A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church

A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval Fr. Greg Márquez pastor parochial vi

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Story Transcript

A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 3, 2016

Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fr. Greg Márquez


parochial vicar

Dan Diesel

Humberto Ramirez



MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil Sunday Daily (Mon—Sat) First Friday National Holidays

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 5pm 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm 1:45pm, 6pm (Español) 8am (Rosary following Mass) 8am 8am


4pm—5pm 3:30pm—4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday Benediction

8am—7:45am Saturday 8am

MASS WITH ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Second Saturday of the Month



6pm 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)

M, T, W, T, F Sunday

8:30am—1pm, 2pm—8:30pm 9am—12:00pm, 1:00pm—5:30pm


21682 lake forest drive, lake forest, california, 92630 sdccatholic.org

949-951-8599 949-951-2687 x236 x226 x224 x239 x237 x229 x231 x230 x233

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 3, 2016 Prayers for the Sick

Church/Chapel Tuesday, July 5 Memorial Mass (Asuncion Gallardo)


Thursday, July 7 Santiago Minstrels Rehearsal


Friday, July 8 Confessions Wedding Rehearsal

4:00pm-5:00pm 6:00pm

Saturday, July 9 Bautismo Wedding (Ellis/Goncalves) Wedding (Aranda/Moreno) Confessions

10:00am 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm-4:30pm

Parish Center Sunday/Domingo Children’s Liturgy Monday/Lunes Library Open Yoga

Library Open St. Ignatius Meeting

Tuesday/Martes Cristo Rey—Grupo de Oración Wednesday/Miércoles Ministerios Hispanos

Knights of Columbus Mtg.

Thursday/Jueves Cristo Rey Friday/Viernes St. Joseph Health Clase Pre-Bautismo

Set-up for Camino Retreat

Saturday/Sábado Camino de Santiago Retreat Children’s Liturgy Burrito Ministry Pre-Camino Meeting Gathering Area for Wedding Retiro de los Ministerios Hispanos

Ministry Scheduling of Parish Facilities July 1st begins the new fiscal year and it has come to our attention that a lot of our ministries have not scheduled their weekly meetings and events from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, as is evident from the schedule for the week ahead above this article. This is the first year that Meleena is doing the scheduling for the church, chapel, and parish hall, so she cannot fall back on knowing what the schedule has always been in the past. Please contact Meleena immediately, if you have not already done so, to secure your ministry’s events and meeting times at: [email protected]

Pete Andres, Charron Beaver, Kevin Blanton, Mayela Carbajal, Mr. and Mrs. Carchetta, Patricia Catalano, Cherie Deeble, Jose Espinoza, Rodolfo Fernandez, Carlos Forero, Richard Gian Forti, Eugene Ganley, Michael S. Garcia, Sandra Garcia, Msgr. Larry Gibson, Bill Goebel, John Gutierrez, Andy Heidesch, Graciela Hernandez, Igor Irigoyen, Jill Kelsey, Kay Kenson, Bonnie La Barber, Frank La Franco, Takoa Last, Enrique Lozano, Marlene Manning, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Georgie Moore, Erika Pena, Liliana Pena, Cyrus Rhee, JC Ruellas III, Rose Ruiz, Benilde Sánchez, Ilda Sánchez, Emilio Semas, Doris Sinclair, Erin Steelman, Patricia and Baby Stroube. Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected].

Mass Intentions for the Week of 7/4 to 7/11/16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

(8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (5pm) (7am) (8:30am) (10:15am) (12pm) (1:45pm) (6pm)

Sergio Jose Valencia David Mitchell Cecilia Castro† Thomas Blanco† Jacob Mathews† Mark Steven Silva† William Grady† Ponciana Villena† Bryan Castro Antonio Maghinay† Gertrudes Bautista† Antonio Perez Antonio Cifuentes

Readings for the Week Monday:

Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass “For Public Needs,” nos. 882-889, or “For Peace and Justice,” nos. 887-891 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37; or Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37

Pictures 0n Front Cover • In God We Trust! Independence Day Artwork.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (6/26/16) Sunday Offertory: Average Weekly Parish Pay: Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory: 2nd Collection (Mission Cooperation):

