Sunday August 7, 2016 Bulletin NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own. ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC PARIS

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Story Transcript

Sunday August 7, 2016



Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.

ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC PARISH 9905 SW MCKENZIE ST., TIGARD, OR 97223 (503)639-4179 SATIGARD.ORG MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Sábado 5:00 PM-English Sunday Domingo 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM in English 1:30 PM in Vietnamese 4:00 PM en Español 7:00 PM Youth DAILY MASS Misa Diaria 8:30 AM Monday-Saturday 6:30 PM Thursday in Vietnamese

PRAYER CHAIN Call the Parish office DIVINE MERCY ADORATION CHAPEL Monday-Friday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 PM Saturday 9:00 am– Noon PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 pm Saturday 8:30 AM– Noon

RECONCILIATION / Confesiones Saturday 3:30-4:30 AM or by appointment

Pray Gratefully, Serve Responsibly, Give Generously

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Greetings, In this week’s Gospel from Luke we read: “if the master of the house had known the hour when the thief was coming, he would not Fr. John Henderson have let his house be broken into. You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” Preparation is a part of life. We prepare a meal. We prepare to go on a trip. We prepare ourselves for an outing. We prepare our house, proper locks, proper window securities, from robbers. What about our spiritual lives? God can call us at any moment, day or night, are we prepared? I’m getting ready for my trip to Rome in September. I have to make sure my passport is in order. I have to make sure I have enough clothes (mostly black shirts and black pants). Do I have the right suitcase? Oh so much to get ready. Do I give that much attention to my spiritual life? I hope so! Preparation is not always easy. What does it take to be prepared spiritually? Going to Mass is so important. The Eucharist is nourishment. The Eucharist is Jesus. We need Jesus. We need to accept our Lord totally and completely. Confession is a great way to prepare. We Catholics believe in the Sacraments and receiving the sacraments is such a blessing. Prayer is crucial. We need to pray every day, at various hours of the day, morning, noon, evening and night. Prayer is a great way to keep a relationship solid and communication open. Service is necessary. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting prisoners are all parts of the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy. Preparation is necessary and a vital part of being ready. God does not work on our time so it would not be wise to hold off and think that one can start tomorrow. Preparation needs to happen now. God’s love is generous and for everyone. Be ready to open your heart to God because at any minute God may call you. Have a great week,

LEADERSHIP Rev. John Henderson, Pastor (503)639-4179 x 112 / [email protected] Rev. Arjie Garcia, Parochial Vicar (503)639-4179 x 119 /[email protected] Marco Espinoza, Deacon Hispanic Ministry (503)639-4179 x129 / [email protected] David Hammes, Deacon (503) 639-4179 x 139/[email protected] Elise Shearer, Administrative Assistant (503)639-4179 ext. 113/[email protected] Gerlinde Lamer, Director of Adult Faith Formation (503)639-4179 x122/ [email protected] Cindy Marchese, Director of Religious Education (503)639-4179 x121/[email protected] Kathy Fedr, RE Assistant (503)639-4179 x 123 /[email protected] Mary Hanlen, Director of Youth Ministry (503)639-4179 x128/[email protected] Nichlas Schaal, Director of Music (503)-639-4179x125 / [email protected] Andrew Nichols, Principal of School (503)-639-4179x 223 /[email protected] Sally Plasker, Vice Principal of School (503)-639-4179 x 224/[email protected] Tom Barr, Business Manager (503)-639-4179 x 114/[email protected] Jeanette Gent, Financial Services (503)639-4179 x 115/[email protected] Jean Stein, Financial Services (503)639-4179 x 115/[email protected] Lucille Borsch, Receptionist / Secretary (503)639-4179 x 0 /[email protected] Viridiana Morales, Evening Receptionist (503)639-4179 x 0 / [email protected] Steve Morton, Custodial Team (head) (503)639-4179 x 116 / [email protected] Greg Borsch, Custodial Team / [email protected]

Support the businesses that help make this bulletin free to the church. This week’s Advertiser of the Week is

Autumn Funerals, Cremation & Burial Low Cost Funerals

Your friend,

Father John

St. Anthony Parish 9905 SW McKenzie St., Tigard, OR 97223

Phone: 503-639-4179 Fax: 503-624-2364 E-mail: [email protected]

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13th Annual Seminary Benefit Dinner Sunday, November 6, 2016, Mt Angel, OR Sponsored by the Abbey Foundation of Oregon Join Father John Henderson and 2 Seminarians for a wonderful evening of food and fellowship. Each table costs $2,000. Your generous pledge toward this amount will ensure that the monks of Mount Angel Abbey will continue to educate our current and future priests.

