St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777

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St. Rita Catholic Church
St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777

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Story Transcript

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us

14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777

PASTOR: Rev. Daniel Kayajan, C.S.C. Ext. 223 ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. James Preskenis, CSC. Ext. 224 Religious Sisters: Sr. Norma Cime, MHML Ext. 226 Sr. Yuri Peña, MHML Office: 14404 14th. St. Ext. 221 Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Dominicales Rosary before Sunday Masses English: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Misa en Español: Domingo a las 5:00 p.m. Weekday / Entre Semana: English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación: English: Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. and by appointment Español: Domingo a las 4:00 p.m. o por cita RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES / CLASES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: English: Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Español: Domingo's de 6:15 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Please contact the Parish Office for information and Preparation for: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE R.C.I.A. Por favor comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e información sobre recepción de los sacramentos Music Ministry / Musica Director: Jim McKinney St. Anthony Catholic School - English choir rehearsal: 32902 Saint Anthony Way Thursdays at 7:00 pm. San Antonio, FL. 33576 (352) 588-3041 - Ensayo de Coro en Español Principal: Sr. Alice Martes a las 7:30 pm. (contacten a Nestor Ponce)

Prayer line: Call Jean @ (352) 523-2001

Just a note

In order to properly credit your offertory donation, please do not use any envelopes you have from Last year! If you use old envelopes your donation Will be improperly credited. Also, only take the box with your name on it.. Thanks!

Our office will be closed this Monday, Jan 16th. In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

ST. RITA MISSION STATEMENT / DECLARACION DE LA MISION DE SANTA RITA To evangelize and to be evangelized for the sake of the Kingdom using our talents and gifts for the service of others through our diverse ministries. Para evangelizar y ser evangelizado para el Reino, poniendo nuestros talentos y dones al servicio de los demas en nuestros diversos ministerios.

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 15, 2017

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January 15, 2016

InstallaƟon of Most Reverend Gregory L. Parkes as the FiŌh Bishop of St. Petersburg January 4, 2017

Información de nutrición. Programa patrocinado por Moffitt Cancer Center Miercoles 18 de enero @ 5:30 pm en el Salón Parroquial. Consejos para comer sano y prevenir enfermedades. Darán comida Gratis!

Formación para el Ministerio de Liturgia Viernes 20 de Enero @ 6p. HOSPITALIZADOS: Por favor informe en la Oficina si tiene algún familiar o amigo enfermo y desea que sea visitado.

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January 15, 2017

As we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. and a week of Christian unity I think it is good to continue to listen and learn from Pope Francis about building peace in a deeply divided nation and world. So here are a few more thoughts from the Holy Father. You can find the entire document on the Vatican website:, under the title of Fiftieth World Day of Peace, January 1, 2017.

Del Escritorio Celebrando el día de Martin Del Párroco Luther King, Jr., y también una semana de unidad entre los cristianos creo que es una buena idea seguir leyendo del Papa Francisco sobre como construir una paz autentica en nuestra nación y mundo dividido hasta entre los seguidores de Cristo. Se encuentre el documento por el sitió web:, bajo el titilo 50 Jornada Mundial de Paz, 1o de Enero.



