St. William Catholic Church Chapel of the Holy Cross First Sunday of Advent November 27, 2011

St. William Catholic Church Chapel of the Holy Cross First Sunday of Advent November 27, 2011 PARISH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor/Padre Fr. Tim

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Story Transcript

St. William Catholic Church Chapel of the Holy Cross First Sunday of Advent November 27, 2011

PARISH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor/Padre Fr. Tim Pfander, [email protected] 256-582-4245 x103 Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano Fr. Manuel Ruiz-Diaz, [email protected] 256-572-3796

Sacraments Confession/Confesión Saturday/sábado—St. William 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm or by appointment/o por cita Wednesday—Chapel miércoles Capilla de la Santa Cruz 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm/o por cita Weddings/Bodas Couples must contact one of the parish priests at least 6 months prior to setting a wedding date at the parish.

Deacon/Diácono Rev. Mr. Edwin Santos 256-878-9973 256-738-6153

Por favor hablar con Padre Manuel lo mas pronto posible.

Parish School of Religion Director/Directora de Escuela Cecilia Hall, [email protected] 256-582-4245x104 Financial Assistant/Bulletin Editor Laura Hodge, [email protected] 256-582-4245 ext. 102 Secretary Kristen Skaziak, [email protected] 256-582-4245 ext. 101 DRE Assistant Debra Klan, [email protected] 256-582-4245 ext. 104 New Life Center Director/Directora del Centro de la Vida Maria Lopez 256-891-0550/256-279-0189 Church Clubs and Organization Contact Information Music coordinator/Coordinador de Música Kevin McGarrahan 256-586-6784 St. Vincent de Paul Betsy Traynor ***for Assistance ***por Asistencia

256-582-6688 256-582-4245x118 256-582-4245x119

RENEW Mary Fritts


Ladies Sodality Kristen Skaziak


Knights of Columbus Jack Hahn


Cursillo Denis Liederbach


Respect Life Coordinator Gisela Dyer


Young at Heart Helen Befort



MONDAY 12:00 pm

Baptisms/Bautismo Please contact Fr. Tim for schedules and preparation information. Por favor hablar con Padre Manuel para las practicas. Los Padres del Nino y los padrinos tienen que asistir. Quinceañera Participants must have received Confirmation or have been prepared for Confirmation. Contact the Pastor 3 months prior to the event. Las Participantes deben haber recibido Confirmación o estar preparado para recibir Confirmación. Contactar con el párroco 3 mes antes de esto evento.

Parish School of Religion/Escuela de Religion Pre-K through 8th Grade Children age 4 through 15. Catholic Youth Formation meets on Sunday in Mary’s House from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule. Senior Youth Catechism Continuing education for all high school age kids who have been fully confirmed with the church. Please see the calendar for the full schedule. Adult Formation/RCIA Interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Classes meet on Tuesday at 7:00 pm in Craven Hall. Please see the calendar for the full schedule. Español Para información sobre las Clases de religión, Confirmación y Primera Comunión contacte a María López, Tom Ackerman, Cecilia Hall, o Padre Manuel.

Pregnant? Need Help? Catholic Family Services and Project Rachel Gadsden (256) 546-4883 Huntsville (256) 536-0073

Crisis Pregnancy Center Albertville (256) 878-1300 National Hotline (800) 395-HELP (4357) Se habla Español

Pro– Life

Gisela Dyer 582-7978

As I relinquish the leadership of Pro-Life of St. William, my heartfelt thanks and prayers go out to the parish for their generous and unwavering support of our spiritual and charitable efforts. The past twelve years have seen us grow together and your willingness and enthusiasm to be a Pro-Life people has been an inspiration to me. Thank you. G. B. Dyer

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Advent symbolizes our human condition. We long. We hope. We rejoice in what we have. We yearn for what we have not. Even nature conspires during Advent time to make us feel our human incompleteness. As the darkness of winter descends, we long for the light. As cold numbs us, we yearn for the warmth of God’s love. As plants and leaves die, sometimes with a final flash of brilliance, we hope for resurrection and new life. The Lord is about to create something new. Isaiah cherishes this theme. He repeats it again and again. “See, I am doing a new deed, even now it comes to light: Can you not see it? Yes, I am making a road in the wilderness, paths in the wilds.” (Maloney, Seasons in Spirituality, p.49) Si usted está en necesidad de asistencia, por favor, consulte Agustín Contreras, 205-363-2294 o en el Centro el martes desde 4-6 pm.

