Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish 281-463-7878
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
The Resurrection of the Dead Excerpts from the Catechism Weekday Mass Readings November 7: Titus 1:1-9 Psalm24; Luke 17:1-6 November 8: Titus 2:1-14; Psalm 37; Luke 17:7-10 November 9: Ezekiel 47:1-12; Psalm 46; I Cor. 3:9-17 John 2:13-22 November 10: Philemon 7-20; Psalm146; Luke 17:20-25 November 11: II John 4-9; Psalm119; Luke 17:26-37 November 12: III John 5-8; Psalm112; Luke 18:1-8
On the Cover: The Resurrection of the Christ. Orthodox Icon. Artist and location unknown.
988 The Christian Creed - the profession of our faith in God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and in God's creative, saving, and sanctifying action - culminates in the proclamation of the resurrection of the dead on the last day and in life everlasting. 989 We firmly believe, and hence we hope that, just as Christ is truly risen from the dead and lives for ever, so after death the righteous will live for ever with the risen Christ and he will raise them up on the last day. Our resurrection, like his own, will be the work of the Most Holy Trinity: If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit who dwells in you. 990 The term "flesh" refers to man in his state of weakness and mortality. The "resurrection of the flesh" (the literal formulation of the Apostles' Creed) means not only that the immortal soul will live on after death, but that even our "mortal body" will come to life again. 991 Belief in the resurrection of the dead has been an essential element of the Christian faith from its beginnings. "The confidence of Christians is the resurrection of the dead; believing this we live." How can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. . . But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. 992 God revealed the resurrection of the dead to his people progressively. Hope in the bodily resurrection of the dead established itself as a consequence intrinsic to faith in God as creator of the whole man, soul and body. The creator of heaven and earth is also the one who faithfully maintains his covenant with Abraham and his posterity. It was in this double perspective that faith in the resurrection came to be expressed. In their trials, the Maccabean martyrs confessed: The King of the universe will raise us up to an everlasting renewal of life, because we have died for his laws. One cannot but choose to die at the hands of men and to cherish the hope that God gives of being raised again by him. 993 The Pharisees and many of the Lord's contemporaries hoped for the resurrection. Jesus teaches it firmly. To the Sadducees who deny it he answers, "Is not this why you are wrong, that you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God?" Faith in the resurrection rests on faith in God who "is not God of the dead, but of the living." 994 But there is more. Jesus links faith in the resurrection to his own person: "I am the Resurrection and the life."544 It is Jesus himself who on the last day will raise up those who have believed in him, who have eaten his body and drunk his Continued on page 11...
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: In just a few days the general election will be held in which our nation will choose a new President for the next four years. Every citizen ought to exercise their responsibility to assist the well being of the nation by voting for candidates who are committed to serving the common good. If we are to believe the commentators, this election might prove to be the most consequential in our lifetime. As we consider our vote, one principle ought to supersede all other concerns: our Christian identity. We are first citizens of Heaven, and only afterwards, members of any earthly nation. While we love our country, we love God and His Kingdom more. The bishops of the United States have consistently stressed the moral obligations of engaging in political life. “The Church's obligation to participate in shaping the moral character of society is a requirement of our faith. It is a basic part of the mission we have received from Jesus Christ, who offers a vision of life revealed to us in Sacred Scripture and Tradition” (USCCB, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, no. 9, [emphasis added]). When speaking about the “Church’s obligation,” the Bishops are not referring to themselves alone, nor to some ecclesial bureaucracy. Rather, it is an allusion to our personal duty to live and profess the Christian faith, including at the ballot box. At any given moment, there are many issues and concerns in our country that cry out for redress and justice. We must learn to weigh each of them in a way that gives emphasis to what is most fundamental, and then proceed from there. The U.S. Bishop’s statement referenced above speaks of the necessity to protect unborn human life as “the preeminent requirement” of citizens and elected officials (see FCFC, no. 92). Each of us ought to take this teaching to heart, and allow it to guide our political decisions and loyalties. If Christians do not shape the culture, then the culture will shape us. Our vote will shape the culture. Do we want a culture of life, or one of death? That is the fundamental question. People of goodwill can disagree about the best or most prudent way to exercise one’s political and social responsibilities. Differences among us should not be an excuse to cast some else as an “enemy.” Charity, rather than selfinterest, ought to inform the fulfillment of our civic duty. Let us strive to embody that virtue in the days ahead. Sincerely Yours in Christ,
YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds, Pastor
Catechism...……….……..…...………..… p. 2 Mass Schedule………………….…….…… p. 3 Charismatic Prayer Group…….….….…. p. 4 Stewardship Report…….……………..…. p. 4 Knights of Columbus….…………………. p. 5 Men's’ ACTS Retreat……....….………..… p. 5 Anuncios en Español…….……………….. p .6 La Carta del Párroco………...…......…… p. 7 CD of the Week……….........….……..….. p. 8 That Man Is You!...........………….………. p. 8
(See page 12 for more…)
Christ’s Burial Slab Uncovered.…….….. p. 9 St. Vincent de Paul Report….....…..……. p. 9 School News……………………………….. p. 10 Catechism (continued)…………………. p. 11 Changing the Culture of Death…......... p. 12 Eucharistic Adoration…...…….……..….. p. 13 Mass Intentions ……………...……...…….. p. 14 Sick List…………………………….………....p. 15 Parish Directory……………………………. p. 16 Pope St. Leo the Grea………...... Back Cover
Mass Schedule Monday—Friday 6:30 a.m. English 9:00 a.m. English 7:00 p.m. English On Friday, the evening Mass is in Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
7:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.
Miércoles en Español English
Anticipated Masses 5:00 p.m. English 6:30 p.m. Español 8:00 p.m. Tiếng Việt Sunday Masses 7:00 a.m. English 8:30 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. English 12:15 p.m. English 2:00 p.m. Español 5:30 p.m. English 7:30 p.m. Español
Confession Wednesday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m. Friday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m. Saturday 3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m. First Friday 8:00 a.m.—8:45 a.m. 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Parish Apostolates Respect Life Committee For information about upcoming pro-life activities, you are invited to call Lia Mclean at 832-766-2634, or contact her by e-mail:
[email protected].
