St. Bartholomew Church

St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Ave.  Chicago, Illinois 60641 773-286-7871  ST. BART’S PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St.

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Story Transcript

St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Ave.  Chicago, Illinois 60641 773-286-7871 

ST. BART’S PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Bartholomew Parish is a faith-filled people, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, striving to hear and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all… to CELEBRATE together because the Lord is in our midst and dwelling within us. to CARE about each other, sharing our joys and sorrows. to GROW in awareness of Jesus, alive and active in our lives. to INVITE everyone to share in one another’s goodness, talents, hopes and visions. The people of God at St. Bartholomew REACH OUT to all because we need each other.

May 22, 2016 The Most Holy Trinity

Page 2 En las recientes semanas me han preguntado varias veces acerca del Ministerio de música, y lo que hacemos en el Ministerio. Por lo que estoy usando este artículo presente para darle un panorama más amplio de nuestro programa de música aquí en San Bartolomé. La fe católica siempre ha usado la música en su rito, y documentos de la jerarquía de la iglesia van hasta el 77AD a ese respecto. Música siempre ha sido fuente de discusión y también cierta controversia. Sin embargo, siempre ha sido dinámica y una fuente de inspiración a personas que vienen para la adoración y oración. Es igual aquí en nuestra parroquia. Puesto que la mayoría de la gente asiste a una Misa específica el fin de semana podría no saber lo que pasa en las otras Misas. Es lo que quiero aclarar para usted. El Ministerio de música es parte integral de cada liturgia del fin de semana que tenemos. Además el Ministerio de música participa en bodas, funerales, la escuela, Misas de educación religiosa, Reconciliación, 1ª Comunión, Confirmación y servicios de oración durante todo el año. Básicamente cuando nuestra comunidad se reúnen en Misa, tendemos a usar la música en las celebraciones. ¿Así que quién realmente hace el trabajo detrás de todo esto? El Ministerio de música aquí en San Bartolomé es representado por el coro juvenil, el coro en español y el coro en inglés. En la actualidad, utilizamos un pequeño pero dedicado grupo de cantores para ayudar en la dirección de la asamblea musical. Sólo una breve descripción sobre cada grupo podría ayudar. El coro juvenil de niños es un grupo de estudiantes de la escuela parroquial y del programa de educación religiosa desde el 2 º hasta 8 º grado que ensayan semanalmente en las tardes de los miércoles de 4-5:30pm en la iglesia y cantan dos veces al mes durante la Misa de las 11:00am. Además ayudan con algunos de los sacramentos, liturgias de la escuela y conciertos. En este momento tenemos 30 registrados. El coro en español está empezando a crecer de nuevo, y tenemos 10 adultos que ensayan cada miércoles por la noche de 7:00-8:30pm en la iglesia. Puesto que ahora tenemos dos liturgias en español cada semana, hemos dividido este grupo para asistir en las Misas de las 7:00am y 1:00pm. También, participan en conciertos y ayudan con sacramentos y eventos especiales como la Novena de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe cada año. El coro de adultos ensaya semanalmente en las noches de jueves de 7:30-9:30pm en la iglesia. Cantan todos los domingos en la Misa de las 9:00am y al igual que los otros coros, participan en varios eventos. Nuestros cantores han sido una fuerte base para nosotros durante muchos años. Cantan solos cuando no tenemos un grupo presente y ayudan a la asamblea con canciones. Por el momento, todos son parte del coro en inglés pero esto cambiará cuando crezcan nuestros otros grupos. En cuanto a los instrumentos que tenemos en la parroquia, aquí va. Tenemos un Case Nelson, Apartment Grand piano (5 pies) que tiene como 50 años de edad y se ha usado un montón durante los años. Recientemente he estado afinación y reparando algunas cosas mucho más que cuando empecé aquí. Es tiempo de pensar de un nuevo instrumento más apropiado para nuestra asamblea. El órgano en el desván (casi nunca se utiliza) es Kilgen antiguo del año 1938 de 36 tubos de órgano. Cuando llegué aquí en San Bartolomé ya estaba empezando a mostrar su edad y sonido de calidad, requiriendo mucho trabajo interno. Lo tengo casi a uso limitado, pero toma mucho tiempo para poner todo en orden. Se requiere dos personas para afinar el órgano y cerca de 2 días de 8 horas para afinar correctamente, cuando todo lo demás funciona. Llegaremos allí ya que tengo el tiempo para trabajar en él. Hay un piano donado en el sótano de la iglesia para las funciones que tenemos ahora. En cuanto al cuidado de los instrumentos aquí en la parroquia, he tomado esa responsabilidad personalmente para ahorrar algo de dinero. Afinar el piano, por lo menos 6 veces al año estos dos últimos años y algunas reparaciones también. El órgano es algo más complejo con lo que ahora llamaríamos tecnología antigua. He pasado varios meses renovando algunas de las conexiones eléctricas a la consola (teclado) del órgano y ahora tengo que pasar mucho tiempo en el interior 'las tripas” del órgano en reparaciones y afinación. Mi trabajo aquí en el San Bartolomé es dirigir a todos estos coros en los ensayos tanto en el fin de semana y las 5 Misas. Hace dos años tomé el cargo en las Misas en español. Son maravillosos y son un gran activo para la música de nuestra parroquia. Además, estamos trabajando para desarrollar un coro de jóvenes sólidos y útiles y un grupo adicional. Sólo quería que sepa quiénes somos y cómo estamos trabajando en nuestra responsabilidad de nuestra parroquia. Esto no es una herramienta para reclutar... pero si está interesado… Chuck Kessell, Music Director

