St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue

July 7, 2013 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Chapel of the Holy Cross Capilla de la Santa Cruz 1534 Whitesville Road, Albertville, AL 35950 Mass

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Capilla de la Santa Cruz 1534 Whitesville Road Albertville, AL St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville, AL 35976
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Story Transcript

July 7, 2013

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Chapel of the Holy Cross Capilla de la Santa Cruz 1534 Whitesville Road, Albertville, AL 35950 Mass Times/horario de Misas: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Martes, miércoles y viernes bilingual 6:00 pm Saturday Misa de Vigilia bi-lingual 6:00 pm Sunday/domingo en Español 8:30 am & 11:00 am

Confessions/Confesiones Saturday/Sabado 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm o por cita

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Adoración Saturday/sábado 7:00 p.m.

St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville, AL 35976 Mass Times Daily Mass Monday—Saturday Saturday Sunday

8:30 am 5:00 pm 8:30 & 11:00 am

Confession - Saturday 3:45-4:30 pm or by Appointment Pastor Fr. Tim Pfander 256-582-4245 x103 [email protected] Saint William Church Office Office Hours Phone Fax

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 256-582-4245 256-582-7954

Office Manager Phone Email Office address

Laura Hodge 256-582-4245 ext. 102 [email protected] 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville, AL 35976 Parish School of Religion

Office Hours DRE Coordinator Phone Email

Monday - Wednesday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Mary’s House Yolanda Nieto Debbie Klan 256-582-4245 ext. 104 [email protected]

Hispanic Ministry Ministerio Hispano Fr. Joe Lody 256-891-0550 x102 [email protected]

Deacon/Diácono Rev. Mr. Edwin Santos 256-878-9973 256-738-6153 [email protected]

Centro Office Hours Centro de la Vida Horario de Oficina 256-891-0550 256-279-0169 Director/Directora - Maria López Closed/cerrado Monday Tuesday/martes 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Wednesday/miércoles 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Thursday/jueves 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Friday/viernes 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday/sábado 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Sunday/domingo 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Office hours for Fr. Lody Horario de Oficina por Padre Joe Tuesday/martes 4:00 pm - 5:45 pm Wednesday/miércoles 10:00 am - 12:00 & 4:00 - 5:45 pm Thursday/jueves por cita Friday/viernes 10:00 am - 12:00 & 4:00 - 5:45 pm

St. William Parish Church, Clubs, & Organization Contact Information Church Office


Music coordinator/Coordinador de Música Kevin McGarrahan 256-586-6784 St. Vincent de Paul Tim Higgins *for Assistance

256-582-4245 ext. 201

RENEW Mary Fritts


Ladies Sodality Jeanette Seppamaki


Knights of Columbus Council 12618 Paul McKinney 256-878-2376 Assembly 3328 Sean Landry 256-878-0966 Marshall County Homeless Ministry Janice Slaughter 256-582-7609

Capilla de la Santa Cruz Grupos, Organizaciones, y Información

Coros Coro Santa Cruz: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en la Capilla. *Coordinador: Raúl Garduño, 256-558-5286 Coro Alabanza y Gloria: Ensayo los jueves a las 6 pm en el centro. *Coordinador: Tomás Ackerman, 251-402-3626 Coro Fuego Divino: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en el centro. *Coordinador: Eredín Díaz, 256-558-6340

Catecismo Preparación para la recepción de los sacramentos y para el crecimiento en la fe. Clases los viernes, sábados y domingos en el centro. Se requiere dos años de clase para la recepción de la Primera Comunión y para Confirmación. Para la recepción de Comunión el/la estudiante necesita tener 7 años de edad antes del primero de octubre. Para empezar la clase del primer año de Confirmación, necesita tener 12 años antes del primero de octubre. Y para la recepción de Confirmación, necesita tener 13 años antes del primero de octubre. *Contacte: María López o Yolanda Nieto, 256-891-0550

Respect Life Judith Hyatt Alice Beck

256-200-0148 256-593-4764

Young at Heart Helen Befort

Clases de Crecimiento. Para los jóvenes y adultos que quieren aprender más de su fe. “Cuando era niño, hablaba como niño, pensaba y razonaba como niño. Pero cuando me hice hombre, dejé de lado las cosas del niño” (1 Corintios 13:11). *Coordinador: Santiago Vásquez, 256-960-7095



Parish School of Religion Pre-K through 8th Grade Children age 4 through 15. Catholic Youth Formation meets on Sundays in Mary’s House from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule. Senior Youth Catechism High School Catechism is held each Sunday in Angel House from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule. Adult Formation/RCIA Interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Classes meet on Tuesday at 7:00 pm in Craven Hall. Please see the calendar for the full schedule.