• • • • • •

Clergy Roster for August 13th & 14th Reconciliation 3:30 to 4:30 PM Fr John 5 PM Fr John Henderson 7 AM Fr Arjie Garcia/Deacon David 8:30 AM Fr John Henderson 11 AM Fr John Henderson 4 PM Fr Jorge 7 PM Fr Arjie Garcia/Deacon David Clergy schedule is subject to change.


Description Offertory





(difference between 2014 & 2015 giving)

Variance ($) Variance (%)


Music Ministry St. Anthony Music Ministry Needs Your Help! We are trying to grow our music ministries and can’t do it without you. The time commitment is a 1.5 hour rehearsal during the week, and an hour or ½ hour before mass to set up. 5PM Vigil & 11AM Instrumentalists: All are welcome with a special need for a guitarist, bassist, and drummer. Proficiency in an instrument with good sight reading or improvisational skills required. Singers: Looking for singers in all vocal ranges. Experience in singing in parts, and or good sight readings/improvisational skills required. Audio Mixer: Someone with an ear for music or a desire to learn. Experience in audio mixing/engineering is a plus. The volunteer will operate the mixing board with an iPad during mass. (There will be some up front training but no weekly rehearsal.) 7AM Cantor: Looking for singers with a strong singing voice to lead all the music at mass. Being a good sight reader and having a basic liturgical knowledge is a plus but not required. An audition is required. (No weekly rehearsal) 8:30AM Singers: We want to build our choir. If you enjoy singing, this is the place for you. Experience singing in 4-part harmony is a plus but not required. All vocal ranges welcome, with a special need for Sopranos. Cantor: Looking for singers with a strong singing voice to lead the Psalm and announce songs. Being a good sight reader and having a basic liturgical knowledge is a plus but not required. An audition is required. (Membership in the choir is required) Music ministry is a wonderful place serve the community while building your faith in fellowship. Never hesitate to comment, encourage, or share ideas with us. And most importantly keep praying and singing with us. Please contact Nichlas Schaal at [email protected] for more information.

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CONTACTS AND RESOURCES Parish office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30 –12PM 12:30 - 5PM (503)639-4179 Evening Hours Tues-Thurs 6:30-9pm Saturday 8:30-12pm After hours sacramental emergencies call: 541--230-4494 and leave a message

Clergy 503-639-4179 Fr. John Henderson, Pastor x112 Fr. Arjie Garcia, Vicar x119 Deacon Marco Espinoza x129 Deacon David Hammes x139

Adult Faith Formation Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122

Annulment Advocacy Fr. John Henderson (503)639-4179 ext. 112 Deacon Marco Espinosa (503)639-4179 ext. 129

ESL(English as a Second Language) Eva Garcia 503-598-9186 Adminstrative Assistant /Facility Rental Elise Shearer (503) 639-4179 ext 113

Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122

Catholic Daughters Eileen Rosko [email protected]

Sally Plasker – Vice Principal (503)639-4179 ext. 214 Clare Jaramillo – Assistant (503)639-4179 ext. 222 Linda Olsen – Office (503)639-4179 ext. 244 Julie Stump – After School Care

Sunday Nursery Cindy Marchese

Knights of Columbus Brian Fihn (503) 707-5155 [email protected]

Deacon Marco Espinoza (503)639-4179 ext.129

Tom Barr (503)639-4179 ext. 114

St. Anthony School Andrew Nichols – Principal

(503)639-4179 ext.


