Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. Mass Times 8:00 am 12:10 pm. Parish Center Office Hours. Confessions. Latin Mass Second & Fifth Sunday of the month

FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 3, 2016 Reflection “Nothing is lost by peace…Jesus brings us peace and leaves us peace” (Pius XII). On this

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Story Transcript


JULY 3, 2016

Reflection “Nothing is lost by peace…Jesus brings us peace and leaves us peace” (Pius XII). On this Sunday the Church draws our attention to the need, and importance of peace in our world. Also reminds us that Christ is the source of our peace. One of humankind’s natural desire is to live a peaceful life. Ordinarily one would expect that with all the scientific discoveries and inventions in our world, that humanity would enjoy more peace and harmony. Unfortunately, it has not been so. This is because peace comes from God. So it must be appreciated, nurtured, and preserved. In the first reading of today, God in his infinite goodness offers us peace: “Now towards her I send overflowing peace like a river.” When we allow this peace to flow into our hearts and guide our lives, we become fulfilled, satisfied, and our communities and entire world becomes a wonderful place. We are therefore called to be dispensers and agent of this peace. It must flow from, and through us to others. Unfortunately, most of us today have lost the mark by assuming that peace comes from material or physical wealth. That is, how many cars, houses, how much cloths, or even how much money that one has in his or her account. According to Jürgen Moltmann: “Peace is the blessed joy of a successful life. It is the fullness of life in the presence of the living God. It is the fullness of life in the mutual love of human beings. It is the fullness of life in the community of creation with all other creatures.” This can only flow from Jesus Christ the Prince of peace. In the second reading, Paul prays for peace and mercy on all who follow God’s will: “Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, who form the Israel of God.” This means that peace comes to our hearts, homes, communities, societies and world only when we work in harmony with the will of God. It comes to all who bear the marks of Christ as Paul did. So, we must make room for peace for our joy to be complete in Christ. Today’s gospel acclamation is a prayer from Paul:

“May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts!” It therefore suffices to note that the absence of peace in any heart, family, community, society, or nation leaves it devastated. Peace advances our communities. Any community that welcomes peace, welcomes an opportunity for both spiritual and material prosperity. In today’s gospel, Jesus equips us with the message we must bring to our world: “Peace be with this house.” It is a gift we must offer to our world. Jesus knows very well that this is what our world needs most, and he is ever ready to let us have it. With the peace that Christ offers us, we must be ready to transform our world from the culture of war and hatred to a culture of peace. He invites us to be instruments of His peace. Peace be with you. -Fr. Njoku

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel

Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am Tuesday & Thursday 12:10 pm Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am,10:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) 12 Noon

Monday - Thursday

Latin Mass

Saturday 8:30 am & 3:30 pm Weekdays 30 minutes before Mass time or by appointment

Second & Fifth Sunday of the month


9:00 am - 6:30 pm

Parish Center Office Hours Monday - Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday

8:30 am - 6:30 pm By appointment only


Page Two

St. Anthony Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2016

July 3, 2016


May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Galatians 6:14

RCIA/Adult Formation If you desire to be baptized in the Catholic Faith join us every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. RCIA is a two year program for anyone over 18 years old who has not been baptized and would like to be baptized. Our program is also opened to any adult who has not yet received First Holy Communion or Confirmation or if you would just like more information on your faith. For information or to register, please call Tim Rodrick, OP at the parish office.

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Our parish office and Adoration Chapel will be closed tomorrow, Monday July 4th. Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

Save the Date! St. Anthony Fiesta Sunday, October 9 2016

We are seeking volunteers to form the committee for our next Fiesta. Have you ever thought about volunteering? We'd love to have your help! If you would like to be part of the Fiesta Committee please contact our parish center.

Marian Retreat and 40 Hours Adoration Come refresh your souls with words of comfort from our Blessed Mother. Please save the date for our 2nd Annual Marian Retreat scheduled for Saturday, August 13th in the Parish Hall. More information to follow.

