Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ November 10, 2013

Immaculate Heart of Mary 500 Fairview • Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340 Office Hours: Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. ww

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November 6, 2016 Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2016|Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time S AINT L AWRENCE THE M ARTYR C ATHOLIC P ARISH AND E DUCATION C ENTER 1971 S T . L AWRENCE D RI


Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ September 1, 2013
Immaculate Heart of Mary 500 Fairview • Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340 Office Hours: Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. ww

Our Mission Statement The Parish of the Holy Name of Jesus is a vibrant urban ministry in the Roman Catholic Church within the Franciscan tradition. I

II Sunday in Ordinary Time
P S A I N T II Sunday in Ordinary Time B E N E D I C T D E S A N P A R I S H A R R O Q U I A B II Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 21 HATHORN

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2 12 50 H es pe r ian B l v d, H ay wa rd , C A 9 45 4 1 | 51 0 -7 8 3 - 2 7 6 6 | w w w .s t jo ac h i m.n et October 2, 2016 27th Sunday in Ordin

SEPTEMBER 20, th Sunday in ordinary time
ST. THERESE of Jesus Parish PARROQUIA SANTA TERESA Parish Website - School Website - Missionaries of the Sacre

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Immaculate Heart of Mary 500 Fairview • Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340 Office Hours: Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. — E-Mail: [email protected] MASSES / MISAS Saturday/Sábado: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eng 6:30 PM Español

Fr. Jerry Brown, Pastor 634-5202 [email protected] Fr. Jim Sullivan, Parochial Vicar 634-4154 x 107 [email protected] Fr. Fabio Correa, Parochial Vicar 634-4154 x 108 [email protected]

Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Eng 10:45 AM and 2:00 PM Español, 5:00 PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin)

Dn. John Kortuem - 634-4154 x 161 Dn. Ed Spano - 634-4154 x 153 Dn. Ron Horan - 963-6501 or 634-4154 x 152 [email protected] Missionary Sisters - 513-8154 or 634-4154 x 154

Weekday Masses/Misas Diarias: Mon thru Fri: 7:00 AM English Mon-Wed-Fri: 8:30 AM English Tue-Thurs: 8:30 AM Spanish Tue 5:15PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin)

Emergency 684-7312

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ November 10, 2013 MASS FOR THE SICK Monday, November 11, 2013, at 11:00 am. Followed by lunch in the Parish Hall. THE MESSIANIC PROPHECIES Day of Reflection with Fr. Jim Christ Revealed in the Old Testament November 30, 2013 Coffee Social 9:30 a.m. Presentation 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Parish Hall Lunch is provided and includes Fr. Jim’s Guacamole de Guadalajara Please RSVP by November 26th to Fr. Jim at 925-634-4154 or [email protected] Bring your Bible and Rosary The office will be closed on Monday, November 11, 2013 in observance of Veterans Day. La oficina estará cerrada el Lunes, 11 de Noviembre de 2013 en observación del Día de los Veteranos.


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32nd Sunday in

Ordinary Time


Entrance Chant: For All the Saints


Psalm Response

Gospel Acclamation

Page 3

Sanctus (Holy, Holy) Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made; For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (all bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apos tolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Mystery of Faith

Preparation of the Gifts: Eye Has Not Seen


Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace, grant us peace. Practicing Catholics (those at Mass each week and regular at confession) are invited to receive the Sacrament. Non practicing Catholics should go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. Non Catholics are welcome to come for a blessing (cross your arms over your chest).

Communion: Many and Great

With this Bread

1. To offer assistance when others are blind to the need, to give loving care to each other is planting God’s seed. Walking the promise and falling on mercy, believing we’ll walk with you. 2. Washing the wounds of division, we seek to ease pain. Sharing the burden of others, like God’s gentle rain. Befriending the one who is lonely and lost, believing we’ll walk with you. 3. We hold the key to our future as we share our souls, Nurturing love in a time when compassion unfolds. Dancing in joy, sharing in wonder the prayer that we sing to you.