Page 3 The past few weeks I’ve been asked several times about Music Ministry, and what goes on in the Ministry. So I am using the article here to give you a broader picture of music here at St. Bart’s. The Catholic Faith has always used music in its worship, and documents from the Church hierarchy go as far back as 77AD in that regard. Music has always been a source of both argument and some controversy as well. It has however always been dynamic and a source of prayer and inspiration to people who come for worship. It is no different here in our parish. Since most folks come to one specific Mass on the weekend they might not know what goes on at the other Masses. That is what I want to clarify for you. The Music Ministry is integral to every single weekend liturgy we have. Additionally Music Ministry is involved in weddings, funerals, School/RE Masses, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, Confirmation, and prayer services throughout the year. Basically when our community gather en masse, we tend to use music in our celebrations. So who actually does the work behind this? Music Ministry here at Bart’s is represented by the Children’s Choir, the Spanish Coro and English Choir at present, we use a small but dedicated cadre of Cantors to assist in leading the assembly in sung prayer. Just a brief description about each group might help. The Children’s Choir is a group of both Parish School and Religious Ed kids from 2nd through 8th grade who rehearse weekly on Wednesday afternoons from 4-5:30PM in church, and they sing twice monthly at the 11:00AM Mass. Additionally they help with some of the sacraments, and school liturgies, and Concertize with us. At the moment we have 30 registered. The Spanish Coro is starting to grow again, and we have 10 adults who rehearse every Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:30PM in Church. Since we now have two Liturgies in Spanish every week, we split this group up to assist at both the 7:00AM and the 1:00PM Masses. They too, concertize and help us with sacraments and special events like the Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe every year. The Adult Choir rehearses every week on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:30PM in Church. They sing every Sunday at the 9:00AM Mass, and have many of the same ‘extras’ going on as do the other groups. Our Cantors have been a strong base line for us for many years. They stand alone when we do not have a group present, and help the assembly with songs. They are all attached to the English choir at the moment but we will be changing that as we grow our other groups. In terms of what we have instrumentally at the parish, here goes. We have a Case Nelson, Apartment Grand piano (5ft) which is probably 50 years old, and has taken a lot of use for a ‘home’ piano over the years. Recently I have been tuning and repairing things a lot more than when I began here. It is time to think of a new instrument more suited to our assembly. The Organ in the loft (hardly ever used at the moment) is a 1938 vintage Kilgen 36 ranks pipe organ. When I landed here at Bart’s it was already starting to show both its age and sound quality and requiring a lot of internal work. I almost have it back to limited playing use, but it continues to take a lot of time to get it in order. Just to tune the organ takes two people and about 2 days of 8 hours to tune it properly, when everything else is working. We will get there as I have the time to work on it. There is a donated piano in the basement of church for the several functions we have there now as well. In terms of taking care of the actual instruments here at the parish, I have taken that responsibility on personally to save us some money. I tune the piano, at least 6 times a year these past two years, and have done some repair work on it as well. The Pipe organ is rather more complex using what we would now call ancient technology. I have spent several months renewing some of the electrical wiring to the console (keyboards) of the organ, and now actually have to spend quite a lot of time in side the ‘guts of the organ in repairs and eventually tuning. My job here at Bart’s is to direct all of these choirs both at rehearsals, and at the 5 weekend Masses. Two years ago now, I took on the Spanish Masses as well. They are wonderful and are a great asset to our parish music. Additionally, we are working towards a solid and useful Teen Choir, and one other group that I am working on sotto voce (quietly) at the moment. Just wanted you to know what we’re up to and how we are working at stewardship of our parish. This is not meant as a recruiting tool……but if you’re interested…… Chuck Kessell, Music Director