Sunday, July 3rd Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Enhancement Second Collection 8:30 am Religious Education Summer Session - Rm 2 Monday, July 4th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Closed Happy Independence Day NO Bible Study Tuesday, July 5th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 11:35 Confessions 12:10 pm Mid-day Mass 1:15 pm Catholic Movie - Parish Center 6:30 pm Legion of Mary - Parish Center 7:00 pm Latin Choir Rehearsal - Church Wednesday, July 6th Parish Office and Adoration Chapel Open Thursday, July 7th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 11:35 am Confessions 12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass 6:30 pm Holy Hour for Priests – Church 7:00 pm RCIA/Adult Faith Formation - Parish Center 7:00 pm Pre-Baptism class (English) - Parish Center 7:30 pm Grupo Hispano - Church Friday, July 8th Adoration Chapel & Parish Center Closed 7:30 am Confession - Church Saturday, July 9th Confessions after the morning Mass 10:00 am Baptism (English) - Church 11:00 am Choir Rehearsal - Parish Center 3:30 pm Confessions - Church

St. Anthony Church 215 Lomita St., El Segundo CA 90245 (310) 322-4392 Fax: (310) 322-0797 Visit us on Facebook Safeguarding the Children: Joan Viena (213) 637-7227 Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650 Archdiocesan Vocation Director: Rev. Stephen Davoren (213) 637-7755 Pastor: Rev. Robert Victoria Priest in residence: Rev. Joseph Kennedy

(ext. 441) (ext.212)

Director of Religious Education: Mr. Timothy K. Rodrick, O.P.

(ext. 444)

Youth Minister: Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ricky Labayen Finance Council Chairperson: David Bohline

School: Sylvia Kawjaree, Principal

(310) 322-4218 (ext. 110)

Preschool: Rose Aguayo, Director

(ext. 329)

Business Manager : Abner Espanola

(ext. 442)

Secretary: Elizabeth Swenson

(ext. 440)

Office Assistant: Mary Baum & Gemma Flores (310) 416-1477

(ext. 440)

Maintenance: George Cadena

(ext. 440)

School Secretary: Gabby Cetl

(ext. 111)

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page Three

St. Anthony Church Mission Statement: We the St. Anthony community, blessed with diversity in culture and traditions, unite ourselves to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We commit ourselves to live out the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, service, and actions.

SATURDAY 8:00 am 5:00 pm

July 2 Bernard & Peter Maduko (D) -Fr. Joseph K. Dorothy & Anthony Lento (D) and Enrique Clemente (D) -Fr. George

The Voice of the Lord What is more delightful than the voice of the Lord calling us? - St. Benedict

SUNDAY 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm

July 3 Pauline Pacheco Anaya (D) -Fr. Joseph K. James & Mailin Collis (PI) - Fr. Robert For all Parishioners - Fr. Robert Fr. Morrisey & Fr. Sprowski (D) -Fr. Sebastian

Monthly Financial Report

MONDAY 8:00 am

St. Anthony Church is committed to financial transparency as part of our effort to be careful stewards of the resources provided by our generous parishioners. Below is our May 2016 Financial Report.

July 4 Holy Souls in Purgatory and Stephen Angell (D)

TUESDAY 12:10 pm

July 5 Pauline Walker (PI)

May 2016 Income: Collections Sun/Sat Collections Online Giving

$28,276 $25,344 $ 2,932

Sacraments Fundraising Property Rental Restricted (Rel Ed /Confrm/Scrip) Total Income May 2016 Expenses: Operating Archdiocese Assessment Insurance Utilities Rectory Expense Church Supplies/Etc Salaries/Benefits Salaries Health Insurance Other Expenses

$ 1,268 $ 1.886 $ $ 2,801 $34,231

July 8 All Souls in Purgatory and Louise Harper (D)

SATURDAY 8:00 am

July 9 Augusto Vasquez (D) Violeta de Turner (D) -Fr. Robert In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony -Fr. Sebastian

$21,918 $17,292 $ 4,626 $


$4,750 $ —$4,750 ($4,455) =======

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce then will your barns be filled with plenty, with new wine your vat will overflow” Proverbs 3:9-10

Our sincerest gratitude for your generosity and continued support to St. Anthony Church. Business Manager

FRIDAY 8:00 am


Parish Enhancements Collections Expenses Net Income (Loss)

Abner B. Espanola

July 7 Carol Michaels (D) and Alejandro Duran (D)

$ 4,280 $ 2,557 $ 2,604 $ 1,855 $ 9,844

$43,436 ($9,205)

God bless you,

THURSDAY 12:10 pm

5:00 pm

Total Expenses Net Income/(Loss)

Total Net Income (Loss)

WEDNESDAY July 6 8:00 am Manuel and Alma Au (PI)

