BARRAS DE CEREALES EN FRANCIA INFORMACIÓN DE MERCADO Sección Económica y Comercial Embajada Argentina en Francia 6 rue Cimarosa – 75116 Paris Tel: (3

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Sección Económica y Comercial Embajada Argentina en Francia 6 rue Cimarosa – 75116 Paris Tel: (33 1) 44 05 27 03 – Fax: (33 1) 45 05 12 95 Email: [email protected]

Diciembre de 2013

Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia



Posición arancelaria y derechos de aduana P.A.

Descripción PREPARACIONES A BASE DE CEREALES, HARINA, ALMIDÓN, FÉCULA O LECHE; PRODUCTOS DE PASTELERÍA Productos a base de cereales obtenidos por inflado o tostado (por ejemplo: hojuelas o copos de maíz); cereales (excepto el maíz) en grano o en forma de copos u otro grano trabajado (excepto la harina, grañones y sémola), precocidos o preparados de otro modo, no expresados ni comprendidos en otra parte - Productos a base de cereales obtenidos por inflado o tostado - - A base de maíz - - A base de arroz - - Los demás - Preparaciones alimenticias obtenidas con copos de cereales sin tostar o con mezclas de copos de cereales sin tostar y copos de cereales tostados o cereales inflados - - Preparaciones a base de copos de cereales, sin tostar, del tipo Müsli - - Las demás - - - A base de maíz - - - A base de arroz - - - Los demás

19 1904

1904 10 1904 10 10 1904 10 30 1904 10 90 1904 20

1904 20 10 1904 20 91 1904 20 91 1904 20 95 1904 20 99

Terceros Países

3,8% + 20€/100 kg 5,1% + 46€/100 kg 5,1% + 33,6€/100 kg

9% 3,8% + 20€/100 kg 5,1% + 46€/100 kg 5,1% + 33,6€/100 kg

*SPG: Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias. Argentina beneficia de este sistema.

2. Otros impuestos IVA: 5,5%

3. Otros requisitos a. Control de los contaminantes en los productos alimenticios Con el fin de garantizar un elevado nivel de protección de los consumidores, las importaciones en la Unión Europea (UE) de los productos alimenticios deben cumplir con la legislación de la UE destinada a garantizar que los alimentos puestos en el mercado son seguros para comer y no contienen contaminantes a niveles que podrían poner en peligro la salud humana. Los contaminantes pueden estar presentes en los alimentos (incluyendo frutas y verduras, carne, pescado, cereales, especias, productos lácteos, etc.), como resultado de las diferentes etapas de su producción, envasado, transporte o almacenamiento o también como consecuencia de una contaminación ambiental. El Reglamento (CEE) N° 315/93 del 8 de febrero de 1993 del Consejo por el que se establecen procedimientos comunitarios para contaminantes en los productos alimenticios (DO L-37 13/02/1993) (CELEX 31993R0315), regula la presencia de estos contaminantes en los productos alimenticios en la Unión Europea: • los alimentos que contienen un contaminante en una cantidad inaceptable desde el punto de vista de la salud pública y, en particular, a nivel toxicológico, no se podrán poner en el mercado de la UE y serán rechazados, • los niveles máximos podrán establecerse para ciertos contaminantes con el fin de proteger a la salud pública, • el Reglamento (CE) N° 1881/2006 del 19 de diciembre 2006 de la Comisión fija el contenido máximo de determinados contaminantes en los productos alimenticios (DO L-364 20/12/2006) (CELEX 32006R1881) y establece los niveles máximos de determinados contaminantes en los alimentos que se colocan en el mercado de la UE. Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


Los productos alimenticios mencionados en las diversas partes del anexo no deben tener, cuando ingresan en el mercado, un contenido de contaminantes superior al indicado en este tipo de secciones: • Sección 1 - fija los límites de nitratos en los alimentos, la lechuga, la espinaca y leche. • Sección 2 - establece límites para diversas micotoxinas en, por ejemplo, maníes, nueces, frutas secas (incluidas las pasas de uva) y productos derivados, cereales y productos de cereales, leche y los alimentos infantiles, fórmulas para niños, alimentos dietéticos destinados a los niños, especias, jugos de frutas, productos de café, vino, bebidas espirituosas, sidra, productos de la manzana, alimentos a base de cereales para los alimentos infantiles y niños de corta edad y alimentos infantiles. • Sección 3 - establece límites para los diferentes metales pesados en, por ejemplo, leche, carne, pescado, cereales, verduras, frutas y vinos. • Sección 4 - establece límites (para el 3-MCPD) en la proteína vegetal hidrolizada y salsa de soja. • Sección 5 - establece límites para las dioxinas y los PCB similares a las dioxinas en la carne, pescado, leche, huevos, aceites y grasas. • Sección 6 - fija los límites de hidrocarburos aromáticos polinucleares en aceites y grasas, carnes ahumadas, pescado ahumado, pescado, crustáceos y moluscos bivalvos, los alimentos infantiles. Para obtener más detalles sobre la legislación se sugiere consultar el anexo 1 de este informe o visitar la siguiente página Internet: 3v003/eu/main/req_heafocon_eu_010_1010.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr13_03v003/f r/main/req_heafocon_fr_010_1010.htm&reporterLabel2=France&label=Control+of+contaminants+in+foodstuffs&l anguageId=fr&status=PROD

b. Control sanitario de los productos alimenticios de origen no animal La importación a la UE de productos alimenticios de origen no animal debe hacerse en conformidad con condiciones generales y específicas definidas para evitar riesgos para la salud pública y proteger los intereses de los consumidores. Esas leyes regulan las responsabilidades del importador, las condiciones de trazabilidad, de higiene, la presencia de productos contaminantes, el uso de OGM, las condiciones de preparación (uso de aditivos, sabores artificiales, tratamiento), etc. Para obtener más informaciones se sugiere leer el documento adjunto (anexo 2) o visitar la siguiente página Internet: 3v003/eu/main/req_heanahc_eu_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr13_03v003/fr /main/req_heanahc_fr_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Health+control+of+foodstuffs+of+nonanimal+origin&languageId=es&status=PROD

c. Etiquetado de productos alimenticios Todo producto alimenticio comercializado en la Unión Europea tiene que respetar las reglas de etiquetado cuyo objetivo es proveer toda la información necesaria al buen conocimiento del producto por parte del consumidor al momento de comprarlo. La etiqueta tiene que mencionar los siguientes elementos (lista no exhaustiva): • la denominación de venta, • la lista de todos los ingredientes con la mención previa “Ingrédients” en orden decreciente de peso, • la cantidad neta en unidad métrica, • la fecha de vencimiento, • condiciones especiales para conservar o preparar el producto, • nombre y dirección del productor o importador establecido en la UE, • origen del producto. Existen provisiones especiales cuando se trata de los OGM, los aditivos y saborizantes, etcétera Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


Para obtener más informaciones se sugiere leer el documento adjunto (anexo 3) o visitar la página Internet: 3v003/eu/main/req_lblfood_eu_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr13_03v003/fr/ main/req_lblfood_fr_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Labelling+for+foodstuffs&languageId=es&stat us=PROD

