Sacred Heart Cathedral 200 Hillsborough Street 219 W. Edenton St Raleigh NC

December 18, 2016 The Fourth Sunday of Advent 18 de Diciembre del 2016 | IV Domingo de Adviento Sacred Heart Cathedral  200 Hillsborough Street • 21

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 12704 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795 Website (909) 899-1049 + Fax (909) 899-3229

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
September 04, 2016 Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Catholic Church Catholic Church ______________________________________________________________________

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church A Roman Catholic Christian Community of Faith and Worship ALL Are Welcome September 6th, 2015 23th Sunday in Ordinary

Welcome to Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Boulder, Colorado January 10, 2016 .. Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish Boulder, Colorado

Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph
Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph The Nativity of the Lord Sunday Mass Schedule Las Misas Dominicales 4:30pm Saturday 8:30am Sunday 10:00am Domingo 11

Story Transcript

December 18, 2016 The Fourth Sunday of Advent 18 de Diciembre del 2016 | IV Domingo de Adviento

Sacred Heart Cathedral  200 Hillsborough Street • 219 W. Edenton St • Raleigh NC 27603 919-832-6030 •


Parish Staff You can reach staff by emailing to:

Daily | Mon-Fri 12:10p; Sat 9:00a; Miércoles 6:30p;

[email protected]

Weekend | Sat Vigil 5:00p Sunday | Cathedral: 7:30a; 9:00a (Esp) 10:30a; 12:00p; 2:00p (Esp)

unless otherwise stated.

Sunday | School Hall: 9:00a; 10:30a; 12:00p (Esp) V. Rev. Justin Kerber, C.P., V.F. ....... Rector V. Rev. Edward Wolanski, C.P.. Vice Rector

Confessions/Confesiones: Daily after 12:10p Mass;

Rev. Pedro Muñoz . Vicar Hispanic Ministry

Miércoles y Jueves 5:30p; Saturdays 3:30p

Michael Alig .....................................Deacon Roberto Ochoa ................................Deacon Donna Moss .................................. Principal Michael Accurso .............. Director of Music

Holy Hour/Hora Santo: First Fridays 11:00a | Jueves 6:30p Latin Mass: First Sundays 4:30p Holy Days: See inside the bulletin, the website or the mobile app.

Michelle Connors ............ Communications Barbara Dear ................ Business Manager Matt Foote ........... Head of Maintenance Cecile Grant .............. Rector’s Assistant Shirley Hilliard .................... Parish Records Lucy Looney ............................ RCIA Liaison Stacie Miller ........ Director of Religious Ed. Elizabeth Queen ............ Youth Minister Barbara Quinby ...... Soc. Justice Director Katia Roebuck .... Reception & Mass Int. katia@

Pastoral Council 2016-2017 [email protected] Peter Ferket Matt Healey, Chair Elizabeth White Genero Estrada Dan Dunbar Beth Tonelli Annamaria Taylor Sally Bruns Stephen Beausang Luke Farley

Finance Council [email protected] Joe Matza, Chair Haley Keating John Healy Jonathan Hammill

Olga Salas ................. Hispanic Ministry Anne Speicher ...... Wedding Coordinator Harry Taylor ....... Spiritual Choir Director [email protected]

Curtis Deloatch Stephanie Poley Mary Sloane Kennedy David Shaner Marjorie Sack-York

Building Committee [email protected] Paul Bedo Joe Matza Chris Derrenbacher Steve Raper

Tom Looney

In Joyful Song! Dear friends, I hope Advent has been filled with great joy and light for all of you. As you know, Sacred Heart Cathedral is the home to many talented individuals who are working hard to grace us with music for the celebra!on of Christmas. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of the musical contribu!ons that our parishioners are graciously offering to make our Christmas celebra!on beau!ful and holy. 

At the 4 pm Mass in the Cathedral, Mrs. Stephanie Poley (parish council member) will offer some Christmas selec!ons on the harp during the prelude and will also play during the liturgy. She will play J.S. Bach’s famous Prelude in C Major and the Christmas tour de force, O Holy Night by Adolfe Adam. 

