Saint Mary Parish 1835 - 2012
The Temptations of Christ 12th-century mosaic at St Mark's Basilica, Venice
First Sunday of Lent February 26, 2012
Welcome to Saint Mary Parish 133 School Street Waltham MA 02451 Rectory: 781-891-1730 Catechesis Office: 781-308-4961 Immigration Center: 617-817-7544
Fax: 781-209-0555 Email:
[email protected] Website:
STAFF Rev. Michael Nolan, Pastor Rev. Gabino Oliva Macias Rev. David Martin Ssentamu (in residence) Deacon Eduardo Mora, Director Immigration Ctr. Mary McCarthy, Parish Secretary Adam Redjinski, Catechist Michael Welch, Sexton Lila Cleary, Organist
MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM 11:30 AM (Spanish), 1:30 PM (Luganda) Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Monday - Friday 12:10 PM Wednesday & Friday 7:00 PM (Chapel - Spanish) Friday 8:00 PM (Luganda) Holy Day 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish)
Communion is brought to the sick and homebound. Contact Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953.
SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Parents of infants can call the office to arrange baptism.
Adults or parents of children wishing to receive Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion can contact the Pastor or Deacon.
WEDDINGS Registered parishioners or their children can contact the rectory to arrange a meeting.
JOHN PAUL II IMMIGRATION CTR. Those seeking assistance and support can visit the Center in the Religious Education Office.
133 CLUB Numbers are available for the monthly drawing. Prizes range from $25 to $1,000. Sign-up sheets are at the church entrances.
ADORATION Friday: 12:30-6:00 PM
CONFESSIONS Monday-Thursday: 11:30 AM - Noon Friday: 11:00 AM - Noon Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 PM
CHURCH VISITS The Church is open daily for visits from 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM.
Healing Mass with Anointing: 1 Monday of month at 12:10 PM and by appointment. Due to privacy laws, hospital patients are encouraged to register as Catholics so they will be visited.
We welcome you to register in the parish. Please introduce yourself to the Pastor. Registration forms are available at the doors of the church. Contact the rectory to arrange a house blessing.
I would like someone to call me to talk about becoming a member of Saint Mary Parish. My Name is____________________________________ Phone number__________________________________ Email _________________________________ Drop this form in the collection basket and someone will call you. Or, register through our website at Welcome to Saint Mary Parish and please come again!
My brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope your first week of Lent has gone well. If you have fallen or failed don’t worry. True sacrifices are never easy. They reveal our weaknesses. Frailties that the Lord already knows about. Strive again and recommit yourselves because the Lord desires pure hearts not holocausts or offerings. For Lent, I would ask you to think about someone you know who would benefit in joining us at Sunday worship. Just one person. You may invite them to go to Mass with you. You may promise to pick them up and drive them home. You might suggest stopping for coffee or breakfast after church. You may let them know the prayers are said slightly different and you will help them negotiate this. You may remind them there is no pressure about communion if they need confession or are not a Catholic. None of us likes to be pressured, but people like being invited. They may decline which allows you to let them know you will pray for them at Mass. What a great gift and work of charity to be like those first disciples who brought people to Jesus. - Father Michael RITE OF ELECTION On the First Sunday of Lent, those enrolled in the catechumenate or who are candidates for full communion in the Catholic Church are called to the Cathedral to be presented to the Archbishop. The Archbishop, Cardinal O’Malley, will preach and bless them as they draw closer to the Easter and their entrance into the Church. This year we will accompany Natalie Rodriguez, Josefina Lisbeth Hernandez, Cristhian B. Barba-Garzon, Herresa Guerrier, and Alexse LaGuerre and their sponsors. They have been preparing for the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist for the past two years. Please pray for these newly elect.