d. Trazabilidad, el cumplimiento y la responsabilidad en los alimentos y piensos De acuerdo con la legislación europea de seguridad alimentaria, alimentos y piensos no pueden ser colocados en el mercado en la Unión Europea (UE) si no son seguros. La legislación alimentaria de la UE persigue no sólo un alto nivel de protección de la vida y la salud de los consumidores, sino también la protección de la salud y el bienestar animal, la sanidad vegetal y el medio ambiente. Los operadores de empresas alimentarias y de piensos deberán cumplir con las obligaciones específicas establecidas por el Reglamento (CE) N° 178/2002 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo (DO L 31 de 01/02/2002) (CELEX 32002R0178), que abarca todas las etapas de alimentos / piensos de producción y distribución: • el cumplimiento de la legislación alimentaria, • la trazabilidad, • las responsabilidades. 1. El cumplimiento de la legislación alimentaria La autoridad competente del país exportador debe ofrecer garantías en cuanto al cumplimiento o la equivalencia con los requisitos de la UE. 2. Trazabilidad El Derecho de la UE define la trazabilidad como la capacidad de rastrear y seguir un alimento, pienso, animal productor de alimento o sustancia que se utiliza para el consumo, a través de todas las etapas de producción, transformación y distribución. El ámbito de aplicación del requisito de trazabilidad se limita a los siguientes productos y operadores: Productos: Se requiere la trazabilidad de cualquier sustancia destinada a ser incorporada en alimentos o piensos. Sin embargo, no se aplica a los productos que son objetos de reglamentos o directivas comunitarias específicas que pueden llegar a imponer requisitos más estrictos como por ejemplo: • animales, • organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM), • frutas y hortalizas, • ciertos productos de origen animal (carne, pescado, miel), • aceite de oliva. Operadores: Esta disposición tiene por objeto garantizar que los operadores de empresas alimentarias deben poder identificar al proveedor inmediato de un producto y el destinatario inmediato posterior (“un paso atrás y un paso adelante”), del importador en la UE hasta el nivel minorista, con exclusión de la oferta al consumidor final. También se requiere que los operadores de alimentos y piensos dispongan de sistemas y procedimientos que permitan poner esta información a disposición de las autoridades competentes. Aunque las disposiciones de trazabilidad no se aplican fuera de la UE, el requisito se extiende al importador de la UE ya que debe ser capaz de identificar quién exportó el producto en el país tercero. Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


Los alimentos o los piensos, que ingresan en el mercado de la UE también deberán estar adecuadamente etiquetados o identificados para facilitar su trazabilidad mediante documentación o información pertinente sobre los detalles del producto. 3. Responsabilidades de los importadores de alimentos y piensos Los operadores de empresas alimentarias en todas las fases de producción, transformación y distribución en las empresas bajo su control, tienen que asegurarse de que los alimentos cumplen con los requisitos de la legislación alimentaria pertinentes para sus actividades. Si un operador de empresa alimentaria tiene razones para creer que un alimento o un pienso importado no respetan los requisitos de seguridad alimentaria, se procederá inmediatamente a retirar el alimento en cuestión e informar a las autoridades competentes. Legislación: Reglamento (CE) N° 178/2002 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo (DO L 31 de 01/02/2002) (CELEX 32002R0178) Para mayor información, se sugiere consultar el anexo 4 de este estudio o visitar la siguiente página Internet: 3v003/eu/main/req_safefood_eu_010_1303.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr13_03v003/fr /main/req_safefood_fr_010_1303.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Traceability%2C+compliance+and+responsi bility+in+food+and+feed&languageId=es&status=PROD

e. Productos de producción ecológica La venta en la Unión Europea de ganado, materias vegetales no procesadas, productos animales y otros productos agrícolas procesados para el consumo humano o la alimentación animal que hace referencia a métodos de producción orgánica tiene que cumplir con las reglas del Council Regulation (EEC) Nº2092/91 (OJL-198 22/07/1991) cuyo objetivo es la promoción de productos de calidad y la integración de la conservación del medio ambiente en la agricultura. Regula los métodos de producción, los ingredientes autorizados, las condiciones de obtención de la certificación, las autoridades reconocidas y los métodos específicos de inspección.

Información adicional para Francia El importador o su representante deberán, a más tardar en el momento en que el certificado de la inspección se presenta, informar al organismo de control de cada lote que se importen con indicación del nombre y dirección del primer destinatario, así como cualquier detalle solicitado. El organismo de control verificará que el certificado de inspección, de preferencia por escrito en francés, es conforme con las exigencias derivadas de la legislación comunitaria mencionada. Además, y si se considera necesario, los productos reales pueden ser inspeccionados físicamente con el fin de asegurar el nivel necesario de cumplimiento de estos requisitos. El despacho a libre práctica de los productos que no cumplan con los requisitos está condicionado a la eliminación de las referencias al método ecológico de producción del etiquetado, la publicidad y la documentación adjunta. Para obtener más informaciones, se sugiere leer el documento adjunto (anexo 5) o visitar la página Internet: 3v003/eu/main/req_sporgan_eu_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel1=EU&reporterId2=FR&file2=ehir_fr13_03v003/fr /main/req_sporgan_fr_010_0612.htm&reporterLabel2=Francia&label=Voluntary++Products+from+organic+production&languageId=es&status=PROD

Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


4. Estadísticas de las importaciones francesas de barras de cereales 1904.10.10: Productos a base de cereales obtenidos por inflado o tostado, a base de maíz País Alemania España Países Bajos Reino Unido Bélgica Suiza Italia Grecia Polonia Rep. Checa Hungría China Malasia Israel EE.UU. Austria Irlanda Bulgaria Turquía Argentina Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación valor (1000€) 2010 2011 2012 22.722,15 21.838,98 19.400,76 6.736,89 6.165,04 7.290,01 3.183,24 3.150,28 3.179,11 2.756,35 3.655,65 2.644,35 1.823,92 2.201,68 2.102,18 135,66 513,09 978,16 192,17 381,79 797,84 525,82 1.711,03 953,45 452,41 13,25 197,18 54,7 17,39 13,98 9,42 3,81 11,36 8,36 12,96 9,41 9,11 0,87 7,89 6,83 4,64 1,71 2,77 1,73 0,51 2,14 1,55 39.290,52 38.895,76 37.697,3 163,34 540,70 1.039,16 39.260,55 38.371,29 36.664,70 39.423,89 38.911,99 37.703,86

Participación 2012 51,46% 19,33% 8,43% 7,01% 5,58% 2,59% 2,12% 1,39% 1,20% 0,52% 0,15% 0,05% 0,04% 0,03% 0,02% 0,02% 0,02% 0,01% 0,00% 0,00% 99,98% 2,76% 97,24% 100,00%


Importación volumen (1000Kg) 2010 2011 2012 14.174,40 12.662,00 10.299,70 4.219,00 4.062,60 3.945,20 2.411,40 2.337,40 1.982,50 1.520,60 1.847,60 1.263,40 541,30 647,60 569,50 120,80 215,20 446,90 31,90 114,40 233,10 972,00 404,00 220,80 104,30 3,50 55,10 30,80 3,80 2,20 3,30 3,20 2,80 1,70 0,10 2,80 2,60 2,20 1,00 3,10 1,70

Alemania España Países Bajos Reino Unido Bélgica Italia Suiza Polonia Grecia Rep. Checa Hungría Irlanda EE.UU. Malasia Austria China Bulgaria Argentina

Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

23.996,30 41,80 23.997,90 24.039,70

22.300,80 126,40 22.183,10 22.309,50

19.170,40 246,80 18.927,50 19.174,30

Participación 2012 53,72% 20,58% 10,34% 6,59% 2,97% 2,33% 1,22% 1,15% 0,54% 0,29% 0,16% 0,02% 0,02% 0,01% 0,01% 0,01% 0,01% 0,01%

99,98% 1,29% 98,71% 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la Comisión Europea

Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


1904.10.30: Productos a base de cereales obtenidos por inflado o tostado, a base de arroz País Reino Unido Alemania España Bélgica Italia Países Bajos Austria Polonia Rep. Checa Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación valor (1000€) 2010 2011 2012 23.191,36 24.776,79 22.779,71 9.628,01 8.945,85 11.465,13 8.681,41 8.779,05 8.776,68 3.953,67 4.112,67 5.828,39 1.842,93 2.299,56 2.162,60 1.649,26 1.415,97 1.253,35 1.416,52 993,73 1.139,34 923,35 788,13 649,62 151,70 409,09 563,07 51.438,21 52.520,84 54.617,89 18,65 35,69 85,70 51.468,67 52.523,19 54.661,15 51.487,32 52.558,88 54.746,85

Participación 2012 41,61% 20,94% 16,03% 10,65% 3,95% 2,29% 2,08% 1,19% 1,03% 99,76% 0,16% 99,84% 100,00%