Page 4 Dear Father Ricardo, Father Thomas, Deacon Faustino, and all of you, the members of St. Bart’s,

Estimado Padre Ricardo, Padre Thomas, Diácono Faustino y todos los feligreses de San Bartolomé,

Words can not express enough my heartfelt gratitude to you. I was overwhelmed with joy and blessing to see your support, love and generosity during my time of internship here. I have learned a lot by observing you, being with you and listening to you about pastoral ministries which I believed that I was not taught in the Seminary. Your guidance, advice and faith-filled lives have already changed me to more down to the earth practice of our faith, Catholic teachings and the life of the diocesan priests.

Palabras no pueden expresar mi inmensa gratitud. Me sentí lleno de alegría y bendición al ver su apoyo, amor y generosidad durante mi período de prácticas aquí. He aprendido mucho observándolos, estando con ustedes y escuchando acerca de ministerios pastorales que creía que no me enseñaron en el seminario. Su orientación, asesoramiento y sus vidas llenas de fe ya han cambiado mi práctica de nuestra fe, las enseñanzas católicas y la vida de los sacerdotes diocesanos.

Personally, thank you Fr. Ricardo Castillo as well as Fr. Thomas Lamping, and Deacon Faustino Santiago who have treated me with respect, taught me by their heart, and showed me by their ministries in the parish life. I do appreciate the time Fr. Ric spent reviewing my internship goals and ministries every Friday with openness, sincerity and helpfulness. Thank you all parish staff, school staff and teachers, all volunteers and members of the different groups (English and Hispanic ministries), school students and Religious Ed students whom I have been a part of and worked with. Your faith-filled lives have taught me a lot about my future ministries, not only about myself but God and God’s people. Thank you all for being here every weekend for your presence makes our ministries possible and precious for we are the members of Christ’s body.

Personalmente, gracias al Padre Ricardo Castillo así como el Padre Thomas Lamping y el Diácono Faustino Santiago que me han tratado con respeto, me enseñaron de su corazón y me mostraron sus ministerios en la vida de la parroquia. Aprecio el tiempo que el Padre Ric dio para revisar mis metas prácticas y ministerios todos los viernes con franqueza, sinceridad y amabilidad. Gracias a todo el personal de la parroquia, el personal de la escuela y maestros, todos los voluntarios y miembros de los diferentes grupos y ministerios, estudiantes de la escuela y los estudiantes de educación religiosa con los que he trabajado. Sus vidas llenas de fe me han enseñado mucho sobre mi futuro ministerio, no sólo sobre mí sino personas de Dios y de Dios. Gracias a todos por estar aquí cada fin de semana, ya que su presencia hace posible nuestros ministerios y preciosos para nosotros que somos los miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo.

