Sacred Heart Church illustration by Sheri George

Welcome to the Parish Community of Sacred Heart Church illustration by Sheri George 1 6 2 7 G R A N D AV E N U E • W E S T D E S M O I N E S , I O

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church A Roman Catholic Christian Community of Faith and Worship ALL Are Welcome September 6th, 2015 23th Sunday in Ordinary

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 12704 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795 Website (909) 899-1049 + Fax (909) 899-3229

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
September 04, 2016 Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Catholic Church Catholic Church ______________________________________________________________________

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 September 4, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 September 11, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr.

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Story Transcript

Welcome to the Parish Community of

Sacred Heart

Church illustration by Sheri George

1 6 2 7 G R A N D AV E N U E • W E S T D E S M O I N E S , I O WA 5 0 2 6 5 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Today we celebrate the end of our Christmas season with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. In the gospel of Luke today, we hear that after Jesus had been baptized by John the Baptist he was praying. The heaven opened up and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in a form like a dove. A voice came from heaven, “You are my

beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

This is a day for us to reflect on the gift of our own baptism, to renew our baptismal promises and to hear once again the gentle voice of our God say to us, “You are my beloved daughter, you are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased.” God shares divine life and love with us in the waters of baptism. May we know more deeply today how we are God’s beloved and may we be given the grace to live lives of love and mercy today! Peace,

JANUARY 10, 2016


WELCOME Welcome to all our visitors, newcomers and parishioners!! If you are new to our faith community and are interested in becoming a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, please stop by the Parish Office or call 225-6414, for a New Member Packet. We have programs and activities available for everyone. We offer RCIA for adults who wish to become Catholic. The names of the pastoral staff members, committee members and ministry chairperson, and their phone numbers are listed on this page.

SACRED HEART PASTORAL STAFF Pastoral staff members are available to help parishioners when they are celebrating the good times or hurting during times of crisis. Consider contacting the following pastoral staff members to help you through a difficult time. FR. CHRIS HARTSHORN, PASTOR [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 310 FR. LUIS MEJIA, PAROCHIAL VICAR [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 313 SACRED HEART PARISH STAFF Rev. Mr. Ron Myers, Deacon 226-8466 Rev. Mr. Randy Horn, Deacon 224-1113 Nancy Carlson, RN, Parish Nurse [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 315 \

Sheila Hancock, Director of Music/Worship & Wedding Coordinator [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 318 Casey Conner, RCIA Director [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 309 Deanna Lane, Youth Ministry Director [email protected] 225-0546 Rosario Manzano, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 304 Loralee Chase, Family Ministry [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 309 Kayla Richer, Children’s Faith Formation Director [email protected] 225-6414, Ext. 319 SACRED HEART SCHOOL STAFF Jane Kinney, Principal [email protected] 223-1284, Ext. 142 Mary Jo Kever, Vice Principal [email protected] 223-1284, Ext. 140 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT:

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday ......................................................... 4:00 pm Sunday .......8:00, 9:30, 11:15 am; 1pm Spanish Mass Daily Mass ............ Monday through Friday 8:00 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday ..................................... 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office ...... Phone: 225-6414 Fax: 225-0286 School ........................................................... 223-1284 Children’s Faith Formation ........................ 225-6414 Youth Ministry ........................................... 225-0546 Sunday Faith Formation Preschool ........... 225-6414 Parish Center Scheduling........................... 225-6414 Weekday Preschool..................................... 226-2146 Sacred Heart Plus...................................... 226-9662 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Registered and participating members of the Parish, contact the Parish Office to register for required Baptism Classes. Parents are asked to call before the birth of their child. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered and participating members of the Parish, contact the Parish Office six months, or more, in advance. Preparation classes are required. NEWCOMERS Please register by phone, or in person, at the Parish Office between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm. For address changes, or if leaving the parish, please call the Parish Office at 225-6414. COMMITTEE & MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS Art & Environment ....................Pam Douglas, 224-0032 Board of Religious/Academic Education .............................. Chris Wilson, 480-5472 Tara Nelson, 991-4432 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Coordinator …………………… Mary Zug, 225-6414 SCRIP .................................. Barb Horvath, 327-9489 Angela Lawler, 225-6604 Knights of Columbus ...................... Bill Wieland, 321-7980 Prayer Line ................. Wynanda Ferguson, 225-7200 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul.................. Rita Dette, 223-6095 Teresa Kordick, 224-9274 Women’s Guild ......................... Barb Baker, 339-1561 Pastoral Council .................... Dave Shinkle, 244-6821 BULLETIN DEADLINES: log onto our web site for information about deadlines and submission guidelines.