País Reino Unido España Alemania Bélgica Italia Países Bajos Austria Polonia Rep. Checa Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación volumen (1000Kg) 2010 2011 2012 9.866,90 10.241,50 9.150,00 4.903,40 4.819,40 4.476,40 4.328,70 3.566,70 4.445,90 1.165,30 1.202,60 1.762,60 699,00 700,10 699,00 767,50 429,50 298,40 329,00 215,20 216,90 312,90 239,50 208,30 42,90 102,10 136,70 22.415,60 21.516,60 21.394,20 7,30 13,00 28,90 22.424,10 21.517,20 21.406,70 22.431,40 21.530,20 21.435,60

Participación 2012 42,69% 20,88% 20,74% 8,22% 3,26% 1,39% 1,01% 0,97% 0,64% 99,81% 0,13% 99,87% 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la Comisión Europea

1904.10.90: Productos a base de cereales obtenidos por inflado o tostado, a base de otros cereales País Alemania Polonia España Bélgica Reino Unido Países Bajos Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación valor (1000€) 2010 2011 2012 27.552,47 35.041,66 39.103,84 12.550,61 14.795,40 14.115,62 13.409,18 12.788,65 13.536,98 7.937,16 10.668,98 11.892,10 8.468,22 10.869,45 7.565,73 3.813,17 5.282,00 5.017,47 73.730,81 89.446,14 91.231,74 917,40 1.201,65 1.018,33 75.698,78 92.089,21 92.057,12 76.616,18 93.290,86 93.075,45

Participación 2012 42,01% 15,17% 14,54% 12,78% 8,13% 5,39% 98,02% 1,09% 98,91% 100,00%

País Alemania España Polonia Bélgica Reino Unido Países Bajos Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación volumen (1000Kg) 2010 2011 2012 14.099,20 17.127,20 18.632,60 7.172,40 6.616,70 6.449,60 5.193,10 5.788,20 5.571,00 3.429,80 4.532,50 4.813,00 3.946,00 4.876,80 3.326,80 2.966,30 3.183,40 2.824,00 36.806,80 42.124,80 41.617,00 228,90 287,00 247,40 37.805,80 43.369,00 42.048,60 38.034,70 43.656,00 42.296,00

Participación 2012 44,05% 15,25% 13,17% 11,38% 7,87% 6,68% 98,39% 0,58% 99,42% 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la Comisión Europea

Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


1904.20.10: Preparaciones a base de copos de cereales, sin tostar, del tipo Müsli País Alemania Portugal España Bélgica Suiza Polonia Finlandia Canadá Reino Unido Austria Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación valor (1000€) 2010 2011 2012 10.632,93 10.523,68 11.336,44 1.022,02 1.878,70 1.764,80 5,96 632,02 1.500,17 1.584,55 1.217,79 1.158,45 1.071,99 1.163,10 612,76 209,67 181,49 355,90 19,47 328,71 53,99 146,78 276,06 210,93 236,04 204,57 165,54 176,10 181,56 14.957,58 16.175,17 17.719,42 1.128,15 1.321,24 890,10 18.955,63 15.116,95 17.038,05 20.083,78 16.438,19 17.928,15

Participación 2012 63,23% 9,84% 8,37% 6,46% 3,42% 1,99% 1,83% 1,54% 1,14% 1,01% 98,84% 4,96% 95,04% 100,00%

País Alemania Portugal España Bélgica Finlandia Suiza Polonia Austria Reino Unido Canadá Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación volumen (1000Kg) 2010 2011 2012 4.581,90 4.411,70 4.513,30 583,00 1.038,90 926,80 0,80 278,00 526,70 660,20 445,90 437,70 17,70 304,10 307,60 311,40 172,70 106,80 77,60 115,40 105,40 95,90 103,60 72,50 79,70 69,40 9,90 26,50 47,30 6.428,10 6.783,30 7.217,00 318,50 343,70 221,10 8.422,90 6.604,30 7.084,10 8.741,40 6.948,00 7.305,20

Participación 2012 61,78% 12,69% 7,21% 5,99% 4,16% 2,36% 1,58% 1,42% 0,95% 0,65% 98,79% 3,03% 96,97% 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la Comisión Europea

1904.20.91: Preparaciones alimenticias obtenidas con copos de cereales tostados o cereales inflados País Bélgica Italia Reino Unido Alemania Estados Unidos Países Bajos Austria Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación valor (1000€) 2010 2011 2012 99,29 211,18 172,66 31,26 38,37 45,85 16,89 2,44 43,79 21,45 10,77 39,88 13,68 18,46 21,27 5,78 9,16 7,20 6,06 5,85 195,55 287,28 338,46 17,16 21,53 23,62 181,92 270,02 318,05 199,08 291,55 341,67

Participación 2012 50,53% 13,42% 12,82% 11,67% 6,23% 2,68% 1,71% 99,06% 6,91% 93,09% 100,00%

País Bélgica Italia Alemania Reino Unido Estados Unidos Austria Países Bajos Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación volumen (1000Kg) 2010 2011 2012 184,10 106,10 110,60 18,50 15,10 25,30 7,60 4,30 18,00 2,20 1,10 12,60 2,60 3,30 3,90 3,10 2,50 2,50 14,90 1,80 233,00 132,40 174,70 4,10 6,00 5,10 230,40 130,50 171,00 234,50 136,50 176,10

Participación 2012 62,81% 14,37% 10,22% 7,16% 2,21% 1,42% 1,02% 99,20% 2,90% 97,10% 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la Comisión Europea

Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


1904.20.95: Preparaciones alimenticias obtenidas con copos de cereales tostados o cereales inflados, a base de arroz País Eslovenia Bélgica Italia Países Bajos Tailandia Portugal España Viet Nam Alemania Reino Unido Líbano Israel Irlanda Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación valor (1000€) 2010 2011 2012 816,83 525,95 500,89 252,26 207,57 186,20 556,44 184,12 111,01 23,46 33,46 36,81 26,93 34,89 30,22 15,33 20,55 29,18 80,24 68,61 12,78 0,72 7,53 14,54 2,61 6,20 43,38 1,89 4,07 0,46 3,55 2,47 2,25 1.829,41 1.080,83 933,16 35,88 50,17 44,92 1.802,48 1.044,76 889,39 1.838,36 1.094,93 934,31

Participación 2012 53,61% 19,93% 11,88% 3,94% 3,23% 3,12% 1,37% 0,81% 0,66% 0,44% 0,38% 0,26% 0,24% 99,88% 4,81% 95,19% 100,00%

País Eslovenia Italia Bélgica Países Bajos Portugal España Viet Nam Tailandia Alemania Líbano Irlanda Reino Unido EE.AA.UU. Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación volumen (1000Kg) 2010 2011 2012 143,00 124,10 104,70 459,70 152,30 93,60 47,80 32,30 34,10 13,00 16,40 15,60 4,60 5,10 7,10 21,90 20,60 3,70 0,20 3,40 2,10 2,80 2,00 6,50 1,30 2,00 0,30 1,70 1,40 8,20 0,70 0,70 0,40 706,80 356,10 270,40 7,70 9,90 7,70 704,70 352,80 262,90 712,40 362,70 270,60

Participación 2012 38,69% 34,59% 12,60% 5,76% 2,62% 1,37% 1,26% 0,74% 0,74% 0,63% 0,52% 0,26% 0,15% 99,93% 2,85% 97,15% 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la Comisión Europea

1904.20.99: Las demás preparaciones de cereales País Reino Unido Países Bajos Alemania Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación valor (1000€) 2010 2011 2012 14.787,90 14.561,39 14.582,75 1.562,73 7.444,91 7.940,92 2.674,10 3.682,98 4.694,72 19.024,73 25.689,28 27.218,39 18,41 153,22 259,12 19.279,31 25.930,23 27.473,72 19.297,72 26.083,45 27.732,84

Participación 2012 52,58% 28,63% 16,93% 98,14% 0,93% 99,07% 100,00%

País Reino Unido Países Bajos Alemania Subtotal Total Extra UE Total Intra UE TOTAL

Importación volumen (1000Kg) 2010 2011 2012 5.643,10 5.592,00 5.529,30 682,40 3.494,20 3.678,90 1.781,50 2.219,30 2.583,60 8.107,00 11.305,50 11.791,80 2,20 26,90 90,20 8.217,20 11.401,80 11.870,50 8.219,40 11.428,70 11.960,70