Business Office

(503)639-4179 ext. 114

Funeral Coordination

Hispanic Ministry

Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122

Thomas Barr

(503)639-4179 ext. 213 Faith Formation Cindy Marchese – Preschool-8th (503)639-4179 ext. 121 Cindy Marchese – Sacramental Prep (503)639-4179 ext. 121 Mary Hanlen, Youth Ministry (503)639-4179 ext. 128 Kathy Fedr, RE Assistant (503)639-4179 ext. 123

Archdiocese of Portland




(503)639-4179 ext. 121

Vocations Toni Stotts

Wedding Preparation Fr. John Henderson

Steve Morton (503)639-4179 ext. 116

(503)639-4179 ext. 112

Ministry of the Sick and Homebound

(503)639-4179 ext. 129

Music Ministry

Community Resources

Diane Bohan

Nichlas Schaal (English) 503-639-4179 ext 125 Phiet Loung Vietnamese

Deacon Marco Espinoza

St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry Pantry hrs/utility/rental assistance

Gerlinde Lamer Spanish 503-639-4179 ext.122


Jim Haberski (503)593-3194

Life, Peace and Justice

Good Neighbor Center/Shelter

Finance Office

Prayer and Worship

Cemetery Sue Sammons (503)954-1937

Jeanette Gent Jean Stein (503)639-4179 ext. 115

Fr. Arjie Garcia (503)639-4179 ext. 119 Paul Lamer (503)590-4729

Bulletin Items/ Mass Announcements

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Lucille Borsch / Elise Shearer (503)639-4179 ext. 111

Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122

RCIA / Returning Catholics CYO Geneva Stegemoller

Community Café Steve Kemp

Confirmation (Adult) Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122

Confirmation (9th-12th grades) Mary Hanlen (503)639-4179 ext. 128

Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122

Reception /Parish Office / Mass Intentions

Lucille Borsch (day time) Viridiana Morales (evenings and Saturday) (503)639-4179 ext. 0

Sanctity of Life

Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122

Severe Weather Shelter Carol Herron

St. Vincent De Paul Tigard Dick Bailey

St. Vincent de Paul Vol. Coordinator Gerlinde Lamer (503)639-4179 ext. 122


Caring Closet (503)603-1576

Tri-County Help Line 211

Care to Share – Food (503)591-9025

Care to Share - Utilities (503)726-0407

Love Inc. (503)443-6888

Union Gospel Mission Thrift Store (503)639-6488

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ST. ANTHONY COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sunday Domingo 7 am 8:30 am 11 am 1:30 PM 4 pm 7pm

August 7 7 de agosto +Carmen Bonano +Lou Ebling +Cao Doan Thanksgiving +Irma Torres Rodriguez People of St Anthony

Monday Lunes

August 8 8de agosto

Tuesday Martes

August 9 9 de agosto

8:30 AM Marianne Peck

8:30 AM +Paul Rethinger

7 AM Mass (Church) 7:30-12:30 Fellowship (Gathering Space) 8:30 AM Mass (Church) 11 AM Mass (Church) 1:30 PM Mass Vietnamese (Church) 4:00 PM Mass Spanish (Church) 5:30 PM Community Café (School) 7 PM Mass (Church)

8 AM Bible Study Exodus (On line) 8:30 AM Daily Mass 6:45 PM Band Practice

8:30 AM Daily Mass 9:15 AM Women’s Bible Study (Library 10 AM Parish Photo Directory 7 PM Charismatic Bible Study Choir Practice Spanish

Wednesday Miercoles

Thursday Jueves

Friday Viernes

August 10 10 de agosto

August 11 11 agosto

August 12 12 de agosto

8:30 AM Sue Sullivan

8:30 AM +Al Hammes

8:30 AM

8:30 AM Daily Mass 9:15 AM Quilt Tying (Library) 10 AM Parish Photo Directory 6 PM Serra Club 6:15 PM Spanish Mass (Church) 7:00 PM Confesiones Espanol Baptism Class for Parents Choir Practice Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (Upper Room)

8:30 AM Daily Mass 9:15 AM Women’s Faith Sharing (Library 10 AM Parish Photo Directory 6:30 PM Mass Vietnamese (Church) 7 PM Confessions Vietnamese/English Mary Queen of Family Rediscover Jesus (Upper Room)

8:30 AM Communion Service 8:30 AM Bulletin Crew (Parish Office) 10 AM Parish Photo Directory 10 AM Making Rosaries (Upper Room) 10:30 AM Divine Will Study Group 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group

