600 Avenue B Sterling, IL

 600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081 1.815.625.0640          Weekday Masses  MonFri 8.30 AMChapel School Schedule: Wed 8.30 AMChurch 

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600 Avenue B Sterling, IL
 600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081 1.815.625.0640   December 7, 2014 2nd Sunday of Advent         Weekday Masses  MonFri 8.30 AMCha

A NACIONES UNIDAS Asamblea General Distr. GENERAL A/RES/54/147 22 de febrero de 2000 Quincuagésimo cuarto período de sesiones Tema 111 del programa

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Academy Avenue Primary School
Academy Avenue Primary School A Nationally Recognized School of Excellence Patrick J. Higgins, Principal Laura Valovcin, Secretary Academy Avenue P

Story Transcript

600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081 1.815.625.0640  


    Weekday Masses  MonFri 8.30 AMChapel School Schedule: Wed 8.30 AMChurch  Saturday 8.30 AMChurch  Sunday Obligation 5.00 PM Sat., 7.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 10.00 AM  11.30 AM In Spanish Vigil/Holy Day MassesChurch 7.00 PM, 8.30 AM, 5.15 PM 7.00 PM In Spanish Adoration/BenedictionChapel Tuesday 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM 

November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 


Anointing of the Sick If you or someone you know would like to receive the anointing of the sick, please notify the parish office. Baptism Following the birth of your child, please contact the parish office. Catechetical Instruction  (Grades 1 ± 8) Confirmation Preparation  Call Religious Education Office. Matrimony Arrangements to be made by calling parish  office (9) months in advance. RCIA (Adult Initiation)  If interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact Jane Olson at the parish office. Reconciliation Saturday: 4.00  4.45 PM, also by appointment. Communal Penance Services during Advent and Lent. Parish Registration  We welcome new parishioners. Please come to the  parish office to receive welcome information. Bulletin Notices Please submit notices in writing or email  [email protected] to the Parish Office by Friday noon, one week prior to publication. 

 Pastor Rev. James R. Keenan………..………………Ext.211 Parochial Vicar Rev. Adalberto Sanchez……………….……...Ext.212 Residence(after 4 PM & weekends)..1.815.625.4768 

Deacons John Kellen……………………………………..Ext.226 Larry Zitkus……………………………………..Ext.226 

Parish Office Hours MondayFriday……………………9.00 AM  4.00 PM 

Parish Administration Offices 600 Avenue B Sterling IL………...….1.815.625.0640 Fax 815.625.1684 Email:…………stmary[email protected] Website: …………………....www.stmarysterling.com 

Parish Staff…………...………….….1.815.625.0640 Bert Davis, Bookkeeper……………..…...…..Ext.225 Lupe Larson, Secretary……………………....Ext.210 Jane Olson, Pastoral Associate……………..Ext.220 Janie Atilano, Hispanic Ministry…….1.815.626.5735 Sally Kellen, Shutin Ministry……………….. Ext.226 

Cemetery  Andres Quintana, Cemetery Manager……...Ext.222 

Religious Education Office……….1.815.625.6688 (located in St. Mary School) Gerry Williamson, Director……………….…..Ext.244 Dianne Williamson, Secretary…………….....Ext.214 

St. Mary School 6 West 6th Street…………….……....1.815.625.2253 Rebecca Schmitt, Principal…………………..Ext.227  Jeannie Ramos, Bookkeeper………………..Ext.221 Robbin Clifton, Secretary…………………….Ext.223 

Newman Central Catholic High School 1101 W. 23rd Street………………....1.815.625.0500 Mr. Andy Edmondson, Principal St. Vincent DePaul Society  7 West 6th Street………………….....1.815.625.0311 Office Hours: MondayFriday…...12 Noon  2.30 PM


 Mon     Tue     Wed       Thu       Fri     Sat        

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG G GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Collection Report 2013-14 November 15-16 G

Mass Intentions

Nov 24   Nov 25

8.30 AM †Bernice Fester Ed & Jeannie Ramos  8.30 AM †Felicitas Pena Evelio Pena     Nov 26 8.30 AM †Maggie Bentley    †Peggy Propheter  Florence Propheter         Nov 27 8.30 AM Living & Deceased Members of the Richard Brown Family   Elvita Brown      Nov 28 8.30 AM Kathy Strum  Harry & Margaret Kapp      Nov 29 8.30 AM †Eleanor Ramirez    †Frances Hernandez    Francisco & Margaret Trujillo     

WEEKLY Envelope Collection Loose Collection Children's Collection Total Collection Needed Weekly (Under) DEBT REDUCTION Beginning Balance Collection for week CURRENT DEBT

Envelopes this week

8,698.00 409.86 2.00 9,109.86 14,875.42 (5,765.56)