Participación 2012 46,23% 30,76% 21,60% 98,59% 0,75% 99,25% 100,00%

Fuente: Elaboración propia en base a datos de la Comisión Europea

Perfil – Barras de cereales en Francia 2013 Sección Económica y Comercial – Embajada de la República Argentina en Francia


5. Panorama del mercado francés El mercado de alimentos a base de cereales y barras de cereales, de 3.000 millones de euros, está compartido entre dos actores principales de la industria agroalimentaria: más del 40% para Kellog’s (USA) y casi el 30% para Nestlé (Suiza). Lo demás está dividido entre las distintas marcas de distribuidores. Dentro de este marco, se destacan tres sub-mercados: • cereales o productos derivados para el desayuno, • cereales o productos derivados para el merienda, • cereales o productos derivados para el deporte. Los cuales se pueden dividir entre: • productos para niños, • productos dietéticos, • productos orgánicos, • productos para el deporte. El mercado frances de cereales (a la exclusión del hard discount y del consumo fuera de domicilio) Cereales listos a consumir Cereales a preparar (tipo avena) Cereales organicos y dietéticos Total

2011 Toneladas Millones de euros 100 160 582 2 529 8.2 2 270 15.4 104 959 606.2

2010 Toneladas Millones de euros 99 658 568.7 2 464 7.8 1 898 12.9 104 020 589.4

El consumo es el siguiente: • 1,9 kilogramos por habitante por año, • 67,4% de los hogares compran barras de cereales, • 6,3 kilogramos por hogar comprador, • 90% de los cereales se consumen durante el desayuno. Las barras de cereales La evolución del estilo de vida en Europa hacia el nomadismo, hizo que el momento del desayuno se volvió más corto, con un consumo menos importante de leche, pan, productos lácteos ultra-frescos y bebidas calientes. En cambio de eso, se privilegia las frutas y compotas, apoyados por años de campañas gubernamentales para el consumo de productos saludables y naturales, lo que cada vez más se acompaña de barras de cereales. Lanzado por Kellogg’s en Estados Unidos, seguido por Nestlé en Europa, el concepto de barras de cereales permitió desarrollar un nuevo segmento: el desayuno nómade, que privilegia productos prácticos, portátiles, sanos y equilibrados. En efecto, el mercado de las barras de cereales pesa más de 76 millones de euros, o sea el 15% del valor del mercado total de cereales. El mercado francés parece ser muy receptivo a las barras de cereales, dado que el volumen de negocios sigue creciendo, y las distintas gamas de productos siguen desarrollándose.

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6. Precios indicativos MONOPRIX (Supermercados gourmet)

Barras de cereales con pepitas de chocolate Marca: Monoprix 6 barras : 125g 1,46 € 11,68€ / Kg

Barras de arroz y trigo completo con pepitas de chocolate Marca: Monoprix 6 barras : 125g 1,72 € 13,76€ / Kg

Barras de duraznos,chocolate y almendras, orgánicas Marca: Monoprix BIO 3 x 40g : 120g 2,83 € 23,58€ / kg

Special K, Barras de cereales, chocolate con leche Kellogg’s 4x24g (96g) 3,10 € 32,29€ / Kg

Special k, barras de cereales chocolate Marca: Kellogg’s 5x20g : 100g 2,99 € 23,92€ / Kg

« Trésor Sticks », Barras de cereales, rellenas con chocolate y avellanas Marca: Kellogg’s 6 x 21g : 126g 3,18 € 25,24€ / Kg

Barras de soja y chocolate con leche Marca: Bjorg 3 x 25g : 75g 3,52 € 46,93€ / Kg

Barras de cereales con frutos secos, nueces de brasil, pasas de uva, almendras, maní y avellanas Marca: Eat Natural 3 x 50g : 150g 3,70 € 24,67€ / Kg

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Barras de cereales con chocolate y avellanas Marca: LU 6 barras: 125g 2,84 € 23,67€ / Kg

Barras con 5 cereales y avellanas Marca: LU 6 barras : 125g 2,47 € 19,76€ / Kg

Barras de cereales de frutos rojos, manzana y almendras Marca: N.A. 30g 1,44 € 47,33€ / Kg

Barras de cereales Nesquik Marca: Nestlé 6 x 25g 150g 2,43 € 16,20€ / Kg

Barras de cereales fitness cookies and cream Marca: Nestlé 6 x 23,5g (141g) 2,83 € 20,07€ / Kg

Barras energéticas malta y chocolate Marca: Ovomaltine 5 x 20g : 100g 2,99 € 29,90€ / Kg

CARREFOUR (Hípermercados)

Barras de cereales con pasas y chocolate Marca: Carrefour 6 x 25g 1,44 € 9,60 € / kg

Barras de cereales con coco y chocolate Marca: Carrefour 6 x 25g 1,44 € 9,60 € / kg

Barras de cereales orgánicas, con frutillas Marca: Carrefour BIO 6 barras : 125g 1,73 € 13,84 € / kg

Barras de cereales dietéticas con chocolate con leche Marca: Nestlé 6 barras 141g 2,52 € 17,87 € / kg

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Barras de cereales con chocolate con leche Chocapic Marca: Nestlé 6 barras : 150g 2,29 € 15,27 € / kg

Fitness - Barras de cereales de trigo integral y chocolate Marca: Nestlé 6 barras 141g 2,52 € 17,87 € / kg

Barras de cereales con frutos rojos Spécial K Marca: Kellogg’s 6 x 20g 2,62 € 23,58 € / kg

Barras de cereales con pétalos de arroz, trigo integral, chocolatecon leche Special K Marca: Kellogg’s 6 x 20g 2,83 € 23,58 € / kg

Barras de cereales Chocolate – Grany Marca: Lu 6 barras, 125 g 16,80€/kg

Barras con 5 cereales y trozos de avellana Grany Marca: Lu 6 barras, 125 g 16,80€/kg

« Trésor Sticks », Barras de cereales chocolate y trozos de avellana Marca: Lu 6 barras, 120 g 22,70€/kg

Barras energéticas malt y chocolate, Marca : Ovomaltine 5 barras, 100 g 7.20€/kg

DECATHLON (Cadena de negocios de artículos de deporte)

Protein 35, chocolate caramelo Marca: Aptonia 6 x 50g 5,95€

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Barras cereales salado, Marca: Aptonia, 126g, 1,99€

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Barras de cacao, Marca Enervit 2 x 30g 2,00€

Barras recovery chocolate, Marca: Isostar 3 x 40g 5,95€

Barras high energy cereales y frutas Marca: Isostar 3 x 40g 5,95€

Barras Nature Goodness, 90g al 2,79€

Barras energy frutas rojas ded marca PoverBar, 55g a 4,00€

Double Pro barras, chocolate con leche, avellanas, Marca Weider 50 g 3,60€

LEADER PRICE (Hard Discount) Producto


Barras de cereales con chocolate dietéticas Marca:Leader Price, 6x21g: 126g 1,66€

Envase Barras de cereales con chocolate negro y avellanas Marca: Leader Price 6 x 21 g: 126 g. 1,33€

7. Posibles importadores / distribuidores AUCHAN Service P.G.C. (Productos de gran consumo) 200, rue de la Recherche - B.P. 636 59656 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex Tel.: (33 3) 28 37 67 00 Director General: Sr. Jean Denis DEWEINE Email: [email protected] – Fax: (33 3) 28 37 67 47 Director de compras productos: Sr. Patrick BONNES Email: [email protected]

