St. Monica Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston 8421 West Montgomery Rd., Houston, TX 77088-7116 Fr. John Ayang, S.O.L.T., Pastor Fr. Lauro Bejo, S.O.L.T., Parochial Vicar Dcn. John Lane, Pastoral Assistant Dcn. Oscar Foster Scripture Readings Monday 1 Samuel 15: 16-23 Mark 2: 18-22
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2016 Parish Life and Organization Parish Numbers
Tuesday 1 Samuel 16: 1-13 Mark 2: 23-28
Office—281-447-5837 Fax-281-447-8410 Rectory—281-447-7671 Hall—281-448-2082
C.C.E.—281-445-0334 Wednesday 1 Samuel 17: 32-33, 37, Email —
[email protected] 40-51 Website — Mark 3: 1-6 St. Vincent De Paul—281-447-3212
Choir Rehearsals Thursday 1 Samuel 18: 6-9, 19: 1-7 Youth Choir - Wednesday 7:00 p.m. M ark 3: 7-12 Voices of Praise - Tues. 7:00 p.m.
Friday 1 Samuel 24: 3-21 Mark 3: 13-19
Gospel Choir - Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Friday - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Saturday Adult Faith Formation—Wed. 7:00 p.m. 2 Samuel 1: 1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27 Prayer & Sacramental Life Mark 3: 20-21 Confessions: Saturday, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. or by appointment. Confesiones: Sábados, de 4:30-5:30 o por cita. Sunday Nehemiah 8: 2-4, Marriages: Minimum 6 months preparation required. Contact Fr. John or Deacon 5-6, 8-10 Lane before setting a wedding date. 1 Corinthians 12: 12-30 Matrimonios: Preparación mínima requerida de 6 meses . Pongase en contacto con el padre Lauro antes de fijar una fecha para la boda. Luke 1: 1-4, 4: 14-21 Baptisms: To register your child, please call the church office. All registration must be submitted to the church office 1 week prior to the class date. Bautismos: Para inscribir a su hijo, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia. ToSat. Vigil - 6:00 p.m. dos los registros deben presentarse a la Oficina de la Iglesia 1 semana antes de Sun. - 8:00 & 11:00 a.m.; la fecha de la clase.
Mass Schedule:
1:30 p.m... (Spanish) Mon.—6 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Fri.—9:00 a.m. Sat.—8:00 a.m.
Mission Statement We, the people of St. Monica Catholic Church, recognize ourselves as a community of God’s children called to holiness through Baptism and the Eucharist, to share the love of Christ through the message of the Gospel. Our mission is to pray and worship, teach and share Christ’s saving message as we evangelize, build up, and nurture communities of faith; serving in Christ’s name as we journey with each other to the fullness of eternal life.
Please remember to pray for the sick & shut-in! Elmore Breaux, Mary Helen Martinez, Hisae Casey, Charlene Miles, Fr. Jim Flanagan, Andra Harrison, Betty Horton, John Amos, Jack Walesek, Beverly Brewer, Alma Siner, Michael Joseph, Lydia Kale, Kenneth Moreaux, Katrina Songs, Serena Gann, Wilfred Broussard, Della Green.
Fr. Joe Hadgkiss, Melvin Nowlin, Rudy Herrera, Jan Hurd, Brandi Irving, ShebraDean Jones, Dorothy LeBlanc, Onezine LeBlanc, Deborah Heaggs, Mary Jane Willard, Pauline Newman, Mary Jane Thomas, Daisy Joubert Pitre, Pearl Syon, Emory & Lorena Robertson, Sis V. & Kevin.
Herbert McCullum, Barbara Tatum, Joseph Malbreaux, Madell Malonson, Robert Malonson, Sr., Mary Samuels, Cindy Gonzalez, Lillie Gobert, Veda Rhodes, Marshella Bradford, Scott Finkle, Carl Johnson, Carolyn Ozane, Mason Galdanez, Lauranna Ware.
Leo Zerangue, Jesse Thomas, Irvin Boudreaux, Sr., Juanita Stephens, Anita Mukolu, Ethel Moss, Elvia Coronado, Cynthia Hernandez, Stella & Phillip Chambers, Margaret Edwards, Maxine Taylor-McDonald, Arlene Steptoe, Joel Rodriguez. Shut-In: Rose Andrews, Gwen Harper, Rosalinda Sanchez.