The Cathedral’s Spiritual Choir, under the direc!on of Mr. Harry Taylor, will be featured at the 6 pm Mass. The choir will sing Pietro Yon’s !me honored classic, Gesu Bambino, and George Frideric Handel’s Hallelujah from the epic oratorio, Messiah. This piece reminds us that without the celebra!on of Christmas, the resurrec!on and victory of Christ as King couldn’t happen. This small child is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he will reign forever and ever. 

Mr. Bob Mulder will return to the 9 pm Mass in the Cathedral with members of the Triangle String Orchestra. Last year, they offered a beau!ful and in!mate accompaniment to the tradi!onal carols which we love and cherish. 

At the Midnight Mass, the Cathedral Choir, will present Antonio Vivaldi’s beloved Gloria as a prelude with a string trio and trumpet, and then lead the congrega!on in tradi!onal carols during the liturgy. The Gloria is a wellͲ recognized concert se7ng of the prayer sung every week during the sacred liturgy. The text comes from the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke and is the hymn that the angels and heavenly host sang at the birth of the ChristͲchild. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” 

At all Masses, both English and Spanish, we will conclude with the treasured hymn ‘Joy to the World/Dichosa Tierra, Proclamad.’ It is humbling to recognize that even though we are of different cultures, we are united and can also sing as one family in Christ. 

We look forward to seeing you and assis!ng in your song to the newborn King! Michael Accurso | Director of Music The children of Cathedral School wish all parishioners a Merry Christmas with their beaufully painted mural of Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral.


December 18, 2016 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 

This Sunday’s Readings 

First Reading

Is 7:10Ǧ14

The LORD spoke to Ahaz, saying: Ask for a sign from the LORD, your God; let it be deep as the netherworld, or high as the sky! But Ahaz answered, “I will not ask! I will not tempt the LORD!” Then Isaiah said: Listen, O house of David! Is it not enough for you to weary people, must you also weary my God? Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel.  ͲThe Word of the Lord.   R. Thanks be to God. 


Daily Readings Dec 19Ǧ24 Mon |Jgs 13:2Ͳ7, 24Ͳ25a/Ps 71/Lk 1:5Ͳ25 

Tue |Is 7:10Ͳ14/Ps 24/Lk 1:26Ͳ38 


Wed |Sg 2:8Ͳ14 or Zep 3:14Ͳ18a/Ps 33/Lk 1:39Ͳ45 

Thu |1 Sm 1:24Ͳ28/1 Sm 2/Lk 1:46Ͳ56 

Fri |Mal 3:1Ͳ4, 23Ͳ24/Ps 25/Lk 1:57Ͳ66 

Sat|2 Sm 7:1Ͳ5, 8bͲ12, 14a, 16/Ps 89/Lk 1:67Ͳ79

Mt 1:18Ǧ24

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly. Such was his inten!on when, beR. Let the Lord enter; he is king of glory. hold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream  Second Reading   Rom 1:1Ǧ7 and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy apart for the gospel of God, which he promised previously Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will through his prophets in the holy Scriptures, the gospel save his people from their sins.” about his Son, descended from David according to the flesh, but established as Son of God in power according to All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the Spirit of holiness through resurrec!on from the dead, the prophet: Jesus Christ our Lord. Through him we have received the Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” grace of apostleship, to bring about the obedience of When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had faith, for the sake of his name, among all the Gen!les,  commanded him and took his wife into his home. among whom are you also, who are called to belong to ͲThe Gospel of the Lord. R. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ; to all the beloved of God in Rome, called to  be holy. Grace to you and peace from God our Father  and the Lord Jesus Christ. Communion AntiphonȄAdvent IV  Weismann

Responsorial Psalm

ͲThe Word of the Lord.  


Ps 24

R. Thanks be to God.

Mt 1:23

R. Alleluia, alleluia. The virgin shall conceive, and bear a

son, and they shall name him Emmanuel.  R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Today’s Hymns  Prelude Hail Mary / Gentle Woman (Noon) Entrance O Come, O Come Emmanuel O Come, O Come Emmanuel Psalm Let the Lord enter; he is king of glory. Let the Lord enter… Offertory Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Magnificat (Noon)


Choir W: 386 LM: 231

Communion An*phon Advent IVͶWeismann (Noon) One Bread, One Body (Noon) Of the Father’s Love Bego)en

Above LM: 800


W: 620 Choir

Recessional Sing of Mary Sing of Mary

(10:30) Ave MariaͶBiebl (Noon) Mary, Did You Know?

above LM: 760 LM: 266 Choir Choir W: 444 LM: 271

December 18, 2016 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 

Pray for us...