The mission of Sacred Heart Parish is to be the spiritual focal point for the Catholic Christian community in our portion of the Diocese of Des Moines. This community:

ª ª ª ª ª

Believes and proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord; Calls its people to experience and put into practice the love of Jesus Christ; Draws its people into the social and spiritual life of the parish so that each has a sense of belonging; Seeks to help its members take on the "mind of Christ" through prayer, study and worship; Uses and returns the gifts and talents God has given; Is itself a sign calling its members to hear and respond in ministry to the spiritual and temporal needs of people within the parish and beyond.


HEALTH, HEALING & WHOLENESS - PARISH NURSING If I can be of assistance to you or a loved one on any faith and/or health concerns, please contact me. I have many resources to share with you. ~Nancy Carlson, RN [email protected] “Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God.” - 1 Peter 3:4 SHARING SOME CHRISTMAS THANK YOU’S WE RECEIVED FROM OUR PARISH’S JESSE TREE PROJECT: · “Thank you for all the Christmas gifts at Heritage Court and Fountain West. They all seem so personal. I like art and my gifts were a water color book of papers, plus a coloring book and paint pods & brushes. It means a lot to some who have no family or just being lonely. Love & Blessings to all, Mary” · “Thank you so much for the lovely “rose” bag, the rose potpourri and vase. All very lovely and appreciated! Merry & Blessed Christmas to you and your family, Sincerely, Rose” · “Wishing you a holiday season filled with beautiful moments. Merry Christmas & Happy 2016! Thank you for all you do for us! The Residents & Staff at Fountain West Heritage Court” PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: The next Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting is Monday, January 18, 2016 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We’ll meet at Hamilton’s West on Westown Parkway. Hope to see you there. Please contact Becky Pepper or Nancy Carlson if you need a ride. HOME BOUND PARISHIONERS NEEDING A COMMUNION VISIT: If you or a loved one are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist at home, please contact the Parish Nurse. The Parish Nurse can make arrangements for one of our Eucharistic Minister’s to visit you. LOW GLUTEN COMMUNION AVAILABLE AT SACRED HEART: Nurse for more information.

We offer low gluten Eucharist. Please contact the Parish

Dear Parishioners: As the Christmas season comes to a close today I wanted to say Thank you!!! The Christmas cards, goodies and personal gifts that you gave to Fr. Luis and me over this Christmas season have meant more than words can say. With deep gratitude, I pray that the blessings of this Christmas season will remain in your hearts and lives throughout 2016! Peace, Fr. Chris Hartshorn

THROUGH THE WATERS OF BAPTISM WE WELCOME INTO OUR SACRED HEART FAITH COMMUNITY Faustina Louis William Daughter of Louis William Michaelsamy & Petricia Michael Ethan Poindexter Son o f Eric & Ann Poindexter

Our deepest sympathy and prayers to the families of the following … Parishioner Dick O’Conner Leno Gallardo Brother of parishioners Mary Kramer and Alfred Galladro Alice Dillon Mother of parishioner Janet Downey Parishioner John Fernhout

...God grant them eternal rest




Student Ministry at Sacred Heart offers spiritual, service and social opportunities to teens in grades 9-12. Contact Deanna Lane, Director of Youth Ministry, for more information at 225-0546 or [email protected]. FIA (FAITH IN ACTION) REGISTRATIONS DUE FEB 3!: FIA is a Spring Break service adventure March 13-16, 2016. Teens from five local Catholic churches come together for 3 1/2 days of service, fun and faith. We stay at Our Lady's Immaculate Heart in Ankeny and spend the days serving local agencies in the Des Moines area such as food pantries, Habitat for Humanity, Gigi's Playhouse, Courage League Sports and many more. This event sells out each year so don't delay. All of the details and a registration form can be found at (click on “Faith Formation” and then “SMASH/Youth Ministry”)