Especially, I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for the contributions to my away party last Monday, May 9, with your help it was a great success. It was the happy ending to the completion of my internship. However, without you and your charity, the party would not have happened. Your presence, cards, gifts and food contributions tell me of your love and support, not only to me but to God and the parish life. Thank you very much and may God bless all of you abundantly. A special thanks to Broasted Chicken Royale for their generous contribution of food for my farewell party, even though you don’t know me. However, your love and generosity to vocation, to God’s people and particularly your support to St. Bartholomew has brought you to me. The food was great and delicious and that made the farewell party filled with great joy physically and spiritually. May God bless you and your generosity. Thank you very much and God bless. Sincerely yours, Joseph Tran, Seminarian My address: Joseph Tran 1000 E Maple Ave, Mundelein, IL – 60060 Phone: 860 327 3419

Email: [email protected]

Especialmente, estoy escribiendo esta carta para expresar mi sincero agradecimiento por las contribuciones a mi fiesta de despedida el pasado lunes, 9 de mayo, que con su ayuda fue un gran éxito. Fue un final feliz para la realización de mi pasantía. Sin embargo, sin usted y su caridad, el esto no hubiera sucedido. Sus contribuciones de presencia, tarjetas, regalos y comida demuestran su amor y apoyo, no sólo a mí sino a Dios y la vida parroquial. Muchas gracias y que Dios los bendiga a todos ustedes abundantemente. Un agradecimiento especial a Broasted Chicken Royale por su generosa contribución de alimentos para mi despedida, aunque no me conocen. Sin embargo, su amor y generosidad a la vocación, el pueblo de Dios y sobre todo su apoyo a San Bartolomé lo han traído a mí. La comida estuvo deliciosa y llenó la fiesta de gran alegría física y espiritualmente. Que Dios los bendiga por su generosidad. Muchas gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Atentamente, Joseph Tran, seminarista Mi dirección: José Tran 1000 E Maple Ave, Mundelein, Illinois – 60060 correo electrónico: [email protected] Teléfono: 860 327 3419


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“A Century of Faith, Love & Devotion”

“Un Siglo de Fe, Amor y Devoción”

SUPPORT YOUR PARISH AND ENJOY WONDERFUL FOOD! Trattoria Porretta Ristorante & Pizzeria is hosting a ST. BARTHOLOMEW NIGHT Tuesday, May 24, 2016

¡APOYE A SU PARROQUIA Y DISFRUTE DE COMIDA DELICIOSA! Trattoria Porretta Ristorante & Pizzería Esta auspiciando una Noche de Beneficio a San Bartolomé Martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

On May 24, Porretta’s will donate 15% of total sales to St. Bartholomew Parish. Includes dine-in, carryout, deliveries, catering and gift certificates. Order a pizza or dine in on May 24 during these busy days of Spring! Hosting a graduation party, shower, or other spring/summer gathering? Preorder and pay on May 24 or purchase gift certificates to use for the catering and 15% of the total will go to St. Bart’s. Looking for a Father’s Day present? Buy a gift certificate on May 24 and 15% will be donated back to St. Bart’s. Dine-in (hours: 4:00-10:30PM) - Carryout/Delivery Preordered Catering Orders (paid that day) Gift Certificates

El 24 de mayo, el restaurante Porretta donará el 15% de las ventas totales a la parroquia de San Bartolomé. Incluye el restaurante, pizzas para llevar, entregas, catering, y los certificados de regalo. ¡Pida una pizza o coma allí el 24 de mayo durante estos días ajetreados de la primavera! ¿Esta organizando una fiesta de graduación, cumpleaños u otro evento especial? Pague por adelantado el 24 de mayo o compre certificados de regalo para el catering y el 15% del total irá a San Bartolomé ¿Necesita un regalo para el Día del Padre? Compre un certificado de regalo el 24 de mayo y el 15% se donará a San Bartolomé. Restaurante (horas: 4:00-10:30PM) – entregas a domicilio/pedidos de catering se pagan ese día Certificados de regalo

