Swanson Jeni Thomas John and Janet Tracy Leo Vanyo Janet Vittitow Jeanna Wanczykiv Steve Waterman Kathy Wojcehowicz Isaac Yarmon Alice Zappa Dennis Zinda


Stewardship Reflection “I am the Lord who brought you from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land as a possession.” (Genesis15:7) Just as the Lord gave Abraham, Moses and the Israelites a land to possess, He has also given each of us a home. Whether our home is grand or humble, it is a gift from God. Abraham prepared a great sacrifice to the Lord in gratitude for the home God gave him. How do we show our gratitude to God for the home He has given us? Do we make a sacrifice of any kind? Do we return any of our finances to God, investing equally in our eternal home just as we invest in our earthly home?

Calendar of Events Monday, February 22 Church Cleaners: Church/Chapel/FCC 6, 8:30 a.m. Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 5:30 p.m. Formation Commission: FCC 9, 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, February 23 Grades 1-8 Faith Formation: FCC, 6:15 p.m.

Wednesday, February 24 WHO Group: Archbishop Romero Room, 8:30 a.m. Grades 1-8 Faith Formation: FCC/School, 6:15 p.m. Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Chapel, 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 25 Thursday Men’s Group: The Refuge, 6:45 a.m. Bible Study: FCC 4, 7:00 p.m.

Friday, February 26 Fish Dinner: FCC 1-9, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross: Church, 7:00 pm.

Saturday, February 27

Knights of Columbus Membership If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving our parish, and growing in faith, then please consider joining the Anoka Knights of Columbus serving St. Stephen’s Parish. Whether you are new to the Knights of Columbus or considering transferring or reactivating your membership, we’d love to have you! For more information contact Membership Director, Al Kempf at 763-421-0116.

Stephens’ Readers Book Club Join us March 14 at 1:00 p.m. in the Archbishop Romero Room to discuss After You by Jojo Moyes (A sequel to Me Before You). How do you move on after losing the person you loved? How do you build a life worth living? Louisa Clark is no longer just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. After the transformative six months spent with Will Traynor, she is struggling without him. She learns to fall in love again, with all the risks that brings. But here Jojo Moyes gives us two families, as real as our own, whose joys and sorrows will touch you deeply, and where both changes and surprises await. New participants are always welcome. For questions or comments or to be included in future book club alerts/notices, email [email protected] and indicate “BOOK CLUB” in the subject line.

Pew Kneelers Undergoing Repair Work The WHO (We Help Others) Group will be repairing kneelers in the coming months. The affected areas will be clearly marked. Thank you for your patience with this ongoing project

Hispanic Ministry Family Retreat: FCC 1-10, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Chapel, 3:30 p.m.

Sunday, February 28 Sunday Sunday: School Classrooms, 10:30 a.m. H.S. Faith Formation/Confirmation: Gym, 4:15 and 7:15 p.m. Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 7:00 p.m. Intercessory Prayer Group: Bride’s Room, 7:00 p.m.

Aluminum Can Recycling Benefits Our Parish If you have aluminum cans to recycle, please drop them off at the recycling trailer located in the west parking lot of the Anoka KC Hall at 2421 Fourth Avenue. That is only a few blocks down the road - you could swing by on your way home from church. The extra effort is appreciated as the recycling proceeds benefit our parish charity needs. Thank you to the Anoka Knights of Columbus Council 2018, especially Al Kempf, for coordinating this ongoing project. And, thank you to all of you for donating your cans! 7

Ministerio Hispano

Anuncios en Español

Los Servicios Católicos No es demasiado tarde-si no has dado tu donación para apoyar a los 17 ministerios de La Arquidiócesis, puedes dejarla en la canasta de la colecta o mandarla por correo, en el sobre incluido, al centro de CSAR. Cada donación es importante, entonces por favor, contempla en oración lo que debería ser tu donación. Gracias por tu apoyo a Los Servicios Católicos.