Saturday Sabado

Sunday Domingo

August 13 13 de agosto

August 14 14 de agosto

8:30 AM 5:00 PM +Chuck Woodard

7 AM +Patrick Rooney 8:30 AM +Lisette Fisher 11 AM +Biec Tran 4 PM +Jose Diaz Roldan 7 PM People of St Anthony

7 am Men’s Bible Study (Upstairs Kitchen) 8:30 AM Communion Service 9 AM Parish Photo Directory 3:30 PM Confession (Church) 5 PM Vigil Mass (Church)

7 AM Mass (Church) 7:30-12:30 PM Fellowship (Gathering Space) 8:30 AM Mass (Church) 11 AM Mass (Church) 1:30 PM Mass Vietnamese (Church) 4 PM Mass Spanish (Church) 5:30 PM Community Café (school) 7 PM Mass (church)

Food, Fun & Fellowship AKA Potluck Picnic

August 15 - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - is NOT A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION

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SACRAMENT PREPARATION Children’s Sacrament Preparation News Contact: Cindy Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or [email protected]

The Children’s Faith Formation Ministry at St. Anthony is designed to aid parents as the primary religious educators of their children and their youth and to facilitate the student’s discovery, recognition, and experience of God’s activity in their lives.

Registration for 2016-17 Sunday Children’s Faith Formation classes is now available on-line. Visit this link: Or pick up forms from the parish office. Contact Cindy Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or [email protected]. OR Register in person next weekend, August 13-14 in the Gathering Space after all English masses. Register before August 15 to avoid the $25 late fee.

MINISTRY WITH CHILDREN Looking for a way to get involved in the parish? If you love children, love your catholic faith and can work with a team of adults….this might be your ministry! Contact Cindy at the parish office if you’d like to learn more about sharing your faith with children. 503-639-4179 x121


Preparing for the Sacraments at St. Anthony Our parish prepares students using the following components: 1. Regular Sunday mass attendance 2. Foundational Catechesis through Sunday Faith Formation Classes or Catholic School. 3. At home parent/child sacrament book completion. 4. Parish support through parent meetings & family retreats. Parents are encouraged to enroll children as 1st graders. Preparation for sacraments begins in the 2nd/3rd grade by enrolling in foundational catechesis. For 4th graders and older who are in their 1st year of formation, preparation begins in year two. Register for 2016-17 Sunday Religious Education classes now or enroll your child in our parish school to begin their formation.

The next class for the preparation of infant baptism is Wednesday, August 10th at 7 PM. For questions or to make an appointment please call 503-639-4179 ext. 122 or email [email protected]

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YOUTH MINISTRY Saint Anthony’s Life Teen is a ministry open to all high school students. We meet Sundays at 5:00, starting with dinner, and ending at 6:45, before Mass. Newcomers and visitors are always welcome - just walk in the door, write down a few pieces of information, and join the celebration!

Summer Life Nights God loves you all year long, and so do we! Whenever you’re in town, please join us 2nd and last Sundays for summer fun!

PARISH SCHOOL A Special Preschool Teacher Memory From This Past School Year I was so blessed to have such a wonderful and loving group of students this last school year. I will always remember how this group became so close with each other.

Whenever we would come back to the classroom after recess, my students knew they were to hang up their coats and sit quietly on the rug. With my eyes closed, I would do a count down to zero, asking if they were ready for me to look and see them ready to start our next activity. About half way through the year, they went through a phase where each time I would open my eyes, not only were they sitting ready, but they had their arms over each other's shoulders and giggling.

They would call themselves "one big family" and that touched my heart knowing that they grew to love each other so much. Like families, they grew together, argued, forgave, learned from each other, and created a bond like none other!

On-line Registration is open! Registration is needed for those who are: *Regularly attending Life Nights and other youth events. (For those going into their first or second year of Confirmation, the needed registration form is attached.)

With any and all questions or concerns, call Mary at 503-639-4179 x128

God Bless, Mary Roake Preschool Teacher

Blessings, Clare Jaramillo, Enrollment 503-639-4179, ext. 222

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SHARED LEADERSHIP NOTES PASTORAL COUNCIL & COMMISSION REPORTS The Faith Formation Commission met on June 16th to review the status of the parish survey and plan the next steps in the survey process. Attendees included Mary, Gerlinde, Kathy, Veronica, Donna, Susie, Cindy, and Kevin. The Commission made the following decisions: •

The “target” for the minimum number of survey responses is 200.

