Christ the King: November 20, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

Christ the King: November 20, 2016 1 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish 281-463-7878     Christ the King: November 20, 2016 2

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Story Transcript

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish 281-463-7878    

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Solemnity of Christ the King Fr. Jean Galot, S.J. Weekday Mass Readings November 21: Revelation 14:1-5; Psalm24; Luke 21:1-4 November 22: Revelation 14:14-19; Psalm 96; Luke 21:5-11

Jesus is King because he witnesses to Truth Jesus of Nazareth revealed himself to be a king, in the sense that he made himself known as the Messiah for whom the Jewish people awaited: the Messiah had been proclaimed as the ideal king who was to crown all the aspirations of a nation full of hope.

November 23: Revelation 15:1-4; Psalm 98; Luke 21:12-19

It is this figure of the ideal king that Andrew discovered, who then enabled his brother Simon to discover the same truth by telling him: "We have found the Messiah" (Jn 1:41).

November 24: Revelation 15:1-4; Psalm 145; I Corinthians 1:3-9; Luke 17:11-19

Jesus bore no resemblance to a king. Up to the age of 30, he did not make himself known and had no recognizable title. In the little-known village of Nazareth he simply exercised the craft of carpenter, which did not prepare him for a royal destiny.

November 25: Revelation 20:1-11; Psalm184; Luke 21:29-33

At the time when he left the village and began his preaching mission, there was nothing to suggest that he had the qualities or power of a king: he was a king without an army and without a people.

November 26: Revelation 22:1-7; Psalm95; Luke 21:34-36

A different kind of Kingdom

Thanksgiving Day Masses Thursday, November 24

6:30 a.m. English 9:00 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. Español No evening Mass On the Cover: Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (Ghent Altarpiece, detail). Jan and Hubert van Eyck, 1432. St. Bavo Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium.

Nevertheless, there was a group that wanted to recognize him as an ideal king, a messianic king. This was the multitude that had benefited from the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves. Those who had been fed free-ofcharge and had been able to eat bread in abundance wished Jesus to take on the role of Messiah and provide for the people's needs. But this is not what Jesus wanted: indeed, he announced the gift of a spiritual food for the foundation of a spiritual kingdom.

So just what kind of kingdom was this? The question was asked specifically during the trial before Pilate. Jesus' adversaries were accusing him of challenging the sovereign power of the Roman Emperor by desiring to make himself King of the Jews. Pilate therefore asked the accused: "Are you the King of the Jews?" (Jn 18:33). The Roman Procurator had been informed of the sentiments of envy and rivalry that had given rise to the accusation; but he had to interrogate Jesus about his intentions in order to report to the Emperor on this possible Jewish King. But Jesus had other concerns and wanted to make Pilate ponder on the problem that arose from his mysterious kingly identity. "Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?" he asks Pilate. If the Procurator was only repeating what others told him, the question did not require much thought; but if he had said it of his own accord, this would indicate that deeper reflection was required. Jesus as King witnesses to truth


Continued on page 11...

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: In just a few days our nation will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It is a commemoration rooted in our national history, and has helped to shape the American imagination. As a nation of immigrants, it is important that each new generation strive to understand and embrace the principles and customs that have made this nation a beacon to others. George Washington issued the first Proclamation of a National Day of Thanksgiving, in 1789. It was originally observed on November 26. Later, the date was fixed as the fourth Thursday of November. As a national holiday, Thanksgiving is a day for family reunions, a festive meal, and for being conscious of the many blessings we enjoy in this country. In the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation, which is among the most memorable of those issued by the various Presidents. What follows is a portion of that decree, made in 1863: Our national blessings, the President wrote, “are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States… to set apart and observe… a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. “And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union.” The Mass schedule for Thanksgiving Day may be found on page two of this bulletin. Sincerely Yours in Christ,

YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds, Pastor My Sunday homilies are on line at our parish website:

The Solemnity of Christ the King..…....… p. 2 Mass Schedule………………….…….…… p. 3 Charismatic Prayer Group…….….….…. p. 4 Stewardship Report…….……………..…. p. 4 Knights of Columbus….…………………. p. 5 ACTS fundraiser…….……....….………..… p. 5 Anuncios en Español…….……………….. p .6 La Carta del Párroco………...…......…… p. 7 CD of the Week……….........….……..….. p. 8 That Man Is You!...........………….………. p. 8

Fiesta Guadalupana.………….…….….. p. 9 School News……………………………….. p. 10 Upcoming Events…………...……………. p. 11 Blood Drive………………………..…......... p. 12 Eucharistic Adoration…...…….……..….. p. 13 St. Vincent dePaul Report………………. p. 13 Mass Intentions ……………...……...…….. p. 14 Sick List…………………………….………....p. 15 Parish Directory……………………………. p. 16   Blessed Miguel Pro……………..... Back Cover

Mass Schedule Monday—Friday 6:30 a.m. English 9:00 a.m. English 7:00 p.m. English On Friday, the evening Mass is in Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)

7:30 p.m.

Miércoles en Español

Special Mass schedule for Thanksgiving Day. See page 2.

Saturday 9:00 a.m.


Anticipated Masses 5:00 p.m. English 6:30 p.m. Español 8:00 p.m. Tiếng Việt Sunday Masses 7:00 a.m. English 8:30 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. English 12:15 p.m. English 2:00 p.m. Español 5:30 p.m. English 7:30 p.m. Español

Confession Wednesday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m. Friday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m. Saturday 3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m. First Friday 8:00 a.m.—8:45 a.m. 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m.