Mass Intentions

St. Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church (12/21) St. John of Kanty, Priest (12/23) 


5:00p Cathedral


† Marsha Moss


7:30p Cathedral


† Rob Rudisill


9:00p Catedral


† Veronica Barcenas

Friday 12/23


9:00p School


† Stanley Kogut


Sun 10:30a Cathedral Eng


 Albert & Josephine Agosnello  

Saturday 12/24

Sun 10:30a School


Sun 12:00p Cathedral Eng

† Ryan Christopher Wertz

Sun 12:00p Escuela


† Olga Alvarez


† Candido Bausta

Office Closing


2:00p Catedral


The parish office will close at noon on Dec 23 and will reͲopen on Jan. 3. 

Mon 12:10p Cathedral Eng

Solemnity of Mary

Wed 12:10p Cathedral Eng

 Angie Sugay Redoblado  


Tue 12:10p Cathedral Eng

Sunday 1/1/17 

6:30p Cathedral


Thu 12:10p Cathedral Eng

The regular weekend Mass schedule will be followed with an addi1onal Vigil Mass in Spanish at 7:30p.

Fri 12:10p Cathedral Eng

† Catherine Flint

† Rob Rudisill † Karl Kiszely IV

Christmas Mass Schedule Eve 4:00 pm | Cathedral + School Hall + Holiday Inn 6:00 pm | Cathedral + Holiday Inn 7:30 pm | Holiday Inn (Spanish)**change in locaon 9:00 pm | Cathedral 

Midnight 12:00 am | Cathedral

Pray for the Sick William Gleason Kim Pearson Rita & Joe Such Mark Hilliard Lori Cove Maxine Vick Lauren Green


Day 9:00 am | Cathedral 10:30 am | Cathedral 12:00 pm | Cathedral (Spanish)

Melanie Moore John Heathcock Frank Ansede Elizabeth Lewis Richard Dickerson  Serena Marie O’Hara Bob Peace BeCy Ann Turner Erica And Ron Poggi  Rita Umozurike  Robert Taylor 

Rosa Hudson Oliver Graham Linden Jennie Doss Moreno Genevieve MaChews Frankie San*ago Joseph Boschulte Mary Kannan DeMolli Marina Guanga Ivanna Garcia Valeria Garcia Victor Debiasi

Memorial Flower Donations Envelopes for memorial flower dona1ons can be found at the exits of the church. Please return your contribu1on as soon as possible. The list of donors will be included in an upcoming bulle1n in January.

Marty Coe Crew Scaran*no  Nancy Eileen Smith  Rosa Maria Santos Cecile Grant Caitlin Lock Infant Paityn Walters Dominick Guido, Sr. Infant Kiera Morse LoGe Cruger Mary Regina 

John C. PiCman Paul Pope Anja Wynns Teresa Gaumont Marlyn Graney Amelia WiCeveen Corrine Boyle Dennis White Robert Mather Chuck Hilliard Ken Hopper

December 18, 2016 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 

Justice Bulletin Board  The earth is the Lord’s and all it holds, the world and those who live there. ͲͲPsalm 24: 1 

Everything belongs to God. There is not a single thing that we can claim despite our illusion that we “own” things. As we journey this week on the way to our spiritual Bethlehem, we need to leave behind things that do not ma=er and concentrate on the values and ac1ons that bring us closer to God and each other. Is it possible to develop the mind of the migrant during this 1me when we hear about the Holy Family with their travels and travails?  It is not hard to picture what Mary and Joseph might have been thinking when door aBer door was shut in their face as she approached her 1me to give birth. Imagine then having to flee with a newborn child to escape the certain death of that child. Let us be mindful of those in this world today who sacrifice everything to escape oppression, pov-