Trattoria Porretta 3656 N. Central Ave. - 773-736-1429 Sponsored by the St. Bartholomew 100th Anniversary Committee

Trattoria Porretta 3656 N. Central Ave. -773-736-1429 Patrocinado por el Comité del Centésimo Aniversario de San Bartolomé

Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass

Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy, the moving,

live production performed by actress Maria Vargo and directed by Leonardo Defilippis of Saint Luke Productions, will be presented at St. Genevieve Church in Chicago on Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00 PM. Experience firsthand the life and message of Saint Faustina whose personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a world-wide devotion to Christ’s Divine Mercy. This drama also brings audiences a riveting modern story that makes Divine Mercy remarkably relevant and urgent for our world today. The program is filled with all the elements of professional theater, runs 90 minutes, and is suitable for ages 13 and up. Admission is $10.00. For tickets and additional information, contact St. Genevieve Parish Office at 773-237-3011. Watch the trailer & learn more at

The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 18, 2016, at 2:45PM, at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago IL. Couples married in 1966 interested in attending this celebration should contact the parish office to register by June 10, 2016, 773-286-7871. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office, 312-534-8351 or visit the website:

Misa de Aniversario de Bodas de Oro

La Misa de Aniversario de Bodas de Oro sera el domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2016 a las 2:45PM en Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago, IL. Las parejas que se casaron en 1966 y estan interesados en asistir esta celebración deberán hablar a su parroquia para registrase. Para mas información llame a la Oficina de Matrimonio y Familia al 312-534 8351 o viste la pagina web:


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Remember to Pray… for all the sick, suffering, handicapped and lonely of St. Bartholomew, especially: Monday, May 23, 2016 8:30 AM - James Fannan req by family - Lillian Kowalski req by Mary Ellen O’Brien Tuesday, May 24, 2016 8:30 AM - Michael Fannan req by family Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - St. Bede the Veneralble, St. Gregory VII, St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi 8:30 AM - Concetta Certa req by Santiago Family Thursday, May 26, 2016 - St. Philip Neri 8:30 AM - Deceased members of Joseph P. Smith Family req by family Friday, May 27, 2016 - St. Augustine of Canterbury 8:30 AM - Jocyline Medina req by family Saturday, May 28, 2016 8:30 AM - Parishioners of St. Bartholomew 3:00 PM - Wedding Rebecca Schwab & Anthony Peoples 5:00 PM - Stanley & Lorraine Gienko req by family - Ralph, Al & Yolanda Melone req by family - All Our Faithful Departed Sunday, May 29, 2016 - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 7:00 AM - Intentions of Marcelina Esquivel req by Legion of Mary - Maldonado & Correa Families req by Alcala Family - Alcala & Tello Families req by Alcala Family 9:00 AM - Irene A. Wagner req by Nancy, Susan & Karen - Jerry Urankar req by Zgonina Family - Nelson G. Carvajal Muéoz req by family 11:00 AM - Luigi J. Priami req by family - Isabel Castro req by family - Miguel & Susana Pilamunga req by family 1:00 PM - Jose Tehodoro Garcia - Ramon Martinez req by Martinez Family - Ninfa Salgado req by Andrea Escarpita - Lupita Rodriguez req by family

Wedding Banns

III - Rebecca Schwab & Anthony Peoples



1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: 1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12; Ps 100:2-5; Mk 10:46-52 Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6; Mk 11:27-33 Sunday: Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17

Carmen Agosto Miguel Angel Alcala Guadalupe Arreguin Brian Ayala Olga Bazzi Bienvenido Bendicion Donald Bonnem Patrick Collins Patrick Connors Arlene Corbin Maria Corral Janet Espinosa Angela Estrada Anne Foy Phillip Gagliano Ruben Garcia Diane Gazda James Gazda Ed Johns Pat Johns Pat Jozwiak Ellen Kelly Gerard Kurek Lorraine Kurek Florence Kuss