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Parish Apostolates Respect Life Committee For information about upcoming pro-life activities, you are invited to call Lia Mclean at 832-766-2634, or contact her by e-mail: [email protected].

St. Joseph’s Freedom Men’s Group Charismatic Prayer Group November Schedule “In all circumstances give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.” (1 Th. 5:18) While November may be known as “Thanksgiving” month, the Scripture selections for the November Mass readings remind us to not only be always thankful for our blessings, but how trusting in God’s love helps us look past the adverse times this life can bring to see the beautiful place He has prepared for us with Him in Heaven. If you are looking for more ways to connect your life with your faith, please join us on Friday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Prayer Room for lively praise music, prayer, worship, and sharing God’s Word. Fellowship and light refreshments follow. November 25:

No Meeting (Happy Thanksgiving)

Note: Discussion topics at our November gatherings from the Gospels of: Luke 20:27-28, 21:5-19, 23:35-43.

We are a confidential support group for men and their families. Our goal is to help develop skills to win the battle against alcohol, chemical, and porn/sexual addiction. Meetings are Saturdays, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Wife and family member meetings are held upon request on the last Saturdays of March, June, September, and December. More information is available at : HTTP:// and [email protected]

Northwest Ultreya Deepen your relationship with Christ. Ultreya is part of Cursillo, a Catholic lay movement that offers an opportunity to meet Christ in a more complete way. “Cursillo" means “little course” and provides a lifetime plan for following Christ through prayer, study and action, in friendship with others. We meet at 9:45 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month in the FLC. Contact Duane King 281-615-8942.

Helping Hands Ministry We assist families in pre-planning for funerals. To schedule an appointment, please call Beth Wood at 281-413-9682. We also sponsor a bereavement support group on the first and third Thursdays, in room eleven of the FLC, from 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. You may contact Deborah Jackson at 281 -550-3027 or Gini Buehler at 281-861-6306.


Sunday, November 6, 2016  Regular Offertory  Retired Priests Diocesan Services Fund (DSF)  Parish Goal  Pledged-to-date  Paid-to-date  Number of participants

$ 35,815 9,778

Inquiry classes for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church will take place every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the FLC. Contact Nadia Jara at 281-463-7878, ext. 337, or at [email protected].

Faith Direct: Secure Giving $270,000 $190,243 $179,798 614

Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for automated giving to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. It is secure, convenient and Faith Direct will provide you an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you. Sign up today by visiting,   our parish code is TX417.

Christ the King: November 20, 2016

Parish Apostolates


Christmas Magnet Fundraiser

Commuter Mass

The ACTS Apostolate invites you to help remind everyone about the meaning of Christmas.

For several years now, the priests of Regina Caeli Parish have offered a weekday morning Mass in Latin at 6:30 a.m. From now on, the 6:30 a.m. Mass will be in English and will be offered by the priests of our parish. Why not start your day by meeting the Lord in His holy Word and in the Holy Eucharist? Mass will end by 7:00 a.m.

After every Mass during the first two weekends of December, members will be at the flagpoles selling magnets that can be displayed on your cars or in your home. This is a great stocking stuffer!

R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for people who are thinking about the possibility of becoming Catholic. It is for people who have not been baptized, people of other faiths or people who have been baptized Catholic but did not complete the sacraments of Initiation. This is a beautiful process, with no pressure to commit to our faith community, in which interested persons slowly explore the beliefs of the Catholic Church and discern, over a period of many months, if they desire to become Catholic. If you are interested, or have a relative, friend or co-worker who has expressed this interest, please call: Nadia Jara: 281- 463-7878 ext. 337 or at [email protected]

Offertory Counters Do you want to share your time and talents? We are searching for individuals who would like to count money for two hours once a month on Sunday. You may choose from three different time slots on Sunday mornings or perhaps you can help on Monday or Thursday mornings. If you are able to volunteer, please call Marie Sharp at 281 -463-7878 ext. 380 for more details.

Parish Nursing Ministry The Seas Parish Nursing ministry is comprised of health care professionals and others who have the health of our parishioners at heart. They are nurses, therapists, educators, and experts in the fields of health promotion. Some work in home health, elderly assistance, aging, hospice, general medicine, surgery, oncology, obstetrics, domestic violence and intensive care. They work to coordinate care for parishioners in their time of need. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Please feel free to call Wyona (281-433-5365) or Kim (832746-1135) if you have health questions or would like to join this growing ministry.

Choose one or both designs. Only $5.00 each.

Knights of Columbus 2016 Holiday Nut Sale Saturday, Nov 19 and Saturday Dec 10 after 5:00 and 6:30 Masses. Sunday, Nov 20, Sunday, Dec 4, and Sunday, Dec 11 after 7:00, 8:30, 10:30, 12:15 Mass, and 2:00 Masses Jumbo Pecan Halves Honey Roasted Pecans Praline Pecans Mixed Nuts Cashews English Walnuts Whole Natural Almonds Honey Roasted Peanuts

$13.00/lb. $11.00/lb. $11.00/lb. $10.00/lb. $10.00/lb. $ 9.00/b. $ 9.00/lb. $ 6.00/lb.