If you would like to add or remove someone from the prayer list, please call the church office at 281-447-5837. Next Week Ministers of the Mass (January 23rd & January 24th) Ministros para la Misa de la proxima semana Altar Servers 6:00 p.m. Anietie Akpan & Jaydon Andrus 8:00 a.m. Alijah Ralph & Alec Ralph 11:00 a.m. Malik Robinson & Faraji Robinson 1:30 p.m. Joselyn Ramirez, Naomi Rodriguez, Dimitry Rodriguez, Alexia Ruiz Lectors 6:00 p.m. Harry Hill & Josephine Ned 8:00 a.m. Leona Lane & Freddie Buckner 11:00 a.m. Julie Guillory & Tiffany Charles 1:30 p.m. TBD Money Counters 6:00 p.m. Team 1 11:00 a.m. Team 1
8:00 a.m. Team 1 1:30 p.m. Team 1
Extraordinary Ministers 6:00 p.m. Wayne Jones, Jennifer Sims, Harry Hill, Alvin Broussard 8:00 a.m. Dwight LeBlanc, Michael & Gwen Berry, Mary E. Williams, Joyce Montgomery 11:00 a.m. David Batiste, Ursula Johnson, Lillie Gobert, James Rosemond, Larry Montgomery, Jr. 1:30 p.m. TBD
Mass Intentions / Intenciones de misa
01/16//16 6:00 p.m. + Betty Soileau Requested by KPC#151
+ Marguerite Walker Requested by Timothy Walker Sunday
01/17/16 8:00 a.m. + Marguerite Walker Requested by Timothy Walker + James Landry Requested by Mary Landry
01/17/16 11:00 a.m. + Betty Soileau Requested by KPC#151
Sunday 01/17/16 1:30 p.m. For the People of the Parish
Hospitality Ministries 6:00 p.m. Terry & Debra Soileau 8:00 a.m. Lloyd Baker 11:00 a.m. Donna Anumudu & Theresa Augustin 1:30 p.m. TBD
Food for Thought Considering the certainty of death can provide a dynamic approach to life.
Announcements Eucharistic Adoration Our weekly Eucharistic Adoration is on Wednesday and Friday mornings after the weekday Masses.
Bible Study Bible study is designed to help the participant become intimately familiar with the word of God so that every aspect of daily living is influenced by the knowledge gained by the sincere study of Holy Scripture. Bible Study is every Wednesday @ 7 p.m. We are currently exploring the book of Numbers. All are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
2015 Tax Statements The 2015 tax statements will be ready for pick up this weekend, January 16th and 17th after each Mass. In an effort to cut costs on postage, we are asking each member and regular visitors to stop by the table in the vestibule of the church to pick up your statement. Even though you may not file your taxes, a contribution letter has been prepared for you and must be mailed if not picked up. Thank you for your cooperation.
Month of January 2016 Special Collections January 17, 2016—Commitment Sunday (Bazaar) (2nd Collection) January 24, 2016—Bishops’ Fund for Latin America (2nd Collection) St. Monica Samaritan Ministry Obituary / Obituario de St Monica Ministerio Samaritano Let us continue to pray for the Joseph family at the loss of our beloved, John Joseph and all the deceased members of our parish and their families. Sigamos orando por la familia Joseph en la pérdida de nuestro querido, John Joseph y todos los miembros difuntos de nuestra parroquia y sus familias.
“Keeping the Promise Alive” “The Keeping the Promise Alive”, VIRTUS workshop that was scheduled for Saturday, January 23rd has been cancelled until further notice. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Bazaar 2016 Committee The 2016 Bazaar plans have begun!!! Bigger and better things are expected this year. If you have ideas, suggestions, concerns and want to see them come to fruition, please attend our Bazaar meeting this Thursday, January 21 st, 2016 @ 6:00PM in the hall.
Sick and Homebound Parishioners, if you know of anyone sick at home or in the hospital, contact Fr. John or Fr. Lauro. Please leave the person’s name, phone number, home address or name of hospital. Enfermo y en casa Parroquianos si usted sabe de alguien enfermo en casa o en el hospital, comuníquese con el Padre John o Padre Lauro. Por favor deje su nombre, número de teléfono, dirección de la casa de la persona o el nombre del hospital.
Announcements The Knights of St. Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary Cn. & Ct. #151 The Knights and Ladies will host a “Mardi Gras Party” Friday Night Social, Friday, January 22nd from 7PM—11PM in our church hall. There will be line dance instructions, domino/spades tournament . Of course food , drinks and lots of fun. Please support our King & Queen Contestants, Knight Reginald Johnson, Jr. & Lady Brandy Porter. FREE ADMISSION!