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BAUD S.A. - (LEADER PRICE) 2, route de Plessis 94434 Chennevières sur Marne cedex Standard: Tel: (33 1) 45 93 70 00 Director de compras: Sr. Didier LEMIERE Fax: (33 1) 45 93 70 83 - Email: [email protected] CARREFOUR – DMMG – Dirección de Mercaderías 2 Av. du Pacifique - Les Ulis 91977 Courtaboeuf cedex Tel.: (33 1) 64 86 90 00 - Fax: (33 1) 64 86 92 25 Director de Productos de Gran Consumo: Sr. Jérôme HAMRIT Secretaria: Sra. Marie-Noëlle ALLENBACH Email: [email protected] EMC DISTRIBUTION (Groupe Casino) 28, rue Vieilles Vignes - Croissy Beaubourg 77316 Marne la Vallée cedex Tel.: (33 1) 61 44 70 00 - Fax: (33 1) 61 44 70 01 Director de Compras productos alimenticio: Sr. François-Xavier GERMAIN Tel: (33 1) 61 44 77 36 - Email: [email protected] INTERMARCHE (LES MOUSQUETAIRES) Bât. 39 - 1 Allée des Mousquetaires 91078 Bondoufle cedex Tel.: (33 1) 69 64 10 40 - Fax: (33 1) 69 64 11 32 Responsable compras : Sra. Nathalie CARLIER Email: [email protected] Responsable de compras : Sr. Lionel SCHWARTZ E-mail : [email protected] LIDL 35, rue Charles Peguy 67200 Strasbourg Director de compras: Sr. Michel BIERO Email: [email protected] Tel.: (33 3) 88 30 94 00 Fax para alimentación: (33 3) 88 29 09 09 METRO: Central de compras SOGESA para negocios independientes 5, rue des Grands Prés Z.A. du Petit Nanterre 92024 Nanterre cedex Tel.: (33 1) 47 86 63 00 - Fax: (33 1) 9 47 86 65 96 Directeur de compras: Sr. Xavier PLOTITZA Email: [email protected] Responsable compras frutas y legumbres: Sra Sandra Lévy Email: [email protected] Responsable compras de frutos secos : Sra Sandra Lévy Email: [email protected] Responsable compras mermeladas, miel, pastas: Sr. Jean-Baptiste LHERME Email : [email protected]

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MONOPRIX 14/16, rue Marc Bloch 92116 Clichy cedex Tel.: (33 1) 78 99 90 00 Director de compras sector alimenticio: Sr. Philippe LAUTHIER Fax: (33 1) 78 99 87 11 - Email: [email protected] Responsable de compras productos extranjeros: Sra. Laëtitia CHALIFOUR Fax: (33 1) 78 99 95 91 - Email: [email protected] PROVERA ALIMENTAIRE 1, rue du Chenil - Domaine du Beaubourg 77435 Marne la Vallée cedex 2 Director de compras productos alimenticios: Sr. Vincent ROUSSEL Tel.: (33 1) 64 62 79 00 - Fax: (33 1) 64 62 79 01 Secretaria : Sra. BALLESTER Email: [email protected] SYSTEME U - Central Nacional Alimenticia 20 rue d’Arcueil 94500 Rungis Tel.: (33 1) 45 15 95 00 - Fax: (33 1) 45 17 92 20 Director de Compras: Sra. Nadia MILLION Email: [email protected] Secretaria: Sra. Alexandra CASANOVA Email: [email protected]

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Anexo 1: Control of contaminants in foodstuffs In order to ensure a high level of consumer protection, imports into the European Union (EU) of foodstuffs should comply with EU legislation designed to ensure that food placed on the market is safe to eat and does not contain contaminants at levels which could threaten human health. Contaminants may be present in food (including fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, cereals, spices, dairy products, etc.) as a result of the various stages of its production, packaging, transport or holding, or also might result from environmental contamination. Council Regulation (EEC) No 315/93 of 8 February 1993 laying down Community procedures for contaminants in food (OJ L-37 13/02/1993) (CELEX 31993R0315), regulates the presence of such contaminants in foodstuffs in the EU: • food containing a contaminant to an amount unacceptable from the public health viewpoint and in particular at a toxicological level, shall not be placed on the EU market and will be rejected • contaminant levels shall be kept as low as can reasonably be achieved following recommended good working practices maximum levels may be set for certain contaminants in order to protect public health • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L-364 20/12/2006) (CELEX 32006R1881) sets maximum levels for certain contaminants in food to be placed on the EU market. The foodstuffs indicated in the various sections of the Annex must not, when placed on the market, contain higher contaminant levels than those specified in such sections: • Section 1 – sets limits for nitrate in lettuce, spinach and baby foods. Section 2 – sets limits for various mycotoxins in, for example, groundnuts, nuts, dried fruit • (including dried vine fruit) and products thereof, cereals and cereal products, milk, infant formulae, dietary foods intended for infants, spices, fruit juices, coffee products, wine, spirit drinks, cider, apple products, processed cereal based foods for infants and young children and baby foods. • Section 3 – sets limits for various heavy metals in, for example, milk, meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruit and wines. • Section 4 – sets limits for 3-MCPD in Hydrolysed vegetable protein and soy sauce. • Section 5 – sets limits for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in meat, fish, milk, eggs, oils and fats. Section 6 – sets limits for PAHs in oils and fats, smoked meats, smoked fish, fish, crustaceans • and bivalve molluscs, infant foods. The website of Directorate General for Health and Consumers provides more detailedinformation on the contaminants, discussed and regulated in the EU. Special conditions for certain foodstuffs imported from certain third countries Community control measures have been taken for certain contaminants imported from specific third countries, in particular as regards aflatoxins, melamine, mineral oil and pentachlorophenol and dioxins. Foodstuffs which exceed the maximum level of contaminants permited by the EU legislation, shall not be marketed in the EU territory. More information on these measures can be found on the website of Directorate General for Health and Consumers. Legislation • Council Regulation (EEC) No 315/93 of 8 February 1993 laying down Community procedures for contaminants in food (OJ L-37 13/02/1993) (CELEX 31993R0315) • Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L-364 20/12/2006) (CELEX 32006R1881) Other information sources • Directorate General for Health and Consumers Factsheet on Food Contaminants: al_web_en.pdf

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• •

Centre for the promotion of imports from developing (CBI): European Food Safety Authority (EFSA):


Additional information for France Competent authority / competent body Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt (Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-food and Forestry) Direction Générale de l`Alimentation - DGAL (Directorate General of Nutrition) 251 rue de Vaugirard F-75732 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (+33) 1 49 55 58 11 / 49 55 Fax: (+33) 1 49 55 81 82 Email: [email protected] Website: Other information sources Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail(French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety):

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Anexo 2: Health control of foodstuffs of non-animal origin Imports of foodstuffs of non-animal origin into the European Union (EU) must comply with general conditions and specific provisions designed to prevent risk to public health and protect consumers' interests. Hence, the general rules applicable to these products are as follows: 1. General foodstuffs hygiene rules according to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-139 30/04/2004) (CELEX 32004R0852); 2. General conditions concerning contaminants in food; 3. Special provisions on Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel food of Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-268 18/10/2003) (CELEX 32003R1829) and Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-43 14/02/1997) (CELEX 31997R0258); 4. General conditions of preparation of foodstuffs; 5. Official control of foodstuffs; When a hygiene problem likely to pose a serious risk to human health arises or spreads in the territory of a third country, the European authorities may suspend imports from all or part of the third country concerned or take interim protective measures regarding the foodstuffs concerned, depending on the seriousness of the situation. EU legislation establishing protective measures 1. General foodstuffs hygiene rules The relevant hygiene rules of food which need to be respected by food business operators in third countries are contained in Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council: - General obligation on the operator to monitor the food safety of products and processes under his responsibility; - General hygiene provisions for primary production and detailed requirements for all stages of production, processing and distribution of food; - Microbiological criteria for certain products which are established in Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 (OJ L-338 22/12/2005) (CELEX 32005R2073); - Procedures based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles; - Approval and registration of establishments; The following guidance documents may be found in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) website: - Key questions related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls: - Guidance document on the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs: - Guidance document on the implementation of procedures based on the HACCP principles, and on the facilitation of the implementation of the HACCP principles in certain food businesses: pdf 2. General conditions concerning contaminants in food Contaminant substances may be present in food as a result of the various stages of its production and marketing or due to environmental pollution. Since they represent a real risk for food safety, the EU has taken measures to minimise the risk by setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs.