St. Joseph’s Freedom Men’s Group Charismatic Prayer Group November Schedule “In all circumstances give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.” (1 Th. 5:18) While November may be known as “Thanksgiving” month, the Scripture selections for the November Mass readings remind us to not only be always thankful for our blessings, but how trusting in God’s love helps us look past the adverse times this life can bring to see the beautiful place He has prepared for us with Him in Heaven. If you are looking for more ways to connect your life with your faith, please join us on Friday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Prayer Room for lively praise music, prayer, worship, and sharing God’s Word. Fellowship and light refreshments follow. November 11:
“By your perseverance you will secure your lives.”
November 18:
“Have you no fear of God?”
November 25:
No Meeting (Happy Thanksgiving)
Note: Discussion topics at our November gatherings from the Gospels of: Luke 20:27-28, 21:5-19, 23:35-43.
We are a confidential support group for men and their families. Our goal is to help develop skills to win the battle against alcohol, chemical, and porn/sexual addiction. Meetings are Saturdays, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Wife and family member meetings are held upon request on the last Saturdays of March, June, September, and December. More information is available at : HTTP:// and
[email protected]
Northwest Ultreya Deepen your relationship with Christ. Ultreya is part of Cursillo, a Catholic lay movement that offers an opportunity to meet Christ in a more complete way. “Cursillo" means “little course” and provides a lifetime plan for following Christ through prayer, study and action, in friendship with others. We meet at 9:45 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month in the FLC. Contact Duane King 281-615-8942.
Helping Hands Ministry We assist families in pre-planning for funerals. To schedule an appointment, please call Beth Wood at 281-413-9682. We also sponsor a bereavement support group on the first and third Thursdays, in room eleven of the FLC, from 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. You may contact Deborah Jackson at 281 -550-3027 or Gini Buehler at 281-861-6306.
R.C.I.A Inquiry classes for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church will take place every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room One. Contact Nadia Jara at 281-463-7878, ext. 337, or at
[email protected].
Sunday, October 23, 2016 Regular Offertory School Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) Parish Goal Pledged-to-date Paid-to-date Number of participants
$ 31,487 6,767 $270,000 $187,700 $175,725 607
Faith Direct: Secure Giving Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for automated giving to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. It is secure, convenient and Faith Direct will provide you an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you. Sign up today by visiting, our parish code is TX417.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Parish Apostolates Commuter Mass For several years now, the priests of Regina Caeli Parish have offered a weekday morning Mass in Latin at 6:30 a.m. From now on, the 6:30 a.m. Mass will be in English and will be offered by the priests of our parish. Why not start your day by meeting the Lord in His holy Word and in the Holy Eucharist? Mass will end by 7:00 a.m.
Attention Men of ACTS! The new Men’s Team Needs You! The next Men’s ACTS Retreat is being held at Mother of Perpetual Help Retreat Center April 27-30, 2017. Our team is forming now, so If you have attended an ACTS Retreat, even if it was in another parish, you are invited to team with us to help bring the uplifting and healing spirit of ACTS to the Men of SEAS.
R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for people who are thinking about the possibility of becoming Catholic. It is for people who have not been baptized, people of other faiths or people who have been baptized Catholic but did not complete the sacraments of Initiation.
If you want to be a "Fisher of men" and part of this apostolate, please join our team formation meeting on November 17, at the Family Life Center , Room 4 & 5 at 7:00 p.m.
This is a beautiful process, with no pressure to commit to our faith community, in which interested persons slowly explore the beliefs of the Catholic Church and discern, over a period of many months, if they desire to become Catholic.
Contact: Mike Jackson at email:
[email protected], Phone: 832-593-2689
Knights of Columbus Holiday nut Sale
If you are interested, or have a relative, friend or co-worker who has expressed this interest, please call: Nadia Jara: 281- 463-7878 ext. 337 or at
[email protected]
Sunday, Nov 20; Sunday, Dec 4 and Sunday, Dec 11 After 7:00, 8:30, 10: 30, 12:15, & 2:00 Masses Saturday, Nov 19 and Saturday Dec 10 After 5:00 & 6:30 Masses
Offertory Counters Do you want to share your time and talents? We are searching for individuals who would like to count money for two hours once a month on Sunday. You may choose from three different time slots on Sunday mornings or perhaps you can help on Monday or Thursday mornings.
Varieties and Prices: Jumbo Pecan Halves Honey Roasted Pecans Praline Pecans Mixed Nuts Cashews English Walnuts Whole Natural Almonds Honey Roasted Peanuts
If you are able to volunteer, please call Marie Sharp at 281 -463-7878 ext. 380 for more details.
Parish Nursing Ministry
More information:
The Seas Parish Nursing ministry is comprised of health care professionals and others who have the health of our parishioners at heart. They are nurses, therapists, educators, and experts in the fields of health promotion. Some work in home health, elderly assistance, aging, hospice, general medicine, surgery, oncology, obstetrics, domestic violence and intensive care. They work to coordinate care for parishioners in their time of need. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Please feel free to call Wyona (281-433-5365) or Kim (832746-1135) if you have health questions or would like to join this growing ministry.
TBD TBD TBD $10.00/lb. $10.00/lb. $ 9.00/lb. $ 9.00/lb. $ 6.00/lb.
Chuck Blumentritt @ 713-205-8819 or email:
[email protected] Visit us at:
SAll proceeds form the nut sale benefit Foundation for Life.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Build a house on Solid rock. A foolish person builds on sand. When the rains and floods come, and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash! Construe la casa sobre la roca. La persona tonta construye sobre la arena. Cuando las lluvias, las inundaciones y los vientos vienen con impetu contra aquella casa, se derrumbara con un golpe poderoso.