More information: Chuck Blumentritt 713-205-8819 or [email protected]

Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus Council #8096. If you are a Catholic man and are not a member of the Knights of Columbus, you are missing a wonderful opportunity. Please consider joining! The Knights meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7:30pm, with a meal served at 7pm, in the Community Life Center (CLC). Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to support your parish, give back to your community, grow in your faith and gain exclusive access to our top-rated insurance program to protect your family. Visit   us at

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Legion de Maria Formacion de Adultos Lunes FLC 9 7:30 pm: Getulia 832-755-1931 Martes FLC 9 7:30 pm; Liliana 281-723-2328 Viernes FLC 9 6:15pm; Marlene 832-410-5273 Formacion de Jovenes 10-18 Anos de Edad Viernes FLC 9 7:45 pm; Marlene 832-410-5273

RICA Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos

Celebración Arquidiocesana de La Virgen de Guadalupe

Proceso de preparación para la celebración de los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Eucaristía y Confirmación para Adultos. ¿Está pensando en la preparación sacramental de Adultos?

Todos los fieles están invitados a la Celebración Arquidiocesana de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el domingo 11 de diciembre 2016 en el Centro de Convenciones George R Borwn del centro de Houston.

RICA, Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos, es un proceso de discernimiento y preparación para las personas interesadas en aprender más sobre la Iglesia Católica,

Inicia a las 10am con una procession desde 1700 San Jacinto hasta el Centro de Convenciones, con cantos y danzas de los matachines. La Santa Misa se celebrará a las 5pm presidida por Su Eminencia el Arzobispo Daniel Cardenal DiNardo. Por favor, haga planes para asistir a esta gran celebración.

Para aquellos que nunca han sido bautizados, o han sido bautizados en otras denominaciones, o que han sido bautizados en la Iglesia Católica pero no han recibido los sacramentos de iniciación (Eucaristía y Confirmación).

Para más información llama a Pablo Guzman 713-291-1022 [email protected]

Este es un bellísimo proceso sin ningún compromiso a través del cual se explora lentamente las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica y se discierne por varios meses el deseo de hacerse católico. Si usted está interesado, o un pariente, amigo o compañero que le ha manifestado interés anímelo a comunicarse con: Nadia Jara al 281- 463-7878 ext. 337 [email protected]

Festival Guadalupana Mas información en pagina 9...

Grupo de estudio Bíblico en Español Les invitamos a ser parte de nuestro grupo, que se reúne todos los martes de 12:30-2:30pm en el FLC. Necesita solo el deseo de conocer más nuestra Fe Católica. Favor de mandar mensaje por texto con cualquier pregunta al 281620-8308 atn: Guadalupe Ortiz.

Sociedad San Vicente de Paul de SEAS En el Evangelio vemos como Jesús envía a sus Apóstoles de dos en dos. Con ese mismo espíritu, los voluntarios de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul “van de dos en dos” a las casas de quienes solicitan asistencia. Es allí, en el ambiente familiar, que los Vicentinos escuchan, dan humilde concejo, y proporcionan ayuda. Pueden confiar que los Vicentinos darán su ayuda a los pobres y necesitados. En oración, consideren un generoso donativo a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul.

Grupo de Oración Carismático SEAS Misión: Dar testimonio del papel determinante de los carismas en la predicación del Evangelio y en la construcción de la comunidad cristiana. Facilitar la Educación en la Fe y la Experiencia de Comunidad Cristiana entre Adultos. Asambleas: Todos los Viernes de 7:30 a 9:45 pm., en los salones A&B del Edificio de Vida Familiar (FLC). Todos son Bienvenidos, Contamos con Servicio de Guardería.

Gracias, a todos los parroquianos de SEAS por su continuo apoyo a nuestro ministerio!


Tel. Oficina de SVDP-SEAS: 281-463-4560. Horas Oficina SVDP: 9 am-Mediodía: Lunes, Mierc &Vier.

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor:

El Horario de las Posadas 14 al 22 de Diciembre

En pocos días nuestra nación celebrará el Día de Acción de Gracias. Es una conmemoración arraigada en nuestra historia nacional, y ha ayudado a dar forma a la imaginación americana. Como nación de inmigrantes, es importante que cada nueva generación se esfuerce por entender y aceptar los principios y costumbres que han hecho de esta nación una guia para otros. George Washington publicó la primera Proclamación del Día Nacional de Acción de Gracias, en 1789. Se observó originalmente el 26 de Noviembre. Más tarde, la fecha se fijó como el cuarto Jueves de Noviembre. Como día de fiesta nacional, el Día de Acción de Gracias es un día para reuniones familiares, una comida festiva y por tomar conciencia de las muchas bendiciones que disfrutamos en este país. En medio de la Guerra Civil, Abraham Lincoln emitió una Proclamación de Acción de Gracias, que está entre las más memorables de las emitidas por los diversos Presidentes. Lo que sigue es una parte de ese decreto, hecho en 1863: Escribió el Presidente: “Nuestras bendiciones nacionales, "son los dones graciosos del Dios Altísimo, quien, aun enojado por nuestros pecados, los olvida por su gran misericordia. Me ha parecido conveniente que se le reconozca con solemnidad, reverencia y gratitud, con un corazón y una sola voz de todo el pueblo americano. Por lo tanto, invito a mis conciudadanos en todas partes de los Estados Unidos a apartar y observar un día de Acción de Gracias y alabanza a nuestro bienaventurado Padre que mora en los Cielos. "Y les recomiendo a ellos, que al estarle ofreciendo a nuestro Padre las atribuciones justas por tales libertades y bendiciones singulares, ellos también, con humilde penitencia por nuestra perversidad nacional y desobediencia, encomienden a su tierno cuidado a todos aquellos que se han convertido en viudas, huérfanos , dolientes o enfermos en la lamentable lucha civil en la que estamos inevitablemente comprometidos, e imploramos fervientemente la interposición de la Mano Omnipotente para sanar las heridas de la nación y restaurarla tan pronto como sea compatible con los propósitos Divinos para el pleno disfrute de paz, armonía, tranquilidad y unión ".