MASS INTENTIONS The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week: Sunday, February 26 8:00 AM - Audrey O’Connell - 1st Anniversary & Birthday 10:00 AM - Parish & Parishioners Monday, February 27 12:10 PM - Mr. & Mrs. Aucoin Wednesday, February 29 12:10 PM - Mary Clark (living) Thursday, March 1 12:10 PM - Parish & Parishioners Friday, March 2 12:10 PM - Joseph (Mickey) Lenza - Birthday Anniversary Saturday, March 3 4:00 PM - Kevin Clasby - Anniversary Sunday, March 4 8:00 AM - Parish & Parishioners 10:00 AM - Helen Cunningham - 44th Anniversary
CATHOLIC APPEAL WEEKEND Next weekend, March 3-4, is Catholic Appeal Weekend here at St. Mary’s. Cardinal Sean is asking every Catholic household to participate. The Appeal is to our Archdiocese what the weekly offertory is to our parish, so your participation and support are critical. Because of the economic downturn, support of the Catholic Appeal is more urgent this year. We will be showing a video message from Cardinal Sean. Those of you who gave to the Appeal last year should be receiving a letter from him this week. We invite all others to take home an information packet from Mass this weekend. Please bring your completed pledge card and pledge envelopes with you to Mass next week to place in the collection basket. Thank you!
ST. VINCENT de PAUL In today’s Gospel, Jesus overcomes the temptations to wealth, power and esteem. During Lent may we open our hearts to the grace of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
MERCY SUNDAY Mercy Sunday is April 15, 2012. Now is a great time to learn of the magnificent graces awaiting for you on this day! There are pamphlets at the doors of the church. Please take them home and share them with your family and friends.
Those requesting a weekend Mass Intention are asked to make themselves known to the cantor or celebrant at least ten minutes before the Mass if they would like to serve as gift bearers for that liturgy. 1,185 people participated in all the Masses last weekend and contributed a total of $4,213 to the weekly collection and $3,830 to the Special Monthly Collection. Thank you! PLEASE PRAY FOR. . . Rev. Edward O’Flaherty, SJ - RIP Elsie Doherty - RIP Saint Peter’s, Bainet Cindy Ricky Catherine
Alms are an old fashioned word for money given for charitable purposes. St. Mary’s St Vincent de Paul Society thanks you for allowing us to be a channel for your almsgiving. And through us the poor we serve thank you for the food, heating and clothing you supply. “Our Poor Boxes are the bread boxes of the poor.” Jesus, model of prayer, lead us into silence and prayer. Jesus, model of compassion, give us compassionate hearts. Jesus, model of meekness and mildness, make us meek and humble of heart. Jesus, model of proclaiming God’s kingdom, transform us so that we can extend your kingdom. Amen CATECHESIS BREAK Classes resume next weekend, March 3-4.
POPE BENEDICT XVI’S LENTEN MESSAGE The Lenten season offers us once again an opportunity to reflect upon the very heart of Christian life: charity. This is a favourable time to renew our journey of faith, both as individuals and as a community, with the help of the word of God and the Sacraments. This year I would like to propose a few thoughts in the light of a brief biblical passage drawn from the Letter to the Hebrews: 'Let us be concerned for each other, to stir a response in love and good works'. (1) Let us be concerned for each other: responsibility towards our brothers and sisters. This first aspect is an invitation to be 'concerned'. ... The verb which introduces our exhortation tells us to look at others, first of all at Jesus, to be concerned for one another, and not to remain isolated and indifferent to the fate of our brothers and sisters. All too often, however, our attitude is just the opposite: an indifference and disinterest born of selfishness and masked as a respect for 'privacy'. ... Even today God asks us to be 'guardians' of our brothers and sisters, to establish relationships based on mutual consideration and attentiveness to the well-being, the integral well-being of others. The great commandment of love for one another demands that we acknowledge our responsibility towards those who, like ourselves, are creatures and children of God. Being brothers and sisters in humanity and, in many cases, also in the faith, should help us to recognise in others a true alter ego, infinitely loved by the Lord. If we cultivate this way of seeing others as our brothers and sisters, solidarity, justice, mercy and compassion will naturally well up in our hearts. Concern for others entails desiring what is good for them from every point of view: physical, moral and spiritual. Contemporary culture seems to have lost the sense of good and evil, yet there is a real need to reaffirm that good does exist and will prevail, because God is 'generous and acts generously'. The good is whatever gives, protects and promotes life, brotherhood and communion. Responsibility towards others thus means desiring and working for the good of others, in the hope that they too will become receptive to goodness and its demands. Concern for others means being aware of their needs. Sacred Scripture warns us of the danger that our hearts can become hardened by a sort of 'spiritual anaesthesia' which numbs us to the suffering of others. The Evangelist Luke relates two of Jesus' parables by way of example: the parable of the Good Samaritan and the parable of Dives and Lazarus. Both show examples of the opposite of 'being concerned', of looking upon others with love and compassion. What hinders this humane and loving gaze towards our brothers and sisters? Often it is the possession of material riches and a sense of sufficiency, but it can also be the tendency to put our own interests and problems above all else. We should never be incapable of 'showing mercy' towards those who suffer. Our hearts should never be so wrapped up in our affairs and problems that they fail to hear the cry of the poor. ... Reaching out to others and opening our hearts to their needs can become an opportunity for salvation and blessedness.