RICA Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Proceso de preparación para la celebración de los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Eucaristía y Confirmación para Adultos. ¿Está pensando en la preparación sacramental de Adultos? RICA, Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos, es un proceso de discernimiento y preparación para las personas interesadas en aprender más sobre la Iglesia Católica, Para aquellos que nunca han sido bautizados, o han sido bautizados en otras denominaciones, o que han sido bautizados en la Iglesia Católica pero no han recibido los sacramentos de iniciación (Eucaristía y Confirmación). Este es un bellísimo proceso sin ningún compromiso a través del cual se explora lentamente las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica y se discierne por varios meses el deseo de hacerse católico. Si usted está interesado, o un pariente, amigo o compañero que le ha manifestado interés anímelo a comunicarse con: Nadia Jara al 281- 463-7878 ext. 337
[email protected]
Grupo de estudio Bíblico en Español Les invitamos a ser parte de nuestro grupo, que se reúne todos los martes de 12:30-2:30pm en el FLC. Necesita solo el deseo de conocer más nuestra Fe Católica. Favor de mandar mensaje por texto con cualquier pregunta al 281620-8308 atn: Guadalupe Ortiz.
Grupo de Oración Carismático SEAS Misión: Dar testimonio del papel determinante de los carismas en la predicación del Evangelio y en la construcción de la comunidad cristiana. Facilitar la Educación en la Fe y la Experiencia de Comunidad Cristiana entre Adultos. Asambleas: Todos los Viernes de 7:30 a 9:45 pm., en los salones A&B del Edificio de Vida Familiar (FLC). Todos son Bienvenidos, Contamos con Servicio de Guardería.
Respect and honor the woman in your life. Make them smile, appreciate and acknowledge them today and every day. Debe respetar y honrar la mujer de tu vida. Debes ser la sonreir, y apreciarla y darle reconocimiento hoy y todos los dias. Legion de Maria: Marlene Rocha 832-410-5273
Celebración Arquidiocesana de La Virgen de Guadalupe Todos los fieles están invitados a la Celebración Arquidiocesana de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el domingo 11 de diciembre 2016 en el Centro de Convenciones George R Borwn del centro de Houston. Inicia a las 10am con una procession desde 1700 San Jacinto hasta el Centro de Convenciones, con cantos y danzas de los matachines. La Santa Misa se celebrará a las 5pm presidida por Su Eminencia el Arzobispo Daniel Cardenal DiNardo. Por favor, haga planes para asistir a esta gran celebración. Para más información llama a Pablo Guzman 713-291-1022
[email protected]
Sociedad San Vicente de Paul de SEAS En el Evangelio vemos como Jesús envía a sus Apóstoles de dos en dos. Con ese mismo espíritu, los voluntarios de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul “van de dos en dos” a las casas de quienes solicitan asistencia. Es allí, en el ambiente familiar, que los Vicentinos escuchan, dan humilde concejo, y proporcionan ayuda. Pueden confiar que los Vicentinos darán su ayuda a los pobres y necesitados. En oración, consideren un generoso donativo a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. Gracias, a todos los parroquianos de SEAS por su continuo apoyo a nuestro ministerio! Tel. Oficina de SVDP-SEAS: 281-463-4560. Horas Oficina SVDP: 9 am-Mediodía: Lunes, Mierc &Vier.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
La vocación cristiana, esta llamada personal del Señor, nos lleva a identificarnos con El. Pero no hay que olvidar que El ha venido a la tierra para redimir a todo el mundo, porque quiere que los hombres se salven. No hay alma que no interese a Cristo. Cada una de ellas le ha costado el precio de su Sangre.
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor: En pocos días se celebrará la elección general en la que nuestra nación elegirá un nuevo Presidente para los próximos cuatro años. Cada ciudadano debe ejercer su responsabilidad de ayudar al bienestar de la nación al votar por los candidatos que se han comprometido a servir el bien común. Si hemos de creer los comentaristas, esta elección podría ser la que tenga más consecuencias en nuestras vidas.
Al considerar estas verdades, vuelve a mi cabeza aquella conversación entre los Apóstoles y el Maestro, momentos antes del milagro de la multiplicación de los panes. Había acompañado a Jesús una gran muchedumbre. Levanta Nuestro Señor los ojos y pregunta a Felipe: ¿dónde compraremos pan, para dar de comer a toda esa gente?. Felipe contesta, después de un cálculo rápido: doscientos denarios de pan no bastan, para que cada uno tome un bocado. No tienen tanto dinero: han de acudir a una solución casera. Dícele uno de sus discípulos, Andrés, hermano de Simón Pedro: aquí está un muchacho que ha traído cinco panes de cebada y dos peces; pero, ¿qué es esto para tanta gente?.
Tenemos que considerar nuestro voto, como un principio que debería suplantar otras preocupaciones: nuestra identidad cristiana. Somos los primeros ciudadanos del cielo y sólo después, los miembros de cualquier nación terrenal. Amamos nuestro país, pero tenemos que amar más a Dios y su reino. Los obispos de los Estados Unidos han insistido constantemente en la obligación moral de participar en la vida política. "La obligación de la Iglesia de participar en la formación del carácter moral de la sociedad es un requisito de nuestra fe. Es una parte esencial de la misión que hemos recibido de Jesucristo, quien nos ofrece una visión de la vida que nos ha sido revelada en la Sagrada Escritura y tradición". (USCCB, formando la conciencia para ser ciudadanos fieles, no. 9, énfasis añadido). Al hablar de la «obligación de la Iglesia», los obispos no se refieren solo así mismos, mucho menos a cierta burocracia sin nombre. Por el contrario, es una alusión a nuestro deber personal a vivir y a profesar la fe cristiana, incluso en las urnas. En un momento dado, hay muchos problemas y preocupaciones en nuestro país que claman por justicia y reparación. Debemos aprender a sopesar cada una de ellas de una manera que de énfasis a lo que es más fundamental y luego continuar desde allí. La declaración de los obispo de Estados Unidos arriba habla de la necesidad de proteger la vida humana por nacer como "el requisito supremo" de los ciudadanos y funcionarios (ver FCFC, Nº 92). Cada uno de nosotros deberíamos de tomar esta enseñanza al corazón y permitir que guíe nuestras decisiones políticas y leales.
Nosotros queremos seguir al Señor, y deseamos difundir su Palabra. Humanamente hablando, es lógico que nos preguntemos también: pero, ¿qué somos, para tanta gente? En comparación con el número de habitantes de la tierra, aunque nos contemos por millones, somos pocos. Por eso, nos hemos de ver como una pequeña levadura que está preparada y dispuesta para hacer el bien a la humanidad entera, recordando las palabras del Apóstol: un poco de levadura fermenta toda la masa, la transforma. Necesitamos aprender a ser ese fermento, esa levadura, para modificar y transformar la multitud.