Patrocinado por

Miércoles 14 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM

Coro, monaguillos , estudio de Biblia

Jueves 15 Diciembre

Escolar Commons 7—9 PM

Grupo Apóstoles Divina Misericordia y Proclamadores

Viernes 16 Diciembre

Salones A y B (FLC) 7—9 PM

Grupo de Oración Carismático

Sábado 17 Diciembre

FLC A & B Después de la Misa de 6:30PM

Encuentro Matrimonial

Domingo 18 Diciembre

CLC Después de la Misa de 2:00PM

Movimiento Familiar Cristiano

Lunes 19 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM

Grupo de Jóvenes

Martes 20 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM

Ministerio de Hospitalidad y Matachines

Miércoles 21 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM

Legión de María y cursillo

Jueves 22 Diciembre

CLC 7—9 PM

Ministros Extraordinarios de Comunión

Festival de Pastorelas 2016

Viernes, 23 de diciembre Los invitamos a que vengan con nosotros a celebrar la víspera de la Navidad con estas tres divertidas pastorelas en español: A las 2:00 de la tarde. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano presenta: " ¿QUIÉN ES EL ANGEL Y QUIÉN ES EL DIABLO?" Pastorela Popular en un acto y siete cuadros. A las 5:00 de la tarde. Grupo Teatral Moustache presenta: "NAVIDAD EN NUEVA YORK" Pieza navideña en un solo acto y dos cuadros escrita por Juan Jesús Peña

El horario de Misa para el Día de Acción de Gracias pueden encontrarse en la página dos de este boletín. Atentamente en Cristo,

YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá Fr. Stephen B. Reynolds, Párroco


A las 7:00 de la noche. "Grupo Teatral Moustache presenta:" EL REVENTÓN Pastorela en dos actos original de Juan Jesús Peña. LUGAR: Family Life Center (FLC) St Elizabeth Ann Seton ENTRADA: Gratis.

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Lighthouse CD of the Week

Anh chị em thân mến trong Chúa:

Jesus the Bridegroom by Dr. Brant Pitre

Chỉ một vài ngày nữa quốc gia chúng ta sẽ mừng Lễ Tạ Ơn. Đó là một lễ hội bắt nguồn từ lịch sử của quốc gia chúng ta, và đã giúp hình thành giấc mơ của người Hoa Kỳ. Là một quốc gia của những người nhập cư, thật quan trọng là mỗi thế hệ mới phải nỗ lực để hiểu và nắm lấy các nguyên tắc và tập quán đã làm cho đất nước này thành một ngọn hải đăng cho những quốc gia khác.

Dr. Brant Pitre is an engaging speaker who regularly lectures throughout the country. In this talk, Dr. Pitre applies his knowledge of the Jewish roots of Christianity to the heart of the Gospel: the love of Christ. You will learn what it really means to have a “personal relationship” with Jesus Christ.

George Washington đã ra Tuyên cáo ngày lễ Tạ Ơn đầu tiên của quốc gia, vào năm 1789. Ban đầu ngày lễ được mừng vào ngày 26 tháng 11. Sau đó, ngày lễ được ấn định là ngày thứ năm của tuần lễ thứ tư trong tháng mười một. Là một ngày lễ nghỉ của quốc gia, Lễ Tạ Ơn là một ngày của đoàn tụ gia đình, một bữa ăn mừng, và với ý niệm rằng nhiều ơn lành chúng ta đã được hưởng tại đất nước này.

Parishioner Comments: “Priceless! Clarifies the confusion Catholics and non-Catholics have in regards to the sacraments of Marriage and the Eucharist." " One of the most clear, intelligent, and passionate explanations of salvation history I have ever heard! God's covenant relationship with humanity is revealed beautifully!"

Trong bối cảnh của cuộc nội chiến, Abraham Lincoln đã ban hành một tuyên cáo Lễ Tạ Ơn, một trong những tuyên bố đáng nhớ nhất của các vị Tổng Thống. Những điểm sau đây chính là một phần của nghị định, được ban hành năm 1863:

Your generous donations to cover our cost assure continued availability of these wonderful resources!

Ơn lành của quốc gia chúng ta, Tổng Thống đã viết, "là những món quà đầy ân sủng của Thiên Chúa Tối Cao, đấng, trong khi đối sử cách giận dữ với chúng ta bởi vì tội lỗi của chúng ta, nhưng vẫn đầy lòng thương xót. Điều này với tôi phù hợp và đúng đắn rằng chúng ta nên long trọng, cung kính và bầy tỏ lòng tạ ơn với cùng một con tim và một lời nói của cả Dân Tộc Hoa Kỳ. Do đó tôi mời gọi đồng bào của tôi ở khắp nơi của Hoa Kỳ ... hãy dành dịp này để ăn mừng ... một ngày Tạ Ơn và Ngợi Khen Cha nhân từ của chúng ta, đấng ngự trên trời. "Và tôi đề nghị với mọi người rằng trong khi dâng những ước nguyện chính đáng lên Ngài để xin hằng ngày dùng đủ, chúng ta cũng hãy có lòng sám hối khiêm tốn cho những lỗi lầm và sự bất tuân đối với quốc gia của chúng ta, ca ngợi sự chăm sóc dịu dàng của Ngài cho tất cả những góa phụ, các em mồ côi, những người gặp cảnh tang tóc hoặc những người đang đau khổ vì các xung đột dân sự đáng tiếc mà chúng ta đang không thể tránh được, và tha thiết xin Đấng Toàn Năng ra tay để hàn gắn những vết thương của quốc gia và khôi phục lại đất nước ngay khi có thể để phù hợp với mục đích của Thiên Chúa để mọi người được hưởng trọn vẹn nền hòa bình, sự hòa hợp, yên ổn và hiệp nhất."