'Being concerned for each other' also entails being concerned for their spiritual well-being. Here I would like to mention an aspect of the Christian life, which I believe has been quite forgotten: fraternal correction in view of eternal salvation. Today, in general, we are very sensitive to the idea of charity and caring about the physical and material well-being of others, but almost completely silent about our spiritual responsibility towards our brothers and sisters. This was not the case in the early Church.
... Christ Himself commands us to admonish a brother who is committing a sin. ... The Church's tradition has included 'admonishing sinners' among the spiritual works of mercy. It is important to recover this dimension of Christian charity. We must not remain silent before evil. I am thinking of all those Christians who, out of human regard or purely personal convenience, adapt to the prevailing mentality, rather than warning their brothers and sisters against ways of thinking and acting that are contrary to the truth and that do not follow the path of goodness. Christian admonishment, for its part, is never motivated by a spirit of accusation or recrimination. It is always moved by love and mercy, and springs from genuine concern for the good of the other. ... In a world pervaded by individualism, it is essential to rediscover the importance of fraternal correction, so that together we may journey towards holiness. ... It is a great service, then, to help others and allow them to help us, so that we can be open to the whole truth about ourselves, improve our lives and walk more uprightly in the Lord's ways. (2) Being concerned for each other: the gift of reciprocity. This 'custody' of others is in contrast to a mentality that, by reducing life exclusively to its earthly dimension, fails to see it in an eschatological perspective and accepts any moral choice in the name of personal freedom. A society like ours can become blind to physical sufferings and to the spiritual and moral demands of life. This must not be the case in the Christian community! The Lord's disciples, united with Him through the Eucharist, live in a fellowship that binds them one to another as members of a single body. This means that the other is part of me, and that his or her life, his or her salvation, concern my own life and salvation. Here we touch upon a profound aspect of communion: our existence is related to that of others, for better or for worse. Both our sins and our acts of love have a social dimension. This reciprocity is seen in the Church, the mystical body of Christ: the community constantly does penance and asks for the forgiveness of the sins of its members, but also unfailingly rejoices in the examples of virtue and charity present in her midst. ... Christians can also express their membership in the one body which is the Church through concrete concern for the poorest of the poor. Concern for one another likewise means acknowledging the good that the Lord is doing in others. (3) To stir a response in love and good works: walking together in holiness. These words of the Letter to the Hebrews urge us to reflect on the universal call to holiness. ... The time granted us in this life is precious for discerning and performing good works in the love of God. In this way the Church herself continuously grows towards the full maturity of Christ. Our exhortation to encourage one another to attain the fullness of love and good works is situated in this dynamic prospect of growth. Sadly, there is always the temptation to become lukewarm, to quench the Spirit, to refuse to invest the talents we have received, for our own good and for the good of others. All of us have received spiritual or material riches meant to be used for the fulfilment of God's plan, for the good of the Church and for our personal salvation. The spiritual masters remind us that in the life of faith those who do not advance inevitably regress. In a world which demands of Christians a renewed witness of love and fidelity to the Lord, may all of us feel the urgent need to anticipate one another in charity, service and good works. This appeal is particularly pressing in this holy season of preparation for Easter.