MLK Mass 2016– Please join Daniel Cardinal DiNardo and the family of our Archdiocese as we celebrate the 31st annual observance of the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The MLK Mass of Remembrance will be held this Sunday, January 17, 2016 at the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway (Downtown) Houston, TX 77002 at 3:00 p.m. ▪ Reception immediately following ▪ For further information, please call 713-6528203 or
[email protected]
Church Directory’s Church Directory’s will be distributed this weekend to all parishioners who were photographed. For any parishioner who did not have an opportunity to take a photo and would like a book, you may purchase one at a cost of $10.00 after all books have been distributed. Please see Bruce or Connie Steward for questions. Stewardship Reflection. “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” (1 Corinthians 12:7)
Reflexion de Mayordomia " cada uno le es dada la manifestación del Espíritu para A provecho” (I Corintios 12:7)
St. Paul tells us that God has blessed each of us for a reason. How has God blessed you? Are you using your gifts according to God’s plan; helping to do His work here on earth? Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned for you, no one else can do it.
San Pablo nos dice que Dios nos bendice a cada uno de nosotros por una razón. ¿Cómo te ha bendecido Dios? ¿Estas utilizando tus dones según el plan de Dios, ayudándolo a hacer Su obra aquí en la tierra? Recuerda que si no haces el trabajo que Dios ha planificado para ti, nadie más podrá hacerlo.
Bulletin, Live/Microphone Announcements Deadline - Mon. 12 p.m. In writing, email to Kimberly @ (
[email protected]) or by fax (281-447-8410). No announcements will be taken over the phone. Live announcements will need prior approval by Fr. John by the deadline. No exceptions!
Anuncios en el Boletín/ Anuncios por micrófono Fecha límite - lunes 12 p.m. Por escrito, correo electrónico a Kimberly @ (
[email protected]) o por fax (281-447-8410). No se tomaran anuncios por teléfono. Anuncios en vivo necesitarán la aprobación previa por el P. Juan. No hay excepciones!
Please do not eat candy or chew gum during Mass. Please do not stick gum under the pews. DON’T TRASH GOD’S HOUSE
Office Hours Horas de oficina Monday - Friday Lunes - Viernes 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.
Por favor, no comer dulces o masticar chicle durante la misa. Por favor, no peguen chicles bajo las bancas. NO ENSUCIEN LA CASA DE DIOS
From the Pastoral Patterns: Epiphany celebrates Jesus’ manifestation to the Gentiles; the feast of his baptism marks his manifestation to Israel. Cana’s wedding feast fulfills Isaiah’s vision of God’s once forsaken people now espoused, and celebrates Jesus “reveal [ing] his glory” to the more intimate circle of disciples, who “began to believe in him” (John 2:11). Therefore, Jesus’ sign (John’s term for miracle), far from simply saving an anonymous couple embarrassment, begins God’s saving marriage with humanity in Jesus’ person and ministry. This marriage was consummated on the cross: “Consummatum est. It is accomplished.” From the cross, Jesus calls Mary “Woman,” the New Eve, mother of all who are redeemed by Jesus’ passion. At Cana too, Jesus calls Mary “Woman,” and as mother, Mary intercedes with Jesus on the couple’s behalf. “Mother Church” to intercedes at every Eucharist, not for Jesus to transform water into wine, but bread and wine into Jesus’ Body and Blood. Each Eucharist thus provides us, not by the prophets, but “the good wine kept until now,” these days between Jesus’ first coming and glorious return, when God’s marriage with humanity will be truly fulfilled in “the supper of the lamb.” After interceding with Jesus, Mary, traditionally invoked as “Mother of Mercy.” instructs Cana’s servants, “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5). So “Mother Church,” especially during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, instructs us to use the Spirit’s manifold gifts in generous service of the human family, whose wine- “life more abundantly” -so often seems to have run out.