$ 6,963.00 $ 1,652.00 $ 5,311.00

Sat Nov 29 5.00 PM †Stephen Tkach     Ray & Sue Tkach         Sun Nov 30 7.00 AM †Lori Saunders      Bill & Fern Saunders           8.30 AM †Doris Bryant Beverly Saunders           10.00 AM †Richard & Gavin Valdivia Josie Valdivia      †Marty Onken      Mary Nell Hartman      11.30 AM †Gregorio & Maximina Marquez  

$ $ $ $ $ $



Liturgical Roles



Sat Nov 29  5:00 PM Sharley Bailey  Carolyn Gaziano  Sun Nov 30  7:00 AM Mary E Bradley  8:30 AM Terry McGinn Teresa Gingrich 10:00 AM Steve Randall  Darwin Mauch  Eucharistic Ministers  Sat Nov 29  5:00 PM Deacon  Concha Sitter & Megan Benyo   Sun Nov 30 7:00 AM Alice Ports    Joel and Lori Downie  8:30 AM Deacon  Linnea & Lupe Larson   10:00 AM Julie D Gowers    Julie Jacobs & Julie Smith   Altar Servers  Thurs Nov 27  8:30 AM Spencer Mauch Caleb & Joe Marchiorato  Sat Nov 29  5:00 PM Libby Nichols    Ellie & Kate Preston  Sun Nov 30 8:30 AM Jacob & Olivia Rude   Monica Healy     10:00 AM Spencer Mauch John Craft & Alec Marruffo  

Book Of The Dead


There will be a Book of Remembrance located in the front of the lectern in the church. You are invited to write the names of your departed loved ones in the book for our prayerful commemoration during the month of November. SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS The Sanctuary Candle in the church will burn  the week of November 2229   In memory of  Mary Hannan Little Given by  The Hannan Family

 St. Mary’s-Oregon  Christmas Bazaar on Sat., Dec. 6  There will be a parent meeng for from 9 AM1 PM. featuring St. Mary & Public school parents whose muffins with Santa from 911 AM. children will be receiving First There will be a 50/50 raffle, Reconciliaon and First Communion basket raffle, booths and vendors. this school year on Tues., Dec. 9th at All at the St. Mary’s Community Center on 881 N. Mongan Dr. in  6:30 PM in the parish Bales Hall. Any Oregon, IL. quesons call the Religious Ed office at 815.625.6688.  Patriotic Rosary


Religious Education 

Please come and pray the Patriotic Rosary after the 8:30 AM Mass on No classes on the Nov. 26th.  Mon., Dec. 8, the Feast of the Pie Donations Immaculate Conception.  This rosary includes prayers for Pies are needed for the Thanksgiving our nationin particular the Senior Dinner. Pies can be different branches of our dropped off to the Parish government and the people of the Center kitchen on Sat., Nov. 22 United States. For instance, a from 12-4 PM or Sun., Nov. 23 before different state with its people is 10:00 AM. named as each Hail Mary is prayed How fitting to come together and Extraordinary Ministers pray the rosary for our country Extraordinary Ministers are needed to which is dedicated to Mary under take communion to the shut-ins. If the title of the you can help please contact Sally Immaculate Conception. Kellen at 815-626-3965. Our nation needs prayer warriors.  Thanksgiving Senior Dinner The annual Thanksgiving dinner for the senior citizens of our community will be held on Sun., Nov. 23 in Bales Hall at 1:00 PM. Carryouts will be available from 11:3012:30 PM that day with the limit of 2 meals per family. All free of charge.

St. Vincent DePaul Society 

During October,SVdP society served 227 families which represented 677 individuals with food assistance and 36 families with financial assistance. We continue to thank all those who help  support our effortsto serve thosewho need either food or financial help. SVdP Photographs pantry will be closed on Thurs, Nov. 26 Thank you for bringing in the photos of & Fri., Nov. 27 in observance of your departed loved ones to display for Thanksgiving Day. All Souls Day. Please pick up in the Dixon Thanksgiving Dinner Parish Office. The Dixon Knights of Columbus, #690 will have a Thanksgiving Day Dinner P[rish Offi]_s on Thurs., Nov. 27th. Dinner will be Will be closed Wed., Nov 26th at noon, served form 123 PM at the Knights of 27th & 28th in observance of Columbus Hall, 506 W Third St., Thanksgiving . The 8.30 AM Masses for Nov. Dixon, IL. Carryout meals will be 27th & 28th will be held in the church. available and also delivery in the Dixon  RCI@ area by calling Betty at 8152884775  or the Hall at 8152881821. Lee±Ogle St. Mary’s joyfully welcomes, Emilee Castro who celebrated the Transportation will provide transportation to and from the dinner. Rite of Acceptance into the Arrangements may be made catechumenate in preparation for by calling 8152882117 by initiation into our Catholic faith. Mon., Nov. 24.  Please keep Emilee in your prayers. 