LENTEN DAILY MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY–FRIDAY 12:10 (English) MONDAY–FRIDAY 7:00 PM (Spanish in Chapel) FRIDAY–8:00 PM (Luganda in Church) SATURDAY–9:00 AM (English) CONFESSION SCHEDULE MONDAY–THURSDAY 11:30 AM–Noon FRIDAY 11 AM–Noon SATURDAY 9:30 AM–3:45 PM SUNDAY 10:00 AM–11:00 AM (REL. ED. BUILDING) STATIONS OF THE CROSS FRIDAYS 6:00 PM ADORATION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT FRIDAYS 12:30 PM–6:00 PM MAGNIFICAT LENTEN COMPANIONS Pick up a MAGNIFICAT Lenten Companion booklet at the doors of the church. These small books include daily Lenten reflections on the Gospel passage of that day. We ask for a $2.00 donation to cover costs (if possible). LENTEN REGULATIONS Abstinence -- Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the obligation of abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be eaten at all. Fast -- Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the days of fasting. On these days, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed. These Lenten regulations state the minimum requirements. Other recommended practices during this season include participating in daily Mass and fasting on other Lenten days. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY Please join us each Thursday evening of Lent to reflect upon the Life of Christ and how Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Our first meeting will be on February 23 from 6:30-7:30 in the Religious Education Building. Please bring your Bible if you have one and a journal. There are plenty of Bibles so don't worry if you forget. LIVE THE FAST LaVallee's Bakery Distributors in Waltham has introduced Live the Fast, a movement to encourage the ancient practice of fasting with bread and water. Fasting is purifying and prepares us to pray more deeply. Along with other resources, LaVallee’s is offering complimentary “fasting breads” that are all natural, healthy and nutritious with no preservatives or additives. Visit to learn how you can join others and “live the fast” this Lent.
LENTEN TRAINING WORKSHOPS The component of service to God and one another is integral to Lent. One of the most beautiful ways this is accomplished is through our worship to God. Liturgy is the work of the people. Certain aspects of worship invite and depend on prescribed roles in the celebration of the Eucharist. These include lectors, communion ministers, altar servers and ushers /greeters. The invitation and our response to perform these roles comes from our baptism. Numerous times, the priests have invited parishioners to do this service only to hear, “I am not worthy to do such a thing.” Of course, you aren’t! None of us is worthy enough. The priest is a man unworthy of such participation in divine works. Yet we are worthy enough to be saved; to listen and know God’s word. We are worthy to receive His Body and drink His Blood. We are looking for parishioners who have received their Confirmation; live the faith, and regularly worship at one of the weekend Masses, to offer to serve in one of these capacities. Please let one of the priests know you are interested or encourage someone you know who may be. We will hold three training sessions on Thursday evenings during Lent at 6:00 PM beginning on March 8th. ALMSGIVING SUGGESTION Almsgiving takes away many sins. Please remember that you can save your coins and money that you might have otherwise spent on things that you have given up for Lent for the rebuilding of the church in Haiti. There are some small bottles for coin collection in the back of the church but you can use any can or container. Keep collecting coins and bring them to the church during Holy Week. ADULT SACRAMENT CLASSES If you know of someone who is an adult Catholic who has not received Holy Communion or Confirmation, or is a baptized Christian in another denomination but would like to learn about the Catholic Faith, please encourage or invite them to attend our weekly sessions beginning Monday, February 27th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. These sessions are led by a priest and a group of lay people and usually meet one night a week until Pentecost Sunday in May when the Bishop visits for Confirmation. Many people have joined us and benefitted. Please consider being with us this Spring. Contact Father Michael for more information. ANNUAL BABY SHOWER Join the Archdiocesan Parish Family Baby Shower at St. Mary’s on March 3rd and 4th. Please bring a baby gift to Mass that weekend. Items that are needed include: baby bottles, newborn or size 1 disposable diapers, diaper bags, size small sleep and play clothing, sweaters, crib sheets, socks, nightgowns, blanket sleepers, receiving blankets, pacifiers, and toiletries. All proceeds benefit Pregnancy Help Office, Archdiocese of Boston. Monetary donations are acceptable, too. Please make checks payable to Fund for the Unborn.
