Second Collections at Emmaus First Sunday of the Month: Benevolence Fourth Sunday of the month: Parish Life Center

October 9, 2016 MASS DEDICATIONS PARISH SUPPORT Weekly Stewardship Report October 2, 2016..........................................................

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Second Collections at Emmaus First Sunday of the Month: Benevolence Fourth Sunday of the month: Parish Life Center
November 20, 2016 MASS DEDICATIONS PARISH SUPPORT Weekly Stewardship Report November 13, 2016......................................................

A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent
IN THIS ISSUE: A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent, page 2 Triduum Choir Rehearsals to Begin in March, page 3 Baby Shower for WomenSource, page

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 3834 North Spaulding Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60618-4413 (773) 478-1157 (Parish Office) (773) 267-6884 (fax) Web page ad

MARCH 4, 2012—SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS Baptisms are celebrated twice monthly, once in English and once in Spanish. Please see the bu

EASTER The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption. Second Sunday of Easter April 12, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE
Second Sunday of Easter April 12, 2015 MOST REVEREND SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE Archbishop of San Francisco MOST REVEREND WILLIAM J. JUSTICE Administra

Story Transcript

October 9, 2016


PARISH SUPPORT Weekly Stewardship Report

October 2, 2016................................................................... $ 30,940 Fiscal YTD Offertory............................................................ $503,610 Fiscal YTD Offertory [July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016]........ $2,109,362 2016-17 FYTD SEED Gift Card Program:................................. $7,555 PLC Loan Balance:........................................................... $1,234,064 Church Loan Balance:...................................................... $3,989,171 Mortgage payments (principal/interest) on above loans: $46,937/month OCT. 8 5:00pm............In Memory of Carmen Armendariz OCT. 9 8:30am.........................In Memory of Joy Hrobak 10:00am................................For Emmaus Parish 10:30am..................................For Natalie Cesarz 12:15pm...In Memory of Ignacia Arenas Gutierrez 5:00pm.......................................For Jose Cuadra

Second Collections at Emmaus First Sunday of the Month: Benevolence Fourth Sunday of the month: Parish Life Center

OCT. 10 8:30am.........................In Memory of Joy Hrobak OCT. 11 8:30am..................... For Safety of all Bus drivers OCT. 12 5:30pm............................................For Al Gremp OCT. 13 8:30am........................In Memory of Blas Aguero 9:30am..................In Memory of Benny G. Rivera OCT. 14 8:30am................. In Memory of Thomas Shrader To request a special mass intention for Emmaus Catholic Parish or Queen of Angels Chapel, contact the parish office, (512) 261-8500.

WEEKLY REFLECTION October 9, 2016 The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?” Luke 17:18 Most of us live “easy” lives. We have food, shelter and clothing. We go on vacation every year and own a car or two. Most of us take this all for granted. Did you ever notice that people with the least amount of possessions are usually the most grateful? Shouldn’t this be the other way around? Take time every day and thank God for all He has given you.

Featuring the Czechaholics band. Beer Stein & Costume Contest! Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Contact a Knight for tickets.

You and your car are needed! Sign-up to bring your car and candy to Emmaus’ Annual

Truck’n’Treat! Visit the parish website: Wednesday, October 26 6:30-8:30 PM

Twenty - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

WEEKLY CALENDAR All items on the calendar are scheduled at Emmaus Catholic Parish with the exception of those marked as Queen of Angels. PLEASE NOTE: Changes may have occur! Please refer to the Parish Website for the most current calendar listings. SUNDAY, October 9 - Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time OCTOBER Respect Life Month Narthex 9:00 AM Biblical Walk thru Mass with Fr. Samuel Multi B/C 1:30 PM Reconciliation Workshop in Spanish Great Hall, 201, 202 1:30 PM Spanish Prayer Group Fruit Cup Sale Front of Church 3:00 PM Blessing of Pets Labyrinth 4:00 PM Annual Dinner Club Mixer Great Hall MONDAY, October 10 - Columbus Day (observed) 8:00 AM Jazzercise Early Session 9:00 AM Jazzercise 9:30 AM 1st Corinthians Study 9:30 AM Divine Mercy Study 10:00 AM Bright Horizons 12:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous 4:00 PM Ladies of Charity 5:15 PM Jazzercise 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM CRHP Men’s Team 7:00 PM Catholicism Study