Sacraments Weddings Couples must contact Fr. Tim at least 6 months prior to setting a wedding date at the parish. Baptisms Please contact Fr. Tim for schedules and preparation information. Quinceañera Participants must have received Confirmation or have been prepared for Confirmation. Contact the Pastor 3 months prior to the event.

Bulletin Deadline

Monday 12:00 pm

Cursos Pre-Matrimoniales. Dichoso quien ama de corazón los Mandatos del Señor. Anímate a recibir la bendición de Dios en tu matrimonio. Te esperamos. *Contacte: Diácono Edwin y Paola Santos, 256-738-6103 Clases Pre-Bautismal. Cada segundo sábado del mes a las 11:00 de la mañana. *Para más información contacte: María López 256-891-0550 Preparación Quinceañeras. Son solamente tres veces al año. *Para más información contacte: Ramona Solís, 256-302-1385

Grupos Grupo Juvenil Reuniones Miércoles 10:00 am a 12:00 pm, y Domingos 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm *Contacte: Maricela Nieto, 256-572-6613 Caballeros de Colón *Contacte: Joe Castillo, 256-744-0232 Luis Rivera, 256-630-4395 Grupos de Oración. “Eran asiduos a la enseñaza de los Apóstoles, a la Convivencia fraterna a la fracción del pan y a las oraciones” (Hechos 2:42). Domingos desde las 2 p.m. hasta las 5 p.m. en la capilla. *Coordinador 1: Baltazar Zamarripa, 256-293-2599 *Coordinador 2: Pedro González, 256-486-7890 Comité Organizador de los Eventos de la Iglesia *Contacte: Rosalinda Vega, 256-572-1642

Respect Life

Judith Hyatt

I would also say emphatically that we must all commit ourselves with clarity and courage to every human person, especially children, who are among the most vulnerable, that they might always be defended and protected. ~ Pope Francis, Regina Caeli Address, May 5, 2013

For our nation: That we may again respect religious freedom, the sanctity of marriage, and the dignity of every human life; Let us pray: MISSION Today’s first reading from Isaiah was occasioned by the return of the Jewish people from exile. The prophet visualizes the Holy City as a mother welcoming her children home. The people may now look forward to prosperity and comfort. In this post-Pentecostal season, the Church attributes this sense of fulfillment to the Holy Spirit. Paul, on the other hand, speaks of “the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” It is the single thing of which he will boast, for it is the means by which we are re-created. The comfort and prosperity promised in the first reading are here transformed by a deepening of the Christian paradox. Luke’s Gospel describes the calling and the mission of “seventy-two others,” who are commissioned to bring in the “harvest.” The number is symbolic, since according to Jewish tradition the number of nations in the world is seventy-two. This then is a universal mission, a catholic mission to all the world.

In the gospel the disciples are “sent ahead” of Jesus, not so much with a mission to do as to be ambassadors for Jesus. The respect and honor that are due Jesus are extended also to Jesus’ disciples and this is how God’s kingdom is “at hand.” When God’s kingdom is present there is peace and healing. We do everything because we are disciples of Jesus and act in his name. It is in Christ’s presence through us that peace and joy are spread. Mission is being sent to be Christ for others. (Living Liturgy, p.168) TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION It’s high summer now, school is out, the pace of work slows, and some people drift away. There are visitors in the churches every summer, and familiar faces are “among the missing.” Some find the summer’s call more appealing than the summons of the church bells. Many, however, would not dream of missing a Sunday, and so they make their way to Mass in unfamiliar places, watching the locals for clues as to when to sit or stand, where the Communion stations are. In answering the call, they keep the “sabbatical” rhythm of the Christian life: every seventh day, the Body of Christ assembles for worship. For centuries, there was no obligation to Sunday Mass in the sense of a written law, but Christians have always yearned to be together on Sunday. In the city of Abitina, during a persecution by the Emperor Diocletian, a group of Christians were urged to stop worshiping together on Sundays. They responded, “Then take our lives, for without the Sunday we cannot live.” By a curious coincidence, the appointed readings today center us on thoughts of peace. On our Independence Day, the experience of worship situates us in community, and evokes a commitment from us to be advocates of peace in all aspects of our society’s life. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

By Little and By Little: Reflecting on Dorothy Day To be held: Saturday, July 13, 2013 During this day of reflection we will pray over the life of Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Sold on First Come First Serve Basis

Only $10.00 each Color shirt & Graphics

Drawing inspiration from the lives of the saints, Dorothy Day tried to make each act of her life one of service to God and others.