Fr. Tom Lamping Rosa Lara Adeline Lewanski Irene Maldonado Henry Marchionne Mary Marinoff Cynthia Mazac Linda Mazac Noreen Melone Sally McAlister Melone Tulio Melone June Miller Jean Morris Larry Murphy Nicholas Nigro Pat Noonan Joseph Parisi Guiseppe Parisi Sam Pianetto Frances Plantago Bill Potrafka Greg Potrafka Patricia Prendergast John Ratulowski Michael Riccetti

Tony Rivera Esther Rodriguez Angelica Rosalanda Louis Samartino Deacon Faustino Santiago Kathy Schmidt Mike Shapiro Georgia Melone Sharp Terri Shaughnessy Jean Spisak Carmen Torres Christ Trost Edita Tolentino Rich Van Durme George Wenzel Bob Whiteman Catherine Wolek Eric Wood Maria Luisa Wyskiel Norbert Zagas Carlos Zambrano Mary Zgonina Raymond Zgonina

Rest in Peace...

Please pray for all the deceased members of our parish.

Remember to Pray…

for the protection & safety of all our family and friends serving in the Armed Forces.

Rev. Chris Doering Jason J. Fleming Christian Garicia Matthew Lodwich Matthew Richardson

Andres Suarez Jaime Suarez Christopher Ryan Whiteman Emanuel Zambrano Matthew Zwolinski

Devotional Opportunities

Every Tuesday, the Rosary is recited and prayers are prayed for World Peace at 6:00PM in the Rectory. All parishioners and friends are invited to join us. All are invited every Tuesday morning to the Novena of Our Lady of Fatima after the 8:30AM Mass. All are invited to the 48 Hour Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday, 9:00AM until Saturday, 8:00AM in the Mater Dei Chapel.

Mass Schedule

Saturday English Anticipatory Mass: 5:00PM Sunday English Masses: 9:00 & 11:00AM Missas Dominical Español: 7:00AM y 1:00PM Mon.– Sat. Weekday Masses: 8:30AM Holy Day Masses: 8:30AM, l0:00AM (school year) and 7:00PM (Bilingual)

HUMAN CONCERNS In conjunction with The Chicago Police Department’s “Faith and Action” Initiative

Join the 16th District Friday, May 27, 2016 at 6:00PM For a Night of Positive Loitering Meet with your Neighbors and Beat Officers at St. Bartholomew, 4910 W. Addison. Meet the 16th District Commander William Looney. 6:00PM Outdoor Roll Call for Police Officers 6:15PM Meet & Greet Police Officers and Neighbors, and stay for fellowship. For additional information, contact the 16th District CAPS Office at 312-742-4521.

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En conjunto con El Departamento de Policía de Chicago Iniciativa "Fe y Acción"

Únase al Distrito 16 Viernes, 27 de Mayo de 2016 a las 6:00PM Para una noche de comunidad Acompañe a sus vecinos y policías de su vecindad San Bartolomé, 4910 W. Addison. Venga a conocer al Comandante del Distrito 16, William Looney. 6:00PM Convocatoria de agentes de la policía 6:15PM Reunión informal Para obtener más información, comuníquese con la oficina de distrito CAPS 16 al 312-742-4521.

HOMEBOUND? ILL? RECOVERING FROM A HOSPITAL STAY? THEN THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU!! There are people waiting to bring you Communion - we just need to know you want us to come. Please call the rectory or drop a note (attention Ministers of Care) with your name, address, and phone number. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Spanish Ministers of Care are available, as well as English speaking ministers. For more information call:

El Grupo de Servidores de la Renovación Carismática Católica de San Bartolomé invita a todas las personas a compartir juntos la palabra de Dios en el círculo de oración. Todos los miércoles en la capilla comenzando a las 7:00PM con el Santo Rosario y a las 7:30PM con el círculo de oración. Te esperamos con AMOR.