Si los cristianos no forman la cultura, la cultura nos moldeará. Nuestro voto formará la cultura. ¿Queremos una cultura de vida o de muerte? Esa es la pregunta fundamental. Personas de buena voluntad pueden estar en desacuerdo sobre la mejor forma o el más prudente ejercicio de las responsabilidades políticas y sociales. Diferencias entre nosotros no deben ser una excusa para algunos como un "enemigo". Caridad, en lugar de interés propio, debe informar el cumplimiento de nuestro deber cívico. Esforcémonos encarnar esa virtud en los próximos días.
¿Acaso el fermento es naturalmente mejor que la masa? No. Pero la levadura es el medio para que la masa se elabore, convirtiéndose en alimento comestible y sano. Pensad, aunque sea a grandes rasgos, en la acción eficaz del fermento, que sirve para confeccionar el pan, sustento base, sencillo, al alcance de todos. En tantos sitios —quizá lo habéis presenciado— la preparación de la hornada es una verdadera ceremonia, que obtiene un producto estupendo,
Atentamente en Cristo,
YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá Fr. Stephen B. Reynolds, Párroco
Continuado en pagina 15...
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Anh chị em thân mến trong Chúa: Chỉ trong một ít ngày nữa cuộc bầu cử sẽ được tổ chức trong đó đất nước chúng ta sẽ chọn một vị tổng thống mới trong vòng bốn năm tới. Mọi công dân phải thực thi trách nhiệm của mình để góp phần vào sự hưng thịnh của quốc gia bằng cách bỏ phiếu cho các ứng cử viên cam kết phục vụ công ích. Nếu chúng ta tin nơi các nhà bình luận, cuộc bầu cử này có thể được coi như có nhiều hậu quả nhất trong cuộc đời của chúng ta. Khi chúng ta quyết định lá phiếu của chúng ta, một trong những nguyên tắc vượt trên mọi mối quan tâm khác: căn tính Kitô giáo của chúng ta. Chúng ta trước hết là công dân của Nước Trời, và sau đó, mới là các thành viên của bất kỳ quốc gia trần thế nào. Trong khi chúng ta yêu qúy đất nước của chúng ta, nhưng chúng ta yêu mến Thiên Chúa và Vương Quốc của Ngài hơn thế nữa. Các giám mục Hoa Kỳ đã liên tục nhấn mạnh nghĩa vụ đạo đức của việc tham gia vào đời sống chính trị. "Nghĩa vụ của Giáo hội tham gia vào việc hình thành các phẩm chất đạo đức của xã hội là một đòi hỏi của đức tin chúng ta. Nó là một phần cơ bản của sứ mạng mà chúng ta đã nhận lãnh từ Chúa Giêsu Kitô, đấng đem lại một cái nhìn về cuộc sống mặc khải cho chúng ta trong Thánh Kinh và Thánh Truyền "(USCCB, đào luyện lương tâm cho các Công Dân Tính Hữu, Số. 9, nhấn mạnh thêm). Khi nói về "nghĩa vụ của Giáo Hội," các giám mục không chỉ đề cập đến họ, mà còn ít hơn đối với một số quan liêu không tên. Thay vào đó, nó là một ám chỉ đến nhiệm vụ cá nhân của chúng ta để sống và tuyên xưng đức tin Kitô giáo, ngay cả nơi thùng phiếu. Tại bất kỳ thời điểm nào, đều có nhiều vấn đề và mối quan tâm trong nước đòi hỏi sự giải quyết và công lý. Chúng ta phải học cách cân nhắc mỗi vấn đề trong các vấn đề nhấn mạnh đến những gì là cơ bản nhất, và sau đó tiến hành từ đó. Tuyên bố của các Giám Mục Hoa Kỳ tham chiếu ở trên nói về sự cần thiết để bảo vệ sự sống các thai nhi là "đòi hỏi trước tiên" của các công dân và các quan chức được bầu (xem FCFC, số. 92). Mỗi người chúng ta nên đặt các giáo huấn này trong tâm hồn và dùng nó để hướng dẫn các quyết định chính trị và lòng trung thành của chúng ta. Nếu các Kitô hữu không điều khiển văn hóa, thì nền văn hóa sẽ điều khiển chúng ta. phiếu bầu của chúng ta sẽ điều khiển văn hóa. Chúng ta có muốn một nền văn hóa của sự sống, hay một nền văn hóa của sự chết? Đó là câu hỏi căn bản. Những người thiện chí có thể không đồng ý về cách tốt nhất hoặc phù hợp nhất để thực thi trách nhiệm chính trị và xã hội của mình. Sự khác biệt giữa chúng ta không phải là một cái cớ để coi những người khác như "kẻ thù". Bác ái, thay vì là lợi ích cá nhân, phải thông báo việc thực hiện các nghĩa vụ công dân của chúng ta. Chúng ta hãy phấn đấu để thể hiện đức tính tốt trong những ngày sắp tới. Thân ái trong Chúa Kitô,
YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá
Lighthouse CD of the Week Confession by Fr. Larry Richards Based upon his proven and powerful parish mission presentation, Fr. Larry Richards’ talk on Confession has become the #1 talk in North America dealing with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He is riveting, honest, humorous, very human, and often touchingly gentle. Fr. Larry provides listeners with hope for a closer, healing relationship with Jesus Christ. Parishioner Comments - “Now I have a better understanding of confession.” “I re-evaluated my entire way of living because it made me realize that I was not as close to God as I thought!” Your generous donations to cover our cost assure continued availability of these great resources!
Wed. Mornings 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. at SEAS in the CLC! Invest a little time in yourself to become a better husband, father and spiritual leader in your family! Coffee, juice, donuts & kolaches are served to jump start your morning. No cost, preparation or outside commitments! Experience one session! Come, listen and learn! This week’s program: Find God in Yourself Uniting Oneself to God From Mafia Enforcer to Convert Statistics of the Moral Life A Look at a Eucharistic Miracle Men are to Reflect God’s Fatherhood The Way of the Bridegroom Are We Living in the Presence of God? Visit our website at and click on “Learn More” in the THAT MAN IS YOU section or contact Leon Fontana 713-291-3581
[email protected]. Wherever you are in your spiritual life, Jesus Christ wants to meet you right there and take you further!