Watch your email and bulletin for arrival date

Available Sizes: Youth XS through Adult 5X

Arrive for registration at the main entrance of Sacred Heart Monastery; reflection begins at 9:30am. The day will end at 4 pm. There is a $9.00 cost for lunch. Preregistration requested but not required for attendance. To pre-register, for directions or other information call the Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center: 256-734-8302.

Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario San Agustin Zhao Rong y sus Companeros San Benito San Enrique Jornada Mundial de la Juventud Santa Maria Virgen MISIÓN La primera lectura de hoy, tomada de Isaías, fue motivada por el retorno del pueblo judío del exilio. El profeta visualiza la Ciudad Santa como una madre que da la bienvenida a sus hijos que regresan al hogar. El pueblo puede ahora esperar prosperidad y comodidad. En este tiempo después de Pentecostés, la Iglesia atribuye este sentimiento de satisfacción al Espíritu Santo. Pablo, por otro lado, habla de “la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo”. Es la única cosa de que él se enorgullece porque es el medio por el cual somos re-creados. La comodidad y la prosperidad prometidas en la primera lectura se transforman aquí al profundizar una paradoja cristiana. El Evangelio de Lucas describe el llamado a la misión de “otros setenta y dos”, que son enviados a recoger la “cosecha”. El número es simbólico, pues según la tradición judía, el número de naciones en el mundo es setenta y dos. Esta, entonces, es una misión universal, una misión católica para todo el mundo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Regocíjense y alégrense porque extenderé la prosperidad sobre Jerusalén como un río (Isaías 66:10-14c). Salmos — Las obras del Señor son admirables (Salmo 66 [65]). Segunda lectura — Que nunca me gloríe excepto en la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo (Gálatas 6:14-18). Evangelio — Jesús envía sus discípulos en parejas a llevar su paz a la gente (Lucas 10:1-12, 17-20).

Aviso Clases de Catecismo Registraciones para las clases de catecismo, para adultos y niños, empiezan el 23 de junio y terminan el 31 de julio. Puede inscribirse en la oficina del Centro durante las horas normales de operación. Las clases comienza el 23, 24, 25 de agosto, 2013. Edades necesarias para preparación sacramental: Segundo ano de Primera Comunión 7 - antes del 1 de septiembre Primer ano de Confirmación 12 - antes del 1 de septiembre Segundo ano de Confirmación 13 - antes del 1 de septiembre

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Jornada Mundial de la Juventud Martes: San Agustín Zhao Rong y sus compañeros; Ramadán (el mes musulmán de ayuno) comienza esta semana Jueves: San Benito Sábado: San Enrique; Santa María Virgen

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En muchos santuarios de Latinoamérica y Europa se pueden encontrar diversas ofrendas que han dejado los fieles a través de los siglos. Entre estas ofrendas es de particular relieve el exvoto. Exvoto (una frase en latín que se traduce “del voto”) es el regalo que se le presenta al santo o a la santa en reconocimiento del favor recibido. Esto también se llama “manda”. Los exvotos o mandas toman varias formas desde pequeñas medallas en forma de la parte del cuerpo que fue sanado hasta pinturas del milagro concedido. El exvoto más antiguo en América es de una pintura mandada a hacer por Hernán Cortés en honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Extremadura (España). Esta imagen reconocía el hecho de ser salvado del piquete de un alacrán mientras estaba en México. Lamentablemente esta pintura se extravió en el siglo XIX. En realidad el santo o la santa no necesita el exvoto pero los creyentes sí. Estas mandas nos recuerdan el poder de la intercesión divina en la vida humana. También nos invitan al agradecimiento de los favores que Dios nos hace. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

LA SOMBRA DE DIOS El amor es la sombra de Dios en nuestro universo. —Anónimo

LA LLAMADA DEL SEÑOR ¿Qué es lo más agradable que la voz del Señor que te llama? —San Benito

Kelley's Rainbow (El Arco Iris de Kelley) La Coalición Contra Violencia de Marshall County Kelley's Rainbow ofrece muchos servicios para las víctimas de violencia doméstica y para sus familias. Si usted es víctima o conoce a alguien que es víctima, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros y permítanos ayudarle. Oficina: (256) 891-9864 Hotline (Linea directa): (256) 891-0019 o al número gratuito: (888) 582-6883 ¡24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana!