Reconciliation : 4:00 to 5:00 PM every Saturday. Baptism: During pregnancy or after birth, parents are

Reconciliación: Cada Sabado a las 4:00PM. Bautismos: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse y

Renovación Carismática Católica

Rectory Office 773-286-7871 for English Jennifer Martinez 773-283-5514 for Spanish

expected to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting held on the first Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Baptisms are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every month at 2:30PM. For information and registration for class and Baptism times, please telephone the rectory 773-286-7871. Marriage: For pre-marriage preparation and to assure the wedding date you prefer, please call the Rectory at least six months in advance before confirming a reception hall. Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for Adults: Please call the rectory for an appointment. Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for children: Please call the Coordinator of Religious Education. All children should be enrolled in R.E. 1st - 8th grades. Communion to the homebound: Please call the parish office with information about those who are shut-ins or sick so that visits may be made. In an emergency situation, please call immediately at any hour. Anointing of the Sick and Funerals: Please call the rectory if your family member is sick and needs the Anointing of the Sick, or when a family member dies, so that the parish priests may minister to your needs and assist you in planning the Funeral Liturgy. This includes the Wake Service, the Eucharistic Liturgy and the final commitment at the Cemetery.

señalar la fecha de la clase de preparación y la fecha de Bautizo. Siempre celebramos el Bautismo el segundo domingo de cada mes. La celebración de bautizos comienza con la misa de la 1:00pm en español y termina después de la misa. La clase de preparación se lleva a cabo el primer sábado de cada mes a las 3:00 de la tarde, para padres y padrinos en la Rectoría. No traer niños, por favor. Los padrinos deben ser mayores de 16 años, católicos y haber recibido los sacramentos del bautizo, confesión, comunión y confirmación. Aquellos que viven en unión libre NO pueden ser padrinos. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras: Llamar a la Rectoría y preguntar por el Padre Castillo seis meses antes de la ceremonia para segurar la fecha que usted prefiere y antes de contratar el lugar de recepción.

Comunión, Confirmación o Conversión para Adultos: Llamar a la Rectoría.

Comunión, Reconciliación o Confirmación para Niños: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse en las clases

de Educación Religiosa. Todos los niños deben asistir a clases desde el primer grado hasta el octavo grado. Entierros: Llamar a la Rectoría. Presentación: Se realizará el primer domingo de cada mes, cuando el niño cumpla los cuarenta días o tres años de edad Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse una semana antes.

CATHOLIC EDUCATION End of the Year Celebration!

A wonderful carnival for the Religious Education children was held on Saturday, May 14. The children it seems enjoy the games a lot! I want to give a very special thanks to the Catechists and the wonderful mothers of RE for their great help on Saturday. With our children’s carnival we conclude our Catechetical Year, after so much planning I am happy that the children and their families had fun on Saturday. Congratulations to all the winners, we hope you enjoy your bicycles this summer. We look forward to seeing all of you next school year. Have a safe and happy summer!

Page 8

Celebración de fin del ano

Maravilloso carnaval para los estudiantes de educación religiosa, se notó que lo disfrutaron mucho con los juegos y premios, quiero dar gracias especialmente a las catequistas y nuestras maravillosas mamas de RE por su gran ayuda el sábado. Con el carnaval de los estudiantes concluimos nuestro año catequético, después de tanta planificación me alegra que los niños y sus familias se hayan divertido. Felicidades a todos los ganadores, esperamos que disfruten de sus bicicletas este verano y esperando para el próximo año, que tengan un verano seguro y feliz.

We are thrilled to announce "St. Bartholomew Day/Night" at Josi's Frozen Yogurt Café, 4032 N Milwaukee Ave. on Thursday, June 9th from 1:00PM to 9:00PM! Celebrate the end of the school year with your family and enjoy some delicious frozen yogurt (with every topping imaginable). 20% of all proceeds will be donated back to St. Bartholomew Parish for the benefit of our 100th Anniversary Celebration! All you have to do is mention "St. Bart's" or present the official event flyer in paper form or on your smartphone when you pay. How easy is that! For more details and the official event flyer, follow us on Facebook by searching for "St. Bartholomew Parish, Chicago IL" or go to: Please "Share" this Event with all of your Facebook Friends (and non-Facebook Friends). Don't forget to indicate that you are "Going" on our Facebook Event Announcement. Think of Josi's Frozen Yogurt Cafe as the official frozen yogurt of St. Bartholomew Parish.