$ 10,885.98 $ 4,375.85 $ 15,261.83 $ 22,137.50 $ (6,875.67) $ 17,630.57

Important Sunday Office Hours Change Starting June 19th through mid-July, our Sunday office hours will be altered to 8:30am to 1:30pm. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Appropriate Church Attire and Other Church Etiquette Thank you for your presence and participation at Santiago de Compostela Catholic Church. We are extremely happy to be worshipping together with you. In order for everyone to remain comfortable with each other and to help keep our focus on being reverent during the liturgy, we ask for the following: • Please refrain from wearing short dresses or skirts, short shorts, bare shoulders, spaghetti-straps, halter tops or tank tops, and tight-fitting/revealing clothing • No t-shirts with inappropriate or suggestive logos or imprints • Men; please remove your baseball caps while indoors • Silence your cell phones and electronic devices; do not text or email during the liturgy • Arrive on time for Mass and wait for the final blessing before leaving • Do not talk, chew gum, or eat any kind of food in the Sanctuary • Parents, please do not allow any food or drink in the Sanctuary area. If your children have food or drink, please take them to a social area of gathering, such as the patio • Please do not allow any running in the church, standing in the pews, climbing the trees in the plaza, or playing in the fountain We thank you for your cooperation!

July 3, 2016 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. — Galatians 6:14

Parish Office Holiday Closure The Parish Offices will be closed on Sunday, July 3rd, and Monday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, July 5th at 9am.

Friday Evening Confessions Our Friday Evening Confession times have changed as of July 1, 2016. Our priests will now here confessions from 4pm to 5pm, depending on their availability. We will always try to announce in advance if neither priest will be available.

Free Nurse Visits at Santiago On the second Friday (July 8th) of each month from 5pm to 6:30pm, you can drop in and talk with a Mission Hospital Nurse in a private setting in the parish hall regarding: • Your health questions or concerns • Nutritional Counseling • Coping with Life Changes • Blood Pressure Counseling • Resources for you and your family

Faith and Film Ministry Camino Retreat July 9th from 11am to 2pm Come meet Annie O’Neil, the Hollywood Producer of this award winning documentary, here for a second year showing her latest movie: Phil’s Camino. After a diagnosis of stage IV cancer and chemo treatments, Phil’s dream to walk Annie O’Neil the Camino de Santiago seemed impossible. Come witness his inspirational journey, see his dream become reality, and his life become a series of lessons that give shape to the path we all walk. A suggested donation of $5 to $10 per attendee goes directly to our guest speaker for Phil’s Camino. Hot Dogs, Chips and Drinks available for $3 each. To order your lunch and/or reserve your seat, call or email Ann-Marie Blaney at [email protected], or 949-632-1755. This is a family friendly event.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Recycling July 9th from 7am to 12pm (Rain or Shine) The Knights need your help in collecting recyclables. Your recyclables are a gift to those in need. The Lord asks that we reach out to others and this can be your way to do so. Please rinse out all containers! Items to drop off: Aluminum cans, Bi-Metal cans, Newspapers (all types of paper to include Junk Mail and Architectural Drawings), Books, Magazines, Glass jars & bottles, Plastics (Water bottles, Milk bottles, and all other plastic containers). If you have questions bring it and we will let you know. You can also drop off any recyclables during the week in the drop off area. Just open the gate and leave them in the designated area at the end of the trailer. Look for the recycling sign.

South County Outreach Food Drive July 9th and 10th Our monthly food drive to assist South County Outreach is held the second weekend of each month. If you are unable to bring your donation this weekend, remember there are baskets in the parish hall that you can put your donations into during the week.

July 3, 2016 Join Us - Along the Way - Your Camino Schedules of Events Saturday, July 23, 2016 NO 8am Morning Mass! 6:30 am to 7:00 am

7:00 am

11:15 am 11:30 am 12:45 pm

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

Pilgrims begin arriving at SdC Campus. Shuttle Bus begins round-trips to Sports Park—50 Pilgrims per bus-load (20 minute cycles). Bus round-trips continue, as needed CAMINO groups are released to begin walking in groups of 25 in 5 minute staggered starts. Camino Pilgrims continue Along the Way of the route, making four station stops for prayer reflection. All groups should have arrived at SdC campus Celebration of the Mass for the Feast of Saint James the Apostle Lunch is served in the parish center, compliments of the SdC Knights of Columbus. All Camino Pilgrims are welcome Entertainment Program - enjoy the “Gift of Dance” End of Camino de Santiago festivities

ALONG THE WAY In Conclusion...