Café & Youth Space Café & Youth Space QOA Multi B/C Great Hall Pastoral B1 Multi B/C Café & Youth Space Great Hall Pastoral B1 Rm 203

TUESDAY, October 11 8:15 AM Jazzercise Strength Training 9:00 AM Jazzercise 9:30 AM Revelation II Study 12:00 PM Al-Anon 5:15 PM Jazzercise 6:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 6:30 PM Rebuilding: Life After Crisis 7:00 PM CRHP Women’s #29 Formation 7:30 PM Legion of Mary

Café & Youth Space Café & Youth Space Multi B/C Pastoral B1,B3,B4 Café & Youth Space QOA Multi B Pastoral B1 Rm 206

WEDNESDAY, October 12 - Columbus Day 8:00 AM Jazzercise Early Session 9:00 AM Jazzercise 9:30 AM The One Thing is Three 9:30 AM Pastoral & Liturgical Staff Meeting 12:00 AM Staff Meeting 3:30 PM Biblical Walk thru Mass 5:00 PM Liturgy of the Hours Evening Prayer 7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM English as a Second Language 7:00 PM RCIA, English and Spanish

Café & Youth Space Café & Youth Space Multi B Rm 204 Café Multi B/C Church Pastoral B1 QOA Chapel Rm 202-206 Narthex

THURSDAY, October 13 8:00 AM Men’s Scripture Study 8:15 AM Jazzercise Strength Training 9:00 AM Jazzercise 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Game Day 10:00 AM Parenting Class by United Way 10:15 AM Overeaters Anonymous 12:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15 PM Jazzercise 7:00 PM EPIC Study 7:30 PM Grupo de Oracion

QOA Chapel Café & Youth Space Café & Youth Space Multi B/C QOA Chapel Rm 201 Rm 205 Pastoral B1 Café & Youth Space Multi B/C Café & Youth Space

FRIDAY, October 14 - St. Callistus I 5:45 AM Men of Emmaus Great Hall 8:00 AM Jazzercise Early Friday Café & Youth Space 9:00 AM Jazzercise Café & Youth Space 9:00 AM Bright Horizons Advisory Board Multi B 12:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Pastoral B1 4:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal: Fite & Rodriguez Church 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal: Heard & Harlan QOA 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal: Swearman & Nesvold Church 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal Dinner: Swearman & Nesvold Porch SATURDAY, October 15 - St. Teresa of Jesus 8:30 AM Jazzercise Café & Youth Space 8:30 AM Rosary Ministry Multi C 9:30 AM CARE Communities Training Rm 203 10:00 AM Memorial Mass: Gramann Church 12:00 PM Wedding Reception: Swearman & Nesvold Great Hall 2:00 PM Wedding: Swearman & Nesvold Church 4:00 PM Wedding: Heard & Harlan QOA 7:00 PM Wedding Convalidation: Fite & Rodriguez Church