No session this week of Thanksgiving! Next session will be on November 30 Wed. mornings 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. in the CLC! Invest a little time in yourself to become a better husband, father and spiritual leader in your family! Coffee, juice, donuts & kolaches are served to jump start your morning. No cost, preparation or outside commitments! Experience one session! Come, listen and learn!

Lịch trình thánh lễ trong ngày Lễ Tạ Ơn được đăng trong trang hai của tờ thông tin này.

Visit our website at and click on “Learn More” in the THAT MAN IS YOU section or contact Leon Fontana - 713-291-3581 or [email protected] .

Thân ái trong Chúa Kitô,

YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá  

Wherever you are in your spiritual life, Jesus Christ wants to meet you right there and take you further!

Christ the King: November 20, 2016




Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Steps for Students is a 5k USA Track and Field Association sanctioned race which benefits Catholic education in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston. Held every year in February, Steps for Students has grown to include over 10,000 participants, filling the streets around the Co-Cathedral with runners, walkers, families, kids and adults. Each Catholic school in the Archdiocese has its own team.

Help Raise Funds and Awareness for Catholic Education! Steps for Students 5K is an annual Archdiocesan-wide event that raises awareness of Catholic education and provides much needed funds for our Catholic Schools. All runners/walkers can register to be on the school team of their choice, or can walk independently for the Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program. Steps for Students is an opportunity for all members of the Faith community to work together to support education of mind, heart, and spirit in the many Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Race Day - Saturday, February 18, 2017 8:00am CST | Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway Steps for Students 5K Run/Walk welcomes runners and walkers of all ages across the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to enjoy a USATF sanctioned 5K race and day of family fun in support of our Catholic schools! Race Day Schedule: 6:30 am Sunrise Mass at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart 6:30 am Catholic School Village Opens 7:45 am Presentation of the David Guite Spirit Award 8:00 am Chip-timed 5K Start 9:00 am Post-race Party If you need assistance with registration, email: [email protected].

Sponsor Fr. Preston! Scan the QR code to go to Fr. Preston’s Step for Students page.


Race Day begins with a sunrise Mass at the Co-Cathedral followed by the race itself. In 2017, the race will take a new, East-West direction under I-69, but it will still begin and end at the CoCathedral. Afterward, you can enjoy the Post Race Party in the nearby Race Day Village. All donations and registration fees (minus a $3 fee) go directly to our school, where they can be used to help fund scholarships, improve the campus, add to the educational experience of the students, or whatever is needed or desired. If running and getting up early is not your thing, there is even a Snooze option. You can also sponsor your favorite runner or school. Registration is underway at the low price of $15 (includes a t-shirt) until February 1, 2017. After that, registration increases to $25, so register early. To register directly for the race, scan the QR code below, or go to: Fundraising16/StElizabethAnnSetonSchool

Christ the King: November 20, 2016

Cub Scouts Fall Bake Sale

Sunday, Nov. 20 Cub Scouts Pack 1283 will have their semi-annual bake sale on Sunday, Nov. 20 after all morning Masses. We will be selling delicious, homemade baked goods. All proceeds go directly to Pack 1283, which is chartered by the parish. Thank you for your support!

Senior Citizen Luncheon

December 1 A Senior Pot Luck Luncheon will be held on December 1, the first Thursday of the month, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We are looking forward to seeing you. Any questions? Please call Angela at 281-463-2082 or 713705-0842.


Continued from page 2… Pilate did not want to make this investigation. He limited himself to noting that he was not a Jew and that Jesus' conduct was the only point to examine: "What have you done?" Nonetheless, the reflection that Pilate wished to avoid was imposed upon him by other words spoken by the accused. Jesus drew the Procurator's attention to the unique and exceptional nature of his Kingdom: "My kingship is not of this world". He then states, "if my kingship were of this world, my servants would fight that I might not be handed over to the Jews". This reasoning expressed an obvious truth, difficult to dispute. But in exactly what did this Kingdom, which was not of this world, consist? It was the Kingdom that Jesus had proclaimed throughout his preaching. During the trial, he summed up its essential content: "You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Every one who is of the truth hears my voice". This declaration prompted a skeptical retort from Pilate: "What is truth?"

Diaper Drive

December 3-4 and 10-11 The SEAS Ladies Auxiliary and the ACTS Apostolate invite you to participate in our Diaper and Wipes Drive to benefit Child Advocates & Foundation for Life. Members will be at the flagpoles on the weekends of December 3rd and 4th; and December 10th and 11th after all Masses, to support the Knights of Columbus in collecting donations of diapers, wipes and financial donations. Won’t you please join us in the spirit of giving to these babies? For more information about our Diaper & Wipes Drive contact Dolores Nevares at [email protected] or call her at 713582-3100.