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a) Maximum levels of certain contaminants in foodstuffs Certain foodstuffs (i.e. fruit, vegetables, nuts, cereals, fruit juices, etc…) must not, when placed on the market, contain higher contaminant levels than those specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 (OJ L-364 20/12/2006) (CELEX 32006R1881). This Regulation covers four different categories of contaminants: nitrates, aflatoxins, heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury) and 3-monochloropropane-1,2diol (3-MCPD), etc. In general, the maximum contaminant levels relate to the edible part of the foodstuffs and apply also to the ingredients used for the production of compound foodstuffs. b) Maximum levels of pesticide residues in and on food Member States may restrict the putting on the market within their territories of certain products containing pesticide residues if the quantity of these residues exceeds the maximum levels permitted presenting an unacceptable risk to humans. These limits depend on the toxicity of the substance in question. Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-70 16/03/2005) (CELEX 32005R0396) sets up harmonised maximum levels of pesticide residues for agricultural products or parts thereof intended for food to be used as fresh, processed and/or composite food in so far as they may contain pesticide residues. c) Maximum levels of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs Council Regulation (EC) No 3954/1987 (OJ L-371 30/12/1987) (CELEX 31987R3954) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 944/1989 (OJ L-101 13/04/1989) (CELEX 31989R0944) lay down the maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs (either immediately or after processing) which may be placed on the market following a nuclear accident or any other case of radiological emergency. There is a list of minor foodstuffs (i.e. those which are consumed least) for which the maximum permitted levels are considerably higher (ten times higher) d) Materials intended to come into contact with foodstuffs Materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs must be manufactured so that they do not transfer their constituents to food in quantities which could endanger human health, change the composition of the food in an unacceptable way or deteriorate the taste and odour of foodstuffs. Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-338 13/11/2004) (CELEX 32004R1935) establishes a list of groups of materials and articles (such us plastics, ceramics, rubbers, paper, glass, etc.) which may be covered by specific measures that include a list of the authorised substances, special conditions of use, purity standards, etc. Specific measures exist for ceramics, regenerated cellulose and plastics. 3. Special provisions on Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel food In order to ensure the highest level of protection of human health, EU legislation provides for a single authorisation procedure for the placing on the market of food containing, consisting of or derived from Genetically Modified Organisms. An application must be sent to the competent authority of a Member State and then referred to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which carries out a risk assessment. On the basis of the opinion of EFSA, the Commission drafts a proposal for granting or refusing the authorisation, which must be approved by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. The authorised food and feed are entered in the Community Register of GM food and feed. Novel foods (i.e. foods and food ingredients that have not been used for human consumption to a significant degree within the EU before 15 May 1997) must also undergo a safety assessment before being placed on the EU market. Companies that want to place a novel food on the EU market must submit their application to the competent body of a Member State for risk assessment purposes. As a result of this assessment, an

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authorisation decision may be taken. The authorisation decision defines the scope of the authorisation, the conditions of use, the designation of the food or food ingredient, its specification and the specific labelling requirements. Novel foods or novel food ingredients considered by a national food assessment body as substantially equivalent to existing foods or food ingredients may follow a simplified procedure, only requiring notifications from the company. 4. General conditions of preparation of foodstuffs EU legislation lays down the rules relating to treatment of foodstuffs, food ingredients and their conditions of use in order to protect the health of consumers and guarantee the free circulation of foodstuffs in the European Union market. Moreover, specific provisions for groups of foods are laid down in specific Directives. These include compositional requirements, hygiene requirements, list of additives, purity criteria, specific labelling requirements , etc a) Authorised food additives and flavourings The scope of the Directives covers food additives and flavourings used as ingredients during the manufacture or preparation of food and which are part of the finished product. The only substances which may be used as food additives are those included in the approved common lists and then only under the conditions of use mentioned in those lists (e.g. colorants, sweeteners, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilisers, raising agents, etc…). b) Preparation and treatments of certain foodstuffs There are also rules in relation with the manufacture, marketing and importation of foods and food ingredients that are subject to specific treatments such as Council Directive 89/108/EEC (OJ L-40 11/02/1989) (CELEX 31989L0108) on quick-freezing or Directive 1999/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-66 13/03/1999) (CELEX 31999L0002) on ionising radiation. c) Specific provisions for certain groups of products and for foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes Specific provisions are applied to certain groups of products (such as cocoa, sugar, etc.) and to foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses (baby foods, dietary foods, gluten-free foods...). These may include specific requirements on composition, hygiene, labelling (e.g. declaration of the energy value, carbohydrate, protein and fat content), list of additives, purity criteria, etc. Summaries and lists of legislation Foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes may be found in Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) website: 5. Control of foodstuffs. Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-165 30/04/2004) (CELEX 32004R0882) establishes the EU framework of general rules for the organisation of official controls on foodstuffs. The competent authorities in Member States will carry out regular controls on imported food of nonanimal origin to ensure they comply with the EU general health rules designed to protect health and interests of consumers. The control may apply to import into the EU and/or to any other stage of the food chain (manufacture, processing, storage, transport, distribution and trade) and may include a systematic documentary check, a random identity check and, as appropriate, a physical check. Besides, Commission Regulation (EC) No 669/2009 (OJ L-194 25/07/2009) (CELEX 32009R0669) establishes that imports of certain food products shall be subject to an increased level of official controls at the designated point of entry on the basis of a known or emerging risk. The release for free circulation of these products is subject to the presentation of a Common Entry Document (CED) according to the provisions of this Regulation.

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Further information may be found in the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) website: Key questions related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls: Legislation EU legislation on health control of foodstuffs of non-animal origin. Other information sources Guidance documents - Key questions related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls: - Guidance document on the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs: - Guidance document on the implementation of procedures based on the HACCP principles, and on the facilitation of the implementation of the HACCP principles in certain food businesses: pdf - Questions and answers on Residues and Contaminants in foodstuffs: - Introduction to EC Pesticides residues legislation: Questions and answers on the regulation of



Questions and answers on EU legislation on Food Contact




Further useful information in European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) website - Microbiological Criteria: - Food Contaminants: - Pesticide Residues: - Database on Pesticide Maximum residue levels: - Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) Portal - Online searchable database: - Genetically Modified (GM) food: - Novel Food: - Food Additives: - Food flavourings: - Food irradiation:

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- Foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes: - Food Contact Material:

Additional information for France Control Procedure Consignments of foodstuffs of non-animal origin for which European Commission has takeninterim protective measures, are subject to a mandatory control before release from Customs in order to ensure that they comply with the special health conditions (health certificates, official sampling and analysis,...) laid down by each specific Commission Decision. Other foodstuffs of non-animal origin may be also subject to controls, without prior warning, at the point of entry or at any other stage of the chain (processing, storage, transport, distribution and trade). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances (Ministry of Economy and Finance) Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Repression de Fraude – DGCCRF (Directorate General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Suppression of Fraud) Bureau 4C: Bureau des marchés des produits d'origine végétale et des boissons (Bureau 4C: Products of vegetable origin and beverages) 59, boulevard Vincent-Auriol - F-75703 Paris cedex 13 Tel: (+33) 1 44 97 23 23 - Fax:(+33) 1 44 97 05 27 E-mail: [email protected] - Website: Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt (Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-food and Forestry) Direction Générale de l`Alimentation - DGAL (Directorate General of Nutrition) 251 rue de Vaugirard F-75732 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (+33) 1 49 55 58 11 / 1 49 55 49 55 - Fax: (+33) 1 49 55 81 82 E-mail: [email protected] - Website: Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Santé (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health) Direction générale de la santé - DGS (Directorate General for Health) Sous-direction prévention des risques liés à l'environnement et à l'alimentation (Sub-Directorate for the prevention of risks in the environment and food) Bureau de l'alimentation et de la nutrition (Bureau of Food and Nutrition) 14, avenue Duquesne - F-75350 Paris 07 SP Tel: (+33) 1 40 56 60 00 - Fax: (+33) 1 40 56 40 56 Website: Legislation • Code Rural - Livre II, Titre III (Health control of live animals and food products) • Décret n° 2003-768 of 01/08/2003 concerning the Code Rural - Livre II (JORF 07/08/2003) • Ordonnance 2001-741 of 23/08/2001 transposing EU directives and adapting Consumer Law to EU provisions (JORF 25/08/2001) Other information sources Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail: (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety):