October 9, 2016

HAPPENINGS AT EMMAUS DINNER CLUB MIXER: SUNDAY, Oct. 9, 4:00 to 6:00 PM in the Great Hall. The Emmaus Dinner Club is open to all adult parishioners. You are invited to the annual Appetizer & Cocktail Mixer to learn more about the Dinner Club. Please bring an appetizer to share and a beverage of your choice. You need not be present at the Mixer to join the Dinner Club, but we do look forward to meeting you! • • • Pets Blessing: 3pm on Sunday, October 9th in the Labyrinth by the Parish Office. Fr. Samuel will bless all parish pets. Please bring your pets appropriately restrained but happy. Reptiles welcomed also! • • • ANNUAL PRO-LIFE PRAYER GATHERING: Emmaus Catholic Parish will participate in the fall campaign of the annual pro-life prayer gathering at a local abortion facility. We are asking volunteers to sign up between 7 AM and 4 PM on Saturday, Oct. 15. For further details, contact Lee Malkowski, [email protected]. Volunteer sign-up is also available on the website: Life • • • Men’s Retreat at Emmaus: Men of the parish are invited to join us for a CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH weekend of spiritual renewal, fellowship, and fun. This retreat will be held November 12 & 13 at Emmaus, and is perfect for men who are looking for time to relax, pray, and rethink priorities. Let the Spirit move you! Register online at

Name Badges are here! If you registered with Emmaus in August or September or ordered a name badge, they are ready to be picked up. They can be found on the window ledge to the right of the main entrance of the church. • • • Do you love your Emmaus community? Become a Welcome & Registration table host! Whether you have been here a long time or a short time you are perfect for this ministry of welcoming those that are new to our parish! These events are held only seven Sundays during the year (our next one is Nov. 13). If you would like more information or to sign-up, please contact Gretchen at [email protected].

SOCIAL OUTREACH Don’t forget your Baby Bank! Remember those families that need help during or after an unplanned pregnancy. Your donation will help pro-life efforts in our parish and throughout the diocese. The Gabriel Project will receive funds from this campaign. For more information or to volunteer please contact Lee Malkowski atcontact info: (601-927-8818 or ljm8459@gmail. com) or Sr. Elizabeth in Parish Office at 512-261-8500.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? For adults interested in learning more about becoming Catholic through RCIA, visit the parish website or call the parish office. NEW TO THE PARISH? Email [email protected] or call the parish office to register to attend a Welcome & Registration Event. Next Welcome Event is Sunday, Aug. 21 at 9:45am in Great Hall. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION - To learn more about Sacramental preparation for Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, or Marriage, visit the parish website or call the parish office. THE ROSARY is prayed at 9:00 AM, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at Emmaus, 8:30 AM on Wednesdays at Emmaus, 4:20 PM on Saturdays at Emmaus, and at 9:15 AM on Sundays at Queen of Angels. THE ADORATION CHAPEL is open 24 hours / 7 Days a week. You may visit at any time. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed from 5 AM to 10 PM. To sign up for available hours, visit New Adorers are most welcome. PARISH OFFICE: (512) 261-8500; Monday-Friday, 9 AM-4 PM; Sunday, 8 AM-12 noon NURSERY: The Nursery is available at Emmaus for the Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 12:15 PM Masses, except on holiday weekends. The nursery may be available for other designated parish events if advertised and a minimum number of children are registered. For such designated events, you must specifically request childcare by calling the parish office at least 72 hours in advance. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Fridays (10 days in advance), 12 noon, [email protected] MASS ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thursdays, 12 noon, communications@ LOST AND FOUND at Emmaus is located on the ledge at the left hand side of the narthex (near the SEED table). Any valuable items are taken to

the parish office. ASSISTIVE LISTENING DEVICES are available for your use during mass. Pick one up in the sacristy. ALTAR FLOWERS/MASS DEDICATIONS: To order altar flowers or to dedicate Masses at Emmaus or Queen of Angels, please call the parish office. To request more than one Mass Intention, please stop by the office in person. OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES: If you know someone who is struggling and could use our support, or would like to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the parish office. A complete listing of Social Outreach offerings is available on the website. EMMAUS’ RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY is committed to the preservation of human life and the human spirit through education on Respect Life issues and programs. As part of Respect Life, the Gabriel Project assists with Crisis Pregnancies, and Project Rachel provides hope and healing after abortion. Further information is available on the website or by contacting the parish office. TO MEET WITH A PRIEST, to request Anointing or a visit for an ill loved one, or to arrange a blessing of a pregnancy or your home, please call the parish office. TO REQUEST EUCHARIST for the facility- or homebound, please call the parish office. We ask that you allow 48 hours for arrangements to be made. HEALTHCARE VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATES CLINIC: (512) 263-0265 LADIES OF CHARITY: (512) 791-5750 LAKE TRAVIS CRISIS MINISTRIES: (512) 266-9810 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: (512) 576-1744 PREGNANT? Need Help? Gabriel Project: 1-877-932-2732