Song of Praise: I Am Sure I Shall See I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Yes, I shall see the goodness of our God. Hold firm, trust in the Lord.

Sending Forth: Rise Up with Him

Page 4

Aclamación del Evangelio

Page 5


Domingo Ordinario Entrada: Vienen con Alegría

Gloria Estribillo:

Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los Hombres que ama el Señor Altísimo. Gloria a Dios para siempre. ¡Amén!


1. Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, te bendecimos, te adoramos, te glorificamos, te damos gracias, Señor. (a Estrofa 2) 2. Señor Dios, Rey celestial, Dios Padre todopoderoso. Señor Hijo único, Jesucristo, Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, tú, el Hijo del Padre. (Estribillo) 3. Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, ten piedad de nosotros; Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, atiende nuestra súplica; Tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre, ten piedad de nosotros. (a Estrofa 4)

4. Porque sólo tú eres Santo, sólo tú, Señor, sólo tú Altísimo Jesucristo, con el Espíritu Santo en la gloria de Dios Padre. Amén. (Estribillo) Misa Luna. Peter Kolar. Text ©1978, Comisión Episcopal de Liturgia Music ©1998. World Library Publications. All rights reserved.


Salmo Responsorial Al despertar me saciaré de tu semblante, Señor.

Credo Niceno Creo en un solo Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó del cielo, Todos se inclinan: y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato, padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria, para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y del Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén.

LITURGIA EUCARÍSTICA Preparación de las Ofrendas: Guíame, Señor


Page 6

Oh Señor, Delante de Ti

Aclamación Conmemorativa Cada vez que comemos de este pan y bebemos de este Cáliz, Anunciamos tu muerte, Señor, hasta que vuelvas.


Cordero de Dios Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Ten piedad, ten piedad, ten piedad de nosotros. (bis) Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Danos la paz. Danos la paz. Danos la paz, Cristo Jesús. (bis)

Comunión: Felices

Salida: Resucitó

Pastor’s Page Page #7 MARY V In the spring of 1939, Pius XII became Pope. Pius XII called himself “the Pope of Fatima” both because of his personal devotion to Mary and because of the interesting coincidence that his episcopal ordination took place in Rome at precisely the hour on May 13, 1917 that Our Lady first appeared to the shepherd children in Fatima. In 1940, with World War Two raging in Europe, North Africa and the Far East, the bishops of Portugal and Sr. Lucia asked Pius XII to perform the consecration of the world, with special mention of Russia, to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. Despite his devotion to the Blessed Mother, Pius did not act on this request until 1942. On October 31 of that year, the Pope consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He did not perform the consecration with all the world’s bishops however, and he omitted mention of Russia. This omission was likely motivated by practical considerations. By 1942, Germany and Russia were at war—Hitler had betrayed their Alliance and invaded. The Soviet Union was thus an ally of the West. Also, it was understood that the Christians in the Soviet Union had undergone intense persecution in the 1930s; it is likely that the Pope worried about exacerbating their situation, and so made no mention of the conversion of Russia when consecrating the world to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. The October 31, 1942 consecration, while falling short of Our Lady’s request, all the same found favor with Heaven, according to Sr.Lucia. The war, would be shortened as a result of the consecration. And Indeed, the very next month, November, 1942, events turned decisively in the allies’ favor. IHM Pray for us Fr. Jim MARIA V En la primavera del 1939, Pio XII fue elegido Papa. Pio XII se llamo “el Papa de Fátima” por su devoción personal a María y también por la interesante coincidencia que su ordenación episcopal fue hecha en Roma precisamente a la misma hora el 13 de Mayo de 1917 que Nuestra Señora por primera vez se le apareció a los niños pastores en Fátima. En el 1940, con la Segunda Guerra Mundial en pleno en Europa, África del Norte, y el Lejano Oriente, los Obispos de Portugal y la Hermana Lucia le pidieron a Pio XII que hiciera la consagración al mundo, con mención especial a Rusia al Inmaculado Corazón de Nuestra Señora. A pesar de su devoción a la Bendita Madre, Pio XII no actuó a esta petición has el año 1942. El 31 de Octubre de ese año, el Papa consagró al mundo al Inmaculado Corazón de María. El no hizo la consagración en unión con los obispos del mundo y también emitió la mención de Rusia. Esta omisión fue probablemente motivada por razones practicas. Ya, para el 1942, Alemania y Rusia estaban en Guerra—Hitler traicionó a sus alianzas e invadió. La Unión Soviética era aliada al Oeste. También se supo que los Cristianos en La Unión Soviética habían pasado por una intensa persecución en los años del 1930; seguramente que el Papa estaba preocupado por irritar su situación y por eso no hizo mención de la conversión de Rusia, cuando consagro el mundo al Inmaculado Corazón de Nuestra Señora. La consagración del 31 de Octubre del 1942, aunque no fue exactamente lo que Nuestra Señora pidió, fue igualmente favorable con el Cielo según la Hermana Lucia. La Guerra, ella dijo, seria mas corta como resultado de la consagración. Y por cierto el próximo mes, Noviembre del 1942, eventos fueron a favor de los aliados. IHM Ora por nosotros, Padre Jim IHM Ora por nosotros Padre Jim WOMEN’S FAITH SHARING Will begin a new program on January 9, 2014 using the book entitled: “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World,” by Joanna Weaver (12 week Session). For more information email: Carol Horan [email protected].