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Christ’s Burial Slab Uncovered Jerusalem, Oct 28, 2016 / 06:01 am (CNA/EWTN News). Have you ever wondered what the tomb of Jesus Christ looks like? National Geographic recently detailed the “moment of revelation” at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which exposed the rock slab on which Christ's body is held to have been placed after his death. The slab had been covered for centuries by a marble structure to protect it.
Our Vincentian family here at SEAS is growing! Because members of our community continue to answer the call to become witnesses for Christ by serving those in need, our conference now boasts a membership of 35 parishioners. Yet the work before us also continues to grow, so our constant prayer is that more will hear the call and answer. Sincerely concerned with the deeper needs and the spiritual well-being of those we help, Vincentians embrace a profound respect for the conscience and faith of those whom we visit. We enter their homes ready to listen and understand with our hearts. Is your heart yearning to be Christ’s hands and feet to the less fortunate? If so, consider joining this wonderful ministry. “…whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matt 24:24 Phone: 281-463-4560 Email:
[email protected] Hours: M-W-F 9am-12 noon
"The marble covering of the tomb has been pulled back,” said Fredrik Hiebert, archaeologist-in-residence at the National Geographic Society, according to an Oct. 26 exclusive from National Geographic. “It will be a long scientific analysis, but we will finally be able to see the original rock surface on which, according to tradition, the body of Christ was laid," Hiebert continued. The opening of the burial place of Christ marks a historic exposure for the first time in centuries, which drew an excited frenzy among archeologists, pilgrims, and various religious groups. "Here we have Franciscans, Armenians, Greeks, Muslim guards, and Jewish police officers. We hope and we pray that this will be a real message that the impossible can become the possible. We all need peace and mutual respect,” Theophilos III, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, told National Geographic. According to the Gospels, the body of Christ was laid in a new tomb hewn out of rock, in which no one had ever been buried. The Gospel of Mark details that the women who went to the tomb to anoint Christ's body instead found that he had risen. Continued on page 12...
Thanksgiving After Mass
St. Thomas Aquinas
Lord, Father all-powerful and ever-living God, I thank You, for even though I am a sinner, your unprofitable servant, not because of my worth but in the kindness of your mercy, You have fed me with the Precious Body & Blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that this Holy Communion may not bring me condemnation and punishment but forgiveness and salvation. May it be a helmet of faith and a shield of good will. May it purify me from evil ways and put an end to my evil passions. May it bring me charity and patience, humility and obedience, and growth in the power to do good. May it be my strong defense against all my enemies, visible and invisible, and the perfect calming of all my evil impulses, bodily and spiritual. May it unite me more closely to you, the One true God, and lead me safely through death to everlasting happiness with You. And I pray that You will lead me, a sinner, to the banquet where you, with Your Son and holy Spirit, are true and perfect light, total fulfillment, everlasting joy, gladness without end, and perfect happiness to your saints. grant this through Christ our Lord, AMEN.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Thank you for your support of the Annual Fund/Lighting the Way Campaign. You may now enroll online with Faith Direct to make a monthly contribution and/or a onetime gift. Visit and enter code TX417. Search for SEASCS Annual Fund. All gifts are tax deductible.
Help Raise Funds and Awareness for Catholic Education!
Save The Date!
Steps for Students 5K is an annual Archdiocesan-wide event that raises awareness of Catholic education and provides much needed funds for our Catholic Schools.
SEAS Blood Drive
All runners/walkers can register to be on the school team of their choice, or can walk independently for the Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program. Steps for Students is an opportunity for all members of the Faith community to work together to support education of mind, heart, and spirit in the many Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Race Day - Saturday, February 18, 2017 8:00am CST | Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway
Sunday, Dec. 4th, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the CLC. We Need You to Help Save a Life! The blood you donate gives someone another chance at life. One day that someone may be your spouse, your child, a friend, a loved one—or even you.
Steps for Students 5K Run/Walk welcomes runners and walkers of all ages across the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to enjoy a USATF sanctioned 5K race and day of family fun in support of our Catholic schools! Race Day Schedule: 6:30 am Sunrise Mass at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart 6:30 am Catholic School Village Opens 7:45 am Presentation of the David Guite Spirit Award 8:00 am Chip-timed 5K Start 9:00 am Post-race Party
A blood donor must be at least 17 years of age, weigh 110 lbs. or more. Or 16 years of age, weighing 122 lbs. or more and have a signed consent form from parent or guardian. All donors must be in good health. Other information can be found at Homemade cookies and other refreshments will be served.
If you need assistance with registration, email:
[email protected].
Sponsor Fr. Preston!
Contact Barbara Hassig at 832-5243035 or Aulie Johnson at 281-855-8831 for appointments.
Scan the QR code to go to Fr. Preston’s Step for Students page.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Continued from page 2…
blood. Already now in this present life he gives a sign and pledge of this by restoring some of the dead to life, announcing thereby his own Resurrection, though it was to be of another order. He speaks of this unique event as the "sign of Jonah," the sign of the temple: he announces that he will be put to death but rise thereafter on the third day.
999 How? Christ is raised with his own body: "See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself"; but he did not return to an earthly life. So, in him, "all of them will rise again with their own bodies which they now bear," but Christ "will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body," into a "spiritual body":
995 To be a witness to Christ is to be a "witness to his Resurrection," to "[have eaten and drunk] with him after he rose from the dead." Encounters with the risen Christ characterize the Christian hope of resurrection. We shall rise like Christ, with him, and through him.
