Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish

Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish Cristo, el Buen Pastor 633 Porter Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330.755.4141) (330)755-3633 (Español) (330)755-136

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Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish Cristo, el Buen Pastor 633 Porter Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330.755.4141) (330)755-3633 (Español) (330)755-1367 (fax) • The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments, share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community and throughout the world.

Ascension of Our Lord May 8, 2016 CONTINUALLY PRAISING GOD In both the first reading and the Gospel we are told about Christ’s glorious ascension into heaven. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reminds us that Christ has been seated at God’s right hand in heaven, above every choir of angels. There might be a temptation to stay at an awed distance from Jesus Christ. However, the tone of today’s readings is far from that temptation. The tone is exultant and the message is urgent. We are to be his witnesses, and the Gospel describes the first witnesses this way: “With great joy . . . they were continually in the temple praising God” (Luke 24:53). How can we continually praise God? The answer can be found in the second reading, in which Paul prays that God will give us a “Spirit of wisdom and revelation” in order to know Christ clearly (Ephesians 1:17). We cannot stand at a distance. We are to be enlightened and empowered. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

OUR PARISH’S CHURCHES St. John the Baptist Church 159 Reed Ave. Hall: (330)755-0036 St. Joseph the Provider Church 633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316 St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima 394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4545 or (330)755-2245 All parish offices are located at 633 Porter Avenue. Campbell, OH 44405 330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633 Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Good Shepherd Campbell

MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details) at St. Joseph the Provider

Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm [with Confessions at 3:15pm]

Sunday: 9:30am - 12:00 Noon (Spanish) Weekdays Monday at 8:30am: Communion Service Tuesday - Friday at 8:30am: Mass at St. Lucy/Sta. Rosa

Holy Days: (See inside)


Pastor’s Corner Christ is Risen! Happy Mother’s Day! In a special way today we remember those who women who have helped us grow as persons and in our faith. We ask God to bless them and to help us to live the lessons they have taught. And, we ask Mary to lead us into greater union with her Son, Jesus. As we continue to celebrate our New Life in Christ during the Easter season, we reflect on the Sacraments. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1468-1470): “‘The whole power of the sacrament of Penance consists in restoring us to God's grace and joining us with him in an intimate friendship.’ Reconciliation with God is thus the purpose and effect of this sacrament. For those who receive the sacrament of Penance with contrite heart and religious disposition, reconciliation ‘is usually followed by peace and serenity of conscience with strong spiritual consolation.’ Indeed the sacrament of Reconciliation with God brings about a true ‘spiritual resurrection,’ restoration of the dignity and blessings of the life of the children of God, of which the most precious is friendship with God. This sacrament reconciles us with the Church. Sin damages or even breaks fraternal communion. The sacrament of Penance repairs or restores it. In this sense it does not simply heal the one restored to ecclesial communion, but has also a revitalizing effect on the life of the Church which suffered from the sin of one of her members. Reestablished or strengthened in the communion of saints, the sinner is made stronger by the exchange of spiritual goods among all the living members of the Body of Christ, whether still on pilgrimage or already in the heavenly homeland: It must be recalled that . . . this reconciliation with God leads, as it were, to other reconciliations, which repair the other breaches caused by sin. The forgiven penitent is reconciled with himself in his inmost being, where he regains his innermost truth. He is reconciled with his brethren whom he has in some way offended and wounded. He is reconciled with the Church. He is reconciled with all creation. It is only by the road of conversion that we can enter the Kingdom. In converting to Christ through penance and faith, the sinner passes from death to life and ‘does not come into judgment.’” I encourage everyone to celebrate regularly (at least once a year) the Sacrament of Reconciliation. And, there is much work that we must do to bring reconciliation about in our relationships—outside of this sacrament. May God give us the courage and strength to reconcile with each other. Next week, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, after all the Masses. And, I look forward to the Open Gym and Gaming that we are having for Grades 7-12 from 4-7pm next Sunday! God bless you, Fr. Conoboy