Focus: International Organization for Migration erty, and war by migra1ng to foreign lands. Many of them arrive in countries that do not want them with only their inherent human dignity.  Today is the United Na1ons Interna1onal Migrants Day. Migra1on draws increasing a=en1on in the world nowadays. Mixed with elements of unforeseeability, emergency, and complexity, the challenges and difficul1es of interna1onal migra1on require enhanced coopera1on and collec1ve ac1on among countries and regions. The United Na1ons is ac1vely playing a catalyst role in this area, with the aim of crea1ng more dialogues and interac1ons within countries and regions, as well as propelling experience exchange and collabora1on opportuni1es (hp:// To mark this day, the Interna1onal Organiza1on for Migra1on (IOM) is calling on the interna1onal community to come together and remember the refugees and migrants who have lost

their lives or have disappeared while trying to reach safe harbour aBer arduous journeys across seas and deserts. IOM invites people all over the world to hold a Global Candlelight Vigil on December 18 to commemorate the migrants whose lives have been lost this year. Each of them has a name, a story and leB their homelands seeking be=er opportuni1es and safety for themselves and in many cases for their family Ͳ for aspira1ons to which we all strive. Tonight, create a new memory with your family, neighbors, and/or friends and host an impromptu vigil to pray and reflect on the sufferings of migrants from stories in the Bible and stories in the current news. Remember those who have died. Resolve to keep your hearts open for solu1ons to their plight. Barbara Molinari Quinby, MPS Director of Social Jusce Ministries 

Fair Trade Sunday is Today! Global Outreach, headed by Vince and Judy Schneider, will host a booth which offers Fair Trade coffee, tea, cocoa, soup, chocolate, and honey for sale aBer Sunday Masses un1l 1:00 pm. Cash or check only please. The mission of Global Outreach is to support and be in solidarity with farmers and ar1sans around the world to help guarantee them living wages for their labor and goods. Also, dona1ons will be accepted for the Water for Kenya project as well as proceeds from a Catholic Book Sale.  NOTE: Fair Trade sales will be cancelled if inclement weather or temps below freezing.

Justice for Immigrants 

The Holy Family’s Journey ʹ Las Posadas Navideñas

Respect Life Apostolate

“The gospels of Ma=hew and Luke tell us that Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem on the eve of Jesus’ birth. When they were unable to find a place to sleep for the night, a kind innkeeper allowed the family to stay in his stable. It was there that Mary gave birth to Jesus, placing him in a crib fashioned for him out of a manger. They were soon to be visited by wise men and angels. Las Posadas Navideñas ʹͲThe Christmas InnsͲͲis a nineͲday religious observance meant to honor Mary and Joseph’s quest for shelter. Every night from Dec. 16Ͳ 24, neighbors gather to recreate the Holy Family’s experience. They dress up, sing, pray, and celebrate the coming anniversary of the Savior’s birth. Immigrants, in search of refuge, much like the Holy Family, brought this 400Ͳyear Ͳold La1n American tradi1on to their new countries.” … from “A guide to celebra1ng the Holy Family’s Journey”, Catholic Legal Immigra1on Network Inc., ( hp:// )

BABY DRIVE | Catholic Parish Outreach also distributes baby items (including formula, baby food, diapers and clothes Newborn up to 6T).TODAY, volunteers will be handing out grocery bags with an a=ached shopping list. Accompany the Three Kings in bringing giBs to Baby Jesus bytaking a bag and returning it onJanuary 7th & 8th.If you have any ques1ons or would like to help with this project, please call Teresa Robinson at 336Ͳ301Ͳ2246.

18 de Diciembre del 2016 | IV Domingo de Adviento


Fundraiser for Middle Schoolers Middle School and Confirma!on Youth are selling illuminated bokle snowmen un!l December 21. To purchase contact Stacie Miller at [email protected]. $10/each. All profits will help these youth akend these various events: Youth Retreat Days | Ski Trip Weekend Encounter Weekend | Days of Service | Fr. Jus1n’s Mission Trip July 18Ͳ23, 2017

Attention CGHS Students of the Parish Cardinal Gibbons Affilia+on Forms are due to CGHS on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. The process for Sacred Heart Cathedral parishioners is as follows: * Submit your form to the parish office by Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017. * Between Feb. 14 and Feb. 28, Father Jus1n will review your form to determine if your child is eligible to receive the  "affiliated" tui1on rate.  * All forms will be hand delivered bya member of our staff to Cardinal Gibbonson Tuesday, Feb. 28th. * If Father is unable to sign your form, you will be no1fied. If you miss the February deadline (and we certainly hope you won't!), forms will be processed as Father's 1me allowsand you will then have to deliver them to Cardinal Gibbons. If you have ques1ons, please contact Donna Moss, Cathedral School Principal at 919 832 4711 or moss@cathedralͲ as she assists Father with this process.