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Anexo 3: Labelling for foodstuffs All foodstuffs marketed in the European Union (EU) must comply with EU labelling rules, which aim at ensuring that consumers get all the essential information to make an informed choice while purchasing their foodstuffs. Hence, the applicable labelling provisions are as follows: • General rules on food labelling, • Specific provisions for certain groups of products: • Labelling of Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel Food Labelling of foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes • • Labelling of food additives and flavourings • Labelling of materials intended to come into contact with food • Labelling of particular foodstuffs Besides these mandatory rules, there is also additional information that may be included by the manufacturers on a voluntary basis provided that it is accurate and does not mislead the consumer. For example, nutritional labelling is not obligatory unless a nutritional claim (e.g. "low fat", "high fibre") is made on the label or in advertising material. In this case, nutritional claims must comply with a standardised format, pursuant to Council Directive 90/496/EEC (OJ L-276 06/10/1990) (CELEX 31990L0496). Similarly, Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (OJ L-189 20/07/2007) (CELEX 32007R0834) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 (OJ L-250 18/09/2008) (CELEX 32008R0889) set out rules governing the use of the organic label. General rules on food labelling Labels of foodstuffs according to the general rules laid down by Council Directive 2000/13/EC (OJ L109 06/05/2000) (CELEX 32000L0013) must contain the following particulars: The name under which the product is sold. No trademark, brand name or fancy name • may substitute the generic name but rather may be used in addition. Particulars as to the physical condition of the foodstuff or the specific treatment it has undergone (powdered, freeze-dried, deep-frozen, concentrated, smoked, irradiated or treated with ionizing radiation) must be included where omission of such may confuse the purchaser. • The list of ingredients, preceded by the word "Ingredients", must show all ingredients (including additives) in descending order of weight as recorded at the time of their use in the manufacture and designated by their specific name. In the case of those products that may contain ingredients liable to cause allergies or intolerances, such as alcoholic beverages, a clear indication should be given on the label by the word “contains” followed by the name of the ingredient. However, this indication will not be necessary provided the specific name is included in the list of ingredients. • The net quantity of pre-packaged foodstuffs in metric units (litre, centilitre, millilitre) for liquids and (kilogram, gram) for non-liquids. The date of minimum durability consisting of day, month and year in that order and • preceded by the words "best before" or "best before end" or the "use by" date for highly perishable goods. • Any special conditions for keeping or use. • The name or business name and address of the manufacturer, packager or importerestablished in the EU. • Place of origin or provenance • Instructions of use, where appropriate. • Indication of the acquired alcoholic strength for beverages containing more than 1.2% by volume. • Lot marking on pre-packaged foodstuffs with the marking preceded by the letter "L". These particulars must appear on the packaging or on a label attached to pre-packaged foodstuffs. In the case of pre-packaged foodstuffs intended for mass caterers (foodstuffs sold in bulk), the compulsory labelling particulars must appear on commercial documents while the name under which it is sold, the date of durability or use-by-date and the name of manufacturer must appear on the external packaging.

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The labelling must not mislead the purchaser as to the foodstuff’s characteristics or effects nor attribute the foodstuff special properties for the prevention, treatment or cure of a human disease. The information provided by labels must be easy to understand, easily visible, clearly legible and indelible and must appear in the official language(s) of the Member State where the product is marketed. However, the use of foreign terms or expressions easily understood by the purchaser may be allowed. List of applicable legislation Specific provisions for certain groups of products There are also labelling provisions which apply to specific groups of food products in order to give the consumers more detailed information on the contents and the composition of these products: Labelling of Genetically Modified (GM) food and Novel food Products consisting of or containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and food products obtained from GMOs which have been authorised for the placing on the EU market are subject to labelling requirements pursuant to Regulations (EC) No 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-268 18/10/2003) (CELEX 32003R1829) (CELEX 32003R1830). In the case of pre-packaged products, operators are required to state on a label that “This product contains genetically modified organisms”. This labelling obligation also applies to highly refined products (e.g. oil obtained from genetically modified maize) as well as GM additives and flavourings. List of applicable legislation Labelling of foodstuffs for particular nutritional purposes In addition to the rules applicable to foodstuffs in general, specific provisions (e.g. declaration of the energy value, carbohydrate, protein and fat content, etc.) for groups of foods for particular nutritional uses (baby foods, dietary foods for special medical purposes, foods for weight reduction, foods for sportspeople, etc.) are laid down in specific Directives. These products must be suitable for their claimed nutritional purposes and marketed in such a way as to indicate their suitability. List of applicable legislation Labelling of food additives and flavourings Additives and flavourings must always be labelled on the packaging of food products by their category (anti-oxidant, preservative, colour, etc) with their name or E-number. Other provisions on labelling of additives sold as such to food producers and consumers are laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 (OJ L-354 31/12/2008) (CELEX 32008R1333) and Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 (OJ L-354 31/12/2008) (CELEX 32008R1334). List of applicable legislation Labelling of materials intended to come into contact with food According to Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L338 13/11/2004) (CELEX 32004R1935), articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, including packaging materials and containers shall be labelled "for food contact" or shall bear the symbol with a glass and fork. Labelling of particular foodstuffs Provisions in relation with the labelling of certain products are established in specific EU legislation. User-friendly fact sheets which summarise EU legislation are available in the Summaries of EU legislation website ( • Cocoa and chocolate products • Honey • Sugars • Fruit juices and certain similar products Fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée • • Partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk

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Caseins and caseinates Natural mineral waters Caffeine and quinine Coffee and chicory extracts Spreadable fats Beef and beef products Alcoholic beverages Spirit drinks Aromatized wines, aromatized wine-based drinks and aromatized wine-product cocktails Novel foods and novel foods ingredients Food supplements Vitamins and minerals Food enzymes Foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiaton Quick frozen foodstuffs

Other information sources Further information on food labelling may be found under Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) website:

Additional information for France The contents of the label must be at least in French. The compliance with the labelling requirements and the accuracy of the information contained in the label can be checked at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of Economy and Finance) Direction générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des fraudes - DGCCRF (Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Anti-fraud) Service de la Protection des consommateurs et de la régulation des marchés (Service for Consumer Protection and Market Regulation) Sous- direction Des Produits alimentaires et des marchés agricoles et alimentaires (Sub-Division of Foodstuffs and Agricultural and Food Markets) 59,boulevard Vincent-Auriol - F-75703 Paris Cedex 13 Tel: (+33) 1 44 97 23 47 - Fax: (+33) 1 44 97 30 39 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail(French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety) 27/31 avenue du général Leclerc - BP 19 F-94701 Maisons-Alfort Tel: (+33) 1 49 77 13 50 - Fax: (+33) 1 49 77 26 26 E-mail: [email protected] - Website:

Legislation Code de la Consommation (Code of Consumer Protection), Partie Réglementaire - Décrets en Conseil d´Etat, Livre I, Titre I, Chapitre II