996 From the beginning, Christian faith in the resurrection has met with incomprehension and opposition. "On no point does the Christian faith encounter more opposition than on the resurrection of the body." It is very commonly accepted that the life of the human person continues in a spiritual fashion after death. But how can we believe that this body, so clearly mortal, could rise to everlasting life? How do the dead rise? 997 What is "rising"? In death, the separation of the soul from the body, the human body decays and the soul goes to meet God, while awaiting its reunion with its glorified body. God, in his almighty power, will definitively grant incorruptible life to our bodies by reuniting them with our souls, through the power of Jesus' Resurrection. 998 Who will rise? All the dead will rise, "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of
But someone will ask, "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?" You foolish man! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not the body which is to be, but a bare kernel. . . . What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. . . . The dead will be raised imperishable. . . . For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable, and this mortal nature must put on immortality. 1000 This "how" exceeds our imagination and understanding; it is accessible only to faith. Yet our participation in the Eucharist already gives us a foretaste of Christ's transfiguration of our bodies: Just as bread that comes from the earth, after God's blessing has been invoked upon it, is no longer ordinary bread, but Eucharist, formed of two things, the one earthly and the other heavenly: so too our bodies, which partake of the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, but possess the hope of resurrection. 1001 When? Definitively "at the last day," "at the end of the world." Indeed, the resurrection of the dead is closely associated with Christ's Parousia: For the Lord himself will descend from heaven, with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
1002 Christ will raise us up "on the last day"; but it is also true that, in a certain way, we have already risen with Christ. For, by virtue of the Holy Spirit, Christian life is already now on earth a participation in the death and Resurrection of Christ: And you were buried with him in Baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead . . . . If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
1003 United with Christ by Baptism, believers already truly participate in the heavenly life of the risen Christ, but this life remains "hidden with Christ in God." The Father has already "raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Nourished with his body in the Eucharist, we already belong to the Body of Christ. When we rise on the last day we "also will appear with him in glory." 1004 In expectation of that day, the believer's body and soul already participate in the dignity of belonging to Christ. This dignity entails the demand that he should treat with respect his own body, but also the body of every other person, especially the suffering: The body [is meant] for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? . . . . You are not your own; . . . . So glorify God in your body.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Continued from page 9… Veneration of Christ's burial place dates back to St. Helena in the fourth century, who discovered and identified the tomb. St. Helena’s son, Emperor Constantine, built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 326 and enshrined the tomb. The shelf on which Christ's body was laid is the central point of veneration, which has been encapsulated by a 3-by-5 foot marble structure, known as the Edicule, since at least 1555. Over the years, the Edicule has been reconstructed and is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar preservation process by the National Technical University of Athens. "We are at the critical moment for rehabilitating the Edicule," Professor Antonia Moropoulou, Chief Scientific Supervisor from the National Technical University of Athens, told National Geographic. "The techniques we're using to document this unique monument will enable the world to study our findings as if they themselves were in the tomb of Christ." Although the burial site is not controlled by one particular group, it does share ownership between the Greek Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Armenian Orthodox Church, with a smaller influence from the Coptic, Ethiopian Orthodox, and Syriac Churches. Any major decisions regarding the church are made in an agreement among the Churches.
“There will always be Christians in Iraq” Erbil, Iraq, Oct 28, 2016 / 12:03 am (Aid to the Church in Need).- Iraqi Christians stranded in Kurdistan have some reason for hope, now that the battle for Mosul and the Nineveh Plane has begun. However, the Chaldean archbishop who, for two years now, has played a pivotal role in taking care of the humanitarian and spiritual needs of the exiled community, urges caution in painting too rosy a picture for Iraq’s embattled minorities. “Iran, Turkey and the Kurds all have a stake in Mosul” and the surrounding area, Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil, the Iraqi Kurdish capital, told international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need; even after Mosul is retaken from Islamic State – and odds are that will happen before the end of the year – a bitter power struggle would likely put Christians seeking to return to their abandoned homes in harm’s way. For now, the prelate stressed, no concrete plan is in place to protect the Christians and other minorities upon their return to Mosul and the Nineveh Plane. He predicted it would at least take close to a year before a significant degree of homecoming would be possible. Meanwhile, the archbishop, who was in New York as the guest of Cardinal Timothy Dolan, continues to care for the flock in Erbil and surroundings, which means drumming up considerable funding to ensure that families of internally displaced persons can pay their rent, that homes can be heated, that there will be food on the table, and that schools are functioning.
How Do We Change Our Culture of Death? Pope John Paul II noted that the structure of man’s sin is characterized or manifest on a universal scale in our Culture of Death. He pointed out that the powerful are easily able to manhandle the weak (e.g. abortion and euthanasia). The culture of death is not the result of philosophy or decrepit ethics, or political theory. The culture of death is a result of sin committed freely by persons. Thus it is fundamentally a personal problem, not a political one. So, the battle will not be won solely by a political action or movement, because the battle is not against human beings or arid philosophies, but is a battle against sin: “For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens” (Eph. 6:12). Therefore, first and foremost, we must first recognize God’s saving action and saving mission, and then participate in it. This has always been, and will always be the Church’s role. We love because He loved us first (1 Jn. 4:19), and we spread that love through our testimony to the nations (Acts 1:8). We must try to influence our culture with our words and deeds, realizing that the purpose of evangelization is always to introduce man to the Person of Christ, and the Person of Christ to man, that man might enter into His mystical body, the Church. Thus, through grace attained by turning to Him, the culture of death can indeed be transformed, simply because the Gospel always has the power to transform the hearts of men…even when the culture seems most evil, hopeless and perverse.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