Kayla Richer, Director [email protected] Debbie Chalik, Coordinator [email protected] Marcia Schaul, Office Associate [email protected]


ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for FIA: We are looking for adults 21 and over to transport teens to and from the work sites and volunteer alongside them each day as well as possibly stay overnight at OLIH. Reply if you are interested in helping out. The number of teens we can accept is based primarily on the number of adult volunteers we have. SUMMER MISSION TRIP TO SOUTH TEXAS JUNE 18-25: Applications are now available for the summer mission trip to San Juan, Texas where we will spend a week serving the needy in the Diocese of Brownsville, the poorest diocese in the U.S. Teens currently in 9th-12th grade are eligible to apply. Pick up an information sheet and registration form in the gathering space or online at (under "Faith Formation" and then "SMASH/Youth Ministry") Applications due Feb. 1 STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCE- JULY 8-10, SPRINGFIELD, MO: What is Stuebenville, you ask? It is a high-energy youth conference where thousands of teens are invited to encounter Christ through dynamic speakers, engaging music, the Sacraments, small group discussions and fellowship with other teens - ALL IN JUST 3 DAYS! Enjoy a top-notch team of speakers and musicians (Matt Maher!) for an experience you won't forget. Check it out at STEUBYSTL.COM Sign up by Feb. 7 to guarantee your spot – more details and a registration form can be found at (click on “Faith Formation” and then “SMASH/Youth Ministry”) SMASH ON WEDNESDAYS: Looking for a way to jump start your faith in the new year? Join us for SMASH on Wednesdays (6:30-8:30 pm). This is an informal gathering of teens in grades 9-12. Each week we explore different faith related topics relevant to teens and the hectic world in which they live. We use games, media, discussions and more to keep teens active and engaged in their faith. Come check it out – it’s FREE! We start with pizza and some social time at 6:30 pm, followed by the activity for the evening and end with closing prayer about 8:00 or 8:15 followed by optional social time until 8:30. Hope to see you there! UPCOMING CALENDAR: Jan. 10 Teen Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00a Jan. 13 SMASH on Wednesday 6:30-8:30 Jan. 17 Confirmation 2016 Retreat 11:15-6:00 Jan. 17 Teen Choir at 11:15 Mass Jan. 20 SMASH on Wednesday 6:30-8:30 Jan. 24 Teen Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00 Jan. 27 SMASH on Wednesday 6:30-8:00 Jan. 31 Teen Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00



10 PS 13 CFF 17 PS, Confirmation Retreat, attend 11:15 am Mass, retreat until 6 pm 20 CFF 24 PS 27 CFF 31 PS 3 CFF, 6:30 pm Confirmation Prep Class 7 PS 10 No CFF, Ash Wednesday 14 PS 17 CFF, 6:30 pm, First Eucharist Parent Meeting 20 8:30-11 am Blessing Cup Workshop—English 21 PS 24 CFF, Stations of the Cross with class 27 Hispanic Blessing Cup Workshop for: Last names A-L at 10 am; M-Z at 12 pm 28 PS 29 Parish Mission 1-2 Parish Mission 2 NO CFF, 6:30 pm Confirmation Prep Class 5 9 am First Eucharist Retreat

*CLW = Children’s Liturgy of the Word *CFF = Children’s Faith Formation *SHS = Sacred Heart School *PS = Preschool


Please come learn more about the Early Childhood options for your child. Preschool Information Night for parents only will be in the school multipurpose room on Thursday, January 21st at 6:30 pm. Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Information Night for parents only will be in the school multipurpose room on Tuesday January 26th at 6:30 pm. Please encourage your friends, families, and neighbors to come learn more about our programs.