Twenty - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

EN ESPAÑOL Para noticias en español, por favor recoja un boletín de La Voz de Emaús noticias disponible en los revisteros al lado de la sacristía en la iglesia. 9 de octubre de 2016 - 28 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ¿”Nadie más que este extranjero ha regresado para dar gracias a Dios?” Lucas 17:18 La mayoría de nosotros vivimos vidas “fáciles”. Tenemos comida, refugio y ropa. Nos vamos de vacaciones todos los años y somos dueños de uno o dos autos. La mayoría de nosotros damos todo esto por hecho. ¿Has notado que las personas con la menor cantidad de posesiones son generalmente las más agradecidas? ¿No debería ser al revés? Tómate tiempo cada día y agradece a Dios por todo lo que te ha dado. • • • Conferencia de la Renovacion: Catolica Carismatica: Familias llamadas a vivir la Misericordia de Dios, Octubre 22 y 23, 2016. Sabado de 9 a.m.6:00 p.m. Entrada inicia a las 8:30 a.m. Domingo de 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Round Rock Sports Center 2400 Chisolm Trail, Round Rock, TX. Informacion: 512-716-5824 • • • El Grupo de Oración de Emaús es un grupo de oración carismática que se reúne cada jueves por la noche en el “Youth Space” (Espacio de Jóvenes). Están todos muy cordialmente invitados a venir a disfrutar, y compartir en alabanza, oración y reflexión espiritual. Los esperamos este jueves a las 7:30 de la noche. • • • Las Preguntas Más Frecuentes De la Parroquia de Emaús ¿INTERESADO EN SER CATÓLICO? Para los adultos interesados en aprender más acerca de convertirse Católico a través de RICA, visite el sitio web de la parroquia o llame a la oficina parroquial. ¿NUEVO A LA PARROQUIA? Escriba a [email protected] o llame a la oficina parroquial para registrarse para asistir a un evento de Bienvenida y Registro. PREPARACIÓN PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS: Para obtener más información acerca de la preparación sacramental para el Bautismo, la Reconciliación, la Eucaristía (Comunión), la Confirmación, o Matrimonio, visite el sitio web de la parroquia o llame a la oficina parroquial. ROSARIO (en inglés) se reza a las 9 AM, de lunes a viernes en Emaús, a las 4:20 PM los sábados en Emaús, y a las 9:15 AM los domingos la capilla Reina de los Ángeles. LA ADORACION CHAPEL esta disponible a la 24 horas. Para anotarse para las horas disponibles visite OFICINA PARROQUIAL: (512) 261-8500; Lunes-Viernes, 9 AM-4 PM; Domingo, 8 AM a 12 del mediodía GUARDERÍA (CUIDADO DE NIÑOS): La Guardería está disponible en Emaús para las Misas de Domingo 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM y 24:15. La guardería puede estar disponible para otros eventos particulares si esta anunciado, y un número mínimo de niños están registrados. Para estos tipos de eventos particulares, usted debe solicitar específicamente el cuidado de su niño(s) llamando a la oficina de la parroquia al menos 72 horas de anticipación. FECHA TOPE PARA BOLETÍN: viernes, a las 12 del mediodía, escriba a [email protected]. ANUNCIOS: jueves, a las 12 del mediodía, escriba a communications@ OBJETOS PERDIDOS (Lost & Found) en Emaús se encuentran en la cornisa en el lado izquierdo del nártex (cerca de la mesa donde se venden las tarjetas de regalos). Los objetos de valor se llevan a la oficina