The survey schedule was extended through the Summer.

• A number of actions will be taken to advertise the survey and promote responses, including an outreach during the fellowship time after Sunday masses.

The next meeting is scheduled for July 21st and all are welcome to attend!

Window into Divine Mercy It is difficult to find words to describe the extreme enthusiasm of the two million mostly young pilgrims who came from 6 continents and 186 different nations (including Israel, Iran, and Syria) to experience, share, and enrich their Catholic faith with their peers and through their encounters with our Holy Father during World Youth Day. There were many activities for them to take part in ranging from catechesis meetings, festivals, visiting holy sites, Masses, adoration, reconciliation, receiving spiritual advice regarding what they are called to in life, and of course the intense meetings with Pope Francis. The artistic presentations during these meetings were extremely well done and inspiring. Mercy was what they were to take back home to share with others. Pope Francis told them that God brings us mercy first by forgiving us, and then we become instruments of His mercy. The first act of mercy we show others is to put our hand out to them in a hand shake. Pope Francis expressed true understanding and wise fatherly love for this young generation. He advised them not to retire in their 20’s and sit on a coach. He warned them against becoming bored and boring others. This coach is laziness, drugs, being taken in by the empty and false illusions the world has to offer. He told them that they need to be authentic and visible Christians, which sometimes may mean going against the current. They need to be Christians who smile and emanate the love that God has for them. They should not be ashamed of their faith and need to form a Christian society which shows mercy to everyone. They should not allow their souls to become numb and should guard against the narcotic of self egoism. God looks into our hearts and not at our outer appearance. Our Holy Father stated that his intention is to build a church with no walls, a church which is not an institution, but a living church bringing peace to the world. About 2 million pilgrims attended each of the two ending ceremonies, but Pope Francis made it felt that he spoke to each person individually. His message was for everyone of every age. Many pilgrims being interviewed by journalists as they were leaving Cracow stated that WYD was the greatest experience of their life. I cannot express how intensely WYD touched me. Jesus, I trust in You - Losia Radominski

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PHOTO SESSIONS HAVE BEGUN Time slots are still available Signing up is easy! go/4090D45ADAB23A6FB6-stanthony Don’t have access to a computer? Call the Parish Office and Lucille will make an appointment for you.

CHURCH ALTAR FLOWER ARRANGER NEEDED Fresh flowers on the Altar are donated by parishioners from their gardens or local supply. There are currently 3 teams of parishioners and we need more individuals or teams to rotate over the weekends of a month. The first weekend of the month is unassigned at this time. Father Arjie is coordinating this ministry so let him know that you would like to become involved. His email is [email protected] or you can leave a message at the church office. Thank you for helping to make our church environment a bright and cheery worship space.

Needed—a few more hostesses/hosts for Funeral Receptions.

Get your Catholic Women Rejoice tickets before they're gone! Join us at St Anthony in Tigard on Friday, August 19 for Benediction + Adoration and Saturday, August 20, for an amazing daylong event with Archbishop alexander K Sample, Hallie Lord, Mary Lenaburg, Jenna Guizar, Rebecca Frech and heather Reshaw. We’re pullin gout all the stops for our 5th anniversary event so don’t miss out. Visit for discounted tickets, available through Monday, August 15, only!

Time commitment is about 4 hours, usually 10 AM to 2 PM. With other volunteers, prepare punch and coffee and arrange food on tables. If this ministry appeals to you, please call the Parish Office, ext 111.

Faith Formation and Enhancement Survey

It only takes a few minutes to complete this brief survey to let us know the best way to serve you! Thank you very much!

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ADULT FAITH FORMATION & ENRICHMENT Are you looking to reconnect to your faith? Do you have questions about your relationship with God and the church? Thursday August 4th at 7 PM we will begin reading and discussing the book Rediscover Jesus. To be a part of this group email [email protected]

Join us Tuesday mornings after 8:30 mass in the Gathering Space. We will be exploring Psalms of Praise. To order your book email [email protected].

This Advent we begin using cycle A readings each Sunday from the Book of Matthew. If you are interested in studying the book of Matthew over 24 weeks, please email [email protected]

THURSDAY MORNINGS Throughout the year 9:30 to 11 AM Join women of all ages for prayer and faith sharing. We begin a new study on Aug 4th, using the book and DVD of the same name: Saying Yes by Fr Albert Haase, OFM. We will focus on answering the questions… What is god asking of me? How do I know if this is really of God and not simply my imagination? Should I follow my head or my heart? Contact Cindy to reserve a book.