Una Reflexión Para El Segundo Domingo de La Cuaresma "Pedro y sus compañeros tenían sueño, pero despertándose bien, vieron su Gloria. El Evangelio de hoy graba los eventos que nosotros llamamos La Transfiguración del Señor. En este momento milagroso, la naturaleza divina de Jesús fue revelado claramente a Pedro, Santiago y Juan. Muchas veces pensamos solamente en términos de los que pasó con Jesús-su cara cambió y su ropa lucia color blanco y El empezó una conversación sobrenatural con dos profetas antiguas. Pero eso solamente era la mitad de la historia. La otra parte es lo que les pasó a los hombres. Ellos pudieron ser testigos de esta revelación de Jesús solamente porque estaban completamente despiertos. Si se hubieran quedado dormidos, no hubieran presenciado esto. No hubieran tenido esta visión asombrosa de la gloria de su amigo y Maestro. Es un punto obvio pero necesitamos poner más atención a eso. Claro que tenemos que estar “despiertos” para poder absorber la plenitud de nuestra fe. Si no estamos poniendo atención, no estamos esforzándonos, vamos a perder algo. Pero la verdad es que no nos damos cuenta cuando nos estamos durmiendo. Igual que Pedro, Santiago y Juan, con tanto sueno, nosotros también podemos estar así, sin darnos cuenta lo que está pasando. Hablando espiritualmente, podemos ponernos perezosos o adormecidos, alejándonos despacio del fervor de la fe autentica. Durante estas semanas, tratamos de purificarnos, atacando los pecados y el egoísmo. Es el momento de enfocarnos de nuevo, de limpiar las telarañas y de despertarnos completamente. Al fin de cuentas, oramos que este esfuerzo nos permita ver su gloria, verdaderamente, en La Pascua.

Las Oportunidades Entre Semana En La Iglesia Hay muchas oportunidades para la oración en San Esteban. Tenemos el rosario cada mañana a las 7:15 a.m. La misa se celebra a las 8:00 a.m., de lunes a sábado en la Iglesia durante la Cuaresma. El Viacrucis se realiza los viernes durante la Cuaresma, a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia. De lunes a sábado, tenemos La Coronilla de La Divina Misericordia y La Liturgia de las Horas en la Capilla, o en el Refugio, después de la misa de las 8:00 a.m. 8

Bienvenidos MISA DOMINICAL En Español todos los Domingos a las 12:30 p.m. Horario de Oficinas en Español: con el Diácono: Domingo y Martes de 10:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes: de 1:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábados: de 11:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Tel. 763-712-7482 Fax. 763-421-4230 Iglesia de San Esteban Oficina Parroquial en Inglés: Tel. 763-421-2471 Párroco Padre Jack Long Pastor Asociado Padre Kevin Manthey Tel. 763-712-7421 Diácono Ramón García Tel. 763-712-7482 Preparación Matrimonial Llamar seis meses antes de la fecha deseada Información para la preparación Sacramental: Bautismos, Primera Comunión, Reconciliación, Confirmación Matrimonios y celebraciones para Quinceañera

Lecturas de La Semana Lunes: 1 Pe 5, 1-4/Sal 23, 1-6/Mt 16, 13-19 Martes: Is 1, 10. 16-20/Sal 50, 8-9. 16-17. 21. 23/Mt 23, 1-12 Miércoles: Jr 18, 18-20/Sal 31, 5-6. 14-16/Mt 20, 17-28 Jueves: Jr 17, 5-10/Sal 1, 1-4. 6/Lc 16, 19-31 Viernes: Gn 37, 3-4. 12-13. 17-28/Sal 105, 1621/Mt 21, 33-43. 45-46 Sábado: Miq 7, 14-15. 18-20/Sal 103, 1-4. 9-12/Lc 15, 1-3. 11-32 El Próximo Domingo: Ex 3, 1-8. 13-15/Sal 103, 1-4. 6-8. 11/1 Cor 10, 1-6. 10-12/Lc 13, 1-9 1er Escrutinio: Ex 17, 3-7/Sal 95, 1-2. 6-9/Rom 5, 1-2. 5-8/Jn 4, 5-42 o 4, 5-15. 19-26. 39. 40-42