Santa María de Waltham Información de la Oficina Dirección: 133 School Street Waltham MA 02451 Rectoría: 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-209-0555 Email:
[email protected] Website: Directivo Parroquial Párroco: Rev. Michael Nolan Rev. Gabino Oliva Macias Diacono: Eduardo R. Mora, Director del Centro de Inmigración Asistente de Coordinación de Catecismo: Milie Colon. Coordinadores de Coro: Iván Colon, María Aviles, Vidal Hernández. Coordinadora de lectores: Mariela Contreras Centro de Inmigración Juan Pablo II El horario de servicio en el Centro de Inmigración es el siguiente: Lunes a Jueves de 10:00 a. m. a 7:00 p. m. Los sábados de 11:00p. m. a 3:00 p. m. Estamos para servirles.
Horario de las Misas Miércoles y Viernes a las 7:00 P. M. y los domingos a las 11:30 A. M. Confesiones De Lunes a jueves a las 11:30 a. m. Viernes a las 11:00 a. m. y sábado de 3:00-3:45 p. m. Domingo 11:00 a. m. antes de la Misa.
Legión de María Todos los domingos desde las 9:30 a. m. en el edificio de Educación Religiosa. 133 CLUB Hay números listos para tomarlos para la rifa mensual. los premios son varios desde $25.00 a $1,000.00. Las registraciones están en las puertas de la Iglesia, inscríbase ahora.
Juan XXIII Todos los lunes de 7:00 a 8:30 p. m. en el edificio de Educación Religiosa Grupo de oración Todos los domingos de 6:00 a 7:30 p. m. en el Hall de la Iglesia y Jueves de 7:00 a 8:30 p. m. en la Capilla del edificio de Educación Religiosa Grupo de Jóvenes Todos los martes desde las 7:00 a 9:00 p. m. en el Hall de la Iglesia y todos los primeros martes del mes hay Adoración al Santísimo. La semana pasada acudieron a las Misas un total de 1,185 persona y la colecta fue de $4,213. Gracias por la segunda colecta por la parroquia fue de $3,830 Gracias .
Siempre es bueno sorprender con buen regalo para su familia o amigos considere darle una membresía del Club 133. Cada mes hay un chance de ganar de $1000.00 a $25.00, la membresía cuesta $5 semanales o lo que es mejor $55 por el año y de esta maBautismos nera se ahorra $5, y tiene un amigo feliz. Si tiene alTodos los primeros domingos del mes después de la guna pregunta sobre que es el club 133, acérquese a Misa, es el día de orientación del Bautizo, en el Edifi- uno de nosotros que gustosamente le explicaremos. cio de Educación Religiosa, y el segundo domingo del cada mes son los Bautizos, después de Grupo de oración, todos los Jueves de 7:00 a 8:30 la Misa en la Iglesia. PM. Nos reunimos en el edificio de Educación religiosa, y Matrimonios Por favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia Para la fecha del curso de pre-cana y para los arreglos necesarios o hablar con el Diacono Eduardo.
Comunión Si conoce a alguien que necesita la Sagrada Comunión en su casa, hospital o Asilo de Ancianos “Nursing Home”, hablar con el uno de los Sacerdotes o al Diacono Eduardo Mora.
los domingos de 6:00 a 8:30 de la noche en el Hall de la Iglesia. Venga para que todos juntos alabemos la grandeza del Señor.
Todos los segundo sábados del mes el grupo de apoyo del cáncer se reúnen en le edificio de Educación Religiosa para planificar eventos, si desea pude unirse al grupo de hermanas para estas reuniones.