GIFT—GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER LOOKING TO DO SOMETHING MORE IN 2016? Baptismal Prep Ministers: We are in need of Baptismal Preparation Ministers to work with couples to prepare them for the Sacrament of Baptism for their child. This is a great ministry that introduces you to young couples in our parish. The time commitment is about 6-10 hours a year and is flexible with your schedule. Training is offered by the Diocese. Marriage Prep Ministers: Work with engaged couples in our parish to prepare them for the Sacrament of Marriage. You will be fully trained and use the easy to follow Diocesan program. Then you will be matched up with a couple from our parish to begin with them their journey in marriage. This ministry is guaranteed to strengthen your own marriage as you grow with each couple. The time commitment is based on your own schedule and availability, usually one couple per year. Ministers of 1st Impression: Join this new ministry at Sacred Heart. Welcome new members to the parish and answer any questions they may have. This is a fun ministry that may include phone calls, quick church tours, or finding ways the new members can participate; whether in a bible study, the quilters group or inviting them to a pancake breakfast. We are looking for new, fun Ministers of 1st Impression. To get more information contact Loralee Chase [email protected] or 515-225-6414 ext 309


RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS BECOMING CATHOLIC…WHAT’S HAPPENING IN RCIA? This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. This feast recalls the beginning of Jesus’ public life with his baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, comes upon Jesus and a voice from heaven proclaims, “This is my beloved Son.” This is the manifestation (“Epiphany”) of Jesus as Messiah of Israel and Son of God. (CCC 535). This feast provides us with an opportunity to remember our own Baptism. When we were baptized, we were not only purified from all sins, but also made “a new creature,” an adopted son of God, who has become a “partaker of the divine nature,” member of Christ and coheir with him, and a temple of the Holy Spirit. We are given sanctifying grace, enabling us to believe in God, to hope in him, and to love him. We are given the power to live and act under the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and we receive grace which allows us to grow in goodness through the moral virtues. (CCC 1266) “On this Sunday we end our journey of revelation and the Christmas season. We have seen the Messiah. We know He came for all people. We are beginning to understand that, as members of His Body, we have a duty to carry on His work.” ( You are invited to join us as we explore the teachings of the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Contact Casey Conner at [email protected] or call 515-2256414 ext. 309 if interested.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY, January 16/17


4:00 PM Servers: Anya Koenigsfeld, Brandon Latting, Jamie Coggi Lectors: Mary Zug, Tom Robson, Glennis Amber 8:00 AM Servers: Jacob Bringle, Zachary Smith, Riley McElroy Lectors: Ann Michelson, Mike McColley, Bob Douglas 9:30 AM Servers: Elise Carver, Jake Olson, Reagan Hendricks Lectors: Bette Fetterman, Ed Kordick, Charlie Schumacher 11:15 AM Servers: Nick Bindel, Joe Simmons, Grace Kelly Lectors: Susan Pinneke, Lisa & Kaitlyn McClain


Jan 9

4:00 pm

Larry & Ruth Youngwirth


Jan 10

8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm

Members of Munoz Family John Eischeid Mass of Thanksgiving Sacred Heart Parishioners


Jan 11

8:00 am

Jean Lowder


Jan 12

8:00 am 10:00 am


Jan 13

8:00 am

Bud McLaughlin

Thurs. Jan 14

8:00 am

Special Intention


Jan 15

8:00 am

Leno Gallardo


Jan 16

4:00 pm

Prisca Rocha


Jan 17

8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm

Lupe Campero & Martha Salazar

Ramona Rocha Grace Isaacs (Fountain West)

John Eischeid Special Intention Sacred Heart Parishioners

Readings for the Week of January 10, 2016: Sunday:

Is 40:1-5, 9-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7 or Acts 10:34-38/ Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-19/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-19/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-7/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11



¨ ART AND ENVIRONMENT NEEDS HELP The Art & Environment Committee will be decorating our church for Winter Ordinary Time on Sunday, January 10 at 2 pm. We need a lot of help putting the Christmas trees and other decorations away. Thank you!


Pancake Sunday


We are VERY excited to welcome Mike Patin to lead three nights of Lenten reflection and rejuvenation. Mike uses energy, humor and stories to remind people of God’s presence among us while inviting others (and himself) to take the “next step” in our journey with God. Make plans to join us February 29, March 1 & 2, 7:00-8:30 pm each evening in the church with a light reception to follow in the parish center. All ages will enjoy, childcare will be available for young children.