Respect Human Life.… “That is the dignity of America, the reason she exists, the condition of her survival, yes, the ultimate test of her greatness: to respect every human person, especially the weak and most defenseless ones, those as yet unborn.” Pope John Paul II TheGabriel Project - This ministry meets the second Friday of each month at 7:00 pm in Matthew classroom. If you are an expectant mother in need, please call the hotline at 1-800-910-0191.

MAGNIFICAT Magnificat Prayer Breakfast will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2013, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Crown Plaza, 45 John Glenn Dr. Concord, Ca. 94520 Reserve Early by Mail or On-line – Mail reservations are $25 per person. Please mail or register on line by Dec. 7th. 2013 - After Dec. 7th. Prices increases to $35 per person and reservations must be made by phone. To reserve a table of ten (10) and/or for questions regarding reservations, please call Maribel at (415) 7560468 or send email to: MagnificatSOTI@yahoo. For IHM reservations and carpool please call Ethel Reber, 513-7359. MAGNIFICANT PRESENTS: Marie and Deacon Robert Schaefer. Marie is the Coordinator of the Magnificat chapter in Santa Maria and truly a handmaid of the Lord. You won’t want to miss her heartfelt story. This is one of the most moving and surprising testimonies you will hear to date! Marie’s husband, Robert, who was ordained as a Deacon in 2011, will also share how his faith story is woven with hers in their consecrated walk with the Lord.


† Roberto Ocampo, Cleotilde Serrano † Mary Goldsby, Eric Gebotsreib † Jose Guadalupe Cruz, Miguel Angel Rodriguez

SUNDAY, Nov. 10 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM

† Mary Goldsby, Jasmin Gaza IHM † Esther Ayala Roxanne Alvarez—Birthday † Soite Family, Manuel Castro † Catarino Ordaz, Martin Mora † Eduardo Alanis Edna Williams—Birthday

MONDAY, Nov. 11 7:00 AM 8:30 AM

† Bandak, Cronfel and Canawaty Family † Edwin & Arlene Scheuerman Danny and Melanie Palamos

TUESDAY, Nov. 12 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 5:15 PM

† Claire Noonan David Orozco –Intention † Ricarda and Daniel Rosillo Richard Celeste—Birthday Alejandro Sanchez, Jose Andres Robles-Intention

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13 7:00AM 8:30 AM

Dominic Estrado - Intention Estrada Venegas Family – Intention † Richard Olivier Angel and Harold Morris