The start of 2017 will mark the twentieth anniversary of Perpetual Adoration here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We want to hear about your experiences with the Blessed Sacrament. Please share your story, or a brief testimonial, with us at the following e-mail address:
[email protected] Your experience may be shared with our fellow parishioners in the Bulletin and could encourage others to spend time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. If you wish to remain anonymous, please request so in your e-mail.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Monday, November 7 6:30 a.m. Morales & Castro families 9:00 a.m. Deceased of the parish 7:00 p.m. Francis Layton Tuesday, November 8 6:30 a.m. Fr. David Bergeron (health) 9:00 a.m. Josefa Putz 7:00 p.m. Jorge Luis Jarquin Wednesday, November 9 6:30 a.m. Hector & Clarita Contreras 9:00 a.m. Alyssa Dillard (birthday) 7:00 p.m. Luis Eduardo Camacho 7:30 p.m. Duane King Thursday, November 10 6:30 a.m. Joseph J. Parra (spec. int.) 9:00 a.m. Carol Kenapa (birthday) 7:00 p.m. Frank & Josephine Coselli Friday, November 11 6:30 a.m. Pat Skinner 9:00 a.m. Joan Carson (birthday) 7:00 p.m. Hannah Hoang (birthday) Saturday, November 12 9:00 a.m. Leona Leder 5:00 p.m. Mark Oates 6:30 p.m. Clonima Ubaque 8:00 p.m. Jorge Luis Jarquin Sunday, November 13
5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
Josefa Estacio Donna Harmon Leonardo Carbrone Pro Populo Meliton Colima & Maria Trinidad Garcia Daniel J. Tearpock Jose Francisco Cervantes
ARMY Irving Paul Ray Salvador E. Zapata Christopher Porras Kristin Baron Juan Vega, Jr. Jessie H. Treviño, II Jesse Sinfuentes Henry García Gilbert Álvarez Michael Wright Ray Banda Manny Hernández Jim Branson Joshua A. Chavira Richard Christie Melissa Comiskey David García Antonio R. Delgado Mike Fitzgerald Ky V. Truong John García Jack Longmire Chris Lawrence Gabriel de la Garza Juan Manuel Matthew O’Dowd Marc Maziarz Joshua Salsgiver Tim Woods James Scherwitz Matthew Soileau Tony Thompson Michael Carty Jessie H. Treviño Christian Urena Danny Morales Jerry Morales Joshua A. Treviño Michael Hori Scott Pfirman Timothy Soto David Freeman Cameron J, Saltus Trevor Marshall Daniel Pruitt Joseph Nadasky Roosevelt Harris Christina González Eric Stevens Janet González Alberto Moreno Victor Delgado Luis Rosales Christopher Farías
Louis Hendershot, Jr. Rudy Banda, III Elvia Ayala Manuel James López Andy Huayamave Sarah Campo Maximilian Klein Epigmenio Gómez, Jr. Evan Adams Chris Figeria Alexis Roman NAVY Jessica López Matthew Rodríguez A.J. Edwards Joe Vaughn Christopher McMullin Linsum Flores Michael Fruggiero Chris Rode Stuart Marshall Jason Rodríguez Mark Riddle Raymond J. Reyes Cristian Shirl Sean V. Saluzzi Thomas Roche Justin J. Trudeau William Wilkerson Paul Zielinski Candy Flores Jonathan Hyacinth Alejandro Alatorre Jonathan Young Justin Ryan Keyser Sean G, McBeth Patricia Meehan
MARINES Kai E. Krogman Brad Harless Zachary Bond Adam Garcia Marvin Boruca Kleber Villalva Frank Campos Omar García Stefan Barcik Steven E. Jiménez Patrick Lambert Stephen Mayeaux René Miramontes
Randall T. Schindler Gabriel I. Saenz Peter Tate Jr. Vincent Flores Albert García Jason Wood Joseph Mooney Hunter W. Moffitt Anetor Asibor Albert García Sergio Perez Keith Breeckner Ricky Isaac Hernández Vinny Escobar Ryan Foley Victor Carrión-Martínez Christopher Unger Kidany Vaquero Ryan DeKay Codie M. Barnett Sherry L. Sola Kevin Flores AIR FORCE Coy Daniel Incaprera Christie Scherwitz Phillip M. Doria David Nordel Vincent Becklund David Harrison Robert N. Lobit Sean Huggins Dennis J. Morosin Don Sarmiento Raphael Ashe Kenzie O’Leary Don Park Nathalie Rodríguez David Anthony Nathalie Huayamave Nelvin Rodríguez Maurice J. Hardy, II Ricardo Villalva, Jr. NATIONAL GUARD Camilo Orozco Ed Dextraze Tony Nies Jerry Torres Kevin Westlund Cynthia Tobon
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Let us Pray for God’s Healing for all the Sick
de pagina 7... sabroso, que entra por los ojos.
If your family member or friend is no longer in need of our prayers, please advise us in order to remove his/her name .
Escogen harina buena; si pueden, de la mejor clase. Trabajan la masa en la artesa, para mezclarla con el fermento, en una larga y paciente labor. Después, un tiempo de reposo, imprescindible para que la levadura complete su misión, hinchando la pasta.
Jan Arnold, Rita Aguilar, Luis Acosta, Jack Aultman, Manuel Alvarez, Vicenta Avellaneda, Mary Borelli, Laure Boconvi, Don Barnes, Carmen Vazquez Blanco, Dianne Blevins, Joanne Brown, Fabian Cabrello, Carolina Cabrello, Edward Costello Jr., Lucia Angela Carbone, Sarah Callans, Diane Calzado, Kayson Clay, Marlaina Cadena, Gilberto S. Cisneros, Elizabeth Cisneros, Victor H Cisneros, Maria Elena Chavez, Humberto Fabian Caballero, Margarita Castano, Michael Alfred Crewell, Grant Cruise Family, Juan Antonio Cabrera, Sally Castro, Emmanuel Cubillos, Maria Colon, Ricardo Castaneda III, Bobby Duenas, Gertrude Dunlap, Scott Donbow, Dale Le Duc, Vuong (David) Minh Dao, Alex Diaz, Faye Edwards, Luis Madico Escudero, Marisa Ehrig, Luis Estrada, Jody Ferguson, Thomas Frazier, Sgt. Christopher Farias, Yorley Frias, Samuel Fuentes, Mariana De Jesus Gonzalez, John A Guillespie, Gene Gessert, Victoria Alana Garcia, Nelly Abby Gonzalez, Elizabeth Gardner, Gerard Gallegos, Kelly Gillespie, Joseph Gallagher, Caroline Hallford, Bob Hartnett, Renee Hanna, Hailey James, Cecilia Jimenez, Dana Jones, Jessica Jacobson, Megan Kelly, Sharon Kettner, Elih Kars, Lane Kimble, Stanley Loziek, Scott Laird, Christian Lebanc, Julio Lezama, Jose Lara, Gary Lindig, Mitchell Lyon, Mike Leditin, Leonard Lidiak, Rigoberto Lopez, Nelson Mejia, Nenita Mendiola, Karen Berenice Margarito, Margie Morales, Carol Melz, Emily Martinez, Sandra Morales-Negron, Rudy Mendoza, Walter Mayko, Manuela Alicia Ortiz Molina, Marguerite Miller, Antonio Medic, Sergio Montoya, Adelaida Maldonado, Abel Marroquin, Bradley Martinez, Ines Madice, Kevin Malanaphy, Agustin Madona, Jose Manuel Monreal, Martha Toledo Evelyn Marinas, Marilyn Martinez, Vicky Nevares, Andres Nevares, Mary Neminach, Alpha Newgene, Gam Thi Nguyen, Ryan Naulty, Danna Paola Osollo, Leonor Orozco, Julian Gregory Pearson, Maria Antonia Medina Perez, Robert D. Perez, Robert A. Perez, Benjamin Poblete, Daniel Parlapiano, June Pennell, Robert Parker, Timothy Petrich, Melanie Pearson, Thomas Priest, Jeannine Quintero, Chris Ramirez, Marcela Ramirez Roldan, Olefia Rodriguez, Valentin Rangel, Lynette Roberts, Mark Rodriguez, Sidney Rojo, Familia Montes Ruiz, Olga Sarahi Reyna, Marie Sauceda, Maria Salinas, Bob Sommers, Mrs. D. Florence Sicola, Johnny Sicola, Evan Schuessler, Amelia Soarces, Lupita Scotka, Jose Santistevan, Richard Schillinger, Elizabeth Salas, Jo Stewart, Fred Stoehr, Judge Deborah Sanchez, Daniel Shay, Douglas Smith-Barry Jr., Claude Tournay, David Turilli, John Trevino, Justin Thacker, Linda Villanueva, Guadalupe Vasquez, Edith Vazquez, Irma Guadalupe Westry, Luke Wade, Mike Wilson, Marshall Williamson, Claire Way, Jim & Jamie Wade, Ashley Wade, Patrick Winey, Wilder Family, Kaelissa Yur, Gilberto Zamora, Leticia Zarzoza and all others who also need our prayers.