¨ LIVING FAITH The January-February-March issue of Living Faith is available in the Gathering Space. A $1 donation is appreciated.

¨ MIDWEST MARCH FOR LIFE & MASS The annual Midwest March for Life is Jan. 16, sponsored by Iowa Right to Life. Mass is at 9:30 am at St. Ambrose Cathedral with the four bishops of Iowa. The march begins at 11 am on the west steps of the Capitol. At 12:30 pm there will be a luncheon featuring keynote speaker Melissa Ohden, founder of Abortion Survivors Network, begins.

¨ MARCH FOR LIFE BUS TRIP TO D.C. Iowans for LIFE is sponsoring the March for Life bus trip to Washington, D.C. for the national event. There may be a few seats left. For more information contact Maggie DeWitte, 515-255-4113.

REFLECTIONS FOR THE WEEK Step One: Listen to the Word As you hear the gospel, what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Step Two: Look into Your Life · Question for Children: What are some things you

can do to please God?



Question for Youth: "With you I am well pleased."

What are you doing right now that is pleasing to God? How does it feel to live that way? Question for Adults: Name a time when you felt your actions were pleasing to God.

NEWS Please join us for our first 2016 breakfast this weekend, Sunday, from 8:30 to 11 in the parish center. The beneficiary of the breakfast’s free will offering will be our local seminarians readying themselves for the priesthood. After several years being gone, BINGO is back. Led by SH School’s Home and School and joining forces with various parish ministries, including the knights, a chili supper/bingo night is scheduled for Saturday evening, January 23, 2016. The supper will begin shortly after the 4 p.m. Mass is completed.


January This weekend, Sunday: Pancake breakfast in the parish center January 18, Monday evening: Business meeting beginning at 6:30 in the parish center January 23, Saturday evening: Bingo and Chili supper

WOMEN’S GUILD Find the Women’s Guild page on the website under “organizations” Thanks to all who made the Bake Sale, the Advent dinner and our 1st Coffee and Donuts a success ! Coffee and Donuts – The Women’s Guild will host another coffee and donuts on February 14 after 8am and 9:30am masses in the parish center ! All are welcome - please join us ! Next Meeting: January 19. Sheree Clark from Fork In The Road will talk about Healthy Desserts. We will sample some of her recipes that night. Please consider bringing a canned food item to be donated to the Food Pantry.


wishes to thank The Women’s Guild of Sacred Heart for its kindness and generosity. The donations of baby items will be a big help as we assist the moms and families we serve. The volunteers of the Gabriel Project are also appreciative for your prayers, offered for us and the families.





Mary Tobin & Family Chris Thomas & Family

Ken Tobin & Jan Tobin Janice Schaufenbuel & Emmanuel Thomas Joan & Karle Carlson Eugene Coffman Eugene J. Shannahan

Tim Minton & Family

Gregg & Nancy Carlson Gregg & Nancy Carlson Ruth, Joe & Beth Shannahan Luis, Francisca, Laura, Eddie & Joe Murillo Ida Mae Skultety Jamie & Angela Lawler Jamie & Angela Lawler Tim & Sue Bata Mary Anne & Mark Conway Jane Bejarno & Family Jim & Maureen Dempsey Family Mary Ann Hilderbrand Pat Celsi Mary Negrete & Family Barb Baker Patrick & Anne Baumhover Jim & Christie Burch Tom & Pat Halsch John Ortner Harry & Betty Doerfler Patrick Engelmann Maxine Smith Steve & Florence Burch Steve & Florence Burch Steve & Florence Burch Mark & Jacqui Essy Bill & Sheila Curoe Barbara Sherbo Mary Gallardo Craig & Becky Pepper Bob & Trish McElderry Jerry & Theresa Sonntag Jerry & Theresa Sonntag Patrick & Betty Sullivan Patrick & Betty Sullivan Marjory Bray Bob & Barbara Crosby John Cavanaugh & Family Pat & Tom Robson George A. Johnson Tom & Cherri Hansen Jim Sterba Delores Littlejohn & Family