May 14 - 15, 2016 5:00pm Envelopes ............ $498.00 11:00am Envelopes ..... $1,168.00 Loose .................... $75.00 Loose ................. $249.00 7:00am Envelopes ........... $206.00 1:00pm Envelopes ......... $581.00 Loose .................. $268.16 Loose ................. $670.72 9:00am Envelopes ......... $1,170.00 Mail In Envelopes .......... $200.00 Loose .................. $142.25 Loose ..................... $0 All Masses ................................. $5,228.13 GiveCentral.................................. $800.00 TOTAL ...................................... $6,028.13 BUDGETED GOAL................. $6,200.00 Difference .................................... ($171.87)

Page 9 Utility Collection

The second collection next weekend will defray the cost of our utility expenses. Thank you!

Colecta para Servicios Públicos

La segunda colecta el próximo fin de semana es para ayudar con los gastos de nuestros servicios públicos. ¡Gracias! Monthly Utility Expenses: $6,000.00

15-16 Budgeted Goal to Date .............. $285,200.00 15-16 Actual to Date ............................ $270,577.29 Difference ............................................. ($14,622.71)

Sunday Mass Attendance Count / Total de Misa Dominical May 7-8, 2016

Thank you for your stewardship! Special thanks to those who used

collection envelopes and to those who recently increased their weekly Offertory Collection contribution. If you did not remember to bring your collection envelope today, please use the envelope available from the usher.

5:00PM 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 1:00PM

Welcome New Parishioners! Please register at the Rectory as soon as

possible. You may register either in person or by phone (773-286-7871) Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM.

Welcome Visitors! We welcome you to our Parish Family. We hope

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that you will worship with us weekly.

Please remember St. Bartholomew when planning your will.

Thank you for your continued support!

To get a better sense of Mass attendance we are taking an informal Mass count all year long.

Participate in Electronic Giving.. was created with input from Parishes in Chicago as a customized online giving program. is a secure online system where Parishioners can create individual giving profiles with payment options ranging from direct debit (ACH) to credit cards. Benefits For You: Increased options and accessibility for giving - Review your giving history in real time 24/7 Keep your gifts secure Benefits For Your Parish: Saves money on envelopes and postage - Helps predict cash flow for budgeting Cost-effective solution for online payments - Better Collection of payment history for tax purpose How to get set-up: 1. Go to and create your own giving profile. Select how & when you will make your contribution. OR 2. Contact Rose Rutherford in the Parish Office, 773-286-7871.

ST. BARTHOLOMEW PARISH STAFF Rev. Ricardo Castillo, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Thomas E. Lamping, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Mr. Faustino Santiago, Deacon Mr. Charles A. Kessell, Music Director Mr. James Phillips, Director of Buildings & Grounds Mrs. Vanessa Baldwin, Operations Director Mrs. Wanda Fleming, Athletic Director Mrs. Rose Rutherford, Parish Manager [email protected] Mr. Joseph Angelastri, Finance Council Chairman Ms Joan Billingham, Parish Pastoral Council Mr. Ricardo Trujillo, School Board

PARISH OFFICE AND RECTORY 4949 W. Patterson Telephone: 773-286-7871 FAX: 773–286-4808 PARISH SCHOOL OFFICE 4941 W. Patterson Telephone: 773-282-9373 FAX: 773-282-4757 Mr. Martin Graham-McHugh, Principal [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 4941 W. Patterson Telephone: 773–283-5702 FAX: 773-286-4808 Mrs. Maria Arrez, Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected]

St. Bartholomew Website Addresses

St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Chicago, IL 60641

Save these dates: July 7 - July 10: Parish Carnival After you read the bulletin, fold, stamp and mail it to a friend! Share good news!

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