Minister’s Schedule (schedule available online at Servers Al Summers

Ushers Flo Stamm John Bannan

Shawn O’Harra Bethany Merrill

Grace Fennimore Amanda Lee

Harold Davis Jackie Todd William Busic

Sunday 11:00 am

Tina Hoang Kristen Skaziak Mary Rusk

Cindy Hammond Eden Yutiamco

Kathryn Hammond George Uchaker

Mark Etu Jimmy Lester Rickey Hammond

Saturday 5:00 pm

Ministers of Communion Kevin McGarrahan Bev Sorcic Linda Hodge

Lectors Denis Liederbach Tony Sorcic

Servers Erin Summers Zack Summers

Ushers Norb Patla Gene Doyle

Sunday 8:30 am

Bethany Merrill Ed Cattadoris Mary Cattadoris

Lorraine Armstrong Finie Higgins

Emilia Summerlin Breanna Laski

William Busic Kevin Young Dale Lee

Kristen Skaziak Nancy Curtin

Halie Uchaker Maggie Skaziak

Lectors Linda Hodge John Bannan

Servers Al Summers

Saturday 5:00 pm

James Curtin Mary Traynor Gayle Eason Ministers of Communion Norb Patla Robert Crowell Billie Simpson

Vinnie Riggs Patrick Hammond Joseph Snead Ushers Dewon Simpson Sean Landry

Sunday 8:30 am

Shawn O’Harra Chris Andreae Derry Ewing

Tony Hoeppner Jessica Lee

Jake Fennimore Grace Fennimore

Dale Lee Jackie Todd

Sunday 11:00 am

Lien Thu Hoang Tina Hoang Kristen Skaziak

Eden Yutiamco Chris Wallace

Kathryn Hammond Matthew Skaziak

Cindy Hammond Jimmy Chavez John Eason

Saturday 5:00 pm

July 20-21

Sunday 11:00 am July 27-28

Kelley’s Rainbow Marshall County Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Kelley’s Rainbow offers many services for victims of domestic violence and their families. If you are a victim or know someone who is, please contact us and let us help you.


To St. William Catholic Church

Office: (256) 891-9864 Hotline (256) 891-0019 or toll free: (888) 582-6883 24 hrs. 7 days a week!!

nt ?

Lectors Norb Patla Kevin McGarrahan

Sunday 8:30 am

Ministers of Communion Billie Simpson Robert Crowell Virginia Witherspoon Paul McKinney Chris Andreae Jack Hahn

Pr eg na

July 13-14


ee d

Catholic Family Services and Project Rachel Gadsden (256) 546-4883 Huntsville (256) 536-0073 Crisis Pregnancy Center Albertville (256) 878-1300 National Hotline (800) 395-HELP (4357) Se habla Español




To become a member of St. William Catholic Church, please complete one of our registration forms located: At the entrances of the church, in the parish office, on our website at or you may complete the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish! CURRENT MEMBERS PLEASE USE THIS FORM TO UPDATE ADDRESS, PHONE, OR EMAIL INFO Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office at: St. William Catholic Church, 929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976 Name________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ City__________________________________State_________ZIP_______ Email________________________________________________________ I would like to join St. William Catholic Church. Please send me a registration form. I would like more information about becoming Catholic.