Louis J. Murillo Pat, Ruth, & Mike Lawler Erik Nielsen Edward Cain & Lee Bata Casey & Theresa Sturek Phillip J Bejarno Richard, & Mary Dempsey, Joseph Guthrie Hilderbrand Family Chuck Celsi Albert Negrete Terry Baker Harriet Voit Gaudencio Fabregas & Salud Fabrigas Joe & Helen Halsch Jane Ortner Pzinski & Doerfler Famlies Borgelt, Engelmann & Hammann Families Bob Smith Bill & Jo Norkaitis Max & Jeanette Burch Matthew Coniglio Bell & Essy Families Deceased Family Members George Sherbo John Gallardo Bob & Rozella Bushlow Caleb Hargis & Rose McElderry Betty Fix Members of the Ohlinger, Arkfeld, & Sonntag Families Bentall & McManus Families Sullivan & McLaughlin Families Gene Bray Kyle Ernst Helen Cavanaugh Dick & Kappy Bedient Spain & Johnson Families Hansen & Langfitt Families Deceased Members of the Sterba Family Dean Littlejohn


John & Mildred Minton, Virgil & Dorothy Tacke John & Carolyn Dorrian Special Intentions for Dorrian Family Robert & Sheila Stander Stander & DeLaere Families The Tarpey Family Joe Kuhns Dorothy & Ed Pisarski Gertrude Pisarski Henry Graziano Cathy Graziano Terry & Sharon Swim Swim & Sonnek Families Jim & John J. Halsey Lusia Halsey & T.J. Szwarc Jim & John J. Halsey Tim and John L. Halsey Jim Halsey Tony Dolski Jim Halsey Robert McCauley Mary Youngwirth & Dave Shinkle Lawrence, Ruth & Larry Lee Youngwirth Mary Youngwirth & Dave Shinkle Anna Shinkle Harry L. Weis Joanne Weis Maureen Pingel Robert Pingel Cleo Scheidel John Scheidel Maxine Cronin Red Cronin Felipe Correa Special Intentions Marlene Santangelo Deceased Members of Hybiak & Santangelo Families Ron & Birdie Dolan Wilbur & Katie Dolan, Buzz & Doris Groesbeck Gerald & Mary Kramer Gallardo Family Theresa Sheerin Deceased Members of the Sheerin & Sinnwell Families John & Rita Luther Carlos A Melendez & Dorotha A. Luther Dick & Linda Blaze Deceased Family Members Francisco & Ramona Gomez Meza Family Mary & Roy Overton Mitchell & Overton Families Audrey Morman Leo Morman Ed & Teresa Kordick Kordick & Breheny Families Gerald & Mary Kramer Ervin & Bernice Kramer



¨ HOST FAMLILES NEEDED Host families are needed for approximately 15 to 19 college age kids who are going to visit the Agape Pregnancy Center on 2550 Martin Luther King Parkway in Des Moines, Iowa and then stay over-night in the Des Moines or West Des Moines area, January 20-21st. They will need transportation to the airport while leaving their own vehicles at the homes of host families. The host families will then retrieve the college kids at later date from the airport to pick up cars. They will be traveling to the March for Life in Washington D.C. For further details, please @ [email protected].




¨ YEAR OF MERCY Check out the diocesan website for information on the Jubilee of Mercy. A link is in the lower right hand corner of the homepage.


“Train-the-trainer” sessions will be held by the diocese in early January to prepare for the Catholics Come Home outreach beginning this Lent. Parish representatives will be sought out to participate in this effort. Desired outcomes for the parish participants will include: · Gaining a deeper appreciation and understanding of Catholic evangelization · Understand who you are as an inviting and welcoming parish · Take the training provided and hold sessions in your parish within one or two weeks with volunteers (week of January 18 or 25) It is our hope that each parish will begin today to discern one or two people from your parish who will be the key people to be the hospitality trainers, who then will bring the information and resources back to the parish. For more information or assistance please contact John Gaffney, 515-237-5026, or see the GIFT column on page 5 of this publication.

¨ EMMAUS CONFIRMATION RETREAT A one-day retreat January 24 for confirmation candidates will be at St. Francis of Assisi Parish. Registration is due by January 10. Visit for more information and online registration. Registration instructions and forms are also available for group leaders.