From the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Office of Life, Justice & Peace 2016 Offering of Letters Campaign We asked you to write your members of Congress to provide $230 million to help mothers and children survive and thrive. The letters are part of Bread for the World’s 2016 Offering of Letters campaign to end maternal and child malnutrition. 1,089 letters were generated, which the Portland Archdiocese Office of Life, Justice & Peace members are delivering in person. We are deeply grateful to the participating parishes: Holy Trinity (Beaverton) Sacred Heart (Portland) St Anthony (Forest Grove St Francis (Portland) Resurrection (Tualatin) St Anthony (Tigard) St Henry St John Fisher’s 7th grade class St Pius St Francis (Sherwood) 3rd grade class St Juan Diego

Thank you to those in our St Anthony Catholic Community who took the time to write letters. Supported with prayer, your letters are a bold witness to God’s justice and mercy and have a significant impact on the decisions made in Congress

COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS Congratulations Dolores Mallory! Dolores found Father Arjie’s picture on the Parish Grounds. Congratulations Elizabeth Rocha! Elizabeth found Pope Francis THIS WEEK - look for St Anthony of Padua

PARISH FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP AKA - Potluck Picnic Saturday, August 13th, after 5 PM Mass Francis Hall

Included in the festivities: Best Dessert Contest Bring your best and earn a blue ribbon! It takes many people from the community to help with the organization of the picnic, before, after and during! To sign up simply go to:

During the month of August our faith community is collecting school supplies that are given to the Tigard/Tualatin School District for distribution to families who are living at poverty level or lower. You can place the supplies in the container in Francis hall or bring them to the Parish Office. This is an opportunity to share with your children and friends the Corporal Acts of Mercy - assisting people in need. It provides us with an opportunity to share the gospel with friends when we ask them to help.

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HISPANIC MINISTRY Saludos, En esta semana leemos en el Evangelio de Lucas: “si el maestro de la casa supiera la hora en que el ladro va a venir, el no dejaria que entrara a robar tu tambien debes de estar preparado, porque a la hora que no esperas, el Hijo del Hombre aparecera”. Preparacion es parte de la vida. Preparamos una cena, preparamos un viaje, nos preparamos para salir, preparamos nuestra casa, correctas cerraduras, con las correctas ventanas, de los ladrones. Y nuestra vida espiritual? Dios nos puede llamar a cualquier moemnte, de dia o de noche. Estamos preparados? Yo me estoy preparando para mi viaje a Roma en Septiembre. Tengo que asegurarme de que mi pasaporte este en regla. Tengo que asegurarme que tenga suficiente ropa ( la mayoria camisa y pantalones negros) tengo la maleta correcta? Muchas cosas que tener listas. Le dio esa atencion a mi vida espiritual? Espero que si! La preparacion no siempre es facil. Que se necesita para estar preparado espiritualmente? Participar de la Santa Misa es importante. La Eucaristia es alimento. La Eucaristia es jesus. Nosotros necesitamos a Jesus. Necesitamos aceptar a nuestro Señor total y completamente. La confesion es un buen camino para preparnos. Nosotros como catolicos creemos en los sacramentos y recibimos los sacramentos como bendiciones. La oracion es crucial. Nosotros necesitamos orar todos los dias, a varias horas del dia, mañana, al medio dia, la tarde y la noche. La oracion is el mejor camino para mantenernos en relacion solida y comunicacion abierta con Dios. EL servicio es necesario. Alimentar al hambriento, vestir al desnudo, visitar al prisionero son partes de las obras de misericordia espirituales y materiales. Preparacion es necesaria y vital para estar listo. Dios no trabaja en nuestro tiempo. No seria sabio aferrarnos y pensar que empezara a funcionar mañana. La preparacon necesita que sea ahora. El amor de Dios es generoso y para todos. Este listo para abrir su corazon a Dios porque a cualquier minuto Dios te puede llamar. Tengan un buena semana Tu amigo