St. William Advent and Christmas Schedule 12/7 - 6:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception Vigil Mass 12/8 - 8:30 a.m. Immaculate Conception Mass 12/8 - 9:30 a.m. Ladies Sodality Day of Reflection 12/13 - 7:00 p.m. St. William Penance service 12/24 - 4:30 pm, 7:00 pm, midnight 12/25 - 10:00 am only New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day schedules are the regular weekend mass schedules EXCEPT that there will be no 2:00 pm mass at St. William and no 6:00 pm mass at the Chapel. The St. William office will be closed on the following days: Thursday, December 22nd through Tuesday, December 27th Monday, January 2nd

Horario Navideño Chapel/Capilla (Spanish only/solo en Español) 12/24 - 6:00 pm & 9:00 pm 12/25 - 10:00 am only Los horarios para la víspera del Año Nuevo y del Año Nuevo son los mismos que los horarios regulares para los sábados y los domingo, EXCEPTO QUE NO HAY MISA A LAS 2 PM EN SAN WILLIAM NI A LAS 6 PM EN LA CAPILLA EL DOMINGO.

Readings for the Week November 27, 2011 through December 4, 2011 Sunday

Is 63:16b-17,19b;64:2-7 Ps 80:2-3, 15-16,18-19 1 Cor 1:3-9 Mk 13:33-37 Monday Is 2:1-5 (first choice) Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday Is 11:1-10 Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday Rom 10:9-18 Mt 4:18-22 Thursday Is 26:1-6 Mt 7:21,24-27 Friday Is 29:17-24 Mt 9:27-31 Saturday Is 30:19-21,23-26 Mt 9:35-10:1,5a,6-8 Sunday Is 40:1-5,9-11 Ps 85:9-14 2 Pt 3:8-14 Mk 1:1-8

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Long ago in northern Europe, the growing dark and winter weather in Advent forced people to remove the wheels from their carts and replace them with snow runners. The wheels were hung high in the rafters of the house, fitted out with lanterns, and wound tightly with evergreen boughs. The first wreaths were windows into heaven, a source of light, a comforting sign of the victory of the light of Christ over our world’s dark wildernesses, its mountainous obstacles, its valleys of need. The Advent wreath started in the home, and only later appeared in church. Its four candles represent the four Sundays of our journey: typically three purple, one rose. Why not set a wreath in your own home as a place for Advent prayer? Don’t let a shortage of purple candles discourage you: some use a deep blue, others have white candles and weave blue and purple flowers, seashells, and pine cones into the green. When the sun sets tonight, light a single candle, sing a verse of a well-loved Advent hymn, and name a mountain to be leveled, a valley to be filled. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El significado de la palabra “¡Adviento!” es muy interesante. Viene del latín y quiere decir “Allí viene” o “Ya está llegando”. Pero, ¿de quién hablamos cuando proclamamos “adviento”? ¿Del Rey de la Gloria?, ¿del Príncipe de la Paz?, ¿del Hijo del Dios Altísimo?, ¿del Salvador de Israel? Sí, sí, sí y otra vez, sí, pero más todavía del Hijo del Hombre, del niñito de María. Allí viene y ya está llegando. Tenemos que estar preparados. Pero ¿cómo prepararnos para la llegada de un rey que es pobre?, ¿de un príncipe que nació entre una mula y un buey? ¿de un niñito que ya es todo un hombre y además es Dios? He allí el dilema del Adviento cristiano. Es un llamado a vivir la paradoja de un tiempo que está a medias, donde el Reino de los Cielos ya existe pero no en su plenitud. Es un llamado a buscar en el templo, en el mall, en el barrio, en el hogar y en el propio corazón, para ver si “allí viene” el dueño de la casa. Es un llamado a estar atentos y vigilantes. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos‑Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