Por favor visite la página de Facebook en Español. Diócesis de Des Moines y dennos un "like" (me gusta)


La venta de garaje del Obispo Drumm se celebra todos los jueves de 9: 30-1: 30 en los garajes del campus Bishop Drumm en Johnston, en 5837 Winwood Drive. Por favor apoye esta causa con la compras, venta o mediante la donación de artículos para el hogar. Se aceptan donaciones cada jueves por la mañana en el sitio. Todos los ingresos van al Centro de Atencion del Obispo Drumm para mejorar las instalaciones para sus residentes. Persona de contacto: Sue Jansen: 2791843.


Yo te he llamado por tu nombre, tú eres mío (Isaías 43: 1) ¿Por que Dios te llama? Considere la posibilidad de búsqueda de tu propósito de vida a través del programa JustFaith; un rico viaje espiritual basado en la doctrina social católica y se centra en la conexión de la compasión con las necesidades del mundo. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Susie Tierney en el Centro de Pastoral Social, [email protected] o 515-782-3054.




Nuestro propósito es ayudar a las personas necesitadas de forma confidencial a través de diversas obras y servicios de caridad. Servimos a nuestros clientes, ofreciendo canastas de alimentos en Acción de Gracias, y alimentos y canastas de regalo en Navidad a más de 25 familias que de otra manera no hubieran tenido una comida festiva. Proporcionamos ayuda de matrícula a los estudiantes del Sagrado Corazón. Ayudamos a las familias con servicios públicos y asistencia alquiler. Organizamos una fiesta mensual bingo en Fontana Oeste. Semanalmente entregamos pan al Alojamiento Familiar de Emergencia de San José, la Casa del Trabajador Católico y la Misión de Bethel. Alimentamos al hambriento, proporcionando comida en CafeConnectioncada mes. Recopilamos muebles y ropa donaciones para la tienda de San Vicente de Paúl. Estamos agradecidos por el generoso apoyo de nuestros feligreses que nos permitirá continuar esta misión. Damos la bienvenida a los nuevos miembros. Si usted está interesado en formar parte de la Conferencia Vicente de Paúl del Sagrado Corazón, por favor visite el sitio web de la parroquia y en "Organizaciones" haga clic en "St. Vicente de Paul ". Hay un enlace en la columna de la izquierda para ser miembro. O puede enviar un correo electrónico expresando su interés para Rita Dette en [email protected].

Domingo de Panqueques NOTICIAS Por favor acompáñennos a nuestro primer desayuno dominguero con panqueques del año 2016 desde las 8:30 am a las 11 de la mañana en el Salón Parroquial. Los beneficiados de los fondos recaudados serán nuestros seminaristas locales que están estudiando para el sacerdocio. Después de muchos años, regreso la noche de BINGO. Organizado por la Asociación de Padres de Familia de la Escuela del Sagrado Corazón y varios ministerios de la Parroquia incluyendo los Caballeros de Colón, tendremos una noche de Bingo y serviremos sopa picante de frijoles (chili soup) el Sábado 23 de Enero del 2016 después de la misa de las 4:00 pm.


Enero Este fin de semana el Domingo: Desayuno con Panqueques en el Salón Parroquial. Lunes 18 de Enero: Reunión en la que se discutirá asuntos de negocios a las 6:30 pm en el Salón Parroquial. Sábado 23 de Enero: Noche de Bingo con cena de frijoles picantes (chili soup)


Nuestra Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón ofrece adoración al Santísimo Sacramento el Primer Martes de cada Mes. El Santísimo es expuesto después de la misa de las 8:00 am de la mañana a las 7:00 pm de la tarde. Las siguientes fechas son: Martes 1ro de Diciembre En el Año 2016 Martes 5 de Enero Martes 2 de Febrero Martes 16 de Febrero (Cuaresma) Martes 23 de Febrero (Cuaresma) Martes 8 de Marzo (Cuaresma) Martes 15 de Marzo (Cuaresma) Acompañen a Jesús! Todos están bienvenidos a visitar al Santísimo entre las 8 am y las 7 pm de la tarde. Por favor usar las puertas localizadas en las entradas Norte (entradas que da al parqueo de la nuestra Escuela). Si en caso tenemos un funeral en la Iglesia, la visita al Santísimo será suspendida durante el funeral y continuará después del funeral. Para más información por favor visitar nuestra página de web de Sacred Heart el tema “worship”.