THURSDAY, Nov. 14 7:00 AM 8:30 AM

† Mary Wagner, Alicia Gochez † Jose Oseguera Family † Giuseppe Quartuccio

FRIDAY, Nov. 15 7:00AM 8:30AM

† Cleotilde Serrano, Zenaida Marasign † Carol Eikanas, Kurt Engel


Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday

Wis 1:1-7 Ps 139:1-10 Lk 17:1-6 Wis 2:23-3:9 Ps 34:2-3, 16-19 Wis 6:1-11 Ps 82:3-4, 6-7 Lk 17:11-19 Wis 7:22b-8:1 Ps 119:89-91, 130-135,175 Lk 17:20-25 Wis 13:1-9 Ps 19:2-5 Lk 17:26-37 Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9 Ps 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43 Lk 18:1-8

Page #8

Sick Relatives & Friends/Parientes y Amigos Enfermos Pray For: Raymond Hanson, Becky Montgomery, Regina Martinez, Marie Fitzgerald, Caroline Fallon, Jainee Smith, Ryan Hoffman, Jamie Caminiti, Courtenay Wallpe, Tom Kane, Maria Lagman, Giselle Honore, Alejandro Landeros, Hillary Eckrote, Bev Casey, Pat Fernando, Margie Galvis, Geraldine Kovacs, Jim McQuinn, Jay Meis, Kathy Vigil, Dolores Kramer, Dolores & Jack McLean, Gerry Kovacs, Dylan Gilmore, Jimmy Wright, Kyle Wright, Leanna Lefebvre, Gloria Bluth, Dennis Nunn, Anita Esquivel, Edna Williams, Rose Marie Hauck, Mellisa Detrude, Cu & Susan Tikalsky, Kristy Scalise, Tina Chen, Carl Sizelove, Ramon Linan, Roland Estandian, Rhiannon Dodds, Craig Hagist, Geovanny Colchado, Danny Lefebvre, Nolan Grubbe, Deacon Frank Bustos, Bill Arrieta, Abi Larroque, Consuelo Martinez, Don Groves, Irma Angelica Mercado Ramirez, Linda Spring, Ted Medina, Doris Cole, Kristin Visbeck, Virginia Martinez, Raymond Greene, Carl Sizelove, Vicky Romero, Guy Rognlien, Barbara Ulrici, Kathy Krasovic, Joanna Riccabona, Tim Painter, Mark Weidman, Nicole Gilmore, Debbie White, Genozeba Sausedo, Rachel Mullins, Janet Kinsley, Mike Sloan, Elizabeth Burger, Raquel Medina, Nathaniel Quinones, Lupe L. Rios, Valerie DePaolo, Linda Crossen, Nisser Family, Carlos Galvis, Jose Salas, Sotero Amboy, Jim Bowen, Yvonne Pastrone, Carol Barone, Scott Leeper, Jim McQuinne, Delia Perez, Betty Kebede, Cynthia Leonard, Shelli McCulloch, Julia Markwood, Elizabeth Cox, John Settembrino, Phil Plake and Baby Joshua James Butler, Michael Ruiz,, Alfredo Contreras, Josie Martinez, Jurgen Urbina, Stacey Stauffer, Gianna Lawrence., Rocio del Real, Morgane Doherty, Selfida Lara, Manuel Soliz, Daniel Cortez, Leo Paniagua

Prayers for Priests WILL RESUME IN DECEMBER, 2013

Stewardship Corner In today’s second reading, St. Paul prays that the Thessalonians may be strengthened “in every good deed and word.” May we, too, be strengthened and empowered to use our time and talents for the good of others. En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo ora para que los Tesalonicenses sean fortalecidos “en cada buena obra y palabra.” Que seamos también nosotros fortalecidos y llenos de poder para usar nuestro tiempo y talentos para el bien de los demás. SCHEDULE OF SECOND COLLECTIONS

11/28/13 Thanksgiving FECHAS DE SEGUNDA COLECTA 11/28/13 Acción de Gracias

SVDP CANNED FOOD DRIVE For the weekend of Nov. 10th please bring canned and dry beans. Thank you! Para el fin de Semana del 10 de Noviembre, por favor traigan frijoles secos y enlatados. ¡Gracias!