Youth Ministry

Social Media Follow Sacred Heart Cathedral on Facebook @shcraleigh Ͳ and now on Twiker and Instagram too @nc_cathedral.  

Stay up to date with news and events. Don’t forget to download MyParish App by tex!ng the word ‘app’ to the number 88202 for instant access to parish news.  Follow SHC Youth Ministry on the same planorms @cathedralym 

December 18:  Youth Group Bible Study at 1pm and LIFE TEEN CHRISTMAS PARTY at 5pm! We will have a White Santa GiR Exchange, an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, and So Much More! This is a Pot Luck: AͲL = Side Dish, MͲR = Salads, and SͲZ = Desserts! If you don’t bring food, we won’t eat!  

December 25:  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! No Youth Group or Bible Study! Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the !me with your families!  

J 1:  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! WV WXYY Z[\ ]^_V Y[`\] Ga[`b [a BXcYV S\`de. EZf[e \]V H[YXd^e WX\] e[`a g^hXYe!   S!" T"" A%&"'"() 

December 19: This will be the last day to pick up your Share Tree GiRs from the Church Office. If you need to make other arrangements, please EͲMail Elizabeth Queen or Ka!a Roebuck. [email protected] | ka[email protected].

18 de Diciembre del 2016 | IV Domingo de Adviento


Financial Peace University

Notices & Events Please check the parish website or the mobile app for updates since this prin1ng.  SHC Christmas Ornaments Last chance to purchase Sacred Heart Cathedral Christmas Ornaments! Please visit the office or email [email protected] to purchase ornaments. 1 /$15 or 2/$25.  Friday, January 6 | 7:00 pm Lessons & Carols will be directed by Jeff Rice of St. Thomas More Academy in the Cathedral and led by the STMA choir. All are welcome. Free.  Monday, January 9 | 4:00 pm A Safe Environment Training session will be held for all volunteers, staff and ministers whom interact with children needing renewal or first 1me cer1fica1on. Please contact Principal Donna Moss if you have any ques1ons.  Monday, January 16 | 10:00 am Annual Mass to honor Dr. Mar1n Luther King, Jr. All are invited to the Mass for the Diocesan observance of the holiday at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Following Mass, refreshments will be provided by the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary.   Friday, January 27, 2017 Washington D.C. March for Life Join the faithful throughout the Diocese of Raleigh in making the trip. Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Concep1on at 11:30 a.m. is followed by the march on the mall. Seats are available on buses leaving from parishes across the Diocese. For informa1on about geZng a seat on a bus, contact the Office of Human Life and Dignity at (919) 719Ͳ 8267 or [email protected].   Project Rachel Support Group The Project Rachel ministry will be forming a support group in the Triangle area in February. If you would like more informa1on about the support group, contact Project Rachel (919) 852Ͳ1021 | [email protected]. Callsand appointments are kept strictly confiden1al. For more informa1on go to h=p://


From FPU we learn to "Pray like it all depends on God, but work like it all depends on you."  If you are interested in the Dave Ramsey program, contact Dan and Elizabeth Dunbar at: [email protected]

Money Matters Weekly Collec6on: Dec 03Ͳ04  Total: $26,625 Mass Collec!ons $19,707 Bank DraRs $6,918 Special Collecon: Priest Rerement $3,264 

Weekly Collec6on: Dec 10Ͳ11  Total: $ 25,606 Mass Collec!ons $16,483 Bank DraRs $9,123 Special Collecon: School Support $1390 

Immaculate Concep6on: Dec 8 

Total: $1,733

EndǦofǦYearǦGiving During this busy season, please take a moment to plan your endͲ ofͲyear giving. If you will be out of town, you can mail your contribu-ons to: 219 W. Edenton St, Raleigh, NC 27603. It must be postmarked by December 31, 2016 to be credited to the 2016 tax year. Any check with a December date that is given in January will be credited to 2017. The IRS does not recognize the date on the check, but rather the day it is received or its postmark. We appreciate your understanding of these regula!ons and most especially your support. 