BIENVENIDOS Bienvenidos a todos nuestros visitantes, los recién llegados y feligreses !! Si usted es nuevo en nuestra Parroquia y desea ser miembro de la Iglesia Católica Sagrado Corazón, por favor pase por la oficina parroquial o llame al 515-2256414 para facilitarle el Registro de Nuevo Miembro. Tenemos programas y actividades disponibles para todas las edades. Ofrecemos el programa RICA para quienes deseen convertirse en Católicos. La lista con los nombres de los miembros del personal pastoral, miembros del Comité y presidentes de los ministerios y sus números de telefóno se encuentran bajo esta sección. HORARIOS DE MISA EN FIN DE SEMANA Sábado…………………………………………………………...……………….4:00 pm Domingo 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 am; 1:00 pm Misa en Español Misa Diaria……...………………………......Lunes a Viernes 8:00 am SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN Sábado…………………………………..…………………..2:30 pm to 3:30 pm NÚMEROS TELEFÓNICOS Teléfono de la Parroquial: 225-6414 Fax: 225-0286 Formación en la Fé para niños…………………….…….…….225-6414 Ministerio de Jóvenes…………………………………….…..…. 225-0546 SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Miembros registrados y participantes de la Parroquia dében contactar a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse en las clases obligatorias para Padres y padrinos. A los padres se les pide comunicar su solicitud antes del nacimiento de sus hijos. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO Miembros registrados y participantes de la Parroquia, se les pide contactar a la oficina parroquial con seis meses, o mas de anticipación de la fecha prevista para el matrimonio. Clases de preparación matrimonial son requeridas. RECIEN LLEGADOS Nuevos parroquianos por favor registrarse por teléfono o en la oficina parroquial entre las 8:00 am y 3:30 pm . Para cambios de domicilio, o si dejan la parroquia por favor comunicar a la oficina paqrroquial al teléfono 515-225-6414 COMITES Y PRESIDENTES DE MINISTERIOS Si Ud. Esta interesado en pertenecer a algunos de los Ministerios de la parroquia, favor comunicarse: 515-2256414, extension 313.

El libro de los números nos dice "El Señor te bendiga y te proteja, ilumine su rostro sobre ti y te conceda su favor…” (Números 6, 22:27). Al comienzo del nuevo año, los cristianos invocamos la misericordia de Dios a través de la intercesión de María Madre de Dios. Que Dios nos “conceda su favor” significa que él altísimo a morado sobre nosotros, él nos ha iluminado con la gracia de su Espíritu convirtiéndonos en hijos adoptivos. Mis queridos hermanos hemos iniciado un nuevo año. Un año que nos promete bendiciones de parte de Dios. Comenzamos el año 2016 bajo el amparo de Santa María Madre Dios. María la que siempre está a los pies de la cruz intercediendo por nosotros pecadores. La mujer que nos envuelve en sus brazos maternales y nos protege de las intrigas del maligno. Iniciamos con pie derecho porque María al decir Si a Dios no solo responde a su llamado personal; sino también responde al llamado que todos nosotros le damos a Dios día con día. María al decir “He aquí la esclava del señor hágase en mi según palabra” nos enseñan a decir si día con día a los retos de nuestra vida. Al comienzo de un nuevo año la iglesia se regocija con la presencia maternal de María. Bendita seas María Santísima por haber concebido a Jesús nuestro salvador en tu vientre materno. Bendita seas porque a través de tu “Si”nosotros también podemos decir si a Dios. Te pedimos niño Jesús que derrames por la intercesión de tu Madre, sobre nosotros tu bendición día con día. Permítenos señor poder consagrarnos a ti; muéstranos el rostro de tu Hijo Jesús, que derrama sobre todo el mundo entero misericordia y paz.



[email protected] 225-6414, ext. 313


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