Palabras Pastorales: La Epifanía celebra la manifestación de Jesús a los Gentiles; la fiesta de su bautismo marca la manifestación para Israel. La fiesta de la boda de Caná cumple con la vision de Isaias de la gente una vez abandonada por Dios, ahora celebra con Jesús, revelando él su Gloria a sus discípulos más íntimos, quienes comenzaron a creer en él. (Juan 2:11) Por lo tanto, la señal de Jesús, (en término de Juan para milagro) lejos de salvar la vergüenza de una pareja anónima, Dios comienza salvando un matrimonio con la humanidad de Jesús en persona y ministerio. Éste matrimonio fue consumado en la cruz: "Consumado. Es llevado a cabo" Desde la cruz, Jesús llama a María "Mujer" la nueva Eva, madre de todos los que son redimidos por la pasión de Jesús. En Caná también, Jesús llama a María "Mujer" y como madre, María intercede ante Jesús por la pareja. "La madre Iglesia" también intercede en cada Eucaristía, no para que Jesús transforme el agua en vino, sino el pan y el vino en cuerpo y sangre de Jesús. Cada Eucaristía nos brinda, no con el "vino amargo" de la ira de Dios o "el vino malo" de la infidelidad condenada por los profetas, sino con "el vino bueno guardado hasta ahora", estos días entre la primera venida de Jesús y el glorioso regreso, cuando el matrimonio de Dios con la humanidad sea cumplido en "la cena del Cordero." Después de interceder ante Jesús, María, tradicionalmente invocada como "Madre de Misericordia" da instrucciónes a los sirvientes de Caná, "Hagan lo que él les diga" (Juan 2:5) Así, "La Madre Iglesia" especialmente durante éste año Juilar de Misericordia, nos instruye para usar los diversos dones del espíritu en el servicio generoso de la familia humana, cuyo vino--"vida más abundante"-- a menudo se ha agotado.
Heart of the Nation—My Sunday Mass Sunday and Christmas TV mass for the homebound—Is someone you love unable to join us at church during this holy time of Advent and Christmas. For the faithful at home or in healthcare settings, the Heart of the Nation TV Mass brings spiritual comfort and the blessings of joyful hope in the coming of our newborn Savior. Sunday and Christmas TV Mass is on the KUBE channel 57 @ 10:30am. Mass is also online at http://www.heartof
Anuncios Adoracion Eucaristica
Nuestra adoración Eucarística semanal es miércoles y viernes por la mañana después de la Misa .
Intenciones de las Misas Hay gracias especiales implicados cuando se ofrece el sacrificio de la Misa. La bendición no es sólo para la persona que ofrece la intención de la Misa, sino también para la persona que ofrece la Misa. Una intención de Misa puede ser ofrecido por muchas razones, no sólo en memoria de un ser querido fallecido. Puede ser por cualquier persona, para la curación, en acción de gracias, en la celebración de un evento especial o cualquier razón que usted puede tener para ofrecer una misa. Animamos a todos a disfrutar de este hermoso don espiritual que tenemos en la iglesia. Aunque sabemos que a veces las cosas suceden de forma inesperada, es una buena práctica el hacer peticiones de intención de misas con anticipación, lo que le recomendamos encarecidamente; Sin embargo, las solicitudes de intención de misa para un próximo fin de semana se deben hacer el lunes anterior al fin de semana; es necesaria la solicitud de misas con anticipación. sobres de INTENCIONES DE MISA se pueden obtener fuera de la oficina de la secretaria o usted puede solicitar un formulario de intención de misa de la oficina de la parroquia para aquellas personas que desean programar varias intenciones con anticipo. Todas las peticiones deberán ser pedidas por escrito. Gracias por su cooperación.
Si le gustara añadir o quitar a alguien de la lista del rezo, por favor llame la oficina de la iglesia al 281-447-5837. Coléctas especiales para el mes de Enero 2016 Enero 17, 2016 - Domingo de Compromiso (Bazar) (Segunda colecta) Enero 24, 2016 - Obispos, fondo para América Latina (Segunda colecta) Queridos Feligreses Les recordamos que por favor cuando usted llene el formulario de "Nuevo Miembro" de la Parroquia, se asegure de anotar bien su dirección y su número de teléfono. Algunos formularios son dejados sin esa información y no los podemos registrar en el Sistema de la Parroquia.
A HEALTHY MARRIAGE blesses couples and everyone around them. Your family deserves your love and happiness! Renew your Passion for each other and God in a romantic setting . The next scheduled weekend is February 12 – 14, 2016. Find out more or sign up at: or call (713) 482-1791. Lenten Fish Fry The Lenten season is quickly approaching. With that in mind, we need to organize the Fish-Fry as soon as possible. All organizations are expected to participate in this church fundraiser. Please choose a date for your organization and call Lillie Gobert at 832-297-0597 to schedule your date. Thank you in advance. Society of St. Vincent de Paul In the gospel today, at the wedding feast in Cana, Jesus reveals himself to his disciples and they began to believe in him. Everyday, God also gives us signs of his love and so we also can respond in faith and trust. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul becomes a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them reason to believe and to trust.