La Esquina del Pastor Cristo ha Resucitado! Feliz Día de las Madres! En una manera especial hoy recordaremos a las mujeres que nos han ayudado a crecer como personas y en nuestra fe. Pedimos a Dios que las bendiga y nos ayude a vivir las lecciones que nos han ensenado. Y, que María nos guie a una mayor unión con su Hijo, Jesús. A medida que continuamos celebrando nuestra Nueva Vida en Cristo durante el tiempo de Pascua, reflexionamos en los Sacramentos. Del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (1468-1470): “‘Toda la fuerza de la Penitencia consiste en que nos restituye a la gracia de Dios y nos une con Él con profunda amistad’. El fin y el efecto de este sacramento son, pues, la reconciliación con Dios. En los que reciben el sacramento de la Penitencia con un corazón contrito y con una disposición religiosa, ‘tiene como resultado la paz y la tranquilidad de la conciencia, a las que acompaña un profundo consuelo espiritual’. En efecto, el sacramento de la reconciliación con Dios produce una verdadera ‘resurrección espiritual’, una restitución de la dignidad y de los bienes de la vida de los hijos de Dios, el más precioso de los cuales es la amistad de Dios. Este sacramento reconcilia con la Iglesia al penitente. El pecado menoscaba o rompe la comunión fraterna. El sacramento de la Penitencia la repara o la restaura. En este sentido, no cura solamente al que se reintegra en la comunión eclesial, tiene también un efecto vivificante sobre la vida de la Iglesia que ha sufrido por el pecado de uno de sus miembros. Restablecido o afirmado en la comunión de los santos, el pecador es fortalecido por el intercambio de los bienes espirituales entre todos los miembros vivos del Cuerpo de Cristo, estén todavía en situación de peregrinos o que se hallen ya en la patria celestial: ‘Pero hay que añadir que tal reconciliación con Dios tiene como consecuencia, por así decir, otras reconciliaciones que reparan las rupturas causadas por el pecado: el penitente perdonado se reconcilia consigo mismo en el fondo más íntimo de su propio ser, en el que recupera la propia verdad interior; se reconcilia con los hermanos, agredidos y lesionados por él de algún modo; se reconcilia con la Iglesia, se reconcilia con toda la creación’. Sólo por el camino de la conversión podemos entrar en el Reino. Convirtiéndose a Cristo por la penitencia y la fe, el pecador pasa de la muerte a la vida ‘y no incurre en juicio’.” Invito a todos a celebrar con regularidad (al menos una vez al ano), el Sacramento de Reconciliación. Y, hay mucho trabajo que hay que hacer para traer la reconciliación en nuestras relaciones—afuera de este sacramento. Que Dios nos de el valor y la fuerza de reconciliarse entre si. La próxima semana vamos a celebrar el Sacramento de la Unción de Enfermos, después de todas las Misas. Y, espero ansioso el Open Gym and Gaming del próximo Domingo, 15 de Mayo, para los grados 7-12 de 4-7pm! Que Dios te bendiga, Padre Conoboy


Mass Intentions The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass. Saturday, May 7: Vigil for Sunday 4:00pm Domenic Carrocce (Mary Beth Hayer/David & Janice Hartzell) Helen Zuzik (husband, Paul) Vera Texter (John & Susy Almasy) SUNDAY, May 8: Ascension of our Lord Mother’s Day 9:30am For All Mothers Living & Deceased Noon Para todas las Madres Vivas y Fallecidas Monday, May 9: Weekday 8:30am Communion Service Tuesday, 8:15am 8:30am

May 10: St. Damien de Veuster St. Anthony Novena (9) Rudy Schlosser (Marge McGraw)

Wednesday, May 11: Weekday 8:30am Margaret Horvath (Joan DeLucia) Thursday, May 12: Sts. Nereus & Achilleus 8:30am Helen Lencyk (Gloria Chojnacki) Friday, May 13: Our Lady of Fatima 8:30am Helen Zuzik (John, Jane & Tom Orlo) Saturday, May 14: Vigil for Sunday 4:00pm Edith Dellick (Kathy Pietti) Corena D. Tabak (Pierogi Workers) Fr. Charles Poore (Maria & Harold Meyer) SUNDAY, May 15: PENTECOST SUNDAY 9:30am Memorial Mass Association Noon Noheny & Carlos Martinez (daughters, Vicky & Lucia Martinez) Patria Molina (Elisa Suarez) Esther Carrasquilla (Familia)

You are invited! Father Shawn would like to honor all graduates during the 4:00pm Mass on Saturday, May 21. There will be a reception for you following Mass. Please RSVP by May 18 by calling the parish office at 330.755.4141 with your name and school. We will also recognize your achievement in the parish bulletin.