Fiftieth World Day of Peace-Pope Francis

While the last century knew the devastation of two deadly World Wars, the threat of nuclear war and a great number of other conflicts, today, sadly, we find ourselves engaged in a horrifying world war fought piecemeal. It is not easy to know if our world is presently more or less violent than in the past, or to know whether modern means of communications and greater mobility have made us more aware of violence, or, on the other hand, increasingly inured to it. In any case, we know that this “piecemeal” violence, of different kinds and levels, causes great suffering: wars in different countries and continents; terrorism, organized crime and unforeseen acts of violence; the abuses suffered by migrants and victims of human trafficking; and the devastation of the environment. Where does this lead? Can violence achieve any goal of lasting value? Or does it merely lead to retaliation and a cycle of deadly conflicts that benefit only a few “warlords”? Violence is not the cure for our broken world. Countering violence with violence leads at best to forced migrations and enormous suffering, because vast amounts of resources are diverted to military ends and away from the everyday needs of young people, families experiencing hardship, the elderly, the infirm and the great majority of people in our world. At worst, it can lead to the death, physical and spiritual, of many people, if not of all. The Good News Jesus himself lived in violent times. Yet he taught that the true battlefield, where violence and peace meet, is the human heart: for “it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come” (Mk 7:21). But Christ’s message in this regard offers a radically positive approach. He unfailingly preached God’s unconditional love, which welcomes and forgives. He taught his disciples to love their enemies (cf. Mt 5:44) and to turn the other cheek (cf. Mt 5:39). When he stopped her accusers from stoning the woman caught in adultery (cf. Jn 8:1-11), and when, on the night before he died, he told Peter to put away his sword (cf. Mt 26:52), Jesus marked out the path of nonviolence. He walked that path to the very end, to the cross, whereby he became our peace and put an end to hostility (cf. Eph 2:14-16). Whoever accepts the Good News of Jesus is able to acknowledge the violence within and be healed by God’s mercy, becoming in turn an instrument of reconciliation. In the words of Saint Francis of Assisi: “As you announce peace with your mouth, make sure that you have greater peace in your hearts”.

50 Jornada Mundial de Paz—Papa Francisco El siglo pasado fue devastado por dos horribles guerras mundiales, conoció la amenaza de la guerra nuclear y un gran número de nuevos conflictos, pero hoy lamentablemente estamos ante una terrible guerra mundial por partes. No es fácil saber si el mundo actualmente es más o menos violento de lo que fue en el pasado, ni si los modernos medios de comunicación y la movilidad que caracteriza nuestra época nos hace más conscientes de la violencia o más habituados a ella. En cualquier caso, esta violencia que se comete «por partes», en modos y niveles diversos, provoca un enorme sufrimiento que conocemos bien: guerras en diferentes países y continentes; terrorismo, criminalidad y ataques armados impredecibles; abusos contra los emigrantes y las víctimas de la trata; devastación del medio ambiente. ¿Con qué fin? La violencia, ¿permite alcanzar objetivos de valor duradero? Todo lo que obtiene, ¿no se reduce a desencadenar represalias y espirales de conflicto letales que benefician sólo a algunos «señores de la guerra»? La violencia no es la solución para nuestro mundo fragmentado. Responder con violencia a la violencia lleva, en el mejor de los casos, a la emigración forzada y a un enorme sufrimiento, ya que las grandes cantidades de recursos que se destinan a fines militares son sustraídas de las necesidades cotidianas de los jóvenes, de las familias en dificultad, de los ancianos, de los enfermos, de la gran mayoría de los habitantes del mundo. En el peor de los casos, lleva a la muerte física y espiritual de muchos, si no es de todos. La Buena Noticia También Jesús vivió en tiempos de violencia. Él enseñó que el verdadero campo de batalla, en el que se enfrentan la violencia y la paz, es el corazón humano: «Porque de dentro, del corazón del hombre, salen los pensamientos perversos» (Mc 7,21). Pero el mensaje de Cristo, ante esta realidad, ofrece una respuesta radicalmente positiva: él predicó incansablemente el amor incondicional de Dios que acoge y perdona, y enseñó a sus discípulos a amar a los enemigos (cf. Mt 5,44) y a poner la otra mejilla (cf. Mt 5,39). Cuando impidió que la adúltera fuera lapidada por sus acusadores (cf. Jn 8,1-11) y cuando, la noche antes de morir, dijo a Pedro que envainara la espada (cf. Mt 26,52), Jesús trazó el camino de la no violencia, que siguió hasta el final, hasta la cruz, mediante la cual construyó la paz y destruyó la enemistad (cf. Ef 2,14-16). Por esto, quien acoge la Buena Noticia de Jesús reconoce su propia violencia y se deja curar por la misericordia de Dios, convirtiéndose a su vez en instrumento de reconciliación, según la exhortación de san Francisco de Asís: «Que la paz que anunciáis de palabra la tengáis, y en mayor medida, en vuestros corazones».

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January 15, 2017

Please remember that the 2017 Offertory Envelopes will be in the back of the Church Hall after all Masses! *We can only issue envelopes if you are registered.*

Tithe/Contribution Reports - This year, we will only be mailing out tithe reports upon request. If you need a tithe report for tax purposes, please call the parish office. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Class

There will be a refresher class for all EMHCs on Monday Jan 23d at 6:30p in Room 8 of the Fr. Sanchez Building. EMHCs that attended the class in Nov. don’t need to attend.