Backyard Theology July 11th 6pm BBQ, 7:30pm Speaker in parish hall Topic: “Where Did God Go?” Where is God in the reality of our lives? Speaker: Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz SND holds an MA in Pastoral Theology and Ministry from Boston College and has graduate work in Spiritual Direction from Loyola Marymount. Her ministry includes retreats, parish missions, etc. She is known for N.D.C., a Sr. Rose Marie ministry of liturgical and fine art Tulacz SND photography and spirituality. Don’t miss her!

VBS 2016 July 18th - July 22nd from 8:45am to 12:30pm VBS Registration is now closed. The following items are requested for donation: • $10-$20 GiŌ Cards to Ralphs, Albertsons, Stater Bros. or Smart & Final • 500 6oz drinking cups • 500 6” paper plates • 500 8” paper plates • 500 spoons • 2 Large Bags Popcorn • 7 big boxes Fish Crackers • 6 boxes Fruit Snacks • 6 jars Sunflowers Seeds • 7 bags Sandwich Thins • 1 gallon Maple Syrup • 5 tubs Licorice • Pretzels • Twizzlers Pull N Peel • 5 tubs White Icing • 5 boxes Yellow Cake Mix. Please drop items off in parish office.

Lord, Be it a Quest, let it not be myth! For even Odysseus, his Penelope to reclaim, years of wandering, could not stifle epic wounds. Along the Way, a dreaded cyclops, a vengeful Poseidon deter not my return! At journey’s end, at faithful reward, Come Lord, my Lord! T’is not Greek Odyssey, T’is not a fable’s dream! To wrest from the demon, to wrench from a sorcerer’s grasp, A mortal man, powerless and damned; Along the Way, not alone...not alone, climbs the Faithful Spirit! As hope takes flight, Faith to Caritas yields, then… My journey’s done! (J. D. Owens)

New for Camino 2016 Sponsor Pilgrims In our Year of Mercy, remember your loved ones, include your special intentions by using a Sponsor Sack! If you cannot walk the Camino, if you are on vacation you can still be a vital part of our celebration! Sign up today at the registration tables, or get a Sponsor Form in the parish office. Join us, Along The Way!

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time JMJ 3 July, 2016

volunteer to be in leadership and organizing positions. Those My Dearest Parish Family, interested can contact Dave Owens or Bill Ramires for God be with us always. further details on how to be stewards of your abilities. I look A Blessed, Wonderful and Meaningful Fourth of July! It is forward to many signing up for a joyous occasion to be grateful this and will attend the PreCamino de Santiago on July 9, and remember all those who gave of themselves – to have the 2016 at 8:00 am Mass, then continue with the Pre-Camino freedom and opportunities we de Santiago. enjoy at present. Let us make sure to have a moment of prayer that those who lead our country God bless and take care. See you at the 4th of July Parade – God may always work to keep and be willing. promote these values. In the Scripture Readings we have God who expresses His care for Israel – the chosen people as a mother comforts her child. St. Paul tells the Galatian Community that he bears the marks of Christ- his wounds both bodily and otherwise. He challenges us to bear the marks of Christ, not just physically, but in our hearts and life – the faith, hope and love he has shown us. It is reinforced in the Gospel where Jesus sends us as He sent His Disciples; equipped with the commitment of His Spirit, His restoration through His Mercy and strength of His love. What more do we need?

Love and prayers,

para mantener y promover estos valores. En las escrituras bíblicas Dios expresa su cuidado por Israel - el pueblo elegido, como una madre conforta a su hijo. San Pablo les dice a los Gálatas que Él lleva las marcas de Cristo, - sus heridas no solo físicas sino de otro tipo. Él nos desafía a llevar las marcas de Cristo no sólo en lo físico si no en nuestros corazones y en la vida - la fe, la esperanza y el amor que nos ha mostrado. Esto se ve reforzado en el Evangelio donde Jesús nos envía como Él envió a sus discípulos; equipado con el compromiso de su Espíritu, su restauración por medio de su misericordia y la fuerza de su amor. ¿Qué más necesitamos?

Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

JMJ 3 de julio 2016 Querida Familia Parroquial, Dios esté siempre con nosotros.

Thank you very much for your generous support of Fr. Marc – the missionary assigned to us by the Diocesan Missions Appeals Office. Backyard Theology had its first session, and we continue in our planning for the Vacation Bible School and the Camino de Santiago. For the latter we are still in need of people who can

July 3, 2016

Feliz 4th de Julio lleno de bendiciones, maravilloso y significativo. Es motivo de alegría y agradecimiento el recordar a todos aquellos que se dieron a sí mismos – para que hoy disfrutáramos de libertad y de oportunidades. Tengamos un momento de oración por aquellos que dirigen a nuestro país, trabajen siempre

Muchas gracias por su apoyo generoso para el Padre Marc – misionero asignado a nosotros por la Oficina de Apelaciones de las Misiones Diocesanas. Las sesiones de Teología tuvieron su primera reunión; y continuaremos con nuestro plan para la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones (VBS) y el Camino de Santiago. Para el ultimo aun necesitamos personas voluntarias para liderazgo y organización. Quienes estén interesados pueden contactar a Dave Owens o Bill Ramires. Espero que muchos se inscriban y asistan a la misa el 9 de julio 2016 a las 8 am y después continuaremos con el Pre-Camino de Santiago. Dios los bendiga y cuídense, nos vemos en el desfile del 4 de Julio - Dios esté dispuesto. Amor y oraciones,

Padre Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 3, 2016 Confirmation and Youth Ministry

2016-17 Registration Open from June 1st through July 31st Children’s Religious Education registration forms for fall classes will be available June 1st in the Parish Office, Religious Education Office and on our website: sdccatholic.org. We offer a full round of classes for First Grade through Junior High Ministry. In our Diocese of Orange, sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Holy Communion) require two years of study. We also offer faith enrichment classes beyond First Sacraments. Parents, encourage your child’s deeper understanding of our beautiful Catholic faith by yearly attendance in religious education classes, available at Santiago Parish for every grade level, through completion of Confirmation in high school, and beyond! Please feel free to call with any questions you may have. Earlier sign-ups are assured of class space availability for fall. For more information, contact Gloria Fetta at 949-951-8599 ext.230.

Teachers and Aides Needed for Religious Education Classes Is God calling you to teach or aide in Faith Formation? If you are hearing that tiny whisper saying, “You can do it, you can do it!” like I did so many years ago, then maybe God is nudging you to find out about our Religious Education program for children. This summer is a perfect time to come in and chat with me to discover how you can become a perfect fit into our on-going Faith Formation program for children. ~ Gloria Fetta, 949-951-8599 ext. 230 or [email protected].

Gleaning for God— Save the Date and Register Now October 22, 2016 Can Family Life become a Work of Mercy? Continue to honor Pope Francis’ “Year of Mercy” by thinking, praying and acting upon the Works of Mercy. Join us as we go Gleaning for God with Second Harvest. We’ll meet at the parish at noon, then carpool to a local field to pick or plant until 3pm. All produce will be given to our poverty friends in Orange County, feeding the hungry, a Work of Mercy! Contact Gloria Fetta for details and to sign up at 949-951-8599 ext. 230 or [email protected]. Space is limited.

Signed and Sealed Confirmation Certificates are available in the parish office. Confirmation Registration for the 2016/17 School Year: is open and the form is available in the reception office or online at sdccatholic.org. You must present a copy of your Baptism Certificate and first Communion Certificate when you register. No registration forms will be accepted without this documentation. Next FNL/Youth Group Meetings: on Sunday, July 10th from 2pm to 4pm in the parish hall. Bring a snack to share and join us. Leader Meeting: on Sunday, July 10th from 4pm to 6pm in the parish hall for new and ongoing leaders. We will discuss leadership camp July 22nd through 24th at St. Andrew’s Abbey.

Mass in Recognition of All Immigrants Sunday, July 17, 2016 at 4pm Pre-Procession Gathering at 3pm Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels 555 W. Temple Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Bishop Vann invites you to join him, Archbishop Gomez, other bishops, and thousands from Southern California in solidarity and prayer for humanitarian relief for immigrants and just and compassionate immigration reform. We will travel there by bus. Please call the parish office to register.