From the Pastor/Del Pastor

In Advent, we celebrate our hopes for the Lord to come more fully into our lives. The first reading is Isaiah, voicing the hope of sinners for a redeemer. Unlike Isaiah, we know that God has come to bring us back to him, when he sent his Son Jesus to save us. Our faith in Jesus leads us to a new way of looking at the world. We can see what God is doing as well as remembering what God has done. Like the gatekeepers in the gospel parable, we need to keep our eyes open for him. When we only look out for ourselves, we may miss the signs of God’s presence around us. Instead of looking at the difficulties of life as obstacles, we can watch for them as opportunities to stretch our faith, to rely on God, or to show God’s love to a friend. The new translation of the Mass that begins today can be an opportunity to stretch our faith and our understanding of the Eucharist. The Corinthians were also watching for the Lord to come. They were thinking of Jesus coming in glory. Though we don’t see the full glory of the Lord, part of that glory is his presence in the sacraments. In them we celebrate not just the coming of the Lord, but his working in the world. He shares his life with us in Baptism, gives us his Spirit in Confirmation and himself in Eucharist, heals us in Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick, and calls us to make him present to others in Holy Orders and Matrimony. You could almost say his second coming is taking place now. Watch for it.

Ladies Sodality Day of Reflection Thursday December 8th All are welcome to join the Ladies on their annual Day of Reflection. The day will begin with Mass of The Immaculate Conception at 8:30 am in St. William. Following Mass, seminarian Roy Recio will speak on Advent in Craven Hall. The day will end with lunch at the Rock House Café in Guntersville.

En Adviento, celebramos nuestras esperanzas de que el Señor venga más plenamente en nuestras vidas. La primera lectura es Isaías, expresando la esperanza de los pecadores para un redentor. A diferencia de Isaías, sabemos que Dios ha venido a traernos de nuevo a él, cuando envió a su Hijo Jesús para salvarnos. Nuestra fe en Jesús nos lleva a una nueva forma de mirar el mundo. Podemos ver lo que Dios está haciendo, así como recordar lo que Dios ha hecho. Al igual que los guardianes de la parábola del evangelio, tenemos que mantener los ojos abiertos para él. Cuando sólo miramos por nosotros mismos, podemos perder los signos de la presencia de Dios que nos rodean. En vez de mirar las dificultades de la vida como un obstáculo, podemos observarlas como una oportunidad para ampliar nuestra fe, a confiar en Dios, o para mostrar el amor de Dios a un amigo. Los corintios estaban también atentos a la vendida del Señor. Ellos estaban pensando en la venida de Jesús en la gloria. A pesar de que no podemos ver la plena gloria del Señor, una parte de esa gloria es su presencia en los sacramentos. En ellos celebramos, no sólo la venida del Señor, sino su trabajo en el mundo. Él comparte su vida con nosotros en el Bautismo, nos da su Espíritu en la Confirmación y da sí mismo en la Eucaristía, nos cura en la Reconciliación y en la Unción de los enfermos, y nos llama a hacerlo presente a los demás en la Orden y en el Matrimonio. Casi se podría decir que su segunda venida ya está ocurriendo ahora. Estén atentos.

Please plan to attend the Advent Penance Service on Tuesday, December 13th at 7:00 pm at St. William. Several priests will be on hand for confessions. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Is Jesus the Shepherd in our marriage? Do we know what He asks of us in our Sacrament of Marriage? For more information visit our website at: or call 800-540 WWME (9963) or Jody & Toni at 256-874-5002.