LOS MÉDICOS QUE PRESCRIBEN SUICIDIO. Este próximo mes de Noviembre, la gente en Massachusetts se enfrenta con una iniciativa en la boleta electoral que, si es aprobada de criminalizara prescrito el suicidio por los médicos en nuestras comunidades. Aquellos que apoyan la petición dicen que prestarán atención compasiva para las personas con enfermedades terminales y enfermos incurables. Intencionalmente causan a la persona la muerte, o dándole a la persona los medios para quitarse su propia vida, eso no es compasión ni es una expresión de preocupación y atención, incluso si nos lo piden para hacerlo. Tanto la Asociación médica americana como el Massachussets Sociedad Medica se oponen al suicidio asistido por el medico. Puesto en una lista abajo son muchos de los problemas con el suicidio prescribido por el doctor. Para mas información visite Por favor haga todo que usted pueda para rezar y trabajar para el éxito de esta iniciativa de educación.
yo Preediciones de esperanza de vida con una enfermedad terminal demostrar que están equivocados en u porcentaje significativo Engaño sobre la causa de la muerte Conforme a la ley, el certificado de defunción debe poner la enfermedad terminal subyacente en una lista como la causa de la muerte (no los efectos de la medicina) Invalidad provisiones de pólizas de seguros que impidan el pago después de la muerte que resulta de la realización de esta ley
Una invitación para Ayudar a Mejorar la Televisión Educativa para las Familias de Habla Hispana! Concord Evaluation Group (CEG) es una empresa de investigación de educación local. CEG está trabajando con WGBH de Boston (los creadores de programas de Problemas con la iniciativa de votación. televisión para niños) para poner a prueba un prograNo tiene una carencia de consentimiento Estar libre del boto de criterios específicos para deter- ma de televisión para niños y actividades familiares entre febrero y marzo de 2012. Estamos buscando faminar la carencia de capacidad mental. Criterios específicos para determinar que el paciente tie- milias de habla hispana que tengan niños de entre 3 y 5 años de edad. Cada familia en el estudio recibirán ne “una apreciación de los hechos relevantes” Ninguna evaluación psiquiatrita obligatoria de los indi- $75. CEG utilizará la información que se recopile para viduos sugerir maneras en las cuales WGBH puede realizar Deprimidos pueden ser considerado para la medicina mejores programas de televisión para las familias de letal habla hispana. Para saber si su familia califica para Los dos testigos pueden ser extraños participar en el estudio, llene esta breve encuesta en el Uno de los testigos puede ser extraño y el otro un heresitio web: dero El medico y el paciente harán un caminar para reforzar el suicidio La carencia de la escucha adecuada No se requiere testigos para atestiguar la muerte incluido los médico No se relata reportes del problema Podrían debilitar esfuerzos de cuidado lenitivos Que el boto da de palabras cuidado lenitivo Que la extensión del suicidio asistido por el medico causara menos énfasis en el cuidado Lenitivo Suicidio asistido por el medico es la opcion menos cara Definición de “auto administrar” Se define por “ingestión” permite que los medicamentos sean administrados por otra personas El sufrimiento no esta definido El sufrimiento emocional tratable seria una razón valida para el suicidio asistido, incluso cuando el paciente esta emocionalmente angustiado por el aprendizaje de un diagnostico terminal. Criterio de la muerte de un plazo de seis meses La condición de la muerte probable que el plazo de seis meses en la definición de “enfermedad terminal” no hace ninguna distinción entre los seis con o si tratamiento / apo-
Reglamentos para la Cuaresma: Los católicos de más de 14 años de edad están obligados a la abstinencia. La abstinencia debe ser observada el miércoles de Cenizas y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. No se puede comer carne, Ayuno.- Los católicos de 18 años hasta 60 años están llamados a hacer ayunos, Miércoles de Cenizas, y Viernes Santo son días para el ayuno. En estos días solo una comida completa es permitida, dos comitas más permitidas sin carne y tiene que ser suficiente para mantener las fuerzas y se puede tomarlas de acuerdo a sus condiciones, pero estas dos comidas juntas no pueden ser del tamaño de una comida completa. Comer entre comida no esta permitido, pero líquidos son permitidos Estos reglamentos cuaresmales son requisitos mínimos. Otras prácticas son recomendadas durante la temporada de cuaresma incluyendo la Misa diaria y también el ayuno en otros días dentro de la cuaresma.