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Anexo 4: Traceability, compliance and responsibility in food and feed According to EU food safety legislation, food and feed cannot be placed on the market in the European Union (EU) if they are unsafe. EU Food Law pursues not only a high level of protection of human life and health and consumers’ interests but also the protection of animal health and welfare, plant health and the environment. Food and feed business operators shall comply with the specific obligations laid down by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-31 01/02/2002) (CELEX 32002R0178), covering all stages of food/feed production and distribution: 1. Compliance with Food Law 2. Traceability 3. Responsibilities 1. Compliance with Food Law Imported food and feed must comply with the relevant requirements of food law or conditions recognised by the EU to be at least equivalent thereto. The competent authority of the exporting country must offer guarantees as to the compliance or equivalence with the EU requirements. 2. Traceability The EU Law defines traceability as the ability to trace and follow any food, feed, food-producing animal or substance that will be used for consumption, through all stages of production, processing and distribution. The scope of the traceability requirement is limited to the following products and operators: Products: Traceability is required for any substance intended to be, or expected to be, incorporated into food or feed. However, it does not apply to products which are covered by specific EU Regulations or Directives that may even impose more stringent requirements on traceability, such as: Animals, Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Fruits and vegetables, Certain animal products (beef, fish, honey), Olive oil. Operators: This provision aims at ensuring that food business operators are able to identify the immediate supplier of a product and the immediate subsequent consignee (“one step back-one step forward” principle), from the EU importer up to retail level, excluding supply to the final consumer. - Food and feed operators are also required to have systems and procedures in place that allow for this information to be made available to the Competent Authorities upon request - Although traceability provisions do not apply outside the EU, the requirement does extend to the EU importer since he must be able to identify from whom the product was exported in the third country. Food or feed, which is placed or is likely to be placed on the market in the EU, shall also be adequately labelled or identified to facilitate its traceability, through relevant documentation or information on the product particulars. Therefore, traceability allows: - Responding to potential risks that may arise in food and feed, - Targeted withdrawals of unsafe food from the market - The provision of accurate information to the public, thereby minimising disruption to trade 3. Responsibilities of food and feed importers Food business operators at all stages of production, processing and distribution within the businesses under their control, shall ensure that foods satisfy the requirements of food law which are relevant to their activities and shall verify that such requirements are met.

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If a food business operator has reason to believe that imported food or feed is not in compliance with the food safety requirements, it shall immediately initiate procedures to withdraw the food in question and inform the competent authorities thereof. Legislation Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L-31 01/02/2002) (CELEX 32002R0178) Other information sources Further useful information in European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) website: - Principles of the General Food Law: - Food Traceability: - Operator’s Responsibilities: - Leaflet on Key Obligations of Business Operators: - Guidance on the implementation of articles 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on General Food Law:

Additional information for France Competent authority / competent body Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt (Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-food and Forestry) Direction Générale de l`Alimentation - DGAL (Directorate General of Nutrition) 251 rue de Vaugirard F-75732 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (+33) 1 49 55 58 11 / 49 55 Fax: (+33) 1 49 55 81 82 Email: [email protected] Website:

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Anexo 5: (Voluntary) Products from organic production The placing on the European Union (EU) market of live or unprocessed agricultural products, processed agricultural products for use as food, animal feed, seeds and vegetative propagating material, bearing a reference to organic production methods, must comply with the rules laid down by Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (OJ L-189 20/07/2007) (CELEX 32007R0834). These rules, established by Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 (OJ L-250 18/09/2008) (CELEX 32008R0889) cover mainly the following aspects: - Production, processing, packaging, transport and storage of products - Use of certain products and substances in processing of food (Annexes VIII and IX of Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008). - A list of ingredient authorisations is available in the Data base of the Organic Farming Information System (OFIS) official website: - Prohibition of use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and of products manufactured from GMO in organic production - European Union organic production logo (New from 1 July 2010). The logo and indications referring to organic production methods may be used only for certain products which meet all the conditions laid down by Regulation. Information on regulation for use, user manual and FAQs is available at: - Inspection measures and specific control scheme to be applied for this type of products by the appointed authorities in the Member States. Imports from third country Organic products from third countries may only be placed on the EU market when they are labelled as products with indications referring to organic production, if they have been produced in accordance with production rules and subject to inspection arrangements that are in compliance with, or equivalent to Community legislation. Imports into the EU are allowed according to the following schemes established by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 (OJ L-334 12/12/2008) (CELEX 32008R1235): Country Authorisation In order to ascertain that goods have been obtained according to production rules equivalent to those laid down in the Community, the European Commission makes a thorough investigation into the arrangements in the country concerned, examining not only the requirements imposed on production but also the measures applied to ensure effective control. Where rules are found to be equivalent, the third country is included in the list of authorised countries established in the Annex III of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008. Control by recognised inspection body or recognised inspection authority From 1 July 2012, the Commission has established a list of control authorities and control bodies competent to carry out inspections in countries not included in the list of recognised third countries, as stated in Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008. The function of these authorities and bodies is to guarantee that products have been produced: - in compliance with Community production rules (art. 32 of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007) or, - are equivalent to Community legislation (art. 33.3 of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007) Imports of organic products can only take place if these recognised authorities or bodies have controlled them.

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Authorisations to importers on a case by case basis In order not to disrupt international trade, and to facilitate the transition between the rules established by Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 and those established by Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, a transitional system is applicable. From 1 January 2009 and up to 24 months after the first list of control authorities and control bodies is being published, Member States shall be allowed to continue to grant import authorisations for consignments from third countries not included in the above mentioned list. Importers must prove that products were obtained according to production rules equivalent to those laid down by Community legislation and were subject to inspection measures. The Member State shall notify the European Commission and the other Member States the list of products for which it has issued an authorisation. This possibility should be gradually phased out as the list of control bodies and authorities is being established. A list of these import authorisations can be found in the Data base of the Organic Farming Information System (OFIS) official website: Documentary Check Imported consignments must be covered by documents issued by the competent authority or body in the third country, attesting that the consignment comply with the Community legislation: - Imports from authorised countries, products that have been produced in equivalence with Community rules and importations on a case-by-case basis should obtain an inspection certificate issued by the competent authority or body in the third country according to Annex V of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008. The original certificate must accompany the goods to the premises of the first consignee; thereafter the importer must keep the certificate at the disposal of the inspection body and/or inspection authority for not less than two years - Imports of compliant products shall deliver documentary evidence in accordance with the model set out in Annex II of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 Verification of the consignment The release for free circulation into the EU of a consignment of organic products is conditioned by the submission of the original certificate of inspection to the relevant Member State's authority, the verification of the consignment by the relevant Member State's authority and the endorsement of the certificate of inspection. Legislation - Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ L-189 20/07/2007)(CELEX 32007R0834) - Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 of 5 September 2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production, labelling and control (OJ L250 18/09/2008) (CELEX 32008R0889) - Commission Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 of 8 December 2008 laying down detailed rules for implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 as regards the arrangements for imports of organic products from third countries (OJ L-334 12/12/2008) (CELEX 32008R1235) - List of bodies or public authorities in charge of inspection provided for in article 15 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ C-72 26/03/2009) Other information sources - Frequently Asked Questions about the logo, information on the new EU organic logo

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- Download the new organic logo: - Guidelines on import of organic products into the European Union, the document has been elaborated by the Organic Farming Unit of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development - The website of OFIS (Organic Farming Information System) contains a summary of the information consisting of import authorisations, ingredient authorisations and bodies or public authorities in charge of inspections:

Additional information for France The importer or his representative must, at the latest by the time that the certificate of inspection is submitted, inform the inspection body of each consignment to be imported giving the name and address of the first consignee as well as any details that the body may require. The inspection body will verify that the inspection certificate, preferably written in French, is compliant with the requirements derived from the aforementioned EU legislation. Additionally, and if deemed necessary, the actual products may be physically inspected in order to assure the required level of compliance with these requirements. The release for free circulation of products not complying with the requirements is conditional on the removal of references to the organic production method from the labelling, advertising and accompanying documents. Competent authority / competent bodies National authorities Ministère de l´Agriculture, l´Agrolimentaire et la Fôret ( Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry) Direction Générale des Politiques Agricole, Agroalimentaire et des territoires (Directorate-General of Agricultural and Agri-Food) Service de la stratégie agroalimentaire et du développement durable ( División of Agri-Food and sustainable development strategy) Sous-direction de l’organisation ecónomique, des industries agroalimentaires et de l´emploi (Subdivision of economic organisation, food processing industry and labour) Bureau de la gestion des signes de qualité et de l'agriculture biologique (Bureau for management of quality marks and organic farming) 3 rue Barbet de Jouy - F-75349 Paris 07 SP Tel: (+33) 1 49 55 49 83 - Fax: (+33) 1 49 55 50 56 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Agence Française pour le Développement et la Promotion de l’Agriculture Biologique(French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Farming) 6 rue Lavoisier - F-93100 Montreuil-sous-Bois Tel: (+33) 1 48 70 48 30 - Fax: (+33) 1 48 70 48 45 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Inspection bodies List of approved private bodies in charge of inspection of products from organic production

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