Remember Cathedral School in your EndǦofǦYear Charitable Giving Please support the Cathedral School Annual Appeal. Your dona!on directly benefits our students. Make your dona!on online at h?p://www.cathedralͲ OR submit a check indica!ng Cathedral School Annual Appeal in the memo line.  

Thank you for supporting our youth! Attention VANCO Users The frequency of your contribu!ons will con!nue into 2017 except those that were entered as oneͲ!me giRs.  Should you wish like to make changes, the collec!on schedule for 2017 is listed on our website. Remember: you can change amounts, frequency and financial account numbers at any !me.

December 18, 2016 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 

Ministerio Hispano Primera lectura   Is 7, 10Ǧ14 En aquellos !empos, el Señor le habló a Ajaz diciendo: "Pide al Señor, tu Dios, una señal de abajo, en lo profundo o de arriba, en lo alto". Contestó Ajaz: "No la pediré. No tentaré al Señor". Entonces dijo Isaías: "Oye, pues, casa de David: ¿No sa!sfechos con cansar a los hombres, quieren cansar también a mi Dios? Pues bien, el Señor mismo les dará por eso una señal: He aquí que la virgen concebirá y dará a luz un hijo y le pondrán el nombre de Emmanuel, que quiere decir DiosͲconͲnosotros".

 Aclamación Conmemorativa Mt 1:23 R. Aleluya, aleluya. He aquí que la virgen concebirá y dará a luz un hijo,y le pondrán el nombre de Emmanuel, que quiere decir DiosͲconͲnosotros. R. Aleluya. 

Evangelio   Mt 1, 18Ͳ24 Cristo vino al mundo de la siguiente manera: Estando María, su madre, desposada con José, y antes de que vivieran juntos, sucedió que ella, por obra del Espíritu Santo, estaba esperando un hijo. José, su esposo, que ͲPalabra de Dios   R: Te alabamos Señor. era hombre justo, no queriendo ponerla en evidencia,  pensó dejarla en secreto. Salmo Responsorial  Salmo 23 Mientras pensaba en estas cosas, un ángel del Señor le R. Ya llega el Señor, el rey de la gloria. dijo en sueños: "José, hijo de David, no dudes en recibir  en tu casa a María, tu esposa, porque ella ha concebido Segunda lectura   Rom 1, 1Ǧ7 por obra del Espíritu Santo. Dará a luz un hijo y tú le ponYo, Pablo, siervo de Cristo Jesús, he sido llamado por drás el nombre de Jesús, porque él salvará a su pueblo Dios para ser apóstol y elegido por él para proclamar su de sus pecados". Evangelio. Ese Evangelio, que, anunciado de antemano Todo esto sucedió para que se cumpliera lo que había por los profetas en las Sagradas Escrituras, se refiere a dicho el Señor por boca del profeta Isaías: He aquí que la su Hijo, Jesucristo, nuestro Señor, que nació, en cuanto a virgen concebirá y dará a luz un hijo, a quien pondrán el su condición de hombre, del linaje de David, y en cuanto nombre de Emmanuel, que quiere decir DiosͲconͲ a su condición de espíritu san!ficador, se manifestó con nosotros. todo su poder como Hijo de Dios, a par!r de su resurrec- Cuando José despertó de aquel sueño, hizo lo que le hación de entre los muertos. bía mandado el ángel del Señor y recibió a su esposa.  Por medio de Jesucristo, Dios me concedió la gracia del ͲPalabra del Señor R: Gloria a + Señor Jesús. apostolado, a fin de llevar a los pueblos paganos a la  aceptación de la fe, para gloria de su nombre. Entre  ellos, también se cuentan ustedes, llamados a pertenecer a Cristo Jesús. A todos ustedes, los que viven en Roma, a quienes Dios ama y ha llamado a formar parte de su pueblo santo, les deseo la gracia y la paz de Dios, nuestro Padre, y de Jesucristo, el Señor.  ͲPalabra de Dios R: Te alabamos Señor.