Ministerio Hispano

Pláticas Bautismales Las pláticas pre-bautismales se toman el primer sábado de cada mes. Llamar a la parroquia para llenar la registración para confirmar la fecha de su asistencia para la plática del bautismo. 1. La celebración del Bautizo son los domingos dentro de la misa de las 12:30 pm, o el tercer o cuarto sábado del mes a las 10:30 am. 2. En la Iglesia de St. Stephen no hay cuota para el sacramento del bautismo. 3. Las pláticas las tomarán papás y padrinos. Se recomienda que si los padres no están casados por la Iglesia Católica al menos los Padrinos si lo estén, o ser totalmente solteros, sin estar conviviendo con ninguna otra persona. Los padrinos tienen que ser católicos.

Anuncios en Español

El Sacramento de La Reconciliación El sacramento de la Reconciliación es uno de los tesoros más grandes de nuestra fe católica, porque es por medio de la confesión que experimentamos la sanación y la misericordia de nuestro Señor, por todos nuestros pecados. Es por esta razón que la Iglesia pide a todos los católicos que nos confesemos por lo menos una vez al año, y nos invita a frecuentar el sacramento aún más. Las confesiones en español: miércoles, 24 de febrero, 7:00 p.m. sábado, 27 de febrero, 3:30-4:30 p.m. miércoles, 2 de marzo, 7:00 p.m. miércoles, 9 de marzo, 7:00 p.m. sábado, 12 de marzo, 3:30-4:30 p.m. sábado, 19 de marzo, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Un Trabajo en San Esteban La Iglesia de San Esteban está aceptando aplicaciones para la Posición de “Worship Associate” para la liturgia. Es una posicion de medio tiempo. Los candidatos tienen que ser catolicos practicantes, con familiaridad con la liturgia catolica y los principios litúrgicos. También requiere tener experiencia trabajando con personas, organizando trabajos con ellos, y hay que tener habilidades con las computadoras. Hay formularios de aplicaciones en la oficina parroquial. Favor de mandar las aplicaciones y los ciriculum vitae atención: Jay Gish, Parish Administrator.

Los Servicios de Alivio

4. Las pláticas bautismales son los sábados (llamar para las fechas exactas del mes), de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm. en el salón Romero.

Una parte importante de la Cuaresma en nuestra parroquia es la participacion en CRS (Los Servicios Catolicos de Alivio), con el programa de Los Tazones de Arroz. Favor de ayudar a apoyar nuestra misión mundial en esta Cuaresma.

Llamar para registrarse al: Diácono Ramon Garcia: Tel 763-712-7482.

Esta semana, CRS nos lleva a Laos, donde Hongkham utiliza su amor de cocinar para proveer por su familia, y dar de comer a una escuela entera. ¿Cómo es que nosotros utilizamos nuestras pasiones y nuestros dones para mejorar a los que nos rodean? Visita a crsricebowl.org para más información.

Fechas Próximas Para Las Pláticas Bautismales: llamar a la oficina. Fechas Próximas Para La Celebración de los Bautismos (los sábados): llamar a la oficina.