Fr. John

Domingos: Eucaristía (Misa) 4:00pm Misa en Español Miercoles 6:15pm. Grupo de Oración Kerigma: Asamblea: (O’Reilly Hall) Viernes 7:00 PM HORA SANTA Pronto se les informara. Crecimientos: Martes (O’Reilly & Youth Center) 7:00 PM Clases PRE-Bautismales: Proxima clase de bautismo sep 3, 6 PM Clase por cita con Diacono Marco Llamar al 503-639-4179 Ext. 129 Requiere una entrevista con el Diacono Marco 503-639-4179 x129 BAUTIZOS (niños menores de 8 años): Bautizos septiembre 17, 2:00 pm Cuarto Domingo en la misa 4:00 PM Hablar con el Diacono Marco Sacerdote/ Párroco Fr. John Henderson 503-639-4179 Ext.112 Vicario Parroquial Fr. Arjie Garcia 503-639-4179 Ext. 119 Ministro Hispano Deacon Marco Espinoza 503-639-4179 x 129 [email protected] Asistente de Pastoral (Bilingüe) Viridiana Morales Ext.0 Horas de oficina: Martes, miércoles y Jueves de 6:30-9PM Sábado de 8:30 AM-12:00 PM Favor tocar el timbre de la puerta.

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Lo que Dios unió que no lo separe el hombre. Favor llame a la oficina y haga una cita con el Diacono Marco al 503-639-4179 Ext. 129 6 meses de anticipación

La inscripción para Educacion Religiosa Ven a registrar a sus hijos a la oficina o internet. Para la formacion de Sacramentos. Actividades de la comunidad San Antonio.

Directorio de la Parroquia. Invitamos a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad a participar en el directorio de la parroquia, puede ser individual o en familia. Para hacerlo favor hacer una cita en la oficina o por internet. Día de Adoración. El viernes 29 de Julio es día de adoración del Santísimo. Inicia a las 9:00AM después de misa con la exposición del Santísimo en la iglesia, de 7:00pm a 8:00pm hora de adoración y alabanza con música, oraciones y termina con la bendición del Santísimo Sacramento. Picnic de la Parroquia St. Anthony. El sábado 13 de agosto invitamos a nuestra comunidad a unirnos en una sola comunidad San Antonio para celebrar el Picnic de las 6:00pm en adelante. El evento consiste en traer un platillo lo suficiente para compartir, disfrutar de juegos y competencias incluyendo premios por el mejor platillo o ensalada y muchas actividades para toda la familia. JORNADA FAMILIAR MARIANA Invitamos a la comunidad a un día especial el sábado 13 de agosto de 9am en adelante. Tendremos Rosario en Familia, enseñanza y predicación, payasito cristiano, oración por las familias, gran procesión y coronación de la Virgen, animación y concierto, actividades para jóvenes, exposición del Santísimo Sacramento

XIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Primera lectura Sabiduria 18; 6-9 La noche de la liberacion pascual fue anunciada a nuestros padres, su pueblo esperaba a la vez la salvacion de los justos y el exterminio de sus enemigos. Salmo 33 Dichoso el pueblo que el Señor se escogio como su eredad. Segunda lectura Hebreos 11; 1-2, 8-19 La fe es la forma de poseer lo que se espera y de conocer las realidades que no se ven. Evangelio Lucas 12; 32-48 Jesus dijo a sus discipulos, no temas, rebaño mio, porque tu padre ha tenido a bien darte el Reino. Esten listos, con la tunica puesta y las lampara encendidas. Sean semejantes a los criados que esperando a que su señor regrese yo les aseguro que su Señor los Sentara a la mesa y les servira. Practica de Coros. Coro de Jóvenes/ Niños La práctica de los coros de niños y jóvenes es el 1ro, 2do y 4to martes del mes a las 7:15pm en la iglesia. Niños deben ser acompañados por sus padres. Coro de Jóvenes Adultos La práctica del coro de jóvenes adultos es el 3er martes de cada mes. Bienvenido a la Parroquia de San Antonio Gracias por acompañarnos esta tarde. Es nuestro mayor deseó que la Eucaristía que hoy celebramos nos anime a vivir una profunda experiencia de fe y vida. Le invitamos para que junto con sus familiares y amigos vuelvan a participar con nosotros, su comunidad y familia, de la iglesia de San Antonio en Tigard.




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