Ven, O Emmanuel! Cantos de Misa

Himnos Entrada: 309 Ofertorio: 311

Preparen el Camino del Señor;  Campanas de Belén Ven Señor; Salve Reina y Madre

Comunión: 614

Yo Soy El Pan de Vida

Comunión: 595

On Señor, Delante de Tí

Salida: 312

Ven Señor No Tardes Mas;  Mi Burrito Sabanero

Acto Penitencial: Salmo: Aclamación al Evangelio: Santo Aclamación Conmemorava: Amén: Cordero de Dios:

18 de Diciembre del 2016 | IV Domingo de Adviento

89 186 Salmo 23

113 Aleluya 91 92 93 95


La Importancia de Estar  Registrado en una Parroquia Si usted está planeando bau!zar a su hijo/a o ser padrino/madrina es muy importante que usted se registre en la parroquia de su preferencia.  

Son muchos los beneficios que usted puede obtener si se registra, por ejemplo, si usted necesita una carta de recomendación para inmigración en caso de una reforma migratoria o si está en trámites con inmigración, o una carta de patrocinador para bau!zar en otra parroquia la puede solicitar en la parroquia perteneciente.  

Al momento de registrarse en la iglesia, y para permanecer ac!vo en su parroquia, es muy importante que solicite sus sobres para colocar el sobre con o sin dona!vo en la colecta. Los dona!vos monetarios que usted realice son deducibles de impuestos. 

Si usted necesita actualizar su información, por ejemplo, dirección de casa o número de teléfono, por favor de comunicarse con la oficina al 919Ͳ832Ͳ6030.

Requistos para Bautizar Cer!ficado de Nacimiento del niño (a) que se bau!zara. Los Padrinos deben tener 16 años de edad y recibido el sacramento de Confirmación. Prác!cante católica en buena comunión con la iglesia. Padres y padrinos asis!r a las plá!cas o traer comprobante de su parroquia de que par!cipó en las plá!cas preͲbau!smales. 

Platicas Los primeros tres Miércoles de cada mes a las 6:30p en el Salón de Santa Mónica. Si usted ya tomó clases de Bau!smo en los úl!mos DOS años; ya no necesita venir otra vez. Llame a la oficina para recoger una constancia de sus plá!cas. A las Clases de Bau!smo deben venir los padres y padrinos que ya se registraron. Por favor ser puntual. 

Intención de Misa Intenciones de la Misa son una maravillosa manera de recordar a un familiar querido que ha fallecido, celebrar un cumpleaños o un aniversario, o para cualquier intención que tengan. Para pedir una Misa llamar a la oficina y contactarse con Ka!a a 919Ͳ832Ͳ6030. 

Servicios de Inmigración para  Naturalización y Ciudadanía

Las Misas de Navidad

El Programa de servicios legales de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas está asis!endo actualmente a Residentes Permanentes legales y vigentes a través del proceso de solicitud de ciudadanía. Para más información por favor vea: hp:// 

24 de Diciembre: La vigilia de navidad 7:30 pm en el hotel ‘Holiday Inn’ 

25 de Diciembre: Día de Navidad 12:00 pm en la cathedral 

31 de Diciembre: La Vigilia de Solemnidad de María, San^sima Madre de Dios a las 7:00 pm

Comunicación Social

Lecturas de la Semana

Sigue la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón en

Lunes: Jue 13, 2Ͳ7. 24Ͳ25/Sal 71/Lc 1, 5Ͳ25 Martes: Is 7, 10Ͳ14/Sal 24/Lc 1, 26Ͳ38 Miércoles: Cant 2, 8Ͳ14 o Sof 3, 14Ͳ18/Sal 33/Lc 1, 39Ͳ45 Jueves: 1 Sm 1, 24Ͳ28/1 Sm 2/Lc 1, 46Ͳ56 Viernes: Mal 3, 1Ͳ4. 23Ͳ24/Sal 25/Lc 1, 57Ͳ66 Sábado: Misa de la mañana: 2 Sm 7, 1Ͳ5. 8Ͳ12. 14. 16/Sal   89/Lc 1, 67Ͳ79


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December 18, 2016 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 

La Corresponsabilidad Diaria: Reconocer a Dios en los momentos ordinarios El nombre Emanuel significa, "Dios está con nosotros". Usamos este ^tulo frecuentemente para referirnos a Jesús durante las temporadas del Adviento y la Navidad, pero su influencia debe quedar con nosotros a lo largo de todo año. La Encarnación, cuando Dios toma su forma humana, o sea Jesús, entró en el mundo de una manera tan profunda que nos indica que no solamente está Dios con nosotros, pero que Dios está dentro de nosotros. Dios nos ofrece una relación que ahora es más ín1ma e importante debido al nacimiento de Jesús. 