St. William Calendar of Events Sun, Jul 07, 2013 9:30 AM 3:30 PM

Music Rehearsal St. William Dance Class Craven Hall

Capilla de la Santa Cruz Calendario de Eventos domingo 7 de julio 1:00 PM

K of C/Caballeros de Colon Centro - Sala Grande

2:00 PM

Grupo de Oración Capilla

5:00 PM

Grupo de Jóvenes Centro - Sala Grande

Mon, Jul 08, 2013 8:30 AM No Daily Mass St. William

lunes 8 de julio

Tue, Jul 09, 2013 8:30 AM

martes 9 de julio 6:30 PM


miércoles 10 de julio 10:00 AM

Grupo de Jóvenes

jueves 11 de julio 4:00 PM

Juntos por cita

1:00 PM

No Daily Mass St. William Renew Angel House

Wed, Jul 10, 2013 8:30 AM No Daily Mass St. William 6:00 PM

Seafood Festival Meeting Craven Hall

7:00 PM

Knights of Columbus Craven Hall

Thu, Jul 11, 2013

Sun, Jul 14, 2013 9:30 AM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM

Ensayo del coro Centro - Sala Pequeña

6:30 PM

Ensayo del coro Capilla

viernes 12 de julio 6:30 PM 6:30 PM

Fri, Jul 12, 2013 Sat, Jul 13, 2013 4:30 PM

6:00 PM

Rosary St. William

sábado 13 de julio 10:00 AM

1:00 PM

Baptisms/Bautismos Chapel/Capilla Confesión

Music Rehearsal St. William

5:30 PM

Rosario Capilla

Dance Class Craven Hall

7:00 PM


Knights of Columbus - Officer Installation

Mon, Jul 15, 2013 8:30 AM No Daily Mass St. William

Tue, Jul 16, 2013 8:30 AM

Grupo de Intercesiones

4:30 PM

domingo 14 de julio 2:00 PM

Craven Hall/St. William

7:00 PM

Ensayo del coro Centro - Sala pequeña

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Mary's House No Daily Mass St. William Renew Angel House

Wed, Jul 17, 2013 8:30 AM No Daily Mass St. William

5:00 PM

Grupo de Oración Capilla Grupo de Jóvenes Centro - Sala Grande

lunes 15 de julio martes 16 de julio 6:30 PM


miércoles 17 de julio 10:00 AM

Grupo de Jóvenes

jueves 18 de julio 4:00 PM

Juntos por cita

6:00 PM

Ensayo del coro Centro - Sala Pequeña

6:30 PM

Ensayo del coro Capilla

Stewardship Report

Matthew 25: “I was sick and you visited me.”

Due to holiday publication deadlines, current stewardship information is not available this week.

If you or a loved one is sick or hospitalized and would like a visit from a priest, please contact the office at (256) 5824245 or via e-mail. They will be happy to arrange a visit.

Needed Each Week Offertory Mortgage Payment per Month Building Fund Collections Current Month Building Fund Food Sales Current Month Parish Debt Poor Box

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

9,970 12,294 574,929

Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa July 6-14, 2013 Saturday, July 6th 5:00 pm St. William - Justin Ehman, RIP Sunday, July 7th 8:30 am St. William - St. William Parishioners Monday, July 8th 8:30 am St. William - Communion Service Tuesday, July 9th 8:30 am St. William - Communion Service Wednesday, July 10th 8:30 am St. William - Communion Service

St. William Prayer List Parishioners Reba Jo Davis Rosemary Chavez Denis Liederbach Jackie Todd Stuart Howell Libby Rodman Shelvy Landry Ginny Moore Lawrence Lee Donna Mitchell Kevin Young Our homebound parishioners

Gloria & Rodolfo Rabin Bob Carriatore Anna Caliguire Dottie Browne-Peck Larica Clark Marlene Matuszak Mark Etu Jeanette Andrews Dolores Garbowicz Flo Powers Sally Goerss Carmen Collazo

Friends and Family Ramona Roberts John Whalen Rusty Stahl Marc Greenwood Madeline & Miller Arnold Linda Devers Marilyn McCarron Hinchee Margaret Almond Jeanne Hennon Leonard Knight Joseph Jacaruso Chris Sullivan Dan & Patricia Curtin Michael Agola Sarah Chase Those Recovering from Surgery

Eliza Austin Mildred Stroud Ken Badolato Paula Kretzschmar Noah Zabat Caleb Zabat Charles Lee Snyder Linda Davis Celeste Ford Walter Huskey Jaymie Antuaco Tom Hodges Martilia Fields Julius J. Befort Our Soldiers Stationed Overseas

Thursday, July 11th Friday, July 12th 8:30 am St. William - Ray Gilday, RIP Saturday, July 13th 5:00 pm St. William - Teresa Stewart, RIP Sunday, July 14th 8:30 am St. William - Josie Clark, RIP 11:00 am Chapel - St. William Parishioners

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~Galatians 6:14

DONATION ENVELOPES We would like to offer parishioners and other interested parties the opportunity to make a monetary donation to our festival fund. Those parishioners who are not available to participate as festival volunteers are especially encouraged to make a contribution. Envelopes are available in the pews and in the vestibule.

Festival Meeting Schedule All start at 6 pm in Craven Hall

July 10 August 14 August 28

RAFFLE TICKETS for the 2013 Seafood Festival are available in the vestibule. Prizes this year are all cash: $1000, $500, and $250. Tickets are $2.00 each or 6 for $10.00. Sold ticket stubs and money may be returned to the raffle box located in the vestibule. Additional tickets are available in the back of the church or in the church office.

BRANCHWATER VILLAGE Assisted and Independent Living

Bernadette Lanier * Administrator

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Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS

Boaz, Alabama 35957 * Parishioner

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Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office.

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