Sociedad de S`an Vincente de Paul En el Evangelio de hoy, en la fiesta de la boda de Caná, Jesús se revela ante sus discípulos y ellos comienzan a creer en él. Cada día, Jesús también nos muestra signos de su amor, y por tanto, tenemos también que responder con fe y confianza. Su donación a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl se vuelve una muestra del amor de Dios para aquellos que están sufriendo y usted les da un motivo para creer y confiar.
Sunday Spiritual Thoughts: We are now in the Ordinary Time of our liturgical celebration. However, the readings are all meant for us to reflect deeper as of the Advent and birth of Jesus. We hear in the Gospel the wedding at Cana. The wedding is a happy banquet. God calls himself the bridegroom of Israel to underline God’s tender love to his people, as the first reading tells us. Jesus is the bridegroom; He brings about joy and peace to all people who espouse God in their relationship. Jesus is the bridegroom of which he asks his people that no one should fast while the bridegroom is around. Jesus is able to provide sweet wine or fine wine more than the ordinary bridegroom to symbolize quality of life and relationship that Jesus can bring about to all people who make God as the foundation of the relationship. By Jesus’ espousing of his people that makes everyone’s relationship to fruitfulness, He transforms us and quenches our thirst for God; He gives himself to us through the Eucharist, as the bridegroom gives himself to his bride. We must therefore celebrate Christ’s self offering in the Eucharist with faith and gratitude. As our gratitude to God, Saint Paul counsels us to use our charisms or talents to serve our brothers and sisters better. When our talents or charisms are used to better serve our brothers and sisters, then the communities shall be filled with peace, cheerfulness and love.
Fr. Lauro Bejo, S.O.L.T, Parochial Vicar Pensamientos Espirituales del Domingo: Ahora estamos en el tiempo ordinario de la celebración litúrgica. sin embargo, las lecturas son destinadas para reflexionar más a fondo el Adviento y nacimiento de Jesús. Escuchamos en el Evangelio la boda de Caná. La boda es un feliz banquete. Dios se llama a sí mismo el novio de israel para subrayar el amor tierno de Dios a su pueblo, como nos dice la primera lectura. Jesús es el novio; Él trae paz y alegría a toda persona que se compromete en relación con Dios. Jesús es el novio que le pide a su pueblo que nadie debe ayunar mientras el novio está alrededor. Jesús está dispuesto a proveer vino dulce o vino fino más que un novio ordinario para simbolizar la calidad de vida y la relación que Jesús puede traer a toda la gente que hace que Dios sea la base de su relación. Al abrazar Jesús a su pueblo, hace que tengamos una relación de fecundidad, que nos transforma y sacia nuestra sed de Dios; Él se nos da por medio de la Eucaristía, como el novio se entrega a su novia. Debemos por lo tanto, celebrar la oferta de Cristo en la Eucaristía con fe y gratitud. Como agradecimiento a Dios, San Pablo nos aconseja para que utilicemos nuestro carisma o talento para servir mejor a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Cuando nuestro talento y carisma sean usados para servir mejor a nuestros hermanos y hermanas, luego nuestras comunidades serán llenas de paz, alegría y amor. Padre Lauro Bejo, S.O.L.T, Vicario Parroquial St. Monica Ushers There will be an usher meeting Sunday, January 24th after the 8:00AM Mass. Thanks in advance for your attendance. For additional information, please contact Mr. Clarence Deville.
Week ending: Jan. 9, 2016 Collections Commitment Sunday North TX Tornado Victims
Expenses paid to Archdiocese ending Jan. 9th 2015 $8235.18 $40.00 $613.48 $8,888.66
2014 $18,019.88 $70.00 $ $18,089.88
DS&L Loan Payment Continued Education
2015 $5,220.27 $ $5,220.27
2014 $ $100.00 $100.00
Don’t be a Victim Twice You can have an affordable cost on Life Insurance and Protect your entire family. Call Blanca 832-916-8129
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St. Monica Religious Store is Open Weekends After All Masses’ 6pm Mass 8am Mass 11am Mass 1:30pm Mass
THE HOUSE OF THE LORD Be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent, for this is the House of the Lord. BEFORE Mass, speak to the Lord DURING Mass, let the Lord speak to you AFTER Mass, speak to each other.
Things to Remember: Please link your Randall’s Remarkable Card to 3614 Please use your Kroger Share Card. Please support our Recycling Program. Please bring non-perishable food items for our Food Pantry. Please check out the literature rack in the vestibule. There is some useful resources that you might benefit from.