However, as a fundamental piece of information about the Kingdom it requires those who read the Gospel to meditate on it. Christ is King since he bears witness to the truth. This witness entailed his supreme commitment in sacrifice. With the sacrifice of himself, Jesus established his Kingdom. He was born and lived on this earth with a view to this witness. He became King with the total gift of his love and of his life. L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly Edition in English; 22 November 2006, page 9

Simbang Gabi Mass

December 16 There will be a Filipino Simbang Gabi Mass on Friday, December 16, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., followed by fellowship at the CLC. For more information please call Carol Tulud at 713-907-8047, Albert Tulud at 832541-6428 or Cora Benavidez at 281859-0668 or 832-497-6588.


Christ the King: November 20, 2016



Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Thanksgiving After Mass

St. Thomas Aquinas

Lord, Father all-powerful and ever-living God, I thank You, for even though I am a sinner, your unprofitable servant, not because of my worth but in the kindness of your mercy, You have fed me with the Precious Body & Blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The start of 2017 will mark the twentieth anniversary of Perpetual Adoration here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We want to hear about your experiences with the Blessed Sacrament. Please share your story, or a brief testimonial, with us at the following e-mail address:

I pray that this Holy Communion may not bring me condemnation and punishment but forgiveness and salvation. May it be a helmet of faith and a shield of good will. May it purify me from evil ways and put an end to my evil passions. May it bring me charity and patience, humility and obedience, and growth in the power to do good.

[email protected] Your experience may be shared with our fellow parishioners in the Bulletin and could encourage others to spend time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. If you wish to remain anonymous, please request so in your e-mail.

May it be my strong defense against all my enemies, visible and invisible, and the perfect calming of all my evil impulses, bodily and spiritual. May it unite me more closely to you, the One true God, and lead me safely through death to everlasting happiness with You.

Militia Immaculata Consecration Ceremony Dec. 7 at 7:00 p.m. Mass with Consecration Ceremony at Our Lady of Czestochowa Catholic Church, 1731 Blalock Road, Houston.

And I pray that You will lead me, a sinner, to the banquet where you, with Your Son and holy Spirit, are true and perfect light, total fulfillment, everlasting joy, gladness without end, and perfect happiness to your saints. grant this through Christ our Lord, AMEN.

For more information and to RSVP: 281-793-3394 or http://

Training for Liturgical Ministries

Following is a summary of our October activity:

Saturday, December 3, 2016 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. FLC, Rooms 4 & B This is initial training for any who would like to serve in a liturgical ministry: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) including Communion to the Homebound, readers, ushers and greeters. There is a special need for more volunteers for the 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Masses, but all are welcome. Requirements are as follows EMHC must be at least seventeen years old and confirmed. Readers and ushers must be at least in High School and have received their First Holy Communion. Please RSVP to Carmen Delgado by November 30 so that enough materials can be prepared:

No. of Visits:


Assistance: Food Rents/Mortgages Electric Natural Gas Water Gasoline Car Insurance Furniture Total Assistance:

$ 1,200.00 $ 9,319.61 $ 1,370.26 $ .00 $ 216.54 $ 125.00 $ 527.31 $ 726.50 $13,485.22

Overhead (AT&T) U.S. Postal Service

$ $

282.74 32.35

October Contributions: $10,532.03 Thanks you for your continued support of this ministry!

[email protected] or call 281-463-7878, ext. 304 or stop by the office. Please leave your name and contact information.


Phone: 281-463-4560 Email: [email protected] Hours: M-W-F 9am-12 noon

Christ the King: November 20, 2016

Monday, November 21 6:30 a.m.  Alexa Julia Rodrigues 9:00 a.m.  Aaron & Madeline Porter 7:00 p.m.   Salvador Lopez Tuesday, November 22 6:30 a.m.  Benedio & Jane Gonsalves 9:00 a.m.  Rodrigo & Karen Estay 7:00 p.m.  Katherine & Richard Wahle Wednesday, November 23 6:30 a.m.  Maria Bartola Llanos 9:00 a.m.  Robert Borsos 7:00 p.m.  Anne Kenape 7:30 p.m.  Almas en Purgatorio Thursday, November 24 6:30 a.m.  Jorge Solorzano 9:00 a.m.  Frank Flumach Roberto & Angelita Cuadra 10:30 a.m.  Rafael Gomez Berduo Friday, November 25 6:30 a.m.  Souls in Purgatory 9:00 a.m.  Iluminada Idio Marcella 7:00 p.m.  Socorro Hernandez Saturday, November 26 9:00 a.m.  Frank & Josephine Coselli 5:00 p.m.  Herline & Eugene Kubeczka 6:30 p.m.  Octavio Rosas 8:00 p.m.  John Mary N. Nguyen  Theresa Ngo Nguyen Sunday, November 27

         5:30 p.m.     7:30 p.m. 

7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Albert Quesada Lisa Sicola Pro Populo Daniel j. Tearpock Guadalupe Hernandez Almas del Purgatorio Daniellee Broussard Wing Chow gee Gaudencia C. Quinonez


ARMY Irving Paul Ray Salvador E. Zapata Christopher Porras Kristin Baron Juan Vega, Jr. Jessie H. Treviño, II Jesse Sinfuentes Henry García Gilbert Álvarez Michael Wright Ray Banda Manny Hernández Jim Branson Joshua A. Chavira Richard Christie Melissa Comiskey David García Antonio R. Delgado Mike Fitzgerald Ky V. Truong John García Jack Longmire Chris Lawrence Gabriel de la Garza Juan Manuel Matthew O’Dowd Marc Maziarz Joshua Salsgiver Tim Woods James Scherwitz Matthew Soileau Tony Thompson Michael Carty Jessie H. Treviño Christian Urena Danny Morales Jerry Morales Joshua A. Treviño Michael Hori Scott Pfirman Timothy Soto David Freeman Cameron J, Saltus Trevor Marshall Daniel Pruitt Joseph Nadasky Roosevelt Harris Christina González Eric Stevens Janet González Alberto Moreno Victor Delgado Luis Rosales Christopher Farías