Please Pray Soledad Barba, Philip Berretta, Rosalinda Banzon, Tom Blum, Mary Baum, Ellen Brandlin, Shirley Caldwell, Teresa Calderon, Eva Canales, Lois Chavez, Valerie Carpio, Jemima Carter, Teresita Clemente, Dylan and Dorothy Doukakis, Betty Domschot, Rosie Dunne, Juan Antonio Duran, Howard & Cora Fausto, Julie Fish, Rose Garcia, Rose Gibilterra, John Goodreau, Joe & Don Guzman, Townsend Hale, Margaret Hoff, Dorothy Hoover, Debbie Kloman, Margaret Kriens, John Kozlowski, Michalina Kubek, Ed Lewis, Alice Lipinski, Ken Lockwood, Rosalina & Pedro Martinez, Majella McIntyre, Cecil McAllister, Michelle McManus, Shirley Merrill, Carolyn Neustrom, Ben Ramos, Josefina Rigalva, Baby Rose, Juan Sanchez, John Snyder, Anne Schuman, Kenneth Steffan, Maralyn Swenson, Keith Storm, Jack Stewart, Eva Lily Valdez, Elena Victoria, Elizabeth Webster, Christopher Wheeler, Pennye Wilder, Christie Wood, Nik Woods.

Page Four

St. Anthony


 St. Anthony School is now enrolling students for grades K – 8th for the upcoming 2016-17 School Year! Applications are available in the school office.  St. Anthony has an exciting, full-day Summer Program filled with academics, enrichment, and fun activities students will enjoy! Full daycare is also available. Sign up while space is still available. All students are welcome!  Our Kindergarten Readiness Program will be offered once again! Information and enrollment forms are available in the school office. Tuition rate for parishioners is offer!

Ongoing CASE Collection St. Anthony Church continue its an ongoing CASE Drive. CASE (Community Alliance to Support and Empower) serves the need of those in need within our community. At this time, CASE is helping 48 families and children who reside in El Segundo. Items needed in their food pantry during lent include: canned foods (chicken and tuna), canned soups, spaghetti sauce, pasta, canned fruits, paper goods, toilet paper, napkins, kitchen paper towels, toothpaste, soap, tissues/Kleenex, and cleaning supplies, liquid dishwashing, laundry detergent, Comet, Lysol, etc....Bins for your donated items can be found at the entrance of the Church. Thank you in advance for your help and commitment to the families in our community.

National Needs Combined Collection Weekend of July 10th There will be a second collection on July 9th & 10th for the National Needs Combined, your generosity:  Makes it possible for us to strengthening Catholic faith values and education through The Catholic Communication Campaign’s television, radio, and print messages.  Helps support some of the poorest dioceses in the country that depend on annual collections. Through vital evangelization programs, the Black and Indian Home Mission provides aid to some of the neediest African American and Native American communities.  Strengthens the Church at home, and helps to provide basic resources and services to needy ethnic communities in scattered and isolated areas though the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Envelopes for this collection may be found at the entrance to the Church. Thanks for your generosity.

July 3, 2016

News from the Office of Respect Life Pregnancy Help Center “In time when I was scared and confused, you made me feel cared about. I don’t know what I would have done without you. This child is such a blessing.” Pregnancy Help Center (310) 787-4357 - 24-hour help line

Did You Know? Parents should avoid lecturing and start talking Lecturing teenagers may feel like the right path to take, especially if they are starting to develop bad habits or make poor choices, but lecturing is usually the least effective way to get your message across. Children tend to see lectures as condescending and abstract, and this detracts from the wisdom and advice you are trying to provide. Instead of lecturing, try to engage your child in calm, open conversation that addresses the issue while allowing you both to talk about what’s going on. For more tips and a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Communication Tip No. 11: Why Lecturing Doesn’t Work,” email [email protected] or call (213) 637-7227.

News from the Office of Religious Education Religious Education Registration Our registration for our Religious Education Program for continuing and new students: Pre-school - 8th grade for the next year 2016-2017 has already started it. Please stop by the Parish center to pick up a registration package.

NEW Religious Education Summer Classes We will offer Summer Classes every Sunday from 8:30am - 9:45am for all students in Grades 1 - 3. Drop In’s welcome for only $5 per class.

Vacation Bible School - August 1st - August 5th Is a fun-filled program to connect with the children and families in their communities. Sessions are 9am to 12pm in the parish hall. Cost is $25 per child.