Memorial Flames at St. Joseph the Provider St. Elizabeth: Regina Sliwinski (Family) St. Jude: Mary Anne Miles (husband, Sherman, son, Sherman) Christ, the Good Shepherd: Nadine Bednarik (husband, Gary & sons, Vince & Nico) St. Anne: Anne Simboli & Anna Wityshyn (Lolly Simboli Wityshyn)

+PRAY WITH THE SCRIPTURES+ Readings for the week of May 8: TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Jesus tells the disciples that they will be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:1-11). Psalm — God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47). Second Reading — God seated Jesus at his right hand in the heavens (Ephesians 1:17-23) or Hebrews 9:24-28; 10:19-23. Gospel — As Jesus blessed his disciples he parted from them and was taken up to heaven (Luke 24:46-53). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68; John 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Psalm 68; John 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68; John 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Psalm 16; John 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Psalm 103; John 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Psalm 113; John 15:9-17 Sunday: Vigil: Genesis 11:1-9 or Exodus 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ezekiel 37:1-14 or Joel 3:1-5; Psalm 104; Romans 8:22-27; John 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 104; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Romans 8:8-17; John 20:19-23 or John 14:15-16, 23b-26 Estan Invitados! Padre Conoboy le gustaria reconocer a todos los graduandos durante la Misa de las 4pm el Sábado, 21 de Mayo. Habrá una recepción después de la Misa. Favor de reservar para el 18 de Mayo, llamando a la oficina de la parroquia 330.755.4141 con su nombre y el de su escuela. También se reconocerá su logro en el boletín de la parroquia.

4 • CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH: Monday, May 9: 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal Tuesday, May 10: 8:15am St. Anthony Novena (9) Wednesday, May 11: Food Pantry Palermo Center 10:00am Crochet Club 5:30pm Prayer Group Thursday, May 12: Call to order Pierogi 9-11am 330.755.1316 Friday, May 13: Pierogi 8:00am 330.755.1316 Saturday, May 14: Anointing of the Sick after Mass Legion of Mary Sunday, May 15: Anointing of the Sick after Mass 10:30am St. John Cultural Society meeting 3:30-4pm St John Men’s Club meeting High School Students Open Gym 4-7pm Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick The name Jesus means “God saves.” The name emphasizes that Jesus is the one who has come to save all. Christ “anointed.” The name shows that God the Father has given Jesus a mission and endowed him with power to save and the power to heal. Jesus’ whole life was aimed at saving people. His words and actions are the foundation of the saving grace we now received in the sacrament. This sacrament unites those who are suffering with Jesus’ saving and healing power. People receive forgiveness for their sins and comfort in their suffering; they are restored in spirit; and sometimes they even experience the return of physical health. Suffering is a part of life, but Jesus unites our suffering with his passion and death so that through our suffering we can participate in his saving and healing work. The sacrament also reminds us that God wants to give comfort to the suffering and wants us to relieve suffering where we can. Once referred to as Extreme Unction is now a prayer of healing and may now be celebrated several times.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sunday, May 15 8:30am - 1:30pm at St. Joseph the Provider Hall, 633 Porter Avenue this will benefit the activities of Campbell Knights of Columbus Council 13466 Breakfast will include: Pancakes, eggs, sausage & potatoes, coffee or juice. A 50/50 raffle, Chinese Auction & Lottery Tree. Adult tickets $6.00 Children (4-10) are $3.00 available at the door. More info call Tom 330.755.4948

ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Lunes, 9 de Mayo: 6:00pm Práctica del Coro Martes, 10 de Mayo: 8:15am St. Anthony Novena (9) Miércoles, 11 de Mayo: Banco de Comida en el Palermo Center 10:00am Club de Crochet 5:30pm Grupo de Oración Jueves, 12 de Mayo: 9-11am Ordenar Pierogi 330.755.1316 Viernes, 13 de Mayo: 8:00am Pierogi 330.755.1316 Sábado, 14 de Mayo: Unción de los Enfermos después de la Misa 10:00am Legión de María Domingo, 15 de Mayo: Unción de los Enfermos después de la Misa 10:30am Reunión Sociedad Cultural St. John 3:30-4pm Reunión Club de Hombres St. John Estudiantes de High School Open Gym 4-7pm Campbell Senior Citizens Bus Monday - 9am -2pm Wednesday -9-11am & 12:30-2:30pm Friday 9-1pm Call 330.755.1451 Ext. #5 for more information Guagua para los Seniors de Campbell Lunes 9am-2pm Miércoles 9-11am y 12:30-2:30pm Viernes 9am-1pm LLame 330.755.1451 Ext. #5 para más información Christ, the Good Shepherd, Infant Guild is having a Dinner May 25, at 4:00pm at MVR, in Youngstown. You will be ordering off the Menu Deadline is Sunday, May 15, call Sara 330.755.9382 or Drop in collection basket