Donaciones de Flores Conmemorativas: Los sobres para las donaciones conmemora1vas de la flor de Navidad se pueden encontrar en las salidas de la iglesia. 

Por favor devuelva su contribución tan pronto como sea posible. La lista de donantes se incluirá en un próximo bole^n en enero.

Verdaderamente Dios está con nosotros, y nuestro deber es permanecer presente a Él para siempre. Ser contempla1vos es una caracterís1ca importante para un discipulado diario. Es más que hacer oración por diez minutos diarios. Nuestra meta es sen1r la presencia de Dios durante cada día ͲͲdurante los momentos ordinarios y extraordinarios. Ofrecerle a Dios todas nuestras acciones y todos los momentos del día cuando nos despertamos, y después examinar nuestro día antes de acostarnos, nos ayuda acercarnos a esa meta. 

Solamente cuando nos demos cuenta de la presencia de Dios a todas horas, y nos demos cuenta de estar con Dios no significa que siempre uno u otro 1enen que estar hablando, entonces en una voz serena nos podemos decir que, "Emanuel, Dios está con nosotros".     Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS  

Grupo de Jóvenes 18 de Diciembre: Estudio bíblico a la 1pm y Fiesta de Navidad a las 5pm! Haremos intercambio de regalos, concurso del suéter de Navidad más feo y mucho más! Por favor traer algo para compar1r, si tu apellido comienza con las letras: AͲL = Plato para acompañar, MͲR = Ensaladas, y SͲZ = Postres! Si no traes algo para compar1r, no habrá para comer! 

25 de Diciembre: Feliz Navidad!!!!!!!!! No habrá clase ni estudio bíblico! Que tengan una Feliz Navidad y disfruten con sus familias! 

1 de Enero: Feliz Año Nuevo!!! No habrá clase ni estudio bíblico Que disfruten de las Fiestas de Fin de Año con su familia.

Vivir La Liturgia Inspiración de la Semana

Mientras nos reunimos durante el cuarto domingo de adviento, nuestra an1cipación de la llega del Mesías aumenta e intensifica. Nuestro deseo de conectarnos con la fuente de quienes somos, o sea con Dios, se engrandece. An1cipamos la salvación que Cristo nos ofrece, lo que nos promete una libertad nueva y espiritual. Todos nosotros queremos ser libres. ¿Qué nos amarra y nos previene de aceptar lo que nos desea dar Dios? Si deseamos, podemos tener esta libertad ahora, y después poseerla completamente cuando llegue Cristo. 

S T Ͳ A ! 

19 de Diciembre: úl1mo día para re1rar sus regalos de la oficina de la parroquia. Si necesita hacer otros arreglos, por favor EͲ Mail Elizabeth Queen o Ka1a Roebuck a [email protected] ka[email protected]

Apostolado de Respeto a la Vida: Donaciones para Bebé 

¿Sabía usted que la despensa de alimentos de la parroquia católica distribuyó una semana de comes1bles a un promedio de 9.600 personas por mes en 2015? También distribuimos ar^culos para bebés (incluyendo fórmula, comida para bebés, pañales y ropa para recién nacidos hasta al tamaño 6T). Hoy, los voluntarios entregarán bolsas de supermercado con una lista de compras. Venga acompañar a los Reyes Magos para traer regalos al Niño Jesús tomando una bolsa y devolviéndola el 7 y 8 de enero. Si usted 1ene alguna pregunta o le gustaría ayudar con este proyecto, por favor llame a Teresa Robinson 336Ͳ301Ͳ2246.


December 18, 2016 | Fourth Sunday of Advent 

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