Louis Hendershot, Jr. Rudy Banda, III Elvia Ayala Manuel James López Andy Huayamave Sarah Campo Maximilian Klein Epigmenio Gómez, Jr. Evan Adams Chris Figeria Alexis Roman NAVY Jessica López Matthew Rodríguez A.J. Edwards Joe Vaughn Christopher McMullin Linsum Flores Michael Fruggiero Chris Rode Stuart Marshall Jason Rodríguez Mark Riddle Raymond J. Reyes Cristian Shirl Sean V. Saluzzi Thomas Roche Justin J. Trudeau William Wilkerson Paul Zielinski Candy Flores Jonathan Hyacinth Alejandro Alatorre Jonathan Young Justin Ryan Keyser Sean G, McBeth Patricia Meehan


MARINES Kai E. Krogman Brad Harless Zachary Bond Adam Garcia Marvin Boruca Kleber Villalva Frank Campos Omar García Stefan Barcik Steven E. Jiménez Patrick Lambert Stephen Mayeaux Randall T. Schindler

Gabriel I. Saenz Peter Tate Jr. Vincent Flores Albert García Jason Wood Joseph Mooney Hunter W. Moffitt Anetor Asibor Albert García Sergio Perez Keith Breeckner Ricky Isaac Hernández Vinny Escobar Ryan Foley Victor Carrión-Martínez Christopher Unger Kidany Vaquero Ryan DeKay Codie M. Barnett Sherry L. Sola Kevin Flores AIR FORCE Coy Daniel Incaprera Christie Scherwitz Phillip M. Doria David Nordel Vincent Becklund David Harrison Robert N. Lobit Sean Huggins Dennis J. Morosin Don Sarmiento Raphael Ashe Kenzie O’Leary Don Park Nathalie Rodríguez David Anthony Nathalie Huayamave Nelvin Rodríguez Maurice J. Hardy, II Ricardo Villalva, Jr. NATIONAL GUARD Camilo Orozco Ed Dextraze Tony Nies Jerry Torres Kevin Westlund Cynthia Tobon

Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Let us Pray for God’s Healing for all the Sick

Free English Class Mondays, now until - May 22, 2017, 9:00-11:00 am & 7:00- 9:00 PM. Copperfield Church, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8 (behind Wings ‘N More) Contact-Jan Garza 832-443-4248, [email protected]. You must be 18 or older. (No baby-sitting provided). Join us any week!

If your family member or friend is no longer in need of our prayers, please advise us in order to remove his/her name . Jan Arnold, Rita Aguilar, Luis Acosta, Jack Aultman, Manuel Alvarez, Vicenta Avellaneda, Mary Borelli, Laure Boconvi, Don Barnes, Carmen Vazquez Blanco, Dianne Blevins, Joanne Brown, Fabian Cabrello, Carolina Cabrello, Edward Costello Jr., Lucia Angela Carbone, Sarah Callans, Diane Calzado, Kayson Clay, Marlaina Cadena, Gilberto S. Cisneros, Elizabeth Cisneros, Victor H Cisneros, Maria Elena Chavez, Humberto Fabian Caballero, Margarita Castano, Michael Alfred Crewell, Grant Cruise Family, Juan Antonio Cabrera, Sally Castro, Emmanuel Cubillos, Maria Colon, Ricardo Castaneda III, Bobby Duenas, Gertrude Dunlap, Scott Donbow, Dale Le Duc, Vuong (David) Minh Dao, Alex Diaz, Faye Edwards, Luis Madico Escudero, Marisa Ehrig, Jody Ferguson, Thomas Frazier, Sgt. Christopher Farias, Yorley Frias, Samuel Fuentes, AA Fuentes III, Mariana De Jesus Gonzalez, John A Guillespie, Gene Gessert, Victoria Alana Garcia, Nelly Abby Gonzalez, Elizabeth Gardner, Gerard Gallegos, Kelly Gillespie, Joseph Gallagher, Mavis Gann, Caroline Hallford, Bob Hartnett, Renee Hanna, Milton Hanas, Hailey James, Cecilia Jimenez, Dana Jones, Jessica Jacobson, Megan Kelly, Sharon Kettner, Elih Kars, Lane Kimble, Stanley Loziek, Scott Laird, Christian Lebanc, Julio Lezama, Jose Lara, Gary Lindig, Mitchell Lyon, Mike Leditin, Leonard Lidiak, Nelson Mejia, Nenita Mendiola, Karen Berenice Margarito, Margie Morales, Carol Melz, Emily Martinez, Sandra Morales-Negron, Rudy Mendoza, Walter Mayko, Manuela Alicia Ortiz Molina, Marguerite Miller, Antonio Medic, Sergio Montoya, Adelaida Maldonado, Abel Marroquin, Bradley Martinez, Ines Madice, Kevin Malanaphy, Agustin Madona, Jose Manuel Monreal, Martha Toledo Evelyn Marinas, Vicky Nevares, Andres Nevares, Mary Neminach, Alpha Newgene, Gam Thi Nguyen, Ryan Naulty, Danna Paola Osollo, Leonor Orozco, Julian Gregory Pearson, Maria Antonia Medina Perez, Robert D. Perez, Robert A. Perez, Benjamin Poblete, Daniel Parlapiano, June Pennell, Robert Parker, Timothy Petrich, Melanie Pearson, Thomas Priest, Jeannine Quintero, Chris Ramirez, Marcela Ramirez Roldan, Olefia Rodriguez, Valentin Rangel, Lynette Roberts, Mark Rodriguez, Sidney Rojo, Familia Montes Ruiz, Olga Sarahi Reyna, Marie Sauceda, Lee A. Sauseda, Maria Salinas, Bob Sommers, Mrs. D. Florence Sicola, Johnny Sicola, Evan Schuessler, Amelia Soarces, Lupita Scotka, Jose Santistevan, Richard Schillinger, Elizabeth Salas, Jo Stewart, Fred Stoehr, Judge Deborah Sanchez, Daniel Shay, Douglas Smith-Barry Jr., Claude Tournay, David Turilli, John Trevino, Justin Thacker, Dick Taylor, Linda Villanueva, Guadalupe Vasquez, Edith Vazquez, Irma Guadalupe Westry, Luke Wade, Mike Wilson, Marshall Williamson, Claire Way, Jim & Jamie Wade, Ashley Wade, Wilder Family, Kaelissa Yur, Leticia Zarzoza, Gilberto Zamora and all others who also need our prayers.