2 Thes 3:7-12 Lk 21:5-19


“The Knights of Columbus” will be Selling turnovers and donuts after the 7:30 am and 9:00 am masses next weekend. Proceeds help support Delta Community Services.

Ministries & Events/Fundraisers

FIL-AM MINISTRY Of Immaculate Heart of Mary 500 Fairview Avenue Brentwood, CA. 94513

MISA DE GALLO/ SIMBANG GABI 2013 December 16th –- 24th, 5:00 AM Early Morning Mass It's that time of year again! The Fil-Am of IHM would like to invite you to celebrate the Filipino tradition of Simbang Gabi (also called Misa De Gallo)", a nine day novena/mass to usher in the event of Jesus' birth. It is also the time of year to count and share your blessings. Kindly select from the following op tons. We will call you to confirm and coordinate. □ Offer Mass for own intentions —Individual or Family (Sugested donation of $50 or more) Name: _____________________________ Tel.__________________ □ Sponsor 1-day Breakfast—Your Family or with other Families (Food or Meal to serve is your choice —FIL-AM will provide table utensils) Name:_____________________________ Tel. ___________________ □ Cash Donation (Voluntary amount to go towards expenses) Name: ____________________________ Tel. __________________

St. Vincent de Paul will be collecting new socks, underwear, toys and gently used jackets and sweaters during the month of November and the first two weeks of December. Items will be given away to the needy on December 21st. There will not be food collection for 12/22 and 12/29. If you have any questions call Barbara DeDora at 550-5637. St. Vincent de Paul estará colectando calcetines, ropa interior y suéteres usados en buenas condiciones durante el mes de Noviembre y las dos primeras semanas de Diciembre. Estos articulos serán donados a los necesitados el 21 de Diciembre. No habrá colecta de comida el 22 y 29 de Diciembre. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a Beatrice Elkins 6344150. Gracias! The Crafty Quilters Ministry had a successful Boutique again this year and we want to thank everyone who participated either with their treasures of hand made items or their unselfish volunteering of their time. Also we want to thank all the parishioners who helped support our efforts to contribute to the Debt Reduction. Prize winners: Queen Quilt: Mary Williams Angel Wall Hanging Mary Webber White Afghan Karen Combs Striped Afghan Ms. Louis

We thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity! Villa Serrano 925.890.4317

Liza Barce 925.642.5158

Remy Pucan 925.513.7475

Shirley Rose 925.513.8551

Page #9

Second Raffle Christmas Tree: Barbara Bartzi Handmade Quilt Cyrina Salem Jeweled Bracelet Nida Legaspi

Page #10 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento Thursday/Jueves 9:00AM-6:00PM Friday/Viernes 9:00AM-Saturday/Sábado 8:00AM In the Chapel/En la Capilla

DATE: Mon. Nov. 11

TIME: 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pom

MEETING: Younger Youth Group Bible Study/Eng Charismatic Prayer Group Bible Study/Sp. Emmaus Men/Eng. Knights of Columbus Daughters of Mary Men of St. Joseph

LOCATION: Hall A, Bl Library Chapel Matthew Luke Hall C John Library

Tues. Nov. 12

9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 2:45pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Homeschoolers S. Vincent de Paul Crafty Quilters Faith Formation/Eng. Legion of Mary/Sp. Faith Formation/Sp.