Minister’s Schedule (schedule available online at Dec. 3-4

Lectors Linda Hodge Tony Sorcic

Servers Jake Hodge

Saturday 5:00 pm

Ministers of Communion Denis Liederbach Norb Patla Bev Sorcic

Ushers John Bannan Noel Merrill

Sunday 8:30 am

Cecilia Hall J.B. Hahn John Hahn

Jessica Doyle Shawn O’Harra

Jessica Lee Amanda Lee

Kevin Young Bill Schmidt William Busic

Sunday 11:00 am

Mary Traynor Jim Curtin Gayle Eason

Cindy Hammond Nancy Curtin

Patrick Hammond Kathryn Hammond

Rickey Hammond John Eason Mark Etu

Lectors John Bannan Virginia Witherspoon

Servers Zack Summers

Saturday 5:00 pm

Ministers of Communion Carol Liederbach Robert Crowell Noel Merrill

Ushers Norb Patla Sean Landry

Sunday 8:30 am

Mary Cattadoris Ed Cattadoris Chris Andreae

Finnie Higgins Ken Hall

Emma Reed Matt Laski

Dale Lee Harold Davis William Busic

Sunday 11:00 am

Gayle Eason Mary Rusk Mary Traynor

Chris Wallace Pat Chomskis

Patrick Hammond Paula Nguyen

James Curtin Brandon Word Vincent Riggs

Lectors Denis Leiderbach Norb Patla

Servers Erin Summers Alex Summers

Ushers Noel Merrill John Bannan

Sunday 8:30 am

Ministers of Communion Linda Hodge Kevin McGarrahan Virginia Witherspoon Shawn O’Harra Ken Hall Paul McKinney

Chris Andreae Bill Schmidt

Amanda Lee Jessica Lee

Dale Lee Kevin Young Marcel Poisson

Sunday 11:00 am

Mary Rusk Jim Curtin Gayle Eason

Cindy Hamond Nancy Curtin

Caroline Nolan George Uchaker

John Eason Patrick Hammond Rickey Hammond

Dec. 10-11

Dec. 17-18 Saturday 5:00 pm

Youth Group Upcoming Events


To St. William Catholic Church

November 30th Seminarian Roy Recio will speak about “Religious Life”

December 7th The youth attend the vigil mass of The Immaculate Conception at 6:00 pm.

December 14th Christmas Party in Craven Hall and “Dirty Santa”. Youth to exchange gifts not to exceed $5.00.

To become a member of St. William Catholic Church, please complete one of our registration forms located: At the entrances of the church, in the parish office, on our website at or complete the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish! CURRENT MEMBERS PLEASE USE THIS FORM TO UPDATE ADDRESS, PHONE, OR EMAIL INFO Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office at: St. William Catholic Church, 929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976 Name________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ City__________________________________State_________ZIP_______ Email________________________________________________________ I would like to join St. William Catholic Church. Please send me a registration form. I would like more information about becoming Catholic.

Calendar of Events for November 27 - December 6, 2011 Please visit our website at for more upcoming events.

Sun, Nov 27, 2011 NO PSR 3:30 PM Dance Class Craven Hall 5:30 PM Rosary Chapel Mon, Nov 28, 2011 Tue, Nov 29, 2011 1:00 PM Renew Angel House 6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting Mary's House 7:00 PM RCIA Craven Hall Wed, Nov 30, 2011 NO SCRIPTURE STUDY 8:30 AM COMMUNION SERVICE St. William 6:00 PM Youth Group Craven Hall 6:30 PM Music Rehearsal St. William Thu, Dec 01, 2011 Fri, Dec 02, 2011 9:00 AM Young at Heart Angel House Sat, Dec 03, 2011 4:30 PM Rosary St. William 5:00 PM Adoration Chapel Sun, Dec 04, 2011 9:30 AM A Visit with Saint Nicholas Craven Hall

domingo 27 de noviembre NO PSR 3:30 PM Clase de Baile Craven Hall 5:30 PM Rosario Capilla de la Santa Cruz lunes 28 de noviembre martes 29 de noviembre 1:00 PM Renovación Casa de Angel 6:00 PM Reunión del Comité de Finanzas Casa de María 7:00 PM RCIA Craven Hall miércoles 30 de noviembre NO ESTUDIA DE BIBLIA 8:30 AM Servicio de Comunión San William 6:00 PM Grupo de Jóvenes Craven Hall 6:30 PM Practica de Coro San William jueves 1 de diciembre viernes 2 de diciembre 9:00 AM Jóvenes de Corazón Casa de Angel sábado 3 de diciembre 4:30 PM Rosario San William 5:00 PM Adoración Capilla de la Santa Cruz domingo 4 de diciembre 9:30 AM Los niños visitan a San Nicolás Craven Hall