¡Gratis! Clases De Ingles para Adultos los lunes, el 12 de Septiembre– el 22 de Mayo, 9:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Y 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. (Puede empezar cualquier semana). Copperfield Church, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8 (detrás de Wings ‘N More) Contacto: Jan Garza 832-443-4248 o [email protected]. Tiene que tener 18 años o más. No hay servicios de niñera. LỚp HỌC TIẾNG anh MIỂN phi Các ngày THỨ HAI, Ngày 12 tháng 9/2016 - Ngày 22 tháng 5/2017, từ 9:00-11:00 sáng & 7:00 - 9:00 chieu' Tại nhà Thờ Copperfield, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8 (ở sau Wings 'N More). Xin liên lạc Jan Garza 832-4434248 [email protected] Phải từ 18 tuổi trở lên. (Không cung cấp giữ trẻ)

If you know anyone who is sick or in need of prayer support, please call 281-463-7878. Comuníquese al teléfono anterior si conoce algún enfermo que necesita el apoyo de la oración de nuestra familia parroquial.


Christ the King: November 20, 2016


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road Houston, Texas 77084-1599 281-463-7878 Parish Office



Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Antonio Ortiz

Parochial Vicar

Rev. James Long Do, C.M.C.

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Preston Quintela


Ola Branche German Godoy Peter Tuu Hoang

Managerial Administrator

Deacon German Godoy

Director of Finance

Marie Sharp

Director of Liturgy & Music

Carmen Delgado

Director of Religious Education

Becki Brumbaugh

Director of Spanish Ministries

Lucia Rueda

Director of Vietnamese Ministries

Deacon Peter Tuu Hoang

Coordinator of Vietnamese CCE

Toan Pham

Director of Family Life

Nadia Jara

Director of Adolescent Catechesis & Evangelization

Donna Worley

Youth Apostolate

Andrew Schuelke

Parish Office




Parish E-Mail

[email protected]

Parish Website

School Office


School Website

S.E.E.D.S. Office (pre-school)


S.E.E.D.S. Website

Parish Office Hours

Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

Bulletin Deadlines

Submissions for the bulletin are due on Noon Monday, thirteen days in advance of publication date. Submit your information to Mrs. Patti Bergholtz at her e-mail: [email protected].

Gilbert Johnson Chuck Pennell Alfonso Sosa

All submissions must be an MS Word document (no PDF files), using Century Gothic font, size 9. Please do not use any other formatting (i.e., all caps, bold, italics, underlining, colored text, text boxes, etc...). Graphics and photos are subject to editing.

Bulletin Date December 4 December 11 December 18 December 25 January 1

Saturday 8:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

281-463-7878 S e a s O f f i c e @ S e a s C a t h o l i c .  o r g

Deadline November 21 November 28 December 5 December 12 December 19

Thank you for your support of the Annual Fund/Lighting the Way Campaign. You may now enroll online with Faith Direct to make a monthly contribution and/or a onetime gift. Visit and enter code TX417. Search for SEASCS Annual Fund. All gifts are tax deductible.

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Christ the King: November 20, 2016


Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro

November 23

Born on January 13, 1891 in Guadalupe, Mexico, Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez was the eldest son of Miguel Pro and Josefa Juarez. In 1915, Miguel was sent to a seminary in Spain, where he remained until 1924, when he went to Belgium for his ordination to the priesthood in 1925. Miguel suffered from a severe stomach problem and after three operations, when his health did not improve, his superiors, in 1926, allowed him to return to Mexico in spite of the grave religious persecution in that country. Miguel spent the rest of his life in a secret ministry to the sturdy Mexican Catholics. He also carried out the works of mercy by assisting the poor in Mexico City with their temporal needs. He adopted many interesting disguises in carrying out his secret ministry. He would come in the middle of the night dressed as a beggar to baptize infants, bless marriages and celebrate Mass. He would appear in jail dressed as a police officer to bring Holy Viaticum to condemned Catholics. Falsely accused in the bombing attempt on a former Mexican president, Miguel became a wanted man. Betrayed to the police, he was sentenced to death without the benefit of any legal process. On the day of his execution, Fr. Pro forgave his executioners, prayed, bravely refused the blindfold and died proclaiming, "Viva Cristo Rey", "Long live Christ the King!"

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road Houston, Texas 77084-1520


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