Teen Confirmation Our Confirmation Program is a two year program that assists in the development of teenagers into mature, responsible, Catholic adults, ready to live their faith in the world. Registration for next Year’s Teen Confirmation is now open at: All candidates must be enrolled in high school in September 2016.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page Five

Mensaje para Reflexionar ENCONTRARSE CON CRISTO Una vez un amigo me dijo que él vive cada día de su vida en busca de alguna oportunidad de encontrarse con el Señor. Yo le contesté que así era como yo también vivía mi vida. Pero un día descubrí lo que él quería decir exactamente con esa frase. Un buen día mi amigo tenía algo que hacer en mi vecindario y se había topado con un muchacho descalzo, que estaba pidiendo limosna a las personas que salían del supermercado. Mi amigo le dijo al muchacho que iba a hacer lo que pudiera para conseguirle un par de zapatos y una muda de ropa limpia. Y, ¿a dónde piensan que se le ocurrió llevar al muchacho para buscarle zapatos y ropa? ¡A mi casa! Yo me quedé desconcertado al verlos llegar a mi casa y oír a mi amigo explicándome la situación. Me dijo que estaba encantado de haber hallado una oportunidad en este día de encontrarse con Cristo. Yo no sabía ni qué decir, pero a la vez sentí una gran humildad al sentir la presencia de Cristo en mi casa. Fui a mi ropero y vacilé unos momentos mientras miraba algunas prendas de vestir que no había usado en algún tiempo. Pero algo dentro de mí me dijo que fuera a mi armario. Allí saqué mis jeans favoritos, una camisa bastante nueva con un buen suéter, alguna ropa interior nueva, un par de zapatos y calcetines. El muchacho entró al baño a cambiarse, y cuando salió su cara estaba radiante de alegría. Mientras tanto, mi amigo había ido a mi refrigerador y le había preparado una comida para llevarse. Luego lo llevó a un lugar donde podría pasar la noche. Esta experiencia me enseñó mucho sobre lo que significa ser una persona que procura seguir a Cristo. Descubrí que para llegar a conocer a Cristo más y más, tenemos que ser nosotros los que lo busquemos en las personas con quienes nos encontramos cada día de nuestras vidas. Hoy el Señor Jesús nos pide que recemos para que su Padre envíe más trabajadores a su cosecha. Roguemos para que cada vez más hombres y mujeres tengan el valor de buscar a Cristo en su vida diaria. Y tal vez algunas de esas personas oirán la voz del Señor que les llama al ministerio del sacerdocio o del diaconado. Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All right reserved

La Parroquia de San Antonio Nuestra Misión: Nosotros, la comunidad de San Antonio, bendecidos con diversidad en cultura y tradiciones, nos unimos a la presencia real de Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía. Nos comprometemos a vivir y enseñar la palabra de nuestro señor Jesucristo por medio de nuestra oración, servicio y acciones.

Noticias de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa Padres de Familia, El formulario de Matricula para el año 2016-17 se encuentra a disposición en el centro parroquial en horas de oficina o en la entrada de la Iglesia. Nuestras clases empiezan el Domingo 11 de Septiembre. Si necesita mas información llámenos al (310) 322-4392 Ext. 440

Confirmación Nuestro Programa de confirmación para jóvenes es un programa de preparación de dos años que ayuda a los jóvenes a desarrollarse como Católicos responsables y maduros, listos para vivir su fe en este mundo. Nuestras matriculas para el próximo año ya empezaron. Por favor diríjase a nuestra pagina web:

Colecta Combinada para la Necesidad Nacional Compartiendo la Buena Nueva… : Habrá una segunda colecta el próximo Domingo, 10 de Julio para la Colecta combinada para la necesidad nacional, su generosidad: 

Hace posible que continuemos fortaleciendo la Fé, los valores y la educación católica por medio de los mensajes de televisión, radio y prensa de la Campaña de Comunicación Católica.  Ayuda económicamente a las diócesis en las áreas más pobres de nuestro país que dependen de colectas anuales. Por medio de programas de evangelización, la Misión para Afro-Americanos e Indígenas Americanos provee asistencia a estas comunidades.  Ayuda a asegurar la mejor calidad de educación católica por medio de programas excepcionales de becas, investigación y de servicio de la Universidad Católica de América  Fortalece la Iglesia doméstica y ayuda a proveer recursos y servicios básicos pastorales a las comunidades más necesitadas en áreas aisladas y esparcidas a través de la Solicitud para las Misiones Católicas Domésticas. Sobres para esta colecta se encuentran a la entrada de la Iglesia. Gracias por su generosidad.

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