Sta. Rosa de Lima’s Cultural Society Chicken Rice Dinner Drive-thru Sunday, May 22 Christ, the Good Shepherd at St. Joseph the Provider Price: $10.00 Pick-up from 12:00 Noon - 3:00pm Pre-Sale tickets only/limited tickets available. For tickets call: Aida 330.755.0430 Nancy 330.755.3145 Candy 330.743.6812 Deadline for tickets May 15 Drive thru the Porter Avenue Entrance

ASCENSION OF OUR LORD - MAY 8, 2016 • 5 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE May 8 - 50 Days of Joy & Gratitude Jesus reminds us the love of God is with us always. Can you think of a better reason to be joyful and grateful? What a gift we have been given! We are called to share this love with everyone we encounter. How do I respond to God’s great love for me in my life? How can I best share God’s love with others in a spirit of joy and gratitude? Jesús nos recuerda que el amor de Dios está siempre con nosotros. Se puede pensar en una mejor razón para estar alegres y agradecidos? Que regalo nos ha dado! Estamos llamados a compartir este amor con todo el mundo que nos encontremos. Como respondo al gran amor de Dios para mí en mi vida? Cuál es la mejor cuota de amor de Dios con otros en un espíritu de alegría? PARISH SACRIFICAL GIVING : May 1: WEEKLY COLLECTION: $6,805.00 ADDITIONAL: Children: $40.00 Utilities/Main: $305.00 Second Collection: $341.00 St. Vincent de Paul 2nd Collection May 15 Parish Food Pantries

Expense for Self-Insurance: $6,265.00 a month. On-Line Giving is now available Go to Web-Site MASS ATTENDANCE 561 Thank you for your faithful offerings to your parish

Young Adult HAPPY HOUR FOR THOSE IN THE 20 & 30 years Monday, May 9 4-7 PM O’Donolds For more information: Call Nicky Uerling 330.747.9202 Please pray for the repose of the soul of Danny Strollo May he be greeted in heaven with joy & celebration. Our sympathy & prayers are with his family.

Your prayers are requested for the health and well-being of the following parishioners: Scott Anderson Dorothy Baksa Julia Beltz Jim Bigley Pat Bozichovich Ted Braccolino Mary Brunson Kenneth Bukowski Danny Bullen Lefty Butchko Hannah Carnahan Melissa Carnahan Joseph & Ellen Cassata Patti Centofanti Pauline Ciccolelli Ed Cook Nilda Cruz Veronica Domko Gabriall Daves Frances DelRae Ana Diaz Mary Dirienzo Mary Lou Dubaj Shirley Dunlap Michael Esposito Ray Fabian Bernie Flowers Mark Furman William Galluppi Bob Gatti John Gerlick James Gotch Frances Gregor Iraklis Grillis Norma Gonzalez Lucy Hames Bobby Hames John Hames John Hamley Anne Hornak Ann Hudak Hunter Johnson Elizabeth Jean Kana Dick Kajut Betty Kajut Edith Kelly Ken Kish Mary Kominak Angelina Koval Kevina Koval Nicholas Krut Dr. James Lazor

Jennifer Lazor Mary Leshinsky John Lissi Rita Makatura Joe Makosky Hannah Marsh Kay Marshall Mary Mazzocca Jackie & Bruce McMillin Emillio Miconi Leo Miranda Joe Montella Barbara Montella Darren Patterson Morgan Marge Mraz Mike Mularchik Helen & Ed Nester Jane Orlo John Orlo Tom Orlo FlorencePatterson Dave Parsons Brian Pascarella Antionette Pennel Walter Perez Linda Perry Faith Perry Fr. Steve Popovich Andy Rauzan Sandy Redeske Thomas Repasky Dolly Rich John Richards Ann Rivalsky Carmen Rivera Tootsie Rivera John Roberts Bibiano Rodriguez Paul Romeo SylviaRossodivita Ann Romun Andrea Ruscitti Gina Sacco Jerry Sacco Carmen Santiago Betty Schlosser Barbara Schlosser Wesley Scott Sr. Freddie Seitz Marina Serrano

Jon Shabella Helen Shiller Ruth Sierzega Robert Sikora Darlene Stellmar Diane Stamos Steve Stamos Dorothy Stellmar Shirley Szilagy Dave Tabor Jim Tabor Chip Taylor Cindy Timko Mary Ann Trimboli Hannah Tringhese Priscilla Turscak Mary Uhrain Ed Uhrain Diane Varady Crissi Vallus Suzanne Morales Vetter Helen Wacht Edward Wacht Billy Walter Dorothy Walter Eddie Walter Paul White, Sr. Linda Wright Fr. Howard Ziemba Rudy Zura

Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes.

6• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO In Memory of: Anna Polkabla Helen Zuzik Mary S. Bartos Mary Thomas Dorothy Patterson Marian Veltre Fannie Cavalier Sara Mendel Carmen Mendel Agnes McCabe Mary Sulik Veronica Jurcisin Anna Bartos Anne Simboli Anna Wityshyn Kay Simboli Cynthia White Monserrate Orengo Mary Roguski Amelia Turschak Mamie Molina Anna Kominak Margaret Madura Jennie Valerio Anna Swantek Lucy Masi Bertha Thomas Ann Fabian Eleanor Biej Marie Leal Ruth Grenter Kathy Meyer Ann Puncec Ann Kish Martha Halus Helen A. Janecko Christina Rossi Sandra Heri Tillie Veubnak Mary Pope Helen Volovar Anna Domanich Anna Varady Helen Beck

With a deep sense of gratitude for her loving care & sacrifices, I request that my mother be remembered in the Masses celebrated in our parish on Mother’s Day Helen Thomas Mary Baluck Catherine Konopka Julia Pagan Kay Bernard Frances Zamary Mary Pacholec Veronica Cook Orline Gutierrez Fanny Valdez Sophie Szenborn Mary Brajkovich Anna Masi Susan Shipka Betty Jean Marcu Mary Brayer Anna Siva Elizabeth Hamley Pat Pantana Anna Domanich Anna Matvey Ana Maruschak Stella Chojnacki Victoria Beukas Rose Zuzga Marcy Sulak Marie Esposito Helen Grondolsky Rose Doris Yeropoli Irene Curtis Donna Ciccotelli Rose Snitzer Helen Grondolsky Sophia Kubus

Rose Richards Cathering Gresh Theresa Carrocce Veronica Dubaj Ersilia Salvatore Lena Fata Barbara Wydick Mary Janecko Alice Rauzan Mary Tomsick Anna Verba Mary Kovach Sophia Kana Lisa Valerio Linda Appelwick Stasoa Sertich Mary L. Kosmo Ann Billec Anna Herman Ann Kosmo Anne Popovich Anna Palen Jean Merrell Mary Merrell Carmen L. Laviera Carmela Rich Edith Dellick Dorothy Yankle Evelyn Schlosser Anna Schlosser Josephine L. Hassay Ann Michelini Phyllis O’Hara Helen Grondolsky

Edith Libby Mary Zuraw Antoinette Zura Catherine Konopka Rose Baal Kathrine Baal Sadie Kellogg Anna Bosela Lena Dulovich Brunctta Pogacnik Betty Rispiato Mistovich Mothers Simchick Mothers Margaret Macejko Helen Shirilla Romana Reyesy Romana Torres Anna Zugcic Lottie Kotsol Maria Mangiarelli Sara L. Mendel Elsie Kish

In Honor of:

Aggie Sharshan Eleanor Goskie Veronica Carrocce Luz Salcedo Migdalia Flores Mary Bozic Jean Zuraw Patti Snitzer Alyssa Snitzer MaryAnn Jenoff Adelina Guzman Carol Zamary Adelina Guzman Helen Esposito Sally Falasca Estebania Silva Veronica Libby Mistovich Mothers Simchick Mothers Shirley Zura


Christ, the Good Shepherd ••Pastoral

Council Nomination Form••

Our parish needs Christian leadership to help make decisions about our pastoral life and growth. Please help identify persons in this faith community who could enable us to develop our sense of Evangelization, Worship, Word, Service, Community, Stewardship, and Leadership. Leaders should have the following characteristics: • a desire for spiritual growth in themselves and in the parish • enthusiasm about the future direction of our parish • willingness to listen, to speak honestly, and to work toward consensus • the ability to inspire and empower others and to delegate • flexibility and openness with people and ideas In order to be considered for the ministry of parish leadership a parishioner must: • be a baptized and confirmed Catholic. • be a registered member of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish. • be a participant in the ongoing worship life of our parish, especially Sunday Eucharist.

Please list the names of parishioners whom you identify as having the gifts for pastoral council leadership. If you have their phone numbers, please include that, as well. These people will receive a call to inform them that they have been named and to ask them to participate in an information session. They will have the option to remain in the selection process or not.

NOMINATING FORM FOR LEADERSHIP MINISTRY I suggest that the following individuals be invited to consider leadership ministry through service on our parish’s pastoral council. I will continue to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the selection process. (You may also nominate yourself.) _______________________________________






Please return this form with your nominations by May 10th Thank you for your suggestions. Please pray for the selection of pastoral council leadership in our parish.

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