Backyard Theology 2016 BBQ and Potluck at 6pm Speakers at 7:30pm Date

Speaker & Topic

Monday, July 11

Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz, SND “Where Did God Go?”: Where is God in the reality of our lives?

Monday, July 18

Renee Bondi “Breaking Through the Wall”: How to overcome obstacles in our lives! Renee’s perspective may very well change your life!

Monday, July 25

Dr. John Yzaguerri, Ph.D “Divine Alchemy: God’s Answer to Human Suffering!”

Fr. Richard Benson, C.M. Monday, August 1 “Sin and Mercy; The Catholic Understanding!” Please call Kay Kenson at 949-874-2151 or email [email protected].

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 3, 2016 El Obispo Vann les invita a que se unan a él, al Arzobispo Gómez, a otros Obispos, sacerdotes y diáconos y a miles de personas del Sur de California en solidaridad y oración por la ayuda humanitaria a los inmigrantes y la reforma migratoria justa y compasiva, en la próxima:

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Last Sunday, Jesus rebuked James and John for wanting to “call down fire from heaven” (Luke 9:54– 55) on an unwelcoming town. As he sends forth disciples today, Jesus again forbids retaliation against non-receptive listeners (10:10–11), showing us how to be Jesus’ “missionaries of mercy” this Jubilee Year of Mercy. Like the first disciples, we are sent not to proclaim ourselves but Jesus. As Jesus sent them in pairs, so are we also to work together in the community of the Church. We often describe the Church as Isaiah describes Jerusalem in today’s first reading, our comforting, nurturing Mother (Isaiah 66:13). So, going forth gently, like lambs among wolves (Luke 10:3), we share comforting peace, nurturing food and drink (Luke’s image for Eucharist), and Jesus’ healing promise of unfailing, unconditional mercy (10:5, 7, 9). Thus Jesus bids us proclaim the kingdom of God by showing what God’s kingdom looks like in action. “Go, preach the Gospel,” Pope Francis’ saintly namesake of Assisi is said to have instructed his first friars, “and when necessary, use words!” —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

MISA EN RECONOCIMIENTO DE TODOS LOS INMIGRANTES Domingo 17 de julio de 2016 A las 4:00 pm (comenzaremos a reunirnos para la procesión de entrada a las 3:00 pm)

Catedral de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles 555 West Temple Street Los Ángeles, CA SanƟago de Compostela estará patrocinando un autobús para aquellos que deseen asisƟr. Estaremos tomando inscripciones después de todas las Misas en español los fines de semana del 3 y 10 de julio o en la oficina parroquial por el número:

Importante: Cambio de Horario de la Oficina los domingos Comenzando el 19 de junio hasta mediados de julio, la oficina abrirá los domingos de 8:30am a 1:30pm. Gracias por su comprensión.

Bodas Comunitarias Te anunciamos que las próximas Bodas Comunitarias serán el sábado 17 de septiembre de 2016.

Trip to the Holy Door at Mission San Juan As you may know, in May we had a very successful car pilgrimage to “experience” the Holy Door at Mission San Juan Capistrano. Many have requested we do it once again, so we are. Saturday, July 16th, we will meet in the Santiago parking lot at 1pm. While we will begin with a pilgrims prayer here at Santiago, we will also use this time to develop car pools to caravan to the Mission. We should arrive at the Holy Door around 2pm. We will reverently experience walking through the door, and if in the proper spiritual condition, we can attain the Indulgence associated with the Holy Door. We will immediately follow the experience with a short group prayer, then participate in an eleven stations of the cross journey through the Basilica and surrounding property. We should return back at Santiago no later than 4pm. Conditions for the Indulgence: Confession and communion no more than 20 days before the 16th of July, and as you pass through the door, offer a prayer for Pope Francis. Call Tom Haas with any questions at 949-951-8599 ext. 231.

El Retiro de Parejas, el cual es indispensable para las parejas que se casarán en las Bodas Comunitarias, será el:

domingo 21 de agosto de 2016 de 8 am a 5 pm. Costo: $100 (incluye el retiro) Información: Oficina Parroquial No te pierdas esta oportunidad de recibir la bendición de Dios en tu vida, familia y matrimonio que te ofrece tu Parroquia Santiago de Compostela.