La Adoración Al Santísimo, el 4 de Marzo Todos están bienvenidos a la Adoración al Santísimo el viernes, 4 de marzo, a las 7:00 p.m. El primer viernes de cada mes, adoramos a Jesús Sacramentado, en la Capilla de La Iglesia. Hay oracion, lecturas, reflexión y música. Te esperamos. Pero más importante, Jesús te espera. Ven y trae a tus amigos y familiares para pasar una hora con nuestro Señor. 9

Ministerio Hispano

Anuncios en Español

Jóvenes de High School: “La Fe en Las Películas” Vengan con nosotros el miércoles, 24 de febrero, a las 6:30 para una película, con palomitas, soda y bocadillos. Vamos a mirar la película Spiderman, el original. Estas invitado, para ver la película buena, estar con los amigos, comer, y encontrar una conexión entre la película que tal vez nunca habías anticipado. Contactar a Troy Bauer at 763-712-7456 o [email protected].

Fiesta: Last Friday Night Quien: Los estudiantes in grados 9-12 Que: 4-Corner, Capture the Flag, juegos de Wii, de mesa, de barajas; también habrá kickball. Vengan para comida, música y diversión. Cuando: El 26 de febrero, 8-10:00 p.m. Donde: The Refuge Preguntas, contactar a Troy at 763-712-7456, [email protected].

Entendiendo El Proceso de La Declaración de Anulo Jueves, 25 de febrero, a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia Epiphany Recientemente ha habido mucha discusión de como es el proceso de La Declaración de Anulo. El Papa Francisco instituyó varios cambios el 8 de diciembre, 2015, coincidiendo con el Año de La Misericordia. El 25 de Febrero, el Padre Michael Johnson va a proveer una sobrevista del nuevo proceso, para los que quisieran entender mejor como es el proceso. Este evento de información no es solamente para los que están considerando un anulo; también para informarse, por parte de un amigo o familiar. Muchas veces los católicos se enfrentan conversaciones del proceso y les hace difícil explicar a los amigos como y porque se necesita esto. Nuestra esperanza es que aclaremos como es el proceso y también los cuentos del proceso que han surgido a lo largo de los años. Habrá un tiempo de hacer preguntas, y habrá tiempo individual con ministros de la Iglesia. Todos están bienvenidos. No hay costo para asistir.

¡Llamando a Todos Los Músicos y Cantantes! Ven a participar con nosotros en el coro. Necesitamos más adultos en nuestro grupo del coro de San Esteban, especialmente voces femeninas. Si Dios te ha dado el talento de música y sabes cantar con buena entonación, ofréceselo a El de nuevo, por medio de la liturgia de la música dentro de la misa. Tenemos ensayos cada domingo y otros dos ensayos al mes. Todos estamos aprendiendo, y hay campo para ti. No importa que no tengas experiencia en otros coros. Si nace dentro de ti usar tu voz o instrumento, hay que responder a este llamado. Todo es para la gloria a Dios. Para más información, llama a Suzanne a 763-712-7464. Te necesitamos. Ven, y júntate con nosotros. 10

Una Reflexión De La Corresponsabilidad 2o. Domingo de Cuaresma “ Yo soy El Señor, que te saqué de Ur de los caldeos, para darte a heredar esta tierra” (Génesis 15:7) Así como el Señor le dio a Abraham, Moisés y los Israelitas la posesión de unas tierras, también nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros un hogar. Sea nuestra casa grande o humilde, es un don de Dios. Abraham preparó un gran sacrificio al Señor en agradecimiento por la casa que Dios le dió. ¿Cómo le podemos mostrar nuestra gratitud a Dios por la casa que nos ha dado? ¿Hacemos algún tipo de sacrificio? ¿Le regresamos algo de nuestras finanzas a Dios, invirtiendo igualmente en nuestra casa eterna, así como invertimos en nuestra casa terrenal?

La Escuela Católica de San Esteban Desde preschool hasta el octavo grado, La Escuela de San Esteban ofrece una educación de alta calidad, llena de fe, para sus hijos. Hay becas disponibles para nuestra comunidad. Vengan a formar parte de nuestra familia de creyentes. Todos son bienvenidos. Favor de llamar a 763-4213236 para más información, en inglés, o con el Diácono Ramon o el Padre Kevin, para informarse en español.

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