9:45 AM PSR

9:45 AM PSR

Mary's House 3:30 PM Dance Class

Casa de María 3:30 PM Clase de Baile

Craven Hall 5:30 PM Rosary Chapel

Craven Hall 5:30 PM Rosario Capilla de la Santa Cruz

Mon, Dec 05, 2011 lunes 5 de diciembre 7:00 PM Society of St. Vincent de Paul 7:00 PM Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul Mary's House Tue, Dec 06, 2011 1:00 PM Renew Angel House 7:00 PM RCIA Craven Hall

Casa de María martes 6 de diciembre 1:00 PM Renovación Casa de Angel 7:00 PM RCIA Craven Hall

SEE NEXTStewardship WEEK’S BULLETIN FOR UPDATED Report COLLECTION INFORMATION Needed Each Week Offertory Mortgage Payment per Month Building Fund Collections Current Month Building Fund Food Sales Current Month Total Building Fund Collections Current Month Parish Debt Poor Box

$ 8,616 $ $ 12,294 $ $ $ $ 801,771 $

Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa November 26-December 4, 2011 Saturday, November 26th 8:30 am St. William - Janet Doyle, RIP Sunday, November 27th 8:30 am St. William - Beryl Witherspoon, RIP 11:00 am St. William - St. William Parishioners 8:30 am Chapel - All Souls in Purgatory Monday, November 28th 8:30 am St. William - Sr. Joan Granzeier, RIP Tuesday, November 29th 8:30 am St. William - Don St. Germain, RIP Wednesday, November 30th 8:30 am St. William - Communion Service 6:00 pm Chapel - All Souls in Purgatory Thursday, December 1st 8:30 am St. William - Susan Talbot, RIP Friday, December 2nd 8:30 am St. William - Liz Wickersham, RIP Saturday, December 3rd 8:30 am St. William - August Raneri 5:00 pm St. William - Julia Bannan, RIP Sunday, December 4th 8:30 am St. William - Debbie Hartwell, RIP 8:30 am Chapel - Michelle McDonald 11:00 am Chapel - St. William Parishioners Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. ~Mark 13:33

St. William Prayer List

When hospitalized, please call the church office to request a visit from the priests. Please call the church office with the parishioners name, hospital where they are admitted, room and phone number, if available, as soon as possible after admission. If our parish priests are unavailable, the office will try to make other arrangements.

Parishioners Sam Harvey Dottie Browne-Peck Ava Williams Thomas Schwerin Matthew Hall Nathan Gaspar Our homebound parishioners Simone Perrault Donna Mitchell

Yutiamco Family Maryanne Worley Corey Ashbaugh Cecilia Hall Anita Schmidt Sally Goerss Marie Bass Flo Powers Carmen Collazo

Friends and Family Jake Mosansky Levy Jones Amy McGatha & Family Rose Marie Brown-Tolley Jonathan Walls John Whalen Peter Joseph Robbins Sandra Clark Sharon Cheshire Iva Watson Casey Roberson Jamie Holt Those Recovering from Surgery

Aurelia Snouffer Stephen Kawulia Gladys Murphy Karen Cavannah Hal Weatherman Kirk Henderson Matthew Krol Gavin Whitacre Ethel Halveston William Palfrey Edward & Germaine Latonis Our Soldiers Stationed Overseas

Note: Names will remain on list for 1 month. Please, contact the office to put name on list for a new 1 month period.

Prayer for the Faithful Departed

O gentlest Heart of Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, ever consumed with burning love for the captive souls in Purgatory, have mercy on the soul of Thy servant, Be not severe in Thy judgment, but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon our beloved departed, and do Thou, O merciful Savior, send Thy angels to conduct the soul of They servant to a place of refreshment and peace. Amen

A VISIT WITH ST. NICHOLAS ! For all St. William Kids December 4, 2011 Craven Hall 9:30 AM—3:30 PM Hot Chocolate, Cookies, & Goodies Face Painting And a chance to tell St. Nicholas your Christmas wishes! By St. William Pro-Life Charities

506159 St William Church 929 Gunter Ave Guntersville AL 35976 256-582-4245 Contact: Laura Hodge [email protected] Software Using: Win 7 Pub 2007 AA X Transmit: Tues, noon Copy Pages Sent: 1-7 Messages:

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