Asignación de Salones en el Parish Hall para Ministerios Hispanos Por favor contacte a Lyanamar Medina inmediatamente si su grupo o ministerio que lidera requiere reservar un salón para el año fiscal que inicó el 1 de julio de 2013 y culmina el 30 de junio de 2017 . [email protected] Cierre de las Oficinas Parroquiales por el día de fiesta Las oficinas parroquiales estarán cerradas el domingo 3 de julio y el lunes 4 de julio en observancia del Día de la Independencia. Abriremos nuevamente el martes 5 a las 8:30am.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 3, 2016

Camino de Santiago 2016 Únete a lo Largo del Camino, Tu Camino

Sábado 23 de julio ¡NO habrá Misa a las 8:00 am! 6:30 am a 7:00 am 7:00 am

11:15 am 11:30 am 12:45 pm

1:00 pm a 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

Llegan los peregrinos a la parroquia, comienza el registro de los caminantes y su trasporte hacia el Sport Park en autobús Comienzan a caminar los peregrinos. Saldrán desde el Sport Park en grupos de 25 caminantes. El recorrido completo se hará haciendo 4 paradas para reflexión y oración. Todos los grupos deben haber llegado a SanƟago Misa de celebración en honor a SanƟago de Compostela Se servirá almuerzo a todos los caminantes cortesía de la Parroquia y de los Caballeros de Colón. Celebración musical: “Disfruta el regalo de la danza” Finalizan las acƟvidades del “Camino de SanƟago”

Pase por la oficina de la recepción para completar la forma de inscripción del año escolar 2016-2017.

Si su hijo o hija ya hizo su primer año de catequesis debe inscribirlo nuevamente para poder continuar el segundo año y hacer su Primera Comunión en Mayo 2017.

Los cupos son limitados. Nota: Por favor traiga el certificado de bautismo de su hijo al momento de hacer la inscripción.

Gran Kermés en Honor a Nuestra

Señora de Guadalupe


Sábado 13 de Agosto de 2016

El final...

Gran fiesta familiar

Señor, ¡Se tú lo que busco!, ¡qué no sea un mito! Porque incluso Odiseo, que a su Penélope buscó, por años de viajes sin rumbo, no pudo evitar las heridas heroicas. ¡A lo largo del camino, ni los temidos cíclopes, ni un vengaƟvo Poseidón disuaden mi regreso! Al final del camino, el premio de la Fe, ¡Ven Señor, mi Señor!

¡Separa la fecha en tu calendario porque no puedes faltar!

Ésta no es un Odisea Griega, ni una fábula de ensueño para arrancar del demonio, o para arrancar de las manos de un brujo, a un hombre mortal, impotente y condenado; ¡A lo largo del camino, no estoy solo… no estoy solo, aumenta el Espíritu de Fe! A medida que la esperanza vuela, la Fe en Caridad se transforma, entonces… ¡Mi viaje ha terminado! Nuevo para el Camino 2016 En este año de la Misericordia, recuerda a tus seres queridos en el “Camino”, inscríbelos en el “Camino” e inclúyelos en tus intenciones usando “La bolsita de Intenciones” Si tu o tu ser querido no pueden caminar las 4 millas, puedes pedirle a alguien que camine por ti o por ellos y lleve y ore por sus intenciones el día 23 de julio a lo largo del “Camino” usando la “bolsita de Intenciones” . Ve hoy al puesto de inscripciones o en la Oficina Parroquial y llena tu forma de inscripción para el “Camino”.

Los tickets de entrada se estarán vendiendo después de las Misas en español.

Adultos: $10.00* (preventa) Niños (hasta 12 años de edad): gratis *cada ticket de adulto es una oportunidad de participar en una rifa) * $12 el día de la Kermés

SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR Padre Thomas y Padre Greg te invitan a asistir al entrenamiento para Servidores del Altar en cualquiera de estas dos fechas:

Julio 27 @ 5 pm Agosto 24 @ 5 pm Entrenamiento mandatorio para los Servidores del Altar activos y que deseen continuar activos. Los niños que hayan recibido su Primera Comunión y deseen ser monaguillos deben asistir a uno de estos entrenamientos. Información: [email protected]

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