parroquial. DISPOSITIVOS DE AYUDA AUDITIVA están disponibles para su uso durante la misa. Coja uno en la sacristía. FLORES PARA EL ALTAR/DEDICACIONES EN LA MISA: Para pedir flores para el altar o para dedicar Misas en Emaús o la capilla Reina de los Ángeles, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. OPORTUNIDADES DE AYUDA: Si conoces a alguien que está batallando y necesita nuestro apoyo, o le gustaría recibir la Santa Comunión en su casa, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. Una lista completa de recursos sociales está disponible en el sitio web. EL MINISTERIO RESPETO A LA VIDA de Emaús está comprometido a la preservación de la vida humana y el espíritu humano a través de la educación sobre temas y programas de Respeto a la Vida. Como parte de Respeto a la Vida, el Proyecto Gabriel asiste con embarazos en crisis, y el Proyecto Rachel ofrece esperanza y sanación después del aborto. Más información está disponible en la página web o comunicándose con la oficina de la iglesia. PARA HABLAR CON UN SACERDOTE, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. PARA SOLICITAR LA EUCARISTÍA para una hospitalaria o para personas que se encuentran confinadas en su casa, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. Le pedimos que espere 48 horas para que se hagan los arreglos. NOTICIAS DE ÚLTIMA HORA EN ESPAÑOL DE EMAÚS ¿Sabía usted que puede ver la página web de Emaús en español? Visite emmausparish. org. En la parte inferior de cada página hay un enlace para ver la página en español. ¿EMBARAZADA? ¿Necesitas ayuda? Proyecto Gabriel: 1-877-932-2732

WELCOMING OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED Edgar Omar Garcia Fajardo Zacarias Manuel Krasuk

PRAYER REQUESTS Lauryn Hernandez, Rafael Ochoa, The Hernandez Family, Laurel Suchyta, Caroline Grabenbauer, Pamela La Vinka, Robert Avila, Lorenzo Arvizo, Felipe Flores, Lloyd Patrick Family, Colin White, Jenny & John Capps

ACROSS THE DIOCESE World Mission Sunday Mass and Dinner: This year marks the 90th anniversary of World Mission Sunday. To celebrate, the Mission Office of the Diocese of Austin and St. Mary Cathedral Parish in Austin will host a Mass and dinner on Oct. 22. Everyone is invited to gather at the Lord’s table in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world to celebrate our common vocation as missionaries. The evening will begin with the sacrament of reconciliation at 4 p.m., the World Mission rosary will be prayed at 5 p.m., and Mass will begin at 5:30 p.m. The evening will conclude with a complimentary dinner and presentations by Brother of St. John Father Jesus Rodriguez and Paulist Father Father Bruce Nieli. Seating is limited for the dinner, so reserve a spot today at or by contacting Christina Krueger at (512) 949-2407 or [email protected].

October 9, 2016

Thank you to all of the parishioners

that helped to make Fr. Samuel’s Anniversary Celebration so very wonderful! We thank those that helped with the Mass, brought food to the party, helped to set-up, those that worked in the kitchen all evening and those that stayed to the end to clean-up. Your contributions are greatly appreciated by the Emmaus staff and especially by Fr. Samuel: “I remain very moved by the dedication that so many poured into it, May God bless you.”

Priests that concelebrated with Fr. Samuel: Fr. Jim, Fr. Javier, Fr. Luis Alberto, Msgr. Holtman, Fr. Tim and Fr. Harry. Altar server is Ben Shrader. Thank you!

Thank You to these businesses that donated to Fr. Samuel’s Party: Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Homes Santa Catarina Restaurant Saigon Café Randall’s Grocery Los Pinos Restaurant

~A Special Thanks to the Planning Committee~ For their amazing ideas, party wisdom and all their hard work ahead of time: Maria Soo, Linda Rives, Mary Murphy, and Peggy Moraczewski

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