Nutrition Info. Program sponsored by Moffitt Cancer Center Wed., Jan. 18 @5:30pm (Sp.) at Parish Hall Sat., Jan. 21 @10:00am (Eng.) at Paris Hall Tips for healthy eating and preventing diseases. Food provided! Save the Date! Come for dinner and a dance to St. Rita’s Spring Fling held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in San Antonio on February 11th 2017. Tickets are $10 each or two for $15. Reserve a table for your family or friends. For more information or reservations contact Angie at Catholic Charities (352) 521-1217 See you there! If your marriage has become troubled and stressed, unloving or uncaring; if you have grown cold and distant; even if you are divorced or separated, or are thinking about it; Retrouvaille can help. It has helped thousands. Our next program begins February 10-12, 2017. For more information, visit, or call 813-906-7705. Not a counseling or group therapy. All contacts and names held in strictest confidence.

PRAYER LIST - Please notify the office if you wish to have a family members name on the list. Names will remain on the list for two weeks. Nancy Counihan

9 Days for Life The U.S. bishops invite us to pray for the protection of all human life. A special novena called 9 Days for Life will take place from January 21st-29th. Society of St. Vincent De Paul St. Rita Conference 813-713-8323 Report for December 2016: Number of Families 325 Number in household 975 Number of homeless 19 Total am't of money spent $5049 Total lbs. of food distributed 6500Ibs Total of visits 71 Next Blue Bucket Collection will be next weekend January 21st & 22nd. Thank you for your support!

BIBLE STUDY STARTS WED FEB 1st Join us in Room 5 of the Fr. Felix Sanchez Center/Education Building @ 1:30p Cost is $10/person if you can afford it. Reader & Eucharistic Reader 01/21/2017 Theresa Pawlicki 4:30 PM Raymond Pawlicki

Minister Schedule Eucharistic Minister Elizabeth Kutsch Michael Flannery Margherita Hoffmann 01/22/2017 Charlie Basile James Fox Sara Ross 8:00 AM Sue Richardson An Redmond-Theodore 11:00 AM Paul Berry Marcy Karges Rosemarie McLeod Joan Midgett Mary Barrett For/Para: 1/07 & 1/08 $7876.69 LOA: $87.00 Votive's: $62.21 Thank you for your generosity and may God bless you Abundantly! Gracias por su generosidad y que el Señor los Bendiga Abundantemente! Pew Fund: These two weeks we collected $133.40 Total collected so far is $2,126.40 plus the matching fund of $2,126.40 brings our total to: $4,252.80 Many thanks!!

WEEK OF January 15, 2017 DAY





8:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am †David Hamm 5:00 pm †Humberto Alvarez

Isaiah 49:3, 5-6 Psalm 40 1 Corinthians 1:1-3 John 1:29-34

8:00 am Coffee and Donuts after mass Confirmation Parents Meeting after all Masses 12:00 p LOA Non-Perishable Food Donations Welcome


8:30 am †Ray Dunwoodie

Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22

OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration 4:30 pm Evening Prayer and Benediction 7:00 pm Grupo de Juan XXIII


8:30 am †Elizabeth Dodge

Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28

10:00 am SVDP Meeting

WEDNESDAY/ 8:30 am Vocations for the Priesthood Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; MIERCOLES, 7:30 pm †Maria Guadalupe Perez Mk 3:1-6 JAN. 18TH

1:30 pm Bible Study 5:30 pm Moffitt Nutrition Program Spanish 8:00 pm Spanish Baptism Prep. Class #2


8:30 am †Jack Kutsch

Heb 7:25 -- 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12


8:30 am †Josue Lopez

Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19

6:00 pm Formacion para el Ministerio de Liturgia


4:30 pm †Elizabeth Fitts

Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21

10:00 am Moffitt Nutrition Program in English


8:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am †Al Bucci 5:00 pm †Andres Ponce Villegas

Is 8:23 -- 9:3; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17; Mt 4:12-23 [12-17]

8:00 am Coffee and Donuts after mass St. Vincent de Paul Special Collection Non-Perishable Food Donations Welcome

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