Hall A, Mark,Mat. Library Hall C All facilities Chapel All facilities

Wed. Nov. 13

8:00am 1:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm

Men’s Fellowship Tutoring Ministry Choir/Mass Sp Confirmation Choir/12:30 p.m. Mass Neocatechumenal Way 2

Hall C Jn,Lk,Mk/Mt Music Office All facilities Music Office Chapel

Thurs. Nov. 14

9:00am 10:00am 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 700pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:15am 9:30am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00am

Mom’s Group Women’s Faith Sharing St.Vincent de Paul RCIC Choir/Youth Legion of Mary/Eng. RCIA/Eng. Confirmation/Adult Choir/9:00a.m.Mass

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Sacramento Unción de los Enfermos If you have a serious or ongoing illness or are going into surgery, notify the Parish Office at 634-4154. Si usted tiene una enfermedad seria o va a ser operado, notifique a la Oficina Parroquial al número 634-4154.

Communion to the Homebound Comunión a los Enfermos If for any reason you are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive the Host at home, please call the Parish Office. / Si por alguna razón no puede asistir a Misa y quiere recibir la Comunión en casa, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial.

MARRIAGES / MATRIMONIOS: Please contact the Parish Office six months in advance. Por favor contactar a la Oficina Parroquial seis meses antes. BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS: Parents must complete the Baptism Registration form available in the parish office at least two months in advance and attend the required baptism class. You must provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Godparents may also attend the same class or attend one at their local parish and obtain a completion certificate. When choosing your child’s Godparents, please bear in mind that they must be baptized, confirmed, receive communion regularly in the Church and, if married, they must be married in the Catholic Church. There can be NO exceptions to these rules. Los padres tienen que llenar la forma de Registro para Bautizos disponible en la oficina parroquial por lo menos dos meses antes y asistir a la clase de bautismos requerida. Usted tiene que traer una copia del certificado de nacimiento del bebé. Los Padrinos también tienen que asistir a la misma clase o asistir a una en la parroquia local de ellos y obtener un certificado al terminar la clase. Cuando escoja a los Padrinos de su bebé, por favor tenga en mente que ellos tienen que haber sido bautizados, confirmados, reciben comunión frecuentemente en su Iglesia y, si están casados, deben de estar casados por la Iglesia Católica. NO hay excepciones para estas reglas. FUNERALS / FUNERALES: We recommend using Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services at 757-0658. They will contact the office to make your arrangements. Recomendamos que use Servicios de Funeral & Cementerio Católico al 757-0658. Ellos contactarán a la oficina para hacer sus arreglos. IHM MOM’S GROUP MEET EVERY 2ND & 4TH THURSDAY FROM 9:00 TO 11:00 AM IN CLASSROOMS JOHN AND LUKE CONTACT [email protected] BABYSITTING AVAILABLE

Fri. Nov. 15

Sat. Nov. 16

Sun. Nov. 17

9:00am 10:30am 10:00am 3:00pm 7:30pm 9:00am 10:45am 12:30pm 1:45pm 2:00pm 3:30pm 3:45pm 4:00pm

John, Luke Library Ministry Office John Music Office Conference Room Library/Mark Matthew Music Office Great Adventure Bible Study John RCIA/Eng. Church/Cry/Foyer Confirmation/Adult Church/Cry/Foyer Neocatechumenal Way Hall C/Lk St. Vincent de Paul Hall B, Divine Mercy/Eng. Conference Room . Christian Family Movement John/Luke Divine Mercy/Sp. Library Youth Group Hall A,B,C Couples for Christ/Singles Hall C Faith Formation/Eng. Library/all Facilities Serra Catechetical Inst. Hall B, C Pre-Marital Class Matthew Fil-Am Hall A Orchestra Music Office Neocatechumenal Way Lk/John/Library Sunday School/Eng. Matthew Sunday School/Sp. Matthew Sunday School/Eng. Matthew Fil-Am Library Choir Practice Hall C Altar Servers/Latin Mass Church Choir/Latin Mass Music Office Couples for Christ/FFL/Sp. Hall A,B

BULLETIN # 513483


TEL: # 925-634-4154

CONTACT: Ana Ellenberger

Get in touch


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