Mientras tanto, arde el fuego del horno, animado por la leña que se consume. Y esa masa, metida al calor de la lumbre, proporciona ese pan tierno, esponjoso, de gran calidad. Un resultado imposible de alcanzar sin la intervención de la levadura —poca cantidad—, que se ha diluido, desapareciendo entre los demás elementos en una labor eficiente, que pasa inadvertida. Si meditamos con sentido espiritual ese texto de San Pablo, entenderemos que no tenemos más remedio que trabajar, al servicio de todas las almas. Otra cosa sería egoísmo. Si miramos nuestra vida con humildad, distinguiremos claramente que el Señor nos ha concedido, además de la gracia de la fe, talentos, cualidades. Ninguno de nosotros es un ejemplar repetido: Nuestro Padre nos ha creado uno a uno, repartiendo entre sus hijos un número diverso de bienes. Hemos de poner esos talentos, esas cualidades, al servicio de todos: utilizar esos dones de Dios como instrumentos para ayudar a descubrir a Cristo.
If you know anyone who is sick or in need of prayer support, please call 281-463-7878. Comuníquese al teléfono anterior si conoce algún enfermo que necesita el apoyo de la oración de nuestra familia parroquial.
No imaginéis que es este afán como una añadidura, para bordear con una filigrana nuestra condición de cristianos. Si la levadura no fermenta, se pudre. Puede desaparecer reavivando la masa, pero puede también desaparecer porque se pierde, en un monumento a la ineficacia y al egoísmo. No prestamos un favor a Dios Nuestro Señor, cuando lo damos a conocer a los demás: por predicar el Evangelio no tengo gloria, pues estoy por necesidad obligado, por el mandato de Jesucristo; y desventurado de mí si no lo predicare. Tomado de Amigos de Dios, nos. 256-258. Para mas información, ve:
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road Houston, Texas 77084-1599 281-463-7878 Parish Office
Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Antonio Ortiz
Parochial Vicar
Rev. James Long Do, C.M.C.
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Preston Quintela
Ola Branche German Godoy Peter Tuu Hoang
Managerial Administrator
Deacon German Godoy
Director of Finance
Marie Sharp
Director of Liturgy & Music
Carmen Delgado
Director of Religious Education
Becki Brumbaugh
Director of Spanish Ministries
Lucia Rueda
Director of Vietnamese Ministries
Deacon Peter Tuu Hoang
Coordinator of Vietnamese CCE
Toan Pham
Director of Family Life
Nadia Jara
Director of Adolescent Catechesis & Evangelization
Donna Worley
Youth Apostolate
Andrew Schuelke
Parish Office
Parish E-Mail
[email protected]
Parish Website
School Office
School Website
S.E.E.D.S. Office (pre-school)
S.E.E.D.S. Website
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.
Bulletin Deadlines
Submissions for the bulletin are due on Noon Monday, thirteen days in advance of publication date. Submit your information to Mrs. Patti Bergholtz at her e-mail:
[email protected].
Gilbert Johnson Chuck Pennell Alfonso Sosa
All submissions must be an MS Word document (no PDF files), using Century Gothic font, size 9. Please do not use any other formatting (i.e., all caps, bold, italics, underlining, colored text, text boxes, etc...). Graphics and photos are subject to editing. Bulletin Date November 20 November 27 December 4 December 11 December 18 December 25
Deadline November 7 November 10* November 21 November 28 December 5 December 8*
* Note: early submission due to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 6, 2016
Pope St. Leo the Great
November 10
St. Leo the Great was born in Tuscany. As deacon, he was dispatched to Gaul as a mediator by Emperor Valentinian III. He reigned as Pope between 440 and 461. He persuaded Emperor Valentinian to recognize the primacy of the Bishop of Rome in an edict in 445. The doctrine of the Incarnation was articulated by him in a letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople, who had already condemned Eutyches. At the Council of Chalcedon this same letter was confirmed as the expression of Catholic Faith concerning the Person of Christ. All secular historical treatises eulogize his efforts during the upheaval of the fifth century barbarian invasion. His encounter with Attila the Hun, at the very gates of Rome persuading him to turn back, remains a historical memorial to his great eloquence. When the Vandals under Genseric occupied the city of Rome, he persuaded the invaders to desist from pillaging the city and harming its inhabitants. He died in 461, leaving many letters and writings of great historical value. His feast day is November 10th. He is the first Pope to be called “The Great.”
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road Houston, Texas 77084-1520