 St. Mary’s School  St. Mary's School in Sterling needs to sell 1,000 Cash Cards for $25 until December 1, 2014. A $250.00 drawing will be held each week (52 times) beginning the first week of January,  2015. The card gives you the chance to win a weekly prize of $250.00. Should your name be randomly drawn and you win your name will be returned for the opportunity to win again! In addition there is adiscount card on the back of the Cash Cardfor local area businesses that can be used until December, 2015! St. Mary's Meteors Cash Cards are available for purchase at Kelly's, Grummert's in Sterling and the St. Mary's School office.  Please note that the $250 weekly prize is based on the sales of 1000 cards. Any questions please contact: Bernadette Hammes 8154413397 or Liz Foster 8154999919

St. @n^r_w S]hool Cookie Extravaganza on Sat., Dec. 6 from 9 AM4:30 PM & Sun., Dec. 7 from 711:30 AM Mix & Match Cookies $4.00 per dozen 

 All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet Sun., Dec. 7th form 711:30 AM Adult $8.00 Senior Citizen $7.00 Children 10 & Under $4.00 Preschool $3.00 Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus St. Andrew Council 11874  Special Thanks To

iC[n Our Advertiser of the Week 

Ministerio Hispano J[ni_ @til[no 1.815.626.5735 Hor[rio ^_ Ofi]in[s Nuestro horario para el Centro Parroquial es de Lunes a Viernes, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

Ministros para el fin de semana del 30 de Noviembre Lectores: Margarita Macías, Gabriel Ocampo Ministro de Eucaristía: Rubén Cisneros, Linda Balderas y Ana Rosa Olivo Monaguillos: Kasey Estrella, Anahí Guzmán y Angélica Torres Acomodadores: Raúl Sánchez, José Hernández, José Camacho y Octavio Camacho  Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo  Las pláticas serán el 6 de Diciembre de las 2:004:00 PM, en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor no traer niños. Únicamente para los padres y padrinos. Por favor llamar al Centro Parroquial con Janie para confirmar su asistencia a las pláticas. Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia Si usted quiere presentar a su niño o niña en el templo. Favor de contactar al Centro Parroquial 18156265735 con Janie.  Matrimonios y Quinceañeras  Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote. 

 Estudio De Biblia  No habrá estudio de Biblia durante el mes de Noviembre. 

Calendario de Catecismo No hay clase el 26 de Noviembre  Diciembre 10,17Hay clases Enero 7, 14, 21,28Hay clases  Conmemoración de los Fieles Difunto  En el atril enfrente del ambón en la Iglesia está un libro para escribir los nombres de sus fieles difuntos. Durante el mes de Noviembre estaremos orando por ellos. Se invita a todos para que anoten los nombres de sus seres queridos difuntos.  Junta para educación religiosa  Habrá una junta para la Primera Reconciliación y la Primera Comunión el martes 9 de Diciembre a las 6:30 PM en el salón Bales Hall. 

Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey Del Universo 

Digno es el Cordero que fue inmolado, de recibir el poder, la riqueza, la sabiduría, la fuerza y el honor. A él la gloria y el imperio por los siglos de los siglos.  Apártense De Mi   *Porque tuve hambre...y ustedes pusieron los alimentos fuera del alcance de mi presupuesto; *porque no sabía leer, y nadie se preocupó por enseñarme;  *porque yo necesitaba un empleo, pero ustedes prefirieron un aumento en las ganancias; *porque estuve enfermo, pero ustedes cobraban mucho por consulta; *porque yo tenía la razón, pero ustedes se la dieron al que tenía dinero e influencias; *porque fui encarcelado siendo inocente, y ustedes no me hicieron justicia; *porque yo era débil e ingenuo, y ustedes se aprovecharon de mí, como si yo fuera un simple objeto. “Cuando lo hicieron con el más insignificante de mis hermanos, conmigo lo hicieron”.

Jesucristo, Rey del universo

“Rey de reyes del universo”

Jesús amigo que nunca falla viva Cristo Rey Día de Acción de Gracias  La cena anual para las personas mayores de edad será el Domingo 23 de Noviembre en Bales Hall. Si usted no puede asistir a la cena, usted puede pasar para llevar a su casa de 11:30-12:30. El limite es de 2 cenas por familia.  

Donatciones  Necesitamos que donen pie para la cena del Dı́a de Acció n de Gracias para los ancianos. Si usted gusta donar un pie para la cena por favor de traerlo al Centro Parroquial el Sá bado 22 de Noviembre de 12Ǧ4 PM o el Domingo antes de las 10 AM.   Misa   Para el Día de Acción de Gracias es el 27 de Noviembre, 8:30 AM en la Iglesia. Esta misa es solamente en ingles.  Día de Acción De Gracias  Las oficinas estarán cerradas a partir del miércoles 26 de Noviembre desde las 12:00 PM hasta el 28 de Noviembre. Por el Día de Acción de Gracias.  

Atencion!  Si cambia el número de su teléfono o celular, por favor de llamar a Janie 8156255735 para actualizar con los cambios. 

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